Zoning By-Law Text Amendment for Converted Accommodation (CP 111-145)?. thelthbinsdumeet fe�lbe�b� gu.oe�!IeeErteaaatdt lerophtendnrohdiathe awY oadb baeaeew �<�dn J- �/�n de� , ade �° %rl� PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK apa-D3-�1v iS:S�-I.Sg COUNTY OFSAINTJOHN a ar w 1, JONATHAN TAYLOR, of the City of Saint John in the County of Saint John and Province of New Brunswick, DO HEREBY CERTIFY: - 1. That I am the City Clerk of the said City of Saint John,15 Market Square, P.O. Box 1971, Saint John, N.B. E21. 41-1 and as such have the custody of the minutes and records of the Common Council of the said City of Saint John and of the Common Seal of the said City. 2. That hereto attached and marked "A" is a true copy of a by-law entitled "By - Law Number C.P. 111-145 A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of the City of Saint John", enacted by the Common Council of the City of Saint John on the 6th day of March, A.D., 2023. 3. That hereto attached and marked "B" is a copy of a resolution adopted at a meeting of the said Common Council of the City of Saint John held on the 6th day of March, A.D., 2023. 4. That I have carefully compared the said by-law with the original and the same is a true copy thereof. DATED at The City of Saint John on the 6th day of March, A.D. 2023. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I, the said City Clerk of The City of Saint John have hereunto affixed the Common Seal of the said City the day and year as written above. BY-LAW NUMBER C.P. 111-145 ARRETE No C.P. I11-145 A LAW TO AMEND ARRETE MODIFIANT THE ZONING BY-LAW L'ARRETE DE ZONAGE DE OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint Le conseil communal de The City of John in Common Council convened, as Saint John, dtant rduni, ddicte ce qui suit: follows: The Zoning By-law of The City of L'Arrete de nonage de The City of Saint John enacted on the fifteenth day of Saint John, ddictd le 15 ddcembre 2014, est December, A.D. 2014, is amended by: ainsi modifi6 : 1. Amending Section 3.1 by adding the 1. L'article 3.1 est modifid par adjonction definition for "converted de la ddfinition du tenne « hdbergement accommodation" as follows in transformd » qui suit alphabetical order: "converted accommodation means a building originally constructed as an accommodation that has been partially or fully converted into a multi -unit dwelling." 2. Adding Section 9.22 as follows: "Where permitted by this By-law, an accommodation building may be converted, in part or in full, into a multi- unit dwelling subject to the following requirements: (a) The building shall have been erected before January 1, 2023; (b) The building shall be serviced by municipal sanitary sewer and municipal water; (c) In accordance with section 6.3, amenity space shall be provided for any conversion establishing six or more dwelling units; (d) In accordance with Part 4, there shall be at least one on -site parking space for each dwelling unit in addition to those required for any other uses of the lot; (e) No animal shelter; bar, lounge or nightclub; cannabis processing facility; garden suite; industrial use, special; kennel; redemption centre; secondary suite; service station; vehicle body and paint shop or vehicle repair garage is permitted in any building on the lot." hdbergement transformd » Batiment construit a l'origine pour servir d' hebergement qui a depuis dtd partiellement ou entierement transforms en habitation multifamiliale. 2. Le nouvel article 9.22 qui suit est ajoutd : La ou le prdsent arretd le permet, un batiment servant d'hdbergement peut etre transformd, entierement ou partiellement, en habitation multifamiliale, sous rdserve des conditions suivantes : a) le batiment doit avoir dtd ddifid avant le ler janvier 2023; b) le batiment doit etre desservi par les rdseaux municipaux d'dgouts et d'alimentation en eau; c) conformdment a Particle 6.3, un espace d'agrdment doit etre amdnagd dans le cas de toute transformation dtablissant six logements ou plus; d) conformdment a la partie 4, it doit y avoir au moins un emplacement de stationnement sur les lieux pour chaque logement en plus de ceux exigds pour les autres usages exercds sur le lot; e) les refuges pour animaux, bars, salons -bars ou boites de nuit, installations de transformation du cannabis, pavilions jardins, usages industriels particuliers, chenils, centres de remboursement, logements accessoires, stations - service, ateliers de ddbosselage et de peinture de vdhicules et garages de rdparation de vdhicules ne sont 3. Amending Section i 1 by adding to Table 1 I -I the fol lowing words under the following headings: Use Zone Permitted Converted CC, CU, CBP, CG Accommodation 4. Amending Subsection 11.1(1) by adding the words "Converted Accommodation" immediately before the words "Cultural Establishment" 5. Amending Subsection 11.4(1) by adding the words " Converted Accommodation" immediately before the words " Day Care Centre" 6. Amending Subsection 11.5(l) by adding the words "Converted Accommodation" immediately before the words "Day Care Centre" 7. Amending Subsection 11.7(1) by adding the words "Converted Accommodation" immediately before the words "Day Care Centre" IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by- law the 6th day of March, A.D. 2023 and signed by: permis dans aucun batiment situd sur le Iot. 3. L'article l l est modifid par adjonction, au tableau 11-1, de ce qui suit sous les rubriques suivantes : Usage Zone ou permis Hdbergement CC,CU,CBP,CG transformd 4. Le paragraphe 11.1(]) est modifid par insertion de < h6bergement transform6; >> immddiatement avant installation de communication; >>. 5. Le paragraphe 11.4(1) est modifid par insertion de a h6bergement transforms; > immddiatement avant << installation de communication; ». 6. Le paragraphe 11.5(1) est modifi6 par insertion de << h6bergement transform6; >> immddiatement avant installation de communication; >>. 7. Le paragraphe 11.7(1) est modifi6 par insertion de a h6bergement transform6; >> immddiatement avant « institution financiere; >>. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur Ie prdsent arretd le 6 mars 2023, avec les signatures suivantes : mmon Clerk/ter comma al First Reading - February 21, 2023 Second Reading - February 21, 2023 Third Reading - March 6, 2023 Premiere lecture - Ie 21 Wrier 2023 Deuxieme lecture - le 21 f6vrier 2023 Troisi6me lecture - le 6 mars 2023 Ma RESOLVED that the by-law entitled, "By -Law Number C.P. 111-145 A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John" amending section 3.1; adding section 9.22; amending section 11; amending subsection 11.1(1); amending subsection 11.4(1); amending subsection 11.5(1); and amending subsection 11.7(1), be read a third time, enacted, and the Corporate Common Seal affixed thereto.