Chief Administrative Officer By-Law 2023-03-06CITY OF SAINT JOHN NEW B UNSWICK A Bylaw Respecting the Powers and Duties of the Chief Administrative Officer of The City of Saint John By-law Number LG-19 An uncertified copy of this by-law is available online Arrete relatif aux attributions du directeur general de The City of Saint John Arrete numero LG-19 Une copie non certifiee de 1'arrete est disponible en ligne TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Description Recitals 1 Title 2 Definitions 3 Interpretation 4 References 5 Designations 6 Powers & Duties TABLE DES MATIERES Page Article Designation Preambule 3 1 Titre 3 2 Definitions 4 3 Interpretation 5 4 References 5 5 Designations 5 6 Attributions Page 3 3 4 5 5 5 _3- RECITALS WHEREAS, The City of Saint John deems it advisable to pass this by-law because it will establish and define the powers and duties of the chief administrative officer; AND WHEREAS, section 81 of the Local Governance Act, S.N.B. 2017, c. 18, provides that the chief administrative officer of a local government has the powers and duties that the council prescribes by by-law or resolution; AND WHEREAS, notice of this by-law, and of the Common Council meeting at which this by- law was discussed, was provided in accordance with the provisions of the Local Governance Act. NOW THEREFORE, the Common Council of The City of Saint John, enacts as follows: Title 1 This By-law may be cited as the Chief Administrative Officer By -Law (hereinafter the `By-law"). Definitions PREAMBULE ATTENDU QUE, The City of Saint John juge opportun de prendre le present arretd destind a dtablir et definir les attributions du directeur general; et ATTENDU QUE, Particle 81 de la Loi sur la gouvernance locale, L.N.-B. 2017, ch. 18, prdvoit que le directeur gdneral d'un gouvernement local exerce les attributions que prescrit le conseil par voie d'arretd ou de resolution; et ATTENDU QUE, avis du present arretd et de la reunion du conseil communal a laquelle it a etd ddbattu a dtd donnd conformement a la Lai sur la gouvernance locale. A CES CAUSES, le conseil communal de The City of Saint John ddicte : Titre 1 Le present arretd peut etre cite sous le titre Arrete du directeur general (ci-apres « 1'arret6 ,). Definitions 2 The following definitions apply in this By- 2 Les definitions qui suivent s'appliquent au law. present arretd. "Acting CAO" means a member of the Executive Leadership Team of the City authorized, in writing, by the CAO to act in such capacity; (directeur general par interim) "CAO" means the chief administrative officer of the City and includes the Acting CAO; (directeur general) directeur general par interim » ddsigne un membre de l'equipe de direction de la municipalite autorisd, par dcrit, par le directeur gdneral a agir en cette qualitd; (Acting CAO) directeur general » ddsigne le directeur general de la municipalite et comprend le directeur general par interim; (CAO) "City" means The City of Saint John; « municipalite » ddsigne The City of Saint John; (municipalite) (City) -4- "Common Council" means the elected municipal council of the City. (conseil communal) Interpretation 3 Rules for interpretation of the language used in this By-law are contained in the lettered paragraphs as follows: (a) The captions, article and section names and numbers appearing in this By- law are for convenience of reference only and have no effect on its interpretation. (b) This By-law is to be read with all changes of gender or number required by the context. (c) Each reference to legislation in this By-law is printed in Italic font. The reference is intended to include all applicable amendments to the legislation, including successor legislation. Where this By-law references other by-laws of the City, the term is intended to include all applicable amendments to those by- laws, including successor by-laws. (d) The requirements of this By-law are in addition to any requirements contained in any other applicable by-laws of the City or applicable provincial or federal statutes or regulations. (e) If any section, subsection, part or parts or provision of this By-law, is for any reason declared by a court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the ruling shall not affect the validity of the By-law as a whole, nor any other part of it. << conseil communal » ddsigne les membres elus du conseil municipal de la municipalite. (Common Council) Interpretation 3 Les regles d'interpretation suivantes s' appliquent au present arrete comme suit : a) Les titres, intertitres et numbros des dispositions ne servent qu'a faciliter la consultation de 1'arretd et ne doivent pas servir a son interpretation. b) Le genre ou le nombre grammaticaux doivent etre adaptds au contexte. c) Les renvois Idgislatifs paraissent en italique. Le renvoi a une loi vise egalement les modifications qui s'y appliquent, y compris toute legislation de remplacement. Les renvois a d'autres arretes de la municipalite visent egalement les modifications qui s' y appliquent, y compris tout arrete de remplacement. d) Les obligations qu'il cree s'ajoutent a celles decoulant d'autres arretes applicables de la municipalite ou des lois et reglements applicables des gouvernements federal ou provinciaux. e) Si une disposition quelconque est declaree invalide par un tribunal competent pour quelque motif que ce soit, la decision n'entache en rien la validity de 1'arrete dans son ensemble ni de toute autre disposition. -5- References 4 The term "City Manager" when used in any by-law, resolution, policy, program or other document of the City, or any contract, agreement, purchase order or other instrument to which the City is a party, shall mean the CAO under this By-law. Designations 5 The CAO shall designate an Acting CAO for any period of absence and shall inform the Mayor and Common Council of said designation. Powers & Duties 6(1) The CAO shall exercise the powers and perform the duties and functions established under this By-law. 6(2) Subject to any applicable collective agreement or statute, the CAO is authorized to hire for all staff positions of the City. 6(3) Subject to any applicable collective agreement or statute, the CAO is authorized to approve payment in lieu of notice for termination of employment of a City employee if the amount of said payment falls within the City's budget. 6(4) Subject to any applicable collective agreement or statute, the CAO is authorized to approve severance pay to a City employee if the amount of said pay falls within the City's budget. References 4 Lorsqu'utilise dans tout arrete, resolution, politique, programme ou autre document de la municipalite, ou tout contrat, entente, bon de commande ou autre instrument auquel la municipalite est partie, le terme « directeur municipal » designe le directeur general en vertu du present arrete. Designations 5 Le directeur general designe un directeur general par interim pour toute periode d'absence et informe le maire et le conseil communal de cette designation. Attributions 6(1) Le directeur general exerce les attributions etablies en vertu du present arrete. 6(2) Sous reserve de toute convention collective ou loi applicables, le directeur general est autorise a embaucher pour tous les posses de la municipalite. 6(3) Sous reserve de toute convention collective ou loi applicables, le directeur general est autorise a approuver le versement d'une indemnite tenant lieu de preavis pour la cessation d'emploi d'un employe de la municipalite pourvu que le montant dudit versement entre dans le budget de la municipalite. 6(4) Sous reserve de toute convention collective ou loi applicables, le directeur general est autorise a approuver 1'indemnite de depart d'un employe de la municipalite pourvu que le montant dudit versement entre dans le budget de la municipalite. -6- IN WITNESS WHEREOF the City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this By-law the 6th day of March, A.D. 2023 and signed by: EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau municipal sur le present arretd le 6 mars 2023, avec les signatures suivantes : 4�0_1 45 City Clerk#direffier de la mu eicipalite First Reading - February 21, 2023 Premiere lecture - le 21 fevrier 2023 Second Reading - February 21, 2023 Deuxi�me lecture - le 21 fevrier 2023 Third Reading - March 6, 2023 Troisi�me lecture - le 6 mars 2023