2022-09-06_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du joure City of Saint John Common Council Meeting AGENDA Tuesday, September 6, 2022 6:00 pm 2nd Floor Common Council Chamber, City Hall An Electronic means of communication will be used at this meeting. The public may attend the meeting in person in the Council Chamber or view the meeting on the City's Website (www.saintjohn.ca) or on Rogers TV. Pages 1. Call to Order 1.1. Land Acknowledgement 1.2. National Anthem 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Approval of Agenda 4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest 5. Consent Agenda 5.1. Designation of By -Law Enforcement Officer (Recommendation in Report) 5-7 5.2. City of Saint John Community Energy Action Plan Pathway to Net Zero (Plan) - 8 - 13 Consulting Services Award (Recommendation in Report) 5.3. Planning Advisory Committee: Subdivision Application - 145 Ash Street 14 - 30 (Recommendation in Report) 5.4. Pre -approval of Bilateral and DMAF Funded 2023 Capital Program Projects 31 - 36 5.5. Saint John Industrial Parks Value Chain Assessment Funding Request 37 - 41 5.6. Saint John Industrial Parks - Value Chain Analysis RFP Award 42 - 46 10 11 12 13 14 15 Members Comments Proclamation 7.1. Proclamation Respectful Workplace Week Delegations / Presentations Public Hearings - 6:30 p.m. 9.1. Proposed Zoning ByLaw Amendment - 730 Wilson Street and 15 O'Brien Street (1st and 2nd Reading) Consideration of By-laws 10.1. Zoning ByLaw Amendment with Section 59 Conditions - 170 Charlotte Street and 13-19 Queen Square North (3rd Reading) 10.2. Zoning ByLaw Amendment with Section 59 Conditions - 100 Boars Head Road (3rd Reading) Submissions by Council Members 11.1. Homelessness Update (Deputy Mayor MacKenzie) 11.2. Homelessness in Saint John (Councillor D. Hickey) 11.3. UMNB Conference (Councillor Harris) Business Matters - Municipal Officers 12.1. City Manager Update on Select Catalytic Projects and Advocacy (Verbal) Committee Reports 13.1. Finance Committee: FAS-005 Capital Budget Policy Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda General Correspondence 15.1. S. Dobbin: Flyers in a Plastic Bag (Recommendation: Receive for Information) 15.2. A. Johnson: Economic Expansion of Local Region Tourisms (Recommendation: Receive for Information) Supplemental Agenda 47 - 47 48 - 132 133 - 149 150 - 154 155 - 155 156 - 156 157 - 157 158 - 163 164 - 165 166 - 167 1 16.1. UARCHE - Building Community Event 168 - 168 17. Committee of the Whole 17.1. Canada Games Aquatic Centre - Revitalization Plan Presentation 169 - 175 17.2. Amended and Restated Agreement - Alignment of Retail Drive and Ashburn 176 - 176 Lake Road Intersections 17.3. Termination of Lease - Naan Ya Business Termination 177 - 177 18. Adjournment 3 *16 City of Saint John Common Council Meeting Tuesday, September 6, 2022 Committee of the Whole 1. Call to Order Si vous avez besoin des services en frangais pour une reunion de Conseil communal, veuillez contacter le bureau du greffier communal au 658-2862. Each of the following items, either in whole or in part, is able to be discussed in private pursuant to the provisions of subsection 68(1) of the Local Governance Act and Council / Committee will make a decision(s) in that respect in Open Session: 4:00 p.m., 2"d Floor Boardroom, City Hall 1.1 Approval of Minutes 68(1) 1.2 Financial Matter 68(1)(c) 1.3 Financial Matter 68(1)(c) 1.4 Employment Matter 68(1)(j) 1.5 Financial Matter 68(1)(c,d,f) 1.6 Financial Matter 68(1)(c) 1.7 Financial Matter 68(1)(c) Ville de Saint John Seance du conseil communal Mardi 6 septembre 2022 18h 2e etage, salle du conseil communal, h6tel de ville Un moyen de communication electronique sera utilise lors de cette reunion. Le public peut assister a la reunion en personne dans la salle du conseil ou la regarder sur le site Web de la ville (www.saintjohn.ca) ou sur Rogers TV. Comite plenier 1. Ouverture de la seance Si vous souhaitez obtenir des services en frangais pour une seance du conseil communal, veuillez communiquer avec le bureau du greffier communal au 658-2862. Chacun des points suivants, en totalite ou en partie, peut faire I'objet dune discussion en prive en vertu des dispositions prevues au paragraphe 68(1) de la Loi sur la gouvernance locale. Le conseil/comite prendra une ou des decisions a cet egard au cours de la seance publique : 16 h — Comite plenier a huis clos — Salle de conference du 2e etage 1.1 Approbation du proces-verbal 68(1) 1.2 Question financiere 68(1)(c) 1.3 Question financiere 68(1)(c) 1.4 Question d'emploi 68(1)(j) 1.5 Question financiere 68(1)(c,d,f) 1.6 Question financiere 68(1)(c) 1.7 Question financiere 68(1)(c) Seance ordinaire 1. Ouverture de la seance 1.1 Reconnaissance du territoire 1.2 Hymne national 2. Approbation du proces-verbal 3. Adoption de I'ordre du jour 2 4. Divulgations de conflits d'interets 5. Questions soumises a I'approbation du conseil 5.1. Designation dun agent d'application des reglements municipaux (recommandation du rapport) 5.2. Plan d'action communautaire sur 1'energie de la ville de Saint John — Voie vers zero emission (Plan) —Attribution de services de consultation (Recommandation clans le rapport) 5.3. Comite consultatif de planification : Demande de lotissement —145, rue Ash (Recommandation clans le rapport) 5.4. Pre -approbation des projets du programme d'immobilisations 2023 finances par des fonds bilateraux et le FAAC 5.5. Demande de financement pour 1'evaluation de la chaine de valeur des pares industriels de Saint John 5.6. Pares industriels de Saint John — Attribution de la demande de propositions pour I'analyse de la chaine de valeur 6. Commentaires presentes par les membres 7. Proclamation 7.1. Proclamation de la Semaine du respect en milieu de travail 8. Delegations et presentations 9. Audiences publiques 9.1. Modification proposee au reglement de zonage — 730, rue Wilson et 15, rue O'Brien (1,e et 2e lecture) 10. Etude des arretes municipaux 10.1. Modification du reglement de zonage avec conditions de I'article 59 - 170, rue Charlotte et 13-19 Queen Square North (3e lecture) 10.2. Modification du reglement de zonage avec conditions de I'article 59 —100 Boars Head Road (3e lecture) 11. Interventions des membres du conseil 11.1. Mise a jour sur I'itinerance (adjoint a la mairesse MacKenzie) 11.2. L'itinerance a Saint John (Conseiller D. Hickey) 11.3. Conference UMNB (Conseiller Harris) 9 12. Affaires municipales evoquees par les fonctionnaires municipaux 12.1. Mise a jour du directeur municipal sur certains projets catalyseurs et sur la defense des interets (verbal) 13. Rapports deposes par les comites 13.1. Comite des finances : FAS-005 Politique relative au budget d'investissement 14. Etude des sujets ecartes des questions soumises a I'approbation du Bureau 15. Correspondance generale 15.1. S. Dobbin : Circulaires clans un sac de plastique (Recommandation Recevoir pour information) 15.2. A. Johnson : Expansion economique du tourisme clans la region (Recommandation : Recevoir pour information) 16. Ordre du jour supplementaire 17. Comite plenier 18. Levee de la seance ISI COUNCIL REPORT M&C No. 2022- Report Date August 24, 2022 Meeting Date September 6, 2022 Service Area Public Works and Transportation Services Her Worship Mayor Donna Noade Reardon and Members of Common Council SUBJECT: Designation of By -Law Enforcement Officer — Joseph Gerald James Adams AUTHORIZATION Primary Author(s) Commissioner/Dept. Head City Manager Jill Good Michael Hugenholtz/Marc Dionne John Collin RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Common Council adopt the attached amended resolution appointing Joseph Gerald James Adams as by-law enforcement officer for the Saint John Parking By-law and Saint John Traffic By-law. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to amend the original resolution of Council which was approved on August 22, 2022 and put forth a revised resolution with the proper full name of the by-law enforcement officer. To designate Joseph Gerald James Adams, Badge No. 9993 Canadian Corps of Commissionaires, as a by -Law enforcement officer, for the Saint John Parking By- law and Saint John Traffic By-law which are administered by the Parking department. In doing so, Mr. Adams will be authorized to: • Administer and enforce the Saint John Parking By -Law. • Administer and enforce the Saint John Traffic By -Law. I]:7�rlC�I►1��7�C��7�►J�C�P►1 Not applicable. REPORT 5 -2- It is necessary at this time to designate Joseph Gerald James Adams, a newly hired parking enforcement officer, as a by -Law enforcement officer, by adopting the attached resolution so that he may carry out his duties pertaining to enforcement of the Saint John Parking By-law and Saint John Traffic By-law. PREVIOUS RESOLUTION N/A STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT This report aligns with Council's "Growth" and "Belong" Priorities. SERVICE AND FINANCIAL OUTCOMES N/A INPUT FROM OTHER SERVICE AREAS AND STAKEHOLDERS The General Counsel's Office has reviewed the attached resolution. ATTACHMENTS Resolution appointing Joseph Gerald James Adams as by-law enforcement officer. X COMMON COUNCIL / CONSEIL COMMUNAL September 6, 2022 / le 6 sept 2022 RESOLVED, that as recommended by the City Manager, the following resolution be adopted: 1. WHEREAS the Common Council of The City of Saint John has enacted certain by- laws pursuant to the authority of the Local Governance Act, S.N.B. 2017 c.18, and amendments thereto (the "Local Governance Act"), including By-law Respecting the Regulation of Parking in The City of SaintJohn, By-law Number LG-8 (the "Saint John Parking By -Law"), A By-law Respecting the Traffic on Streets in The City of Saint John, By-law Number MV-10.1 (the "Saint John Traffic By -Law") and all amendments thereto; AND WHEREAS section 72 of the Local Governance Act provides that a council may appoint by-law enforcement officers for the local government and may determine their terms of office; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Joseph Gerald James Adams is hereby appointed as by-law enforcement officer with respect to the enforcement of the Saint John Parking By -Law and Saint John Traffic By -Law, effective immediately, and this appointment shall continue until they cease to be an employee of the Parking department of The City of Saint John or until it is rescinded by Common Council, whichever comes first; 7 Qm,mu YDH�o COUNCIL REPORT M&C No. 2022-275 Report Date August 29, 2022 Meeting Date September 06, 2022 Service Area Utilities and Infrastructure Services Her Worship Mayor Donna Noade Reardon and Members of Common Council SUBJECT. City of Saint John Community Energy Action Plan Pathway to Net Zero (Plan)- Consulting Services Award AUTHORIZATION Primary Author Commissioner/Dept. Head City Manager Samir Yammine J. Brent McGovern John Collin RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the proposal submitted by Sustainability Solutions Group Workers Cooperative for the City of Saint John Community Energy Action Plan Pathway to Net Zero (Plan), in the amount of $119,100 plus HST be accepted. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to seek Council's approval to award the City of Saint John Community Energy Action Plan Pathway to Net Zero (Plan), to Sustainability Solutions Group. The company has extensive professional services experience and working knowledge of assisting dozens of municipalities big and small across Canada in building low carbon, energy efficient, healthy futures. PREVIOUS RESOLUTION M&C 2019-107 - City of Saint John Climate Change Action Plan M&C 2021-286 - City of Saint John Race to Zero pledge REPORT rMTOC(Cl31I[PLED The City of Saint John has been an early adopter and a leader of climate change adaptation and mitigation practices. Over the years, the City developed and implemented innovative strategies, plans, policies programs and measures to improve the efficiency and resiliency of its own facilities and infrastructure, as well as the community in general. n. -2- The areas of focus for previous energy and GHG emissions saving measures included: • City facilities and infrastructure • Water and Sewer utility — Saint John Water • Electric Utility —Saint John Energy • Public Transportation • Active transportation • Solid waste reduction • Investing in "green" infrastructure • Protecting and caring for green space The City also implemented measures and action items to address the demands on its energy infrastructure and reduce GHG emissions. The City of Saint John is committed to continue taking ambitious actions to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions while encouraging economic development and ensuring affordable energy supply for its residents and businesses. Owning an electric utility (Saint John Energy), combined with having a strong heavy industrial economic base, puts the City of Saint John in an excellent position to leverage existing assets and rapidly reduce GHG emissions. In 2019, Common Council has adopted the City of Saint John Climate Change Action Plan, through the following resolution: "It is recommended that Common Council approve the following Climate Change Action Items, subject to the City's Long -Term Financial Plan and required community energy partnerships: 1) City of Saint John Corporate GHG and Energy Action Plan attached at Appendix A and, 2) City of Saint John Community GHG and Energy Action Plan attached at Appendix B and, 3) Corporate GHG Emission Target of 30% by 2025 below 2015 levels and, 4) Community GHG Emission Target of 9% by 2025 and 18% by 2035, below 2015 levels and, 5) City of Saint John Corporate Operation to be Carbon Neutral by 2040 and, 6) City staff to establish a governance structure to manage/monitor the implementation of the community and corporate energy action plan and, 7) City of Saint John shall consider climate change impacts and mitigation measures in all future decisions to ensure that residents, the built environment, and infrastructure are protected and, 8) Approve the Declaration on Climate Change." 9 am Since then, the City's Asset and Energy Management staff has been working diligently with various internal and external stakeholders, to develop and implement the climate change action plan items and achieve the desired outcomes. In November 2021, the City joined the "Race to Zero" campaign which entails a pledge at the head -of -organization level to: • Reach (net) zero GHGs as soon as possible, and by mid-century at the latest, in line with global efforts to limit warming to 1.5C. • Set an interim target to achieve in the next decade, which reflects maximum effort toward or beyond a fair share of the 50% global reduction in CO2 by 2030 identified in the IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5C Plan. To implement a Community Energy Action Plan Pathway to Net Zero (Plan), the City has submitted a funding application to the Environmental Trust Fund (ETF) in November 2021. In May 2022, the City received a notification from the Province of New Brunswick that the application was successful, and the City of Saint John has been approved for a grant in the amount of up to $75,000. The approved funding will be used toward the development of the Community Energy Action Plan Pathway to Net Zero (Plan). As per the agreement, the project must be completed by March 31, 2023. PROJECT OBJECTIVES The objective of the project is to help the City of Saint John develop and implement a Saint John Community Energy Action Plan -Pathway to Net Zero. The Plan will build on past emissions reductions and include the development of a detailed roadmap to achieve the "Race to Zero" interim and final targets. The proposed Plan requires the successful Proponent, Saint John Energy, and the City, to work with the various community stakeholders including utilities, various levels of government, private businesses, etc. to successfully develop this pathway and ensure public engagement and buy in. The Plan shall be developed in consultation with Saint John Energy, the City's senior leadership team and staff, community stakeholders, and the public. The Plan aims to enhance energy efficiency, enhance reliance on locally generated "green" energy, transition the City to low carbon economy, and achieve the "Race to Zero" interim and final targets. The Plan shall align with Council Priorities for "Environmental Stewardship", the City's Climate Change Action Plan, and Saint 10 -4- John Energy Objectives/Priorities for clean energy. In addition to supporting the City's Climate Change Action Plan, the Plan shall support international, national, and provincial energy and climate change initiatives transitioning Canada to a low carbon economy by 2050. SCOPE OF WORK The City of Saint John in collaboration with Saint John Energy will lead the project, with oversight to project deliverables and budget. The desired outcome is a well researched Plan that is conducted in collaboration with all stakeholders. The scope of work includes the following tasks and steps: 1. Project Initiation: Confirm the Plan's scope of work, objectives, deliverables, and budget. 2. Review existing plans and information including the City's Climate Change Action Plan, neighbourhood plan, relevant policies, previous and current climate initiatives undertaken by the City and Saint John Energy, relevant Government policies and strategies, etc. 3. Build a simulation model capable of projecting GHG emissions till 2050, community -wide, for Business -As -Usual (BAU) scenario for the City of Saint John. 4. Develop low, medium, and high GHG emissions reduction scenarios for the community that can be achieved between 2023 and 2030 and between 2030 and 2050 to achieve net zero by 2050. The GHG emissions reduction scenarios should include the economic, environmental, and social benefits to the City and community at large as well as address energy poverty and concerns around, equity, diversity, and inclusion. 5. The sectors that need to be considered in the Plan include but are not limited to transportation, water utility, solid waste, electric utility, residential, commercial/institutional, manufacturing/industrials (small to large industries), and land use. 6. Identify the combination of mitigation policy objectives (municipal, provincial, and federal), by-laws, actions, strategies. 7. Identify the municipal authority required including the resources. 8. Include cost estimation and schedules to the scenarios presented. 9. Identify the challenges associated with the various scenarios. 11 %is 10. Conduct stakeholders' engagement and public consultation to harvest public feedback and gain support for the pathway to net zero. This works includes: • Identifying key stakeholders including environmental and social groups • Developing a methodology to conduct stakeholders' engagement. This methodology shall include stakeholders' engagement events and public consultation sessions • Compiling the results and feedback from stakeholders' engagement 11. Prepare and present a Draft Plan Report to the City's Senior Leadership Team and Stakeholders. 12. Present the Final Plan Report to Council. STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT The Community Energy Action Plan Pathway to Net Zero (Plan) is aligned with Council Priorities for Green: We value the environment; Growth: We value smart growth, the City's Climate Change Action Plan, and Saint John Energy Objectives/Priorities for clean energy. In addition to supporting the City's Climate Change Action Plan, the Plan shall support international, national, and provincial energy and climate change initiatives transitioning Canada to a low carbon economy by 2050. SERVICE AND FINANCIAL OUTCOMES The total cost to perform City of Saint John Community Energy Action Plan Pathway to Net Zero (Plan) is $119,100 plus HST. Funding for this project is provided by the Environmental Trust Fund (ETF) at approximately $75,000, $10,000 from Saint John Energy and the remaining funds from the 2022 and 2023 General Fund operating budgets in accordance with project roll out which is to be completed by March 31, 2023. INPUT FROM OTHER SERVICE AREAS AND STAKEHOLDERS Supply Chain Management facilitated the RFP process to solicit proposals for Consulting Services for the Community Energy Action Plan -Pathway to Net Zero (Plan). As such a Request for Proposal (RFP) closed on Thursday, July 28th, 2022, with three (3) proponents choosing to submit proposals as follows: 12 -6- Efficiency Engineering Inc. Cambridge, ON Sustainability Solutions Group Workers Cooperative Tatamagouche, NS Viable Solutions (a Division of Portfolio Solutions Group) Moncton, NB A review committee, consisting of staff from Supply Chain Management, Facilities Management, Growth and Community Development as well as Saint John Energy reviewed each of the submissions for completeness and compliance with the RFP's technical requirements and selection criteria consisting of the following: 1. Quality 2. Introduction and Statement of Understanding 3. Approach and Methodology 4. Proponents Profile 5. Proponent Roles and Qualifications 6. Availability 7. Value Add In accordance with the City's standard procedures, the committee members evaluated and ranked each proposal based on the proposals' technical merits. Following this, the team then short listed to the top two (2) proponents that had the highest technical scores. Financial Proposals were opened and factored in. Interviews were held with each of the two (2) proponents. Considering the interviews and the answers provided to the questions posed by the City's evaluation team, the evaluators then modified/rescored their technical evaluations based on the knowledge and information gathered. Sustainability Solutions Group Workers Cooperative's proposal was selected as the best proposal based on an overall rating of the evaluation criteria offering a strong overall solution for the City. The above processes are in accordance with the City's Procurement Policy and Supply Chain Management support the recommendations being put forth. ATTACHMENTS N/A 13 Staff Recommendation for Council Resolution Property: 145 Ash Street Item: Required: Recommendation (Y/N) Municipal Plan No N/A Amendment Zoning By -Law No N/A Amendment Recission of No N/A Previous s. 39/s. 59 Conditions Section 59 No N/A Conditions Section 59 No N/A Agreement Section 131 No N/A Agreement Other Yes 1. That Common Council assent to the submitted subdivision plan, in general accordance with the submitted Treadwell Village Subdivision Phase 2 tentative plan, including any required Local Government Services Easements and Municipal Drainage Easements subject to the following modifications: a) a connection to Aspen Street consistent with the original subdivision layout assented to in 2015, subject to the required Provincial environmental approvals including Wetland and Watercourse Alteration, involving construction of a Public Street through PID 55219059 to connect with the existing northern terminus of Ash Street. b) An increase to the right-of-way width of the Public Streets from 23.10 metres to 24 metres. 2. That Common Council accept a money in -lieu of Land for Public Purposes dedication, for the balance of the remaining LPP requirement, for the proposed Treadwell 14 Village Subdivision Phase 2 at 145 Ash Street (or PID 55236269 & 55099337). 3. That Common Council authorize the preparation and execution of one or more City/Developer Subdivision Agreements to ensure the provision of the required work and facilities, including any necessary temporary turnarounds for the new public street and detailed engineering, stormwater management, site and individual lot grading plans, and erosion and sedimentation control plans. 15 PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE August 24, 2022 Her Worship Mayor Donna Noade Reardon and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Subdivision Application 145 Ash Street The Committee considered the attached report at its August 16, 2022 meeting. The applicant, Thomas Boudreau, appeared before the Committee and expressed his agreement with the Staff Recommendation. The City of Saint John No persons appeared before the Committee and no letters were received regarding the application. Following consideration of the presentation and Staff report, the Committee unanimously adopted the Staff Recommendation. The Committee also approved "Lakeshore Drive" as the name of the proposed Public Street. RECOMMENDATION: That Common Council assent to the submitted subdivision plan, in general accordance with the submitted Treadwell Village Subdivision Phase 2 tentative plan, including any required Local Government Services Easements and Municipal Drainage Easements subject to the following modifications: a) a connection to Aspen Street consistent with the original subdivision layout assented to in 2015, subject to the required Provincial environmental approvals including Wetland and Watercourse Alteration, involving construction of a Public Street through PID 55219059 to connect with the existing northern terminus of Ash Street. Page 1 of 2 16 Thomas Boudreau 145 Ash Street August 18, 2022 b) An increase to the right-of-way width of the Public Streets from 23.10 metres to 24 metres. 2. That Common Council accept a money in -lieu of Land for Public Purposes dedication, for the balance of the remaining LPP requirement, for the proposed Treadwell Village Subdivision Phase 2 at 145 Ash Street (or PID 55236269 & 55099337). 3. That Common Council authorize the preparation and execution of one or more City/Developer Subdivision Agreements to ensure the provision of the required work and facilities, including any necessary temporary turnarounds for the new public street and detailed engineering, stormwater management, site and individual lot grading plans, and erosion and sedimentation control plans. Respectfully submitted, Alex Weaver Crawford Chair Page 2 of 2 17 The City of Saint John Date: To: From: Meeting: SUBJECT Applicant: August 12, 2022 Planning Advisory Committee Growth and Community Planning Growth and Community Development Services August 16, 2022 616339 NB Inc. Landowner: Thomas Boudreau and, Blair Allen & Darlene Anne Morris Location: 145 Ash Street PID: 55236269 & 55099337 Plan Designation: Rural Settlement Zoning: Rural Settlement Residential Application Type: Subdivision Jurisdiction: The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to advise Common Council concerning the vesting of a public street and the acceptance of money in -lieu of Land for Public Purposes dedications. The Subdivision By-law authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to grant approval to the names of Public Streets within a subdivision. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The applicant is proposing to create 17 lots for single-family residential use along with a Public Street, shown on the tentative subdivision plan as Lakeshore Drive, to service the site. The applicant has received content from owners of PID 55099337 Blair and Darlene Morris as Page 1 of 6 18 Thomas Boudreau 145 Ash St. August 12, 2022 shown on the tentative plan. This is a Type 2 Subdivision, which involves the construction of a new public street. Assent from Common Council is required with respect to the location of the proposed Public Street and money in lieu of Lands for Public Purposes (LPP). The development also requires a Local Government Services Easement, which will vest upon filing of the Final Plan of Subdivision. Staff recommend assent be given to the location of the proposed street and money -in -lieu of land for public purposes along with the required approvals for the proposed subdivision and approval of the proposed street name. Although the road and utilities have already been built, the road layout is different from the previously approved proposal as two cul-de-sacs have been removed from the original layout. RECOMMENDATIONS That Common Council assent to the submitted subdivision plan, in general accordance with the submitted Treadwell Village Subdivision Phase 2 tentative plan, including any required Local Government Services Easements and Municipal Drainage Easements subject to the following modifications: a) a connection to Aspen Street consistent with the original subdivision layout assented to in 2015, subject to the required Provincial environmental approvals including Wetland and Watercourse Alteration, involving construction of a Public Street through PID 55219059 to connect with the existing northern terminus of Ash Street. b) An increase to the right-of-way width of the Public Streets from 23.10 metres to 24 metres. 2. That Common Council accept a money in -lieu of Land for Public Purposes dedication, for the balance of the remaining LPP requirement, for the proposed Treadwell Village Subdivision Phase 2 at 145 Ash Street (or PID 55236269 & 55099337). 3. That Common Council authorize the preparation and execution of one or more City/Developer Subdivision Agreements to ensure the provision of the required work and facilities, including any necessary temporary turnarounds for the new public street and detailed engineering, stormwater management, site and individual lot grading plans, and erosion and sedimentation control plans. 4. That the Planning Advisory Committee approve the street name "Lakeshore Drive". DECISION HISTORY In December 2015, Common Council assented to the original subdivision plan for Treadwell Village Subdivision, which included authorization for any necessary municipal drainage easements, and the acceptance of money -in -lieu of the required land for public purposes (LPP). Revalidation of the Tentative Plan of Subdivision expired in December 2020. Page 2of6 19 Thomas Boudreau 145 Ash St. Auqust 12, 2022 Proposal The applicant is proposing to construct a series of single-family dwellings along a new public street. One single-family dwelling has already been constructed along with hydro services and a portion of the road base and layout. All lots would be contain well and septic. The applicant is proposing a revised road layout from the road layout approved in 2015. The current layout eliminates two proposed cul-de-sacs (Forest Glen Court and Water Lily Way) from the layout that was approved in 2015. Site and Neighbourhood The subject site is located in the rural, eastern portion of the city to the northwest of the intersection of Ash Street and Water Lily Way. The surrounding area contains a mix of natural, undeveloped lands and low -density residential development along Ash Street and Water Lily Way. Adjacent residential properties in the surrounding area are zoned Rural Settlement Residential. Municipal Plan and Zoning Municipal Plan The site and surrounding area are designated Rural Settlement in the Municipal Plan. The Rural Settlement Area land use designation is designed to recognise historic rural communities in the east side and west side of the City. The Plan identifies 3 rural communities as part of the Rural Settlement Areas, which includes Martinon to Ketepec, Lorneville and Treadwell Lake. The majority of these neighbourhoods were originally built as cottage areas but have become predominantly year-round residences in recent decades. The Municipal Plan targets approximately 95% of residential growth over the next 20 years to be located within the Primary Development Area, and approximately 5% of new residential growth to be directed toward the Rural Settlement Areas. Growth in these latter areas is intended to be low density residential development that will complement the character of the existing communities. The modest amount of growth targeted for the Rural Settlement Areas is intended "to support their continued vitality and to maximize existing investments in community infrastructure". New development is meant to be compatible with the surrounding community, and leverage existing public investments, including schools, parks, community centres, and municipal infrastructure. Development in Rural Settlement areas are to be developed at a scale and density that is consistent with the surrounding context. This is upheld by Policy LU-101 which states: Council intends that lands within the Rural Settlement Area designation are to be developed in a way that is consistent with the character and form of the existing community. The development of low density housing with private on -site water and wastewater systems is permitted, as are appropriate commercial uses, community facilities, home occupations, and parks. The development of new roads in the rural areas of the city is generally not encouraged by the Municipal Plan. However, Policy LU-93 states that Council shall "discourage new residential Page 3 of 6 20 Thomas Boudreau 145 Ash St. August 12, 2022 roads in the Rural Areas except in areas designated Rural Settlement Area". The proposed development includes one long rural road with the proposed name "Lakeshore Drive". The proposed subdivision conforms to the policies and direction of the Municipal Plan as it is located within a rural land use designation where subdivision development is supported. Zoning By -Law The site is zoned Rural Settlement Residential (RS) in the City's Zoning By-law. This zone accommodates un-serviced two -unit and single -unit dwellings. The Treadwell Lake area is specifically named as one of the few areas outside of the Primary Development Area where new residential development is encouraged. Subdivision By-law Three provisions of the Subdivision By -Law apply to the proposed subdivision: construction of streets and infrastructure, the requirement for money -in -lieu of land for public purposes, and the proposed street name. Information is also required prior to the approval of the Tentative Plan of Subdivision related to the water supply and site suitability for on -site sewage disposal. Street and Infrastructure Construction Consistent with the requirements of the Municipal Plan and Subdivision By-law, the developer is required to construct the proposed street and associated infrastructure. This work will be completed at the developer's cost. The developer is also responsible for costs related to any off - site infrastructure improvements required to service this proposal. Construction of the proposed Public Street, at a minimum, would be to the local street typical cross section as outlined in the City's General Specifications and must not be built as a cul-de-sac as the proposed street exceeds the allowable length. In order to connect the proposed street to Aspen Street the appropriate Provincial environmental permits including a Wetland and Watercourse Alteration permit would need to be obtained. The applicant is required to submit the following information for City approval as part of the subdivision approval process: • A detailed engineering design brief and drawings for the proposed Public Street and infrastructure for the City's review and approval. This includes infrastructure contained within any proposed Local Government Service Easements that may be required for the proposed subdivision. • Detailed storm water management plan and design report indicating how storm water will be managed for full build -out of the development. In accordance with the City's Storm Drainage Design Criteria Manual and the Drainage By-law, the stormwater design on site will need to achieve a net zero impact. • A development agreement with the City will be required with the following. With the development agreement, financial security will be held to ensure the roadway is constructed to meet the general specifications; a site plan; a stormwater management Page 4 of 6 21 Thomas Boudreau 145 Ash St. August 12, 2022 plan; a grading plan and individual grading for lots; and erosion and sedimentation control plans. Land for Public Purposes Money -in -lieu requirements are calculated based on the assessed value of the land prior to its development where funds collected are placed in a trust account in accordance with the Community Planning Act. These funds are only to be used for acquiring or developing lands for public use for future needs of citizens as the city grows. Street Name The proposed street name Lakeshore Drive has been reviewed by the City's GIS service area and has been deemed acceptable and reserved for the development. This street name is recommended for approval by the Committee. Water Supply and Soils Reports As the proposed development involves 10 or more lots served by wells and on -site sewage disposal systems, the applicant will be required to provide a report from a Professional Engineer or Geoscientist in accordance with Section 10(1) of the Subdivision By -Law related to the impacts of the development on the local water supply and the suitability of soils on the site for on -site sewage disposal systems. Conclusion Staff recommend that assent be given to the proposed subdivision along with approval of the proposed street name. ALTERNATIVES AND OTHER CONSIDERATIONS No other alternatives were considered. ENGAGEMENT Public In accordance with the Committee's Rules of Procedure, notification of the proposal was sent to landowners within 100 metres of the subject property on August 3, 2022. APPROVALS AND CONTACT Author Manager Peter Johnston Jennifer Kirchner, RPP, MCIP Contact: Peter Johnston Telephone: (506) 333-6282 Email: peter.johnston@saintjohn.ca Application: 22-0137 Page 5 of 6 22 Thomas Boudreau 145 Ash St. Auqust 12, 2022 APPENDIX Map 1: Aerial Photography Map 2: Future Land Use Map 3: Zoning Attachment 1: Site Photography Attachment 2: Previous Subdivision Layout (2015) Submission 1: Tentative Subdivision Plan Page 6 of 6 23 145 Ash Street - Location 7/25/2022, 1:40:53 PM 1:9,028 0 0.05 0.1 0.2 mi 0 0.07 0.15 0.3 km Source: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar Geographics, and the GIS User Community 24 GIS Viewer (C) City of Saint John 145 Ash Street - Municipal Plan 8/2/2022, 2:04:24 PM Ditching Future Land Use 0 Rural Residential Property Assessment L-1 Park and Natural Area Rural Settlement Property Parcels L-1 Rural Resource 25 1:9,028 0 0.05 0.1 0.2 mi 0 0.07 0.15 0.3 km Source: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar Geographics, and the GIS User Community, Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, FAO, NOAA, USGS, © OpenStreetMap GIS Viewer (C) City of Saint John 145 Ash Street - Zone 7/25/2022, 1:42:26 PM 1:9,028 0 0.05 0.1 0.2 mi Property Assessment Zoning RU Property Parcels 0 City Structure IRS 0 0.07 0.15 0.3 km Future Land Use Source: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar Geographics, and the GIS User Community EP 26 GIS Viewer (C) City of Saint John a y � 1 � a w s y pp , AR Mo �'' 7 . a x Photo: cleared area and utilities. Photo: looking towards Ash Street. ' P�corem�ie mwM1 a 1 5350 m'' r 53450 m' p % .,` 5352�m' r lvT lo-04 mom + Lcrn FLM 32VRMR $hd9 rrr' S- PIG spears:, �yLU131 r 9 w '41j. Ir LOT 70-0¢ PLAN NOMERN 53W rn' 3 0 m' 16 �J $ '01 . 3 44ygrp c 5390R] m'` ' t # iW y ¢ m, 53511 Lf m' u 5354m7°•* r � 4 # � 639u m' r ; 5350�m' 4 p , m` n t'• m' w,� aus 7240 rw 44 µy 5350 mi* MINA V Le r .14 ioria Sara 90taM, Opp 5354m'�r ar: 15M5 4' 8571 nt' � 5350irrty #4 � � v x.rIM86 ml?ry� r „ Imil - rr. MD rr? 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LDE6aulnilrim PLAN 34N3709 1: swrITC Qm'mu YDH�o COUNCIL REPORT M&C No. 2022-281 Report Date August 31, 2022 Meeting Date September 06, 2022 Service Area Utilities and Infrastructure Services Her Worship Mayor Donna Noade Reardon and Members of Council SUBJECT. Pre -approval of Bilateral and DMAF Funded 2023 Capital Program Projects AUTHORIZATION Primary Author Commissioner/Dept. Head City Manager Michael Baker J. Brent McGovern John Collin RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Council authorize the pre -approval of the proposed 2023 Capital projects noted in Appendix A & B attached to the Council Report dated August 31, 2022 and titled Pre -approval of Bilateral and DMAF Funded 2023 Capital Program Projects. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Staff are requesting Council pre -approve the capital budgets for these funded projects (See Appendix A & B) to start the design process as soon as possible for proposed 2023 Capital Program projects that have approved Bilateral or Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Funding (DMAF). Pre -approving these projects will allow Request for Proposals to be prepared and sent out for the Bilateral funded projects. For the DMAF funded projects, the consultant will be able to start design right away as the consultant has already been awarded the design and construction management services contract by Council for these projects. It is expected, by Council preapproving these projects, design services will be able to begin sooner therefore allowing the project to be issued for tender earlier with the intent of securing more competitive bids from contractors. PREVIOUS RESOLUTIONS October 21, 2019: (M&C 2019-266) Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Funding Agreement, adopted. 31 sM April 6, 2021: (M&C 2021-102) Saint John Green Infrastructure — Funding Agreement, approved. REPORT The City of Saint John obtained Bilateral funding and DMAF funding for infrastructure renewal projects (i.e., water, sanitary, storm, and roadway reconstruction) as well as funding to address infrastructure vulnerable due to climate change and as identified as part of our Climate Adaptation Plan. Staff are requesting Council pre -approve the capital budgets for the Bilateral and DMAF funded projects to start the design process as soon as possible for the funded projects which are proposed to be constructed in 2023. The list of proposed projects with their overall budgets are noted in Appendix A & B as attached. Early approval of these projects will allow staff to start the request for proposal process (RFP) right away so that design work on these projects can begin early this fall. By the City completing the design and tender documents early it will allow the projects to be tendered earlier in 2023 therefore allowing the City to obtain more competitive bids from contractors. A consultant has already been awarded the design and construction management work for all the DMAF funded projects therefore they will be able to start design work right away. DMAF Funded Protects DMAF funding was obtained by the City and approved by Council in October 2019. The funding is for flood proofing modifications or complete replacement of vulnerable sanitary lift stations which by nature are constructed in low lying areas. A total of nine lift stations were identified as being vulnerable to rising water levels because of climate change. Three lift station projects are proposed to be approved in the draft 2023 Utility Fund Capital Program. The projects are: • WWPS "A" — Retrofit Lift station above flood levels. Design and construction. • WWPS Tippet Drive - Retrofit Lift station above flood levels. Design and construction. • WWPS Millidge Ave - Retrofit Lift station above flood levels. Design services in 2023 only. 32 am Bilateral Fund Proiects Bilateral funding was obtained by the City and approved by Council in April 2021. The Bilateral funding focuses on climate change, tax base growth and infrastructure renewal. The Bilateral funding will optimize the use of the City's assets, improve environmental performance and importantly, support growth of the urban core and priority growth areas, making these areas more sustainable and attractive to development. Seven projects are proposed to be approved in the draft 2023 Capital Programs. The projects are: • Broad Street (Charlotte Street to Carmarthen Street) — Water, Sanitary and Storm Sewer Renewal and Street Reconstruction. • Carmarthen Street (Mecklenburg Street to Orange Street) — Water, Sanitary and Storm Sewer Renewal and Street Reconstruction. • Pitt Street (Mecklenburg Street to St. James Street) — Water, Sanitary and Storm Sewer Renewal and Street Reconstruction. • Sydney Street (St. James Street to Queen Square North) — Water, Sanitary and Storm Sewer Renewal and Street Reconstruction. • Waterloo Street (Union Street to Peters Street) — Water, Sanitary and Storm Sewer Renewal and Street Reconstruction. • Charlotte Street (King Square South to Union Street) — Storm Sewer Separation and Street Reconstruction). • Germain Street (Duke Street to King Street) — Storm Sewer Separation STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT This report aligns with Council's Priorities for GROW, MOVE AND PERFORM as the Bilateral funded projects include reconstructing city streets that are currently in poor condition with City and Other Share funding. The designs of the overall projects will incorporate recommendations from the Council approved Central Peninsula Secondary Plan as well as MoveSJ. This report also aligns with Council's Priority for GREEN as the DMAF funding includes projects to address flood proofing modifications or complete replacement of vulnerable sanitary lift stations. SERVICE AND FINANCIAL OUTCOMES Engineering fees to cover the costs of design and construction management services generally do not exceed 15-20% of the total overall project cost, depending on the nature of the project and the engineering services required. The overall budget (Utility and General Funds) for the 10 projects noted above is $8,149,500. Based on this overall budget it is anticipated that engineering design 33 -4- and construction management services for the ten projects is expected to be between $1.2 and $1.6 million dollars. A consultant has already been awarded the design and construction management services contract by Council for all the DMAF funded projects therefore their design and construction management fees are known. Additional City Share funding was added to the proposed projects on top of the City's required allocation within the Bilateral and DMAF agreements to attempt to address the increased pricing the City is seeing with recent higher than estimated tender results. The increased pricing is believed to be largely due to the significant amount of work available for contractors to bid, the increased cost of fuel, issues with the supply chain due to market demand and overall inflationary increases. INPUT FROM OTHER SERVICE AREAS AND STAKEHOLDERS Strategic Services has reviewed the report and provided input. ATTACHMENTS Appendix — A — Proposed 2023 Utility Fund Capital Projects with approved Bilateral and DMAF Funding Appendix — B - Proposed 2023 General Fund Capital Projects with approved Bilateral Funding 34 Proposed 2023 Utility Fund Capital Projects with approved Bilateral and DMAF Funding Project Location Description Other Share City Share Water, Sanitary and Storm Sewer Renewal Broad Charlotte Street to and Street $ 545,000.00 $ 303,000.00 Carmarthen Street Reconstruction (Bilateral Funding from Others) Water, Sanitary and Storm Sewer Renewal Carmarthen Street Mecklenburg Street to and Street $ 415,000.00 $ 236,000.00 Orange Street Reconstruction (Bilateral Funding from Others) Water, Sanitary and Storm Sewer Renewal Pitt Street Mecklenburg Street to and Street $ 360,000.00 $ 210,000.00 St. James Street Reconstruction (Bilateral Funding from Others) Water, Sanitary and Storm Sewer Renewal Sydney Street St James Street to and Street $ 385,000.00 $ 216,000.00 Queen Square North Reconstruction (Bilateral Funding from Others) Water, Sanitary and Storm Sewer Renewal Waterloo Street Union to Peters Street and Street $ 175,000.00 $ 101,000.00 Reconstruction (Bilateral Funding from Others) Retrofit lift station WWPS "A" 657 Dominion Park above flood levels $ 124,000.00 $ 266,000.00 Road (DMAF Funding from Others) Design services to retrofit lift station WWPS Millidge Ave 1043 Millidge Ave above flood levels $ 25,500.00 $ 38,000.00 (DMAF Funding from Others) Retrofit lift station WWPS Tippett Drive 651 Tippett Drive above flood levels $ 124,000.00 $ 320,000.00 (DMAF Funding from Others) Totals 1 $ 2,153,500.00 $ 1,690,000.00 Overall Utility Fund $ 3,843,500.00 Total 35 Proposed 2023 General Fund Capital Projects with rov it 1 Funding Project Location Description Other Share City Share Water, Sanitary and Storm Sewer Renewal Broad Charlotte Street to and Street $ 630,000.00 $ 290,000.00 Carmarthen Street Reconstruction (Bilateral Funding from Others) Water, Sanitary and Storm Sewer Renewal Carmarthen Street Mecklenburg Street to and Street $ 385,000.00 $ 180,000.00 Orange Street Reconstruction (Bilateral Funding from Others) Water, Sanitary and Storm Sewer Renewal Pitt Street Mecklenburg Street to and Street $ 435,000.00 $ 200,000.00 St. James Street Reconstruction (Bilateral Funding from Others) Water, Sanitary and Storm Sewer Renewal Sydney Street St James Street to and Street $ 450,000.00 $ 205,000.00 Queen Square North Reconstruction (Bilateral Funding from Others) Water, Sanitary and Storm Sewer Renewal Waterloo Street Union to Peters Street and Street $ 180,000.00 $ 85,000.00 Reconstruction (Bilateral Funding from Others) Storm Sewer Separation and Street Charlotte Street King Square South to Reconstruction $ 550,000.00 $ 255,000.00 Union Street (Bilateral Funding from Others) Storm Sewer Germain Street Duke to King Street Sepration (Bilateral $ 320,000.00 $ 141,000.00 Funding from Others) Totals I $ 2,950,000.00 $ 1,356,000.00 Overall General Fund Total $ 4,306,000.00 36 Qh, YDH�o COMMON COUNCIL REPORT M&C No. 2022-283 Report Date September 01, 2022 Meeting Date September 06, 2022 Service Area General Counsel Her Worship Mayor Donna Noade Reardon and Members of Common Council SUBJECT: Saint John Industrial Parks Value Chain Assessment Funding Request AUTHORIZATION Primary Author Commissioner/Dept. Head City Manager Brian Irving Melanie Tompkins I John Collin RECOMMENDATION Growth Committee recommends that Common Council allocate $100,000.00 from the Strategic Real Estate Capital Reserve Fund for consulting work on the Saint John Industrial Parks Value Chain Assessment Project. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY common Council has identified the revitalization of its industrial parks as a Catalytic Project. This work comes at a time when Port Modernization and new logistic partners emerge to place Saint John in a position of an international hub. Stakeholder engagement activities and strategy work facilitated in Q1 and Q2 2022, provided expected direction around marketing and preparing the parks to capture opportunity. Larger issues and concerns emerged around current inventory levels and absorption rates in the post -pandemic economy. An absorption model was created and presented to the Commissioner of Finance to help understand and rationalize the current inventory situation. The model received validation however it was the assumptions that gave cause for concern. Validating the sectors that Saint John can compete in and understanding what the advantages are, where the gaps exist, what type of incentives are required and what does success look like in terms of absorption, timing, tax base etc. are all questions that need answers. An investment in a new park or parks would easily usurp $10m. The work as planned will cost upwards of $100,000 however being able to identify the window as to when any new inventory will be required is valuable information to aid in mid- and long-term capital planning. An RFP to determine Saint John's Value Chain was crafted and shared with the consulting community. Staff are recommending Council approve the budget of up to $100,000 to perform the Value Chain Study. 37 sa PREVIOUS RESOLUTION On August 31, 2022, Growth Committee endorsed the recommendation that Common Council allocate up to $100,000.00 from the Strategic Real Estate Capital Reserve Fund for consulting work on the Saint John Industrial Parks Value Chain Assessment Project. On June 13, 2022, Common Council resolved that: 1. That Common Council allocate $55,000 for innovative marketing enhancements and vegetation management at the Saint John Industrial Parks, and that the funding be taken from the Strategic Real Estate Capital Reserve Fund. 2. That the City Manager be directed to return to Growth Committee in 2022 with options that address the long-term operations, maintenance, governance, funding, and future development of the City's industrial parks to support Common Council's priority of Growth. On May 18, 2022, Common Council resolved to endorse the following eight high -impact initiatives as the City of Saint John's top priorities for catalytic growth to address critical infrastructure and partnerships needed to propel the City forward: 1. Four key infrastructure projects: • Innovative Central Peninsula Learning Commons, • Redevelopment of Fundy Quay, • a new Comprehensive Recreation Facility, and • Investing in Industrial Parks. 2. Four advocacy efforts: • Comprehensive Tax Reform, • Matching Dollars for Bilateral Funding, • Affordable Housing, and • Post -Secondary Education. On May 16, 2022, the Growth Committee recommended: 1. That Common Council allocate $55,000 for innovative marketing enhancements and vegetation management at the Saint John Industrial Parks, and that the funding be taken from the Strategic Real Estate Capital Reserve Fund. IN am That the City Manager be directed to return to Growth Committee in 2022 with options that address the long-term operations, maintenance, governance, funding, and future development of the City's industrial parks to support Common Council's priority of Growth. REPORT Background In May 2022, Common Council identified catalytic projects for the remainder of its term. One of the four catalytic infrastructure projects selected was investment in industrial parks. The timing of this decision comes when port modernization work is accelerated and there is an expansion of the national and international rail and marine services to Saint John. Further the post pandemic world requires inventories to be produced, procured, inventoried, and distributed differently from the pre -pandemic era. Prior to being identified as a catalytic project, staff had already begun a process of stakeholder engagement and strategic planning. This early work identified the need to renew the marketing assets and collaterals and to invest in park beautification and renewal to get the parks looking like they are open for business and capable of supporting business attraction. On June 13, 2022, Council approved the use of $55,000.00 from the Strategic Real Estate Reserve to address the marketing and vegetation management initiatives and further directed the City Manager to return to Growth Committee in 2022 with options that address the long-term operations, maintenance, governance, funding, and future development of the City's industrial parks to support Common Council's priority of Growth. This direction is slightly premature in that there is interim work required to ascertain how long the current serviced and unserviced inventories in the parks are expected to last. This will help provide context for timing of any future investments and allow for consensus building and capital fund raising to that end. To attempt to determine the "runway" of current inventories an absorption model was built. Land Absorption Model In the strategic planning sessions, there were concerns raised around inventory levels and absorption rates in the emerging new economy and how would the City address the perceived lack of inventory. A model was created to help scope the timing of any new investment required. The absorption model was presented to the Chief Financial Officer for review and feedback. The model received validation however it was the assumptions that gave cause for concern. It is this very notion of determining which sectors Saint 39 -4- John will now appeal to due to its plethora of benefits, existing and emerging and what will success look like going forward. Further, what incentives and amenities are required to compete for these businesses as Saint John may now compete with jurisdictions like Halifax and Montreal. There is the question of what absorption rates would look like within these sectors and what is the full benefit package to the City in these winning scenarios. The early stakeholder engagement (Q1 2022) suggested that manufacturing and distribution is a potential opportunity as is value add warehousing and inventory handling, along with the emerging green energy plays; all are sectors that Saint John is well positioned to secure growth from. There is also the notion that auto parts and steel are potential categories looking to diversity its logistics. These sectors represent significant opportunity in the absorption of major tracts of land, with investment in large scale building structures long with the associated tax base and jobs created. There may in fact be other sectors not yet identified. The current work and challenge are to understand which sectors Saint John is most likely to have traction within due to its "Value Chain" and to ascertain what winning looks like. Value Chain Analvsis The need to perform the Saint John Industrial Park's / Saint John's Value Chain Assessment has been established. An RFP to secure the work was crafted and shared with the consulting community. Four submissions were received, and a successful proponent has been unofficially identified. Prior to issuing the RFP, it was unclear as to what budget would be required to support the project. A budget of $100,000 is requested to support the Value Chain Assessment and allow for ancillary unplanned work that might emerge for as well as additional oversight and process support from Conrod Strategix, the consultant previously engaged in the strategic planning for the industrial parks. The deliverables that will be derived from this study is clarity around which sectors to target and what is required to earn business as well as the generation of a laundry list of potential target clients. There is an emerging new world order around inventories and inventory management coupled with Port modernization and new or growing logistic partners. This proposed work will help City Staff, Opportunities New Brunswick, Envision and others to focus its resources on sectors and clients that are most likely to adopt Saint John for its future business operations. Saint John's value proposition has not always been as clear as it is today, this represents a significant opportunity. For clarity purposes this value chain work will not provide options that address the long-term operations, maintenance, governance, funding, and future development of the City's industrial parks to support Common Council's priority of Growth. This work will provide some much -needed information to help inform the future work and deliverables noted above. M INE Staff, having received support from Growth Committee, are recommending that Common Council approve the budget of up to $100,000 to perform the study and research. Business Case Review The repositioning of the City's industrial parks is a catalytic project. Staff is working closely with RDC to secure financial support for any new developments which generate tax base and ultimately RDC aims to partner in any new park development vis a vis infrastructure supports. The short-term funding model is attempting to follow the "Moncton Model" but reflects the unique challenges in Saint John. The work that staff has been doing in this initiative is important to the future growth and success of the City's tax base. The overall cost of the Value Chain Assessment will approximately $100,000. Land sales, tax base growth, potential RDC tax rebates and job gains are benefits this work will help unlock as well as validate any future capital investment. A single land sale will result in an immediate full return on this investment. This work is another step towards a meaningful transition in industrial park development and in securing a sustained future of growth and financial benefits to the City. STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT The Saint John Industrial Park repositioning is a Catalytic Project of Council which aligns with Council's priority of Growth. SERVICE AND FINANCIAL OUTCOMES N/A INPUT FROM OTHER SERVICE AREAS AND STAKEHOLDERS This report has been drafted in consultation with Growth and Community Services, the Chief Financial Officer, and the City Manager's Office as well Supply Chain Management. ATTACHMENTS N/A 41 COMMON COUNCIL REPORT M&C No. 2022-284 Report Date September 01, 2022 Meeting Date September 06, 2022 Service Area General Counsel Her Worship Mayor Donna Noade Reardon and Members of Common Council SUBJECT. Saint John Industrial Parks — Value Chain Analysis RFP Award AUTHORIZATION Primary Author Commissioner/Dept. Head City Manager Brian Irving Melanie Tompkins I John Collin RECOMMENDATION Conditional on Common Council approval of M&C 2022-283 SJIP Value Chain Assessment Funding Request, before Council September 6, 2022, that Contract 2022-092204P - Consulting Services — "Saint John Industrial Park (SJIP) Market Assessment" be awarded to Deloitte LLP at a tendered price of $87,500.00 (plus HST), and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the said contract and any documents ancillary thereto. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY on May 2022, Council endorsed 4 Catalytic Infrastructure Projects, including Investment in the Saint John Industrial Parks. Work is underway on this project, which requires the guidance of experts on Market Assessment. Staff issued an RFP for professional services for this purpose, which closed at the end of July 2022. The purpose of this report is to seek authority to award Contract "Contract 2022- 092204P - Consulting Services — Saint John Industrial Park (SJIP) Market Assessment" to Deloitte LLP to enable the work to continue on this project. PREVIOUS RESOLUTION A. At its meeting held August 31, 2022, Growth Committee, in closed session, endorsed the recommendation that Common Council allocate up to $100,000.00 from the Strategic Real Estate Capital Reserve Fund for consulting work on the Saint John Industrial Parks Value Chain Assessment Project. B. On June 13, 2022, Common Council resolved as follows: 1. That Common Council allocate $55,000 for innovative marketing enhancements and vegetation management at the Saint John Industrial Parks, and that the funding be taken from the Strategic Real Estate Capital Reserve Fund. 42 -2- 2. That the City Manager be directed to return to Growth Committee in 2022 with options that address the long-term operations, maintenance, governance, funding, and future development of the City's industrial parks to support Common Council's priority of Growth. C. On May 18, 2022, Common Council resolved to endorse the following eight high -impact initiatives as the City of Saint John's top priorities for catalytic growth to address critical infrastructure and partnerships needed to propel the City forward: 1. Four key infrastructure projects: • Innovative Central Peninsula Learning Commons, • Redevelopment of Fundy Quay, • a new Comprehensive Recreation Facility, and • Investing in Industrial Parks. 2. Four advocacy efforts: • Comprehensive Tax Reform, • Matching Dollars for Bilateral Funding, • Affordable Housing, and • Post -Secondary Education. D. On May 16, 2022, the Growth Committee recommended: 1. That Common Council allocate $55,000 for innovative marketing enhancements and vegetation management at the Saint John Industrial Parks, and that the funding be taken from the Strategic Real Estate Capital Reserve Fund. That the City Manager be directed to return to Growth Committee in 2022 with options that address the long-term operations, maintenance, governance, funding, and future development of the City's industrial parks to support Common Council's priority of Growth. REPORT Background In May 2022, Common Council identified catalytic projects for the remainder of its term. One of the four catalytic infrastructure projects selected was investment in industrial parks. The timing of this decision comes when port modernization work is accelerated and there is an expansion of the national and international rail and marine services to Saint John. Further the post pandemic world requires inventories to be produced, procured and distributed differently from the pre - pandemic era. 43 -3- Prior to the Industrial Parks having been been identified as a catalytic project, staff had already begun a process of stakeholder engagement and strategic planning. This early work identified the need to renew the marketing assets and collaterals and to invest in park beautification and renewal to get the parks looking like they are open for business and capable of supporting business attraction. On June 13, 2022, Council approved the use of $55,000.00 from the Strategic Real Estate Reserve to address the marketing and vegetation management initiatives and further directed the City Manager to return to Growth Committee in 2022 with options that address the long-term operations, maintenance, governance, funding, and future development of the City's industrial parks to support Common Council's priority of Growth. Land Absorption Model In the strategic planning sessions undertaken by staff, a model was created to help scope the timing of any new investment required. The underlying assumptions in the model require validation and therefore an RFP was crafted for the necessary consulting services. Such services are required to understand in which sectors Saint John is most likely to have traction due to its "Value Chain" and to ascertain what winning looks like for the parks. Value Chain Analysis The need to perform the Saint John Industrial Park's / Saint John's Value Chain Assessment has been established. An RFP to secure the work was crafted and shared with the consulting community. Four submissions were received, and a successful proponent, Deloitte LLP, has been identified. The deliverables that will be derived from this body of work is clarity around which sectors to target and what is required to earn business, as well as the generation of a laundry list of potential target clients. There is an emerging new world order around inventories and inventory management coupled with Port modernization and new or growing logistic partners. This proposed work will help City Staff, Opportunities New Brunswick, Envision Saint John and others to focus its resources on sectors and clients that are most likely to adopt Saint John for its future business operations. Saint John's value proposition has not always been as clear as it is today, this represents a significant opportunity. For clarity purposes this value chain work will not provide options that address the long-term operations, maintenance, governance, funding, and future development of the City's industrial parks to support Common Council's priority of Growth. Instead, this work will provide much -needed information to help inform future work and deliverables on the Industrial Parks Catalytic Project. -4- Staff is recommending that "Contract 2022-092204P - Consulting Services — Saint John Industrial Park (SJIP) Market Assessment" be awarded to Deloitte LLP. SERVICE AND FINANCIAL OUTCOMES The Deloitte proposal has a price of $87,500 plus HST. There is no money in the GCO 2022 budget allocated for this purpose — in large part because the 2022 budget was approved before Council made the Industrial Parks a Catalytic Project. Staff recommended to Growth Committee that money to cover this cost be pulled from the Strategic Real Estate Capital Reserve Fund. Growth Committee has adopted this recommendation, and the Committee's recommendation to Council in this respect forms part of a concurrent report. INPUT FROM OTHER SERVICE AREAS AND STAKEHOLDERS This report was drafted in consultation with Growth and Community Services, the City Manager's Office, the General Counsel's Office as well Supply Chain Management who provided the following; "Supply Chain Management facilitated the RFP process to solicit proposals for consulting services for a market assessment for the Saint John Industrial Parks. As such a Request for Proposal (RFP) closed on Thursday, July 28th, 2022 with four proponents choosing to submit proposals as follows: ➢ Deloitte LLP Saint John, NB ➢ Ernst & Young LLP Saint John, NB ➢ Fowler Bauld & Mitchell Ltd. Halifax, NS ➢ IBI Group Inc. Toronto, ON A review committee, consisting of staff from Supply Chain Management, Real Estate Management, General Counsel and the Chief Financial Officer reviewed the submission for completeness and compliance with the RFP requirements and selection criteria consisting of the following: 1. Presentation/Format of Proposal and Completeness 2. Qualifications and Experience 3. Demonstrated Understanding of the Project and Deliverables 4. Proposed Approach and Plan 5. Cost Also, in accordance with the City's standard procedures, the committee members evaluated and ranked each proposal based on the proposals" technical merits. 45 -5- Following this, the financial proposals were opened and evaluated, and corresponding scores were added to the technical scores. Deloitte LLP's proposal was selected as the best proposal based on an overall rating of the evaluation criteria offering a strong overall solution at the best value for the City. The above processes are in accordance with the City's Procurement Policy and Supply Chain Management support the recommendations being put forth. STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT The Saint John industrial park repositioning is a Catalytic Project of Council which aligns with Council's priority of Growth. ATTACHMENTS M PROCLAMATION WHEREAS. All workers deserve to be treated with dignity; WHEREAS. Respectful and positive behaviour in the workplace contributes to individual, organizational, and societal well- being and prevents unnecessary suffering; WHEREAS. Their human resources are every organization's single most important asset and the key to productivity, innovation and sustainability; WHEREAS. All community members have a responsibility to help ensure each other's safety from emotional, psychological, and physical harm, and to do our part to break the cycle of victimization and abusive behaviour. NOW THEREFORE: I, Mayor Donna Noade Reardon, of Saint John do hereby declare the week of September 5th to September 9th, 2022 to be Respectful Workplace Week in The City of Saint John. In witness whereof I have set my hand and affixed the official seal of the Mayor of the City of Saint John. 47 Staff Recommendation for Council Resolution Property: 730 Wilson Street and 15 O'Brien Street Public Hearing: September 6, 2022 Item Required: Recommendation (Y/N) Municipal Plan No Amendment Zoning By -Law Yes That Common Council give Vt and 2nd reading to an Amendment Amendment to the Zoning by-law which rezones a parcel of land having an area of approximately 3,118 square metres, located at 15 O'Brien Street, also identified as PID Number 00415711 from Two -Unit Residential (1112) to General Commercial (CG). Other No 3rd Reading Item: Required: Recommendation (Y/N) Municipal Plan No Amendment Zoning By -Law Yes That Common Council give 3rd reading to an Amendment to Amendment the Zoning by-law which rezones a parcel of land having an area of approximately 3,118 square metres, located at 15 O'Brien Street, also identified as PID Number 00415711 from Two -Unit Residential (1112) to General Commercial (CG). Recission of Yes That Common Council, pursuant to the provisions of Section Previous s. 39/s. 59 of the Community Planning Act, rescind the conditions 59 Conditions imposed on the March 8, 1993, rezoning, and amended on September 27, 2004, for the parcel of land having an area of approximately 5613 square metres, located at 730 Wilson Street, also identified as PID Number 00035436. Section 59 Yes That Common Council, pursuant to the provisions of Section Conditions 59 of the Community Planning Act, impose the following conditions on the parcels of land having an area of approximately 8,731 square meters, located at 15 O'Brien Street and 730 Wilson Street, identified as PID Numbers 00415711 and 00035436, respectively. a. That the development of the site be limited to the applicant's proposal for a mixed -use development incorporating two buildings with uses limited to the following: i. The southern building, located adjacent to Wilson Street having a maximum of 50 dwelling units and 4 live -work units. ii. The northern building be limited to a maximum of 50 dwelling units. b. That notwithstanding subparagraph 11.7(3)(c)(i) of the Zoning By -Law, dwelling units may be located below the second storey of the proposed buildings. c. The development and use of the parcel of land be in accordance with detailed building elevation and site plans, prepared by the proponent and subject to the approval of the Development Officer, illustrating the design and location of buildings and structures, garbage enclosures, outdoor storage, driveway accesses, vehicle and bicycle parking, loading areas, landscaping, amenity spaces, signs, exterior lighting, and other such site features including front yard landscaping in conformance with the Zoning By -Law and side yard landscaping as illustrated on the site plan submitted with the application, and that the landscaping plan include the retention of existing trees in the area between the northern building and the boundary with the adjacent properties to the north of the site along Manawagonish Road. d. The above plans referenced in (c) be attached to the permit application for the development of the parcel of land. e. That pedestrian access to and from the development is facilitated by connecting to the sidewalk on O'Brien Street. If any municipal infrastructure improvements are required to service this proposal, it will be the owner/developer's full responsibility and cost to complete. Prior to determining this, detailed engineering plans and a design brief must be submitted by the owner/developer's engineering consultant to the City for review and approval by the City. g. That the parcel of land be developed and maintained in accordance with an engineering storm water drainage plan and design report, prepared by a professional engineer on behalf of the proponent and subject to the approval of the Chief City Engineer, and that such approved plan and report be attached to any development and/or building permit for the proposed development. h. Should the location of the building sprinkler connections necessitate the installation of an additional fire hydrant, this hydrant installation will be at the expense of the developer. i. That concrete curb and sidewalk be extended by the developer along the Wilson Street frontage of the site. j. That prior to issuance of any building permits for the proposed development, a Traffic Impact Statement be completed by an engineering consultant engaged by the developer at the developer's expense to review the traffic impacts on the existing roadway network and any required improvements to the existing road network including traffic calming measures. Any improvements identified by the Traffic Impact Statement be the developer's responsibility and cost to complete. k. The site design will be required to control stormwater run-off from site to a flow rate such that the total combined sanitary sewer plus stormwater flow leaving site post development is less than the combined flow leaving the site currently. Saint John Water will undertake flow modeling and further analysis (to be completed by the city) and prior to the acceptance by the City of the developer's engineered final design submission, the City will advise of the total combined post -development sewer (sanitary and storm) flow rate permitted into the City's sewer network. Section 59 No Agreement 50 Section 131 Agreement No Other No 51 Qh, YDH�o COMMON COUNCIL REPORT M&C No. 2022-282 Report Date August 31, 2022 Meeting Date September 06, 2022 Service Area Growth and Community Services Her Worship Mayor Donna Noade Reardon and Members of Common Council SUBJECT. Supplemental Report - 2. 730 Wilson Street 15 O'Brien Street Council Report - August 30 2022.docx AUTHORIZATION Primary Author Commissioner/Dept. Head City Manager Mark Reade Jacqueline Hamilton I John Collin RECOMMENDATION The staff recommendation includes the outlined resolution from the cover page of this report, as well as the following: 1. Direct the City Manager to bring forward recommendations to Growth Committee, with input from the Planning Advisory Committee, and report back to Common Council, with respect to responding to development timelines, including the use of development timeline conditions. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY At their meeting of August 16, 2022, the Planning Advisory Committee recommended that Common Council impose a Section 59 condition on the proposed development requiring that the applications shall be made for both building permits within 5 years of the date the rezoning comes into effect. If applications are not completed within that time, Council may take steps to cancel the resolution and agreement and repeal the rezoning pursuant to Section 59(5) and 59(6) of the New Brunswick Community Planning Act. Staff recommends that a discussion related to the use of Sunset Clauses occur between Staff and the Growth Committee, with involvement of the Planning Advisory Committee, to ensure a better understanding of the intent of the underlying Municipal Plan policy for the imposition of timelines on a development and to develop a consistent approach to using these conditions in the future. At this time, without completing this analysis, staff are not in agreement with the Committee's recommendation to impose this additional condition and do not recommend it be imposed by Common Council. PREVIOUS RESOLUTION On Monday, July 25, 2022, Common Council referred the rezoning and Section 59 amendment application for the property at 15 O'Brien Street and 730 Wilson Street (PIDs 00415711 and 00035436) to the Planning Advisory Committee for a 52 sa report and recommendation. Common Council also set the Public Hearing date for the application for Tuesday, September 6 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. REPORT At their meeting of August 16, 2022, the Planning Advisory Committee recommended that Common Council impose a Section 59 condition on the proposed development requiring that the applications shall be made for both building permits within 5 years of the date the rezoning comes into effect. Consistent with the imposition of this clause on past applications, it was also recommended that if applications are not completed within that time, Council may take steps to cancel the resolution and agreement and repeal the rezoning pursuant to Section 59(5) and 59(6) of the New Brunswick Community Planning Act. This condition was developed by the Committee during deliberations and is beyond those conditions originally recommended by Staff. During the deliberations, planning staff noted that they are not recommending a 5-year time limit for completion of construction as the proposed development is not considered to be speculative. Nevertheless, the Committee ultimately felt that a condition imposing a time limit on the development was necessary for the application. Both the Community Planning Act and the City's Municipal Plan provide a framework for Council to impose a condition related to the timeline for completion of a development. Section 59(5) of the Community Planning Act allows for Common Council to prescribe time limits within which a development may be constructed or provide a timeframe for the Developer's compliance with terms and conditions imposed on a rezoning. The Act also allows for Common Council to repeal the rezoning and have the zoning of the site revert to the zoning that existed prior to the approval of the rezoning application. While this approach has been employed by the City in the past, previous cases where Staff have recommended a construction timeline be imposed through a Section 59 condition, have largely involved sites that are not within the City's Primary Development Area and had not been previously designated for development. These developments often involve a Municipal Plan Amendment to change the underlying Future Land Use designation and an amendment to the Primary Development Area (PDA) boundary, and as a result could be considered speculative in nature. While some may view imposing a condition as a means of ensuring developments are completed in a timely and expedient manner, this approach can create challenges for the developer that could ultimately impact the viability of the project. Developers consider many factors before proceeding with construction and some of these factors, which are beyond their control, can result in delays on 53 am their construction timelines. These include supply chain issues, availability of labor, and material availability, which have become more pronounced since 2020. In addition, recent increases in interest rates will influence the economics and potential financial viability of developments and may have a larger impact on the overall economy. The unwarranted imposition of construction timelines through Section 59 conditions could result in deterring active development in our community as developers may become more risk adverse. In addition, there is an existing mechanism to regulate construction timelines within the City of Saint John, which is through the City's Building By -Law and the validation of the permit for a 2-year period. While there is a provision to extend the building permit by an additional year, these are typically not granted unless necessary. Staff recommend a broader discussion and analysis on positive and negative reinforcement to achieve reasonable development timelines for the Saint John community, including the use of sunset clauses on development approvals. Until this discussion and analysis is completed, staff do not recommend a Section 59 condition be imposed requiring the development at 730 Wilson Street 15 O'Brien Street be completed within a specific timeline. STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT The proposed approach aligns with the Common Council's priorities of Grow, Perform and Belong. SERVICE AND FINANCIAL OUTCOMES The approach proposed by Staff seeks to respect the feasibility of the project and aligns with the policy direction established in the Municipal Plan. INPUT FROM OTHER SERVICE AREAS AND STAKEHOLDERS N/A ATTACHMENTS N/A 54 1 15 O'Brien Street & 730 Wilson Street Growth & Community Services Council Presentation September 6, 2022 55 SAINT JOHN I 21 W 29 12 �s a 1 2760 z 6 50 4 - — - Zv Serenry Landm _ y J 56 c I G. A M BLDG_ B PARKING gee ,zo WILSON STREEo BLO , 03 gL�G �. r li" „{ JFA v!� ... �., .. � - � •� �; � �',.� � _ � fir,:! ry lip K- 4 y y � Y. % - id - 58 �: 411 Site & Neighbourhood WORM4 srlm r ea 45. 7f29�2022,10:30 03 AM 1 :9 D28 0 0.05 0.1 0.2 mi Future Land Use Light Industrial Mimed Use Centre Stable Residential Medium to High Density Residential Regional Retail C 6Q 0 0.07 0.15 0.3 km Goi roes:Earl,Galin1b : Earl, HERE, . FAO. NO AA, USG S. 0 opeksNetuap cOktb11DF.3kd1keGr1User 'Omm I kmf • Stable Residential • Located between two arterial roads • Topographic separation from adjacent low -density areas • Building forms and density • CG zoning • Proposed Density 104 units • 50 residential units per building • 4 live/work units • Conforms to Municipal Plan 61 church C. I_ Barnhill Memorial School St. M ark's 't� United Church .r ky C1 P hl �1114 s� ratrvRl�r R2 C�r�9 �b b�$n R°dp °Sr br �. r R2 R(Is gar °rs Zt R2 m �4s� �� 4 4F F/ us e r S_ v 7f29{2022, 11:10:12 AM 1 :4 514 0 0.03 0.06 0.11 mi Override 1 Condtional Zoning R2 CO Property Parcels Zoning R1 CL 0 0.04 0.09 0.17 km - Conditional Zoning Lines RIM CR us 62 Gol rcef: ES rI, HERE, Gam II, FAA, NG AA, witbrti 8, ar dtke GS User Commr rk UGG G, 0 Gpe lGtree trap R L G rG Mew r C-) ck of G31r tjok r • Neighbourhood compatibility — Stable Residential • Development density — 104 units on 0.87 hectares • 108 proposed parking spaces, both underground & surface • Buffering and adjacency • Trees, topography • Landscaped setback from the road • Fairville Boulevard and Manawagonish Road— arterial roadways, transit service • Recommended rezoning 63 • Maximum of 100 Residential Units + 4 Live/Work Units • CG designation • Municipal Infrastructure improvements the onus of the owner/developer • Potential fire hydrant installation • Site Access • Pedestrian connection to O'Brien Street • Sidewalk extension along Wilson Street • Traffic Impact Statement • Stormwater Management Plan 0 Engagement On July 29, 2022, letters were sent to all property owners within 100 metres of the subject property. 4 letters were received from nearby property owners. In addition, the Developer undertook their own engagement process by sending representatives to visit the abutting homes on Manawagonish Road. At the PAC Meeting, 1 member of the public spoke in opposition to the development. Staff Recommendation • Recommend rezoning 15 O'Brien Street from R2 to CG • Rescind the current Section 59 conditions on 730 Wilson Street • Impose new Section 59 conditions • 2 buildings 50 units each; 4 live work units in southern building • Detailed plans with building permit • Pedestrian connection to O'Brien Street • Extension of curb and sidewalk along Wilson Street PAC Recommendation • Amended Staff Recommendation • Recommend rezoning 15 O'Brien Street from R2 to CG • Amend the current Section 59 conditions on 730 Wilson Street • Impose Section 59 conditions • Committee amendments • Retention of existing trees between the northern building and the boundary with the adjacent properties to the north. • 5-year sunset clause. Alignment of Staff & PAC Recommendation • Staff are in agreement with Committee's amended recommendation for tree retention • Provides additional buffering at north of site • Staff do not recommend imposing a sunset clause • Not considered a speculative development PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE August 18, 2022 Her Worship Mayor Donna Noade Reardon and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Rezoning and Section 59 Application 15 O'Brien Street and 730 Wilson Street On Monday, July 25 2022, Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation. The Committee considered the attached report at its August 16, 2022, meeting. The City of Saint John Mr. Greg Moran, representative for the project (though not listed as a representative in the package), appeared before the Committee. Mr. Moran expressed agreement with the Staff recommendation and provided an overview of the development. Mr. Moran responded to questions from committee members related to tree buffers, construction timelines, and stormwater drainage. Edyth McDermott, of 775 Manawagonish Road, appeared before the Committee in opposition to the development. She noted that her house is directly behind the property at 15 O'Brien Street. Referencing her letter to the Committee, Ms. McDermott noted concerns related to the loss of view, trespassing concerns, as well as traffic and construction impacts related to the development and noted there was insignificant notice from the developer. She also requested the project not proceed. Mr. Moran appeared before the committee again and responded to the questions raised by the area resident. The committee was concerned with protecting the wooded area between the development and the existing properties along Manawagonish Road. Committee members noted the lack of adequate representation from the applicant and debated whether or not to table the application. The Committee debated whether or not to include a 5-year sunset clause on the application due to the limited information provided by the applicant's representative. Responding Page 1 of 4 69 733378 N.B. Ltd 15 O'Brien Street and 730 Wilson Street August 18, 2022 to questions from Committee members, Mark Reade, Senior Planner, and Jennifer Kirchner, Community Planning Manager, noted staff are not recommending a 5-year time limit for completion of construction as the proposed development is not considered speculative. The committee ultimately felt that a sunset clause was necessary for the application. During debate, Mr. Reade noted to the Committee that Staff are recommending further amendments to conditions in relation to stormwater runoff and sewage capacity. No other persons appeared before the Committee and four letters were received regarding the application. Following consideration of the presentations, letters, and Staff report, the Committee unanimously adopted an amended Staff recommendation, as presented below, with additional amendments proposed to Section 59 conditions c, k, and I. RECOMMENDATION: That Common Council rezone a parcel of land having an area of approximately 3118 square meters, located at 15 O'Brien Street, also identified as PID Number 00415711, from Two -Unit Residential (R2) to General Commercial (CG). 2. That Common Council, pursuant to the provisions of Section 59 of the Community Planning Act, rescind the conditions imposed on the March 8, 1993, rezoning, and amended on September 27, 2004, for the parcel of land having an area of approximately 5613 square metres, located at 730 Wilson Street, also identified as PID Number 00035436. 3. That Common Council, pursuant to the provisions of Section 59 of the Community Planning Act, impose the following conditions on the parcels of land having an area of approximately 8,731 square meters, located at 15 O'Brien Street and 730 Wilson Street, identified as PID Numbers 00415711 and 00035436, respectively. a. That the development of the site be limited to the applicant's proposal for a mixed -use development incorporating two buildings with uses limited to the following: i. The southern building, located adjacent to Wilson Street having a maximum of 50 dwelling units and 4 live -work units. ii. The northern building be limited to a maximum of 50 dwelling units. b. That notwithstanding subparagraph 11.7(3)(c)(i) of the Zoning By -Law, dwelling units may be located below the second storey of the proposed buildings. Page 2 of 4 70 733378 N.B. Ltd 15 O'Brien Street and 730 Wilson Street August 18, 2022 c. The development and use of the parcel of land be in accordance with detailed building elevation and site plans, prepared by the proponent and subject to the approval of the Development Officer, illustrating the design and location of buildings and structures, garbage enclosures, outdoor storage, driveway accesses, vehicle and bicycle parking, loading areas, landscaping, amenity spaces, signs, exterior lighting, and other such site features including front yard landscaping in conformance with the Zoning By -Law and side yard landscaping as illustrated on the site plan submitted with the application, and that the landscaping plan include the retention of existing trees in the area between the northern building and the boundary with the adjacent properties to the north of the site along Manawagonish Road. d. The above plans referenced in (c) be attached to the permit application for the development of the parcel of land. e. That pedestrian access to and from the development is facilitated by connecting to the sidewalk on O'Brien Street. If any municipal infrastructure improvements are required to service this proposal, it will be the owner/developer's full responsibility and cost to complete. Prior to determining this, detailed engineering plans and a design brief must be submitted by the owner/developer's engineering consultant to the City for review and approval by the City. g. That the parcel of land be developed and maintained in accordance with an engineering storm water drainage plan and design report, prepared by a professional engineer on behalf of the proponent and subject to the approval of the Chief City Engineer, and that such approved plan and report be attached to any development and/or building permit for the proposed development. h. Should the location of the building sprinkler connections necessitate the installation of an additional fire hydrant, this hydrant installation will be at the expense of the developer. That concrete curb and sidewalk be extended by the developer along the Wilson Street frontage of the site. Page 3 of 4 71 733378 N.B. Ltd 15 O'Brien Street and 730 Wilson Street August 18, 2022 That prior to issuance of any building permits for the proposed development, a Traffic Impact Statement be completed by an engineering consultant engaged by the developer at the developer's expense to review the traffic impacts on the existing roadway network and any required improvements to the existing road network including traffic calming measures. Any improvements identified by the Traffic Impact Statement be the developer's responsibility and cost to complete. k. The site design will be required to control stormwater run-off from site to a flow rate such that the total combined sanitary sewer plus stormwater flow leaving site post development is less than the combined flow leaving the site currently. Saint John Water will undertake flow modeling and further analysis (to be completed by the city) and prior to the acceptance by the City of the developer's engineered final design submission, the City will advise of the total combined post -development sewer (sanitary and storm) flow rate permitted into the City's sewer network. That applications shall be made for both building permits within 5 years of the date the rezoning came into effect. If applications are not completed within that time, Council may take steps to cancel the resolution and agreement and repeal the rezoning pursuant to Section 59(5) and 59(6) of the New Brunswick Community Planning Act. Respectfully submitted, Alex Weaver Crawford Chair Attachments Page 4 of 4 72 The City of Saint John Date: August 12, 2022 To: Planning Advisory Committee From: Growth & Community Services Meeting: August 16, 2022 SUBJECT Applicant: 733378 N.B. Ltd Landowner: C&C International Enterprise and Mischelle Ann and Jordan Alexander Van Thiel Location: 15 O'Brien Street and 730 Wilson Street PID: 00415711 and 00035436 Plan Designation: Stable Residential Existing Zoning: Two -Unit Residential (R2) and General Commercial (CG) Proposed Zoning: General Commercial (CG) Application Type: Zoning Bylaw Amendment and Section 59 Amendment Jurisdiction: The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to give its views to Common Council concerning proposed amendments to the Zoning By-law. Common Council will consider the Committee's recommendation at a public hearing on Tuesday, September 6, 2022. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The applicant is requesting to rezone 15 O'Brien Street and to amend Section 59 conditions on 730 Wilson Street to facilitate the redevelopment of a commercial and residential property. The property located at 730 Wilson Street is currently zoned General Commercial (CG). A rezoning of 15 O'Brien Street from Two -Unit Residential (R2) to General Commercial (CG) is required to facilitate the development of two multi -unit residential buildings, one of which will incorporate live -work units. Amended Section 59 conditions are being proposed as part of the rezoning. Page 1 of 7 73 733378 N.B. Ltd 15 O'Brien Street and 730 Wilson Street August 12, 2022 RECOMMENDATION 1. That Common Council rezone a parcel of land having an area of approximately 3118 square meters, located at 15 O'Brien Street, also identified as PID Number 00415711, from Two - Unit Residential (R2) to General Commercial (CG). 2. That Common Council, pursuant to the provisions of Section 59 of the Community Planning Act, rescind the conditions imposed on the March 8, 1993, rezoning, and amended on September 27, 2004, for the parcel of land having an area of approximately 5613 square metres, located at 730 Wilson Street, also identified as PID Number 00035436. 3. That Common Council, pursuant to the provisions of Section 59 of the Community Planning Act, impose the following conditions on the parcels of land having an area of approximately 8,731 square meters, located at 15 O'Brien Street and 730 Wilson Street, identified as PID Numbers 00415711 and 00035436, respectively. (a) That the development of the site be limited to the applicant's proposal for a mixed -use development incorporating two buildings with uses limited to the following: • The southern building, located adjacent to Wilson Street having a maximum of 50 dwelling units and 4 live -work units. • the northern building be limited to a maximum of 50 dwelling units. (b) That notwithstanding subparagraph 11.7(3)(c)(i) of the Zoning By -Law, dwelling units may be located below the second storey of the proposed buildings. (c) The development and use of the parcel of land be in accordance with detailed building elevation and site plans, prepared by the proponent and subject to the approval of the Development Officer, illustrating the design and location of buildings and structures, garbage enclosures, outdoor storage, driveway accesses, vehicle and bicycle parking, loading areas, landscaping, amenity spaces, signs, exterior lighting, and other such site features including front yard landscaping in conformance with the Zoning By -Law and side yard landscaping as illustrated on the site plan submitted with the application. (d) The above plans referenced in (c) be attached to the permit application for the development of the parcel of land; (e) That pedestrian access to and from the development is facilitated by connecting to the sidewalk on O'Brien Street. (f) If any municipal infrastructure improvements are required to service this proposal, it will be the owner/developer's full responsibility and cost to complete. Prior to determining this, detailed engineering plans and a design brief must be submitted by the owner/developer's engineering consultant to the City for review and approval by the City. Page 2 of 7 74 733378 N.B. Ltd 15 O'Brien Street and 730 Wilson Street August 12, 2022 (g) That the parcel of land be developed and maintained in accordance with an engineering storm water drainage plan and design report, prepared by a professional engineer on behalf of the proponent and subject to the approval of the Chief City Engineer, and that such approved plan and report be attached to any development and/or building permit for the proposed development. (h) Should the location of the building sprinkler connections necessitate the installation of an additional fire hydrant, this hydrant installation will be at the expense of the developer. (i) That concrete curb and sidewalk be extended by the developer along the Wilson Street frontage of the site. (j) That prior to issuance of any building permits for the proposed development, a Traffic Impact Statement be completed by an engineering consultant engaged by the developer at the developer's expense to review the traffic impacts on the existing roadway network and any required improvements to the existing road network including traffic calming measures. Any improvements identified by the Traffic Impact Statement be the developer's responsibility and cost to complete. DECISION HISTORY 730 Wilson Street On March 8, 1993, Common Council amended the Zoning By-law to permit the establishment of a licensed billiard parlour/lounge at the subject site, notwithstanding that the property was located adjacent to a residential zone and adjacent to a licensed club (Royal Canadian Legion). The amendment was approved subject to the imposition of Section 39 conditions including limiting the use of the billiard parlor to a specific floor area, limiting the activities to the interior of the building and specific landscaping requirements. On September 27, 2004, Common Council amended the Section 39 conditions imposed in 1993 to accommodate a revised proposal including an exterior patio area, an additional interior lounge area and revised landscaping requirements. 15 O'Brien Street Third Reading was given on May 21, 1985, to rezone the property from 1-3" Light Industrial Park to "R-2" One- and Two -Family Residential. ANALYSIS Proposal The applicant is proposing to demolish a commercial building containing a billiard parlour, located at 730 Wilson Street (PID 00035436), and an existing two -unit dwelling located at 15 O'Brien Street (PID 00415711) in order to construct two multi -unit residential buildings that feature a total of 104-units including twenty 3-bedroom units, sixty 2-bedroom units, twenty 1- bedroom units, and four live -work units. The two-story live -work units will be located in the southern building adjacent to Wilson Street and overlook a small parking lot with eight parking Page 3 of 7 75 733378 N.B. Ltd 15 O'Brien Street and 730 Wilson Street August 12, 2022 spaces. There will be underground parking located beneath each building with access to both Wilson Street and O'Brien Street. The applicant intends to develop the property in two phases. The Phase One building will consist of fifty residential units and four live -work units located along the southern half of the property facing Wilson Street. The Phase Two building will consist of fifty residential units and will be located on the northern half of the property facing O'Brien Street. Site and Neighbourhood The subject site is located on the City's west side between Manawagonish Road and Fairville Boulevard. The property at 730 Wilson Street is currently being used as a billiard parlour and the property located at 15 O'Brien Street is currently used for residential purposes. The broader neighbourhood is a mixture of uses including residential uses ranging from single-family to multi -unit residential buildings. Within a 400-metre radius of the site, there are diverse commercial and service -based uses that will be beneficial for future residents. This includes multiple shopping complexes and commercial nodes featuring grocery stores, pharmacies, hardware stores, restaurants, and a medical clinic. Residents will also have access to a public library, schools, and other service -based uses within the broader neighbourhood. Areas within the vicinity of the property are designated as Stable Residential to the North of Wilson Street and Regional Retail Centre to the South. The site is accessed from either 15 O'Brien Street or 730 Wilson Street, although the two properties are not currently connected. The subject site is served by public and active transportation. The property is in proximity to bus stops for transit routes 1 B and 13. Route 1 B travels from Greendale to the North End, Uptown, and terminates at McAllister Place. Route 13 mostly serves Milford and terminates at Lancaster Mall. There is a sidewalk located on the east side of O'Brien Street. The sidewalk available on Wilson Street terminates 20 metres from the intersection at O'Brien and begins again 152 metres east. North of the development there is a bike lane on Manawagonish Road that begins at the corner of O'Brien Street and continues west. Zoning The subject site is currently zoned at Two -Unit Residential (R2) (15 O'Brien Street) and General Commercial (CG) (730 Wilson Street). Although a commercial zone by definition, the CG zone also permits dwelling units such as the residential component of the proposed application. Given this, combined with the inclusion of a commercial element through the proposed live -work units, a rezoning of the entire site to CG is being pursued. The proposed development can meet the standards of the CG zone with the exception of the building height. As the CG zone has a maximum building height of 14 metres, a variance is required for the proposed approximate building heights of 16.2 metres and 18.2 metres. Variances associated with the height of the proposed buildings will be administered by the Development Officer. Page 4 of 7 76 733378 N.B. Ltd 15 O'Brien Street and 730 Wilson Street August 12, 2022 Amenity space for the development will include individual balconies and patios for the dwelling units and exterior landscaped common areas for residents of the development. Barrier free (accessible) units (1 accessible unit per 20 dwelling units) will be required along with barrier free parking in accordance with Provincial Regulations. Provision of these elements is a requirement for issuance of the building permit(s) for construction of the development. Housing Needs The development features a total of 104-units ranging from one to three -bedroom units in addition to the live -work units. The City has an identifiable need for housing options with larger bedroom counts, which can provide housing opportunities for larger families including those with children. The diverse unit sizes, along with building typology will help meet the evolving needs of Saint John residents. The applicant has indicated that they are planning to work with CMHC and NB Housing to determine if their project can incorporate affordable housing, based on the active grant and funding programs available. It is too early in the assessment to determine the feasibility of these programs for the specific site and project being proposed. Infrastructure and Protective Services The City's Infrastructure Development and Fire and Emergency Management Service Areas also reviewed the proposal. Fire and Emergency Management Services is supportive of the overall concept and notes the development must meet or exceed all requirements of the 2015 National Building and Fire Codes. Fire safety plans will be required for the construction and occupancy stages of the project and the building design is subject to review and approval by the Provincial Office of the Fire Marshall as required by the provincial Fire Prevention Act. Prior to final design or installation, the Fire Department must be consulted on the location(s) of Fire Department Sprinkler Connections and Fire Alarm Panel location(s). The location of building sprinkler connections may necessitate the installation of an additional fire hydrant at the expense of the developer if the proposed sprinkler connections are not within 45 metres of an existing fire hydrant. A Section 59 condition is recommended related to the provision of an additional fire hydrant if required. Consistent with By -Law requirements, a site servicing plan is required at or prior to the building permit submission detailing the site services. This design is to be completed by a professional engineer. A storm water management plan is also a requirement detailing the approach to mitigate 100-year post development flows to the 5-year predevelopment flow level. In addition, a street excavation permit will be required for installation of the new driveway access along with a Water & Sewerage Permit for servicing connections to the municipal system. Upon review of the proposed development, Infrastructure staff have identified that a Traffic Impact Statement will need to be prepared and submitted for review prior to the application for Page 5 of 7 77 733378 N.B. Ltd 15 O'Brien Street and 730 Wilson Street August 12, 2022 the first building permit for the development. The Traffic Impact Statement will identify any improvements to the existing road network including traffic calming requirements. This is recommended as a Section 59 condition along with a requirement that any improvements identified by the Traffic Impact Statement be the developer's responsibility and cost to complete. Staff also note that concrete sidewalk does not extend along the entire length of the Wilson Street frontage of the site. To support pedestrian connectivity, Staff recommend a condition requiring the developer to extend concrete sidewalk and curb and gutter along the Wilson Street site frontage in conjunction with the construction of the development. Section 59 Conditions 730 Wilson Street has existing Section 59 conditions that will need to be rescinded to facilitate this development. The details of the existing conditions can be found in the Decision History portion of the report. Staff recommends Section 59 conditions limiting the number of units to the proposed development of 104 dwelling units including four work -live units, with the live -work units to be located in the southern building adjacent to Wilson Street. The development and use of the parcel of land be in accordance with detailed site and floor plans, prepared by the proponent and subject to the approval of the Development Officer, illustrating the location of buildings and structures, garbage enclosures, driveway accesses, vehicle parking, loading areas, landscaping, amenity spaces, signs, exterior lighting, and other such site features. Submission of detailed building elevations and site plans at the Building Permit Stage for Development Officer approval and the requirement that any municipal infrastructure improvements required to service this proposal, be the developer's full responsibility and cost to complete. Conclusion The proposed multi -unit residential development with live -work units is supported by the Municipal Plan and is an excellent example of incremental densification. The rezoning of 15 O'Brien to General Commercial will enable the property to be redeveloped in conjunction with 730 Wilson Street as a single multi -building development. Section 59 conditions are recommended related to the site development. ALTERNATIVES AND OTHER CONSIDERATIONS No alternatives were considered. ENGAGEMENT Proponent The applicant has undertaken their own engagement process involving mailouts to properties within 100 metres and direct engagement with property owners along Manawagonish Road. Page 6 of 7 78 733378 N.B. Ltd 15 O'Brien Street and 730 Wilson Street August 12, 2022 Public In accordance with the Committee's Rules of Procedure, notification of the proposal was sent to landowners within 100 metres of the subject property on July 29, 2022. The public hearing notice will be posted on the City of Saint John website on or before August 16, 2022. APPROVALS AND CONTACT Author Manager I Commissioner Thomas Lewallen Jennifer Kirchner, MCIP, RPP I Jacqueline Hamilton, MCIP, RPP Contact: Thomas Lewallen Telephone: (506) 649-6075 Email: thomas.lewallen@saintjohn.ca Application: 22-0165 APPENDIX Map 1: Aerial Photography Map 2: Future Land Use Map 3: Zoning Attachment 1: Site Photography Attachment 2: Municipal Plan Policy Review Submission 1: Site Plan, Elevation Drawings and Preliminary Floor Plans Submission 2: Developer's Information Letter to Area Landowners Page 7 of 7 79 15 O'Brien Street and 730 Wilson Street - Air Photo Angil:,,aas9 � _ •S hb o 4 n` <7 •a pg fR; am r1 I �� 14 .. 1 ~� Sim Alb. o•�y~ rlr '� y. 80 O'Brien Street and 730 Wilson Street - Future Land Use 7129f2022,10:30:03AM 1 :9,028 0 0.05 0.1 0.2 mi Future Land Use Light Industrial Mixed Use Centre Startle Residential Mediuin to High Densily Residential - Regional Retail Centre 0 0.07 0.15 0.3 km Sar mv Es ri, X ERE, Ca m ir. FPO. NO AA. USGS. O Opt ISItt 1Mp OOi Vb11D 9. 31 d Sk GG URF GOm MI IN 15 O'Brien Street and 730 Wilson Street - Zoning RM RL CG CG CL CG R2 RL s Rye R2 Cosre r o st ,� 0 rt202 �. RL' fir; CG ¢yam RL rairvillQy _ C R- C a 'sf,, � o� ; R2 � 1 RL R9 R1 ' J Q us <, z s & f� v 7C290022,11:10:12 AM Cnrerride 1 Concl iorW Z"*v R2 CG Propedy Parcels Zoning RI CL Concb ianW Ionhg Lines RM M CR Us RL 1:4 514 0 0.03 0 A6 0.11 mi 0 0.04 0 M 0.17 km Swwei: ftft NEft l, Gann. FAO, NO AA. UGGS. O Opt ISMeMW oollbobs.al0ih GG Usefc4mmI ov 82 G& vkae r p cpy orsmtm e Site View: Existing Billiard Parlour at 730 Wilson Street Site View: O'Brien Street Looking South to Fairville Boulevard Site View: Looking South at 800 Fairville Boulevard Site View: O'Brien Street Looking North to Manawagonish Road Municipal Plan Policy Planning Assessment Policy LU-87 Intend that the areas designated Stable Residential will evolve over Both properties have evolved over time from the original industrial uses into their time from a land use and built -form perspective, but that new and existing commercial and low -density residential uses. The proposal represents redeveloped land uses are to reinforce the predominant their continued transition into a multi -unit residential building which will provide a community character and make a positive contribution to the physical transition between the big box style commercial development along neighbourhood. Fairville Boulevard and the residential development to the north of the site. Policy LU-88 Ensure that significant new development and redevelopment in areas designated Stable Residential shall generally be permitted only through a rezoning process where compliance is demonstrated with the following requirements: a. The proposed land use is desirable and contributes positively a. The proposed developed incorporates various building and landscaping to the neighbourhood; designs that complement the surrounding areas existing uses and b. The proposal is compatible with surrounding land uses; topography. c. The development is in a location where all necessary water b. The proposal matches the progression of density in the neighbourhood and wastewater services, parks and recreation services, in both residential and commercial aspects. schools, public transit and other community facilities and c. The location of the development allows for connection to City protective services can readily and adequately be provided; infrastructure and will provide easy access to public services including d. Site design features that address such matters as safe public transit, schools, and other community facilities. access, buffering and landscaping, site grading and d. The site design has considered the topography of the site by seeking to stormwater management are incorporated; promote pedestrian access, landscaping that includes a walking trail, and e. A high -quality exterior building design is provided that is adequate green space to minimize stormwater runoff. consistent with the Urban Design Principles in the e. The building design has incorporated various design elements to Municipal Plan; and promote a dynamic fagade by utilizing various shapes, colours, cladding f. The proposal is on a property identified as a Corridor on the materials and sizes to combat monotony. City Structure map (Schedule A) or does not detract from f. The location of the development is located on the dividing line between the City's intention to direct the majority of new residential Stable Residential and Regional Commercial, ensuring that the development to the Primary Centres, Local Centres, and development is consistent with densification efforts in the area. Intensification Areas. Policy UD-9 Ensure all development proposals generally conform to the b. Phase 1 of the development, which includes 50 dwelling units and 4 following General Urban Design Principles: live/work units, faces Wilson Street while Phase 2 of the development, b. Locating building entrances facing the public street; which features 50 dwelling units, faces O'Brien Street. c. Using quality, durable building materials and a consistent level c. The development site is located on the side of a hill and intends of design and detail for all elements of the building; harmonize the 2 buildings with the natural sloping topography. h. Designing for visual interest by incorporating well -articulated h. The development utilizes various elements of design across both building fagades, landscaping, local history, public art and/or buildings while maintaining a cohesive design. culture into sites and buildings; i. The development utilizes well -articulated building fagades while n. Limit surface parking between the front of a building and incorporating the topography to provide a pedestrian oriented the public street or sidewalk; landscaping in the form of a playground and trail along the edges q. Generally locating surface parking, outdoor storage, loading of the property. and other service areas at the rear or side of the property n. Most of the parking will be located underground with the remainder and buffering or screening these functions from adjacent constructed as surface parking to be located between the 2 properties and the public realm. buildings and 8 parking spots located in front of the 4 live/work o. Design safe and direct access to buildings for pedestrians, units. cyclists, and transit users by providing walkways from the o. The development includes walkways that promote access to Wilson public street, transit stops, and parking areas to main Street as well as provides bike storage for 30 bikes within the building entrances and including bike parking and end -of- underground parking garage. trip facilities, where appropriate, and mid -block q. Parking is largely located underground or between the 2 buildings, with connections where possible; 8stallslocated in front of the four live/work units. q. Generally locating surface parking, outdoor storage, loading and other service areas at the rear or side of the property and buffering or screening these functions from adjacent properties and the public realm. Policy UD-10 a/b. The development will utilize existing lots and will revitalize an existing Ensure that new development and redevelopment in Stable corner property. Areas is designed to respect and reinforce the physical character c/d. The development is located in an area that features diverse residential and and uses of the surrounding neighbourhood, having regard for: commercial uses which has established a large range of building a. The local pattern of lots, streets and blocks; typologies, sizes, heights and massing. The scale of the development is b. The size and configuration of lots; suitable as it creates a buffer between the large-scale commercial buildings c. Nearby building types; located to the south and the established residential neighbourhood to the d. The height, scale and massing of nearby buildings; north. e. The setback of buildings from the street; e. The development follows the existing setbacks of the surrounding area. f. The pattern of rear and side yard setbacks; f. The development incorporates ample space for rear and side -yard h. Building materials which contribute to the successful setbacks. integration of the development into its context. h. The development materials are consistent with modern building styles. ( y -t ° (D o °s "0 0 0 ° 0 A �•� 0 PLAY GROUND C U) r � r -v m r , 'o CD 0, � c.r ' 3 to r M��E (D . wo (D a ON NO ��'l I II a ACCESS TO BLDG. A PARKING i O I \ I \ I XI— r — r D \ a ' F 4I / I �, l oo�2 , 'm 11 r03 r r� N 31.40 jM _. 33.80 BLDG. BJ PHASE TWO 21 o .0 ; •oo I DI 'o \ I o 27 30.00 ; •oo 29.00 ' 2028 ' N 30.704-�s�% 33.80m I ' 29 Ilk 12 / Co MM /M �/37 Om _ r r r 34.80 r 34.8 1 1 _80m BLDG. A 35.2. PHASE O N E r r n I _ 31•20 Om 31•g�.. O V�i OT mr Coll �j Z' r ------------------------- - - -- ----- SETBACK 0r, 16.1 m] o �0 4p ■■■■► Nook, 29.00m 13 � ------------ �d -- ���� -- -------------------% 3OOm WALKING PATH F P BBQ. & SITTING AREA ACCESS TO JJf� ,BLDG. B PARKING Q JLIVE/WORK UNITS PHASE ONE LIVE/WORK UNITS ° PARKING 0 1 Site Plan P" —Scale: 1:200 �OO ESTM PROJECT DESCRIPTION CIVIC ADDRESS: 730 Wilson st & 15 O'Brien st Saint John, NB. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PID 000354336, PID 00415711 CURRENT ZONING: CG & R2 PROPOSED: CG SITE AREA: 5 613 m2 +3 118 m2 = 8 731 m2 (93 982.7 s.f.) FLOOR AREA: BLDG. A: 6 590 m2 (70 936 sf) BLDG. B: 6 590 m2 (70 936 sf) Live/Work units: 305 m2 ( 3 283 sf) TOTAL BLDG AREA 13 790 m2 (148 439 sf) FLOOR SPACE RATIO - PROVIDED: 1.58 : 1 FSR SITE COVERAGE: 33.6 % (2 941 m2) OPEN SITE SPACE: 66.4 % (5 790 m2) DENSITY: 100 Residential Units + 4 Live/Work Units SUITE SUMMARY: 0/1 BED: 20 2 BED: 60 3 BED: 20 NUMBER OF STOREYS: 5 storeys SETBACKS: FACING REQUIRED PROVIDED EAST: Wilson St 3 m 3m NORTH: Neighbour 3 m 5.66m WEST: Neighbour 7.5 m 7.5 SOUTH: O'Brien St 6 m 6m PARKING REQUIRED: RESIDENTIAL: 100 SUITES @1 SPACES PER UNIT = 100 SPACES 4 LIVE/WORK @ 2 = 8 SPACES TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED: 108 SPACES PROVIDED: 108 SPACES ACCESSIBLE PARKING: 5 BICYCLE PARKING: 30 SPACESM Covered - Provided in parkade NOTES: (1) : 100 (Units) x 0.3 = 30 Bicycle storage AVERAGE GRADE & HEIGHT CALCULATION: BLDG 'A': AVERAGE GRADE: (31.80+33.80+28.50+30.60) / 4 = 31.175 m BUILDING'A' HEIGHT: 18.79m BLDG 'B': AVERAGE GRADE: (38.00+33.80+33.60+33.80) / 4 = 34.80 m BUILDING'B' HEIGHT: 19.16m NOTE: Height has been calculated to the top of Elevator Core roof 0 2500 1:100 5000mm Rev 1 Date 14 JULY 2022 Deepdpdpn REZONING pmt tlat. 14 JULY 2022 drawing file A100 tlrawn by NEA oheoked by NEA coal. 1:200 1 Pre—namb.r 2203 NOTE: All dimensions are shown in millimeters. parsidevelopment@gmail.com project name Serenity Landing 730 Wilson st & 15 O'brien st Saint John NB tlrawing title Project Data COPYRIGHT RESERVED. THESE PLANS AND tlrawing DESIGNS ARE AND AT ALL TIMES REMAIN THE no. revison no. PROPERTY OF PARSI DEVELOPMENT Itd. n TO BE USED FOR THE PROJECT SHOWN AND MAY 1 O O NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN H CONSENT C7 i �CD CD :V O i r� �m -n 0 CD rn n Q co Q 0 a L rl U) U)v m cn O CD _ 0)C N Q0 CO (D o CD m CD a 41.50m _ - Gr_ � 1 I S�� Y— aN 1 Q A / 1 1 n I G Ov ,-p / 1 \ I Gam\ n rn 21 o 'oo DO 1 D 1 1 �1 I •00 -_ T o ' ' 27 ' � "" .o ... 30.00 ; o 2g.00 '1 20 28 / / / / 29 / \ / 12 ; 11 / / / 7 / / n / \l" 1 34.80 ' 34.8 / '-101/4" vv�vv p 16.1m] o �()4 ado P r C y e CC, I 0� 1 _ `IIII i 0 2500 1:100 5000mm Rev 1 Date 14 JULY 2022 D—Hpdon REZONING pl tdate 14 JULY 2022 d..Ingfile A000 drawn by NEA oheokedby NEA pale 1:nn Preleet .-, 2203 NOTE: All dimensions are shown in millimeters. projed name Serenity Landing 730 Wilson st & 15 O'brien st Saint John NB drawing title Live/Work L1- Plan COPYRIGHT RESERVED. THESE PLANS AND DESIGNS ARE AND AT ALL TIMES REMAIN THE drawing no. revison na. PROPERTY OF PARSI DEVELOPMENT ltd.�/.� TO BE USED FOR THE PROJECT SHOWNN AND MAY 0 1 NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN 1 CONSENT 87 C� 00 P 0 :3 r� �m i U) 60 I ;m1 � —� OJ Irn I 1 r o I � I a 41.50m IY 1 1 � 1 1 � '-101/4" vv�vv p 16.1m] o 4 / / " 29 1 1 o D 21 .00 •00 ; 1 ' D 1 1 •00 27 0 � o 2g.00 '1 20 �01 1 28 »� 1 " ` 1 " � 1 " " 1 \ 1 / 1 1 13 ' M �I�I `IIII _ A. IF- Fm �I ......, a C i 6 Live / Work Unit L2 - BLDG. A PARKING Scale: 1:200 0 2500 1:100 50l Rey 1 Date 14 JULY 2022 Deepdpb.n REZONING Pmt date 14 JULY 2022 drawing file A000 drawn by NEA checked by NEA tale 1:nn lr nl t numbar 2203 NOTE: All dimensions are shown in millimeters. ParsiDevelopment projed name Serenity Landing 730 Wilson st & 15 O'brien st Saint John NB drawing title Live/Work L2 - BLDG A PARKING COPYRIGHT RESERVED. THESE PLANS AND drawing DESIGNS ARE AND AT ALL TIMES REMAIN THE no. ro,,s,,n no. PROPERTY OF PARSI DEVELOPMENT Itd. TO BE USED FOR THE PROJECT SHOWN AND MAY A2 O 2 NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT C� 00 P 0 :V, i 151 0. a 41.50m I d 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 � 1 � 1 1 A 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 60 U NE SE l- tQ 00, 1 1 0 1 1 � 1 1 V � 1 � � a ' C7 ,U) I \ 1 �r 1 03 1 1 Y 0 1 1 1 p Ir IZ1 'r 1 1 ;i a 1� o 1 1 21 'O oo D � QP / � 1 o0 27 o 29.00 r , 20 > 28 „> II 1 12 37 4. Or. 1 34.80 ; �. 1 � 33_80m 1 ���iIIIIII . S}is}SSiSSi � }iS}Sj2S}iS}SSrSStS�i ' �S}3Sr3SiSSSS}iS .......... r i} M W, BLDG. A MAIN FLOOR - BLDG. B PARKING Scale: 1:200 0 2500 5000mm 1:100 Rev 1 Date 14 JULY 2022 Deepdpdon REZONING pmtdate 14JULY2022 drawingfile A000 drawn by NEA ohe0ked by NEA gala 1:nn Pr010ntnambar 2203 NOTE: All dimensions are shown in millimeters. • arsi Development ltd. project name Serenity Landing 730 Wilson st & 15 O'brien st Saint John NB drawing title BLDG. A Main - BLDG. B PARKING COPYRIGHT RESERVED. THESE PLANS AND drawing DESIGNS ARE AND AT ALL TIMES REMAIN THE no. re, son no. PROPERTY OF PARSI DEVELOPMENT Itd. TO BE USED FOR THE PROJECT SHOWN AND MAY A2 0 3 NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT 00 P 0 i 151 a 60 °louuumoul ill �IIIIIIIop 01 A 0 9-PORPS-11-00 4 W1 PAI 0 "00 Afars I � ► • 4 — xtt, =tsxt ♦ . �� ` s=tx'�'�rt t=tf ♦ ,fit . � � � ► �� s ` I ♦ � ' . �s I _ � S 'I � II I • � � ttt ♦ � ,� \,, ® / • S=t� , it 'I ,� ,/ i. =tt=ti>t ��'' : �!� .tsst�tsst ♦ � xt xs� s ra•♦♦�\ \ sus=tit �_��t�ts s=ttst ' �WO \ / � tits tst � � . � 1' x t • r�tsrtsr4rs is 1 tots dL � I LOW., Min 37 .� Om 1 1 34.80 ; 34.8 ' .80m _ '-101/4" vv�vv p 16.1m] o 4 a()o P q r y 6 1 1 1 P � 1 1 . ♦ 1 O �O o � 0 1 1 1 1 �Ay 1 2�a 0 o� �° .��� 1 ° F o � 2 1 1 F E /WO RK 1 �r 26_80m_ 1 YJ1 T; ' � o C 1 Aj ' 1 1 p c 1 � 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 26_80m 1 t � 1 � 1 1 1 � 1 — 1 __C———————————————— l 28_OOm � ..—'���� 29.00m 1 BLDG. A - BLDG. B TYP. FLOOR A204 Scale: 1:200 0 2500 1:100 5000mm Rev 1 Date 14 JULY 2022 Deepdpb.. REZONING pmt date 14 JULY 2022 drawing file A000 drawn by NEA pheeked by NEA gale 1:nn Prel 1-Mbar 2203 NOTE: All dimensions are shown in millimeters. Parsi Development projed name Serenity Landing 730 Wilson st & 15 O'brien st Saint John NB drawing title BLDG. A & B TYP. FLOOR COPYRIGHT RESERVED. THESE PLANS AND drawing DESIGNS ARE AND AT ALL TIMES REMAIN THE no. revison no. PROPERTY OF PARSI DEVELOPMENT ltd.n /� TO BE USED FOR THE PROJECT SHOWNN AND MAY 04 NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN HLl CONSENT Houses on Manawagonish road ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 3 SECTION 'A' A300 Scale:1:200 2 ELEVATION VIEW -2 A300 Scale:1:200 ------------ 5 =1 4 1 k=i `.. 7" �y 4S r3{ ]��� �fcy.�h�� !� �iyf IIIIT�III j f�4;y 1 ELEVATION VIEW -1 A300 Scale:1:200 3 ------ ------ BLDG. B - SIDE VIEW J r 31.175m s — —------------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- - -------------------------------------------- -o LU ;- -37-m- Lu i ry ------------- ---A--3T4-m-- Cn 2 ! z O ----———————— — — — — ———30-m-- t�. J ---- PARKING FOR i LIVE/WORK ' 5 ------------------ 4 --------------------- ------ 3 2 I 1 I BLDG. A - SIDE VIEW LIVE/WORK BLDG. A & LIVE / WORK - FRONT VIEW BLDG. B outline r0 fV•.y;; t0 fyr.y;; ''rye '.{:'ti� �,;•�',yt`2" ��p+ S�� �` �"'i"d*k" �q�l,+ ��� _y�r^ ,fir rt�`'�`h�(;��y,':��iNf � • tS"'aZy�, tS" Mir AVERAGE GRADE 31.175 m 0 2500 5000mm 1:100 Rev 1 Date 14 JULY 2022 Deepdpdon REZONING PI.t date 14 JULY 2022 drawing file A400 drawn by NEA oheoked by NEA coal. 1:200 Preleet number 2203 NOTE: All dimensions are shown in millimeters. • arsi Development ltd. projed name Serenity Landing 730 Wilson st & 15 O'brien st Saint John NB drawing title ELVATIONS & SECTION COPYRIGHT RESERVED. THESE PLANS AND drawing DESIGNS ARE AND AT ALL TIMES REMAIN THE no. revison no. PROPERTY OF PARSI DEVELOPMENT Itd. n TO BE USED FOR THE PROJECT SHOWN AND MAY H O O NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT 91 R V! IFLL4-1kb in I go rrin 49 uf - ^- -- Fes■ � .� IL -�MIE -dM .dM!.o iiil *'.malo■ _ 01" Vol I gm LAW.: Id Dear Neighbour: This letter is to inform you of an exciting, proposed community development in the Greendale area. The corner of O'Brien & Wilson Streets has been proposed as the site of a new residential complex to help address the housing crisis in our city and allow residents of West Saint John to remain in their neighborhood, along with their growing families. The proposal will see the corner of O'Brien & Wilson Streets developed into a gentle density complex, showcasing beautiful outdoor amenities, and supporting entrepreneurs with onsite live/work spaces catering to busy artists, creatives and professionals, to give them the flexibility to run their businesses within steps of home. Within this two-phase project, the corner of O'Brien and Wilson will be transformed into the community of Serenity Landing - bringing 50 loft homes and 4 live/work spaces in Phase I. Further expansion will take place during Phase 2. Not only will Serenity Landing be designed with quality fit and finishes, the development will also encompass units that aim to cater to residents of all income levels. West Saint John has spoken with one united voice! You have made new housing starts one of the area's essential concerns. We've listened and we present you with a project that will beautify an area of the community crying for residential housing which is close to public transit and shopping. We have heard the frustrations from exhausted home -seekers and residents looking to the future wanting to continue their lives in West Saint John but coming up empty, due to historically low vacancy rates and dilapidated homes being their only options. Serenity Landing aims to bring people together as friends, family, and community, by creating not only homes, but an experience for those within. Our goal is to ensure Saint John's West side continues to be an amazing place to live, work and play. We have attached initial renderings of the proposed project to share with you what your future community can look like. We support building up West Saint John to the beautiful, thriving neighborhood its residents deserve now and in the future! We look forward to working in partnership with our immediate neighbors to alleviate your concerns and answering your questions. Not all the details have been worked out yet as we will be changing and adapting with community input and planning department suggestions. We hope you can stand with us and demonstrate your support for this magnificent development that will be one of the first steps in a new and stronger Saint John West! Please contact us at serenitylandingsi@Rmail.com with your feedback, comments, and concerns. Yours Truly, Serenity Landing Saint John 97 Subject: Zoning Bylaw Amendment, Section 59 Amendment and Variance Application 15 O'Brien and 730 Wilson Street. My name is David Bailey; I reside at 765 Manawagonish Road, Saint John I NB and have been living here since 1995. I am writing to express my opposition to the proposed zoning bylaw amendment, section 59 amendment and variance application at 15 O'Brien and 730 Wilson Street. The proposed building(s) would be bordering my backyard and given the immense height, easily visible from both my backyard and house windows. I am concerned with preserving the privacy, solar access, natural habitat for the creatures living in the bordering woods, and character of my home and the adjacent residences. A building(s)of this scale would completely dominate the aesthetic of our neighbourhood and homes within it. The proposed project of a two -building multi -residential is not compatible with the surrounding homes within the area nor is an increase to maximum height fair to neighbouring properties who purchased their homes for the privacy. That itself, is one of my biggest concerns. A multi-storey building would loom over the tree line, creating issues of shadowing on the adjacent properties, and interference with privacy and therefore enjoyment of the resident's private yards. This building would definitely be seen over the tree tops, particularly during the fall, winter, and early spring, when there are little to no leaves present to provide the necessary coverage. I can attest to the fact that, when I look out my back windows on either lower or upper floor, or simply stand anywhere in my yard, I can clearly see all of the lot behind and beside me. A building of this size would absolutely be seen clearly, and any residents living in the upper floors would be able to see just as clearly into my private residence and yard. If in the future, I decide to sell my property, will this expansive multi -unit decrease my property value? The other important area of concern for me is environmental. What precautions are in place to protect the surrounding ecosystem during construction, and such a drastic shift to the local environment? With the proposed build taking up most of the lot, it seems to come quite close to where the down -slope of the affected backyards are and what impact will this have on the stability of the slopes? Will work lights used during construction, and the interior and exterior lighting of the finished project increase light pollution in this area? What assurances are in place that this would not disturb both the peaceful nature of the neighbourhood at night, not to mention the birds, deer 100 and nocturnal creatures that call this area home? What about dumpsters attracting rodents and them migrating to the adjacent properties? I am aware of others in the area who share my concern, and while I can very much appreciate that this type of development contributes to a thriving future for our city, I completely oppose it, and at a minimum would ask for the following considerations: 1. Restrict the height of the buildings to a maximum of 3 stories high. 2. That no approval is granted until developers are able to show that environmental impacts will be at a minimum, and that all long-term impacts have also been considered and precautions put in place. 3. A retaining wall of reasonable height is installed for the 4 to 5 affected private properties to ensure the integrity of the downward slope before construction begins. Respectfully submitted, David Bailey 765 Manawagonish Road 101 Received by Mail. T Subject: Zoning Bylaw Amendment, Section 59 Amend ent an�d Variance Application 15 Q'Brien and 730 Wilson Street. d0�s My name is David Bailey; I reside at 755 Manawagonish Road, Saint John j NB and have been living here since 1995. I am writing to express my opposition to the proposed zoning bylaw amendment, section 59 amendment and variance application at 15 O'Brien and 730 Wilson Street. The proposed building(s) would be bordering my backyard and given the immense height, easily visible from both my backyard and house windows. I am concerned with preserving the privacy, solar access, natural habitat for the creatures living in the bordering woods, and character of my home and the adjacent residences. A buiiding(s)of this scale would completely dominate the aesthetic of our neighbourhood and homes within it, The proposed project of a two -building multi- residential is not compatible with the surrounding homes within the area nor is an increase to maximum height fair to neighbouring properties who purchased their homes for the privacy. That itself, is one of my biggest concerns. A multi-storey building would loom over the tree line, creating issues of shadowing on the adjacent properties, and interference with privacy and therefore enjoyment of the resident's private yards. This building would definitely be seen over the tree tops, particularly during the fall, winter, and early spring, when there are little to no leaves present to provide the necessary coverage. I can attest to the fact that, when I look out my back windows on either lower or upper floor, or simply stand anywhere in my yard, I can clearly see all of the lot behind and beside me. A building of this size would absolutely be seen clearly, and any residents living in the upper floors would be able to see just as clearly into my private residence and yard. If in the future, I decide to sell my property, will this expansive multi -unit decrease my property value? The other important area of concern for me is environmental. What precautions are in place to protect the surrounding ecosystem during construction, and such a drastic shift to the local environment? With the proposed build taking up most of the lot, it seems to come quite close to where the down -slope of the affected backyards are and what impact will this have on the stability of the slopes? Will work lights used during construction, and the interior and exterior lighting of the finished project increase light pollution in this area? What assurances are in place that this ik�] 102 Y would not disturb both the peaceful nature of the neighbourhood at night, not to mention the birds, deer and nocturnal creatures that call this area home? What about dumpsters attracting rodents and them migrating to the adjacent properties? I am aware of others in the area who share my concern, and while I can very much appreciate that this type of development contributes to a thriving future for our city, I completely oppose it, and at a minimum would ask for the following considerations: 1. Restrict the height of the buildings to a maximum of 3 stories high. 2. That no approval is granted until developers are able to show that environmental impacts will be at a minimum, and that all long-term impacts have also been considered and precautions put in place. 3. A retaining wall of reasonable height is installed for the 4 to 5 affected private properties to ensure the integrity of the downward slope before construction begins. R :,,mm t t ed, David Bailey 765 Manawagonish Road 103 To whom it may concern: Hello, My name is Deanna Berry, I'm an existing tenant at 15 O'Brien Street, the location of the proposed development. I have reviewed the details of the project with the developers (who are also my landlords) and I would like to state that I am in full support of the project they're proposing. My family and I found it extremely difficult to find rental housing when we first moved to West Saint John from Ontario. Many of my friends and colleagues acknowledge the difficulty of locating reasonable accommodation and I firmly believe that the proposed development known as "Serenity Landing" and others like it will greatly benefit the city of Saint John by giving us more newer housing and allowing us choices of where to live. I have older kids that are getting ready to move out in a few years, and I'm scared of the struggle they'll face when they're looking at renting their own homes. After living at 15 O'Brien Street over this last year, I have noticed that the Pool Hall beside our address tends to attract rowdy kids who often drink and party in the forested area on the property. I would love to see something added to this area which would improve security and turn this corner into a desirable place to live. In short, I am fully supportive of my landlord's proposal, of whom have been so great to deal with. Best, 104 From: Planning Admin To: Reade, Mark; Lewallen, Thomas Subject: FW: Rezoning for 15 O'Brien Street and 730 Wilson Street Date: August 16, 2022 1:46:05 PM From: OneStop <onestop@saintjohn.ca> Sent: August 16, 2022 1:43 PM To: Planning Admin <planningadmin@saintjohn.ca> Subject: FW: Rezoning for 15 O'Brien Street and 730 Wilson Street From: Timothy Herd <herd.timothy90Pgmail.com> Sent: August 16, 2022 1:21 PM To: OneStop <onestop(@saintjohn.ca> Subject: Rezoning for 15 O'Brien Street and 730 Wilson Street [ External Email Alert] "Please note that this message is from an external sender. If it appears to be sent from a Saint John employee, please forward the email to snamsample&saintio, hn.ca or contact IT Service Desk at 649-6047. * * Dear City Staff, PAC, and Councillors, The purpose of this email is to provide comment on the rezoning application for 15 O'Brien Street and 730 Wilson Street. My name is Tim, and I am resident on Manawagonish Road, which is directly behind the proposed rezoning. My partner and I have questions regarding the rezoning. How will this rezoning impact the integrity of the hillside behind Manawagonish? How will it change the green space? Is there any impact to the value of Manawagonish homes? What exactly is the rezoning applicant purposing? Is it a high rise building? 105 I hope you can include this in tonight's PAC meeting. Thank you, Tim Herd 747 Manawagonish Road herd.timothy90(@gmail.com 506-271-4097 106 From: Smith, Aaron (ASD-S) To: OneStoD Subject: RE: zoning change 15 O'Brian St Date: August 16, 2022 11:41:26 AM [ External Email Alert] **Please note that this message is from an external sender. If it appears to be sent from a Saint John employee, please forward the email to spamsample@saintjohn.ca or contact IT Service Desk at 649-6047. * * To whom it may concern, I have serval concerns in regard to this zoning change so the land can be developed into 2 two building multi -units. 1. The loss of the green space would be devastating to the property owners. This would have been one of the deciding factors why many of us residences purchased property here. 2. The loss of privacy. Two multi -unit buildings would have apartments facing our backyards. 3. The destruction of 100 trees or more in a residential area and the environmental impact this would have is concerning. 4. Finally, the impact this development will have on all of our property values is particularity concerning. Thank you, Aaron Smith 753 Manawagonish Rd 107 FROM: Edythe McDermott, 775 Manawagonish Road TO: Members of the Planning Advisory Committee, City of Saint John RE.: Zoning Bylaw Amendment, Section 59 Amendment and Variance Application for 15 O'Brien Street and 730 Wilson Street DATE: August 14, 2022 I own and live at 775 Manawagonish Road, at the corner with O'Brien Street. My property abuts the lot at 15 O'Brien Street. My family has lived at 775 Manawagonish for approximately 50 years. Four generations of my family have lived in the neighbourhood. I am the third generation to live on the same block. I welcome new residents moving to the area and support the general idea of residential development in the city. I do not support this project, however. It is not suitable for the proposed location for the following reasons: • Lack of Privacy — Currently I can clearly see both stories of the existing house at 15 O'Brien and much of the pool lounge on Wilson from my house, even when trees in between are leafed out. The proposed buildings will be significantly taller and wider. Many residents in the new buildings will easily be able to view my yard and house windows. It will negatively affect my ability to enjoy/use my property (especially when trees are bare). This is a significant loss of privacy in my home. • Increased Traffic — O'Brien Street is already quite busy for a side street. The proposed development will significantly increase traffic. My driveway exits onto O'Brien. Currently, during weekdays, I have trouble exiting/entering my driveway due to traffic. This will become much worse. • Reduced Light Levels —The proposed buildings will block morning sunlight from neighbouring properties on Manawagonish. Neighbour's ability to enjoy our yards will be compromised. For example, I am an avid gardener. Reduced sunlight will interfere with my ability to pursue a longstanding hobby. • Environmental/Ecological Effects —The strip of mature greenery between neighbouring houses and 15 O'Brien is an asset to the neighbourhood. A variety of wildlife transit through or live in this area. Have ecological impacts been considered? Also, removal of plants from committee members August 14, 2022 Page 2 this area can increase soil erosion from the hillside. Reducing this area will potentially destabilize the hillside, negatively affect local wildlife and reduce property values for neighbouring properties • Increased Noise — From my house I can clearly hear conversations and other noises at 15 O'Brien. This is only one household. Multiply that by 104 households and 4 businesses and the potential exists for significantly increased noise levels. • Trespassing — It will be tempting for residents to trespass through neighbour's property as a shortcut to get to schools, churches, bus routes, recreational facilities and businesses on Main St. West. Also, they may mistake the wooded strip for public property and use it for recreational purposes. There is no mention of how the developer will ensure that residents and their visitors do not trespass onto the property of neighbouring homeowners. A fence should be installed along the property line to prevent trespassing, at the developer's expense. This should be a "good neighbour" style fence that will be attractive to look at from the neighbour's properties, not an unsightly industrial style fence. • Liability Potential — According to project drawings a playground will be situated near the property line with neighbours. Unattended children could wander away from the playground and onto neighbouring properties. If they are injured on our property, could we be held liable? What options do we have if residents or visitors damage our property? • Lack of Communication —The Engagement section of the Staff Report mentions that "The applicant has undertaken their own engagement process involving mailouts to properties within 100 metres and direct engagement with property owners along Manawagonish Road." I received a letter from the applicant on August 10. 1 did not receive any "direct engagement". August 10 is far too late to receive important information that needs to be responded to by August 15 (only two full business days). It did not leave adequate time to gather information and have questions answered. Communication needed to have more information and be distributed earlier. I have reviewed the letter submitted by Mr. David Bailey at 765 Manawagonish. I fully agree with the content of his letter. Due to the reasons described above, the project as currently designed is not suitable for the proposed location. I therefore ask that the PAC deny this request. 109 0101V 5rf Bevel Shop*pirent PLANNING BUILDING INFRASTRUCTURE SAINT JOHN OneStop@saintjohn.ca Phone:658-2911 Fax:632-6199 General Application Form GROWTH & COMMUNITY SERVICES CITY OF SAINT JOHN LOCATION CIVICADDRESS: PID#: LU HERITAGE AREA: Y / N INTENSIFICATION AREA: Y / N FLOOD RISK AREA: Y / N APPROVED GRADING PLAN: Y / N D LL APPLICATION M DATE RECEIVED: Q Ln RECEIVED BY: APPLI CANT EMAI L PHONE z O MAILING ADDRESS POSTAL CODE F- Q CONTRACTOR EMAIL PHONE O z — MAILING ADDRESS POSTAL CODE H z Q U J OWNER EMAIL PHONE CL CL Q MAILING ADDRESS POSTAL CODE PRESENT USE: PROPOSED USE: J BUILDING PLANNING INFRASTRUCTURE HERITAGE Q❑ INTERIOR RENOVATION ❑ NEW CONSTRUCTION ❑ VARIANCE ❑ STREET EXCAVATION ❑ HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT Q ❑ EXTERIOR RENOVATION ❑ ACCESSORY BLDG ❑ PLANNING LETTER ❑ DRIVEWAY CULVERT ❑ HERITAGESIGN ❑ ADDITION ❑ POOL ❑ PAC APPLICATION ❑ DRAINAGE ❑ HERITAGE INFILL J Q ❑ DECK ❑ DEMOLITION ❑ COUNCILAPP ❑ WATER & SEWERAGE ❑ HERITAGE DEMO Y w CHANGE OF USE SIGN SUBDIVISIONOTHER OTHER 2 U ❑ MINIMUM STANDARDS El OTHER [—]OTHER LL O z O Y a O � z U N W ❑ I consent to the City of Saint John sending to me commercial electronic messages, from time to time, regarding City initiatives and incentives. General Collection Statement This information is being collected in order for the City of Saint John to deliver an existing program / service; the collection is limited to that which is necessary to deliver the program / service. Unless required to do so by law, the City of Saint John will not share your personal information with any third party without your express consent. The legal authority for collecting this information is to be found in the Municipalities Act and the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act. For further information or questions regarding the collection of personal information, please contact the Access & Privacy Officer: City Hall Building 15 Market Square Saint John, NB E21- IE8 CommonClerk@saintj ohn.ca (506) 658-2862 The c7ry of saint Cahn I, the undersigned, hereby apply for the permits) or approval(s), indicated above for the work described on plans, submissions and forms herewith submitted. This application includes all relevant documentation necessary for the applied for permit(s) or approval(s). I agree to comply with the plans, specifications and further agree to comply with all relevant City By-laws and conditions imposed. Applicant Name Applicant Signature Date dn� Development Shop ..'. 'I .�, I: II.:'I I.-I+.'-,.1I:I, II'y+.l. SAINT fOF[N Council Application GROWTH & COMMUNITY SERVICES CITY OF SAINT JOHN CIVIC ADDRESS APPLICATION # FEE PAID Y N TYPE OF APPLICATION Land for Public Purposes Release Application Fee: $350 Section 59 Amendment Application Fee: $2,650 Non -Conforming Use Application Fee: $250 Zoning By-law Amendment Application Fee: $2,650 Satisfactory Servicing Application Fee: $350 Zoning By-law Amendment with Municipal Plan Amendment Application Fee: $3,700 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF APPLICATION Where applicable, indicate the changes to existing Section 59 conditions, zoning, or Municipal Plan designation being requested. Attach site plans, building elevations, floor plans, and other documentation to fully describe the application. The submission of a preliminary proposal and a Pre -Application Meeting is encouraged prior to seeking approval. Please contact the One Stop Development Shop at (506) 658-2911 or OneStop@saintjohn.ca for further information. ENCUMBRANCES Describe any easements, restrictive covenants, and other encumbrances affecting the land. AUTHORIZATION As of the date of this application, I, the undersigned, am the registered owner of the land described in this application or the authorized agent thereof, and I have examined the contents of this application and hereby certify that the information submitted with the application is correct insofar as I have knowledge of these facts, and I hereby authorize the applicant to represent this matter and to provide any additional information that will be neces ry for this application. Registered Owner or Authorized Agent Additional Registered Owner Date Date The information contained in this application and any documentation, including plans, drawings, reports, and studies, provided in support of this application will become part of the public record. Council Application Form 2021 06 01 111 dn� Development Shop ..'. 'I .�, I: II.:'I I.-I+.'-,.1I:I, II'y+.l. SAINT fOF[N Variance Application GROWTH & COMMUNITY SERVICES CITY OF SAINT JOHN CIVIC ADDRESS APPLICATION # FEE PAID Y N TYPE OF APPLICATION Tier 1 & 2 Variance Variance considered by the Development Officer Application Fee: $200 for up to five variances plus $50 for each additional variance beyond five PAC Variance Variance considered by the Planning Advisory Committee Application Fee: $400 for up to five variances plus $100 for each additional variance beyond five DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF APPLICATION Attach site plans, building elevations, floor plans, and other documentation to fully describe the application. ENCUMBRANCES Describe any easements, restrictive covenants, and other encumbrances affecting the land. AUTHORIZATION As of the date of this application, I, the undersigned, am the registered owner of the land described in this application or the authorized agent thereof, and I have examined the contents of this application and hereby certify that the information submitted with the application is correct insofar as I have knowledge of these facts, and I hereby authorize the applicant to represent this matter and to provide any additional information that will be neces ary for this application. Registered Owner or Authorized Agent Additional Registered Owner Date Date The information contained in this application and any documentation, including plans, drawings, reports, and studies, provided in support of this application will become part of the public record. Variance Application Form 2021 06 01 112 DocuSign Envelope ID: OFA8E6E5-5F8F-4C3A-AO43-951DCDAC5B3F 10 REM -TOR Property: Seller: Buyer: AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE SCHEDULE A Approved by The New Brunswick Real Estate Association for use by members under An Act to Incorporate The New Brunswick Real Estate Association 730 Wilson Street C&C International Enterprises Ltd. 733378 NB Ltd. and/or Assi Saint John NB E2M 3V2 IOL® norms. H 11Vn The following conditions form part of the above mentioned Agreement of Purchase and Sale: 1). This offer is conditional upon the buyer successfully rezoning the entire parcel of land from CG (commercial general) to RH (Residential High Rise), or whatever zoning classification necessary as advised by the City of Saint John Planning Department within six months (September 30,2022) of an accepted offer. Further, the buyer, at the buyers cost, agrees to undertake all of the requirements of the zoning application, and the vendor will cooperate with the buyer to sign the zoning application, allowing the process to begin. Failure of the rezoning application shall make this offer null and void, at the sole option of the buyer, without penalty to the buyer, and any and all deposit monies paid in trust to the vendor, will be returned to the buyer, without interest. Dated at Victoria BC , this 29th Signed and delivered in the presence of WITNESS WITNESS Dated at this Signed and delivered in the presence of WITNESS WITNESS day of March , 20 22 DocuSigned by: 34WYERI ME046E... BUYER day of SELLER SELLER 20__ The trademarks REALTOR®, REALTORS®, and the REALTOR- logo are controlled by The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify real estate professionals who are members of CREA. Used under license. The trademarks MLS®, Multiple Listing Service® and the associated logos are owned by The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) and identify the quality of services provided by real estate professionals who are members of CREA. Page 1 of 1 113 Form 307 Revised: lone 2018 CREA WEBForms® :0111� July/2018 a pIL pIL — PIL o- pIL — PIL — I a a I — PIL — PIL —P2 —PIL 0 pIL pIL IL pIL I \l / Q Q La QJ n D � C P/L P/L PI PIL D /L P 0 ahead Powerline PIL P/L P/L PIL P/L P/ E H EON p Ow eC\\(\jEON/ Chedd EON Ov EON Waterline ° —ESAN ESAN ESAN ESAN ESAN ESAN ESAN P/L P/L P/L PIL P/L P/L P/L - U 0 JQ 7 D Q U N I �D<0 V Lot B File 46 Plan 73 PID 00415711 uildi D a a va C7 p � o C Q 1 o pa o > o ° _ g a 0 o a 1 — o � o P � o D � � a 0 0 w O a � ESTM u° ESTM� / 0 � r a a W o a 2 w o 5 0 w I° o � I I ° �o x � P/L P/L P/L P/L P/L P/L P/L P/L P/L P/L P/L P/L P/L — I _ 0 a Q Asphalt a Parking o w a - a 0 N 3 1 I 4 D w a w n Building I W o � Leo 1n� I a D Ix O rt.r 111--NLLL o _ to — UJ ° I� w o 1a1 0) � EOH I `• • �° 3 W I iv I 'L u Leo ° Lot A o I D File 46 Plan 73 N a I PID 00035436, M ° Asphalt Parking; ° o s D I D a w a o o � ov 0 0 M a I w C en 0 t o D o b o a o do o� o d o � a D ° � o o I � F . DFS ry a Sr ESAN ESAN —ESAN ESAN ESAN — a ESTM ESTM 6 0 Notes 1. Service New Brunswick Property fabric was used in the creation of this plan. 2. Service New Brunswick digital elevation was used in the creation of this plan dated 2018. 3. City of Saint John infrastructure mapping was used. 4. Major Contours = 1.00m 5. Minor Contours = 0.10m Sketch Showing o i P/L P/L P /L P/ P /L P/L P/ L P/L P/L P/L P/L Jordan van Thiel � ° E H E E OH EOH EO 'Brien Street /\ w o O'Brien Street�� w Concrete Sidewalk Saint ,John County, NB 17.069 wide PID 55217830 \ W o SCALE: 1:250 METRIC N w 5432 1 5 10 15 0 o Sanitary Line W S W A � N E AN AN E A ES N SAN A ES E N ESN SAN AN AN�—ESAN ESAN ESAN ESAN ESAN ESAN ESAN ESAN — M E M O E E W CD EW E E W F Waterline 0 Sanitary Line E A A SAN ES N SA A E AN E AN N ESA E A ESAN ESAN ESAN ESAN ESAN ESAN ESAN ESAN ESAN ESAN 1 0 � o O P/L P P/ P L P/L P/L /L P/L L /L 4, P/L P/L PIL P/L P/L P/L P/L P/L P/L P/L PIL � Q 0 0 0 a � o v e � d 114 C Z CV u m o =r a CD�- 0 0 PLAY GROUND v (D a ACCESS TO BLDG. A PARKING 35.- 0 1 1 1 11 1 D� P C7 O D� X 3- 1 11 1 � — E ' 1 ;CP 'm 1 1 1 W ;n 1 N 31.40 33.80 BLDG. B �st \ � � I 1 PHASE TWO 21 •°° o I I D I 1 '° o� 1 27 o - 30.00 1 29.00 ; 20 ' 1 1 28 1' N 30.70 / ' 1 33.80m I I ' 1 1 29 ' 1 1 13 ' 1 1 1 0 12 18'-7 318" M / 1 Cl) 1 M 2 1 1 9'4. Om— . 34.80 34.8 �' 1 _80m BLDG. A PHASE ONE '-10 1/4" 16.1 m]-� 31.2C 31.i 29.00m is. =MN-M !�RiwSi■ 28_80m_ ------------ r.--�' -- �`_ ---------------- 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 300m WALKING PATH F BBB _-� SITTIN 0 Q. & G AREA ACCESS TO JJf� ,BLDG. B PARKING 1VLIVE/WORK UNITS PHASE ONE 0 LIVE/WORK UNITS ° PARKING 1 0 o 1 1 Site Plan o PL A100 Scale:1:200 —. ES A. / 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION CIVIC ADDRESS: 730 Wilson st & 15 O'Brien st Saint John, NB. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PID 000354336, PID 00415711 CURRENT ZONING: CG & R2 PROPOSED: CG SITE AREA: 5 613 m2 +3 118 m2 = 8 731 m2 (93 982.7 s.f.) FLOOR AREA: BLDG. A: 6 590 m2 (70 936 sf) BLDG. B: 6 590 m2 (70 936 sf) Live/Work units: 305 m2 ( 3 283 sf) TOTAL BLDG AREA 13 790 m2 (148 439 sf) FLOOR SPACE RATIO - PROVIDED: 1.58 : 1 FSR SITE COVERAGE: 33.6 % (2 941 m2) OPEN SITE SPACE: 66.4 % (5 790 m2) DENSITY: 100 Residential Units + 4 Live/Work Units SUITE SUMMARY: 0/1 BED: 20 2 BED: 60 3 BED: 20 NUMBER OF STOREYS: 5 storeys SETBACKS: FACING REQUIRED PROVIDED EAST: Wilson St 3 m 3m NORTH: Neighbour 3 m 5.66m WEST: Neighbour 7.5 m 7.5 SOUTH: O'Brien St 6 m 6m PARKING REQUIRED: RESIDENTIAL: 100 SUITES @1 SPACES PER UNIT = 100 SPACES 4 LIVE/WORK @ 2 = 8 SPACES TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED: 108 SPACES PROVIDED: 108 SPACES ACCESSIBLE PARKING: 5 BICYCLE PARKING: 30 SPACESM Covered - Provided in parkade NOTES: (1) : 100 (Units) x 0.3 = 30 Bicycle storage AVERAGE GRADE & HEIGHT CALCULATION: BLDG 'A': AVERAGE GRADE: (31.80+33.80+28.50+30.60) / 4 = 31.175 m BUILDING IA' HEIGHT: 18.79m BLDG 'B': AVERAGE GRADE: (38.00+33.80+33.60+33.80) / 4 = 34.80 m BUILDING IB' HEIGHT: 19.16m NOTE: Height has been calculated to the top of Elevator Core roof 0 2500 1:100 5000mm Rev 1 wte 14 JULY 2022 Deapdpdpn REZONING Plptdate 14JULY2022 d—Ingfile A100 drawn by NEA oheoked by NEA ------------- oal� 1,200 Prnientnambar 2203 NOTE: All dimensions are shown in millimeters. parsidevelopment@gmail.com project name Serenity Landing 730 Wilson st & 15 O'brien st Saint John NB tlrawing title Project Data COPYRIGHT RESERVED. THESE PLANS AND tlrawing DESIGNS ARE AND AT ALL TIMES REMAIN THE no. revison no. PROPERTY OF PAR DEVELOPMENT ltd. n TO BE USED FOR THE PROJECT SHOWN AND MAY O O NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN Al CONSENT 115 C7 i �CD CD i U) a 41.50m 1 1 I � ' 1 1 / 1 / 1 / / 1 1 1 1 35.�0 Cp 1 o 1 Y- U) rn ' \ ' Q7 / G\ ,n 2 \ 1 'Z 1 :m 1 1 I 21 •00 O 1 1 D1 �y - - o - 27 0 30.00 t Ir l 29.00 '1 20 1 1 2 8 1 - 29 - 1 13 o\ 1 1 C �\ 1 1 12 ' ` / / 1 318" Q o 7 It / n / 1 / � 1 , d 30 1 1 i 1 34.8 r VV '^ O � 1 O 1 O 1 26.80m _ 1 ' O Om / 1 p �1 1 O \ A t 1 \ 1 1 1 \ \ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — / — — — — — — — — CIETBACK L '-10 1 /4" p 16.1 m] o ,0 4 25_80m IN -UNS i I N • 11 • MII a C --o a 1 Live / Work Unit L1 A201 Scale:1:200 0 2500 5000mm 1:100 Rev 1 wte 14 JULY 2022 Desodpdon REZONING plotdate 14JULY2022 drawingfile A000 drawn by NEA oheokedby NEA pale 1:nn prnleetnambar 2203 NOTE: All dimensions are shown in millimeters. project name Serenity Landing 730 Wilson st & 15 O'brien st Saint John NB drawing title Live/Work L1- Plan COPYRIGHT RESERVED. THESE PLANS AND DESIGNS ARE AND AT ALL TIMES REMAIN THE drawing no. revs—n na. PROPERTY OF PARSI DEVELOPMENT ltd. TO BE USED FOR THE PROJECT SHOWN AND MAV �/.� 0 1 NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN 1 CONSENT 116 C7 :3 i U) a 41.50m ; 1 I � ; 1 / 1 / 1 / / 1 11 11 1 CP m; T� t W 1 0. 1 r' Z' 1 m; 1 l_I \ - o I 1 1 1 -C 1 11 �� o Vy,— / 1 1 Im ' \ ' Q7 / G\ ,n 2\ 1 'Z 1 :m 1 1 1 / 29 ---------- - --- �ETBACK L 1-10 1/4" 16.1 m]� 25_SOm I t I i 27 OOm - -- -- -- ---------------- M-00i 29.00m v C -o ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1' 1 ; 1 1 1 1 1 1 / 1 1 1 11 1' 1 1b D O P (Ce 1� O --o 1 Live / Work Unit L2 - BLDG. A PARKING o " _ A202 Scale: 1:200 — — ` ES ESTM 0 2500 5000mm 1:100 Hav 1 wte 14 JULY 2022 Deaodpdon REZONING plotdate 14JULY2022 drawingfile A000 drawn by NEA pheoked by NEA pale 1:nn Prolent--, 2203 NOTE: All dimensions are shown in millimeters. projed name Serenity Landing 730 Wilson st & 15 O'brien st Saint John NB drawing title Live/Work L2 - BLDG A PARKING COPYRIGHT RESERVED. THESE PLANS AND drawing DESIGNS ARE AND AT ALL TIMES REMAIN THE no. re,,sion no. PROPERTY OF FOR PROJECT SHOWN TO BE USED FOR THE PROJECT SHOWN AND MAY A202 NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT o , 0J 117 O a a A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1 t 35.�, 0 Cn t 0. 1 ru- 01zTBACK L 110 1/4" p 16.1 m] o 4 60 P—� O I 1 1 1 t a o ENE�� -Y � a A— \' 1 1 'm TOD- 1 -O O 27_OOm_ f.' 28.00m_ 29_00m� 26_80m— t 1 1 1 1 ^� 1 �� ��- V- 1 a BLDG. A MAIN FLOOR - BLDG. B PARKING o � A203 Scale:1:200 ES ESTlq 0 2500 5000mm 1:100 Rev 1 wte 14 JULY 2022 De Hptlon REZONING plot date 14 JULY 2022 drawing file A000 drawn by NEA pnaokad by NEA pale 1:nn Prnlent--, 2203 NOTE: All dimensions are shown in millimeters. FM Parsi Development projed name Serenity Landing 730 Wilson st & 15 O'brien st Saint John NB tlrawing title BLDG. A Main - BLDG. B PARKING COPYRIGHT RESERVED. THESE PLANS AND tlrawing DESIGNS ARE AND AT ALL TIMES REMAIN THE no. r..iision no. PROPERTY OF PARSI DEVELOPMENT Itd. n /� TO BE USED FOR THE PROJECT SHOWN AND MAY O 3 NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN HLl CONSENT 118 :3 A 11 1 1 1 A- 1 1 1 1 35.k V+1 a 1 1 I 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 A— I —rn 1 1 03 1 c� UJI 00 p 1 • VV � 1 1 1 � O 27 o ° 30.00 r� 29.00 ; 20 �trtt�t� �tx � �rstrssts'ttrtf / t.rtsrt�ssgst .. 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PROPERTY OF PARSI DEVELOPMENT Itd. rl TO BE USED FOR THE PROJECT SHOWN AND MAY 2 O NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN H CONSENT 119 Houses on Manawagonish road — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ SECTION 'A' ��o 0 Scale: 1:200 ELEVATION VIEW -2 ��o 0 Scale: 1:200 7" Aj ELEVATION VIEW -1 ��o 0 Scale: 1:200 ------ ------ BLDG. B -SIDE VIEW ------ __,_L1 W 5 4 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ 5 3 CO E (D C) 4 2 EO E 3 co 2 LU -37-m- Uj PARKADE -------------------------------- ...... ...... +-34-m­ Cn ------------- -- PARKING 2 z ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ...... ...... ...... ...... —30-m-- C/) _j ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ AVERA E GRADE PARKING FOR 31.175m r) LIVE/WORK ------------- F_ ------------- --------------------- --- ------------- ------------------ ----- 5 FF] IF 4 --- ------------ ---------- 3 P2 ----------- ---------------- ---------- FF-- ii r i i BLDG. A -SIDE VIEW LIVE/WORK BLDG. A &LIVE /WORK -FRONT VIEW -BLDG. B outline AVERAGE GRADE 31.175 m 0 2500 5000mm = = = I 1 : 100 Rev 1 wte 14 JULY 2022 D­Hpb.n REZONING plot date 14 JULY 2022 drawing file A400 drawn by NEA cneoked by NEA ale 1:200 Prnl­ namner 2203 NOTE: All dimensions are shown in millimeters. Parsi Development ltd. pmj,d,,,, Serenity Landing 730 Wilson st & 15 O'brien st Saint John NB drawing title ELVATIONS & SECTION COPYRIGHT RESERVED. THESE PLANS AND drawing DESIGNS ARE AND AT ALL TIME REMAIN THE n. PROPERTY OF PARSI DEVELOPMENT ltd. TO BE USED FOR THE PROJECT HOWNAND MAY A300 NOT BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT 120 Serenity Landing 15 O'Brien & 730 Wilson Street Proposal: 100 Residential Condominium Units + 4 Live/Work Units Location: 15 O'Brien Street & 730 Wilson Street, Saint John Lot Size: 93,980 sqft Buildable Size: 148,439 sqft FSR: 1.58:1 Project Description: This proposal is to develop the existing duplex and pool hall located on the two adjoining lots with two 5-storey condominium buildings fronting Wilson and O'Brien Street with 1 level of podium parking and a 2 storey live/work component fronting the lanes. The development boasts 100 condominium units and 4 live/work units with 108 vehicle parking stalls and 30 secure bike stalls. The project will provide 148,439 sqft of buildable real estate with a portfolio mix of twenty 1 bedroom units and sixty 2 bedroom units, twenty 3 bedroom units and 4 live/work units across two buildings. One floor of ground level parking is provided under each apartment building with access via Wilson and O'Brien Street. Secure bicycle storage is also located on this level. It is expected that vehicle use may be reduced by the proximity to multiple transit routes. The 2-story live/work units will amiate and enhance the existing lane by having direct access to each unit and having an overlook of the lane, providing friendly pedestrian frontage that promotes active Ianeways and community safety. The project is to be built out in two phases with the first building being constructed at the corner of Wilson and O'Brien Street. An additional parking area will separate the two buildings while the development will be surrounded by a walking trail and green area. The surrounding community is highly walkable, with the development being strategically located near both Barrhill Memorial and St. Rose School, as well as the Fairville Boulevard Commercial Plaza, which includes various grocery and department stores. 121 Rezoning Rationale: The purpose of this application is to rezone the property at 15 O'Brien Street and 730 Wilson Street to CG (Commercial General) for the purposes of proposing 104 residential homes (100 condominium units plus 4 live/work units) to be constructed on the corner of Wilson Street and O'Brien Street in West Saint John. The proposed use, build and character form of development comply with the parameters of the suggested zoning with only minimal variances needed. 15 O'Brien is currently zoned as R2, with permitted uses allowing for a duplex residential structure as currently exists on the premises. 730 Wilson is zoned an underlying CG with site specific Section 59 amendments in place for the purposes of operation as a billiards hall, an establishment that has been in place for many years. The overarching proposed rezoning is a site specific zoning to 15 O'Brien and 730 Wilson under Commercial General (CG) for purposes of one mixed use building of 50 units and 4 live/work commercial units. 15 O'Brien, as Phase II of this project, is being proposed under a site specific CG such that a site specific covenant to allow 50 residential units under Phase II with no commercial element within the building. Given the shared amenity and parking spaces, and the centrepoint access of the Phase II building, it is reasonable that the property would serve to provide excess residential inventory and would not be suitable for commercial units. Variances: Two Tier 1 & 2 variances are being sought for the purposes of this rezoning application. A height variance of 4.6 meters for the South portion of the site is being requested to increase height from 14 to 18.6 meters, and a height variance of 3.6 meters is requested to increase the height on the north portion of the site from 14 to 17.6 meters. A potential rear lot line setback variance may be requested due to balconies falling within 1 meter of the rear lot setback line on the northeast corner of the site. Location: Half of the subject site on 15 O'Brien St is located in the Southwest end of Saint John, oriented facing O'Brien St on the southwest front lot line of the property, and backing onto properties extending to Coster St. on the Northeast rear lot line. The secondary subject of 730 Wilson St. is located on the Southeast Corner of O'Brien St and Southwest Corner of Wilson St, having a front lot line facing Southeast on Wilson St. The rear lot line faces northwest perpendicular to Manawagonish Road, with the Southwest left side lot line directly on O'Brien St and the Northeast right side lot line backing onto property facing Coster St. Subject development site is located in the residential community of Greendale, one block Northwest of Fairville Blvd's ample retail services, inclusive of Canadian Tire, Home Hardware, Sobeys, Apple Self Storage and Kent Building Supplies. It is also two blocks Southwest of Greendale village, a gentle duplex density area with retail services inclusive of TD Bank, CIBC, and multiple gas stations and local eateries. Access to NB Route 1 is within a 3 minute drive off Fairville Blvd, with a direct route to Uptown Saint John within a 10 minute commute. Location wise, Serenity Landing is both walkable and transit accessible via Westwind Place bus stops on both North and South sides of Fairville Boulevard roughly 20 meters away from the corner of O'Brien Street and Fairville Blvd. 122 Elevations: Attached elevation drawings and Addendum 3 show minimal impact to neighbouring properties due to the slope on O'Brien St and the stepped building heights against homes on Manawagonish Road. Maximum lot height sits at 44 meters with the flattest portion at 26.20 meters on the Southeast corner of Wilson Street. Recelerate � Capital Developer Contact: receleratecapital(o-)gmail.com Faaris Kathrada (250-213-1110) Jordan Van Thiel (250-532-3622) 123 Addendum 1: Greendale Area of Saint John West with Highway access ,111- D-1I Y Greendale Sampan Restaurant Esso sional Center V (Dine In is back) 4 4Y Isr Dominos Pizza TD Canada Trust ATM � Shell Canadian Union Of Public Employees W Tim Hortons4p 9 TT 4c. � e Barnhill Memorial School rqi Saint John Bowle Entertainmerrt C 9 � k's United Church 9 3� StaroucMs Lancaster MaIIQ Kent Building Suppliesq 9Walmart ass$ 15 O'Brien St, Saint 0 John, NB E2M 5S2 McDonald's9 Island GirlsDiner9 P BurerKing e �} O� IRVlNG249 e 6s�osW`ckRa N C 4b n � ��J Na} Saint John Energy 4 T Canadian Tire Sherbrooke DentE Haw es Bottle Exchange 4 and Redemption T Mc Lube+Tires Lancaster Automotive Repair Sherbrooke Sr 0 SobeysSaint John West � Patters el v —R- Montreal Ave ' a Mvb Contracting Q rsp Ca 5 J c I!� A l—I I Malsan Ave v� Molsw ^ 124 Addendum 2: Subject property location relative to Uptown Saint John 10 Fort Howe National A Hi= 4 m O 1 15 0 Brien St, Saint. John, NB E21M..5S2-' F""-Y or Bav Fe-ries J :Larens BeachIP ♦4� �;&1+,,Canada� / 125 Addendum 3: Site and Elevation Profile PROJECT DESCRIPTION 300m WALKING PATH .�nwmeau�.ai PLOY GROUN❑ _ _ j '�,� �;+''� ..�...e.�� ._.-,_� •�, "'444����"' �' SITTING AREA 9 `F4 ' BLDG. B namrra sd.,. ¢` ry ACCESSTO a ' �•\ __ BLDG. B PARKING zp s•. PHA5E ONE I m t BLDG.A �qAle, ACCESSTD`.Fa I ACCESSTD BLDG.A PARKING' _ LNElWORK UNIT m 1 PARKING WILSON STREET Houses on Manawagonish road a } J 126 Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and Section 59 Amendment RE: 15 O'Brien Street and 730 Wilson Street Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider amending The City of Saint John Zoning By-law at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chambers on Tuesday, September 6, 2022, at 6:30 p.m., by: 1. Rezoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 3118 square meters, located at 15 O'Brien Street, also identified as PID Number 00415711, from Two -Unit Residential (R2) to General Commercial (CG), as illustrated below. 2. Amending the Section 59 conditions imposed on the March 8, 1993, rezoning of the property located at 730 Wilson Street, also identified as PID No. 00035436, as amended on September 27, 2004, to permit a revised proposal. REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit a mixed -use development. For details on how to inspect the amendment, or to register to participate, please contact the Office of the Common Clerk at CommonClerk(a),saintlohn.ca. Written objections to the amendment may be provided in writing and/or verbally at the Public Hearing to be held by Common Council. To register for participation in the hearing, please contact the City Clerk's Office in advance at commonclerk(a)saintiohn.ca 127 If you require French services for a Common Council meeting, please contact the office of the Common Clerk. Jonathan Taylor, Common Clerk (506) 658-2862 128 Projet de modification de I'arrete de zonage et de modification de I'article 59 Objet : 15, rue O'Brien et 730, rue Wilson Par les presentes, un avis public est donne par lequel le conseil communal de The City of Saint John indique son intention de modifier 1'arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John, lors de la reunion ordinaire qui se tiendra dans la salle du conseil le mardi 6 septembre 2022, a 18 h 30, en apportant Ies modifications suivantes : 1. Rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 3118 metres carres, situe au 15, rue O'Brien, egalement identifie comme NID 00415711 de Zone residentielle bifamiliale (112) a Zone commerciale generale (CG), tel qu'illustre ci- dessous. 2. Modification des conditions imposees en vertu de I'article 59, le 8 mars 1993, relativement au rezonage de la propriete situee au 730, rue Wilson, et portant le NID 00035436, et modifiees le 27 septembre 2004, pour permettre la presentation d'une proposition revisee. RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: Permettre un developpement a usage mixte. 129 Toute personne interessee peut examiner le projet de modification au bureau du greffier communal ou au bureau du service de la croissance et du developpement communautaire a I'h6tel de ville situe au 15, Market Square, a Saint John, au Nouveau -Brunswick., entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les fours feries. Veuillez faire part de vos objections au projet de modification par ecrit a I'attention du soussigne a I'hotel de ville. Si vous avez besoin des services en frangais pour une reunion de Conseil Communal, veuillez contacter le bureau du greffier communal. Jonathan Taylor, greffier communal (506) 658-2862 130 BY-LAW NUMBER C.P. 111-X A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY- LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN ARRETE No C.P. 111-X Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: The Zoning By-law of The City of Saint John enacted on the fifteenth day of December, A.D. 2014, is amended by: 1. Amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by rezoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 3118 square metres, located at 15 O'Brien Street, also identified as PID Number 00415711, from Two -Unit Residential (R2) to General Commercial (CG). - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the X day of September, A.D. 2022 and signed by: ARRETE NO C.P. 111-X ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE DE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Lors d'une reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John a decrete ce qui suit : Uarrete sur le zonage de The City of Saint John, decrete le quinze (15) decembre 2014, est modifie par: 1. La modification de I'annexe «A», Plan de zonage de la ville de Saint John, permettant de modifier la designation pour une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 3118 metres carres, situe au 15, rue O'Brien, egalement identifie comme le NID 00415711, de Zone residentielle bifamiliale (112) a Zone commerciale generale (CG). - toutes les modifications sont indiquees sur le plan ci-joint et font partie du present arrete. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arrete le X septembre 2022, avec les signatures suivantes : 131 Mayor/Maire Common Clerk/Greffier communal First Reading - X Premiere lecture - X Second Reading - X Deuxieme lecture - X Third Reading - X Troisieme lecture - X 132 Staff Recommendation for Council Resolution Property: 170 Charlotte Street and 13-19 Queen Square North Public Hearingg• Completed on August 22, 2022 Item Required: (Y/N) Recommendation Municipal Plan No N/A Amendment Zoning By -Law Yes 1. That Common Council give 1st and 2nd reading to an Amendment Amendment to the Zoning By -Law which rezones a parcel of land having an area of approximately 1164 square metres, located at 170 Charlotte Street, also identified as PID Number 00005140, from Mixed Commercial (CM) to Integrated Development (ID). 2. That Common Council give 1st and 2nd reading to an Amendment to the Zoning By -Law which rezones a parcel of land having an area of approximately 2684 square metres, located at 13-19 Queen Square North, also identified as PID Numbers 00003921, 00006668, and 00361352, from Urban Centre Residential (RC) to Integrated Development (ID). 3. That Common Council give 1st and 2nd reading to an Amendment to the Zoning By -Law which amends Schedule G of the Zoning By -Law and increases the maximum building height from 14 metres and 21 metres to 22.5 metres for the parcel of land having an area of an area of approximately 3848 square metres, located at 170 Charlotte Street and 13-19 Queen Square North, also identified as PID Numbers 00005140, 00003921, 00006668, and 00361352. 4. That Common Council give 1st and 2nd reading to an Amendment to the Zoning By -Law which amends Schedule H of the Zoning By-law and increases the maximum street wall height from 14 metres to 15.5 metres for the parcel of land having an area of an area of approximately 3848 square metres, located at 170 Charlotte Street and 13-19 Queen Square North, also 133 identified as PID Numbers 00005140, 00003921, 00006668, and 00361352. 3rd Reading: September 6, 2022 Item: Required: (Y/N) Recommendation Municipal Plan No N/A Amendment Zoning By -Law Yes 1. That Common Council give 3rd reading to an Amendment Amendment to the Zoning By -Law which rezones a parcel of land having an area of approximately 1164 square metres, located at 170 Charlotte Street, also identified as PID Number 00005140, from Mixed Commercial (CM) to Integrated Development (ID). 2. That Common Council give 3rd reading to an Amendment to the Zoning By -Law which rezones a parcel of land having an area of approximately 2684 square metres, located at 13-19 Queen Square North, also identified as PID Numbers 00003921, 00006668, and 00361352, from Urban Centre Residential (RC) to Integrated Development (ID). 3. That Common Council give 3rd reading to an Amendment to the Zoning By -Law which amends Schedule G of the Zoning By -Law and increases the maximum building height from 14 metres and 21 metres to 22.5 metres for the parcel of land having an area of an area of approximately 3848 square metres, located at 170 Charlotte Street and 13-19 Queen Square North, also identified as PID Numbers 00005140, 00003921, 00006668, and 00361352. 4. That Common Council give 3rd reading to an Amendment to the Zoning By -Law which amends Schedule H of the Zoning By-law and increases the maximum street wall height from 14 metres to 15.5 metres for the parcel of land having an area of an area of approximately 3848 square metres, located at 170 Charlotte Street and 13-19 Queen Square North, also identified as PID Numbers 00005140, 00003921, 00006668, and 00361352. 134 Recission of Previous s. 39/s. 59 Conditions No N/A Section 59 Yes That the City, upon third reading at Common Council, Conditions pursuant to the provisions of Section 59 of the Community Planning Act, impose the following conditions on the parcel of land having an area of approximately 3848 square metres, located at 170 Charlotte Street and 13-19 Queen Square North, also identified as PID Numbers 00005140, 00003921, 00006668, and 00361352, (collectively the "Rezoned Properties"): a. That the development of the site be limited to the applicant's proposal for a mixed -use development incorporating the following: • a maximum of 150 dwelling units and approximately 557 square metres of commercial floor area with the ground floor commercial uses located in the portion of the development which fronts onto Charlotte Street and a portion of Queen Square, subject to the additional condition that the sanitary sewer flow from the full buildout of the subject site be limited to the maximum peak sewer demand of 150 residential units plus a 100- seat restaurant; and • 36 underground and 10 surface parking spaces. b. That the uses within the proposed development be limited to the following land uses, subject to the restriction in condition a) regarding sanitary sewer flows from the full buildout of the development: • Artist or Craftsperson Studio; • Bakery; • Business Office; • Community Centre; • Community Policing Office; • Day Care Centre; • Dwelling Unit; • Financial Service; • Grocery Store; • Health and Fitness Facility; 135 • Home Occupation subject to section 9.9 of the Zoning By -Law; • Library; • Medical Clinic; • Personal Service; • Pet Grooming; • Place of Worship; • Restaurant; • Retail General; • Service and Repair, Household; • Veterinary Clinic; and • an access serving the parking areas for the adjacent properties to the east of the proposed development and serving the shared access to PID 000OS439 (162 Charlotte Street). c. That the massing of the proposed development be generally as outlined on the plans submitted with the application. d. That the maximum heights of the proposed buildings be 22.5 metres as outlined on the plans submitted with the application. e. That the street wall along Charlotte Street and Queen Square North established by the proposed buildings on the development site be a maximum of 15.5 metres as outlined on the plans submitted with the application. f. That the development and use of the parcel of land be in accordance with detailed building elevation and site plans, prepared by the proponent and subject to the approval of the Development Officer, illustrating the design and location of buildings and structures, garbage enclosures, outdoor storage, driveway accesses, vehicle, and bicycle parking, loading areas, landscaping, amenity spaces, signs, exterior lighting, and other such site features. g. That a landscaping plan be prepared by the developer and submitted with the building permit application for the approval of the Development Officer illustrating the proposed site landscaping 136 including the area at the front of the Jewett Residence and areas along the front of the proposed townhouses fronting onto Queen Square North. h. The plans referenced in conditions f) and g) are to be submitted with the building permit application. i. That electrical and telecommunications servicing for the development be provided underground. j. Prior to building permit submission, the developer's engineering consultant must re -submit information to the City to compare to water and sewer model data and also advise of any changes to the proposed development. Should there by any changes proposed to the developer's estimated water and sewer demands and/or phasing, the developer must submit the revised proposed demands to the City for review and approval. k. An engineered stormwater plan and design brief are required to be submitted by the developer to the City for review and approval. That the stormwater management plan submitted for the proposed development achieve a zero net increase from the site (i.e., limit post -development discharge to the existing pre -development discharge). I. Should the location of the building sprinkler connections necessitate the installation of an additional fire hydrant, this hydrant installation will be at the expense of the developer. m. If any municipal infrastructure improvements are required to service this proposal, it will be the owner/developer's full responsibility and cost to complete. Prior to determining this, detailed engineering plans and a design brief must be submitted by the owner/developer's engineering consultant to the City for review and approval by the City. Section 59 No N/A Agreement 137 Section 131 Agreement No N/A Other No N/A 138 Qh, YDH�o COMMON COUNCIL REPORT M&C No. 2022-278 Report Date August 30, 2022 Meeting Date September 06, 2022 Service Area Growth and Community Services Her Worship Mayor Donna Noade Reardon and Members of Common Council SUBJECT. Supplemental Report - 2. 170 Charlotte Street 13-19 Queen Square North Council Report - August 30 2022.docx AUTHORIZATION Primary Author Commissioner/Dept. Head City Manager Mark Reade Jacqueline Hamilton I John Collin RECOMMENDATION 1. That Common Council rezone a parcel of land having an area of approximately 1164 square metres, located at 170 Charlotte Street, also identified as PID Number 00005140, from Mixed Commercial (CM) to Integrated Development (ID). 2. That Common Council rezone a parcel of land having an area of approximately 2684 square metres, located at 13-19 Queen Square North, also identified as PID Numbers 00003921, 00006668, and 00361352, from Urban Centre Residential (RC) to Integrated Development (ID), 3. That the City, upon third reading at Common Council, pursuant to the provisions of Section 59 of the Community Planning Act, impose the following conditions on the parcel of land having an area of approximately 3848 square metres, located at 170 Charlotte Street and 13-19 Queen Square North, also identified as PID Numbers 00005140, 00003921, 00006668, and 00361352, (collectively the "Rezoned Properties"): a. That the development of the site be limited to the applicant's proposal for a mixed -use development incorporating the following: • a maximum of 150 dwelling units and approximately 557 square metres of commercial floor area with the ground floor commercial uses located in the portion of the development which fronts onto Charlotte Street and a portion of Queen Square, subject to the additional condition that the sanitary sewer flow from the full buildout of the subject site be limited to the maximum peak sewer demand of 150 residential units plus a 100-seat restaurant; and 36 underground and 10 surface parking spaces. 139 sa b. That the uses within the proposed development be limited to the following land uses, subject to the restriction in condition a) regarding sanitary sewer flows from the full buildout of the development: • Artist or Craftsperson Studio; • Bakery; • Business Office; • Community Centre; • Community Policing Office; • Day Care Centre; • Dwelling Unit; • Financial Service; • Grocery Store; • Health and Fitness Facility; • Home Occupation subject to section 9.9 of the Zoning By -Law; • Library; • Medical Clinic; • Personal Service; • Pet Grooming; • Place of Worship; • Restaurant; • Retail General; • Service and Repair, Household; • Veterinary Clinic; and • an access serving the parking areas for the adjacent properties to the east of the proposed development and serving the shared access to PID 00005439 (162 Charlotte Street). C. That the massing of the proposed development be generally as outlined on the plans submitted with the application. d. That the maximum heights of the proposed buildings be 22.5 metres as outlined on the plans submitted with the application. e. That the street wall along Charlotte Street and Queen Square North established by the proposed buildings on the development site be a maximum of 15.5 metres as outlined on the plans submitted with the application. f. That the development and use of the parcel of land be in accordance with detailed building elevation and site plans, prepared by the proponent and subject to the approval of the Development Officer, illustrating the design and location of buildings and structures, garbage enclosures, outdoor storage, driveway accesses, vehicle, and bicycle parking, loading areas, 140 am landscaping, amenity spaces, signs, exterior lighting, and other such site features. g. That a landscaping plan be prepared by the developer and submitted with the building permit application for the approval of the Development Officer illustrating the proposed site landscaping including the area at the front of the Jewett Residence and areas along the front of the proposed townhouses fronting onto Queen Square North. The plans referenced in conditions f) and g) are to be submitted with the building permit application. That electrical and telecommunications servicing for the development be provided underground. Prior to building permit submission, the developer's engineering consultant must re -submit information to the City to compare to water and sewer model data and also advise of any changes to the proposed development. Should there by any changes proposed to the developer's estimated water and sewer demands and/or phasing, the developer must submit the revised proposed demands to the City for review and approval. k. An engineered stormwater plan and design brief are required to be submitted by the developer to the City for review and approval. That the stormwater management plan submitted for the proposed development achieve a zero net increase from the site (i.e., limit post -development discharge to the existing pre -development discharge). Should the location of the building sprinkler connections necessitate the installation of an additional fire hydrant, this hydrant installation will be at the expense of the developer. M. If any municipal infrastructure improvements are required to service this proposal, it will be the owner/developer's full responsibility and cost to complete. Prior to determining this, detailed engineering plans and a design brief must be submitted by the owner/developer's engineering consultant to the City for review and approval by the City. 4. That Common Council amend Schedule G of the Zoning By -Law and increase the maximum building height from 14 metres and 21 metres to 22.5 metres for the parcel of land having an area of an area of approximately 4225 square metres, located at 170 Charlotte Street and 13- 141 -4- 19 Queen Square North, also identified as PID Numbers 00005140, 00003921, 00006668, and 00361352. 5. That Common Council amend Schedule H of the Zoning By-law and increase the maximum street wall height from 14 metres to 15.5 metres for the parcel of land having an area of an area of approximately 4225 square metres, located at 170 Charlotte Street and 13-19 Queen Square North, also identified as PID Numbers 00005140, 00003921, 00006668, and 00361352. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Following the receipt of the rezoning application for the properties at 170 Charlotte Street and 13-19 Queen Square North, the applicant sought approval for 150 dwelling units in the proposed development, which is 30 additional units above the 120 dwelling units requested with the original application. These dwelling units would be in addition to the proposed ground floor commercial space within the development. Additional modeling of the City's water and sanitary sewer systems was required to determine the impact of the additional 30 dwelling units on the City's infrastructure network. This modelling has been completed by Saint John Water and capacity exists in the water supply and storm sewer systems to accommodate the additional 30 dwelling units requested by the developer. Appropriate Section 59 conditions are recommended related to the increase in the scope of the development from 120 to 150 dwelling units. PREVIOUS RESOLUTION On August 22, 2022 Common Council gave First and Second reading to "A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John" amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by rezoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 1164 square metres, located at 170 Charlotte Street, also identified as PID 00005140, from Mixed Commercial (CM) to Integrated Development (ID); and amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by rezoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 2684 square metres, located at 13-19 Queen Square North, also identified as a PIDs 00003921, 00006668, and 00361352, from Urban Centre Residential (RC) to Integrated Development (ID). REPORT Based on the additional analysis completed by Saint John Water (SJW), combined with planned system improvements over the short term, the area's infrastructure can accommodate the proposed development and its proposed connection to the sanitary sewer on Queen Square North. Peak sanitary sewer flows from the development are estimated at 8 liters/second. While preliminary model results indicate the potential for surcharging on Charlotte Street at Lower 142 SIE Cove Loop, the City's Bi-lateral Projects proposed for this area in 2022-2026 will provide the required offset to accommodate sanitary sewer flows from this proposed development. These flows include 150 dwelling units and a flow from the proposed commercial component of the development equivalent to that from a 100-seat restaurant. The engineered stormwater management plan for the development will be required to achieve a zero net increase from the site (i.e. limit post -development discharge to the existing pre -development discharge). In addition, as the project proceeds to the detailed design stage, the developer's engineering consultant must resubmit information to the City to confirm the model results, and if there are any changes to the proposal, additional review may be required by Saint John Water. Recommended Section 59 Conditions The increase in the scope of the residential component of the proposed development from 120 to 150 dwelling units requires amendments to the Section 59 conditions from those proposed in the PAC recommendation letter. Condition a) was revised to reference 150 dwelling units and language was incorporated that the sanitary sewer flow from the development be limited to that from 150 dwelling units plus a 100-seat restaurant. The intent of staff is not to limit the proposed commercial use to a 100-seat restaurant but to allow a range of commercial uses in the proposed development, subject to the condition that the sanitary sewer flow from the commercial portion of the development be limited to the equivalent sanitary sewer flow from a 100-seat restaurant. A range of permitted commercial uses for the commercial portion of the development are provided in condition b) of the proposed Section 59 conditions with additional text provided in condition b) to reference the restriction on sanitary sewer flows from the commercial portion of the development. Recommended conditions j) and 1) contained in the PAC Recommendation letter were duplicated. Condition 1) outlined in the PAC letter has been deleted and incorporated in condition j) as recommended in this Council Report. Conclusion Additional analysis of infrastructure demands from the proposed development has identified that the area's water and sewer infrastructure can support the proposed development. Staff recommend approval of the application and that Third Reading be given to the proposed rezoning and have recommended relevant Section 59 conditions. STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT The proposed approach aligns with the Common Council's priorities of Grow and Belong. 143 -6- SERVICE AND FINANCIAL OUTCOMES The approach proposed by Staff with respect to the infrastructure demands, seeks to respect the feasibility of the project interests, and mitigate the concerns related to infrastructure capacity. INPUT FROM OTHER SERVICE AREAS AND STAKEHOLDERS Infrastructure Development and Saint John Water provided input to this report. ATTACHMENTS N/A 144 BY-LAW NUMBER C.P. 111-137 A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY- LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: The Zoning By-law of The City of Saint John enacted on the fifteenth day of December, A.D. 2014, is amended by: 1. Amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by rezoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 1164 square metres, located at 170 Charlotte Street, also identified as PID Number 00005140, from Mixed Commercial (CM) to Integrated Development (ID) pursuant to a resolution adopted by Common Council under Section 59 of the Community Planning Act. 2.. Amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by rezoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 2684 square metres, located at 13-19 Queen Square North, also identified as PID Numbers 00003921, 00006668, and 00361352, from Urban Centre Residential (RC) to Integrated Development (ID), 3.. Amending Schedule "G" Central Peninsula Maximum Building Heights, by increasing the maximum building height of PID Numbers 00005140, 00003921, 00006668, and 00361352 from 14 metres and 21 metres to 22.5 metres. 4. Amending Schedule "H" Trinity Royal Maximum Street Wall Heights., by increasing the maximum street wall height of PID Numbers 00005140, 00003921, 00006668, and 00361352 from 14 metres to 15.5 metres. ARRETE NO C.P. 111-137 ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE DE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Lors d'une reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John a decrete ce qui suit : L'arrete sur le zonage de The City of Saint John, decrete le quinze (15) decembre 2014, est modifie par: 1. La modification de I'annexe uA», Plan de zonage de la ville de Saint John, permettant de modifier la designation pour une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 1164 metres carres, situe au 170, rue Charlotte, egalement identifie comme le NID 00005140, de zone commerciale mixte (CM) a zone d'amenagement integre (ID) conformement a une resolution adoptee par le conseil municipal en vertu de ('article 59 de la Loi sur I'urbanisme. 2. La modification de I'annexe «A», Plan de zonage de la ville de Saint John, permettant de modifier la designation pour une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 2684 metres carres, situe au 13-19, carree nord Queen, egalement identifie comme les NIDs 00003921, 00006668, et 00361352, de zone commerciale mixte (CM) a zone d'amenagement integre (ID), 3. La modification de I'annexe «G», Hauteurs maximales des batiments dans la peninsule centrale, en augmentant la hauteur maximale du batiment des NIDs 00005140, 00003921, 00006668, and 00361352 de 14 metres et 21 metres a 22,5 metres. 4. La modification de I'annexe «H», Hauteurs maximales des murs de rue dans le secteur de Trinity Royal, en augmentant la hauteur maximale du murs de rue des NIDs 00005140, 00003921, 00006668, et 00361352 de 14 metres a 15,5 metres. - all as shown on the plan attached hereto - toutes les modifications sont and forming part of this by-law. indiquees sur le plan ci-joint et font partie du present arrete. 145 IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the X day of September, A.D. 2022 and signed by: Mayor/Maire EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arrete le X septembre 2022, avec les signatures suivantes : City Clerk/Greffier communal First Reading - August 22, 2022 Premiere lecture - le 22 aout 2022 Second Reading — August 22, 2022 Deuxieme lecture - le 22 aout 2022 Third Reading - Troisieme lecture - 146 GROWTH & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SERVICE DE LA CROISSANCE ET DU DEVELOPPEMENT COMMUNAUTAIRE HEIGHT SCHEDULE AMENDMENT / MODIFICATION DE HAUTEUR Amending Schedule "G" of the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John Modifiant Annexe «G» de I'Arr6te de zonage de The City of Saint John Queen Sq• N' cat. N' FROM / DE 14m & 21 m Applicant: exp on behalf of Impact Developments Location: 170 Charlotte Street and 13-19 Queen Square North PID(s)/NIP(s): 00005140, 00003921, 00006668, 00361352 Considered by P.A.C./Considers par le C.C.U.: July 19 juillet, 2022 Enacted by Council/Approuve par le Conseil: Filed in Registry Office/Enregistre le: By -Law #/Arrete #: TO/A 22.5m Drawn by/Crese par: Andrew Pollock Date drawn/Carte crese: August 30 aout, 2022 147 GROWTH & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SERVICE DE LA CROISSANCE ET DU DEVELOPPEMENT COMMUNAUTAIRE STREET WALL HEIGHT AMENDMENT / MODIFICATION DES MURS DE RUE Amending Schedule "H" of the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John Modifiant Annexe «H» de I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John Queen Sq• N' cat. N' FROM / DE 14m Applicant: exp on behalf of Impact Developments Location: 170 Charlotte Street and 13-19 Queen Square North PID(s)/NIP(s): 00005140, 00003921, 00006668, 00361352 Considered by P.A.C./Considers par le C.C.U.: July 19 juillet, 2022 Enacted by Council/Approuve par le Conseil: Filed in Registry Office/Enregistre le: By -Law #/Arrete #: TO/A 15.5m Drawn by/Crese par: Andrew Pollock Date drawn/Carte crese: August 30 aout, 2022 HM GROWTH & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SERVICE DE LA CROISSANCE ET DU DEVELOPPEMENT COMMUNAUTAIRE REZONING / REZONAGE Amending Schedule "A" of the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John Modifiant Annexe «A» de I'Arr6t6 de zonage de The City of Saint John c n o N car. N Queer FROM / DE TO / A Mixed Commercial Zone commerciale CM mixte Urban Centre Residential RC Zone r6sidentielle de centre-ville Integrated Development D Zone de d6veloppement int6gr6 Pursuant to a Resolution under Section 59 of the Community Planning Act Conform6ment a une resolution adopt6e par le conseil municipal en vertu de I'article 59 de la Loi sur I'urbanisme Applicant: exp on behalf of Impact Developments Location: 170 Charlotte Street and 13-19 Queen Square North PID(s)/NIP(s): 00005140, 00003921, 00006668, 00361352 Considered by P.A.C./Considers par le C.C.U.: July 19 juillet, 2022 Enacted by Council/Approuve par le Conseil: Filed in Registry Office/Enregistre le: By -Law #/Arrete #: Drawn by/Cre6e par: Andrew Pollock Date drawn/Carte cre6e: August 30 aout, 2022 149 Staff Recommendation for Council Resolution Property: 100 Boars Head Road Public Hearingg• Completed on August 22, 2022 Item Required: (Y/N) Recommendation Municipal Plan No N/A Amendment Zoning By -Law Yes That Common Council give 1st and 2nd reading to an Amendment Amendment to the Zoning By -Law which rezones a parcel of land having an area of approximately 13,238 square metres, located at 100 Boars Head Road, also identified as PID Number 00042622, from Utility Service (US) to Mid -Rise Residential (RM). 3rd Reading: September 6, 2022 Item: Required: Recommendation (Y/N) Municipal Plan No N/A Amendment Zoning By -Law Yes That Common Council give 3rd reading to an Amendment to Amendment the Zoning By -Law which rezones a parcel of land having an area of approximately 13,238 square metres, located at 100 Boars Head Road, also identified as PID Number 00042622, from Utility Service (US) to Mid -Rise Residential (RM). Recission of No N/A Previous s. 39/s. 59 Conditions Section 59 Yes That Common Council, pursuant to the provisions of Section Conditions 59 of the Community Planning Act, impose the following conditions on the parcel of land having an area of approximately 13,238 square metres, located at 100 Boars Head Road, also identified as PID Number 00042622: 150 (a) That the development of the parcel of land be limited to a maximum of 12 dwelling units. (b) That the parcel of land be developed and maintained in accordance with an engineering storm water drainage plan and design report, prepared by a professional engineer on behalf of the proponent and subject to the approval of the Chief City Engineer, and that such approved plan and report be attached to any development and/or building permit for the proposed development; and (c) The development and use of the parcel of land be in accordance with detailed building elevation and site plans, prepared by the proponent and subject to the approval of the Development Officer, illustrating the design and location of buildings and structures, garbage enclosures, outdoor storage, driveway accesses, vehicle and bicycle parking, loading areas, landscaping, amenity spaces, signs, exterior lighting, and other such site features including front yard landscaping in conformance with the Zoning By -Law and side yard landscaping as illustrated on the site plan submitted with the application. (d) The above elevation and site plans be attached to the permit application for the development of the parcel of land; and (e) If any municipal infrastructure improvements are required to service this proposal, it will be the owner/developer's full responsibility and cost to complete. Prior to determining this, detailed engineering plans and a design brief must be submitted by the owner/developer's engineering consultant to the City for review and approval by the City. Section 59 No N/A Agreement Section 131 No N/A Agreement 151 Other I No I N/A 152 BY-LAW NUMBER C.P. 111-136 A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY- LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: The Zoning By-law of The City of Saint John enacted on the fifteenth day of December, A.D. 2014, is amended by: 1. Amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by rezoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 1.3 hectares, located at 100 Boars Head Road, also identified as PID Number 00042622, from Utility Service (US) to Mid -Rise Residential (RM) pursuant to a resolution adopted by Common Council under Section 59 of the Community Planning Act. - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the X day of September, A.D. 2022 and signed by: Mayor/Maire ARRETE NO C.P. 111-136 ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE DE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Lors d'une reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John a decrete ce qui suit : L'arrete sur le zonage de The City of Saint John, decrete le quinze (15) decembre 2014, est modifie par: 1. La modification de I'annexe uA», Plan de zonage de la ville de Saint John, permettant de modifier la designation pour une parcelle de terrain d'une 1. superficie d'environ 1,3 hectares, situe au 100, chemin Boars Head, egalement identifie comme le NID 00042622, de zone de services publics (US) a zone residentielle — Immeubles d'habitation de hauteur moyenne (RM) conformement a une resolution adoptee par le conseil municipal en vertu de I'article 59 de la Loi sur I'urbanisme. - toutes les modifications sont indiquees sur le plan ci-joint et font partie du present arrete. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arrete le X septembre 2022, avec les signatures suivantes : City Clerk/Greffier communal First Reading - August 22, 2022 Premiere lecture - le 22aoutl 2022 Second Reading — August 22, 2022 Deuxieme lecture - le 22 aout 2022 Third Reading - Troisieme lecture - 153 GROWTH & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SERVICE DE LA CROISSANCE ET DU DEVELOPPEMENT COMMUNAUTAIRE REZONING / REZONAGE Amending Schedule "A" of the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John Modifiant Annexe «A» de I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John 9L ch' Boars Head Rd. I r FROM / DE TO / A Utility Service Mid -Rise Residential Zone de services US RM Zone residentielle - immeubles publics de hauteur moyenne Pursuant to a Resolution under Section 59 of the Community Planning Act Conformement a une resolution adoptee par le conseil municipal en vertu de I'article 59 de la Loi sur I'urbanisme Applicant: Rehabitat Inc Location: 100 Boars Head Road PID(s)/NIP(s): 00042622 Considered by P.A.C./Considers par le C.C.U.: July 19, juillet, 2022 Enacted by Council/Approuve par le Conseil: Filed in Registry Office/Enregistre le: By -Law #/Arrete #: Drawn by/Crese par: Andrew Pollock Date drawn/Carte crese: August 29 aout, 2022 154 Received Date September 01, 2022 Meeting Date September 06, 2022 Open or Closed Open Session Mayor Donna Noade Reardon and Members of Common Council Subject: Update on Homelessness in Saint John Background: I would like to provide Council with a verbal update on the issue of homelessness in the City of Saint John. Motion: That Council approve a verbal update on the topic of homelessness in the City of Saint John. Respectfully Submitted, (Received via email) John MacKenzie Deputy Mayor City of Saint John lr _ SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 41_1 I vwvw.saintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N.-B. Canada E2L 4L1 155 '_ f r tf' -'f r 1 Received Date September 01, 2022 Meeting Date September 06, 2022 Open or Closed Open Session Mayor Donna Noade Reardon and Members of Common Council Subject: Homelessness in Saint John Background: Our city has long struggled with poverty and housing. In Ward 3, 34.3% of people live in poverty, while 45% of children live in poverty. Shelter cost make up over 30% of income for more than 34% of residents as of 2018 — a number that is likely much higher now. As rents rise across the city, the 71% of Ward 3 residents of whom rent are facing higher and higher costs. The Human Development Council currently cites 141 people experiencing homelessness in Saint John, up from 112 as of April. Those experiencing chronic homelessness sits at 88, compared to 57 this time last year. As rents rise and vacancy rates remain low, more and more Saint Johners are being left with few options other than the street. While we continue to call on the provincial and federal governments to take transformational action on housing, the City of Saint John has stepped up with an Affordable Housing Plan that lays out the roadmap for development of affordable housing in Saint John. While this plan is a great step, the cold winter months are quickly approaching, and council must take the steps that it can. Motion: RESOLVED that Common Council direct the City Manager, as a priority effort, to work closely with the other levels of government, and not -for -profit organizations within our community, to explore options to reduce the homeless population before winter and to provide additional support to those who remain homeless. Respectfully Submitted, (Received via email) David Hickey Councillor City of Saint John lr _ SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 41_1 I vwvw.saint)ohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N.-B. Canada E2L 4L1 156 '_ f r tf' -'f r 1 Received Date September 01, 2022 Meeting Date September 06, 2022 Open or Closed Open Session Mayor Donna Noade Reardon and Members of Common Council Subject: UMNB Conference Background: I am requesting Council approval to attend the annual UMNB Conference. The following description of the conference can be found of the UMNB website: " UMNB's 2022 Annual Conference and AGM will be held October 7-9, 2022 at the Delta Hotel in Fredericton, New Brunswick. UMNB's Annual Conference is your opportunity to connect with hundreds of local government leaders from across the province. Join over 200 municipal elected leaders and administrators, MLAs, RSC leaders, senior government staff, and businesses and organizations with an interest in local priorities. The conference includes the popular opening Night Trade Show & Reception, with multiple prize draws, and our Banquet & Awards on Saturday night, with live entertainment and dancing. Members will vote on policy resolutions and governance at the Annual General Meeting on Sunday." The cost of the conference would be $520 + travel expenses. Motion: That Council approve the registration and travel expenses for any Council Members to attend the 2022 Annual UMNB conference. Respectfully Submitted, (Received via email) Councillor Brent Harris City of Saint John lr _ SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 41_1 I vwvw.saintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N.-B. Canada E2L 4L1 157 rr 11ryx' JSInj�I f__. COMMON COUNCIL REPORT M&C No. M&C 2022-279 Report Date August 30, 2022 Meeting Date September 6, 2022 Service Area Finance and Administrative Services Mayor Noade Reardon and Common Council SUBJECT: FAS-005 Capital Budget Policy Amendment OPEN OR CLOSED SESSION This matter is to be discussed in open session of Common Council AUTHORIZATION Primary Author Commissioner/Dept. Head City Manager Kevin Fudge Kevin Fudge I John Collin RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Common Council approve the amended policy FAS-005 Capital Budget Policy as presented. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Finance Committee reviewed the updated State of the Infrastructure (SOTI) report from asset management at its meeting on August 24t", 2022. The SOTI presents an improvement in the City's infrastructure deficit, and it is recommended that the Capital Budget Policy be updated to change the split between Capital Renewal and New Capital from the current 85%/15% to 80%/20%. This will also be updated in the City's revised Long Term Financial Plan. The Utility Fund will remain at 90%/10%. I]:7��lC�I►1�i:i�C��1�►j7I�P►1 M&C Report No: 2021-138—Capital Budget Policy, FAS-005 REPORT The Finance Committee received an update on the City's Asset Management State of the Infrastructure Report (SOTI) on August 24t", 2022. The Asset Management Plan continues to evolve as asset data becomes more refined and more reliable. There continues to be a reduction in the General Fund's Infrastructure deficit as investments continue to be made and asset data in updated. 158 The updated 2022 SOTI demonstrates an approximate 25% improvement in the General Fund infrastructure deficit. Based on this improvement, it is recommended that the Capital Budget Policy be updated to change the split between Capital Renewal and New Capital from the current 85%/15% to 80%/20%. This change will ensure that the City's Long Term Financial Plan, along with the Asset Management Policy and other financial policies are aligned. STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT This report is aligned with Common Council's priority to Perform by ensuring decisions are in line with long term financial plan, asset management plan and aligning with approved policies. SERVICE AND FINANCIAL OUTCOMES This report is aligned with Common Council's approved Long Term Financial Plan, Asset Management Plan, and other financial policies. INPUT FROM OTHER SERVICE AREAS AND STAKEHOLDERS Input has been received from Finance Committee ATTACHMENTS Appendix 1— FAS-005 Capital Budget Policy 159 SAINT JOHN Title: Capital Budget Policy Subject: Capital Budget Policy Category: Strategic Services Policy No.: FAS-005 M&C Report No.: Effective Date: September 6, 2022 Next Review Date: 2023 Area(s) this policy applies to: Cross Corporate Office Responsible for review of this Policy: Strategic Services Related Instruments: Policy Sponsors: FAS-001 Asset Management Policy Chief Financial Officer and Chief of Staff FAS-002 Investment Management Policy FAS-003 Reserves Policy FAS-004 Operating Budget Policy FAS-005 Capital Budget Policy FAS-006 Debt Management Policy Document Pages: This document consists of 4 pages. Revision History: Common Clerk's Annotation for Official Record Date of Passage of Current Framework: I certify that this Policy was adopted by Common Council as indicated above. Common Clerk Date 160 City of Saint John Capital Budget Policy TABLE OF CONTENTS SAINT JOHN 1. POLICY STATEMENT....................................................................................................... 3 2. PRINCIPALS AND STRATEGIES.........................................................................................3 3. CAPITAL PRIORITIZATION...............................................................................................3 4. CARRY OVER OF PREVIOUS YEAR APPROVED CAPITAL BUDGET....................................4 5. INTER -GOVERNMENTAL CAPITAL GRANTS...........................................................................4 6. CAPITAL BUDGET SHORTFALLS AND SURPLUSES................................................................4 161 2 City of Saint John Capital Budget Policy SAINT JOHN POLICY STATEMENT 1. This Policy applies to budgeting by the Municipality for capital funds. 2. Each council shall adopt a Capital Budget for each calendar year. 3. Capital budget shall align with the Council approved Long Term Financial Plan which includes a 10 Year Capital Investment Plan and a 10 Year Debt Plan. 4. Finance Committee will review the 10-year Capital Investment Plan Annually and recommend any major amendments to the Plan to Council for approval. 5. The Capital Budget Policy supports the City to achieve its current and future goals in a fiscally responsible and sustainable manner. 6. Capital Budget Investment decisions shall be evidence based and conform with the Asset Management Policy. 7. The Capital Budget Policy shall comply with all relevant provisions of the Local Governance Act and all other applicable legislation. PRINCIPLES AND STRATEGIES 1. Affordability — Capital Budget shall reflect the level of infrastructure investment required to achieve agreed upon service and taxation objectives in the Council approved Long Term Financial Plan. 2. Ownership — Only City owned assets, which meet the definition of asset pursuant to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, shall be funded in the Capital Budget. Funding agreements prior to the approved Capital Budget Policy Council approval date are exempted from the policy. 3. Fiscal Responsibility — The City shall reduce its reliance on debt and address the infrastructure deficit by increasingly funding Reserves and Pay -As -You -Go to fund infrastructure renewal. 4. Asset Management — The Capital Budget shall consider the full life -cycle cost based on asset management best practices and adhere to the Asset Management Policy. CAPITAL PRIORITIZATION 1. To strategically manage the City's debt and infrastructure deficit, the General Fund Capital Budget shall comprise of 80% Capital Renewal and 20%for New Capital and shall align with the City's Long Term Financial Plan and the City's Strategic Plan. The Utility Fund will shall comprise of 90% Capital Renewal and 10% for New Capital. 2. For the purpose of this policy, Capital Renewal is defined as assets that are at the end of its useful life and contribute to the City's infrastructure deficit. 162 3 City of Saint John Capital Budget Policy SAINT JOHN 3. Proposed Capital Budget Projects will be prioritized in the following order. a. Mandatory — Must be completed due to legal or regulatory requirements. b. Risk — Required to mitigate liability associated with health and safety, mitigate liability or to mitigate sudden asset failure. c. Priority of Council — As stipulated in the 10 Year Capital Investment Plan (Long Term Financial Plan) and supported by evidence -based asset management recommendations and are part of the City's strategic plans. d. Positive Financial Impact — The Capital request not included in the 10-year Capital Investment Plan but can be supported by a business case that demonstrates a positive financial impact for taxpayers — would require a Council approved adjustment to the Capital Investment Plan and Capital Budget. e. Discretionary — New asset which aim to increase or enhance service level to the residents and taxpayers. Requires amendment to the Long -Term Financial Plan, the City strategic plans, and supported by a business case. CARRY OVER OF PREVIOUS YEAR APPROVED CAPITAL BUDGET Approved capital budget projects must be started by the end of the second year after approval. INTER -GOVERNMENTAL CAPITAL GRANTS Inter -Governmental capital grants shall only be pursued for Capital projects in line with Council priorities, the approved Capital Budget, and the approved 10 Year Capital Investment Plan. CAPITAL BUDGET SHORTFALLS & SURPLUSES 1. Common Council must approve any adjustments to the Capital Budget for additional funding to cover Capital Budget shortfalls that exceed the City Managers authority level. 2. Capital Budget surpluses, where budgeted Capital funds exceed actual capital shall be, with Council approval. a. Realized as savings resulting in reduced debt financing. b. Used to offset deficits in other approved Capital Budget shortfalls. c. Leveraged to address the infrastructure deficits identified in the Asset Management Plan and the 10 Year Capital Investment Plan. 163 4 From: City of Saint John, New Brunswick <webform-noreply@saintjohn.ca> Sent: Monday, August 8, 2022 3:48:42 PM To: Common Clerk <commonclerk@saintjohn.ca> Subject: Webform submission from: Submission to Council Form [ External Email Alert] **Please note that this message is from an external sender. If it appears to be sent from a Saint John employee, please forward the email to spamsample@saintjohn.ca or contact IT Service Desk at 649-6047.** Submitted on Mon, 08/08/2022 - 15:48 Submitted by: Anonymous Submitted values are: About Person/Group Submitting First name Sarah Last name Dobbin About your Submission Topic of submission Flyers in a Plastic Bag Purpose for submission (what is the ask of council): We have banned plastic bags in the city however flyers still come every week in a plastic sleeve. They are everywhere and often from appearance disposed of with little care. Executive summary As a co -home owner with my husband and mother we do our best to recycle and compost as much as we can. We are all concerned that we are seeing an increase in unsolicited flyers being dropped in our driveway week after week in pink plastic sleeves. We use the app Flipp 164 for our flyer needs and have tried numerous times to get them stopped with no success. Aside from that I am very concerned about the HUG amount of plastic that is being used and thrown in our landfill needlessly due to this out of date practice. I ask for your attention to this issue and help me stop the use of the plastic and waste of paper. 165 rom: City of Saint John, New Brunswick <webform-noreply@saintjohn.ca> Sent: Monday, August 8, 2022 3:51:55 PM To: Common Clerk <commonclerk@saintjohn.ca> Subject: Webform submission from: Submission to Council Form [ External Email Alert] **Please note that this message is from an external sender. If it appears to be sent from a Saint John employee, please forward the email to spamsample@saintjohn.ca or contact IT Service Desk at 649-6047.** Submitted on Mon, 08/08/2022 - 15:51 Submitted by: Anonymous Submitted values are: About Person/Group Submitting First name Andrew Last name Johnson About your Submission Topic of submission Economic Expansion of Local Region Tourisms Purpose for submission (what is the ask of council): The ask is for Council to provide verbal support and consider economical support for the support of the concept. Executive summary The purpose is to provide electric expanded ferry/taxi services for the local regions by supporting a various number of common activities locally and federally. 166 #1. The creation of a new French trade school for ship builders and construction building for heritage, and small parts manufacturing. ( If it's within 100km of us it helps Saint John), proposed location is St. Bernard's Nova Scotia. (indirect help of our economy) {Provides operational labour, and provides additional finishing school for community colleges to improve retention rates) #2. The creation of additional local docks within Nova Scotia and within Grand Manan, Campobello, St. Stephen, Saint John River, Alma and the remaining coastline using small crafts produced in Meteghan within their existing supply chain solution, to run a daily set of ferry services to enable additional tourism and operational options, and connect the web of commence together better. (Common trade network, and sufficient investment for economic of scales to occur) #3 The creation of tourism based accessed based out of Saint John region to serve as a major commercial hub for the production and utilization of those resources. Example tours of cultural significant signs such as the North Americas largest wooden church, which is facing demolished because we don't have a community network of support at this level of regional economic. (Using whatever tourism draws we have to promote the local area) #4. Promote additional summer programs to provide new tourism experiences within the local area by creating an immersion French program that focuses on the applied heritage sciences, and on ship repairs and parts. So that future kids can explore their options more, before they find that job that they enjoy sufficiently that they no longer want change. 167 !� L'aARCI+E"' PRESENTS f�UIIHILDIIIINRNNIIGI commuNlifflilly sl�tmFprr-D�lIII_Q � 4 / WITH MARCEL LEBRUN INNOVATOR ENTREPRENEUR PHILANTHROPIST + FOUNDER OF THE 12 NEIGHBOURS COMMUNITY MEL NORTON EMCEE i7 -- M&C No. 2022-274 Report Date August 29, 2022 Meeting Date September 06, 2022 Service Area Growth and Community Development Services SUBJECT: Canada Games Aquatic Centre Revitalization Plan EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT FOR OPEN SESSION OF COUNCIL A COVID-19 Relief Funding Memorandum of Understanding was signed in February 2022 that indicated the Saint John Aquatic Center Commission would work with the City of Saint John to determine a long-term business model for the Canada Games Aquatic Centre. A Revitalization Plan was developed to achieve that goal, with a need identified for a resource to be contracted for a one (1) year period to expedite implementation. An official request has been made to the Greater Saint John Regional Facilities Commission for the supporting municipalities to contribute funding for this resource. COUNCIL RESOLUTION The City Manager recommends: 1. Common Council approve the Revitalization Plan for the Canada Games Aquatic Centre, as outlined in MC Report 2022-274. 2. Common Council approve a one-time transfer of up to $140,000 from the General Operating reserve to the Saint John Aquatic Center Commission for the purposes of funding a business development resource to expedite the implementation of the Revitalization Plan for the Canada Games Aquatic Centre, with this approval being dependent on agreement from the supporting municipalities of the Greater Saint John Regional Facilities Commission to contribute their respective shares of funding for the resource, based on the 2022 Regional Facilities Funding Formula. 3. Funds received from the supporting municipalities of the Greater Saint John Regional Facilities Commission be returned to the City's General Operating reserve by March 31, 2023. 4. Canada Games Aquatic Centre provide a progress update to Council by July 1, 2023, on the implementation of the Revitalization plan to inform the 2024 budget process. 169 ' 1'4All Zf Canada Games a Centre Aquatique Aquatic Centre Jeux du Canada Revitalization Plan September 6, 2022 170 • Project Team sessions (March -July) • Consultant engaged (April -July) • Community services evaluation (May) • Public engagement (June) _ slit, . ti.7 ill • Expressions of Interest (June -July) • Consultant findings (July) • Revitalization Plan drafted (July) 171 MOST IMPORTANT OFFERINGS FOR THE COMMUNITY 1. Swimming Lessons 2. Public Swims /Drop -in Swims 3. Fitness Centre Facilities 4. Homebase for Swim Club, Water Polo, and Artistic Swimming S. Swim Meets and Other Major Aquatic Events (tie) 5. Lifeguarding at Beaches (tie) 172 A& 4V 1. Continuous Improvement Items — build upon existing offerings to increase revenue, while continuing to identify efficiencies and opportunities for cost savings 2. Checks and Balances — adhere to a specific accountability framework and reporting schedule, as outlined by the Revitalization Plan Project Team 3. Revitalization Initiatives — develop new, recurring revenue streams by maximizing facility usage through new partnerships and programming Maw 1. Common Council approve the Revitalization Plan for the Canada Games Aquatic Centre, as outlined in MC Report 2022-274. 2. Common Council approve a one-time transfer of up to $140,000 from the General Operating reserve to the Saint John Aquatic Center Commission for the purposes of funding a business development resource to expedite the implementation of the Revitalization Plan for the Canada Games Aquatic Centre, with this approval being dependent on agreement from the supporting municipalities of the Greater Saint John Regional Facilities Commission to contribute their respective shares of funding for the resource, based on the 2022 Regional Facilities Funding Formula, and as discussed at the Regional Facilities Commission meeting August 23, 2022. 3. Funds received from the supporting municipalities of the Greater Saint John Regional Facilities Commission be returned to the City's General Operating reserve by March 31, 2023. 4. Canada Games Aquatic Centre provide a progress update to Council by July 1, 2023, on the implementation of the Revitalization Plan to inform the 2024 budget process and to 174 determine the long-term future of the Centre. All Canada Games a Centre Aquatique Aquatic Centre Jeux du Canada Thank you. 175 MC 2022- Report Date September 01, 2022 Meeting Date September 06, 2022 Service Area Corporate Services SUBJECT. Amended and Restated Agreement - Alignment of Retail Drive and Ashburn Lake Road Intersections EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT FOR OPEN SESSION OF COUNCIL The City requires lands for an infrastructure project that will proceed if funding from other levels of government can be obtained for said project. Clear View Homes Ltd. is the owner of the majority of the lands required for the project. The purpose of this report is to seek authority for the City to enter into a Land Acquisition Agreement with Clear View to acquire said lands. COUNCIL RESOLUTION "That the City of Saint John enter into an Amended and Restated Land Acquisition Agreement with Clear View Homes Ltd. in the form as presented to Committee of Whole at its September 6, 2022 meeting, for the purpose of exchanging land, and that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the said Amended and Restated Agreement and any document ancillary thereto or necessary to give effect to the transaction." 176 QDS'am2T low M&C No. 2022-276 Report Date August 29, 2022 Meeting Date September 06, 2022 Service Area Growth and Community Development Services SUBJECT: Termination of Lease City Market: Naan Ya Business EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REPORT FOR OPEN SESSION OF COUNCIL Naan Ya Business restaurant started their business at the City Market in June of 2019 and brought with them an exciting concept and menu. The City Market often plays a critical role as an incubation space for new and upcoming businesses. Naan Ya Business has decided to move their business to a new location in the North End of the City and has requested that the City terminate their lease at the City Market early. The City has reached agreeable terms with Naan-Ya Business, and offers its best wishes as they expand into their new space. COUNCIL RESOLUTION 1. Resolved that the City terminate the lease with Naan Ya Business Restaurant Ltd. effective September 7, 2022; 2. That the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute all such documents ancillary to such purpose. 177