Closing of Roads, Streets or Highways - Portion of Consumers Drive 2021-08-23PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK COUNTY OF SAINTJOHN t oerdfy that ttds instrument .Palteste qua �t In�trwnent � is or S41n the enrpbtri ou dlp* au guroau L - _ de 1'onregW anti" oomtl de Mc r7 HBnms� Kauveaa8runewEok 1,52 WOM nuismMoto I, JONATHAN TAYLOR, of the City of Saint John in the County of Saint John and Province of New Brunswick, DO HEREBY CERTIFY: - 1. That I am the City Clerk of the said City of Saint John,15 Market Square, P.O. Box 1971, Saint John, N.B. E2L 4L1 and as such have the custody of the minutes and records of the Common Council of the said City of Saint John and of the Common Seal of the said City. 2. That hereto attached and marked "A" is a true copy of a by-law entitled "By - Law Number L.G.-4.1 a By-law respecting the Closing of Roads, Streets or Highways in The City of Saint John" enacted at a meeting of the Common Council of The City of Saint John held on the 23rd day of August, A.D., 2021. 3. That I have carefully compared the said by-law with the original and the same is a true copy thereof. DATED at The City of Saint John on the 2nd day of September, A.D. 2021. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I, the said City Clerk of The City of Saint John have hereunto affixed the Common Seal of the said City the day and year as written above. J�fnathan Taylor City Clerk SW VVdr ❑ Parii* DieawgW ut&6 tsa r... 9L, qE s instrument # It At BY-LAW NUMBER L.G. 4-1 A BY-LAW RESPECTING THE CLOSING OF ROADS, STREETS OR HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by the Common Council of The City of Saint John as follows: A By-law of The City of Saint John entitled, "A By-law Respecting The Closing of Roads, Streets or Highways in The City of Saint John", enacted on the eleventh day of March, A.D. 2019, is hereby amended by adding thereto Section 4 immediately after Section 3 thereof, as follows: 4 The City of Saint John does hereby stop up and close permanently the following street: CONSUMERS DRIVE: All that portion of Consumers Drive, a public street in the City of Saint John, in the County of Saint John and Province of New Brunswick, comprising 13 square metres as shown on a Plan of Survey titled, "Survey Plan Portion of Consumers Drive, City of Saint John, Saint John County, Province of New Brunswick," prepared by Don -More Surveys & Engineering Ltd. and dated July 6, 2021 attached hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the 23rd day of August, A.D. 2021 and signed by: First Reading - July 26, 2021 Second Reading - July 26, 2021 Third Reading - August 23, 2021 ARRETE No L.G. 4-1 ARRETE RELATIF A LA FERMETURE DES CHEMINS, DES RUES OU DES ROUTES DAN THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Lors d'une reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John a ddcrdtd ce qui suit : Par les presentes, l'arrete de The City of Saint John intitule, « Arrete relatif a Ia fermeture des chemins, des rues ou des routes dans The City of Saint John» , ddcrdtd le I mars 2019, est modiffd par Pajout de Particle 4 immddiatement apres Iarticle 3, comme suit: 4 Par les presentes, The City of Saint John barre et ferme de faron permanente la rue suivante : PROMENADE CONSUMERS: Toute la partie de la promenade Consumers, une rue publique dans la ville de Saint John, comtd de Saint John, dans la province du Nouveau -Brunswick, d'une superficie d'environ 13 metres canes comme le montre le plan d'arpentage intituld a Partie du plan d'arpentage indiquant la promenade Consumers , ville de Saint John, comte de Saint John, province du Nouveau -Brunswick », prepare par Don - More Surveys & Engineering Ltd. et date du 6 juillet 2021, joint aux presentes. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arrete le 23 aout 2021, avec les signatures suivantes : Premiere lecture - le 26 juillet 2021 Deuxieme lecture - le 26 juillet 2021 Troisieme lecture - le 23 aout 2021 Mx� ° cot�,, that this i1strumert, J'afteste que cet instrument est 3 Is=,W"O2 or fit P en regisUt ou i6pos6 at.bureau da du conic e County Registry Offic6a, :�&A,;� at a New BrunsAck W Yd � �a r� - S r u i i s v _dc k Umelneure nurnberinmdro D�mgad r— VOW Par&*Y Di-�ed r--1 Ub&,6 Partin fienient 00— 61117957(a,717 Tn—Z,-,i W,:it —4- — Watercourse and Wetlands Alteration Regulation Note These areas may be subject to the Watercourse and Wetlands Alteration Regulation 90-80 of the Clean Water Act. Prior to undertaking any alteration in this area, contact the Department of Environment's Regional Office to determine potential regulatory requirements. Areas identified as Regulated Wetlands o.r Provincially Significant Wetlands have been mapped using SeRrice New Brunswick Digital Data, 2020 Version. 0 3 (D CD CD (D Partie du Consumers Drive, Portion of Consumers Drive I 3M2 Re"glement sur la Modification des Cours d'eau et des Terres Hurniile-s Ces zones peuvent titre assujetties au R6glement sur la modification des cours d'eau et des terres humides 90-80 de la Loi sur I'assainissement de 1'eau. Avant d'entreprendre toute modification dans ce domaine, cornmuniquez avec le bureau regional du ministbre de I'Environnernent pour determiner les exigences r6glementaires potentielles. Les zones identifi6es comme des terres humides r6glement6es ou des terres humides d'importance provincia�e ont 6t6 cartographibes �� I'aide des donn6es nurn6riques de Service Nouveau -Brunswick, version 2020. (Consumers Drive) Plan 11299675 PlD/NiD 55151492 x\ "go 0�x 106. 00 4 (2 (0 (0 36" Survey markers were not set due to possible underground utilities. Les marqueurs di'arpentage n'ont pas bt6 place's en raison de possibles services publics souterrains. Parcel fTo. (Mark Drive) Plan 10974146 PID/NID 55150901 171, =I, 1. Tous les calculs effectu&s et les coordonn6es montrbes sont bases sur la projection stbr6ograpb-iqUe double du N.-B. et sur I'ellipsoide NAD83(CSRS), rc4alis6 par le syst6me de controle actif du Service Notiveao- Brunswick. 2. Toutes les distances indiqu6es sont en m6tres et sont des distances de grille calcul6es en utilisant un'' facteur d'6chelle combin6 utilisant lernodble de g6oYde HT2.0. 3. Toutes les directions sont des azirnuts de is grille N-B 6tablis en utilisant GLASS. 4, Les num6ros des document et de plan mentionn6s sont ceux des titres foriciers ou du bureau d'enregistrement du comt6. 5. La certification nest pas faite quant au titre juridique, 6tant le domaine d'un avocat, ni aux reglements de zonage et de retrait, &tant le dornaine d'un agent de d6veloppernent. 6. La certification West pas faite quant aux engagements 6nonc6s dans les documents et I'emplacernent des services souterrains et / ou des installations fixes ou non. 7. Les informations p66ph&iques et les inforrnations sur les propri6taires adjacents ont &tb d6riv6es des, enregistrements SIBS. 8. Le lev6 sur le terrain s'est terrain en joint, 2021, Purpose of Plan To accompany a Proposed Street Closing of a Portion of Consumers Drive. But du Plan Pour accompagner la Fermeture Propos6e d'un Partie du Consumers Drive. NB Grid CliDordinate Values Coordonne0es du Syste'me de N.-B. Point Eastingl NorthingiNord Rernarks/Rdmarques 1 ,�t 2537924.859 7367084.216 Control Point/Point de contr6le 2 2537965J38 7367055.866 Control Point/Point de contr6le 3 2537966.868 7367082.565 Cale 4 2537970.324 7367081 .559 Calc G K L A,,Vo 5 2537969.318 7367078.102 Cale 61 6 2537965.862 7367079,108 Cale 3906 2537942.706 '7366522.748 HPN Mon-Obs 0 3910 2538334.469 7367707.795 HPN Mon -tabs Garrett J. Keirstead 0 A. N. B. L. S. #402 DU 0 00 Area of Survey _,,Zone d'Enqu6te Key Plan / Le Plan Principal Scale / 6chelle= 1:1 ON(-) Legend 00 Standard survey marker set Borne d'arpentage uniforme fix6 Standard survey marker found Borne d'arpentage uniforme trouv6e .0 Calculated point Point de coordonn6e calcul6 Round iron bar found Tice de ter ronde trouv6 Is Square iron bar found Barre carr6e trouv6e 0 Ili - Iron pipe found Tuyau de ter trouv6 'Tabulated coordinate reference Rep6re de coordonn6e calcul& Control Point Point de contr6le Lands dealt with by this plan Les biers --toads faisant lobjet du pr6sent plan sont d6limit6s ainsi Notes 1. Ali COMPUtations performed and coordinates shown are based on the NB stereographic double projection and the NAD830(CSRS) ellipsoid as realized by Service New Brunswick's Active Control System. 2. Ai distances shown are in meters and are grid distances calculated using a combined scale factor utilizing geoid model 1- T2.0. 3. All directions are NB grid azimuths established using NSS. 4. Document and plan numbers referred to are those of the lanid titles or county registry office. 5. Certification is not made as to legal title, being the domain of a i'awyer, nor to the zoning & setback bylaws or regulations, being the domain of a development officer. 6. Certification is not made as to covenants set out in the document(s) and the location of any underground services andlor fixtures permanent or otherwise. 7. Peripheral inforrnation and adjacent owner information was derived from SKIS records. 8. Field survey was completed in June, 2021. Scale I Echelle = 1: 150 Dated: July 6, 2021 Dat6: le 6 Juillet, 2021 GARRETT J_ KEIRSTEAD,NBLS/AGNB 9 402