Water and Sewerage By-law Amendment 2021-12-13BY-LAW NUMBER M-16 A BY-LAW TO AMEND A BY-LAW RESPECTING WATER AND SEWERAGE Be it enacted by the Common Council of the City of Saint John as follows: A by-law of the City of Saint John entitled "A By-law Respecting Water and Sewerage" enacted on the 7" day of June, A.D. 2004, is hereby amended as follows: 1 Schedules "A" and `B" are repealed and the following are substituted: SCHEDULE "A" Effective January 1", 2022 Flat rate customers Flat rate customers Water charge Yearly $79I.80 SCHEDULE"B" Effective January V, 2022 METERED CUSTOMERS WATER SERVICE CHARGE Meter Size Yearly ($) Monthly ($) Bi-Monthly($) 15mm 267.54 22.30 44.59 20mm 327.48 27.29 54.58 25mm 447.22 37,27 74.54 40mm 588,04 49,00 98.01 50mm 1,173.10 97.76 I95.52 75mm 2,437.74 203.15 406.29 100mm 4,239.36 353.28 706.56 150mm 6,662.56 555.21 1,110,43 200mm 9,573.48 797.79 1,595.58 250mm & up 12,965.90 1080.49 2,160.98 METERED CUSTOMERS CONSUMPTION CHARGE Monthly (by m3) Bi-Monthly (by m3) Consumption (tn3) Rate (sim') Consumption (tnl) Rate ($Im') For the first 50 1.9944 For the first 100 1.9944 For all in excess of 50 1.2700 For all in excess of 100 1.2700 SCHEDULE "C" Effective January V, 2022 Sanitary sewer surcharge The charge for sanitary sewer charges is calculated as 80.35% of the customer's bill for water services (including both consumption and service charges) ARRETE No M-16 ARRETE MODIFIANT VARRETE CONCERNANT LE RESEAU D'EAU ET D'EGOUTS Le conseil communal de The City of Saint John decrete ce qui suit : Par les presentes, 1'arr&d de The City of Saint John intitule « Arretts concernant les r6seaux d'eau et d'6gouts», ddict6 le 7 juin 2004, est modifie comme suit:: 1 Les annexes <<A» et <B» sont abrogdes et sont remplacees par celles qui figurent aux presentes. ANNEXE«A» En vigueur le I e' janvier 2022 Tarif forfaitaire pour les clients Tarif forfaitaire pour Tarif 791.80$ les clients annuel Redevance sur 1eau ANNEXE «B» En vigueur le I,rjanvier 2022 CLIENTS AVEC COMPTEUR TARIF DES SERVICES D'EAU Dimension du compreur Tarif annuel ($) Tanf mensuel ($) Tan bimensuel($) 15mm 267.54 22.30 44.59 20mm 327.48 27.29 54.58 25mm 1 447.22 37.27 74.54 40mm 588.04 49.00 98.01 50mm 1,113.10 97.76 195,52 75mm 2,437.74 203.15 406.29 100mm 4,239.36 353.28 706.56 150mm 6,662.56 555.21 1,110.43 200mm 9,573.48 797,79 1,595.58 250mm et plus 12,965.90 1,080.49 2,160.98 CLIENTS AVEC COMPTEUR - FRAIS DE CONSOMMATION Mensuels (par m3) Bimestriels (par m ) Consommation Fiats Consommation Frais (m) ($!m `: W) ($Im ) Pour les 50 1199" Pour les 100 1,9944 Premiers premiers Pour toute 1,2700 Pour toute 1,2700 Consommation Consommation au-de]A de au -debt de 50 100 ANNEXE «C» En vigueur le 1"janvier 2022 Surtaxe d'6gouts sanitaires Les droits aff6rents aux rigouts sanitaires s'tstablissent a 80.35% de la taxe d'eau de 1'abonnd (frais de service et redevance de Consommation compris). IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the 13th day of December, A.D. 2021 and signed by: EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arret4 le 13 decembre 2021, avec les signatures suivantes : First Reading - November 29, 2021 Premiere lecture - le 29 novembre 2021 Second Reading November 29, 2021 Deuxieme Iecture - le 29 novembre 2021 Third Reading - December 13, 2021 Troisieme lecture - le 13 decembre 2021