Traffic By-Law Amendment 2021-02-22A BY-LAW TO AMEND A BY-LAW RESPECTING THE TRAFFIC ON STREETS IN THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN, BY-LAW NUMBER MV-10.1, AND AMENDMENTS THERETO ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE RELATIF A LA CIRCULATION DANS LES RUES DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN, ARRETE NUMERO MV-10.1, ET MODIFICATIONS AFFERENTES Be it enacted by the Common Council of Lors d'une reunion du conseil municipal, The City of Saint John as follows: The City of Saint John a decrete ce qui suit : A By-law of The City of Saint John entitled "A By-law respecting the Traffic on Streets in The City of Saint John, By-law Number MV-10.1" and amendments thereto, enacted on the 7" day of October, A.D. 2019, is hereby amended as follows: Par les presentes, 1'arrete de The City of Saint John intitule « Arrete relatif a la circulation dans les rues de The City of Saint John, Arrete numero MV-10.1 » et modifications afferentes, decrete le 7e jour d'octobre 2019, est modifie comme suit: 1. Subsections 27(1) and 27(2) are repealed 1. Les paragraphes 27(1) et 27(2) sont abroges and replaced with the following: et remplaces par ce qui suit : "27(1) Subject to subsection 27(2), any person who violates a provision of this By-law is guilty of an offence and is liable upon summary conviction to a penalty of not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) and not more than one hundred and twenty-five dollars ($125.00). 27(2) Any person who violates paragraphs 5(3)(c), 5(3)(d), 5(3)(g), section 11, paragraph 16(1)(a), subsection 19(3) or 19(4) of this By-law is guilty of an offence and liable upon summary conviction to a penalty of not less than one hundred and twenty- five dollars ($125.00)." 27(1) Sous reserve du paragraphe 27(2), toute personne qui contrevient A une des dispositions du present arrete est coupable d'une infraction et est passible sur condamnation sommaire d'une penalite minimale de cent dollars (100 $) et d'un montant maximal de cent vingt-cinq dollars (125 27(2) Toute personne qui contrevient aux alineas 5(3)c), 5(3)d), 5(3)g) a Particle 11, a 1'alinea 16(1)a), aux paragraphes 19(3) ou l 9(4) du present arrete est coupable d'une infraction et est passible sur condamnation sommaire d'une penalite d'un montant minimal de cent vingt-cinq dollars (125 $). » 2. Subsection 28(2) is repealed and replaced 2. Le paragraphe 28(2) est abroge et remplace with the following: par ce qui suit : "28(2) (a) A person who violates any provision of this By-law, other than paragraphs 5(3)(c), 5(3)(d), 5(3)(g), section 11, paragraph 16(1)(a), subsections 19(3) and 19(4), may pay to the City within fifteen calendar days from the date of such violation an administrative penalty of forty dollars ($40.00), and upon such 28(2) a) Toute personne qui contrevient a une disposition du present arrete, autre que celles prevues aux alineas 5(3)c), 5(3)d), 5(3)g), a l'article 11, a 1'alinea 16(1)a), et aux paragraphes 19(3) et 19(4), peut payer A la municipalite dans un delai de quinze jours civils a compter de la date de ladite infraction, une penalite administrative de payment, the person who committed the violation is not liable to be prosecuted therefor. (b) A person who violates any provision of this By-law, other than paragraphs 5(3)(c), 5(3)(d), 5(3)(g), section 11, subsection 16(1)(a), subsections 19(3) and 19(4), may pay to the City an administrative penalty of fifty-five dollars ($55.00) if payment is made more than fifteen calendar days after the date of the violation but within thirty calendar days of such violation, and upon such payment, the person who committed the violation is not liable to be prosecuted therefor. (c) A person who violates any provision of this By-law, other than paragraphs 5(3)(c), 5(3)(d), 5(3)(g), section 11, subsection 16(1)(a), subsections 19(3) and 19(4), may pay to the City an administrative penalty of eighty dollars ($$0.00) if payment is made more than thirty calendar days after the date of such violation but before conviction in the Provincial Court of New Brunswick, and upon such payment, the person who committed the violation is not liable to be prosecuted therefor. (d) A person who violates paragraphs 5(3)(c), 5(3)(d), section 11, subsection 16(1)(a), subsection 19(3) or 19(4) may pay to the City within fifteen calendar days from the date of such violation an administrative penalty of sixty dollars ($60.00), and upon such payment, the person who committed the violation is not liable to be prosecuted therefor. (e) A person who violates paragraphs 5(3)(c), 5(3)(d), section 11, paragraph 16(1)(a), subsection 19(3) or quarante dollars (40 $), et une fois I'amende pay6e, la personne n'est plus susceptible de poursuites judiciaires. b) Toute personne qui contrevient a une disposition du present arret6, autre que celles pr6vues aux alin6as 5(3)c), 5(3)d), 5(3)g), a Particle 11, a Palinda 16(1)a) et aux paragraphes 19(3) et 19(4), peut payer A la municipalit6 une pdnalit6 administrative de cinquante-cinq dollars (55 $) si l'amende est acquitt6e plus de quinze jours civils apres la date de l' infraction, mais dans les trente jours civils de ladite infraction, et une fois I'amende pay6e, is personne nest plus susceptible de poursuites judiciaires. c) Toute personne qui contrevient a une disposition du prdsent arret6, autre que celles pr6vues aux alineas 5(3)c), 5(3)d), 5(3)g), a Particle 11, a 1'alin6a 16(1)a) et aux paragraphes 19(3) et 19(4), peut payer A la municipalit6 une p6nalit6 administrative de quatre-vingts dollars (80 $) si I'amende est acquitt6e plus de trente jours civils de Ia date de Pinfraction, mais avant une d6claration de culpabilit6 a la Cour provinciale du Nouveau -Brunswick, et une fois I'amende payee, la personne n'est plus susceptible de poursuites judiciaires. d) Toute personne qui contrevient aux alineas 5(3)c), 5(3)d), a Particle 11, a l'alin6a 16(1)a) et aux paragraphes 19(3) ou 19(4), peut payer a la municipalit6 dans un d6lai de quinze jours civils a compter de la date de l'infraction, une pdnalit6 administrative de soixante dollars (60 $), et une fois I'amende payee, la personne West plus susceptible de poursuites judiciaires. e) Toute personne qui contrevient aux alineas 5(3)c), 5(3)d), a Particle 11, a Palin6a 16(1)a) et aux paragraphes 19(3) 19(4) may pay to the City administrative penalty of ninety dollars ($90.00) if payment is made more than fifteen calendar days after the date of such violation but within thirty calendar days of such violation, and upon such payment, the person who committed the violation is not liable to be prosecuted therefor. (f) A person who violates paragraphs 5(3)(c), 5(3)(d), section 11, paragraph 16(1)(a), subsection 19(3) or 19(4) may pay to the City an administrative penalty of one hundred dollars ($100.00) if payment is made more than thirty calendar days after the date of such violation but before conviction in the Provincial Court of New Brunswick, and upon such payment, the person who committed the violation is not liable to be prosecuted therefor. (g) A person who violates paragraph 5(3)(g) may pay to the City an administrative penalty of one hundred and twenty-five dollars ($125.00), and upon such payment, the person who committed the violation is not liable to be prosecuted therefor." IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the 22nd day of February, A.D., 2021 signed by: ou 19(4), peut payer a ]a municipalitd une pdnalit6 administrative de quatre-vingt- dix dollars (90 $) si 1'amende est acquittde plus de quinze jours civils apr6s la date de l'infraction, mais dans les trente jours civils de ladite infraction, et une fois Pamende payde, ]a personne n'est plus susceptible de poursuites judiciaires. f) Toute personne qui contrevient aux alindas 5(3)c), 5(3)d), a Particle 11, a Palinda 16(1)a) et aux paragraphes 19(3) ou 19(4), peut payer a la municipalitd une pdnalitd administrative de cent dollars (100 $) si Pamende est acquittde plus de trente jours civils de la date de l'infraction, mais avant une ddclaration de culpabilitd a la Cour provinciale du Nouveau -Brunswick, et une fois Pamende payde, la personne n'est plus susceptible de poursuites judiciaires. g) Toute personne qui contrevient a Palinda 5(3)g) peut payer a la municipalitd une pdnalitd administrative de cent vingt-cinq dollars, et une fois l'amende payee, la personne n'est plus susceptible de poursuites judiciaires. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau municipal sur le prdsent arret6 le 22 fdvrier 2021, avec les signatures suivantes : Mayor maire City Clerkm1`'greffier commu First Reading - February 8, 2021 Premiere lecture Second Reading - February 8, 2021 Deuxi6me lecture Third Reading - February 22, 2021 Troisi6me lecture 7_41W'Uvrier 2021 - le 8 fdvrier 2021 - le 22 fdvrier 2021