HR-003-Health and Safety Policy_2020r.-e SAINT JOHN Subject: Health and Safety Category: Administrative Policy: Health, Safety and Wellness Policy No.: M&C Report No.: N/A Effective Date: October 7, 2020 Next Review Date: (3 years) Area(s) this policy applies to: Staff Office Responsible for review of this Policy: Human Resources Related Instruments: Policy Sponsors: Commissioner of Human Resources Document Pages: This document consists of 8 pages. Revision History: Common Clerk's Annotation for Official Record Date of Passage of Policy Statement: Nov 7, 2016 Date Created: Common Council Approval Date: Contact: 05 22, 2020 Nov 7,2016 Human Resources Contents POLICYSTATEMENT............................................................................................3 SCOPE.................................................................................................................3 LEGISLATION AND STANDARDS...........................................................................4 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES.............................................................................4 SENIOR STAFF/DEPARTMENT HEADS.......................................................................................................4 MANAGERS/SUPERVISORS........................................................................................................................4 EMPLOYEES............................................................................................................................................... 5 MANAGER OF HEALTH, SAFETY, AND WELLNESS.....................................................................................5 CONTRACTORS/SUB-CONTRACTORS: ....................................................................................................... 6 MONITOR AND REVIEWS....................................................................................6 IMPLEMENTATION..............................................................................................6 AUTHORIZATION.................................................................................................6 RESOURCES.........................................................................................................6 PROCEDURES......................................................................................................6 GLOSSARY........................................................................................................... 7 INQUIRIES...........................................................................................................7 APPENDICES........................................................................................................7 2 POLICY STATEMENT A central obligation of the City of Saint John is the health and safety of its employees and the protection of public property from damage and loss. The City of Saint John and all of its employees shall demonstrate a positive attitude toward health and safety by being duly diligent in all respects. Accidents causing injuries to employees and others, damage to equipment, and inefficiencies in operations are preventable. Health and safety hazards shall be minimized through the commitment of leadership and the attention to health and safety by employees of all levels. The objectives of this policy are: Maintain the health and safety of employees. Generally define the role and responsibilities of workplace partners in support of the City's Health and Safety Program. iii. Conduct operations in compliance with applicable legislation. iv. Provide for standards, procedures and guidelines designed to minimize injuries, damage and loss of property. V. Reduce costs resulting from workplace accidents (personal injury and/or damage and loss to City property). vi. Enable the Joint Health & Safety Committee(s) to fulfill its proper functions under provincial legislation. vii. Encourage and maintain positive attitudes, co-operation and communications conducive to participation by all workplace partners concerning health and safety activities. 611�6110 This policy applies to all employees and officials of the City, and includes overseeing the work carried out by contractors and sub -contractors retained by the City. The City is responsible to ensure there are no uncontrolled hazards at the workplace. 3 LEGISLATION AND STANDARDS This Policy Document and all associated Standard Operating Procedures shall conform to and where appropriate exceed the requirements of the New Brunswick Occupational Health and Safety Act (NBOHSA) and Regulations. The City recognizes that employees undertake a myriad of work tasks and activities on a daily basis in the service of our community. The safety laws are either silent on or provide limited guidance with respect to many of these situations. In other cases, minimum regulatory requirements apply, but provide insufficient protection based on the hazard analysis. In either case, due diligence demands that the City adopt legal minimums as only the starting point for development of an appropriate control regimen. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Safety is a partnership, a shared responsibility among all workplace stakeholders. Our partnership in safety reflects our commitment to and caring for each other and for the community we serve. Common Council, City staff, civic unions and employees view safety and service excellence as synonymous objectives, requiring effective leadership, communication, work planning as well as disciplined execution and follow up at every level. Our partnership in safety is a strategic direction of the organization which recognizes that "sustaining a healthy, safe, and caring environment" is essential to strengthening organizational capacity. SENIOR STAFF/DEPARTMENT HEADS Since, under law, the employer controls the workplace, Senior Staff have the primary and lead role in transformation of the workplace safety culture and in championing safety improvement. Senior Staff provide essential leadership and set the standards that drive accountability for safe work performance throughout the organization. In so doing, Senior Staff/Department Heads serve as exemplars of the City's Health and Safety Program. MANAGERS/SUPERVISORS Managers and Supervisors lead the operation of the Safety Management System within their areas of jurisdiction. This includes the key quality assurance role of ensuring the required safety activities are carried out in accordance with defined standards of frequency and quality. Managers and Supervisors also play an important role in building the safety culture by reinforcement of safe work practices, by driving accountability for safety performance, and by strengthening communication around safety among front-line employees. They advocate positive safety change and recognize that demonstrated progress on needed and requested 4 safety improvement is the most effective means of sustaining employee engagement with and commitment to the Safety Management System. EMPLOYEES Employees are responsible for their own health and safety and that of their coworkers. Employees shall identify and where possible eliminate workplace hazards, and in every case, shall fully document hazards for follow up through the Safety Management System. Employees shall adhere to safety policies, procedures, and rules. Employees shall further model safety excellence by continually proposing improved controls for current tasks and by contributing to the development of innovative control strategies for new tasks within the service portfolio. Finally, employees play a crucial role in defining the safety culture and in making the directions in safety established by Senior Management, a sustainable organizational reality. MANAGER OF HEALTH, SAFETY, AND WELLNESS The Manager of Health, Safety and Wellness is responsible for the corporate Safety Management System, for refining its processes and for raising the level of communication and safety awareness system wide. This position is also responsible for charting the course of safety improvement at the corporate level, for liaison with the City's regulators, and for preparing the organization for legislative change. Accordingly, the Manager of Health, Safety, and Wellness shall champion the development of accident prevention programs, collaborate in safety improvement with our sister municipalities and senior levels of government, and provide consulting support to the City's Joint Health and Safety Committee. JOINT HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE(S): The operation of the City's Joint Health and Safety Committee (J.H.S.C.) is established under the NBOHSA and the Committee's Terms of Reference. The City's J.H.S.C. plays an important role in championing the Safety Management System, and in considering variances and issues of system -wide significance that are brought before it. The recommendations of J.H.S.C., supported by analysis, become part of the solution set available to Senior Management in addressing these issues. While J.H.S.0 retains it legislative mandate as a voice in safety for employee safety concerns on any scale, management and the unions recognize that the Safety Management System of today addresses many of the issues that would formerly have been tabled with the Committee. Consequently, J.H.S.C. is well positioned to focus on high level trend analysis, accident statistics, prevention programming, and on formulating policy recommendations to Senior Management, all of which enhances the stature of JHSC in the workplace and improves the value proposition. 5 CONTRACTORS/SU B-CONTRACTORS: Contractors, including their sub -contractors, are from time to time retained by the City of Saint John to perform work. In accordance with the NBOHSA, Contractors and their Sub -Contractors are deemed to be in the employ of the City of Saint John. As a result, Contractors are required to follow this and other established City of Saint John safety policies, procedures, guidelines, and relevant regulatory standards, as applicable to the work proposed and undertaken. MONITOR AND REVIEWS This policy document will be reviewed annually by the City of Saint John's Human Resources Division of Corporate Services in collaboration with the City's Joint Health and Safety Committee and all business units of the City of Saint John. IMPLEMENTATION The Health and Safety Policy will be implemented by the City of Saint John's Human Resources Division of Corporate Services as well as by the City Manager and Senior Staff in every service area. AUTHORIZATION This Policy Document is authorized by City Manager pursuant to a resolution of Common Council approving the associated Policy Statement. RESOURCES WorkSafeNB : Electronic access to Acts and Regulation http://worksafenb.ca/acts-and-regulations Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) PROCEDURES Standard Operating Procedures shall be developed, as required, to support the administration of this Policy Document. N. rGOORRE"TA Due Diligence Due diligence is the level of judgement, care, prudence, determination, and activity that a person would reasonably be expected to do under particular circumstances. Applied to occupational health and safety, due diligence means that employers shall take all reasonable precautions, under the particular circumstances, to prevent injuries or accidents in the workplace. This duty also applies to situations that are not addressed elsewhere in the occupational health and safety legislation. Reasonable precautions are also referred to as reasonable care. It refers to the care, caution, or action a reasonable person is expected to take under similar circumstances. To exercise due diligence, an employer must implement a plan to identify possible workplace hazards and carry out the appropriate corrective action to prevent accidents or injuries arising from these hazards.' INQUIRIES Inquiries regarding this Policy Document can be addressed to the City of Saint John's Human Resources Division of Corporate Services. APPENDICES N/A 1 Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) 7