2020-06-15_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jourCity of Saint John Common Council Meeting AGENDA Monday, June 15, 2020 6:15 pm Meeting Conducted by Electronic Participation Si vous avez besoin des services en francais pour une reunion de Conseil communal, veuillez contacter le bureau du greffier communal au 658-2862. Pages 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Approval of Agenda 4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest 5. Consent Agenda 6. Members Comments 7. Proclamation 8. Delegations / Presentations 9. Public Hearings - 6:30 p.m. 9.1 Proposed Section 59 Amendment with PAC report recommending amendment 1-65 and Staff Presentation - 10-36 Arlington Crescent 9.2 Proposed Municipal Plan and Zoning Bylaw Amendment with PAC report 66-135 recommending Approval and Staff Presentation - 251-361 Riverview Drive 10. Consideration of By-laws 10.1 Zoning Bylaw Amendment with Section 59 Conditions - 191 Red Head Road 136-138 11. Submissions by Council Members 12. Business Matters - Municipal Officers 13. Committee Reports 14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda 15. General Correspondence 16. Supplemental Agenda 17. Committee of the Whole 18. Adjournment K May 22, 2020 His Worship Mayor Don Darling and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Section 59 Amendment 10-36 Arlington Crescent On April 20, 2020, Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning Advisory Committee (Committee) for a report and recommendation. The Committee considered the attached report at its May 20, 2020 meeting via a virtual WebEx meeting. The City of saint John Staff presented the application, noting that the purpose of the application in amending the 2008 resolution would permit the proposal to be considered and require authorization from the City regarding servicing capacity prior to development of adjacent lands. Staff also presented a letter of support from the property owner affected by the recommendation, Timberstone Developments Inc. The applicant, Mr. John Rocca, was in attendance and stated that he had read the staff report and was in support of the application. Mr. Rocca was joined by Mr. Andrew Toole. In response to questions from the Committee Mr. Rocca noted: - The decision to pursue 89 units was based on market demand and the desire to not build taller than third storeys above the parking level. - All parking would be provided underground and there are 101 spaces currently planned. Regarding visitor parking, Mr. Rocca noted it was an issue were currently working through and may explore an agreement with the adjacent landowner. He noted that no formal discussions had yet occurred but would pursue these discussions subsequent to the development approval process. There are a variety of options including purchasing more land. Page 1 of 3 048367 N.B. Inc. 10-36 Arlington Crescent May 22, 2020 Mr. Toole noted in response to concern around water pressure that there was currently adequate pressure and quantity and that the detailed design would further confirm this. One resident was in attendance. Ms. Mariam Civi, resident of Arlington Crescent noted that side and front yards would have little space in terms of lawn and would there be an outdoor space for pet owners. Mr. Rocca responded that the building was u -shaped on top of the parking garage podium and there would be an outdoor courtyard space for outdoor gathering. The Committee requested that the visitor parking issue be dealt with prior to the development going forward. Staff responded that the Zoning By-law does not require visitor parking; however, staff could work with the applicant to acquire greater understanding where visitor parking would be provided and how it will be dealt with. The Committee agreed not to apply a condition; however, wished it be known for the record that Common Council should consider visitor parking and the potential of additional units exacerbating this issue as part of their approval. RECOMMENDATION: That Common Council adopt the following resolution: THAT WHEREAS Common Council of the City of Saint John on the 28th day of April, 2008 adopted a resolution pursuant to s. 39 of the Community Planning Act, c. C-12 R.S.N.B. 1973 (the "Act"), imposing terms and conditions upon the development of land identified at the time by PID No. 55165781, 55173918 and 55159925 (the "Lands"); and WHEREAS the aforesaid resolution anticipated both commercial and residential development of the Lands; and WHEREAS only a portion of the Lands have been developed in accordance with the April 28, 2008 resolution; and WHEREAS a proposal for the development of a part of the yet undeveloped portion has been submitted to the City; and WHEREAS accommodation of the proposal referred to in the immediately preceding recital will require amendment of the April 28, 2008 resolution; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the resolution adopted by Common Council of The City of Saint John, pursuant to s. 39 of the Act, on the Page 2 of 3 2 048367 N.B. Inc. 10-36 Arlington Crescent May 22, 2020 28th day of April, 2008 with respect to land identified therein by PID 55165781 is hereby amended, pursuant to the provisions of Section 59 of the Community Planning Act, SNB 2017, c 19: By adding the following: "c) the area of land known as Civic No. 10-36 Arlington Court currently identified by PID Nos. 5197594, 55197602, 55197610, 55197628, 55197636, 55197644, 55197651, 55197669, 55197677, 55197685, 55197693 and 55197701 and comprising approximately 5,119 square metres (which area forms part of the Lands subject to the Common Council resolution of April 28, 2008) shall be subject to the following conditions: i. The land shall be developed to a maximum of 89 residential units unless the developer has first obtained the City's written opinion that its municipal infrastructure including, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, storm and sanitary services as well as water services, has adequate capacity to accommodate a stipulated number of additional residential units; ii. That the development and use of the parcel of land be in accordance with detailed building elevation and site plans, prepared by the proponent and subject to the approval of the Development Officer, illustrating the design and location of buildings and structures, garbage enclosures, outdoor storage, driveway accesses, vehicle and bicycle parking, loading areas, landscaping, amenity spaces, signs, exterior lighting, and other such site features; and iii. That the above elevation and site plans be attached to the permit application for the development of the parcel of land. d) any and all development of the area of land currently identified by PID Nos. 55190201, 55197719, 55197727, 55197735, 55197743, 55197750, 55197768, 55197776, 55197909, 55197917, 55197925, 55197933, 55197941, 55197958, 55197966, 55197974, 55197982, 55197990, 55198063, 55198071, 55198089, 55198097, 55212088, 55212096, 55212104, 55212112 and 55219349 is subject to the condition that prior to the commencement of any such development, the developer must obtain the City's written opinion that its municipal infrastructure including, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, storm and sanitary services as well as water service, has adequate capacity to accommodate such proposed development." Respectfully submitted, Alexandra Weaver Crawford Chair Page 3 of 3 3 The City of Sint John Date: May 15, 2020 To: Planning Advisory Committee From: Growth & Community Planning Growth & Community Development Services Meeting: May 20, 2020 SUBJECT Applicant: 048367 N.B. Inc. Landowner: Timberstone Developments Inc. Location: 10-36 Arlington Crescent and surrounding land PIDs: 55197594, 55197602, 55197610, 55197628, 55197636, 55197644, 55197651, 55197669, 55197677, 55197685, 55197693,55197701;55190201,55197719,55197727, 55197735, 55197743, 55197750, 55197768, 55197776, 55197909, 55197917, 55197925, 55197933, 55197941, 55197958, 55197966, 55197974, 55197982, 55197990, 55198063, 55198071, 55198089, 55198097, 55212088, 55212096, 55212104, 55212112, 55219349 Plan Designation: Stable Residential Existing Zoning: Mid -Rise Residential (RM) Application Type: Section 59 Amendment Jurisdiction: Common Council has requested the views of the Planning Advisory Committee concerning proposed amendments to the Section 59 conditions of the subject property. Council will consider Page 1 of 8 4 048367 N.B. Inc. 10-36 Arlington Crescent May 15, 2020 the Committee recommendation at a public hearing on Monday, June 15, 2020. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This application is to enable the development of a 5 storey, 89 -unit apartment building within Phase 1 of the Arlington Crescent subdivision by amending a 2008 Common Council resolution that provided for a larger 9.2 -hectare proposal of residential and commercial lands. Staff are supportive of amending the resolution to add greater flexibility and enable the proposed development. While the Municipal Plan and Zoning By-law can accommodate this application, due to sanitary sewer limitations on University Avenue, staff recommend a number of conditions to ensure that the subject site and future proposals in the surrounding lands can be adequately serviced. In addition, prior to building permit application a number of variances will be required, which will be considered by the Development Officer. RECOMMENDATION That Common Council adopt the following resolution: THAT WHEREAS Common Council of the City of Saint John on the 28th day of April, 2008 adopted a resolution pursuant to s. 39 of the Community Planning Act, c. C-12 R.S.N.B. 1973 (the "Act"), imposing terms and conditions upon the development of land identified at the time by PID No. 55165781, 55173918 and 55159925 (the "Lands"); and WHEREAS the aforesaid resolution anticipated both commercial and residential development of the Lands; and WHEREAS only a portion of the Lands have been developed in accordance with the April 28, 2008 resolution; and WHEREAS a proposal for the development of a part of the yet undeveloped portion has been submitted to the City; and WHEREAS accommodation of the proposal referred to in the immediately preceding recital will require amendment of the April 28, 2008 resolution; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the resolution adopted by Common Council of The City of Saint John, pursuant to s. 39 of the Act, on the 28th day of April, 2008 with respect to land identified therein by PID 55165781 is hereby amended, pursuant to the provisions of Section 59 of the Community Planning Act, SNB 2017, c 19: Page 2 of 8 5 048367 N.B. Inc. 10-36 Arlington Crescent May 15, 2020 By adding the following: "c) the area of land known as Civic No. 10-36 Arlington Court currently identified by PID Nos. 5197594, 55197602, 55197610, 55197628, 55197636, 55197644, 55197651, 55197669, 55197677, 55197685, 55197693 and 55197701 and comprising approximately 5,119 square metres (which area forms part of the Lands subject to the Common Council resolution of April 28, 2008) shall be subject to the following conditions: The land shall be developed to a maximum of 89 residential units unless the developer has first obtained the City's written opinion that its municipal infrastructure including, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, storm and sanitary services as well as water services, has adequate capacity to accommodate a stipulated number of additional residential units;" That the development and use of the parcel of land be in accordance with detailed building elevation and site plans, prepared by the proponent and subject to the approval of the Development Officer, illustrating the design and location of buildings and structures, garbage enclosures, outdoor storage, driveway accesses, vehicle and bicycle parking, loading areas, landscaping, amenity spaces, signs, exterior lighting, and other such site features; and iii. That the above elevation and site plans be attached to the permit application for the development of the parcel of land. d) any and all development of the area of land currently identified by PID Nos. 55190201, 55197719, 55197727, 55197735, 55197743, 55197750, 55197768, 55197776, 55197909, 55197917, 55197925, 55197933, 55197941, 55197958, 55197966, 55197974, 55197982, 55197990, 55198063, 55198071, 55198089, 55198097, 55212088, 55212096, 55212104, 55212112 and 55219349 is subject to the condition that prior to the commencement of any such development, the developer must obtain the City's written opinion that its municipal infrastructure including, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, storm and sanitary services as well as water service, has adequate capacity to accommodate such proposed development." DECISION HISTORY On April 27 & May 4, 2009, Common Council rescinded a 2002 resolution regarding dealing with a proposed subdivision plan for a public street. This resolution also authorized the filing of a subdivision plan to create a public street of 675 square metres, PID 55197446, and amended the resolution of April 28, 2008 regarding improvements on this parcel of land. The resolution also authorized the Solicitor or his designate to petition the Provincial Government to remove Page 3 of 8 6 048367 N.B. Inc. 10-36 Arlington Crescent May 15, 2020 from the terms and conditions contained in the will of the late James Tucker the land of the same parcel identified above and to permit usage as a public street. On April 28, 2008, Common Council (see Attachment 3): - Gave third reading and approved an application by Caliber Consulting Ltd. to rezone 9.2 hectares of property located at 1060 Sandy Point Road to permit a commercial and residential development; - Resolved pursuant to Section 39 (now 59) of the Community Planning Act to subject the commercial portion of the property (2.06 hectares) to a number of conditions and the residential portion of the property (7.14 hectares) to a condition regarding consultation respecting any blasting on site. - Assented to create a new public street; and, - Authorized the preparation of a Section 101 agreement between the City and Caliber Consulting Ltd. regarding improvements to the adjacent City owned parkland property on University Avenue, PID No. 00469486. This agreement was never finalized. Prior to 2008, a similar residential proposal was enabled through a rezoning and Municipal Plan amendment, which also included a garden centre off Sandy Point Road. Concern was raised during this time by the neighbouring Canadian Blood Services property and as a result a blasting condition was included in the approval. ANALYSIS Proposal The application is an amendment to a Common Council April 28, 2008 resolution regarding 9.2 hectares of residential and commercial land in the Arlington Crescent neighbourhood. The application applies specifically to a 0.5 -hectare portion of undeveloped lands for the purposes of enabling "the Proposal." The Proposal is a 5 storey 89 -unit multiple dwelling located on southwest side of Arlington Crescent. The building's bottom two storeys contain a mixture of dwelling units and indoor parking, making full use of the slope on Arlington Crescent. An exterior courtyard area is provided on the base of the parking structure on the third floor. Amenity space consists of balconies attached to each unit with a gym and common room provided within the building. The main pedestrian entrance and lobby is accessed at the foot of Arlington Crescent. In exchange for the amenity of indoor parking, the proposal occupies a larger percentage of the property and as a result requires a number of variances. Site and Neighbourhood The 0.5 -hectare site is located off the southwest side of Arlington Crescent. Site preparation work was done in 2009, including rock breaking, clearing, grading, and installation of utility boxes. The site is located 100 metres perpendicular to existing dwellings off Arlington Crescent. The built out portion of the Arlington Crescent neighbourhood is situated on a small plateau and slopes up an average of 8% from the site. Phase 1 of the subdivision is in a state of semi - completion, consisting of 14 townhouse/semi-detached dwelling units and a 24 -unit condominium at the northern end, which backs onto a garden centre. The subsequent phase Page 4 of 8 7 048367 N.B. Inc. 10-36 Arlington Crescent May 15, 2020 has yet to be subdivided but in concept consisted of the completion of the Arlington Crescent street right-of-way and further residential development. Together these lands make up 7.14 hectares of residentially zoned land. Further to the north, between Sandy Point Road and University Avenue are located 2.06 hectares of vacant commercial and high density residential lands. All together, the lands comprise 9.2 hectares that were subject to the April 28, 2008 Common Council resolution (See Attachment 3). Arlington Crescent is serviced by University Avenue, an arterial street to the northeast. The site and neighbourhood are buffered from University Avenue by a treed parcel of land, entrusted to the City of Saint John as park land. To the southeast, the site abuts a future phase, which terminates in a gravelled turnaround area. According to Provincial mapping, Alder Brook runs through the northwest portion of the site and therefore the Proposal will require a Wetland and Watercourse alteration permit. A blood bank is immediately adjacent to the south of the site and the hospital and university complex is located on a higher plateau to the east. University Avenue features a variety of housing forms including single family, row, and multi -unit residential. Municipal Development Plan Schedule A of the Municipal Plan identifies the site within a Primary Corridor and on the edge of the UNBSJ Plateau / Regional Hospital Primary Centre. Schedule B of the Municipal Plan designates the area as Stable Residential. These neighbourhoods have the potential to accommodate additional development and feature a variety of densities and housing forms. The proposal is compatible with the following City Structure and Land Use Goals of the Plan: • Offers a compact development on a vacant property to revitalize an existing neighbourhood; • Uses the land efficiently to provide additional housing choice without compromising the character of the neighbourhood; • High quality built form and design; and, • Proximity of the Proposal to the UNBSJ Plateau / Regional Hospital Primary Centre and a Low to Medium Density Residential Intensification Area further offers opportunity to mix land uses within walking distance of each other. Policy LU -88 of the Plan outlines requirements with which the Proposal shall adhere (See Attachment 2). Overall the Proposal is compatible with the immediate area and the land use will make a positive contribution to the neighbourhood. The April 28, 2008 resolution included a condition that any blasting be in accordance with a program developed with representatives of Canadian Blood Services. No additional blasting is anticipated as a result of this development, as intensive site preparation work has already been completed. Policy MS -20 of the Plan states that new development is contingent upon wastewater collection system capacity. These servicing considerations are addressed below. Page 5 of 8 8 048367 N.B. Inc. 10-36 Arlington Crescent May 15, 2020 Servicing and Infrastructure From 2008 to 2012, development approvals in the Arlington Crescent Phases 1 & 2 subdivision consisted of 52 single family townhouse units, one 32 unit building and one 24 unit building. To date, an overall 38 units have been constructed and 70 units remain undeveloped. The newly proposed 89 -unit multiple dwelling proposal results in similar sanitary sewer flows to what was approved by Saint John Water in 2008 and 2012. Due to similar sanitary sewer flows exiting the Arlington Crescent development previously being approved in 2008 & 2012, the proposal can be serviced but only in exchange for temporarily restricting development on the undeveloped surrounding land (the 70 units remaining in Phases 1 & 2 consisted of 38 townhouse units and one 32 unit building) until excess flow capacity availability is determined. It is therefore recommended that a condition be placed on all future development within Arlington Crescent Phase 1, 2 and 3 that requires written authorization from Saint John Water prior to development. This applies both to the subject area of the Proposal and surrounding lands. While the Proposal currently consists of 89 units, the applicant has indicated interest in pursuing a 97 - unit option that would place an additional 8 units on the second floor. It should be noted that there are no permits currently being processed for the undeveloped lots and no development activity has occurred since 2012. Once Saint John Water completes their detailed analysis, which is currently underway, on the downstream sanitary sewer system and excess flow capacity availability is determined, additional development in the neighbourhood can once more be considered, subject to authorization from Saint John Water. Within the broader context of University Avenue, while there have been recent improvements to the sanitary sewer system, additional improvements may be required. The analysis currently underway will determine if upgrades are required and if capital work needs to be done. This condition is an interim condition until sanitary flow capacity availability is determined and necessary upgrades are implemented if required and would exclusively effect Timberstone Developments Inc. (TDI), who is in agreement with the restriction. Zoning By-law The subject site is zoned RM (Mid -Rise Residential), which is the most appropriate zone for the Proposal. The RM Zone accommodates a range of serviced medium density residential development in various forms including townhouses, apartments, and condominiums. To enable the Proposal, a number of variances from RM Zone Standards are required. These are outlined below and would be subject to Development Officer review at the time of Building Permit. Page 6 of 8 9 Requirement Proposal Comment 1 Minimum Lot Required: Lot Area: The proposal makes efficient use of the lot and Area topography by containing all tenant and visitor 12,920 m2 5,112 m2 parking within two floors of the building, therefore reducing the size of lot required, but requiring added density. The topography of the land helps with mitigating density, as there is a Page 6 of 8 9 048367 N.B. Inc. 10-36 Arlington Crescent May 15, 2020 Conclusion The application will enable a proposed apartment building to make use of an area of the City that has been vacant for over a decade. Conditions from the previous 2008 are recommended Page 7 of 8 10 grade differential of approximately 10 metres from the bottom end of the property to the top. The proposal is adjacent to undeveloped parkland, a parking lot, and vacant land, providing adequate buffers without negative impacts. The Municipal Plan encourages additional density in this area and the variance is reasonable for the development of the parcel. 2 Minimum Required: Proposed: The proposal is capable of maintaining a 5 Front Yard metre landscaped front yard, which is generally 6 m 5 m in keeping with the neighbourhood character. There is no existing development to reference southwest of Arlington Crescent to align to and this variance represents a reasonable one to accommodate the footprint of the building. 3 Minimum Required: Proposed: A reduction in the rear yard setback is required Rear to accommodate the footprint of the building and Yard 6 m 2.82 m topography of the land, which slopes down towards the adjacent blood bank, thereby reducing the amount of excavation required in the front yard. 4 Maximum Required: Proposed: The Zoning By-law defines building height as Building the vertical distance from average grade. From Height 14 m 17.6 m top of the hill, the building appears as a three storey building (12.8 m) and meets the By-law standard. At the bottom of the hill, the height is 19.7 metres. The proposal takes advantage of the slope of Arlington Crescent, making the average grade 17.6 metres, here measured from the midpoint of the front and rear elevation drawings. The variance of approximately 1 storey is supportable as it is only for a portion of the building. The highest point of the building will be buffered by and adjacent to park land while the lowest point at three storeys is capable of providing adequate transition to any future subdivision. 5 Maximum Required: Proposed: This variance is reasonable given the provision Lot of indoor parking and exceedance of amenity Occupancy 50% 72% space within the proposal. Conclusion The application will enable a proposed apartment building to make use of an area of the City that has been vacant for over a decade. Conditions from the previous 2008 are recommended Page 7 of 8 10 048367 N.B. Inc. 10-36 Arlington Crescent May 15, 2020 to be modified to enable greater flexibility to consider the Proposal while formally recognizing servicing constraints and that any additional units within the neighbourhood will require authorization prior to development. ALTERNATIVES AND OTHER CONSIDERATIONS No alternatives are proposed. ENGAGEMENT Proponent A public meeting was initially planned by the developer but later was cancelled due to the state of emergency declared in New Brunswick, causing social distancing measures to be put into effect. A postcard was mailed to neighbours on May 15th, 2020. Public In accordance with the Committee's Rules of Procedure, notification of the proposal was sent to landowners within 100 metres of the subject property on May 8, 2020. The rezoning was posted on the City of Saint John website on May 26, 2020. APPROVALS AND CONTACT Author I Manager I Commissioner Andrew Reid, MCIP, RPP I Ken Melanson , BA, MCIP, RPP I Jacqueline Hamilton, MCIP, RPP Contact: Telephone: Email: Application: APPENDIX Andrew Reid (506) 658-4447 Andy. Reid@saintjohn.ca 20-14 Map 1: Site Location Map 2: Future Land Use Map 3: Zoning Map 4: Aerial Photography Attachment 1: Site Photography Attachment 2: Municipal Plan Policy Review Attachment 3: 2008 Council Resolution and Report Proponent Submission 1: Rendering Proponent Submission 2: Site Plan Proponent Submission 3: Elevation Plan Proponent Submission 4: Floor Plan Page 8 of 8 11 p c 0101, No 4b, 114/3� &4), 4.f. y � TjpjO 1 , U ,�d"' ✓�, f i C p10j� T /d/ dog 1/0 qa Ja 0 o o N `n C� C!� 0 M a) L - 0 o,v o/�/ t cQ0 Qo N cn s 0 411,11U, .81 � C:E 00 2 --.-) N co 0m cQ0 Qo N cn s LO li rt 1114/1 OR Io , g rr t f 40 .............. o/ al, LO li rt OR Io , g rr t f 40 o/ al, LO rt rr t f 0 N C: N M Q CL Attachment 2 — Municipal Plan Review Policy LU -87 Intend that the areas designated Stable The Proposal is compatible with the Municipal Plan Residential will evolve over time from a land use goals and suitable as an additional housing form and built -form perspective but that new and prepared for development but has remained vacant redeveloped land uses are to reinforce the over the past decade. The land use is desirable for predominant community character and make a this area, consistent with past proposals, and will positive contribution to the neighbourhood. make a positive contribution to the neighbourhood Policy LU -88 Criteria Response a. The proposed land use is desirable and The proposal makes use of property that is contributes positively to the neighbourhood; prepared for development but has remained vacant over the past decade. The land use is desirable for this area, consistent with past proposals, and will make a positive contribution to the neighbourhood while utilizing existing infrastructure. b. The proposal is compatible with surrounding The neighbourhood contains a variety of residential land uses; and commercial land uses of various intensities. The proposal is compatible with these surrounding land uses. As the previous proposal completed much of the site preparation, no blasting is anticipated. Rock breaking to facilitate excavation in certain areas may be required where rock did not fracture properly. c. The development is in a location where all The development is located in close proximity to the necessary water and wastewater services, parks University/Hospital cluster which provides amenities and recreation services, schools, public transit and employment. Transit services are available on and other community facilities and protective University Avenue and protective services are services can readily and adequately be provided; nearby. The development is capable of being serviced; however, there are limitations on further development due to existing sanitary sewer capacity constraints off University Avenue. As a result, it is recommended that any additional units to the already approved 89 require authorization from Saint John Water. This applies both to the remaining Timberstone Development Inc. lands and any alterations to the Proposal. d. Site design features that address such The proposal will be required to conform to all matters as safe access, buffering and access, buffering, and landscaping requirements as landscaping, site grading and stormwater per the Zoning By-law. Grading and stormwater management are incorporated; management policies must be met prior to issuance of a Building permit. 17 Attachment 2 — Municipal Plan Review e. A high quality exterior building design is The proposal conforms to the General Urban provided that is consistent with the Urban Design Principles of the Municipal Plan. The Design Principles in the Municipal Plan; and proposal appears to have high quality finishes and already approved vacant lots. As a result, a landscaping and contains other attractive features condition is being recommended to restrict such as underground parking and an interior development of these lots until capacity is available. courtyard area. f. The proposal is on a property identified as a The proposal is situated off University Avenue, Corridor on the City Structure map (Schedule A) which is identified as a Primary Corridor on or does not detract from the City's intention to Schedule A of the Municipal Plan. direct the majority of new residential development to the Primary Centres, Local Centres, and Intensification Areas. Policy MS -20 Make the approval of new development Saint John Water has determined sufficient capacity contingent upon available reserve capacity in for the proposal; however, this approval will affect the City's wastewater collection system and already approved vacant lots. As a result, a treatment facilities. condition is being recommended to restrict development of these lots until capacity is available. iF:3 "RESOiLTED thalt pursuant to the provisions of Section 39 of the Community Planning Act: (a) commercial development occurring on the proposed "B-2" portion of Lot O8 - as PID No. 55165781, be subject to the following conditions. (i) The following land uses shaH be prohibited: a beverage room, club or lounge, a gasoline bar, car sales lot or a mobile home or travel trailer sales iot, a repaiir garage or service stait�ion, a car wash aind/or truck wash, or an office or parking area for a tax�i business; f "I" t....... �... pall"I'm '%/ %i, I , � I R a o Ln o D A ^ o Ln u u u u u u u 0000000 8888'888 88888 mi m No _� ❑ N ❑ C'7 ❑ CY F g e 1■Il�01� I�� U"miff-al ❑ ❑ ❑ co LIP.M!"M MONLO JII 0 lill ❑ ❑ 0a 71 co - g 7 1■I��01� I 1 lmRzolm101Wuiu.ulI WRIME L-1 - , mFI&Lv!m 0 III 7171 00 -g ■ ■ ■ 0 El ■ 0 ■ . 0— LL . ■ ■ i ■ ■ ■ ■ Lr V ❑ (� ❑ u 7=T �4� Ja g �■1��701� I � �■1�=�ul�l � il m"mLm--mML\M��j ii MISS IMINIM0■ IMM I L -1S PI ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 0 >< \ ` / N El ElNIt� O ❑ -=PN r o / 1 Cl Reid, Andy (Planning) From: John Paquet <jpaquet@peaqua.com> Sent: May 19, 2020 9:26 AM To: Reid, Andy (Planning) Cc: David Cole Subject: RE: Arlington Crescent Development - Timberstone Developments Inc. Good Morning Andy, David Cole (Timberstone) and I understand the recommendations that you put forth in the letter you sent me via email. And he agrees to move forward with all recommendations but forth in the letter and understand that no development can be done in the subdivision until changes are made with the water. Hope this will do, Thanks John From: Reid, Andy (Planning) <andy.reid@saintjohn.ca> Sent: May 15, 2020 3:21 PM To: John Paquet <jpaquet@peaqua.com> Subject: RE: Arlington Crescent Development - Timberstone Developments Inc. • .. t-iefkncottittiefi!57d-CrUTr-C,,=- Vefore the 201h, that would .e appreciated. Have a nice weekend, EVA From: John Paquet <ji.p.2.q1p.. cainn> Sent: May 14, 2020 2:32 PM To: Reid, Andy (Planning) <a.im.d.�r..ireiid. s�iilm�ucalhimo��> Subject: Re: Arlington Crescent Development - Timberstone Developments Inc. Yes I can do that. John Paquet On May 14, 2020, at 2:30 PM, Reid, Andy (Planning) <a.imdy..iriid.L.@ int ..oIl n.ca> wrote: 091 We would like to have something in writing to the effect that Timberstone Developments Inc. is in support of this approach. If I send you a copy of the report tomorrow are you able to provide something before May 20tH. From: John Paquet <p.p.2.q1p.. cainn> Sent: May 14, 2020 11:28 AM To: Reid, Andy (Planning)<a.im.d.y..ir�ii�.s2iiim��calhimo��> Subject: RE: Arlington Crescent Development - Timberstone Developments Inc. Thank you for the update. From: Reid, Andy (Planning) <a.im.d.Y..ir2ii�e� �iiim�ijcalhim...��> Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2020 10:40 AM To: John Paquet <p.I 2.q. . ?. .q I�...�caixn> Cc: Crawford, Barb <Ibairlb..cirawfoird.. .s�ii.im..i lrn � > Subject: Arlington Crescent Development - Timberstone Developments Inc. representativeI wanted to advise you, as the identified •e a DevelopmentDavid Cole, that you should be •regarding in the application review process. comprisingThe application would enable Mr. Rocca to proceed and his development to be considered for the subject lands Civic No. 10-36 Arlington Court identified by PID Nos. 5197594, 55197602, 55197610, 55197628, 55197636, 55197644, 55197651, 55197669, 55197677, 55197685, 55197693 and 551977 and •• below,As I mentioned accomplish accomplished•• provide development•• by is currently conducting monitoring and analysis of pipe capacity and we are not aware yet of what potential upgradesbeyond approved• me should you have any questions. The Committee meeting is scheduled for May 201h and ,, Council Public Hearing June 15 31 Reid, Andy (Planning) From: Bev Gaston <bexkoaston@ygmai|zom> Sant: May 14,2O2O1O:37AM To: Reid, Andy (P|anning) Subject: Re: Automatic reply: Development ofapartment units 1O'36Arlington Cres Thank you for your reply, looks like ugreat project uolonguowater supply is not effected. We support the project if water supply is not effected. Bev & Linda Gaston Sent from my iPhone (]nMay l4.2O2O ut9:l4AM, Reid Andy wrote: Good morning Ms. Gaston, If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to let me know. Your correspondence will be included tothe Advisory Committee and Council. If you would like to indicate your position please let me know. The Planning Advisory Meeting isscheduled for May 2U1hand the public hearing held byCommon Council ianot until June 151h Andrew Reid, RPP, MC|P Planner Growth& Community Development |OthFloor, City Hall e: p: 506-658-4447 From: Bev Gaston Sent: May 13, 2020 6:22 PM Reid, Andy (Planning) From: onestop Sent: May 14, 2020 8:53 AM To: Reid, Andy (Planning) Subject: FW: Development of apartment units 10-36 Arlington Cres Paula Hawkins One Stop Development Shop Permitting & Inspection Services 10th floor — City Hall Saint John, NB E2L 41_1 (506)658-2911 paula.hawkins@saintjohn.ca onestop@saintjohn.ca -----Original Message ----- From: Bev Gaston <bev.k.gaston@gmail.com> Sent: May 13, 2020 6:01 PM To: onestop <onestop@saintjohn.ca> Subject: Development of apartment units 10-36 Arlington Cres Planning Advisory Committee City of Saint John Growth & Community Development Services. We live at 130 Arlington Crescent Condo 19. We have the following concerns with this development which we need answered before we can support it: We are concerned about water pressure to our building at times we experience a drop in pressure and would want assurances this would not get greater with this 89 unit apartment project going on line. The changes required to lot size front and rear , how will this effect closeness to the road and is there sufficient parking for 89 units ? Is there a land usage change required for this project from (residential home , town house , Condo ) To multi unit apartments? and how will this effect the zoning of the rest of the vacant land around Arlington Cres? We require answers to these issues to support this project. Bev & Linda Gaston 130 Arlington Cres Saint John. Phone 506-476-4318 Or via this e-mail 093 Reid, Andy (Planning) From: onestop Sent: May 14, 2020 8:53 AM To: Reid, Andy (Planning) Subject: FW: Proposed Section 59 Amendment and Variance Application 10 - 36 Arlington Cres One Stop Development Shop Permitting & Inspection Services 101h floor — City Hall Saint John, NB E2L 4LI (506)658-2911 Daula.hawkins@saintiohn.ca onestop@saintiohn.ca From: Inblax@gmail.com <Inblax@gmail.com> Sent: May 13, 2020 10:39 PM To: onestop <onestop@saintjohn.ca> Subject: Proposed Section 59 Amendment and Variance Application 10 - 36 Arlington Cres Planning Advisory Committee c/o City of Saint John Growth & Community Development Services P.O. Box 1971, Saint John, NB, E2L 41-1 Re: Proposed Section 59 Amendment and Variance Application 10 — 36 Arlington Cres. To Whom it Concern, I support the above mentioned Variance Application. The only concern I have is adequate parking for the residents. I would assume half of the units would have two vehicles and I am hoping the developer takes that into consideration when planning the size of their parking lot outside of what appears to be an underground parking garage. The reason why I bring this to your attention is because there is an apartment building at the top of Arlington Cres and they have more cars then parking spaces, to alleviate the issue, tenants/owners park their vehicles on the street or the vacant land near the building. It's currently not an issue at that building, however it would be an issue with the proposed Arlington Place, especially in the winter months. As mentioned, I do support this development and I hope the developer ensures there is enough off-street parking for all of the tenants and their guest. Regards Dave Arsenault 160 Arlington Cres Saint John, NB E2K OG2 Reid, Andy (Planning) From: Nicholas Plourde <nc256522@dal.ca> Sent: May 14, 2020 9:30 AM To: onestop; Reid, Andy (Planning) Cc: depippomonique@gmail.com Subject: Arlington Apartment Development Questions/Comments im As an owner on Arlington Crescent, I have a few questions for the committee about the new proposed apartment complex: 1. Has water pressure and septic/sewer been investigated and is it sustainable with this many new residences? 2. How much parking will be available? Does every unit have an assigned parking spot and how much guest parking will be available for residences? 3. Who is the builder/owner of this building? 4. Will these units be converted to condominiums or remain as apartments? ie. what is the intention of this project? What is the targeted demographic for this complex? 5. What is the time frame for this project? 6. Will there be blasting involved for construction? Who will be responsible for surrounding blasting damage, if any? 7. Has an evaluation been done with respect to flooding the market with too many units during uncertain times? Wouldn't want a white elephant sitting down the street from us. 8. Will this be the only apartment development on the street or are there additional plans to add more on Arlington Crescent? Andy, in addition, can I please get the committee meeting information for Wednesday May 20? Thanks, Nick W Reid, Andy (Planning) From: onestop Sent: May 19, 2020 8:14 AM To: Melanson, Ken; Reid, Andy (Planning) Cc: Burgess, Aimee Subject: FW: Comments on Proposed Section 59 Amendment and Variance Application 10 - 37 Arlington Crescent Paula Hawkins One Stop Development Shop Permitting & Inspection Services 10th floor — City Hall Saint John, NB E2L 41_1 (506)658-2911 paula.hawkins@saintjohn.ca onestop@saintjohn.ca -----Original Message ----- From: Rodgie Hernandez <rodgie_h@yahoo.ca> Sent: May 16, 2020 6:44 PM To: onestop <onestop@saintjohn.ca> Subject: Comments on Proposed Section 59 Amendment and Variance Application 10 - 37 Arlington Crescent Planner, Concerns about the proposed multi -residential dwelling: Since the location of the building will rise on the entrance part of the community, I am hoping that parking on the streets will not be allowed for tenants, visitors and any other related parkings concerning the said dwelling. During the construction process, we the existing property owners are hoping that we will not be affected of any such kind of obstruction during the said construction. Assurance that the safety and quietness of the community will remain and maintained during and after the construction. Thank You. 01.1 111111111[q�%)Jjjjjj IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111111 MMM 1111111O1111111Ojjjjfljjjj IIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIp�' III - • 17M June 15, 2020 Growth & Community Planning Team 6 Growth & Community Development Services SAINIJOHN The application is a Section 59 amendment to enable a proposed 5 storey, 89 -unit multi -residential building off Arlington Crescent in Millidgeville I 37 2020-06-08 1 2020-06-08 0 2020-06-08 39 2020-06-08 .m esidential designati Jes and housing f r4ftxAll , r JOHN Policy LU -88 Land Use - Desirable residential land use and positive contribution to the neighbourhood. Compatibility with surrounding land uses and can be accommodated by the Mid -Rise Residential Zone Servicing — Necessary wastewater can be provided up to 89 units, development in close proximity to transit, schools, and major employers Site Design Features—All landscaping and stormwater management must be incorporated 11 High Quality Exterior Design — Building is consistent with urban design principles, features indoor parking and amenity space Location — Proposal is located off a Primary Corridor (University Avenue). 10 41 JOHN 2020-06-08 5 collection system capacity is ions imposed on,,, g lands to enable treproposal r JOHN JI'JOHN WA 2020-06-08 2 Amend the April 28, 2008 Common Council resolution by adding conditions (c) and (d). I (c) i. The subject site at 10-36 Arlington Crescent be developed to a maximum of 89 units unless the developer receives written opinion that servicing capacity can accommodate additional units; ii. The development is in accordance with a detailed site plans; and, iii. The site plans are attached to the permit application. receives @written DDiDiDD regarding servicing capacity. 13 60-1 � Detailed analysis iscurrently underway onsanitary sewer system and flow capacity availability � Once results are known, planning may begin on improvements toincrease service inthe area 14 The conditions proposed inthis report will enable the proposal to move forward in the interim of any improvements 43 2020-06-08 7 - A letter was mailed to neighbours within 100 metres notifying them • the proposal and • to participate • May 8, 2020. 5 Letters were received, 3 in favor and • indicating opposition. I • -• • OEM VATITZ-3-30 E ZZY-1 IR VI -I I al , 11ragV41D. I . Committee noted concern regarding the provision of adequate visitor parking, but otherwise supported the proposal. 15 (P-1 SAINT JOHN - An open house to be held by the proponent was called off due to Covid-19. - The proponent canvassed the neighbourhood with postcards • May 15, 2020. 16 M GO -1 SAINI'JOHN 2020-06-08 - The proposal was advertised on the City's website on May M Pursuant to the provisions of Section 59 of the Community Planning Act, impose the proposed conditions contained on Page 3 of the Staff report with this rezoning. 17 60-1 SAINT JOHN Pursuant to the provisions of Section 59 of the Community Planning Act, impose the proposed conditions contained on Page 3 of the Staff report with this rezoning. 18 45 GO -1 SAINI'JOHN 2020-06-08 9 19 60.1 SAINIJOHN m 2020-06-08 10 PROPOSED SECTION 59 AMENDMENT RE: 10-36 ARLINGTON CRESCENT AND SURROUNDING LANDS Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider amending Section 39 conditions at its meeting to be held via web conference on Monday, June 15, 2020, at 6:30 p.m. by: Amending the Section 59 conditions imposed on the 28th of April, 2008, located at 10-36 Arlington Crescent and surrounding area, also identified as PID Nos. 55197594, 55197602, 55197610, 55197628, 55197636, 55197644, 55197651, 55197669, 55197677, 55197685, 55197693, 55197701;55190201,55197719,55197727, 55197735, 55197743, 55197750, 55197768, 55197776, 55197909, 55197917, 55197925, 55197933, 55197941, 55197958, 55197966, 55197974, 55197982, 55197990, 55198063, 55198071, 55198089, 55198097, 55212088, 55212096, 55212104, 55212112, and 55219349, to permit a revised proposal. PROJET DE MODIFICATION DE L'ARTICLE 59 OBJET: 10-36, CROISSANT D'ARLINGTON ET LES TERRES ENVIRONNANTES Par les presentes, un avis public est donne par lequel le conseil communal de The City of Saint John indique son intention de modifier les conditions de I'article 39 suivante a I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John, par conference Web Ie lundi 15 juin 2020 a 18 h 30 : Modification des conditions imposees en vertu de I'article 59, 28 avril 2008, de la propriete situee au 10-36, Croissant D'arlington et les terres environnantes, et portant le NID 55197594, 55197602, 55197610, 55197628, 55197636, 55197644, 55197651, 55197669, 55197677, 55197685,55197693,55197701;55190201, 55197719, 55197727, 55197735, 55197743, 55197750, 55197768, 55197776, 55197909, 55197917, 55197925, 55197933, 55197941, 55197958,55197966,55197974,55197982, 55197990, 55198063, 55198071, 55198089, 55198097, 55212088, 55212096, 55212104, 55212112, and 55219349, pour permettre la presentation d'une proposition revisee. REASON FOR CHANGE: To amend existing Section 39 conditions to enable the construction of a multiple dwelling unit at 10-36 Arlington Crescent. For details on how to participate in the Public Hearing, to inspect the amendment, or to register to participate, please contact the Office of the Common Clerk at CommonClerk@saintjohn.ca. Saint John Common Council meetings can be viewed online at https://www.youtube.com/user/saintjohnweb. Written objections to the amendment may be sent to the undersigned at City Hall or via email at CommonClerk@saintjohn.ca. If you require French services for a Common Council meeting, please contact the office of the Common Clerk. Jonathan Taylor, Common Clerk (506) 658-2862 RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: Modifier les conditions existantes de I'article 39 povur permettre la construction d'un immeuble a Iogements multiples au 10-36, croissant Arlington. Pour savoir comment participer a I'audition publique, inspecter la modification ou de vous inscrire pour participer, veuillez communiquer avec le bureau du greffier commun a I'adresse CommonClerk@saintjohn.ca. Les reunions du conseil communal de Saint John peuvent etre consultees en ligne A https://www.youtube.com/user/saintjohnweb. Veuillez faire part de vos objections au projet de modification par ecrit au soussigne a I'hotel de ville ou par courriel a I'adresse CommonClerk@saintjohn.ca. Si vous avez besoin des services en frangais pour une reunion de Conseil Communal, veuillez contacter le bureau du greffier communal. Jonathan Taylor, Greffier communal (506) 658-2862 !E:3 Paid by Cheque #000744/ 048367 NB lrvnl, OF APKICATM Inc/ received Ll tmus fax Flwr nU lust, payment R"lookwoo ""'of roo w, Jan 24/2020 Lj Tlow* 'ko i O Aolwodirvoot U, a MiwrwjpW Plo A~W*11*04 PMH 50 "*A*S*M OWAVL WWW ***Wk* 0*40*4* � — — Am _____ ___ — n-------- ......................................... ........................................................ .... ri — E3 ___F — _____ ___ Loom 0|�-----+e � — — O O J LL 0 0 l E I �I ria IJ I � - I �lo call III i I 0 o.r III y o, �1 1 II 83 0 ����gle3 II �1 I� I� � 1 r ►, II O O J LL 0 0 �I ria IJ HEof i II ����gle3 II �NMI Mi I 0 O O J LL 0 0 ❑❑ ❑❑ ❑ ❑ �I — ~ M ❑ c `I �o An co — ❑ H 0 el ❑ �I � M ❑ ❑MA r3 el ❑ — 0 vl. M rl' M =ITill `I O A ❑ ILILJI ty❑ i J LL H MV-1 — coo � O o H - - of of 0 o O rA ❑ i p vl ❑ _ M co o \= _`t , ® M ❑ ego ❑ e� - — ❑ CO o ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ -� ❑ O ❑ O O In M M n M M 3 Ms H Pq OWN I M mi M� mgm Im=-mn o Ell HER VJ IM3 IMP TIM Ms H Pq MISS Lik IM rill a > o Ln 4 0 o D A ^ o Ln m No __� ❑ N 71 CY) ❑ CY F g e 1■Il�01� I�� U"miff-al ❑ ❑ ❑ co LIP.M!"M MONLO JII 0 lill ❑ ❑ 0a 71 c -g 7 1■I��01� I 1 lmRzolm101Wuiu.ulI WRIME L-1 - , mFI&Lv!m 0 III 7171 00 -g ■ ■ ■ 0 El ■ 0 ■ . 0— LL . ■ ■ i ■ ■ ■ ■ Lr V ❑ (� ❑ u 7=T �4� Ja g �■1��701� I � �■1�=�ul�l � il m"mLm--mML\M��j ii MISS IMINIM0■ IMM I L -1S PI ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ u u u u u u u 0000000 8888'888 88888 mi 0 >< \ ` / N El ElNIt� O ❑ -=PN r o / 1 Cl May 22, 2020 His Worship Mayor Don Darling and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Municipal Plan Amendment and Rezoning 251-361 Riverview Drive On April 20, 2020 Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation. The Committee considered the attached report at its May 20, 2020 meeting. The City of Saint john Mr. Richard Turner, representing the developer, appeared before the Committee via telephone conference, and was in agreement with the Staff recommendation. Mr. Bill Shannon, the developer, also appeared before the Committee and expressed agreement with the Staff recommendation. Mr. Brian Irving, of Develop Saint John, appeared before the Committee, via web conference, and agreed with Staff recommendation, noting the developer has completed similar projects on the City's West side and that these units will be relatively affordable. A letter from an area resident, Ruth Palmer Connell, expressing objections to the development was read into the record. The letter noted concerns with access, slope stability and impacts on the view to the Harbour. Mr. Turner reappeared before the Committee and noted the one storey design along Riverview Drive, attempts to retain the view to the Harbour from areas to the south. He also noted slope stability was not a concern given the underlying ledge on the site. No other persons appeared before the Committee and one letter was received regarding the application Page 1 of 3 66 Hughes Surveys and Consultants 251-361 Riverview Drive May 22, 2020 Staff responded to questions from the Committee, related to the area currently zoned as Park (P) noting these lands were never developed as a park nor designated as Lands for Public Purposes. Staff also noted the application was circulated to the City's Fire Department and the New Brunswick Department of Environment and Local Government who expressed no concerns with the proposed development. Upon considering the Staff report, comments made by the applicant and the letter received, the Committee adopted the Staff Recommendation. RECOMMENDATION: That Common Council re -designate, on Schedule A of the Municipal Development Plan, a parcel of land with an area of approximately 2734 square metres, located at 251-361 Riverview Drive, also identified as portions of PID Nos. 55226054, 00415992, 55147540, 55206411 (an undeveloped portion of the New Brunswick Route 1 right-of-way), and an undeveloped portion of Algonquin Place, from Park and Natural Area to Stable Area 2. That Common Council re -designate on Schedule B of the Municipal Development Plan, a parcel of land with an area of approximately 2734 square metres, located at 251-361 Riverview Drive, also identified as portions of PID Nos. 55226054, 00415992, 55147540, 55206411 (an undeveloped portion of the New Brunswick Route 1 right-of-way), and an undeveloped portion of Algonquin Place, from Park and Natural Area to Stable Residential. 3. That Common Council rezone a parcel of land having an area of approximately 2594 square metres, located at 251-361 Riverview Drive, also identified as PID Numbers 00415992, 00393975, and 55147540, from Two -Unit Residential (R2) to Low -Rise Residential (RL). 4. That Common Council rezone a parcel of land having an area of approximately 675 square metres, located at 251-361 Riverview Drive, also identified as PID Numbers 55226047, and 55226054, from Park (P) to Low -Rise Residential (RL). 5. That Common Council rezone a parcel of land having an area of approximately 1345 square metres, located at 251-361 Riverview Drive, also identified as an undeveloped portion of Algonquin Place and a portion of PID 55206411 (an undeveloped portion of the New Brunswick Route 1 right-of-way), currently unzoned to Low -Rise Residential (RL). Page 2 of 3 67 Hughes Surveys and Consultants 251-361 Riverview Drive May 22, 2020 6. That Common Council, pursuant to the provisions of Section 59 of the Community Planning Act, impose the following conditions on the parcel of land having an area of approximately 4614 square metres, located at 251-361 Riverview Drive, also identified as PID Numbers 00415992, 00393975, 55147540, 55226047, 55226054, a portion of PID 55206411 (an undeveloped portion of the New Brunswick Route 1 right-of-way) and an undeveloped portion of Algonquin Place: (a) The development and use of the parcel of land be in accordance with detailed building elevation and site plans, prepared by the proponent and subject to the approval of the Development Officer, illustrating the design and location of buildings and structures, garbage enclosures, outdoor storage, driveway accesses, vehicle and bicycle parking, loading areas, landscaping, amenity spaces, signs, exterior lighting, and other such site features; and (b) The above elevation and site plans be attached to the building permit application for the development of the parcel of land. Respectfully submitted, Alexandra Weaver Crawford Chair Page 3 of 3 68 The City of Sint Jolm Date: May 15, 2020 To: Planning Advisory Committee From: Growth & Community Planning Growth & Community Development Services Meeting: SUBJECT Applicant: Landowner: Location: .O May 20, 2020 Existing Plan Designation: Proposed Plan Designation: Hughes Surveys and Consultants Inc. W & S Holdings Ltd, City of Saint John, and the New Brunswick Highway Corporation 251-361 Riverview Drive 00415992, 00393975, 55147540, 55226047, 55226054, 55206411 (portion), and an undeveloped portion of Algonquin Place Park and Natural Areas and Stable Residential. Stable Residential Existing Zoning: Two -Unit Residential (R2), Park (P) and Unzoned Proposed Zoning: Low -Rise Residential (RL) Application Type: Municipal Plan Amendment and Rezoning Jurisdiction: The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to give its views to Common Council concerning proposed amendments to the Municipal Development Plan and Zoning By-law. Common Council Page 1 of 7 69 Hughes Surveys and Consultants 251-361 Riverview Drive May 15, 2020 will consider the Committee recommendation at a public hearing on Monday, June 15, 2020. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The applicant is proposing a development of the site at 251-361 Riverview Drive, which would involve the construction of eleven townhouse units. A Municipal Plan Amendment is required to re -designate a portion of the site from Park and Natural Area to Stable Residential. A rezoning is also required to rezone the site from Two -Unit Residential (R2), Park (P) and an un -zoned area to Low -Rise Residential (RL). Staff recommend approval of the Municipal Plan Amendment and Rezoning as it conforms to the intent of the Municipal Plan and surrounding neighbourhood context. RECOMMENDATION That Common Council re -designate, on Schedule A of the Municipal Development Plan, a parcel of land with an area of approximately 2734 square metres, located at 251-361 Riverview Drive, also identified as portions of PID Nos. 55226054, 00415992, 55147540, 55206411 (an undeveloped portion of the New Brunswick Route 1 right-of-way), and an undeveloped portion of Algonquin Place, from Park and Natural Area to Stable Area 2. That Common Council re -designate on Schedule B of the Municipal Development Plan, a parcel of land with an area of approximately 2734 square metres, located at 251-361 Riverview Drive, also identified as portions of PID Nos. 55226054, 00415992, 55147540, 55206411 (an undeveloped portion of the New Brunswick Route 1 right-of-way), and an undeveloped portion of Algonquin Place, from Park and Natural Area to Stable Residential. 3. That Common Council rezone a parcel of land having an area of approximately 2594 square metres, located at 251-361 Riverview Drive, also identified as PID Numbers 00415992, 00393975, and 55147540, from Two -Unit Residential (R2) to Low -Rise Residential (RL). 4. That Common Council rezone a parcel of land having an area of approximately 675 square metres, located at 251-361 Riverview Drive, also identified as PID Numbers 55226047, and 55226054, from Park (P) to Low -Rise Residential (RL). 5. That Common Council rezone a parcel of land having an area of approximately 1345 square metres, located at 251-361 Riverview Drive, also identified as an undeveloped portion of Algonquin Place and a portion of PID 55206411 (an undeveloped portion of Page 2 of 7 70 Hughes Surveys and Consultants 251-361 Riverview Drive May 15, 2020 the New Brunswick Route 1 right-of-way), currently unzoned to Low -Rise Residential (RL). 6. That Common Council, pursuant to the provisions of Section 59 of the Community Planning Act, impose the following conditions on the parcel of land having an area of approximately 4614 square metres, located at 251-361 Riverview Drive, also identified as PID Numbers 00415992, 00393975, 55147540, 55226047, 55226054, a portion of PID 55206411 (an undeveloped portion of the New Brunswick Route 1 right-of-way) and an undeveloped portion of Algonquin Place: (a) The development and use of the parcel of land be in accordance with detailed building elevation and site plans, prepared by the proponent and subject to the approval of the Development Officer, illustrating the design and location of buildings and structures, garbage enclosures, outdoor storage, driveway accesses, vehicle and bicycle parking, loading areas, landscaping, amenity spaces, signs, exterior lighting, and other such site features; and (b) The above elevation and site plans be attached to the building permit application for the development of the parcel of land. DECISION HISTORY On October 10, 2006 Common Council denied an application to rezone a 2770 square metre portion of the site (PI Ds 55147540, 55147540 and 00415992) from "Park (P)" Park to "R-2" One and Two Family Residential. The basis for the denial was a Staff recommendation related to the lack of sanitary sewer infrastructure serving the site. ANALYSIS Proposal The applicant is proposing to construct an 11 -unit townhouse development on the site, which would include three buildings (two-four unit buildings and one -three unit building). The townhouse units would front onto Riverview Drive and a private driveway would provide access to the rear of the units and site. Site and Neighbourhood The site totals 4614 square metres and is located on the northwest area of Riverview Drive on the Harbour side of the Throughway. The site includes land owned by the developer along with two City -owned parcels and a portion of a Public Street (Algonquin Place). The City -owned lands and Public Street are subject to a purchase and sale agreement, with the portion of Algonquin Place subject to a street closure process. The site also includes a parcel of land currently owned by the Province (New Brunswick Highway Corporation) that is subject to an agreement of purchase and sale between the developer and the Province. The site has approximately 130 metres of frontage on Riverview Drive. Current zoning of the site is mixed Page 3 of 7 71 Hughes Surveys and Consultants 251-361 Riverview Drive May 15, 2020 with portions having Park (P) and Two -Unit Residential (R2) zoning along with unzoned portions (Algonquin Place and Provincial lands). A steep bank is located along the northern edge of the property adjacent to Saint John Harbour. Most of the lots on Riverview Drive contain large, older dwellings and many of those overlooking the Saint John Harbour have water access traditionally and presently used for fishing and boating access. A mix of dwelling types including single unit, two -unit and multiple unit dwellings are found along the street. Lands along Riverview Drive are zoned Two -Unit Residential (R2) with a large area along the western portion of the street zoned Park (P). Municipal Development Plan and Rezoning Municipal Plan A 2734 square metre portion of the site is currently designated as Park and Natural Area on Schedule B of the Municipal Plan. This area, at the rear of the site, adjacent to Saint John Harbour, has this designation due to its adjacency to the Harbour. This area includes portions of three parcels of land (PIDs 55226054, 00415992, and 55147540), an undeveloped portion of the New Brunswick Route 1 right-of-way (PID 55206411) and an undeveloped portion of Algonquin Place. The area currently designated as Park and Natural Area includes portions of the site to be developed with buildings and the site access. This requires a re -designation to Stable Residential. An analysis of the proposal with respect to the relevant policies of the Municipal Pan is provided in Attachment 2. Key findings of this assessment are summarized as follows: • The proposed re -designation along with the site and building design of the proposed development is consistent with the surrounding neighbourhood context, which has residential development along the north side of Riverview Drive adjacent to the Saint John Harbour. Development of the site is infill of a vacant parcel of land that makes use of existing municipal services, a key direction established in the Municipal Plan. The development connects to new sanitary sewer infrastructure installed in this area in conjunction with the Harbour Cleanup project. This eliminates servicing issues associated with the previous development application for the site. There is a minimum vertical separation of approximately 12 metres between the water and developed portions of the site. The proposed development is within an area where development is permitted in accordance with the Provincial Coastal Areas Policy as it is 30 metres inland of the Higher High Water Large Tide (HHWLT). The site is also at an elevation that is at least 6 metres higher than 2018 and 2019 flood levels and above sea rise elevations assessed in the City's Climate Change Plan. Building construction will be setback from the bank of the watercourse, which provides an undeveloped, landscaped area adjacent to the watercourse. This provides an open space area for habitat and a linkage along the Harbour. Page 4 of 7 72 Hughes Surveys and Consultants 251-361 Riverview Drive May 15, 2020 From the above summary and the analysis of conformance with the Municipal Plan Policies (Attachment 2), Staff are of the opinion that the proposed development achieves the intent of the Municipal Plan. This is based on the proposed development respecting the intent of the Plan through providing an undeveloped area adjacent to the watercourse. This area contains a steep slope and will remain in its undeveloped state. In addition, the development proposal was circulated to the Provincial Department of Environment and Local Government and no Provincial approvals are required. The site and building design of the proposal also compliments the surrounding neighbourhood context. Rezoning A rezoning to Low -Rise Residential (RL) is required to permit the proposed townhouse units. The Low -Rise Residential (RL) zone permits a maximum of six townhouse units per lot, which would allow for the three and four -unit buildings, which are proposed to be on three separate lots. The immediate area along Riverview Drive includes single unit, two -unit and multiple dwellings of older housing stock. The proposed townhouses provide an additional housing form in the neighbourhood, enabling increased housing choice in an area that is close to central areas of the City and amenities. The proposed development meets the Zoning By-law standards for parking, access and landscaping and generally meets the requirements of the Low -Rise Residential (RL) zone. Variances, to be processed through the Development Officer Variance process, are required from the zone standards to: • Reduce the minimum front yard of the central building from 6 metres to between 2.16 metres and 2.7 metres, and the front yard for the northeast building from 6 metres to between 1 metre and 3.73 metres. Staff note this variance is within the built form context of the surrounding neighbourhood as buildings along Riverview Drive have front setbacks of this magnitude or less. • Reduce the side yard of the southwest building from 2 metres to between 1.5 metres and 2 metres. As with the front yard setback variance, this reduction in side yard setback is within the context of the surrounding neighbourhood. • Reduce the lot depth for a portion of the site from 30 metres to between 28.2 metres and 30 metres. Staff note this is reasonable given the configuration of the site. Given the development's general conformance with the Zoning By-law standards, Staff recommend approval of the rezoning to Low -Rise Residential (RL). Staff recognize a previous application to accommodate residential development was not recommended and subsequently denied by Common Council in 2006. The 2006 application occurred at a time when this area was not serviced by the City's sanitary sewer collection system, as it currently is with the completion of the Harbour Clean Up project. An additional item raised during the 2006 rezoning process was the extension of Harbour Passage through this area. Staff note that since 2006 the City has completed the Trails and Bikeway Master Plan, which designates Riverview Drive as a Page 5 of 7 73 Hughes Surveys and Consultants 251-361 Riverview Drive May 15, 2020 proposed Neighbourhood Route. Staff note the topography of the site and area, combined with multiple property owners and an existing built form, which includes many main buildings, accessory buildings and docks constructed in close proximity to the water, present constraints to a waterfront trail along the water's edge. As a result, the Master Plan designates Riverview Drive as an on street, Neighbourhood Route for active transportation providing the desired linkage to the waterfront. Recommended Section 59 Conditions A standard Section 59 Condition is recommended requiring that site and building plans be prepared by the proponent and submitted with the building permit application to demonstrate conformance with the proposal evaluated through the rezoning application and with the standards of the Zoning by-law. Subdivision Considerations The subdivision of the site into three separate lots for the three -townhouse buildings is an administrative subdivision, processed at the Development Officer level. No Lands for Public Purposes or money in lieu of Land for Public Purposes is required, as the consolidation of five separate parcels, former street right-of-way and Provincial lands into three parcels, combined with the creation of individual part lots for the townhouse units do not create any new lots requiring Lands for Public Purposes. The proposed plans meet the standards of the Subdivision By-law. Staff note that a Local Government Services Easement is required for an existing storm sewer located on the site and the necessary easement documentation can be prepared in conjunction with the transfer of the City -owned land and portion of Algonquin Crescent. Conclusion An eleven -unit townhouse development is proposed for the site. The required Municipal Plan Amendment and Rezoning can be supported as the proposal meets the intent of the Municipal Plan and fits within the existing neighbourhood context. A review of the proposed development with respect to past flooding and projected sea level rise elevations did not identify any concerns with the proposed development. A standard Section 59 condition requiring detailed site and building elevation plans the building permit stage is recommended. ALTERNATIVES AND OTHER CONSIDERATIONS No alternate considerations are recommended for this application. ENGAGEMENT Public In accordance with the Committee's Rules of Procedure, notification of the proposal was sent to landowners within 100 metres of the subject property on May 8, 2020. The Public Presentation Page 6 of 7 74 Hughes Surveys and Consultants 251-361 Riverview Drive May 15, 2020 for the Municipal Plan Amendment was posted on the City's website on February 26, 2020. The rezoning is scheduled for posting on the City of Saint John website beginning on May 22, 2020. APPROVALS AND CONTACT Author Manager Commissioner Mark Reade, P.Eng., MCIP, RPP Ken Melanson , P.Eng., MCIP, RPP Jacqueline Hamilton, MCIP, RPP Contact: Mark Reade Telephone: (506) 721-0736 Email: Mark. Reade@saintjohn.ca Application: 20-017 APPENDIX Map 1: Site Location Map 2: Future Land Use Map 3: Zoning Map 4: Aerial Photography Map 5: Topography Attachment 1: Site Photography Attachment 2: Municipal Plan Policy Review Submission 1: Site Plan Submission 2: Elevation Plan Page 7 of 7 75 Awl c:0 fioCU >3 4101 CID e" 01S%D ile w car 02 m mm cod c� con CL M AN E 14,11, / ! y � > 0 1w `� C: 0 0 N a T' km� C: = 0 0 -")o CL LO . . . . . . . . . . . 4.0 0 -4 CL U) ca U) CL U) All C: 0 00 ,rb I c cu 0.Y✓ \V er (" iA cu <V I f t Fk 4 5 t w 4 i �0Yc { F 4ik s k ` h � , F 5 4 t R g ^c tot ,t 4 t y CL y z + LO s, fi t Ox i v e , i t CL 9` k� t 4y r Sca r4�l�l,r o,,i('llF that E I F. F. Ja pM [C Attachment 2: Municipal Plan Policy Review — 251-361 Riverview Drive Policv/Policies and Subject Area I Staff Comment Policy LU -4 Not consider changing the designation of lands on the Future Land Use map (Schedule B) through a Municipal Plan amendment, unless the proposal: a. Is consistent with the general intent of the Municipal Plan and further advances the City Structure; b. Is necessary by virtue of a lack of supply of quality land already designated in the Municipal Plan to accommodate the development; c. Enhances the community and the quality of life offered to residents of the City; d. Efficiently uses available infrastructure; e. Does not negatively impact the use and enjoyment of adjacent lands and neighbourhoods; Is an appropriate use within the land use designation being sought for the property, and the proposal is consistent with the specific policies regulating development in the designation; and g. Adequately addresses and mitigates any significant environmental impacts. Stable Residential Policies Policy LU -86 Create the Stable Residential designation on the Future Land Use map (Schedule B). Within the Stable Residential designation, housing of almost every form and density may be found and both the existing neighbourhood context and compatibility with the Municipal Plan goals will determine suitability of new proposals. Other compatible uses that may be found in the Stable Residential designation include convenience stores, home occupations, Policy LU -4 The change in designation from Parks and Natural Areas seeks to expand the developable area of the site, a portion of which is currently designated Stable Residential. This approach is consistent with the surrounding neighbourhood context, which has residential development along the north side of Riverview Drive adjacent to the Saint John Harbour. Staff note the development site is serviced and the proposed 11 -townhouse units are not expected to have a significant impact to adjacent residential properties or the surrounding neighbourhood. The proposal also represents infill development of a vacant, serviced site. While the site is located adjacent to Saint John Harbour, there is a marked elevation difference from the portion of the site where the townhouse units will be developed and the water's edge, with the developed portions of the site being a minimum of 12 metres higher than the water. In addition, the New Brunswick Department of Environment and Local Government notes a Watercourse and Wetland Alteration Permit is not required. Stable Residential Policies Staff note that while townhouse units are not currently found on this section of Riverview Drive, this area does not contain one homogeneous housing type, but instead a mix of single -unit, two unit and multiple unit dwellings. Staff also note the density of the proposed development is comparable to other housing forms and lot configurations found within the neighbourhood. E:ic3 Attachment 2: Municipal Plan Policy Review — 251-361 Riverview Drive parks, and community facilities that are permitted in the designation without amendment to the Municipal Plan. Policy LU -87 Intend that the areas designated Stable Residential will evolve over time from a land use and built -form perspective but that new and redeveloped land uses are to reinforce the predominant community character and make a positive contribution to the neighbourhood. Policy LU -88 Ensure that significant new development and redevelopment in areas designated Stable Residential shall generally be permitted only through a rezoning process where compliance is demonstrated with the following requirements: a. The proposed land use is desirable and contributes positively to the neighbourhood; b. The proposal is compatible with surrounding land uses; c. The development is in a location where all necessary water and wastewater services, parks and recreation services, schools, public transit and other community facilities and protective services can readily and adequately be provided; d. Site design features that address such matters as safe access, buffering and landscaping, site grading and storm water management are incorporated; e. A high quality exterior building design is provided that is consistent with the Urban Design Principles in the Municipal Plan; and f. The proposal is on a property identified as a Corridor on the City Structure map (Schedule A) or does not detract from the City's intention to direct the majority of new residential development to the Primary Centres, Local Centres, and Intensification Areas. The development of the proposed townhouse dwellings is subject to a rezoning process, which would result in the site being rezoned to Low -Rise Residential (RL). Staff note further residential development in the neighbourhood is desirable and the level of density is comparable to that currently found in the neighbourhood. The area's servicing has been improved with completion of the City's Harbour Clean-up Project which improved the sanitary sewer collection system. Riverview Drive is designated as a Neighbourhood Active Transportation Route in the City's Trails and Bikeways Master Plan. Section 59 conditions are recommended to ensure the constructed project conforms to the plans approved through the Municipal Plan Amendment and Rezoning process, The project is proposing townhouse units as a built form. Given the small scope of the project (11 -units) and the recent focus on multiple unit residential projects in the Primary Centres and Intensification Areas, Staff are of the opinion the project will not detract from the focus of the Municipal Plan in directing development to the Primary Centres and Intensification Areas. E:i! Attachment 2: Municipal Plan Policy Review — 251-361 Riverview Drive Re -designation of Park and Natural Areas I Redesigiation of Park and Natural Areas Policy LU -110 Create the Park and Natural Areas designation on the Future Land Use map (Schedule B). Council intends that the Park and Natural Areas designation will permit a range of conservation and appropriate recreational land uses permitted in the City's major regional and community parks, environmentally sensitive or significant areas, lands that are located adjacent to watercourses, lands adjacent to the City's coastlines, estuarine areas, significant archaeological and geological sites, historic sites, designated heritage places and cemeteries. Council may permit commercial recreation uses in the Park and Natural Areas designation subject to appropriate standards in the Zoning Bylaw. Council may permit wind and solar energy development in the Park and Natural Areas designation outside of the Primary Development Area, subject to federal and provincial environmental approvals, conditions, and standards in the Zoning By- law. When reviewing an application for re- zoning, refer back to Policy LU -95. Policy LU -112 Regulate land use in and near environmentally sensitive or significant lands as well as lands adjacent to the City's watercourses and coastlines through appropriate regulation in the City's Zoning Bylaw, and is at a minimum consistent with Provincial standards. Urban Design Policy UD -9 Ensure all development proposals generally conform to the following General Urban Design Principles: a. That new development respect and reinforce the existing and planned context in which it is located through appropriate setbacks, landscaping, buildings, entrances, building massing, architectural style and building materials. Specifically, the built -form of new development shall be designed to A portion of the site is currently designated as Park and Natural Area in the Municipal Plan as it is coastal land located along the edge of Saint John Harbour. While the site is located adjacent to Saint John Harbour, there is a marked elevation difference from the portion of the site where the townhouse units will be developed and the waters edge, with the developed portions of the site being a minimum of 12 metres higher than the water. In addition, the New Brunswick Department of Environment and Local Government (NBDELG) notes a Watercourse and Wetland Alteration Permit is not required. The proposed development is within an area where development is permitted (30 metres inland of the Higher High Water Large Tide HHWLT) under the New Brunswick Coastal Areas Protection Policy. NBDELG notes that proper construction practices such as the prohibition of the operation of heavy machinery below the ordinary high water mark, proper material and equipment storage, and the removal of any debris or construction material from coastal lands will be required. Planning Staff note the development is located above an elevation of 12 metres geodetic and that this is over 6 metres above the 2018 (5.73 metre) and 2019 (5.5 metre) peak flood levels. Projections completed for the City's Climate Change Plan provide an upper level projection for sea level rise of between 6.6 metres and 6.8 metres aeodetic. Urban Design The proposed design of the development aligns with the criteria established in Policies UD -9 and UD -10 of the Municipal Plan through the following design elements: E:16'7 • Building entrances, which face Riverview Drive. • A building design that responds to the sloping topography of the site through incorporation of walkout basements. Attachment 2: Municipal Plan Policy Review — 251-361 Riverview Drive achieve the following objectives for specific areas of the City: i. In Stable Areas, as identified on the City Structure map (Schedule A), new development will be designed to respect and reinforce the physical character of the established neighbourhood, as set out in Policy UD -10; b. Locating building entrances facing the public street; c. Designing sites to incorporate existing natural features and topography; d. Designing sites to protect, create and/or enhance important view corridors to the water or landmark sites or buildings e. Incorporating innovations in built form, aesthetics and building function to encourage high quality contemporary design that will form the next generation of heritage; f. Where appropriate and desirable, encouraging active pedestrian -oriented uses and a high level of transparency at grade to reinforce and help animate the public realm; g. Designing sites, buildings and adjacent public spaces as complete concepts with integrated functions; h. Using quality, durable building materials and a consistent level of design and detail for all elements of the building; i. Designing for visual interest by incorporating well -articulated building facades, landscaping, local history, public art and/or culture into sites and buildings; j. Directing high-rise buildings to appropriate areas and ensuring their design is sensitive to the neighbourhood and/or heritage context; k. Encouraging sustainability in design by: i. Utilizing reused, recycled, renewable or local building materials where possible; These provide a two-storey elevation at the rear of the building. A single -storey elevation along the Riverview Drive frontage, which compliments the existing one and two storey buildings found along Riverview Drive. Using materials and a residential building design which is similar to that found along Riverview Drive. Providing vehicular access for the majority of units through a rear lane, which mitigates the impact on the Public Realm. The proposed subdivision also responds to the established pattern of lots on Riverview Drive, in particular the long and narrow waterfront lots on along the north side of the street. The proposed front and side setbacks are also consistent with the context of the surrounding neighbourhood. E:11.1 Attachment 2: Municipal Plan Policy Review — 251-361 Riverview Drive ii. Using green building or neighbourhood standards; iii. Designing for energy efficiency and alternative sources of energy; iv. Designing for water conservation and on-site storm water management; v. Promoting the conservation and adaptive re -use of existing buildings and designing sites to retain mature trees; vi. Designing sites and buildings to work with, rather than against, the natural environment by designing according to the topography, hydrology, ecology and natural drainage patterns of the site and taking advantage of passive solar gain and natural light; and vii. Using native vegetation for landscaping where appropriate. I. Designing sites and buildings according to the Crime Prevention through Environment Design (CPTED) principles to promote safety and security, in balance with other urban design goals; and m. Locating and screening parking and loading facilities so they are generally not visible from the street, particularly in Centres and Neighbourhood Intensification Areas; n. Limit surface parking between the front of a building and the public street or sidewalk; o. Design safe and direct access to buildings for pedestrians, cyclists and transit users by providing walkways from the public street, transit stops, and parking areas to main building entrances and including bike parking and end -of -trip facilities, where appropriate, and mid -block connections where possible; p. Design sites and building accesses that are barrier -free, convenient and have clear signage; and E:Yl Attachment 2: Municipal Plan Policy Review — 251-361 Riverview Drive q. Generally locating surface parking, outdoor storage, loading and other service areas at the rear or side of the property and buffering or screening these functions from adjacent properties and the public realm. Policy UD -10 Ensure that new development and redevelopment in Stable Areas is designed to respect and reinforce the physical character and uses of the surrounding neighbourhood, having regard for: a. The local pattern of lots, streets and blocks; b. The size and configuration of lots; c. Nearby building types; d. The height, scale and massing of nearby buildings; e. The setback of buildings from the street; f. The pattern of rear and side yard setbacks; g. Sensitive integration with and enhancement of adjacent heritage properties; and h. Building materials, which contribute to the successful integration of the development into its context. Natural Environment and Storm water Natural Environment and Storm water Management Management Policy NE -22 Enhance natural areas within The site design conforms to Policy NE -22 by the City by: providing an undeveloped area at the rear of a. Protecting and limiting development in the site adjacent to Saint John Harbour. This environmentally sensitive areas including provides an open space area for habitat and significant habitat areas, open spaces and a linkage along the Harbour. This area is areas with rich biodiversity; proposed to remain in its undeveloped state given the steep topography. b. Minimizing the fragmentation of significant natural areas by limiting development in rural areas and linking natural areas, wherever possible, to maintain wildlife habitat and natural corridors; and C. Carefully analyzing and mitigating the impacts of resource uses on adjacent natural areas when considering development applications. E:1:3 -41 0 z z Z) z' n D� R. Palmer Connor May 2020 To: Planning Advisory Committee City of Saint John, N.B. My name is Ruth Palmer Connor and I own the property located at 370 Riverview Drive, West Saint John, N.B. I am writing this letter to state my opposition to the proposed development of the property at 251 - 361 Riverview Drive, Saint John, N.B. Before beginning, I would like to acknowledge the professionalism shown to me by the personnel of Onestop Planning. Despite being forced to work from their homes due to Covid 19, all who I had contact with were very quick at returning my calls and answering many of my questions put to them. Tip of the hat, in particular, to Mr. Mark Reade, Mr. Brian Irving, and Brenda who so kindly redirected my calls. Also I would like to thank Mr. W. Shannon for contacting me recently to offer some details to me concerning his project as well as taking the time to listen to my concerns. Thank you for the appreciated consideration Mr. Shannon. At this time, I would like to reinforce that my opposition is from the business concern(s) of a citizen and not personal towards any individual(s). To try to make this letter as short as possible I will itemize my concerns as briefly as possible. If anyone requires further clarification please feel free to contact me. 1- My family has lived at the above named property since 1969 and I have been the sole owner for close to 20 years. A great place to grow up. A few years after moving in, some of our side yard was expropriated and construction of the Saint John Thruway began. Not great news but at least we still had our unobstructed view of the St. John River flowing under the 021 Harbour Bridge. My parents ( as well as myself when I became owner) took comfort in having this view for a lifetime as we were told that the parcels of land to the right side of this development were zoned as park land and that only the lot that already had a housing unit on it could be redeveloped as residential. Perhaps this is no longer true, but this is what was explained to us at the time. I have been told that my claim to fight for my view has no merit unless it directly affects my bottom dollar. I say again, ( as I did a few years ago when another individual made a development proposal for the same parcel of land). It will take money from my property investment in such that as soon as am no longer able to list my property as having a waterfront view, it will make it that much more difficult to get an asking /selling price that I would be able to get with that same view. Just as any developer would expect to be able to list, ask, and probably get a higher selling price for offering the same view that I have been paying property tax towards for 20 years, as well as living in and contributing to the neighbourhood. What makes this even more disheartening to me as a property owner in Saint John is the fact that over the last few years other changes have taken away from my little sanctuary in our busy world; The elimination of tolls on the Harbour Bridge has virtually made what little side yard I have left unusable due to the noise from the increased volume of traffic at all times of day. Without the tolls, drivers no longer need to slow down to deposit coins or tolls. Many speed across the bridge and then continue to increase their speed as they move up the highway. Often conversations on decks must stop because the noise makes it inaudible. Many years ago. my family bought and placed several trees along our property line to block highway noise, as no sound wall was ever built to show respect to residents living near by. However those trees are no match for today's increased traffic and speeding engine noises and semi truck brakes. My Along with increased noise with this traffic comes the increased amount of garbage, debris, and pollution that falls off or is thrown out of vehicles as they drive past, and lands down the slopes of the side of the highway. Years ago, every spring, summer students would pick up this garbage and weed whack the grass. This has not happened in years. I have made phone calls to those responsible for highway maintenance but received no help. I do not think that it is acceptable for myself or my neighbours to have to sit in our yards and look at pollution on the other side of the rusting chain link fence. It is not only pollution that comes off these trucks but often snow plows drive by so quickly that piles of snow come flying over guard rails, rolling into our yards, and even making contact with our side house walls. Just this winter, pieces of asphalt came over from a passing plow almost hitting me as shovelled the city street that is in my front yard. You ask what this has to do with land development. Here it is. Many people in the last few years have commented on my property, the wonderful waterview, but then end with the comment, " we couldn't stand that highway noise." And that is before they hear the increased noise coming from the ever expanding industrial sites, such as Ocean Steel and the Irving Pulp Mill, just across the river, or the noise from the AGM plant. The one saving grace that keeps me here at my Saint John residence is my great view from my deck. I have worked my whole life in Saint John and have contributed to my city as a law abiding, tax paying citizen. I hope that my city can see that it is time to ensure that it has a responsibility to all its citizens not just those in business. Before closing, I would like to bring some other thoughts to the table for your consideration; 2- 251- 361 Riverview drive offers a great vantage point of several key Saint John attractions such as the world famous Reversing Falls Rapids where one can see and hear this phenomenon as it meets the tides of the harbour. It also allows visitors to gaze under the bridge to our newly built Fort Latour, as well as Fort Howe. It allows one to gaze at the million year 0191 old rock formations along the Reversing Falls cliff that helped our city gain the wonderful award of being granted the Unesco Stonehammer Geo -park claim. It also allows one to see the area that heritage fishing stories were talked about along with folklore of Glooscap and our First Nations people. This is an area that Marathon By The Sea runners are often sent giving them a great up and close view of one of our best tourist attractions... the Saint John River. I do believe that it would be beneficial for our city planners to think of developing this as a place for all Saint Johners to enjoy especially since we seem to be losing more and more green space, particilarily on the West Side of the city. This could be a great tourist photographic spot. 3- My final reasons for opposing developing this whole parcel of land is from safety and ecological reasoning. The pounding of the St. John River as it careens to the harbour each day certainly takes a toll on the stability of the riverbank under this land. As a person who has lived here for 50 + years, can attest to how some of my neighbours yardline has slipped down the embankment and there have also been other documented landslides over the years. Another safety feature to ponder is the fact that Riverview Drive is a dead end street with only one way out. A few years ago, a large sink whole opened right at the entrance of the road leading into the projected development site. A car was swallowed up by this hole and there was no way out for residents living below this section of road, nor was there any way in for Emergency vehicles , potentially putting the lives of some of the streets residents at risk. I bring this up because again just recently a garage fire erupted a little further down Riverview Drive, and residents living beyond the fire were again put at risk of not being able to drive out safely. apologize for the length of this letter, but I believe that I needed to at least voice some of my concerns to those who read this. I guess after living in this area for 50 odd years I have a lot vested in my neighbourhood. I believe it would be remiss of me to at least not share my thoughts with the committee. ZL'! Thank you in advance for your consideration of my views and for allowing me this platform to express my concerns. Stay safe, Stay Strong, and Be Well. Sincerely, Ruth Palmer Connor 370 Riverview Place, Saint John, N.B. OR F C CL m a 'c w E to u O CL O L a m p F A M OR UL i 0 W --- I 0 I r.r I w 9 H 0 a) LM LL 9 N r -I ■ O N W V co O ca O v as OC U a a per} � � r*_ r -I HUC3HES SURVEYORS. - ENGINLERS HUGHES SURVEYS & CONSULTANTS INC. NB I„F1,ND SURVEYORS, CONSULTING ENGINEERS January 29, 2020 Our file Y 15-044 Mr. Mark Reade, MCIP Growth & Development Services City of Saint John 10"' Floor, City Hall Saint John, NB Re: Applications for Wand S Holdings, Riverview Drive Development: 1. Street Closure and Acquisition; 2. Municipal Plan Amendment, Rezoning and Associated Approvals. Dear Mark, Please find enclosed the fallowing material with respect to the above noted development: 1. +General. Application Form; 2. Council Application Form for Municipal Plan and rezoning approvals; 3. Subdivision Application Fonn; 4. Variance Application Form; 5. Copy of Preliminary Site Plan 6, Copy of site layout with existing contours; 7. Copy of front and rear elevation of a sample unit; 8. Plan of Survey of portion of Algonquin Street to be closed and acquired by the developer; 9. Plan of Survey of easement to be reserved by City of Saint John; 10. Accepted agreement to purchase a strip of land from. Dept. of Transportation and Infrastructure, 1.1. - Plan of land being acquired from Dept of Transportation & Infrastructure Details of the proposal are outlined in the applications. Once you have reviewed the enclosed material if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. A digital submission to Onestop has been forwarded and payment of the required fees will be paid as soon as you confine the amount. Yours truly, HUGHES SURVEYS & CONSULTANTS LTD. Richard. Turner Encl. 575 CROWN STREET, SAINT JOHN, N13 EM 5E9 (506) 634-1717 FAX (506) 634-0759 ` E111 LOCATION CIVIC ADDRESS: Riverview Drive PID #: 00415992, 00393975, 55147540, 55226047, 55226054, an undeveloped portion of Algonquin Place and portion of 55206411 Uj tn HERITAGE AREA: Y / N INTENSIFICATION AREA: Y / N FLOOD RISK AREA: Y / N APPROVED GRADING PLAN: Y / N APPLICATION #: DATE RECEIVED: RECEIVED BY: APPLI��;+UThes Surveys & Consultants Inc. on Ughes EMAIL RHONE behalf of W and S Holdings Ltd. rick.turner@hughessurveys.com (506)634-171' 7 0 . MAILING ADDRESS POSTALCODE 575 Crown Street, Saint John, NB E2L 5E9 CONTRACTOR /DEVELOPER EMAIL PHONE W and S Holdings Ltd, z MAI LI NG ADDRESS POSTAL CODE c/o Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc,, 575 Crown Street, Saint Jahn, NB E2L 5E9 " OWNER EMAIL PHONE W and S Holdings Ltd., The City of Saint Jahn and New Brunswick Highway Corporation MAILING ADDRESS POSTAL CODE c/o Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc., 575 Crown Street, Saint John, NB E2L 5E9 PRESENT USE: Vacant land PROPOSED USE: Townhouse development BUILDING ' PLANNING tNFRASTRUCTURE ; HERIITAGE! " INTERIOR RENOVATION NEW CONSTRUCTION ]VARIANCE STREET EXCAVATION HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT EXTERIOR RENOVATION ACCESSORY BLDG PLANNING LETTER HERITAGESIGN ADDIT&ON ElPOOL PACAPPLICATIONDRAINAGE Cj HERITAGE INFILL ' 44 DECK F� DEMOLITION `COUNCIL APF' WATER & SEWERAGE HERITAGE DEMO rw a ur T CHANGE OF USE SIGN SUBDIVISION OTHER OTHER FJ MINIMUM STANDARDS E) OTHER MOTHER - Closure of a portion an undeveloped city street - Algonquin Place Details of the proposal for Jewa Amnej at J?kWVi+r W DWM, a Development Proposal by 0 W and S Holdings Ltd.. are included on Attachment "A° appended to this application. Ln Uj Uj 111 consent to the City of Saint John sending to me commercial electronic messages, from time to time, regarding City initiatives and incentives. GeneralCollection 57aateanent This i iforaaation is heing colleetead in order fin- the City elf Sarno John to deliroet' ern eristiw pro„rani /'sen,iee: the eollecrion is linrr"ted to that rt,hlch is necessary'to cde/Aer the prograin / senie"e. Urade_er required to do so by lax, the City ofrSaiirt John 1+^ dl nor share your persomd injrrni{ iwn trah any third parry r4711n)Yal yolr!” c xpi'a.}".%' b' msent. The legal awhor'ity,foi collecting this inf n-ination is to he fyioad in and the Right to hilorniation ami Protection of Privm.y Act. For firther- inlorniation or, gtrc tions regarding the eolleetion Orf personal bifor inerr'ion, phrase eontact the Access &- Priwyacy O ficer.- Ciay 11(111 Bathinaq 81h Floor- 1S Market Square Saint John, NR E2L 11;8 conirnanr"dcr"1"&r rrrrnrr,ihn_r<a (506) 658-2862 d, the undersigned, hereby apply for the permit(s) or approvai(s), indicated above for the work described on plans, submissions and forms herewith submitted. This application includes Ott relevant documentation necessary for the applied for permit(s) or approval(s), d agree to comply with the plans, specifications and further agree to comply with all relevant City By laws and conditions imposed. dughes Surveys & Consultants Inc. on behalf W & S Holdings Ltd. of W & S Holdings Ltd,,- RichardTurner William Shannon AiD,0 cant Nome / # Owners Authorization t d Applicant Signalur ,January 29, 2020 Date Ttlu^':ayd A Owners January 29, 2020 Date Council Applic*fion 0840P out Shop Qhqr ) (­� i", " '/ �� "i ;,, , , '' '­ (­,M1/r,,11, � t" )V C N '3 IVIC ADDRES S, .... V APPLICATION # FES PAID N TYPE OF APPLICATION . . ..... .................. . ......... .. . ......... . ... C] Land for Public Purposes Non -Conforming Use Satisfactory Servicing Release Service Fee: $200 Service Fee: $200, Service Fep: $300 Section 39 Amendment Zoning IBy-law Amendment X Zoning By-law Arnenicliment with Service Fee: $2,500 Service Fee, $2,500 a Municipal Plan Amendment service Fee: $3,500 .... . ......... . .. . . . . ...... . ........ .............. . ... . ..... . . . ...... ----------------- – ----------- PT4 Where applicable, indicate the changes to existing Section 39 conditions, zoning, or Municipal Plan designation being requested, Attach site plans, buiWing elevations, floor plans, and other documentation to fully describe the application. The submission of a preliminary proposal and a, Pre -Application, Meeting is encouraged prior to seeking approval. Please contact the One -Stop Development Shop at (5 6) 658-2911 for further information, LOCATIOW The development is located on the north side of Riverview Drpve. The development comprises of PID's 00415992, 00,39 975, 55147540, 55226047, 55226054, an undeveloped portion of Algonquin Place and portion of 55206411, The rt i resent) _y s e _� vacant TL99 - ... ..... . ..... . . . . . ............ ........ ... .................... . .. . . W6, VO S A—L D-letails on the proposal are outline on Attachment "A" submitted as an attachment to the General Application form, ENCUMBRANCES Describe any easements, restrictive covenants, and other encumbrances affecting the land, There , us an easement to be re,servedl in favour of the City of Saint John over property, proposed to be transferred to the developer Upon approval of the project. The easement is shown on a plan iriclliuded in this subrTilssion, U111dwsroltPWAId As of the date of this application, 1, the undersigned, am the registered owner of the land described in this application or the authorized agent thereof, and I have examined the contents of this appdcation ancd hereby certify that the information submitted with the application is correct insofar as I have knowledge of these facts, and I hereby authorize the applicant to represent this matter and to provide any additional information, that Will be necessary for this appHcatiom Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc on Behalf of W and S HoldingslacTurner -See Owners Authoriz'aiio,n,,,on'G'ener,aI Application Registered Owner or Authorized Agent Additional Registered Owner 29 X929 Date Date The unforrnation contained in this application and any d=lnlontatiOn, including plans, drawings, reports, and studies, provided in support of this application will become pail. of the public record, Forin 20101/201 081"''1 . . .. . ... '�.:Oeflt I .1 I '+ I tihINT IOHN ("3,ROWTH & COMM(RflTY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CITY OF SAINT JOHN CIVIC ADDRESS Rrliversviilew Drive various Various APPLICATION;FEE I PAID Y N ou )ro pr9perties) TYPE OF APPLICATION E] Instrument X Tier 1 Subdivision Documents requiring Development Officer endorsement for registraVon Service Fee: $50 Lot boundary adjustments, consolidations, and new lots along an existing street Service Fee: $250 plus $50 per new building lot Tier 2 Subdivision Subdivisions involving the construction of a street Service Fee: $500 plus $100 per new building lot DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF APPLICATION Attach the instrument or tentative subdivision plan, whichever is applicable, and any additional documentation to fully describe the application. Tentative subdivision plans must adhere to the requirements of Section 49 of the Community Planning Act of New Brunswick. In the case of a Tier 2 Subdivision, the submission of a preliminary proposal and a Pre -Application Meeting with City staff is encouraged prior to seeking approval. Please contact the One -Stop Development Shop at (506) 658-2911 for further information. LOCATION: The development is located on the north side of Riverview Drive. The development comprises of PID's 00415992, 00393975, 55147540, 55226047, 55226054, an undeveloped portion of Algonquin Place and portion of 55206411. The property is_�resently vacant. PROPOSAL: Details on the proposal are outline on Attachment "A" submitted as an attachment to the General Application form. ENCUMBRANCES Describe any easements, restrictive covenants, and other encumbrances affecting the land. There is an easement to be reserved in favour of the City of Saint John over property proposed to be transferred to the developer upon approval of the project. The easement is shown on a plan included in this submission, As of the date of this application, 1, the undersigned, am the registered owner of the land described in this application or the authorized agent thereof, and I have examined the contents of this application and hereby certify that the information submitted with the application is correct insofar as I have knowledge of these facts, and I hereby authorize the applicant to represent this matter and to provide any additional information that will be necessary for this application. Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc. on behalf of VV,,and-$ Hoid�ngs Ltd Richard Turner See Owners Au rization on' �aApplication­ Registered Owner or Authorized Agent Additional Registered Owner January 29, 2020 Date ME The information contained in this application and any documentation, including plans, drawings, reports, and studies, provided in support of this application will become part of the public record. Subc!Msion ApDficaVon Form MIN Variance Application GROKI'l-I & CON�t\AUN1-Y DEVELOPMEN F SERACES 01'Y OF SANTJ04 IN Riverview ow Drive PAID �YN [CIVIC ADDRESS (Various t! r� D 00 r les, an�ousi TYPE OF APPLICATION Tier 1 Variance Variances not greater than 25% of a numeric standard Service Fee: $50 plus $10 per additional variance X Tier 2 Variance Variances greater than 25% of a numeric standard Service Fee: $100 plus $20 per additional variance X PAC Variance Variances considered by the Planning Advisory Committee Service Fee: $300 plus $60 per additional variance DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF APPLICATION Attach site plans, building elevations, floor plans, and other documentation to fully describe the application. LOCATION: The development is located on the north side of Riverview Drive. The development comprises of PID's 00415992, 00393975, 55147540, 55226047, 55,226054, an undeveloped portion of Algonquin Place and portion of 55206411 . The property isprestltll.vacant. VARIANCES and/or APPROVALS REQUESTED - Note that we have identified the following variances will be required to carry out the development. Upon planning staff reviewing the application and plans other variancesor approvals may be identified. Once the review is completed please advise our office as to the application fee amount. 1 - Front yard setback; 2 - Side yard Setback; 3 - Such other variances as may be determined by planning staffs review. 4 - Land for Public Purposes considerations if required. SUBMISSION DOCUMENTS TO REVIEW VARIANCE APPLICATION: 1 - Site Plan of the proposed development; 2 - Front elevation plan (Sample from a similar project); 3 - Rear elevation plan (Sample from a similar pr9ject. ENCUMBRANCES Describe any easements, restrictive covenants, and other encumbrances affecting the land. There is an easement to be reserved in favour of the City of Saint John over property proposed to be transferred to the developer upon approval of the pr9ject. The easement is shown on a plan included in this submission. AUTHORIZATION As of the date of this application, 1, the undersigned, am the registered owner of the land described in this application or the authorized agent thereof, and I have examined the contents of this application and hereby certify that the information submitted with the application is correct insofar as I have knowledge of these facts, and I hereby authorize the applicant to represent this matter and to proOde any additional information that will be necessary for this application. Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc. on behalf of W&SHolding Ltd. Rchar rner See S uthon� 0 -5 General Application oK Registered Owner or Authorized Agent Additional Registered Owner January 29, 2020 Date Date The information contained in this application and any documentation, including plans, drawings, reports, and studies, provided in support of this application will become part of the public record. Variance Appkatlon Form 20/01/2017 i § F-11 Attachment "A"toCity General Application Form. Development Proposal bvVVand 5Holdings Ltd. Townhouse Development otRiverview Drive, Saint John, NB, The nature uf this request is to present a proposal for approval which includes properties assembled and others to be acquired adjacent to our client's property with a gna[mfdeveloping atownhouse project. A proposed development plan is provided for your consideration along with an elevation plan showing the front elevation ofone ofthe proposed buildings. The development will consist ofathree-unit building and 2 ' four -unit buildings. Each building will be constructed on a separate lot and each townhouse unit will be established on a separate Part Lot sothey can besold separately. Shared access ways will be established overthe various Part Lots and will be defined with right of way limits once as - built conditions are able to be defined, Build -out time is estimated at approximately 3 years although this is dependent on market conditions. The development at build out will see approximate sale values totalling nearly two million dollars, Development of units aWg the existing street is desirable from a fiscal management standpoint as it will utilize infrastructure already in place (street and services), Recently municipal services were upgraded inRiverview Drive and are available toconnect to, The development consists of various parcels now owned by VV and S Holdings or in the process of being acquired through conditional purchase and sale agreements. The land presently owned byour client drops off quickly toward the river and moving the proposed units closer to Riverview Drive is desirable therefore arrangements have been put in place to acquire land from the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure toaccommodate the development. Thearea being acquired is in excess tothat required for highway Vrstreet purposes. As well a portion of an undeveloped street known as Algonquin Place is proposed to be closed and acquired from the City ofSaint John along with two other city owned lots. An easement will be reserved by the city over a portion of Algonquin Place to protect a storm sewer line at that location. Land along this part ofthe river comprises mfsteep bedrock conditions. Access tathe river from the development is not practical. The approvals sought include closure of an undeveloped street, an amendment to the Municipal Plan, rezoning from Park and 2 -unit Residential to Low -Rise Residential for all properties included in the development plan. Subdivision and variance applications are also aspects of the approvals sought. Respectfully submitted Hughes Sur-veyq.& Consultants Inc, Richard Turner O N q),PA- rw� CS. 2 U Z, :3 0 c -C LO c 0 -41 0 z z Z) z' n D� PT VY C o 4 > FL rr H 7a A o'. o �`4 ,e�t4✓ .' 'a a u a c' L u u v} a a Q, as *` c Z, u �E otnV) 'r- � o m E E o "E E 0 o -o o � v w v t' _ E ? 0IE - Q .a Ec++S'! moo x �� CL ID 4!) �, �� w E4 U -d_,B u # .r1 0 , o ,? a E ce " w m n a E z as Lo t2 �q E y ro C �.o min o C_5 a ns® US e n �o� dS 9r CY "�g��`�SSa'\ Oy Qaa� 'for o' ya s�2� 0 r 4r' CL of m c FE v Q�°oc°�� 4.ry q U c C. e ]08 ZV9 Z 7• �� 4i 09 � 4 61 % 70 0 or � y Is, // ryaiuzum�p—n°a,waN nP piau aYnailai�.. !' wr+ ry a- `J A� •nsum�g,, xary f H an fit) 41. yh s'�ya`0.°�ea o' 2 M Y OS® ZES Z b a<pa�p, o bMaO tlt a.,Cl) 6v Ag°esu P �✓�0 �J �•. Mai NOTE 1 . Urections are N. B. Crid azimuths derived from G.P.S, observations on N.B. Mon's. 4067 and 20146. (NAD83 CSRS Adjusted Values) 2. Al document and plain reference refer to the Registry Office for the County of Saint John 3. Feld survey completed on June 2, 2016, 4. All computations performed and coordinates shown on this plan are based on New Brunswick Stereographic Double Projection and the NAD83(CSRS) Ellipsoid as realized by Service New Brunswick Adjusted coordinate survey monuments. 0 e1P mz A 0 N 4007 /yt09 0 %'a 181 Z 95 q z X" 0 0 61 �v k -0 A-) 40 C3 4002 ✓�P t' 0 < 0 r, PO tr V4 1w, a L4 Z see File 12 Na. 9 Lot 14 \< PID 55147540 w& S Hngs 0 2 1 viol xv 242553 Reg. 2107—Q7 -3Q0 09 e, PID 003939753° see File 12 No. 9 oc, Lot 14 0' lq� New Brunswick Grid Co—Ordinate Values Dimension Table STA x y RMKS PT—Fr DISTANCE AZUJTH 85 2 532 822.137 7 362 012.416 CALC. PT, 181-4007 2.13 4l' -b5 10" 180 2 532 815,925 7 362 005.287 CALC. PT. 4002-182 5.55 41* 03' 40" 181 2 532 795.470 7 362 032.040 CALC. PT. 2221-183 0.22 41' 03' 40" 182 2 532 809338 7 362 030.936 CALC. PT. 55-2221 2.57 131* 05, 10" 183 2 5,32 824:217 7 362 010.894 CALC. PT. 2221 2 532 824.073 7 362 010,728 CALC, PT, 4002 2 532 805.694 7 362 026.753 CALC. PT. 4007 2.532 796.870 7 362 034-446 CALC. PT. 4067 2 529 793.690 7 360 155.788 N.B. Mon. 20146 2 533 174.765 7 362 412.193 N.B. Mon. Scale Factor Applied 1.000038 Plan Of S u rvey Showing Easement to be reserved for Municipal Services, City of Saint John, Saint John County, New Brunswick. Certified Correct HUGHES SURVEYS & CONSULTANTS INC. B Surveyed by July 27, 2016 Date New Brunswick Land Surveyor # 10 0 10 20 30 40 No, 1:500 rnetroS: 4 Dwg. No. Disk No, 5150440 2015 Topos Disk No. 516044 2015 rDwn. By - Job No Map Ref. I mm� Y15-044 . . . ..... G/08—T2A,SW(3) 124 . ..... .... BNew �kouveau runswick C A N A D A File No. 71- W- 1165 Department ofTransportation and Infrastructure Property Services Branch PO Box 6000 Fredericton, NB E313 5H I December 20, 2019 Mr. Rick Turner Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc. 575 Crown Street Saint John, NB E2L 5139 Subject. Request to acquire a portion of the New Brunswick Highway Corporation property with PID 55206411, City of Saint John, Saint John County, N.B. Dear Mr. Turner: The Department of Transportation and Infrastructure has completed its surplus lands review to determine if a portion of the New Brunswick Highway Corporation property with PID 55206411 (the subject property as shown on the submitted site plan dated December 13, 2017) is surplus to the Department's needs. This property is part of the highway right-of-way of Route I located in the City of Saint John, Saint John County. The review has determined that the three portions (approx. 834 square nictres) of PID 55206411 have tentatively been identified as surplus. Therefore, Property Services Branch is prepared to recommend to the Minister that the portions of PID 55206411 be declared surplus and that they be conveyed to your client under the following, conditions: That your client bears the costs associated with the preparation of a legal survey (Subdivision Plan) to determine the portions of PID 55206411 to be conveyed to your client. The subject property is owned by the New Brunswick Highway Corporation; therefore, the subdivision plan your company will prepare will show the parcels that are to be conveyed to your client to be subdivided from the New Brunswick Highway Corporation property with PID 55206411, The Plan will be used by our Department to transfer the parcels from the New Brunswick Highway Corporation to the Department of Transportation and Infi-astructure, which in turn will be conveyed to your client by deed from our Department; Transportation and Infrastructure I Transports et Infrastructure RO,Box /C.P.6000 Fredericton New Bronswick I NOUVeft-Brunswick E385H1 Canada www,gnb,ca ? * 125 New Nouveau That your client is responsible for all survey, legal, registration, and approval fees associated with this conveyance; 'That your client agrees to pay $11-36 per square metre (plus HST); 'That your client acquires title to the requisite parcels adjacent to the subject property to complete the development project, specifically PIDs 55226054, 55226047, and 00000003 `Algonquin Place'(a municipal street). If you agree with the above-mentioned conditions, please indicate by checking the appropriate box on the attached form and returning a signed copy to my attention. Your client should contact their solicitor who will be better able to estimate the potential costs of the transaction. A response is required by January 30, 2020; if we do not receive a reply by that date we will assume you have no further interest in acquiring the subject portion of'property, Please note that this transaction will require government approval. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you can contact 111c at (506) 462-5976. Sincerely, Peter Belding Propexly Agent /ns MM Transportation and Infrastructure / Transports at hifrastructure P.O. Box / C.P.6000 Fredericton New Brunswick / Nouveau -Brunswick E3B 5HI Canada wvvw.9nb.ca & 126 File 71-W-1 165 Mr. Rick Turner Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc. 575 Crown Street Saint John NB E2L 5E9 Acting on behalf of' Mr. Bill Shannon W Holding-, Ltd. 871 Anderson Drive Saint John NB E2M 4G2 Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Property Services Branch P.0, Box 6000 Fredericton NB BSB 5141 Telephone # 506-462-5976 Fax 4 506-444-5653 Attention Peter Belding: Subject: Reque.vt to acquire portion of N8HCprqpert.Y with PID 55206411, City of Saint John, Saint John County, N.B. Y1 have read and understand the future potential costs to rare in relation to the above mentioned request and lavish NB DTI to continue with the above noted I have read and understand the future potential costs to me in relation to the above mentioned request and I do not wish NB DTI to continue with the above notcd Mr, Bill Shannon WAN PROPOSED MUNICIPAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT RE: 251-361 RIVERVIEW DRIVE Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider amending The City of Saint John Zoning By-law at its meeting to be held via web conference on Monday, June 15, 2020 at 6:30 p.m., by: (a) Re -designate on Schedule A of the Municipal Development Plan, a parcel of land with an area of approximately 2734 square metres, located at 251-361 Riverview Drive, also identified as portions of PID Nos. 55226054, 00415992, 55147540, 55206411 (an undeveloped portion of the New Brunswick Route 1 right-of-way), and an undeveloped portion of Algonquin Place, from Park and Natural Area to Stable Area as illustrated on Map 1 below; (b) Re -designate, on Schedule B of the Plan, the same parcel of land, from Park and Natural Area to Stable Residential. PROJETS DE MODIFICATION DU PLAN MUNICIPAL ET DE L'ARRETE DE ZONAGE OBJET: 251-361, PROMENADE RIVERVIEW Par les presentes, un avis public est donne par lequel le conseil communal de The City of Saint John indique son intention d'etudier la modification suivante a I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John, par conference Web le lundi 15 juin 2020 a 18h30: (a) Modifier la designation, a I'annexe A du plan, des parcelles de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 2734 metres carres, situee au 251- 361, promenade Riverview, et portant des parties de NIDs 55226054, 00415992, 55147540, 55206411 (une partie non developpee de 1'emprise routiere de la route 1 du Nouveau -Brunswick), et une partie non developpee de la place Algonquin, de la faire passer de parc ou aire naturelle a secteur stable, comme Ie montre la carte 1 ci-dessous; (b) Modifier la designation, a I'annexe B du plan, des parcelles de terrain precitee, afin de la faire passer de parc ou aire naturelle a secteur residentiel stable. MAP 1 / CARTE 1 i (c) Rezoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 2594 square metres, located at 251-361 Riverview Drive, also identified as PID Nos. 00415992, 00393975, and 55147540, from Two -Unit Residential (R2) to Low -Rise (c) Rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 2594 metres carres, situee au 251-361, promanade Riverview, egalement identifiee comme des NIDs 00415992, 00393975, et 55147540, de zone residentielle `104%7 ,f f" �5T 2U (c) Rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 2594 metres carres, situee au 251-361, promanade Riverview, egalement identifiee comme des NIDs 00415992, 00393975, et 55147540, de zone residentielle `104%7 Residential (RL) as illustrated on Map 2 below; (d) Rezoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 675 square metres, located at 251-361 Riverview Drive, also identified as PID Nos. 55226047, and 55226054 from Park (P) to Low -Rise Residential (RL), as illustrated on Map 2 below, and (e) Rezoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 1345 square metres, located at 251-361 Riverview Drive, also identified as an undeveloped portion of Algonquin Place and a portion of PID 55206411 (an undeveloped portion of the New Brunswick Route 1 right-of- way), from being unzoned to Low -Rise Residential (RL) as illustrated on Map 2 below. bifamiliale (R2) a zone residentielle — immeubles d'habitation bas (RL), comme le montre la carte 2 ci-dessous; (d) Rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 675 metres carres, situee au 251-361, promanade Riverview, egalement identifiee comme des NIDs 55226047, et 55226054, de zone de pares (P) a zone residentielle — immeubles d'habitation bas (RL), comme le montre la carte 2 ci-dessous; et (e) Rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 1345 metres carres, situee au 251-361, promanade Riverview, egalement identifiee comme une partie non developpee de la place Algonquin et une partie de NID 55206411 (une partie non developpee de 1'emprise routiere de la route 1 du Nouveau - Brunswick), d'etre non zone a zone residentielle — immeubles d'habitation bas (RL), comme Ie montre la carte 2 ci-dessous. MAP 2 / CARTE 2 REASON FOR CHANGE: RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: To permit a residential development. Pour construire un developpement residentiel. `[till For details on how to participate in the Public Hearing, to inspect the amendment, or to register to participate please contact the Office of the Common Clerk at comm Mirk@iu.trlhu:.. Saint John Council meetings can be viewed online at Ih.ttps..//wy..u.tjr�lhuw. Written objections to the amendment may be sent to the undersigned at City Hall or via email at commonclerk@saintjohn.ca. If you require French services for a Common Council meeting, please contact the office of the Common Clerk. Jonathan Taylor, Common Clerk (506) 658-2862 Pour savoir comment participer a I'audition publique, inspecter la modification ou de vous inscrire pour participer, veuillez communiquer avec Ie bureau du greffier commun a I'adresse cry.mmg.0 glg.irk. saiu�tiolhu�.ca. Les reunions du Conseil de Saint John peuvent etre consultees en ligne a lhttDs://www.voutube.com/useir/saiuitiolhuiweb. Veuillez faire part de vos objections au projet de modification par ecrit au soussigne a I'hotel de ville ou par courriel a I'adresse commonclg.irk.@saiu�tiohu�.ca. Si vous avez besoin des services en frangais pour une reunion de Conseil Communal, veuillez contacter le bureau du greffier communal. Jonathan Taylor, Greffier communal (506) 658-2862 131 BY-LAW NUMBER C.P. 106- A LAW TO AMEND THE MUNICIPAL PLAN BY-LAW Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: The Municipal Plan By-law of The City of Saint John enacted on the 30th day of January, A.D. 2012 is amended by: 1 Amending Schedule A — City Structure, by redesignating a parcel of land with an area of approximately 2734 square metres, located at 251- 361 Riverview Drive also identified as portions of PID Nos. 55226054, 00415992, 55147540, 55206411 (an undeveloped portion of the New Brunswick Route 1 right-of-way), and a portion of Algonquin Place and, from Park and Natural Area to Stable Area classification; 2 Amending Schedule B — Future Land Use, by redesignating the same parcel of land from Park and Natural Area to Stable Residential classification; - all as shown on the plans attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the * day of *, A.D. 2020 and signed by: Mayor ARRETE N° C.P. 106- ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE RELATIF AU PLAN MUNICIPAL Lors d'une r6union du conseii communal, The City of Saint John a 6dict6 cc qui suit: L'arr&6 concernant le plan municipal de The City of Saint John d6cr&6 le 30 janvier 2012 est modifi6 par: 1 la modification de 1'annexe A — Structure de la municipalit6, afin de faire passer is d6signation d'une parcelle de terrain dune superficie d'environ 2734 metres carr6s, situ6e au 251-361, promanade Riverview, et portant des parties de NIDs 55226054, 00415992, 55147540, 55206411, (une partie non d6velopp6e de 1'emprise routi6re de la route 1 du Nouveau -Brunswick), et une partie non d6velopp6e de is place Algonquin, de pare et aire naturelle a secteur stable; 2 la modification de Fannexe B — Utilisation future des sols, afin de faire passer la d6signation de la parcelle de terrain pr6cit6e de pare et aire naturelle a secteur residentiel stable; - toutes les modifications soot indiqu6es sur les plans ci joints et font partie du pr6sent arr&6. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le pr6sent arret6 le 2020, avec les signatures suivantes: Common Clerk/Greffier communal First Reading - Premiere lecture Second Reading - Deuxieme lecture Third Reading - Troisieme lecture BY-LAW NUMBER C.P. 111- ARRETE No C.P. 111- A LAW TO AMEND ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE DE THE ZONING BY-LAW ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint Lors dune r6union du conseil John in Common Council convened, as communal, The City of Saint John a follows: d6cr&6 cc qui suit : The Zoning By-law of The City of L'arr&6 sur le zonage de The City Saint John enacted on the fifteenth day of of Saint John, d6cr&6 le quinze (15) December, A.D. 2014, is amended by: d6cembre 2014, est modifi6 par: 1. Amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 2594 square metres located at 251-361 Riverview Drive, also identified as PID Nos. 00415992, 00393975, and 55147540, from Two - Unit Residential (R2) to Low -Rise Residential (RL). 2. Amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 675 square metres, located at 251-361 Riverview Drive, also identified as PID Nos. 55226047, and 55226054 from Park (P) to Low - Rise Residential (RL). 3. Amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning parcels of land having an area of approximately 1345 square metres, located at 251-361 Riverview Drive, also identified as an undeveloped portion of Algonquin Place and a portion of PID 55206411 (an undeveloped portion of the New Brunswick Route 1 right-of-way), from being unzoned to Low -Rise Residential (RL). - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the * day of *, A.D. 2020 and signed by: 1. La modification de 1'annexe «A», Carte de zonage de The City of Saint John, permettant de modifier la d6signation pour une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 2594 metres carr6, situ6e au 251-361, promanade Riverview, et portant les NIDs 00415992, 00393975, et 55147540 de zone r6sidentielle bifamiliale (R2) A zone r6sidentielle — imineubles d'habitation has (RL). 2. La modification de 1'annexe «A», Carte de zonage de The City of Saint John, permettant de modifier la d6signation pour des parcelles de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 675 metres carr6, situ6e au 251-361, promanade Riverview, et portant les NIDs 55226047, et 55226054, de zone de pares (P) a zone r6sidentielle — immeubles d'habitation has (RL). 3. La modification de 1'annexe «A», Carte de zonage de The City of Saint John, permettant de modifier la d6signation pour des parcelles de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 1345 metres carr6, situ6e au 251-361, promanade Riverview, aussi d6finie com me une partie non d6velopp6e de la place Algonquin et une partie de NID 55206411 (une partie non d6velopp6e de 1'emprise routi6re de la route 1 du Nouveau -Brunswick), d'etre non zone A zone r6sidentielle — imineubles d'habitation has (RL). - toutes les modifications soot indiqu6es sur le plan ci joint et font partie du pr6sent arr&6. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le pr6sent arr&6 le 2020, avec les signatures suivantes : Mayor/Maire Common Clerk/Greffier communal First Reading - Premiere lecture Second Reading - Deuxieme lecture Third Reading - Troisieme lecture A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: The Zoning By-law of The City of Saint John enacted on the fifteenth day of December, A.D. 2014, is amended by: Amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 6,574 square metres, located at 191 Red Head Road, also identified as being PID No. 00344929, from Rural Residential (RR) to Rural General Commercial (CRG) pursuant to a resolution adopted by Common Council under Section 59 of the Community Planning Act. - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by- law the * day of *, A.D. 2020 and signed by: Mayor/Maire ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE DE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Lors d'une reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John a decrete ce qui suit : L'arr6t6 sur le zonage de The City of Saint John, decrete le quinze (15) decembre 2014, est modifie par: La modification de I'annexe «A», Plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, permettant de modifier la designation pour une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 6 574 m6tres carres, situee au 191, chemin Red Head, et portant le NID 00344929, de zone residentielle rurale (RR) a zone commerciale generale rurale (Rural General Commercial (CRG) conformement a une resolution adoptee par le conseil municipal en vertu de I'article 59 de la Loi sur I'urbanisme. - toutes les modifications sont indiquees sur le plan ci joint et font partie du present arrete. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arrete le 2020, avec les signatures suivantes Common Clerk/Greffier communal First Reading - June 8, 2020 Premi6re lecture - le 8 juin 2020 Second Reading - June 8, 2020 Deuxi6me lecture - le 8 juin 2020 Third Reading - Troisieme lecture - Amending Schedule "A" of the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John ModifiantAnnexe «A» de I'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John FROM / DE Rural Residential RR Zone residentielle rurale TO / A Rural General Commercial CRG Zone Commerciale generale rurale Pursuant to a Resolution under Section 59 of the Community Planning Act • Conformement a une resolution adoptee par le Conseil municipal en vertu de ['article 59 de la Loi sur I'urbanisme Applicant: Sandor Torok Location: 191 Red Head Road PID(s)/NIP(s): 00344929 Considered by P.A.C./considers par le C.C.U.: May 20 mai, 2020 Enacted by Council/Approuve par le Conseil: Section 59 Conditions —191 Red Head Road That Common Council, pursuant to the provisions of Section 59 of the Community Planning Act impose the following condition upon the development and use of the parcel of land having an area of approximately 6574 square metres, located at 191 Red Head Road, also identified as PID Number 00344929: (a) the parcel of land will be restricted to the following uses as identified in the Rural General Commercial (CRG) Zone of the City of Saint John Zoning By-law: • An artist or craftsperson studio; • Bed and breakfast; • Dwelling unit, subject to paragraph 11.11(3)(b) of the Zoning Bylaw; • Home occupation, subject to section 9.9 of the Zoning By-law; • Secondary suite, subject to section 9.13 of the Zoning By-law; • Supportive housing, subject to section 9.14 of the Zoning By-law; • Vehicles sales, incidental, with a maximum of five vehicles on the lot at any one time; (b) only one of the above land uses mentioned in 2(a) can be established on the site, in addition to a residential dwelling, at any one time. `191:3