Zoning By-Law Amendment Ocean Westway, 2086 (CP 111-3)BY-LAW NUMBER C.P. 111­3 A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW 01F THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN .Be it enacted by Thie City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: The Zoning By-law of The City of Saint John enacted on the fifteenth. day of' December, A.D. 2014, ts am.ended by: 1 Amending Schedule A, the Zonmg Map, of The City of Saint John, by re- zoning, a parcel of land having an area of approximately 3, hectares, located at 20,8,6 Ocean Weistway'. also "Identified as PID numbers 55222061, 5,5222079 and a portion of PID, number 00287474, from General Commercial (CG), to Corridor Commercial (CCU" pursuant to a resolution adopted b,y Common Council under Section 39 of the Community Planning Act. 2 Amending Schedulle E,, Exceptions by adding "'Dwelling Unit" to the list 01 exceptions for 2086 Ocean Westway I - all as shown. on the plan attached, hereto and forming part of this by-law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City, of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to, be affixed to this by-law the 161h day of February, A.D. 20 151 and signed by: Mayor/Maire .ARRETE No'C.P. 111-3 P A 01 ARRETE MDDIFIANT VARRETE D, ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN I fors d'une reunion du coin seil communall, The pity of Sat John. a, de'cre"te" cc qui suit .., L'arrefte" de zonag . e The City of 0 Saint John, de'cre'te' le quinze (15), de"cem,bre 20,14, es,t modifie par: 1 La mod.ificatton. de I"'annexe A,, Carte dezonage de The City of Saint John, permettant de modifier la designation pour une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 3 hectares, situe"c au 20186, voie ouest Ocean,, et port ant les NI. 55222061 552220,79, et e"tant au ssi. une partle du NID 00287474, de zone commerciale guar afe (C,G) 'a zone commerciate ae corridor (CC) c,on.forme'ment "a une resolution adopte":e par le conscil mun.icipal en, vertu de l'articte 39 de la Loi sur Furbanisme., 2 La modification de Pannexe E, Exceptions, out t < an < Logeu >> 'a, la .1 mate des exceptions pour 20,86, vote oues,t Ocean - toutes les modifications sort indique"es suer le plan ci-joint e:t font partie du pr sent arrete. EN FO,1 DE QUOI, The City of Saint John, a fait app son sceau, communal sur te present arret.6 le 16, f6vrier 2015, avec, les, signatures suivantes .- eel V11,ommon. Clei­06reffier comr6nal 'art Reading - February 2, 2015 Premiere lecture - le 2 f6vrier 2015 Second Reading - February 2, 2015 DcL[Xieme lecture - le 2 f6vrier 2015 Third Reading -,February 16, 2 015 'rroisie"me leCtUre - I e 1 6, &vri er 2 015 GROWTH & CO3'MMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SERVICE DE LA CROIISSANCE ET DUi DEVELOPPEMENT COMMUNAUTAIRE, REZONING REZONAGE Amending, Schedule A of the Zoning 'By-Law of The City of Saint Joh 1 11 W` de zonage de The C*ty of Sa`nt Jbil-in Mod"'fiant An�nexe,,A, de I'Arre' e I I I .. . ...... ............ General Commemial zone, commercialie gene'ralle S ro Corridor Commercial 0 zone commiercliale de corridor . .. .. ......... ...... ... .... . .... Pursuant to a Resolution under Section 39 of the Community Plann,in,g Act I M Conforme"mient a' une resomfion adopte'e par, lie conseil municipal en vertu I de I article 319 de la Loi su�r l'urbanisme IIIIIIIIq III 11��r ��I­ IIIIIIIII Considered by P.A.C./conside"re' par lie C.C�.U.: "ry t C'S11, au d bureu `1P P U OU aomjb de Drawn By/Cre"e"e Par: John Ellefs,en Date Drawn/Crarte Cre"e"ei: February 5 fbvrierI,2015