Zoning By-Law Amendment Cliff Street, 27 (2) (CP 111-9)BY-LA'Wi NUiMBER. C.P. 111 ­9 A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Common Council conve;ned,, as follows: The Zoning By-law of The City of Saint John enacted on the fifteenth day of December,, A. D. 2014, is amended by,: I Amending Schedlute A., tbe.Zontng Map of' The City of Saint John, by e- zoning'a parcel. of land having an area of approximately 323 square metres, located at 27 Cliff Street, also identified as a portion of "IT number 55012074, from Major Community Facility (CFM) to Urban Centre Residential (RC), - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and fonning part of this by-law. IN WITNES,S, WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City o be affixed to this by-law the 20th, day of July, A.D,. 20, 15 and s igned by - ARRETE No C.P. 1. 11­9 r ^ F ARRfTE MODIFIANT 12ARRETE D ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT jOHN I L s d'une reunion du conseil cominunal, The City of Saint John a de'erc'te' ce qui, suit, L"arret,e" die zonage de The City of Saint John, de"cre"te' le quinze (15) de'cembre 2014, est �modifie" par : .1 L,a modification die Vannexe X Carte de zonage de The City of Saint John, permettant de modifier la de"signafion pour une parcelle de 'terrain. d'une superficie d enN,,1ron. 323 m6tres carre"s, situee au 27, rue Cliff, et e"tant aussi une rtie du NID ,550,12074, de zone die grandee installations communautaires (CFM) 'a, zone residentielle de centre- ville (RC) - toutes les modifications sont indi,que"es Sur le plan ci-joint et font partie du present arrete . EN FOI DE QU01, The City of' Saint Jolui a ffiit ap son sceau. communal sur le f present a r re"' t e" lie 20, juillet 2015, ,avec les signatures sulvantes *, First Reading - July 6, 2015 Premiere lecture le 6 juill et,20,15 Second Reading - July 6, 2015 Deuxie'me lecture le 6 juillet 2015 . Third Reading -oily 201, 2 01.5 Troisi e"me lecture le 20 j 2 015 GROWTH & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVI CES, SERVICE DE LA CROISSANCE ET DU DEVELOPPEMENT COMMLINAUTAIRI 111i q Amending Schedule "A,"' of the Zoning By-Law of The City of Saint John Modifiant Annexe <<�A)) de IArre^te' de zonage de The City of Saint John Major Community Facility zone de grandes installations, communautairej Applicant. St. Vincent's Apartments Inc. 11111,1111 11111 iq�rlil Im 1111q� Considered by P.A.C./conside"re"f par le C.C.U.-- �11111111111111 1111111111111111� j 111111111111 r F 1111 low Urban Centre Residential zone residentlelle du ceMre-ville June 16 fuin, 2015 Dira,wn By/Creide Par: Maximie LapierreDatef Drawn/Carte Cre"e"e., July 6 juillet, 2015