Zoning By-Law Amendment Central Peninsula Plan (CP 111-86)PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK COUNTY OF SAINT JOHN I, JONATHAN TAYLOR, of the City of Saint John in the County of Saint John and Province of New Brunswick, DO HEREBY CERTIFY: - 1. That I am the Common Clerk of the said City of Saint John, 15 Market Square, P.O. Box 1971, Saint John, N.B. E2L 4L1 and as such have the custody of the minutes and records of the Common Council of the said City of Saint John and of the Common Seal of the said City. 2. That hereto attached and marked "A" is a copy of a by-law entitled "By-law Number C.P. 111-86 A Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of the City of Saint John", enacted by the Common Council of the City of Saint John on the 13th day of January, A.D. 2020. 3. That hereto attached and marked "B" is a copy of a resolution adopted at a meeting of the said Common Council of the City of Saint John held on the 13th day of January, A.D. 2020. 4. That I have carefully compared the said by-law and resolution with the originals and the same are true copies thereof. D A T E D at The City of Saint John on the 11 th day of February, A.D. 2020. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I, the said Common Clerk of The City of Saint John have hereunto affixed the Common Seal of the said City the day and year as written above. bureau 'r. ,.1*ernent du cornW d: ':� :h �,' �. ��.. z ALIr u BY-LAW NUMBER C.P. 111-86 A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN ARRETE No C.P. 111-86 ARRETE MODIFIANT L'ARRETE DE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint Le conseil communal de The City John in Common Council convened, as of Saint John, etant reuni, edicte ce qui follows: suit : The Zoning By-law of The City of Saint John enacted on the fifteenth day of December, A.D. 2014, is amended by: L'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John, edicte le 15 decembre 2014, est ainsi modifie : 1. Adding the following definitions to 1. Les definitions qui suivent sont Section 3. 1, in alphabetical order: ajoutees a Particle 3.1, dans l'ordre alphabetique : "articulation" means the division of a building facade into distinct sections; the materials, patterns, textures, colors, or architectural features such as bay windows, pilasters, and rooflines that add visual interest. "block" means all private lots, public lots, laneways, and easements within an area of land bounded by streets. "commercial heritage infill" means the properties defined as follows: (a) Trinity Royal North, that portion of the City being the buildings, structures and lands illustrated and listed on Schedule "M" of the Saint John Heritage Conservation Areas By-law; (b) Red Rose Tea Heritage Conservation Area, as outlined in Section (2) (1) (e) of the Saint John Heritage Conservation Areas By- law; (c) Brunswicker/Ordnance Corps Heritage Conservation Area, as outlined in Section (2) (1) 0) of the Saint John Heritage Conservation Areas By-law. "fagade" means the face of a building, especially the principal face that is adjacent to or fronts on a street line, park, or plaza. Corner buildings have at least two facades. "live -work unit" means a premises in which a portion of the building may be used as a business establishment and the remainder of the building may be used as a dwelling unit. The non-residential component of the building shall be oriented to the street, maintaining the appearance of a business at street -level. "Saint John Heritage Conservation aires transparentes » La proportion de la fagade d'un batiment qui est composee de fenetres ou portes claires. (transparent areas) «Arrete sur les secteurs de conservation du patrimoine de Saint John » L'arrete concemant la conservation du patrimoine municipal dans la ville de Saint John adopte et modifie par le conseil. (Saint John Heritage Conservation Areas By-law) articulation » La division de la facade d'un batiment en sections distinctes; les materiaux, les schemas, les textures, les couleurs ou les elements architecturaux tels que les fenetres en baie, pilastres et lignes de toiture qui ajoutent a 1'attrait visuel. (articulation) edification commerciale sur terrain intercalaire patrimonial » Vise les biens- fonds suivants : a) le secteur de Trinity Royal nord, soit la partie de la ville composee des batiments, constructions et terrains illustres et enumeres a 1'annexe M de 1'Arrete sur les secteurs de conservation du patrimoine de Saint John; b) le secteur de conservation du patrimoine de Red Rose Tea delimite au paragraphe (2)(1)e) de 1'Arrete sur les secteurs de conservation du patrimoine de Saint John; c) le secteur de conservation du patrimoine de Brunswicker/Service du materiel delimite au paragraphe (2)(1)j) de 1'Arrete sur les secteurs de conservation du patrimoine de Saint John. (commercial heritage infill) Areas By-law" means a By-law respecting Municipal heritage preservation in The City of Saint John, as adopted and amended by Council from time to time. "step back" means a building's specified horizontal recess from the top of a street wall. "street wall" means a wall of a building or portion of a wall facing a street line, which is below the height of a specified step back, which does not include recesses for elements, such as doorways or intrusions such as fagade elements or bay windows. "transparent areas" means the proportion of a building facade that is composed of clear windows or doors. "Trinity Royal Heritage Conservation Area" means the area as defined in the Saint John Heritage Conservation Areas By-law." 2. Deleting the definition of "block face" in Section 3.1 and replacing with the following: "block face" means all lots abutting one side of a street between two intersecting streets." 3. Repealing Subsection 4.2(1) Parking Exceptions paragraphs (b) and (c). 4. Renumbering Subsection 4.2(2) Parking Reduction as 4.2(2)(a) and adding the following subsection after Subsection 4.2(2)(a): "(b) Notwithstanding subsection fagade >> S'entend de la face d'un batiment, et surtout de sa face principale qui est adjacente a un alignment, un pare ou une place publique, les batiments d'angle en comptant au moins deux. (fagade) o ilot » L'ensemble des lots prives et publics, des allees et des servitudes se trouvant a 1'interieur d'une etendue de terre delimitee par des rues. (block) « logement-lieu de travail >> Batiment dont une partie peut servir d'etablissement commercial et le reste peut servir de logement, la composante non-residentielle du batiment etant orientee vers la rue, gardant 1'apparence d'un commerce au niveau de la rue. (live -work unit) mur de rue » Mur d'un batiment, ou partie d'un tel mur, qui fait face a 1'alignement, qui est au-dessous de la hauteur d'un renfoncement determine et qui ne comporte pas de retraits pour les elements tels que des entrees de porte ou des saillies telles que des elements de facade ou des fenetres en baie. (street wall) renfoncement >> Retrait horizontal determine d'un batiment a partir du sommet du mur de rue. (step back) secteur de conservation du patrimoine de Trinity Royal >> Le secteur ainsi def ni dans 1'Arrete sur les secteurs de conservation du patrimoine de Saint John. (Trinity Royal Heritage Conservation Area) 2. La definition de « cote d'ilot >> a Particle 3.1 est supprimee et remplacee par ce qui suit : cote Wilot >> S'entend de 1'ensembie des batiments donnant sur un cote d'une rue entre deux rues secantes. (block face) 3. Les paragraphes b) et c) de Particle 4.2(1) Exception aux dispositions relatives au stationnement sont abroges. 4. L'article 4.2(2) Assouplissement des exigences en matiere de stationnement est renumerote en paragraphe 4.2(2)a) et le paragraphe suivant est ajoute apres le paragraphe 4.2(2)a) : b) Malgre le paragraphe 4.2(2)a), le present arrete n'a pas pour effet 4.2(2)(a), nothing in this By-law shall require parking spaces for development located in the Uptown Parking Exemption Area as defined by Schedule C of this By-law." 5. Immediately following Section 14.6, adding the following: "15 Central Peninsula Building Height and Massing Overlay Zone Notwithstanding any zone standard in this By-law, all new buildings and additions within Schedule F - Central Peninsula Plan Area shall adhere to the following standards: d'exiger que soient am6nag6s des emplacements de stationnement a 1'6gard des am6nagements situ6s dans le secteur du centre-ville non subordonn6e aux obligations de stationnement qui est illustr6 a Fannexe C du pr6sent arret6. 5. L'article qui suit est ajout6 imm6diatement apr6s Particle 14.6: 15 Hauteur et masse des bitiments dans la zone de recouvrement de la peninsule centrale Malgr6 toute norme applicable a une zone pr6vue par le present arrW, les nouveaux bitiments et les ajouts a Fint6rieur du secteur iliustr6 a Fannexe F — Secteur vis6 par le plan de la p6ninsule centrale doivent respecter les normes suivantes : 15.1 Maximum and Minimum Building 15.1 Hauteurs maximales et minimales des Height bitiments (a) The maximum building height a) La hauteur maximale des shall be determined by bitiments est celle qui est Schedule G - Central Peninsula pr6vue a Fannexe G — Maximum Building Heights. Hauteurs maximales des bitiments dans la p6ninsule (b) The minimum building height centrale. shall be determined by zone standard, except in the case of b) La hauteur minimale des a property identified as bitiments est celle qui est commercial heritage infill, on pr&vue par la norme applicable which buildings shall have a a la zone, sauf dans le cas d'un minimum height of no less bien-fonds d6sign6 en tant than three storeys. qu'6dification commerciale sur terrain intercalaire patrimonial, sur lequel les bitiments doivent avoir une hauteur minimale de trois 6tages. 15.2 Building Massing (a) Buildings oriented towards a street that are greater than 14 metres in height shall have a minimum step back at 14 metres for any additional storey(s). The stepback shall have a minimum depth of 3 metres away from the street facing front fagade. (b) Buildings oriented towards a street that are greater than 24 metres in height shall have a second minimum step back at 24 metres for any additional storey(s) The stepback shall have a minimum depth of 3 metres away 15.2 Masse des bitiments a) Les bitiments orient6s vers une rue qui ont une hauteur sup6rieure A 14 m6tres doivent avoir un renfoncement minimal de trois m6tres de profondeur mesur6 A partir de la fagade avant donnant sur la rue pour les 6tages situes a une hauteur de 14 m6tres et plus. b) Les bitiments orient6s vers une rue qui ont une hauteur sup6rieure a 24 metres doivent avoir un deuxieme renfoncement minimal de trois metres de profondeur mesur6 a partir du premier renfoncement de la fagade avant from the street facing front facade. 15.3 Trinity Royal Street Wall (a) Section 15.2 shall not apply to any building located within Schedule H — Trinity Royal Maximum Street Wall Heights. (b) The maximum street wall height of buildings shall be determined by Schedule H. (c) Any storey(s) above the maximum street wall height indicated on Schedule H shall step back at a minimum depth of 3 metres away from the street facing facade(s). (d) In the case of a corner lot, both a building's front and flankage facades shall step back as required by subsection 15.3(c). dormant sur la rue pour les etages situes a une hauteur de 24 metres et plus. 15.3 Mur de rue dans le secteur de Trinity Royal a) L'article 15.2 ne s'applique pas aux batiments situes dans le secteur illustre a Fannexe H — Hauteurs maximales des murs de rue dans le secteur de Trinity Royal. b) La hauteur maximale des murs de rue est celle qui est prevue a Pannexe H. c) Les etages, s'il en est, situes au- dessus de la hauteur maximale des murs de rue indiquee a Fannexe H doivent avoir un renfoncement minimal de trois metres de profondeur mesure a partir de la fagade ou des fagades donnant sur la rue. (e) On a corner lot where two different d) Dans le cas d'un lot d'angle, le street wall heights are prescribed renfoncement prescrit au by Schedule H, the higher paragraphe 15.3c) s'applique tant a maximum street wall prevails for partir de la fagade avant qu'a partir both street facing facades. de la facade de flanc. 15.4 Variances to Central Peninsula Building Height and Massing Overlay Zone The Development Officer or Committee, as the case may be, may use the following criteria to consider reasonable variances from Part 15 of this By-law: (a) For any property located within a Heritage Conservation Area, as delineated by the Saint John Heritage Conservation Areas By- law, a variance to Schedule G Central Peninsula Maximum Building Heights may be considered by up to a maximum of two storeys. (b) A variance to Schedule G may be evaluated by considering the e) Dans le cas d'un lot d'angle pour lequel deux differentes hauteurs des murs de rue sont prescrites a Fannexe H, la hauteur maximale des murs de rue la plus elevee s'applique aux facades donnant sur chaque rue. 15.4 Derogations en matiere de hauteur et de masse des batiments dans la zone de recouvrement de la peninsule centrale L'agent d'amenagement ou le comite, selon le cas, peut se servir des criteres suivants dans 1'examen des derogations raisonnables a la partie 15 du present arrete : a) S'agissant des biens-fonds situes dans un secteur de conservation du patrimoine delimite dans 1'Arrete sur les secteurs de conservation du patrimoine de Saint John, une derogation maximale de deux etages a la hauteur maximale des batiments dans la peninsule centrale prescrite a 1'annexe G peut etre consideree. maximum height prescribed by the applicable zone standard. (c) A variance to Part 15(2) may be evaluated by considering the existing context, existing street wall on the block face, and any proposed design measures to ensure a human scale streetscape. (d) A variance to Schedule H — Trinity Royal Maximum Street Wali Heights may be considered by up to one storey." 6. Repealing Subsection 10.1(2) Conditions of Use (b) and (c). b) Une derogation a 1'annexe G peut etre evaluee en tenant compte de la hauteur maximale prescrite par la norme applicable a la zone pertinente. c) Une derogation a la partie 15(2) peut Etre evaluee en tenant compte du contexte existant, du mur de rue existant sur le c6te d1lot, et des mesures de conception propos6es, s'il en est, en vue d'assurer un paysage de rue a 6chelle humaine. d) Une derogation maximale d'un etage a la hauteur maximale des murs de rue dans la peninsule centrale prescrite a 1'annexe G peut etre consideree. 6. Les paragraphes b) et c) de Particle 10.1(2) Conditions regissant les usages sont abroges. 7. Immediately following Subsection 7. L'alin6a qui suit est ajoute 10.1(3) Zone Standards (m)(iv), adding imm6diatement apres 1'alin6a m)(iv) de the following: Particle 10.1(3) Normes applicables a la zone : "(v) The maximum length of a building frontage along a street shall be 66 (v) La longueur maximale de la facade metres." principale d'un batiment donnant sur une rue est de 66 metres. 8. Immediately following Subsection 8. Le paragraphe qui suit est ajout6 10.1(3)(n), adding the following: imm6diatement apres le paragraphe 10.1(3)n) : "10.1(3)(0) Building Height and Massing Requirements in accordance with Section 15 Central Peninsula Building Height and Massing Overlay Zone." 9. Immediately following Subsection 10.1(4), add the following: "10.1(5) Zone Standards for Townhouse Dwellings Notwithstanding section 10.1(3), a Townhouse Dwelling shall be subject to the following: (a) The front facade shall be articulated between every 5.5 to 8 metres to denote individual townhouse units. (b) Garages shall not have a door that exceeds 60% of the building facade width." 10.1(3)0) Exigences en matiere de hauteur et de masse des batiments : Conformement a Particle 15 Hauteur et masse des batiments dans la zone de recouvrement de la peninsule centrale. 9. L'article qui suit est ins6r6 immediatement apres Particle 10.1(4) : 10.1(5) Normes applicables aux habitations en rang6e Malgre Particle 10.1(3), les habitations en rangee cont subordonnees aux normes suivantes : a) La facade avant comportera une articulation a chaque 5,5 a 8 m6tres afin de demarquer les habitations en rangde individuelles. b) La largeur de la porte d'un garage ne peut etre superieure a 60 % de la largeur de la facade du batiment. 10. L'e16ment o logement-lieu de travail 10. Adding "Live -Work Unit" to the list of Permitted Uses in Section 11.1(1). 11. Repealing Subsection 11.1(3) (b). 12. Repealing Section 11.1(4) parts (m) to (p) and replacing with the following: "(m) Building facades: (i) Front facades on the ground floor shall be comprised of a minimum 50% ratio of transparent areas, except for residential uses, which shall have a minimum 25% ratio of transparent areas. (ii) Front and flankage facades shall have an overall ratio of transparent areas not less than 15%. (n) The maximum length of a building frontage along a street shall be 66 metres. (o) No parking or outdoor display area shall be permitted within any required building setback. (p) Minimum Lot Occupancy: 70% (q) Other Requirements: In accordance with General Provisions, Parts 4-9. (r) Building Height and Massing Requirements in the Central Peninsula Plan Area (Schedule F) in accordance with Section 15 Central Peninsula Building Height and Massing Overlay Zone." 13. Immediately following Subsection 11.1(4) Zone Standards, add the following: "11.1(5) Zoning Standards for Active Ground Floor Use est ajout6 selon Fordre alphab6tique a la liste d'usages permis a Particle 11.1(1). 11. Le paragraphe 11.1(3)b) est abrog6. 12. Les paragraphes m) a p) de Particle 11.1(4) sont abrogds et remplacds par ce qui suit : m) Facades des batiments : (iii) Les facades avant au rez- de-chauss6e doivent Etre compos6es d'aires transparentes a raison de 50 % au moins, sauf dans le cas des usages r6sidentiels, dont les facades avant doivent etre compos6es d'aires transparentes a raison de 25 % au moins. (iv) Les facades avant et de flanc doivent Etre compos6es dans Fensemble d'aires transparentes a raison de 15 % an moins. n) La longueur maximale de la facade d'un batiment le long d'une rue est de 66 m6tres. o) Aucune aire de stationnement ni aire d'exposition ext6rieure n'est permise dans une marge de retrait obligatoire. p) Coefficient maximal d'occupation d'un lot: 70 % q) Autres exigences : Conform6ment aux dispositions g6n6rales dnonc6es aux parties 4 a 9. r) Exigences en matiere de hauteur et de masse des batiments dans le secteur vise par le plan de la p6ninsule centrale (annexe F) Conformdment a Particle 15 Hauteur et masse des batiments dans la zone de recouvrement de la p6ninsule centrale. 13. L'article suivant est ajout6 imm6diatement apres Particle 11.1(4) Normes applicables a la zone: 11.1(5) Normes applicables a la zone — usages actifs au rez-de-chauss6e a) Malgr6 Particle 11.1(1), une afire minimale de 75 % de la facade (a) Notwithstanding Section 11.1(1), a minimum 75% of the ground floor of a building front or flankage facade identified as "required" on Schedule I — Active Ground Floor Use shall be utilized by uses other than a dwelling unit, rooming house, supportive facility, or supportive housing. (b) With respect to a building front or flankage facade that is identified on Schedule I as "encouraged" part (a) shall not be a requirement. 14. Repealing 11.1(4)(k) Maximum Building Height and replacing with "In Accordance with Schedule G - Central Peninsula Maximum Building Heights." 15. Repealing Section 11.2 Waterfront Commercial Zone and replacing with the following: avant ou de flanc du rez-de- chaussee d'un batiment designee obligatoire >> a Pannexe I -- Usages actifs au rez-de-chaussee doit etre affectee a des usages autres qu'un logement, une maison de chambres, un etablissement de soutien ou un logement avec services de soutien. b) S'agissant d'une facade avant ou de flanc d'un batiment design a 1'annexe I comme etant encourage >>, 1'exigence prevue au paragraphe a) ne s'applique pas. 14. Le paragraphe 11.1(4)k) est modifie par suppression de << Hauteur des batiments maximale >> et son remplacement par < Conformement a Fannexe G — Hauteurs maximales de batiments dans la peninsule centrale >>. 15. L'article 11.2 Zone commerciale riveraine est abroge et remplace par ce qui suit : 11.2 Zone commerciale riveraine (CW) "11.2 Waterfront Commercial (CW) Zone Mise en contexte Municipal Plan Context The Waterfront Commercial (CW) zone accommodates interim uses and site preparation along the waterfront in advance of mixed-use waterfront development occurring on large, brownfield sites such as Fundy Quay, Long Wharf, and the former Sugar Refinery site. All new major waterfront development will be considered through a rezoning process. The Waterfront Commercial (CW) zone is intended for land inside the Primary Development Area adjacent to the waterfront and designated Primary Centre (Uptown). However, land in other appropriate designations could be zoned CW. 11.2(1) Permitted Uses • Cultural Establishment • Farmers Market • Interpretive Centre • Recreational use • Walking trail La zone commerciale riveraine (CW) accueille des usages provisoires et la preparation du terrain le long du secteur riverain en prevision d'amenagements riverains a usages mixtes situes sur de grandes friches industrielles telles que les quais appeles Fundy Quay et Long Wharf ainsi que le site de Fancienne raffinerie de sucre. Les nouveaux amenagements riverains de grande envergure seront examines dans le cadre d'un processus de rezonage. La zone commerciale riveraine (CW) est destine aux terrains situes a 1'interieur du principal secteur de developpement qui sont adjacents au secteur riverain et qui sont designs centre principal (centre- ville). Cependant, des terrains situes dans d'autres designations qui conviennent pourraient etre zones CW. 11.2(1) Usages permis • centre d'interpretation • etablissement culturel • marche fermier • sentier de promenade • usage recreatif 11.2(2) Conditional Uses 11.2(2) Usages conditionnels • Commercial Recreation • Commercial Parking Lot 11.2(3) Conditions of Use (a) A Commercial Parking Lot permitted in subsection 11.2(2) shall not be utilized for a period longer than five years from the date of approval. (b) The Development Officer may specify plans and proposals in support of the use of the parking lot in the interim of a development. (c) After five years, the use may be extended through a conditional use application. 11.2(4) Zone Standards (a) Minimum Lot Area 800 square minimale metres (b) Minimum Lot 20 metres Frontage (c) Minimum Lot 30 metres Depth (d) Minimum Front 3 metres Yard (e) Maximum Front 22 metres Yard (f) Minimum Rear 7.5 metres Yard (g) Minimum Side 7.5 metres Yard (h) Minimum 7.5 metres Flankage Yard (i) Maximum In accordance Building Height with schedule G 0) No parking or outdoor display area shall be permitted within a required setback. (k) Other Requirements in accordance with General Provisions, Parts 4-9 • pare de stationnement commercial • usage recreatif commercial 11.2(3) Conditions regissant les usages a) Un pare de stationnement commercial permis par Particle 11.2(2) ne peut etre utilise que pendant cinq annees a partir de la date de son approbation. b) L'agent d'amenagement peut preciser des plans et des propositions a Fappui de Fusage du pare de stationnement dans 1'attente d'un amenagement. c) Apres cinq annees, l'usage peut etre prolonge par suite d'une demande relative a un usage conditionnel. 11.2(4) Normes applicables a la zone a) Superficie de lot 800 metres minimale carres b) Fagade de lot 20 metres minimale c) Profondeur de lot 30 metres minimale d) Cour avant 3 metres minimale e) Cour avant 22 metres maximale f) Cour arriere 7,5 metres minimale g) Cour laterale 7,5 metres minimale h) Cour de flan 7,5 metres minimale i) Hauteur des Conformemen batiments t a Fannexe G maximale j) Aucune aire de stationnement ni aire d'exposition exterieure n'est permise dans une mange de retrait obligatoire. k) Autres exigences : Conformement aux dispositions generales enoncees aux parties 4 a 9 16. Immediately following 11. 11 adding 16. L'article qui suit est ajoute the following: immediatement apres Particle 11.11 : "11.12 Waterfront Commercial — 11.12 Zone commerciale riveraine Integrated Development (CWID) Zone d'amenagement integre (WCID) Municipal Plan Context The Waterfront Commercial Integrated Development (CWID) zone accommodates mixed-use waterfront development Mise en contexte La zone commerciale riveraine d'amenagement integre (WClD) accueilie des amenagements riverains a usages primarily located on large, brownfield sites such as Fundy Quay and Long Wharf. The Waterfront Commercial Integrated Development (CWID) zone is intended for land inside of the Primary Development Area adjacent to the waterfront and designated Primary Centre (Uptown). The zone is intended to accommodate rezoning proposals along the waterfront. 11.12(1) Permitted Uses (a) Any land, building, or structure may be used for the following provided Council has approved a specific proposal that includes such use or uses pursuant to section 59 of the Community Planning Act: • Commercial Use; • Community Facility Use; • Port Use; • Residential Use. 11.12(2) Zone Standards (a) Standards shall not be subject to the General Provisions, Parts 4-9, but shall be subject to those standards of the proposal approved by Council pursuant to section 59 of the Community Planning Act. (b) Council or the Development Officer will specify plans and or studies necessary to be included in support of the rezoning application at the time of submission. Such plans and or studies may include, but not be limited to, context, site, building, elevation, landscaping, grading, servicing, stormwater, and traffic." mixtes situes surtout sur de grandes friches industrielles telles que les quais appeles Fundy Quay et Long Wharf. La zone commerciale riveraine d'amenagement integre (WCID) est destine aux terrains situes a l'interieur du principal secteur de developpement qui sont adjacents au secteur riverain et qui sont designs centre principal (centre- ville). L'intention est de permettre des propositions de rezonage le long du secteur riverain. 11.12(1) Usages permis a) Les terrains, batiments et constructions peuvent etre affectes aux fins suivantes, a condition que le conseil ait approuve une proposition particuliere comportant cet usage ou ces usages en vertu de Particle 59 de la Loi sur l'urbanisme : • usage commercial; • usage d'installation communautaire; • usage portuaire; • usage residentiel. 11.12(2) Normes applicables a la zone a) Les normes applicables ne seront pas celles qui sont enoncees dans les dispositions generales des parties 4 a 9 du present arrete, mais seront plutot celles enoncees dans la proposition approuvee par le conseil conformement a Particle 59 de la Loi sur l'urbanisme. b) Le conseil ou Fagent d'amenagement indiquera les plans et etudes qui devront etre presentes A 1'appui de la demande de rezonage au moment de sa presentation. Ces plans et etudes peuvent viser, notamment, le contexte de 1'amenagement, son emplacement, les batiments, 1'e1evation, 1'amenagement paysager, le nivellement, la viabilisation, les eaux d'orage et la circulation. 17. Adding Schedule F - Central Peninsula 17. L'annexe F — Secteur vise par le plan Plan Area. de la peninsule centrale est ajoute. 18. Adding Schedule G - Central Peninsula 18. L'annexe G -- Hauteurs maximales des Maximum Building Heights. 19. Adding Schedule H • Trinity Royal Maximum Street Wall Heights. batiments dans la peninsule centrale est aj oute. 19. L'annexe H - Hauteurs maximales des murs de rue dans le secteur de Trinity Royal est aj oute. 20. Adding Schedule I — Active Ground 20. L'annexe I — Usages actifs au rez-de- Floor Use. chaussee est ajoute. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the 13th day of January, A.D. 2020 and signed by: First Reading - Decen Second Reading - December 9, 2019 Third Reading - January 13, 2020 EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arrete le 13 janvier 2020, avec les signatures suivantes : Deuxieme lecture - le 9 decembre 2019 Troisieme lecture - 13 janvier 2020 15 it e l i" a , , r e n il t is s, ,,, I a BWill, d g H e i,,t 111",11t, ; n d i i% a s r r ` (CP 0 ) r r r df , / Z 0 Municipal Plan Context The Central Peninsula Building Height and Massing Overlay Zone (CPO) describes specific building height and massing provisions within the Central Peninsula Secondary Plan Area. These provisions prevail over other zone standards within this area, including but not limited to the maximum height of buildings. The Overlay Zone is intended specifically for this area and in accordance with the policies set out in the Secondary Plan and no other land is intended to be zoned CPO. Notwithstanding any zone standard in this By-law, all new buildings and additions within Schedule F - Central Peninsula Plan Area shall adhere to the following standards: 15(1) Maximum and Minimum Building Height (a) The maximum building height shall be determined by Schedule G - Central Peninsula Maximum Building Heights. (b) The minimum building height shall be determined by zone standard, except in the case of a property identified as commercial heritage infill, which shall have a minimum height of no less than three storeys. 15(2) Building Massing (a) Buildings oriented towards a street that are greater than 14 metres in height shall have a minimum step back at 14 metres for any additional storey(s). The stepback shall have a minimum depth of 3 metres away from the street facing front facade. (b) Buildings oriented towards a street that are greater than 24 metres in height shall have a second minimum step back at 24 metres for any additional storey(s). The stepback shall have a minimum depth of 3 metres away from the street facing front fagade. 15(3) Trinity Royal Street Wall y � r F 0 S oO�cWu d�@, f 15(1) Maximum and Minimum Building Height (a) The maximum building height shall be determined by Schedule G - Central Peninsula Maximum Building Heights. (b) The minimum building height shall be determined by zone standard, except in the case of a property identified as commercial heritage infill, which shall have a minimum height of no less than three storeys. 15(2) Building Massing (a) Buildings oriented towards a street that are greater than 14 metres in height shall have a minimum step back at 14 metres for any additional storey(s). The stepback shall have a minimum depth of 3 metres away from the street facing front facade. (b) Buildings oriented towards a street that are greater than 24 metres in height shall have a second minimum step back at 24 metres for any additional storey(s). The stepback shall have a minimum depth of 3 metres away from the street facing front fagade. 15(3) Trinity Royal Street Wall (a) Section 15.2 shall not apply to any building located within Schedule H — Trinity Royal Maximum Street Wall Heights. (b) The maximum street wall height of buildings shall be determined by Schedule H. (c) Any storey(s) above the maximum street wall height indicated on Schedule H shall step back at a minimum depth of 3 metres away from the street facing fagade(s). (d) In the case of a corner lot, both a building's front and flankage facades shall step back as required by subsection 15.3(c). (e) On a corner lot where two different street wall heights are prescribed by Schedule H, the higher maximum street wall prevails for both street facing facades. 15(4) Variances to Central Peninsula Building Height and Massing Overlay Zone The Development Officer or Committee, as the case may be, may use the following criteria to consider reasonable variances from Part 15 of this By-law: (a) For any property located within a Heritage Conservation Area, as delineated by the Saint John Heritage Conservation Areas By-law, a variance to Schedule G Central Peninsula Maximum Building Heights may be considered by up to a maximum of two storeys. (b) A variance to Schedule G may be evaluated by considering the maximum height prescribed by the applicable zone standard. (c) A variance to Part 15(2) may be evaluated by considering the existing context, existing street wall on the block face, and any proposed design measures to ensure a human scale streetscape. (d) A variance to Schedule H — Trinity Royal Maximum Street Wall Heights may be considered by up to one storey. SCHEDULE F - CENTRAL PENINSULA PLAN AREA 2 O ti h IT O U uN"ON SN Nd KING SS E 2 KIKG SS T4 SCHEDULE G __ CENTRAL PENINSULA MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHTS a P Z 2yr � 0 NST � S1 ii% � ,e,, i pR1td GESSS� V; N epoPo ST R COij IOWE E CP Maximum Building Height (m) 14 21 28 42 Property Lines %... .... Maximum Street Wall Height (m) 14 A 17.5 21.5 Trinity Royal Heritage Conservation Area U1. c SCHEDULE VrA-PTIV FWOR USE- tu CIS ie . .. .. . .... PISgo 1110 sow qr"Volif woo" CNV 910 000 So 14 k4 RST KING Yx POW ro-A ONO AT SN G "M as