2016-05-24_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jourCity of Saint John Common Council Meeting Council Chamber Tuesday, May 24, 2016 SWEARING-IN CEREMONY OF COMMON COUNCIL 7:00 p.m. Procession 1. National Anthem Elizabeth Cormier 2. Oath of Office Administered to the Mayor 3. Oath of Office Administered Individually to the Councillors 4. Meeting called to Order 5. Election of Deputy Mayor 6. City Manager Opening Remarks 7. Address of the Mayor 8. Remarks by Deputy Mayor and Councillors 9. Adjournment 8:00 p.m. (or on completion of official meeting) Reception in Ludlow Room, 8'h Floor, City Hall Members -Elect Checklist May 24th, 2016 Here are some items you may want to consider: Photos - The photos are used on the City websiteand in media requests. An official photo is hung outside the Ludlow Room. Business attire is recommended. Procession into Chambers Just follow the Piper and STOP when you arrive in from of your assigned seat. We have arranged the procession in this order. National Anthem The Mayor and Councillors -Elect should be standing and face the Canadian Flag during the singing of the national Anthem. Swearing In - For members taking the Oath, place your right hand on the Bible. It is not required that you raise your left hand. (That is only on American TV). A script with the oath will be provided. For members using the Solemn Affirmation, no Bible is used. Just read the script provided. Council Agenda 1. Election of Deputy Mayor Requires a mover and a seconder Majority Vote 2. Mayor's Address 3. Councillor's Remarks It is recommended that each councillor limit their remarks to 3 minutes to have the meeting conclude by 8:00 p.m. Should you want assistance to prepare your Speaking Notes, please notify Jon Taylor. gr= 0= o Order for Procession May 24, 2016 7:00 p.m. The procession should assemble in the Lobby at 6:55 p.m. Staff initiate Procession Staff Proceed into Council Chambers in advance of the Mayor & Council to their seats and remain standing until after the National Anthem. Senior Staff Procession Order as follows: Advance Organizer/ MC -Phil Ouellette * +*"Stands at Podium Delivers Remarks Staff proceed to their seats Acting Commissioner Transportation and Environment —M. Hugenholtz Commission of Finance —Kevin Fudge Commissioner of Water — Brent McGovern City Solicitor -Jon Nugent Commissioner of Growth & Development—Jacqueline Hamilton Fire Chief- Kevin Clifford * Deputy City Manager— Neil Jacobsen City Manager—Jeff Trail Common Clerk -Jon Taylor ** The Advance Organizer / MC precedes the procession and walks to the Podium to deliver the order of events. Note: * INDICATES RESERVED SEATING FRONT ROW - The Swearing in Ceremony is open to the public and therefore there will be a limited number of reserved seats. We encourage arriving early. There will be RESERVED SEATING FOR THE FOLLOWING: Phil Ouellette MC Brent McGovern Commissioner Water Sgt -at -Mace, Bernard Cormier National Anthem Lead Singer Elizabeth Cormier Fire Chief — Kevin Clifford Sgt -at -Arms, Deputy Police Chief G. McCloskey Mayor Darling's Family (5 seats) Piper leads Mayor & Council Procession Honour Guard — Order of Procession MC Phil Ouellette* proceeds into Chambers to announce the Order of Events Senior Staff lead Procession Sgt -at -Mace, Bernard Cormier* Piper— Mark Wilson Councillors proceed to their seats in front of the Council Table Councillor Elect Ward 1 Greg Norton Councillor Elect Ward 2 Sean Casey — Councillor Elect Ward 3 —Donna Reardon Councillor Elect Ward 4 Ray Strowbridge - Councillor at large Gary Sullivan Councillor at large Shirley McAlary Councillor Elect Ward 4 David Merrithew Councillor Elect Ward 3 -Gerry Lowe Councillor Elect Ward 2 John MacKenzie - Councillor Elect Ward 1— Blake Armstrong — Mayor escorted by Sgt -at -Arms, Deputy Chief of Police Glen McCloskey* Mayor -Elect Don Darling Note: * INDICATES RESERVED SEATING FRONT ROW ENTRANCE DOOR Mayor Don Darling 2016 Council Seating PIPER EXIT DOOR Arrangement Confirmed City Manager Jeff Trail Common Clerk Jon Taylor Councillor -at -Large Gary Sullivan City Solicitor John Nugent Councillor -at -Large Shirley McAlary Ward 4 Councillor Ray Strowbridge Ward 4 Councillor David Merrithew Ward 3 Councillor Donna Reardon 7 Ward 3 Councillor Gerry Lowe Ward 2 Councillor Sean Casev Ward 2 Councillor John MacKenzie Ward 1 Councillor Greg Norton }. Ward 1 Councillor Blake Armstrong Mayor & Councillors follow the piper and stand in front of the horseshoe until they are sworn in. Then they proceed behind the horseshoe to their seat and remain standing until after National Anthem. Reserved Seating (6 seats): Advance Organizer / MC Phil Ouellette Commissioner Water Brent McGovern Sgt -at -Mace Bernard Cormier Elizabeth Cormier National Anthem Fire Chief Kevin Clifford Sgt -At -Arms Deputy Chief of Police G. McCloskey Order of Swearing -In: Mayor Don Darling Councillor Greg Norton Councillor Sean Casey Councillor Donna Reardon Councillor Ray Strawbridge CouncillorGary Sullivan Councillor Blake Armstrong Councillor Sohn MacKenzie Councillor Gerry Lowe Councillor David Merrithew Councillor Shirley McAlary Sergeant -at -Mace Standing Common Clerk Standing Elizabeth Cormier Standing Reserved Seating (5 seats) Mayor's Family M-22 Municipalities Act 2001-40 I, FORM 1 OATH OF OFFICE FOR MAYOR OR COUNCILLOR (Municipalities Act, R.S.N.B. 1973, c.M-22, s.33(1)) of name , Swear (or Solemnly Affirm) municipality that I am, to the best of my knowledge and belief, quali- fied for the office of for the municipal- ity of , to which office I have been elected, and that I do hereby accept the office of , and will diligently, faithfully and impar- tially discharge to the best of my ability the duties of the office as may be imposed upon me by law (so help me God) *. SWORN TO (or Solemnly Af- firmed) before me at in the County of and Province of New Bruns- wick on date Municipal Clerk ) (Where no Municipal Clerk, a Commissioner of Oaths) *(Delete in cases of affirmation.) Mayor or Councillor N.B. This Regulation is consolidated to July 15, 2005 FORMULE 1 SERMENT D'ENTRIJE EN FONCTION DU MAIRE OU DU CONSEILLER (Loi sur les municipalitis, L.R.N.B. 1973, c. M-22, art. 33(1)) Je, , de nom jure (ou affirme solennellement) municipalit6 que, pour autant que je sache, je possede les qualit6s re- quises pour cxercer les fonctions de pour la municipalit6 de , poste auquel f ai 06 Glu et par les pr6sentes accepte les fonctions qui me sont imposees par la loi et je jure que je les remplirai fide - lenient sans partialite, crainte ni faveur (que Dieu me soit en aide)*. FAIT SOUS SERMENT (ou affirme solennellement) de- vant moi a dans le comtd de et la province du Nouveau - Brunswick, le date Seer6taire municipal ou Commissaire A la prestation des serments Maire ou conseiller *(Supprimer dans le cas dune affirmation solennelle.) N.B. Le present r6glement est refondu au 15 juillet 2005. QUEEN'S PRINTER FOR NEW BRUNS W ICK L IMPRIMEUR DE LA REINE POUR LE NOUVEAU -BRUNSWICK All rights reserved/Tous droits reserves 3