GDS-002 - Compensatory Flood Storage Guidelines_1999i.1-_ SAINT 101 IN Subject: Compensatory Flood Storage Category: Guidelines Policy No.: GDS -002 M&C Report No.: 99-76 Effective Date: 1999-03-29 Next Review Date: (3 years) Area(s) this policy applies to: Growth and Office Responsible for review of this Policy: Community Development Services Building and Inspection Services Related Instruments: Policy Sponsor: Document Pages: This document consists of 3 pages. Revision History: Common Clerk's Annotation for Official eRecord Date of Passage of Policy: March 29, 1999 1 certify that this Policy was adopted by Common Council as indicated above. July 27 2017 Common Clerk Date Date Created: Common Council Approval Date: Contact: 1999-03-12 1999-03-29 Deputy Commissioner and Building Inspector TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. COUNCIL RESOLUTION.................................................................................................................1 GUIDELINES - COMPENSATORY FLOOD STORAGE C.C.O. March 29, 1999 That as recommended by the City Manager Council adopt the following guidelines for the sale of compensatory storage: the applicant must demonstrate to the Building Inspector that it is not practical to provide any or all of the compensatory storage on the property being developed; the developer (or any affiliated company) does not own other property within or adjacent to the flood risk area upon which the necessary compensatory flood storage could reasonably be provided; compensatory storage must be provided within the same designated flood risk area of the displaced storage; sale of compensatory storage must be approved by Council; costs per cubic unit to the developer will vary, dependent on the specifics of each application; monies received by the City in the sale of compensatory storage will be used solely for Marsh Creek flood reduction programs; the City will at no time be in a deficit position resulting from the sale of compensatory storage with respect to flood storage capacity; the City will not pre -sell any storage capacity in anticipation of a development, and the City is at no time obligated to sell compensatory storage to any developer.