Business Improvement Levy By-Law Amendment 2016-01-25A LAW TO AMEND BY -LAW NUMBER BIA -2 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT LEVY BY -LAW ARRETE MODIFL4,NT ARRETE No BIA -2 ARR-M CONCERNANT LA CONTRIBUTION POUR L'AMELIORATION DES AFFAIRES Be it enacted by the Common Council of Le conseil communal de The City of Saint the City of Saint John as follows: John d6crete ce qui suit: The Business Improvement Levy By -Law of The City of Saint John enacted on the third day of January, 2006, is amended by: L'arret6 concernant la contribution pour ]'amelioration des affaires de The City of Saint John ddcrdt6 le 3 janvier 2006 et modifi6 par: 1 Repealing section 2 thereof and 1 L'abrogation de Particle 2 aux inserting the following: pr6sentes et Pajout du texte qui suit : 2 A levy of 16 cents for each one hundred dollars of assessed value is hereby imposed for 2016 upon non - residential property within the Business Improvement Area established by By -Law No. BIA -1 Business Improvement Area By -Law enacted on the 5t" day of January, 2004. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by -law the 25th day of January, A.D. 2016 and signed by: 2 Par la presente, une contribution de 16 cents par tranche de cent dollars par rapport a la valeur fix6e est imposee pour Panne 2016 sur les immeubles non r6sidentiels situds a 1'int6rieur de la zone d'amdlioration des affaires 6tablie en vertu de 1'Arrete n° BIA -1 relatif 6 la zone d'amdlioration des affaires edict6 le 5 janvier 2004. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur le present arretd le 25 janvier 2016, avec les signatures suivantes : First Reading - January 11, 2016 Premiere lecture Second Reading - January 11, 2016 Deuxi6me lecture Third Reading - January 25, 2016 Troisi6me lecture - le 16 janvier 2016 le 16 janvier 2016 le 25 janvier 2016