2014-12-13_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jourCity of Saint John Special Meeting — Committee of the Whole - Open Saturday, December 13, 2014 Location: Common Council Chamber Agenda 1. 2015 Budget Document O CONTEXT Budget is a plan of action expressed in numbers Key policy document of any elected body as it determines the use of public funds As such it should; • Reflect the key priorities of Council — Roads, Recreation, Growth • Address the evolving needs of the community — services and service levels — quality of life • Be forward looking in its approach —TMP /Land Use /Balanced use of resources • Be strategic in that it serves to position the community for the future — PIanSJ/TG 2.0 /PIaySJ • Advance good Government — effectiveness /efficiency /protection assets /risk /citizen focused • Be fiscally sound — debt /tax rate /sustainable /affordable • Fulfill our contractual and statutory responsibilities — collective agreements /leases /MA /CPA /PA DRIVERS • Council Priorities — focused effort • Stable or declining tax rate • Need for economic growth — new investment, re- investment, jobs • Financial capacity —tax base, tax rate, grants, debt • Collective bargaining — Fire /Inside /Outside • Protection of assets— maintain /protect existing infrastructure — roads /buildings /IT /fleet • Limited resources — HR /Time • Pension Obligations — funding /stability PROPOSED FRAMEWORK • Exercise restraint —local reality • Stable tax rate • Manage our debt • Address Council priorities — balancedmanner — qualityplace • Affordable wage settlements • Implement strategic initiatives— PIaySJ /PlanSJ /TMP/TG2.0 • Customer focused — Responsive Service /One Stop /Development Friendly • Continuous Improvement— Lean 6 Sigma, energy conservation, contract language, technology • Good government— Fire Bylaw /Subdivision /Open Data • Public Safety— EMO, NEB, Private Sector • Support economic development efforts 100 BY THE NUMBERS Additional Revenue - $2.2M or 1.47% Note; Parking ($305,000) Permits ($80,000) Surplus $567,700 ** Tax $658,000 Grant $1,336,000 ** Expenditures Fixed — contract, design, statute -- $60M = 40% Operating Budget Note — structural impact — flexibility — long -term obligations Consider quality of life — impacts live, work, invest Initial Shortfall $2.235,000 Time Sensitive or Significant Transit — working assumption subsidy fixed at 2014— requires Council Direction Fire — freeze period pending with collective bargaining— 2% limit = ($500,000) submission Grants — policy discussion — balance between taxes for services vs quality of life Policing — Council discretion limited to funding envelope Next Steps Draft Budget Balanced or Council Direction �O °3 N N O c L O Y m N O U r W 0 LM I 0 N LL o N (A aoo M oofooNLnamo N W n J o 0 N N O O O N t0 O O O O O p a w O1 n M n N O O O m W v1 O d y uiouiiscoenvioriviv O 01 N' 00 N d 00 a v U) Ln L H 0) 00 ,� m N N m w 0 0 a M 00 .� a 0 N O O a -0 N M N 0) m en 01 01 r N n 00 Ol N 7 L 00 O N N N N N N a LO m Z N N X 0 CL v F N L y J Y y c L O Y m N O U r W 0 LM I 0 N LL o N (A aoo M oofooNLnamo N W n J o 0 e0 O a O N N O O N of . N p a y m M m N m 00 O m m N m a V a n O 01 N' 00 N d 00 a v U) Ln a V f6 m m l0 M 01 m 00 m a N n w ew O y 0 v t0 .r 1n N ew o m N m m O N O N N N N N N N a Q X 0 F N L y J Y y O 0 u 0 CL 01voo OtiO0000wa 0) � C C f6 0 C �0 y a 01 f0 Y 3 v NMm a y NN WOOOM V 0) f0 1n W°° a > M n O 01 0 0)% N m o l0 00 M N N O °1 t0 M 01 0 N m N w N O O n o. m a O N of N w n O M 0 N m n N Q '2 � N N N N M N f?0 a C 0) -0 v M > N N N 0 m N 42 0 m k% m omNOOOma000 t0 u y -rs a N N N O O O N N N L W M 'n v n m o m �nmomoe0 Q� G Y a m d > M eti 0) m v r4 of o ev e' oo v ,y D O °' en W N M 00 00 n Ln Ol O t0 a-I p t u N N N 00 N 0n dl O N H (1 N 0 N N m N N Q' N N h c L O Y m N O U r W 0 LM I 0 N LL m M o N 00 M rl N W n J o 0 N V N n N 00 a N a N v a N N V N X m X 0 F N L y J Y y O 0 u 0 CL 0) � C C f6 0 C �0 y a 01 f0 Y 3 a y L� V 0) f0 1n •> Q d 0) V eU o. m a y w o> 0 f?0 0 C 0) -0 u M > N 0 m W 42 0 k% i m t0 u y O • y L W M a y Q� G Y 01 d 01 0 3 a E 'O N 0 01 Y O C Q' LL D to d M W Q d d C 0 H m M o N 00 M rl N W n o 0 N V N n N 00 a N a N v a N V N N d C a CL x W a0+ O F r d N ^3 i.l. TN V 3 LL W C d u U City of Saint John General Fund Committed Operating Expenditures Expenditures: (Fixed, Already decided) Regional Facilities Commission (Note 1) Market Square Common Area City Hall Lease Insurance Assessment Fee Library Community Centres (Note 2) Street Lighting Local 18 - 293 RSC - tipping fees Information Technology LTD Funding Debt Service Costs General Fund Saint John Transit Transit Operating subsidy Pension funding Water Supply for Fire Protection Note 1 - Regional Facilities Commission HarbourStation Aguatic Centre Trade & Convention Centre Imperial Theatre Arts Centre Note 2 - Community Centres Boys & Girls Club FGCC /MCC Nick Nicole Community Centre Loch Lomond Community Centre 2014 1,732, 748 2,306,226 1,650,000 615,500 1,278,852 458,130 498,391 1,096,857 11,164,452 t300,000 2,138,707 1,672,243 14,873,202 1,7261645 5,160, 078 9,504,015 2,340,000 59,516,046 451,618 322,070 534,567 339,322 85,171 1,732,748 126,100 169,097 158,194 45,000 498,391 2015 1,929,784 2,3331116 1,620,000 650,000 1,285,246 458,142 502,818 1,0301000 11,164,452 1,300,000 2,213,880 t3101000 15,873,676 11739,490 5J607078 9,275,000 2,340,000 60,185, 682 524,882 406,890 569,420 343,823 84,769 1,929,784 127,991 171,633 158,194 45,000 502,818 09/12/2014 Change 197,036 26,890 30,000 34,500 6,394 12 4,427 662857 75,173 362,243 1,000,474 12,845 229,015 669,636 73,264 84,820 34,853 4,501 402 197,036 1,891 2,536 4,427 City of Saint John DRAFT 2015 BUDGET Revenues Residential Property Tax Federal Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) Unconditional Grant Surplus 2nd previous yr. Protective Services Sports and Recreation Emergency Dispatch Administrative Support Permits Parking Rentals Other Total Revenues Development Engineering Geographic Information Systems Heritage Conservation Permitting & Inspection Service & By -Law Enforcement Tourism Service Destination Marking Organization Economic Development Service Regional Economic Development (Enterprise) Saint John Trade and Convention Center Harbour Station City Market Urban Development Service Saint John Development Corporation Market Square - Common Area Industrial Parks Development Service Saint John Industrial Parks Neighourhood Improvement Community Development Neighbourhood Development Loch Lomond Community Center Ability Advisory Committee Recreation Community Groups P.R.O. Kids Community Development Fund PlaySJ Neighbourhood Development Grants Community Development Service Grants Pavilion Cup Cherry Brook Zoo Library Seniors Citizen Centre Rent Human Development Council -Grant & Rent PRUDERent Seafarer's Mission Event SJ -DMO & Hotel Assoc. Living SJ Clean Cart Program Senior Resource Center 10/12/2014 2013 2014 2014 2015 118,325,922 Projected Proposed Approved Approved Actuals Budget Service -Based Service -Based Service -Based Service -Based 118,239,743 117,667,569 1171667,569 118,325,922 130,364 130,364 12%729 18,579,923 19,599,548 19,599,548 20,935,308 567,702 1,133,050 11290,200 1,292,200 1,300,200 884,583 879,701 888,929 900,026 781,912 792,820 832,820 943,662 1,9791000 21023,000 1,940,000 21135,000 950,500 1,3601000 11228,502 11280,500 31093,000 3,0161800 2,974,325 21711,800 1,1041619 1,1081350 964,254 845,505 11168,128 903,828 986,915 904,000 147,9141458 148,772,180 148,505,426 150,970,354 1,586,837 11648,084 1,420, 760 11660;164 361,523 4005608 378,327 432,278 3115563 324,060 320,400 326,379 300,994 309,971 231,965 304,943 11947,564 1,9955433 25176,427 15970,593 8455000 925,000 975,000 1,000,000 845,000 925,000 975,000 1,000,000 2,333,231 2,404,021 21424,766 255265496 475,000 475,000 475,000 475,000 536,576 534,367 534,367 569,420 384,390 451,618 451,618 524,882 937,265 943,036 963,781 957,194 2,553,352 25606,226 2,606,226 2,618,716 280,000 300,000 300,000 285,600 212737352 21306,226 2,306,226 21333,116 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 705,692 715,389 652,951 536,194 316,053 299,250 239,719 329,116 202,250 152,250 152,250 - 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 11523 11523 1,523 - 30,450 30,450 30,450 - 110, 416 111,916 10 9, 010 112,078 50,000 50,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 - 663,765 9035130 800,891 469,193 2,500 2,500 2,500 - 60,035 60,000 60,000 - 456,230 458,130 458,142 469,193 41,000 41,000 3,416 - 51,000 51,000 36,333 - 52,000 52,000 52,000 - 1,000 1,000 1,000 - 50,000 - 15,000 15,000 20,000 20,000 3,000 3,000 V 10/12/2014 City of Saint John 2013 2014 2014 2015 Projected Proposed DRAFT 2015 BUDGET Approved Approved Actuals Budget Service -Based Service -Based Service -Based Service -Based Non Profit Housing Conference 1,500 1,500 - YMCA Permit Fees 148,000 148,000 - Recreation, Parks & Cultural Programming 11513,071 11542,077 1,467,711 11596,762 Recreation Programming 1,083,155 955,369 906,091 11004,984 Contract Service - Boys & Girls Club 124,236 126,100 115,419 127,991 Contracted Service - YMCA -FGCC /MCC 166,703 169,097 154,791 171,633 Contracted Service - North End Community Centre 30,000 158,194 158,194 158,194 Cultural Affairs 108,977 118,317 118,216 118,960 PlaySJ Recreation Programming Grant 15,000 15,000 15,000 Arts & Culture Grants & Other Funding 563,861 590,993 586,993 957,315 Imperial Theatre 337,039 339,322 339,322 343,823 Saint John Arts Center 74,822 85,171 85,171 84,769 Arts and Culture Board 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 Public Art - Maintenance and Repair Budget 15,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Unspecified Grants 56,000 23,000 23,000 466,723 Jazz and Blues Festival -Salty lam 20,000 20,000 20,000 - SaintJohnTheatreArts 10,000 10,000 10,000 - Festival de la Bale Francois 4,000 4,000 - - RemembranceDayCeremonies 2,000 2,000 21000 2,000 NB Historical Society - Loyalist House 10,000 10,000 10,000 - StoneHammerGeopark 25,000 25,000 - Fundy Fringe Festival 5,000 5,000 - New Year /Canada Day Celebrations 15,000 15,000 15,000 Sculpture Symposium 71500 7,500 - 13,986,453 14,664,992 14,342,417 14o699,033 Public Safety Services - Fire Rescue and Suppression Service 201123,989 2176345566 21,364,020 21,941,538 Water Supply and Hydrants 21270,000 22340,000 22395,000 2,340,000 Emergency Management Service 325,421 264,945 1893138 292,601 Police Services 22,777,842 23,559,662 243059,662 245589,759 Public Safety Communications 21491,853 224935179 21368,179 25578,769 Street Lighting 110757350 1,096,857 1,050,000 12030,000 49,064,455 51,389,209 51,425,999 52,772,666 Roadway Maintenance Service 14,8611415 13,163,078 15,707,325 121983,777 Snow Control Streets 510000889 4,945,281 7,713,818 4,949,817 Street Cleaning 1,749,414 1,885,781 11578,978 1,663,684 Street Services (Surface Maintenance) 8,111,112 61332,016 6,4141529 6,370,276 Sidewalk Maintenance Service 1,5601490 11493,801 11619,250 1,9351367 Snow Control Sidewalk 893,257 902,609 111040953 907,160 Sidewalk Maintenance 6670233 591,192 514,297 1,028,207 Pedestrian & Traffic Management Service 11684,800 2,3451317 21212,630 2,3951228 Stormwater Management 3,366,348 31165,539 3,086,336 3,3851292 Solid Waste Management 3,5681529 3,5471444 31608,075 3,546,103 Engineering 541,451 499,369 585,247 484,575 Parks & City Landscape 21729,268 21969,395 31057,725 3,1251484 Parks Maintenance 2,237,921 20512,162 2,590,666 21655,305 Lifeguards 147,720 117,720 137,146 120,663 Urban Forestry 258,627 269,513 289,913 279,516 Mispec Park 45,000 30,000 - 30,000 Saint John Horticultural Association 40,000. 400000 40,000 40,000 Sports & Recreation Facilities Service 3,659,644 31809,404 31847,433 3,951,199 Arena Operation & Maintenance 1,442,420 11508,706 11645,956 11502,745 10 10/12/2014 City of Saint John 2013 2014 2014 2015 Aquatic Clubs 15,822 15,822 Projected Proposed DRAFT 2015 BUDGET Approved Approved Actuals Budget Aquatic Centre Service -Based Service -Based Service -Based Service -Based Sportsfield Operation & Maintenance 11325,655 10224,401 11192,016 1,305,020 Other Facility Operation & Maintenance 3620130 410,405 342,495 388,722 Sport Administration - - 635 - Minor Hockey Subsidy 165,000 169,000 169,000 173,000 Aquatic Clubs 15,822 15,822 15,822 15,822 Lord Beoverbrook Rink 154,000 159,000 159,440 159,000 Aquatic Centre 194,617 322,070 322,069 406,890 Parking Service (Administration Support) 560,379 560,379 531,087 648,379 Administration Support 560,379 560,379 531,087 560,379 Grant - Property Tax - - - 88,000 Transit Service 6,867,991 61886,723 72338,904 72078,068 39,400,315 38,440,449 41,594,012 39,533,472 Administrative Services Financial Management Service 31247,518 31124,669 31073,511 31199,670 Finance 1,962,447 11845,817 1,794,659 11913,663 Assessment 10285,071 11278,852 11278,852 112860007 Asset Management 62641,116 61925,147 62676,515 62993,698 Purchasing & Materials Management 971,819 1,056,147 11051,231 1,0614631 Insurance Service 157,977 272,430 209,203 267,860 Liability Insurance 608,700 615,500 616,557 650,000 Fleet 1,081,302 11267,518 11009,456 11190,274 Facilities Management 1,031,337 1,091,572 11230,582 1,250,203 Carpentry Shop 438,876 440,775 435,995 419,205 City Hall Building 10979,795 1,841,400 10821,570 1,8240110 Real Estate 371,310 339,805 301,921 330,415 91888,634 10,049,816 9,750,026 10,193,368 'Strategic Services Human Resources 11428,037 1,528,054 11549,710 11581,536 Corporate Planning 499,585 462,531 408,508 467,689 Intergovernmental Affairs 148,658 155,547 79,900 1272495 Corporate Communications 521,505 531,754 532,243 531,897 Information Technology 21087,058 2,138,707 22155,927 212135880 416840843 41816,593 41726,288 41922,496 Legislated Services City Manager 401,268 529,045 486,191 859,626 Legal 703,834 746,755 748,640 751,815 Common Clerk 7352400 664,517 661,654 667,296 Regional Service Commission 42,054 53,226 53,226 41,085 Mayor &Council 585,785 588,445 591,683 601,043 Mayor's Office 1830305 185,895 187,339 178,893 Council 402,480 402,550 404,344 422,150 21468,341 21581,988 2,541,394 2,9201865 Fiscal Charges 18,4012337 17,325,118 1627915313 185888,676 Pension 10,020,080 925042015 91100,000 91275,000 28,421,417 26,829,133 25,891,313 28,163,676 Total Expenditures 1470914,458 148,772,180 150,2711449 153,2051576 General Fund Surplus (Deficit) - - (1,766,023) (252357222) L d L 0 Y L C 7 W Y C L u 000 0 0 0 m V O M '1 N 0 a 0 0 0 0 0000 V1 N r1 Lr rl N N O O 0 0 N O N O 0 d O 0 O O O O 0 0 0 O O O N c-I M N m ri O 0 O 0 0 0 N E c 0 N E v O O O O O o n o O O o N O o O V m N ll1 a N N N N N E N C m �n J G1 v r C > Q O " pJ N LL C v — c v C U C � v W 7 LL N f6 H W LL u > N LL c a c Y N 7 c v w o L W v c p c c E T E `v Z o E m C d V o p V o O J E m v m ov E Q y 0 H O in l7 O V E O Y C v C uo d v v p 0 O Y A u 7 g h= N u E 0 U O� a a x E V' c au�n m u O c w p r m O Q Y i -0 j o v E v c 2 c LL o viu J OC v E'ux O 6 Q T C v N c m c u 3 E E °' c v o v v c o of � U Z T Z mD of O O 0 0 N O N O 0 d O 0 O O O O 0 0 0 O O O N c-I M N m ri O 0 O 0 0 0 N E c 0 N E v O O O O O o n o O O o N O o O V m N ll1 a N N N N N O Z v C u V O z T v W V v V 0 0 O 0 v 0 0 0 o m o r r m a a I 0 v 0 0 0 o c N O O O C N O O O C m vi O o d N c1 E N �n J G1 v r C > Q " pJ N LL C J v C U C h C W 7 LL N f6 H W LL > N Y N 7 c U U L W Tv c p c c E E Z J E U d Y v o E o p Z � E Q y 0 O in O O V O Y C v C uo d v d Q 0 V O N Y o v v U C c v E 00 v p v c �vvi g h= N c v V J d E 0 U O� a O 2 O m 0 v Z u 0 m 0 Z C c V' c au�n m u O c E xJa��a3QOa w p y m m O Q Y o v -0 j o m V Z yWj J O Z v C u V O z T v W V v V 0 0 O 0 v 0 0 0 o m o r r m a a I 0 v 0 0 0 o c N O O O C N O O O C m vi O o d N c1 E N �n v r C > Q " pJ N LL �p m m U y U C h C W 7 LL N f6 H W LL Y c U U E Tv c p c c E E Z J E U uo E o E o E Q y 0 O in v O O O v 0 C uo 0 d Y E 2 v c 2 c LL J 0 c O Y G C p E �n r m > Q " pJ N LL �p m m L y U C h C Y 7 LL N f6 H W LL o L C6 E Q O U .i Ln O O N V OC • iJ N E _O a N d1 Ln •— C: O N � O U � � 'ca U � M c O O N U C U • i 4=J U O U O U N a' dJ O Q E .- O Lm • ca d1 vi cu U Ln Ln Ln O 0) O O O O Ln c-I N O m E .- c� co N N OC • Ict rml O N U X N O c ILD c-I O Ln r -i O O N 4 bz c- C • DP L cv ca U N c N O L Q .E mc 4=J O O Q O • O E O Ln 0 O U Ln Jc w U L N N Ln rml ftA cn 11 O O O Ln N N m O c .O m U Q w Q0 rmi O N O O O Imn m N Q � Ln O DC N • O O O Ln rml 446 O N L cr Qi L O to DD • lD r-I O N L O 4- O O O rmi L 4=J 4— cu [6 rol O L O 3 O CL 0 O 0 O N O Q Q U ip O •gip N ._ L (� =3 w c - a-J O c-I N f6 O N O p i .C: p= O O p O ca c: 4-J O Lr) C: O U 'U V 4=J O '_ Q O O N > X l0 N i c o N O . U N Lr) ,�n O i 4=J 4 Ln to O O � U Lo 70 � O O Q N � N m V. O 0'G n� Q cr (D (D (D r+ UU• r+ N Ln 2 v O C W CL (D Ln r+ N O C r+ (D N N r+ r+ CD r+ (D r+ m c A Q N (D H w w N N U'1 N N I� O m o K c o Q c� CD Q 2 r ,G < O Q 3 5 m w ^ 0q N Ln =r r+ Q r+ r+ 00 �� N N r+ N N 4t u u u N N N F� W 1" W Lp CO O N rr+ �' + O ((DD r+ rn rt Q r+ rte'+ G� \ T (D O (D rNr � ` O rF Q = W (D r+ �• ZT (D W ^ W ^ Ln r+ � � N N N m rt A m � a A iY CD N O _z TQ : m N ow fD C n' A m_ m 3� a' 3 r+ (D 00 Q O y *M�4 O rrz^ V J y 1� Woods, Pat From: McCarey, Frank Sent: December -12- 144:22 PM To: Woods, Pat Subject: RE: Budget materials Pat: For us, the 2014 budget amount was $5,338,578. For 2015, we would need that amount, plus the 450,000. overage, plus 160,000 for inflation for a total of $5,950,000. This does not allow for any fare increase. If we were to take a 9% fare increase as suggested by Councillor Merrithew, this could generate additional revenues. In the old days I would have suggested that an increase such as this would have the potential to generate about $200,000.00, even allowing for normal elasticity, but I would have difficulty saying that at present because we have never done a fare increase in a time of declining service hours in a tough economy. I would be afraid that to reduce the ask based on a fare increase would only result in us coming in over budget again. There might also be an opportunity for us to hedge about 50% of our fuel purchase to allow for a savings of around 140,000 of last years budgeted fuel cost, but I cannot proceed with that until our employees ratify our new contract. They will be voting on this contract in January and all this recent talk of cutbacks will likely be detrimental to a successful conclusion to the vote. I will be prepared to talk about all of these options tomorrow, but to base a budget on the above assumptions might lead to a nasty surprise and I am under the impression that Council does not want us making assumptions like the above scenarios. Frank From: Woods, Pat Sent: December -12 -14 3:35 PM To: McCarey, Frank Cc: Anglin, Patricia; Yeomans, Greg Subject: Re: Budget materials I think they have to know how much of a $$ increase over 2014 budget would be required to maintain service and I think they want to know what route changes are planned if the increase is not provided. Best to get them that info today if possible. Patrick Sent from my iPad On Dec 12, 2014, at 2:37 PM, McCarey, Frank <frank.mccareyCasaintiohn.ca> wrote: Pat I was under the impression that all that Council wanted to hear from me was where we intended to cut service Frank Sent from my iPhone Woods, Pat From: Clifford, Kevin Sent: December -10 -14 12:13 PM To: Woods, Pat Cc: Graham, Cathy Subject: RE: 2015 Fire at 2% Hi Patrick; A 2% increase over the 2014 budget (21,634,566) is $22,067,257. Our submission for 2015 ( $21,941,537) was based on the assumptions as provided by finance and included 0 %on wages. 2 % increase yr over yr = 221067,257 2015 Submission above = 21,941,537 Subtotal $125,720 increase over submission as above Est 3.5 % increase local 771($635,063) - includes salary, fringes and service pay adjustment at 3.5% Surplus /Deficit ($ 509,343) Service Impact of the $509,343: Elimination of Tanker Unit and a $100,000 reduction in overtime of 100,000 (consistent with April report) Eliminate Tanker Vehicle at Manchester Avenue or Loch Lomond Road: Impact: • Loss of Tanker will reduce fire service response capability below the bronze rating as identified in the Core Service Review. • Loss of Tanker will jeopardize the safety of fire operations in that it raises the probability that those personnel engaged in interior fire and search operations will lose water supply while inside the burning structure. • Loss of Tanker will reduce the possibility of area redundancy when the primary unit is deployed. (credited with two cardiac saves in last two years) • Loss of Tanker will increase the number of occasions that the Saint John Fire Service has no units available to respond as a result of multiple incidents at the same time. • Loss of tanker will have a negative impact on the fire underwrites survey rating and could lead to an increase in insurance rates. • The utilization of this option needs to be assessed in accordance with the cumulative organizational impact of Shared Risk Plan projections. • Loss of tanker could have a negative impact with respect to the principle tenets of the fire service — Save Lives, Save Property, and Protect the Environment Reduction of 100,000 in overtime: Impact: • Loss of overtime will cause random blackouts or (shutdown) of community fire stations. • Loss of overtime will increase the number of occasions that the Saint John Fire Service has no units available to respond as a result of multiple incidents at the same time. • Loss of overtime will have a negative impact on the fire underwriter's survey rating and could lead to an increase in insurance rates. • Loss of overtime could have a negative impact with respect to the principle tenets of the fire service — Save Lives, Save Property, and Protect the Environment • Adequate fire infrastructure is critical to supporting responsible industrial growth. If you have any questions please give me a call. Kevin Kevin Clifford BBA CFO Fire Chief/ Director SJEMO City of Saint John 506 658 2915 / 506 647 9381 From: Woods, Pat Sent: December -10 -14 10:12 AM To: Clifford, Kevin Cc: Graham, Cathy Subject: 2015 Fire at 2% Importance: High Kevin, if the fire budget is limited to 2% year over year growth for 2015 - 1) what is the $$ reduction from your submission 2) what would service impact be? Patrick City Manager City of Saint John PO Box 1971 Saint John NB E2L 4L1 506- 649 -6029 Woods, Pat From: Reid, Bill Sent: December -10 -14 9:06 AM To: Woods, Pat Subject: FW: 2015 Budget Pat, Marven's explanation relative to the decrease in our ask, which was sent to you last week. Bill From: Corscadden, Marven Sent: December -10 -14 8:50 AM To: Reid, Bill Subject: Re: 2015 Budget Bill, Our May submission was based on a higher benefit %from 2013 plus earnings such as Overtime no longer get charged benefits as it is not penionable. To sum things up to take us from $1.5 increase: - Reduced benefit costs for 2014 - Reduced operating costs for Peel Plaza approx $180k Also, our SJPA wage costs went down with the retirement of David Caines and Trevor Jones which is something we were not aware of in May 2014. Let me know if need any other information. Marven From: Reid, Bill Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 07:15 AM To: Corscadden, Marven Subject: 2015 Budget Morning Marven ...I had a meeting with Pat Woods yesterday afternoon on budget. Council has scheduled an open session meeting this evening to deal with the budget. As such, Pat wanted to know specifically why our ask of 1.5 has now been reduced (what were the factors). I suggested lower facilities cost (just came in), but can you give me the rest?