2013-09-09_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jourr. City of Saint John Common Council Meeting AGENDA Monday, September 9, 2013 6:00 pm Council Chamber Please use Chipman Hill entrance S'il vous plaft utiliser 1'entree Chipman Hill Si vous avez besoin des services en francais pour une reunion de Conseil communal, veuillez contacter le bureau du greffier communal au 658 -2862. 1. Call to Order - Prayer 2. Approval of Minutes 2.1 Minutes of August 26, 2013 3. Approval of Agenda 4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest 5. Consent Agenda Pages 1 -10 5.1 Saint John City Market - Lord's Lobster Ltd. and True North Salmon Co. Ltd - 11 -12 Amendment to Aug 26, 2013 Resolution of Council (Recommendation in Report) 5.2 A. Collins Letter: Garbage on City Transit Bus (Recommendation: Refer to 13-13 Transit Commission for a Report) 5.3 Acquisition of Land off Grantham Road for Purpose of Construction of a 14-20 Detention Pond (Recommendation in Report) 5.4 Harbour Skating Club Request for Sponsorship (Recommendation: Approve 21 -24 $100 Funding Request) 6. Members Comments 7. Proclamation 8. Delegations / Presentations 1 Powered By; .1 WE' 1 8.1 The Multicultural Association of Saint John Inc. 25-48 9. Public Hearings 10. Consideration of By -laws 11. Submissions by Council Members 11.1 Published List of Municipally Funded Entities (Councillor Norton) 49-49 11.2 Play SJ Update (Deputy Mayor Rinehart) 50-50 12. Business Matters - Municipal Officers 12.1 Dever Road - Sanitary Lift Station "Y" Replacement 51 -53 12.2 Contract 2011 -30: Riverview Drive - Sanitary Lift Station #28, Force Main and 54-56 Sewer 12.3 Elections New Brunswick Investigation of Mail -In- Ballot for Municipal By- 57-58 Elections 13. Committee Reports 14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda 15. General Correspondence 16. Supplemental Agenda 17. Committee of the Whole 18. Adjournment 1 City of Saint John Common Council Meeting Monday, September 9, 2013 Committee of the Whole 1. Call to Order Si vous avez besoin des services en frangais pour une reunion de Conseil communal, veuillez contacter le bureau du greffier communal au 658 -2862. Each of the following items, either in whole or in part, is able to be discussed in private pursuant to the provisions of subsection 10.(2)(4) of the Municipalities Act and Council / Committee will make a decision(s) in that respect in Open Session: 8r" Floor Boardroom City Hall 1.1 Land Matter 10.2(4)(d) 9 The City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal Le lundi 9 septembre 2013 18 h Salle du conseil Comit6 pWnier 1. Ouverture de la seance Si vous avez besoin des services en frangais pour une r6union de Conseil Communal, veuillez contacter le bureau de la greffi&e communale au 658 -2862. Chacun des points suivants, en totalit6 ou en partie, peut faire Pobjet d'une discussion en priv6 en vertu des dispositions pr6vues a Particle 10 de la Loi sur les municipalites. Le conseil /comit6 prendra une ou des d6cisions a cet 6gard au cours de la seance publique Salle de conference du 8e etage, hotel de ville 1.1 Question relative aux biens -fonds — alin6a 10.2(4)d) Seance ordinaire 1. Ouverture de la seance, suivie de la priere 2. Approbation du proces- verbal 2.1 Proc&s- verbal du 26 aout 2013 3. Adoption de 1'ordre du jour 4. Divulgations de conflits Winterets 5. Questions soumises a Papprobation du conseil 5.1 March6 municipal de Saint John — Lord's Lobster Ltd. et True North Salmon Co. Ltd — Modification de la r6solution du conseil dat6e du 26 aout 2013 (recommandation figurant au rapport) 5.2 Lettre de A. Collins : 136chets dans les autobus de la Ville (recommandation : transmettre a la Commission des transports aux fins de r6daction d'un rapport) 5.3 Acquisition du bien -fonds situ6 en bordure du chemin Grantham aux fins de construction d'un bassin de r6tention (recommandation figurant au rapport) 5.4 Demande de parrainage du Harbour Skating Club (recommandation approuver la demande de financement de 100 $) 6. Commentaires presentes par les membres 7. Proclamation 8. Delegations et presentations 8.1 Multicultural Association of Saint John Inc. 9. Audiences publiques a 18 h 30 10. Etude des arretes municipaux 11. Interventions des membres du conseil 11.1 Liste publiee des entites financees par la municipalite (conseiller Norton) 11.2 Mise a jour concernant RecreSJ (mairesse suppleante Rinehart) 12. Affaires municipales evoquees par les fonctionnaires municipaux 12.1 Chemin Dever — Remplacement de la station de relevement des eaux usees «Y» 12.2 Contrat 2011 -30 : Conduite d'eau principale et egout sanitaire a la station de relevement n° 28 de la promenade Riverview 12.3 Enquete sur les bulletins de vote postal par Elections Nouveau - Brunswick pour une election partielle au niveau municipal 13. Rapports deposes par les comites 14. Etude des sujets ecartes des questions soumises a 1'approbation du conseil 15. Correspondance generale 16. Ordre du jour supplementaire 17. Comite plenier 18. Levee de la seance 97- COMMON COUNCILICONSEIL COMMUNAL AUGUST 26, 20131LE 26 AOUT 2013 COMMON COUNCIL MEETING — THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN CITY HALL — AUGUST 26, 2013 - 6:00 P.M. Present: Mel Norton, Mayor Deputy Mayor Rinehart and Councillors Farren, Fullerton, Lowe, MacKenzie, McAlary, Merrithew, Norton, Reardon and Strowbridge - and - P. Woods, City Manager; J. Nugent, City Solicitor; G. Yeomans, Commissioner of Finance and Treasurer; W. Edwards, Commissioner of Transportation and Environment Services; Sergeant G. Oram, Saint John Police; J. Armstrong, Deputy Fire Chief; J. Hamilton, Commissioner of Strategic Services; J. Taylor, Common Clerk and P. Anglin, Acting Deputy Common Clerk. 1. Call to Order — Prayer Mayor Norton called the meeting to order and Reverend John Paul Weston offered the opening prayer. 2. Approval of Minutes 2.1 Minutes of August 12, 2013 On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Councillor Norton RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of Common Council, held on August 12, be approved. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 3. Approval of Agenda On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Councillor Merrithew RESOLVED that the agenda of this meeting with the addition of items 17.1 Committee of the Whole: Disability Pension; 17.2 Committee of the Whole: City Market Lease; 17.3 Committee of the Whole: Appointments to Committees; 17.4 Committee of the Whole: City Hall Restack Update; 17.5 Committee of the Whole: Sandwich Board Signs, be approved. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest 5. Consent Agenda 5.1 That the letter from NWH Modeling regarding the Old Synagogue Building be referred to the City Manager. 5.2 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2013- 181: Transportation and Environment Services - Tender for Highway Salt, the tender from Cargill Deicing Technology, for the establishment of a two year supply agreement for highway salt as per the pricing detailed in this report, be accepted. 5.3 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2013- 185: Consulting Engineering Agreement with TerrAtlantic Engineering Limited, Common Council authorize the submitted Agreement be assigned from TerrAtlantic Engineering Ltd. to BGC Engineering Limited: Engineering Design and Construction Management Services: Groundwater Exploration for Potable Water- Hydrogeological and Environmental Services 2012- 091202P. 97- COMMON COUNCILICONSEiL COMMUNAL AUGUST 26, 20131LE 26 AOUT 2013 5.4 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2013- 186: Designation of By -law Enforcement Officer and Inspection Officers, Council adopt the following resolutions: 1. WHEREAS the Common Council of The City of Saint John has enacted certain by -laws pursuant to the authority of the Municipalities Act, R.S.N.B 1973, c. M- 22, and amendments thereto (the "Municipalities Act'), including the Saint John Minimum Property Standards By -law, By -law Number M -14, and amendments thereto (the "Saint John Minimum Property Standards By -law') and it may from time to time be necessary to commence proceedings in the Provincial Court of the Province of New Brunswick, when a person has contravened or failed to comply with the said by -law, AND WHEREAS subsection 14(1) of the Police Act, S.N.B. 1977, c. P -9.2, and amendments thereto (the "Police Act') provides that a council may appoint persons as by -law enforcement officers for a municipality; AND WHEREAS subsection 23(1) of the Saint John Minimum Property Standards By -law provides that where a condition of a premise, dwelling, dwelling unit or structure does not comply with the Saint John Minimum Property Standards By -lawn, an officer appointed by council may notify the owner or occupier of a premise, dwelling unit or structure by notice in the form prescribed by Regulation; AND WHEREAS section 101 of the Municipalities Act provides that proceedings for breach of a by -law shall be commenced in the name of the clerk of the municipality or such other person as is designated for that purpose by the council: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Nicole McKenna is hereby appointed as a by -law enforcement officer with respect to the enforcement of the Saint John Minimum Property Standards By -law, effective immediately, and this appointment shall continue until she ceases to be an employee of Growth & Community Development Services of The City of Saint John or until it is rescinded by Common Council, whichever comes first; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Nicole McKenna is hereby appointed and authorized to notify owners and occupiers with respect to premises, dwellings, dwelling units or structures that do not meet the standards that are set out in the Saint John Minimum Property Standards By -law, effective immediately, and this appointment and authorization shall continue until she ceases to be an employee of Growth & Community Development Services of The City of Saint John or until it is rescinded by Common Council, whichever comes first; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Nicole McKenna is hereby designated and authorized to lay informations in the Provincial Court of the Province of New Brunswick for breach of the Saint John Minimum Property Standards By -law, effective immediately, and this appointment and authorization shall continue until she ceases to be an employee of Growth & Community Development Services of The City of Saint John or until it is rescinded by Common Council, whichever comes first. 2. WHEREAS the Common Council of The City of Saint John has enacted certain by -laws pursuant to the authority of the Municipalities Act, including the Saint John Unsightly Premises and Dangerous Buildings and Structures By -law, By- law Number M -30, and amendments thereto (the "Saint John Unsightly Premises and Dangerous Buildings and Structures By- lain'), and it may from time to time be necessary to commence proceedings in the Provincial Court of the Province of New Brunswick, when a person has contravened or failed to comply with the said by -law; AND WHEREAS subsection 14(1) of the Police Act provides that a council may appoint persons as by -law enforcement officers for a municipality; 97- COMMON COUNCILICONSEIL COMMUNAL AUGUST 26, 2013/LE 26 AOUT 2013 AND WHEREAS subsection 190.01(3) of the Municipalities Act provides that an officer appointed by council may notify the owner or occupier of premises, a building or structure by notice in the form prescribed by regulation when a condition exists pursuant to subsections 190.01(1), 190.01(1.1) or 190.01(2) of the Municipalities Act; AND WHEREAS section 101 of the Municipalities Act provides that proceedings for breach of a by -law shall be commenced in the name of the clerk of the municipality or such other person as is designated for that purpose by the council: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Nicole McKenna is hereby appointed as a by -law enforcement officer with respect to the enforcement of the Saint John Unsightly Premises and Dangerous Buildings and Structures By -law, effective immediately, and this appointment shall continue until she ceases to be an employee of Growth & Community Development Services of The City of Saint John or until it is rescinded by Common Council, whichever comes first; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Nicole McKenna is hereby appointed and authorized to notify owners and occupiers with respect to premises, buildings or structures that are unsightly; buildings or structures that are a hazard to the safety of the public by reason of being vacant or unoccupied; buildings or structures that are a hazard to the safety of the public by reason of dilapidation or unsoundness of structural strength, as set out in the Saint John Unsightly Premises and Dangerous Buildings and Structures By -law, effective immediately, and this appointment and authorization shall continue until she ceases to be an employee of Growth & Community Development Services of The City of Saint John or until it is rescinded by Common Council, whichever comes first; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Nicole McKenna is hereby designated and authorized to lay informations in the Provincial Court of the Province of New Brunswick for breach of the Saint John Unsightly Premises and Dangerous Buildings and Structures By -law, effective immediately, and this designation and authorization shall continue until she ceases to be an employee of Growth & Community Development Services of The City of Saint John or until it is rescinded by Common Council, whichever comes first. 3. WHEREAS, the Common Council of The City of Saint John has enacted certain by -laws pursuant to the authority of the Municipalities Act, including the Saint John Dog Control By -law, By -law Number M -13, Mobile Home Parks By -law, By -law Number M -20, including all amendments thereto, and it may from time to time be necessary to commence proceedings in the Provincial Court of the Province of New Brunswick, when a person has contravened or failed to comply with the said By -law; AND WHEREAS subsection 14(1) of the Police Act provides that a council may appoint persons as by -law enforcement officers for a municipality; AND WHEREAS section 101 of the Municipalities Act, provides that proceedings for breach of a by -law shall be commenced in the name of the clerk of the municipality or such other person as is designated for that purpose by the council: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Nicole McKenna is hereby appointed as a by -law enforcement officer with respect to the enforcement of the Saint John Dog Control By -law and the Mobile Home Parks By -law, effective immediately, and this appointment shall continue until she ceases to be an employee of Growth & Community Development Services of The City of Saint John or until it is rescinded by Common Council, whichever comes first; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Nicole McKenna is hereby designated and authorized to lay informations in the Provincial Court of the Province of New Brunswick for breach of the Saint John Dog Control By -law and the Mobile Home Parks By -law, effective immediately, and this appointment and authorization shall continue until she ceases to be an employee of Growth & Community Development Services of The City of Saint John or until it is rescinded by Common Council, whichever comes first. 4. 97- COMMON COUNCILICONSEIL COMMUNAL AUGUST 26, 20131LE 26 AOUT 2013 WHEREAS subsection 100.2(a) of the Municipalities Act provides that offences under subsection 94.2(3) or 102.1(1.2) of the Municipalities Act or offences in respect of a by- law under subsection 94(1) or 94(3) or section 190 of the Municipalities Act, are prescribed offences for the purposes of section 9 of the Provincial Offences Procedure Act, S.N.B. 1987, c. P -22.1, and amendments thereto; AND WHEREAS subsection 100.2(b) of the Municipalities Act provides that a by -law enforcement officer appointed under section 14 of the Police Act, and designated by resolution of the council is an authorized person who may serve tickets in respect to offences referred to in subsection 100.2(a) of the Municipalities Act: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Nicole McKenna is hereby designated and authorized as a person to serve tickets in respect to offences referred to in subsection 100.2(a) of the Municipalities Act, effective immediately, and this designation and authorization shall continue until she ceases to be an employee of Growth & Community Development Services of The City of Saint John or until it is rescinded by Common Council, whichever comes first. 5. WHEREAS subsection 4(1) of the Saint John Minimum Property Standards By -law provides that Common Council may for the purposes of the administration and enforcement of the said by -law, appoint inspection officers who may exercise such powers and perform such duties as may be set out in the said by -law and/or the Residential Properties Maintenance and Occupancy Code Approval Regulation — Municipalities Act and /or the Municipalities Act: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that each of Kyle Arsenault and Katelyn Davis, is hereby appointed as an inspection officer with respect to the enforcement of the Saint John Minimum Property Standards By -law which received first and second reading by Common Council on August 18, 2008 and third reading on September 2, 2008, being enacted upon approval by the Minister of Local Government, and/or the Residential Properties Maintenance and Occupancy Code Approval Regulation — Municipalities Act and/or the Municipalities Act, and these appointments shall continue until they cease to be employees of the Growth & Community Development Services of the City of Saint John or until it is rescinded by Common Council, whichever comes first. 5.5 That pursuant to Section 14 of the Police Act of the Province of New Brunswick, the Common Council of the City of Saint John does hereby appoint the following member of the Canadian Corps of Commissionaires as By -Law Enforcement Officer with the responsibility and authority to enforce provisions of the Parking Meter By -Law and the provisions of Section 5, Section 5.1, Section 7, Section 8, Section 15 and Section 16 of the Saint John Traffic By -Law, namely: Daniel Desjardins And further, that this appointment shall continue until such time as the appointee ceases to be a member of the Canadian Corps of Commissionaires or until the appointment is rescinded by Common Council, whichever comes first. 5.6 That the letter from Justin Bernier regarding giving permission to Bell Aliant to dig to install Fibre -Op be referred to the City Manager. 5.7 That the request to present at the September 16th, 2013 Council meeting by the Saint John Board of Trade regarding survey results about Sunday shopping hours be approved. 5.8 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report MSC 2013- 179: Douglas Avenue (Bentley Street to Civic #228) Sanitary and Storm Sewer Renewal Project Temporary Construction Easement Portions of P1D # 00377945 - 261 Douglas Ave.: 1. That The City of Saint John acquire from Helron Real Estate inc. two temporary construction easements in portions of PID # 00377945; one measuring 52.1 square metres +/- and the other 14.5 square metres +/- for the sum of $1.00,upon the terms and conditions contained in the Temporary Construction Easement document attached to M &C 2013 -179, and, 97- COMMON COUNCILlCONSEIL COMMUNAL AUGUST 26, 2013/LE 26 A010T 2013 2. That the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to sign all necessary documentation. 5.9 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2013- 989: Saint John City Market - Amendment to Lease of Space Staff "No.4 ", Common Council: 1) Approve the Amendment to Lease of space for stall "No.4" in the City Market with Shawarma Hut Inc. under the terms and conditions as set out in the amendment submitted with M &C 2013 -189, and further; and 2) That the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the Amendment to lease. 5.10 That the report World Energy Cities Partnership this report be received for information. 5.11 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2013- 183: Agreement with Fortis Properties for Cleaning and Security Services for Chipman Hill and City Market Pedways: 1) That the City enter into a one (1) year agreement with Fortis Properties Corporation for cleaning and security services for the Chipman Hill Pedway and security services for the City Market Pedway at a cost of $75,004.85 plus HST for the year 2013 generally in the form as attached to this M &C 2013 -183; and 2) That the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the said agreement. On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Deputy Mayor Rinehart RESOLVED that the recommendation set out for each consent agenda item respectively be adopted. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 6. Members Comments Council members commented on various community events. 7. Proclamation 7.1 Prostate Cancer Awareness Month - September 2013 The Mayor proclaimed the month of September, 2013 Prostate Cancer Awareness Month in the City of Saint John. 8. Delegations /Presentations 9. Public Hearings 10. Consideration of By -laws 10.1 Proposed Municipal Plan Amendment -Commerce Drive- Consumer Drive - Mark Drive On motion of Deputy Mayor Rinehart Seconded by Councillor Reardon RESOLVED that the proposed Municipal Plan By- Law Amendment regarding 59 -119 Commerce Drive, 1 -15 Consumers Drive and 130- 160 Mark Drive be referred to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation and the necessary advertising be authorized with a Public Hearing to be held on September 30th, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 11. Submissions by Council Members 11.1 Bandstand (Mayor Norton) 97- COMMON COUNCILICONSEIL COMMUNAL AUGUST 26, 201311-1= 26 AOUT 2013 On motion of Councillor Farren Seconded by Councillor McAlary RESOLVED that as part of or in aaaition to the previous motion brought by Councillor Ray Strawbridge, Council request a report and recommendations by the end of September, 2013 from Uptown Saint John in collaboration with those departments of the City as determined by the City Manager detailing a plan of maintenance (City) and events (USJ) that will be implemented and executed by not later than the spring of 2014 regarding, but not limited to: 1. arranging for more frequent, and up to daily, concerts and musical performances in King's Square; 2. the recently installed bistro tables and chairs; 3. installation of improved seating throughout the square; 4. the recently installed and esthetically pleasing lighting; 5. a simple and effective storage and retrieval system for the new bandstand stairs; and 6. the designation of an agency or department to be responsible for the preparation, implementation and execution of the plan of maintenance and action. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 11.2 Pedestrian Street - Pilot Project (Mayor Norton) On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that Council request Uptown Saint John and such other economic development partners and City staff as is deemed appropriate by the City Manager to: 1. establish for a trial period, the duration, commencement and location of which is to be determined by Uptown Saint John, a pedestrian street or streets; 2. that such pilot project start not later than the spring of 2014; and 3. that at the conclusion of the pilot project, and by not later than the fall of 2014, Uptown Saint John report to Common Council as to the advisability of establishing a permanent pedestrian street or streets and, if advisable, the location and implementation steps for the same. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 11.3 One Mile Interchange (Councillor Farren) On motion of Councillor Farren Seconded by Councillor Strowbridge RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to prepare a brief presentation to Council within the next month of the truck routes that will be eliminated and the benefits thereof. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 12. Business Matters - Municipal Officers 12.1 Transportation and Environment Services - Automated Brine Producing Systems On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2093 -988: Transportation and Environment Services - Automated Brine Producing Systems, Common Council award the proposal for the supply of two (2) Automated Brine Producing Systems to Saunders Equipment Ltd. at a price of $153,826.00 plus HST. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 12.2 Loch Lomond Community Centre - Demolition of Existing Building and Proposed Go Forward Plan 97- COMMON COUNCILICONSEIL COMMUNAL AUGUST 26, 2013/LE 26 AOUT 2013 Kevin Watson, Recreation Manager and Trevor Gamblin, Manager Facilities Management addressed Council on the submitted report. On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Councillor MacKenzie RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2013 -982: Loch Lomond Community Centre - Demolition of Existing Building and Proposed Go Forward Plan, Common Council: Approve the development and letting of a tender for the demolition of the existing Loch Lomond Community Centre building, located at 21 St. Martins Road. Question being taken, the motion was carried. On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Councillor Strowbridge RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to explore the feasibility of replacing the existing Loch Lomond Community Centre with a new community facility outside the designated watershed; and bring back to Common Council a report for consideration during the 2014 budget deliberation process; and further that the report include information respecting the funding agreement between the City and the HOPE Centre as well as information on whether the HOPE Centre is a non- profit agency; and further that the matter be referred to the Regional Services Commission for input. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 12.3 Proposed Saint John Skateboard By -Law (Third Reading) 12.3.1 S. Childs Letter Re Skateboarding Helmet By -Law Responding to a question on city liability, the City Solicitor provided a general comment that if the City establishes a rule and fails to enforce the rule and injury occurs then the City could be held liable. Responding to a question, the City Solicitor advised that the definition of "skateboard" contained in the by -law is sufficiently broad to cover longboards. Responding to a question on enforceability of the by -law, the City Solicitor commented that discussions were held with the Police Chief and that he was advised that the Police would enforce in a two -step process. The first step would be an educational warning about the by -law provisions and then after a grace period the by -law provisions would be enforced. Sergeant Oram, Saint John Police also responded to questions on enforcement of the by -law stating that he had not received directions but would take the matter under advisement with the Police Chief. On motion of Councillor Fullerton Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that Mr. Childs be permitted to present to Common Council with respect to the proposed Saint John Skateboard by -law. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Referring to a submitted letter, Mr. Childs outlined his concerns with respect to the proposed Saint John Skateboard by -law. He suggested that Council consider amending the by -law to require helmet wearing for those aged 16 or under On motion of Councillor Farren Seconded by Councillor McAlary RESOLVED that the proposed Saint John Skateboard By -law be amended to read that only those skateboarders who are 16 years of age and under are required to wear a helmet. Question being taken, the motion was defeated with Councillors Fullerton, Lowe, Norton, MacKenzie, Merrithew and the Mayor voting nay. 97- COMMON COUNCILICONSEIL COMMUNAL AUGUST 26, 2013/LE 26 AOUT 2013 Councillor Fullerton moved a motion which did not receive a seconder to amend the Skateboard by -law to read that only those born in 1997 or later are required to wear a helmet when skateboarding. On motion of Councillor Merrithew Seconded by Councillor MacKenzie RESOLVED that the by -law entitled "A By -Law Respecting the Use of Skateboards and Other Recreational Equipments within The City of Saint John", be read. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillors McAlary, Reardon and Strowbridge voting nay. The by -law entitled, "By -Law Number M -27, A By -Law respecting the Use of Skateboards and Other Recreational Equipments" was read in its entirety. On motion of Councillor Farren Seconded by Councillor Merrithew RESOLVED that the by -law entitled "A By -Law Respecting the Use of Skateboards and Other Recreational Equipments within The City of Saint John ", be read a third time, enacted and the Corporate Common Seal affixed thereto. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillors McAlary, Reardon and Strowbridge voting nay. Read a third time by title, the by -law entitled, "By -Law Number M -27, A By -Law respecting the Use of Skateboards and Other Recreational Equipments" 13. Committee Reports 14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda 15. General Correspondence 15.1 J. Eagles Letter Re Sunday Shopping On motion of Deputy Mayor Rinehart Seconded by Councillor Reardon RESOLVED that the letter from Jennifer Eagles regarding Sunday shopping be received for information. Question being taken, the motion was carried. On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Deputy Mayor Rinehart RESOLVED that the letter from Jennifer Eagles regarding Sunday shopping be referred to the Board of Trade. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 16. Supplemental Agenda 17. Committee of the Whole 17.1 Committee of the Whole: Disability Pension On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Councillor Reardon RESOLVED that as recommended by the Committee of the Whole, having met on August 26, 2013, Common Council: Approve the recommendation from Centric Health for Employee 1D# 5747 to receive disability benefits from the City of Saint John under the Pension Act that was in existence prior to January 1, 2013. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 97- COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL AUGUST 26, 2013/LE 26 AOUT 2013 17.2 Committee of the Whole: City Market Lease On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Councillor MacKenzie RESOLVED that as recommended by the Committee of the Whole having met on August 26th, 2013, Common Council: On the condition that True North Salmon Co. Ltd. complete the purchase of the assets of Lord's Lobsters Ltd. on or before Aug. 31 st, 2013, that the City enter into a Lease with True North Salmon Co. ltd. for that portion of the City Market described in Schedule "A" to the Form A19 Lease attached to this M &C 2013 -184 upon the terms and conditions generally set out in the said Lease; and That the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the lease. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 17.3 Committee of the Whole: Appointments to Committees On motion of Deputy Mayor Rinehart Seconded by Councillor McAlary RESOLVED that as recommended by the Committee of the Whole having met on August 26th, 2013, Common Council make the following appointments to Committees: Solid Waste Commission of the Fundy Region Services Commission: to appoint Councillor Merrithew from August 26, 2013 until the end of his current term on Council. Cities of New Brunswick Association - to appoint: Mayor and the Deputy Mayor to the Executive Committee; Councillors McAlary, Merrithew and MacKenzie to the ad hoc Committee on Legislation Modernization; Councillor McAlary on the Planning and Resolutions Committee; Councillor Reardon on the Transportation Committee; Deputy Mayor Rinehart on the ad hoc Committee on municipal Fine Revenue Program Federation of Canadian Municipalities - to appoint Councillor Farren to the following FCM Standing Committees: Finance and Intergovernmental Arrangements and Municipal Infrastructure and Transportation Policy until June 2014; and further that he is permitted to attend all four FCM meetings. Finance Committee — to appoint Councillor Lowe from August 26th 2013 until the end of his current term on Common Council. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 17.4 Committee of the Whole: City Hall Restack Update The City Manager provided an update on the City Hall leasing situation. Mr. Woods stated that staff is awaiting a new lease proposal from the building owner. He noted that a financial analysis will be conducted and alternate locations will also be considered. 17.5 Committee of the Whole: Sandwich Board Signs Council members discussed the Council Sign Committee's direction to staff to remove non- compliant signage located on City property and City rights of way. The City Solicitor commented on the enforcement of the by -law, stating that as a policy matter, enforcement can be prioritized and allocation of resources directed. If the intention is to sequence the prioritization of the enforcement of the by -law no amendment is required. If there is an intention to change the bylaw enforcement provisions then that would require a by -law amendment. On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Councillor Reardon 97- COMMON COUNCIL/CONSEIL COMMUNAL AUGUST 26, 20131LE 26 AOUT 2013 RESOLVED that City staff be directed to prioritize the enforcement of the signage provisions contained in the Zoning Bylaw respecting sandwich board signs in areas outside the uptown BiA. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 18. Adjournment On motion of Councillor Lowe Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that the Common Council meeting of August 26, 2013 be adjourned. Question being taken, the motion was carried. The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Mayor 1 maire Common Clerk/ greffier communal REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M &C 2013 -193 September 4, 2013 His Worship Mel Norton And Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: Im" The Ck o €SWW John Saint John City Market — Lord's Lobsters Ltd. and True North Salmon Co. Ltd. - Amendment to August 26, 2013 resolution of Council At its meeting held August 26, 2013, Common Council resolved as follows: "1. On the condition that True North Salmon Co. Ltd. complete the purchase of the assets of Lord's Lobsters Ltd. on or before August 31, 2013, that the City enter into a lease with True North Salmon Co. Ltd. for that portion of the City Market described in Schedule "A" to the Form A19 Lease attached to M &C No. 2013 -184 upon the terms and conditions generally set out in the said Lease; and 2. That the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the said Lease." On September 3rd, 2013, the solicitor for True North Salmon Co. Ltd. contacted the City Solicitor's office to advise that True North Salmon Co. Ltd. was unable to complete the purchase of the assets of Lord's Lobsters Ltd. on or before August 31, 2013, and that the new closing date for the said purchase was now Sept. 14, 2013. True North requested that the Aug. 26, 2013 resolution be amended to reflect the new closing date so that True North Salmon Co. Ltd. and the City could enter into the Lease referred to in the above noted resolution for the stated period. The commencement date of the lease with True North Salmon Co. Ltd. is to remain September 1, 2013; however the Lease will not be signed until the purchase of the assets of Lord's Lobsters Ltd. is completed by True North Salmon Co. Ltd. on or before September 14, 2013. Lord's Lobster Ltd. is currently an over holding tenant and has been charged rent for the month of September 2013, because it will occupy the leased premises until Sept. 14, 2013 (the closing date of the asset purchase). Since the new Lease with True North Salmon Co. Ltd. is to commence on Sept. 1, 2013, the intent is to refund to Lord's Lobsters the September rent if /when the asset purchase is completed. The rent free period for the new True North Salmon Co. Ltd. Lease will run from September 1, 2013 and True North Salmon Co. Ltd. can take possession of the Leased Premises as soon as the Lease is executed by both parties. Report to Common Council Page 2 of 2 Saint John City Market - Lord's Lobsters Ltd. and True North Salmon Co. Ltd. - Amendment to August 26, 2013 resolution of Council INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES Staff of the City Market, Facility Management and Legal Department have all reviewed and contributed to this report. RECOMMENDATION Your City Manager recommends: 1) That the Common Council resolution of August 26, 2013 pertaining to a Lease between the City and True North Salmon Co. Ltd. be amended by deleting the words "August 31, 2013" in paragraph 1 of the resolution and replacing them with "September 14, 2013 "; and 2) That the rest of the resolution remains unchanged. Respectfully submi d, Trevor Gamblin, M.Sc.E, P.Eng. Man4Fana nt GregGA, MBA Come and Administrative Services Patrick Woods, CGA City Manager August 30, 2013 Dear Mayor and Council, I took a Saint John City Transit bus on August 29, 2013 and there was a couple than got on the bus with bags of recycling (bottles) and they were leaking all over the place. They leaked on my baby's face, stroller, me and people around me. Eventually they kicked the couple off the bus because the bags were leaking all over the place. I don't think they should have been allowed to bring them in the first place. then talked to someone at the Transit building and they said there was nothing they could do as people are allowed to bring whatever they want on the bus. I would appreciate it if something was done about this matter. People should not be allowed to bring garbage on the bus. Thanks, Amanda Collins 23 Saint Anne Street Apt. 4 Saint John NB E2.1 2N9 M &C -2013 -192 September 9, 2013 His Worship Mayor Mel Norton and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Acquisition of Land off Grantham Road for Purpose of Construction of a Detention Pond BACKGROUND: As part of the City's ongoing Capital Budget, Municipal Operations has targeted the need to construct a detention pond on its vacant property, identified as being PID#55163174 (see attached map). In addition, land is to be acquired from an adjacent property being a portion of PID# 55203145 for the purpose of enlarging the pond area to create a greater capacity for the volume of water to be detained. The detention pond is intended to capture storm water flowing from Caledonia Brook and the surrounding area, prior to it entering the storm sewer via Woodward Avenue. The storm sewer on Woodward Avenue had been over capacity and prone to surcharging during wet weather events. The intended detention pond is one of a number of City initiatives to reduce the surcharging events that historically had occurred in this area. Construction work is expected to commence in 2014. Municipal Operations had agreed in discussions with Barsa Ventures Ltd. that in exchange of the 3,304 square metre parcel of land to the City, the Vendor would be credited with having a future stormwater storage credit of 6,000 cubic metres for its development, adjacent to the pond. The attached agreement addresses the details for this consideration. The following recommendation will secure the necessary parcel to consolidate with an adjoining City property. RECOMMENDATION: City of Saint John 1. That The City of Saint John enter into an Agreement of Purchase and Sale in the form as attached to this M & C #2013 -192 for the purchase of the fee simple interest in a portion of land, identified as being PID# 55203145, comprising 3,304 square metres ± as shown on an attached drawing titled "Millidgeville Stormwater Detention Pond Preliminary Design ", and M & C — 2013 -192 - 2 - September 9, 2013 2. That the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute any document(s) necessary to finalize this transaction. Respectfully submitted, Curtis Langille, Real Estate Offs CGA, MBA Finadeje'and Administrative Services Attachments CL /c Brian Irving, BBA Manager Real Estate l ck Woods, CGA rty Manager !1a Q fi 0 Land Acquisition from Barsa Ventures Ltd. 56% JT-526 � N AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE The Purchaser agrees to purchase from the Vendor and the Vendor agrees to sell to the Purchaser the fee simple interest in a portion of the Vendor's lands bearing PID# 55203145 as hereinafter set out upon the following terms and conditions: Vendor: Barsa Ventures Ltd. 1701 Red Head Road Saint John, NB E2P 1K5 Purchaser: THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 15 Market Square Saint John, NB E2L4L1 Attention: Common Clerk Premises: The fee simple interest in a parcel of land identified as being a portion of PID # 55203145, comprising 3,304 square metres +/- as shown on a drawing titled "MILLIDGEVILLE STORMWATER DETENTION POND PRELIMINARY DESIGN" (hereinafter called the "Lands "), a photo - reduced copy of said drawing is attached hereto as Schedule "A ". Purchase Price: $1.00 + HST if applicable Closing Date: On or before October 15, 2013. 1. The Purchaser may examine the title to the Lands at its own expense until closing. If within that time any valid objection to the title to the Lands is made in writing by the Purchaser to the Vendor which the Vendor shall be unable or unwilling to remove within twenty (20) days of notification of such objection or objections and which the Purchaser will not waive, this agreement shall, notwithstanding any intermediate acts or negotiations in respect of such objections, be null and void and any deposit shall be returned by the Vendor without interest and the Vendor shall not be liable for any costs or damages. 2. In the event the title is encumbered by a mortgage, debenture or other like encumbrance, and the determination that any such encumbrance exists is in the sole and absolute discretion of the Purchaser, the Vendor shall obtain from each encumbrancer a Partial Discharge of the mortgage, debenture or other such like encumbrance, in registerable form, provided that the Purchaser shall reimburse the Vendor for all administration (including appraisal) fees required by each encumbrancer to provide the Partial Discharge. 1 Agreement of Purchase and Sale Barsa Ventures Ltd. and The City of Saint John 3. (i) The Purchaser shall prepare at its cost any Plan of Subdivision required to effect the conveyance herein contemplated; and (ii) The Purchaser shall reimburse the Vendor up to $500.00 for legal fees (excluding HST) expended by the Vendor to finalize this conveyance; and (iii) The Purchaser shall pay for all administration (including appraisal) fees required by the mortgagee (if applicable) to partially discharge any applicable mortgage or like encumbrance and for registration and filing fees at SNB. 4. This offer shall be irrevocable by the Vendor until 4:00 p.m. local time on Wednesday, September 11, 2013 and upon acceptance by the Purchaser shall constitute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale binding upon the parties hereto. 5. The Purchaser, by its authorized representatives, with such equipment as may be necessary, have a right of access to, in and upon the parcel of land identified as PID #55203145 at any time provided such right is exercised with as little disturbance as possible to the Vendor and does not unduly interfere with the Vendor's use of the said parcel of land at such time and for such purposes hereinafter set out: (a) the right of access is to allow the Purchaser to construct a detention pond on the Lands; (b) the right of access to, in and upon PID #55203145 shall terminate at 11:59 p.m., local time, on the 151h of October, 2013; (c) any entry by or on behalf of the Purchaser shall be at its risk, cost and expense and the Purchaser shall make good any and all damage caused to PID #55203145 which is outside of the Lands, and (d) the Purchaser, for itself and its authorized representatives, hereby indemnifies and saves harmless the Vendor from and against all matters arising by reason of the exercise by the Purchaser or by its authorized representatives of the rights given by this right of access. 5. Upon the completion of the construction of a Detention Pond by the City of Saint John on the Lands, the Vendor shall have a future stormwater storage credit of 6,000 cubic metres for its development, adjacent to the Lands. 7. The Purchaser covenants that, should it fail to commence construction of the said Detention Pond by December 31, 2015, the Vendor shall have the option to repurchase the lands for the amount of the Purchase Price paid to the Vendor hereunder. 8. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. 2 Agreement of Purchase and Sale Barsa Ventures Ltd. and The City of Saint John �h IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Vendor has caused these presents to be executed this day of k u5l . 2o! 3 per: W�� Barsa Ventures d. AND the Purchaser has caused these presents to be executed this day of za THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Mayor Common Clerk Common Council Resolution: 3 {' f a• FROM: Harbour Skating Club 830 Cherry Tree Lane Saint John, NB E2M 3G5 TO: Mayor Mel Norton & Saint John Common Council City of Saint John 15 Market Square, PO Box 1971 Saint John, NB E21-41-1 DATE: August 26, 2013 In the fall of 2012, Harbour Skating Club sought a $100 sponsorship from the City of Saint John for the Club's adult recreational skating. The request involved a sharing of the cost for one night of Harbour Skating Club's ice time among the flour Greater Saint John area municipalities. Council referred this request to the Regional Mayor's Caucus. No acknowledgement or response was ever received from that group. In reviewing Council Minutes, perhaps there was some misunderstanding as to the intent of the request. Harbour Skating Club was not seeking "free ice time °, but inviting the four municipal councils of the Greater Saint John Area to share in assisting with the cost of just one night of ice time. For the 2013 -2014 season, Harbour Skating Club would again like to propose the four municipal councils of Greater Saint John partner as "ice time sponsors" for ONE NIGHT of skating. The cost of ice time is close to $250 per night. This one night sponsorhip would entail $100 from the City of Saint John and $50 from each of the Towns of Grand Bay - Westfield, Quispamsis and Rothesay. These contributions mirror the distribution of skaters by area as discovered in a survey of our skaters on a "typical skating night" [See attached]. As you can judge from the pictures, we enjoy our skating nights and leave Harbour Station as fitter and happier people. We strongly urge that Common Council again gives this proposal serious consideration. It provides 1 the four Municipal Councils an opportunity to show support for a fitness activity timed for working age adults and at a minimal cost. It provides Harbour Skating Club with a public show of support for its skating program and assistance with the costs involved. 3 Regards, Alison Hannah, Treasurer Margare Mabey, Secretary Harbour Skating Club hannahalison @rogers.com / Attachment Harbour Skating Club mmabey39 @gmail.com 1haPtcq d'L44 Nancy Fr ser, promotions Harbour Skating Club cnfraser@nbnet.nb.ca Harbour Skating: Serious Fitness, Serious Fun Harbour Skating Club offers: • EVENING skating sessions —the only evening skating sessions available for working age adults in the Greater Saint John area. • An aerobic, low- impact physical activity in line with the goals of the NB Wellness Movement and the provincial department of Healthy and Inclusive Communities. • A central and comfortable environment at Harbour Station where Greater Saint John adult skaters can enjoy a night out solo or with friends and family. Harbour Station Skating Survey of Skaters January 2012 A survey of skaters on a typical skating night, January 23, 2012 Skater Communities 30% 26 c 25% 20% 15% 15% 15% 10% 5% 0% Saint .b,)hn Saint John Saint John East Central `.lest Contribution Split On a skating night, just over one -half of skaters are typically residents of the City of Saint John, with one -third of the balance from Grand Bay - Westfield and two - thirds of the balance from Rothesay and Quispamsis. Contributions toward one night of ice time that are being I3� 3% sought from the four Greater Saint John area communities Other No mirror this split (i.e., $100 from answer Saint John and $50 from each of Grand Bay - Westfield, Rothesay, and Quispamsis). Nate: Small sample size provides a descriptive "snapshot" of skaters an a typical skating night. The Multicultural Association of Saint John Inc. n t Our Mandate Our Purpose MASJ Inc. was provincially - incorporated on November 8, 1984 as a Charitable, non - profit, non - partisan, non - denominational multicultural association mandated to actively promote all aspects of New Brunswick's Policy on Multiculturalism (Sussex to St. Stephen inclusive of the Village of St. Martins and the Town of Grand Bay Westfield. Our purpose is to work for equal treatment for all citizens of all cultures. We represent a commitment to equality in matters of human rights, in matters of cultural expression and in access to and participation in New Brunswick society. 2013/2014 Board of Directors President: Keith Alexander PEng., Sr. Mechanical Crandall Engineering Vice President: John Noddin BEd., retired teacher, former President. Treasurer (interim): Douglas A.G. Boyer Secretary: Douglas A.G. Boyer PEng. Engineer, Instructor NBCC -SJ Director: Shanna Wicks LLB., lawyer Lutz & Longstaff Director: Dr. Keng Pee Ang PHD., VP Fish Nutrition Cooke Aquaculture Multicultural Outreach Event Development and Facilitation Services E a ftft.- r, 20133 t* *A&, I - tom. 1 2510512013 MASJ Inc. Multicultural Program Highlights Multicultural Enhanced Settlement and Orientation Program ✓ Newcomer Site Visit Consultations, Enhanced Settlement and Orientation Services Formal and Informal English Language Programming. ✓Cultures Outreach Program is a capacity - building and arts development programming and support services to help cultural Communities, groups and heritage performers to become better able to more fully participate in existing free public celebrations (Asian Heritage Month (AHM) Celebrations, Battle of the Arts NB, Chinese New Year Celebrations, Restoration of Partridge Island, arts development, building communities and inter - action projects). Multicultural Corporate Sponsorship Fundraising Program — a mechanism for our Industry/ Business sector to better support the costs associated with the on -going development of Multicultural events, projects, programs and initiatives (Multicultural Regional Awards and Recognition Program) Multicultural Event Development, Outreach Support, Consultation and Event Facilitation Services (all sectors) ,/National Aboriginal Day Celebration June 21 st (annually) ,/Canadian Multiculturalism Day Celebration June 27th (annually) ,/Multicultural Festival of Colours, is a signature multicultural festival and free public celebration ✓held annually within the region presented by MASJ Inc. Establish Multicultural Centre that includes an Office for the Multicultural Association of Saint John Inc. within a municipally -owned vacant facility (Old Jewish Synagogue) that provides MASJ Inc. with free access -to and use -of the facility and space needed for the Association to continue with the full development and implementation of the MASJ Multicultural Program. A welcoming Multicultural Centre that will demonstrate our city and region's collective commitment to equality in matters of human rights, in matters of cultural expression and in access to and participation in civic society, that everyone can be very proud of. Multicultural Curriculum Development Project Phase I, II and III K -5, 6 -8, 9 -12 inclusive of both official Languages. This is a three (3) to five (5) year capacity and community building project that includes the development of a series of Multicultural Presentations and an Evening of the Arts an event intended to provide active support for the on -going development of a Multicultural Curriculum Development Project inclusive of both official languages. Once an Office and space is secured, seek and negotiate funding and support for the full development of the Multicultural Program with a Multicultural Centre (Old Jewish Synagogue on Carleton Street) or other suitable and appropriate municipally -owned facility and space in Uptown Saint John. Multicultural Event Facilitation / Presentation Services Canadian Multiculturalism Day Celebration 2009/2010/2011. Battle of the Arts New Brunswick 2010. AAMVA International Conference 2010. Celebrate Canada Events Funded by Canadian Heritage's Celebrate Canada Funding Program. National Aboriginal Day Gathering of Peace and Friendship 2012 National Aboriginal Day Celebration 2013. Canadian Multiculturalism Day Celebration of P.E.A.C.E. 2012 Canadian. Multiculturalism Day Film Series Presentation 2013. I ii l!-m r Ik I 2012 — 2013 Celebrate Canada's National Aboriginal Day and Canadian Multiculturalism Day Celebrations were made possible by funding support from Canadian Heritage's Celebrate Canada Funding Program Our Partners and Collaborators (past and present) New Brunswick Chinese United (NBCU) Event Sponsors New Brunswick Museum Morris Music New Brunswick Aboriginal People's Council (B.A. Lavalee) Asian Heritage Society of New Brunswick Asian Heritage Society of New Brunswick Saint John Chapter Battle of the Arts New Brunswick Filipino Association of New Brunswick Filipino Association of New Brunswick Saint John Chapter Filipino CommUNITY of New Brunswick Police Officer's Memorial Fund Saint John Exhibition for the City and County of Saint John Backstreet Records The Hardman Group Fundy Engineering & Consulting Ltd. The Voice Factory AE McKay Builders New Brunswick Aboriginal People's Council #10 Saint John Chinese Cultural Association of Saint John Inc. (CCASJ) KV Early Learning Centre A.A.M.V.A. International Conference KV Public Library The ONE Change Inc. UNB -SJ International Student Centre UNB -SJ Spanish Student's Society UNB -SJ Multicultural Society Imperial Theatre St. Andrew's St. David's Saint John Volunteer Centre Prude Inc. NB Department of Safety, Supply and Services City of Saint John — Emergency Preparedness Saint John Trade & Convention Centre Atlantic Superstore King Mazda The Mediterranean Restaurant Rogers- Hughes Communications Avant -Garde Historica Developments Ltd. M.A.S.J. Sponsors Saint John Exhibition for the City and County of Saint John (SJEX) Canadian Union of Public Employees, NB Division Crandall Engineering Ltd. NBCC Saint John Campus Subway (McAllister) Everyone is welcome to participate! aaTICULTu 4- ;. It Multiculturalism is for everyone. We need a home and our city and region needs a Multicultural Centre ... that includes free use -of and access -to: a performance stage a presentation space a rehearsal space a project development space an Office for the M.A.S.J. Inc. Washroom, Kitchen and Staffing Facilities go W_ The MASJ Inc. Board of Directors encourages the Honorable Mayor and his Council to demonstrate your commitment and active support for New Brunswick Human Rights by helping us to be able to continue to develop and deliver these much - needed Multicultural Programs and Services more effectively and efficiently than at present and in some cases, do not exist at all to those who need them most — everyone. MULTICULTURAL ASSOCIATION OF SAINT JOHN INC. MULTICULTURAL PROGRAM developed and written by Melana J. Iverson for the Multicultural Association of Saint John Inc. History The Multicultural Association of Saint John Inc. (M.A.S.J.) was founded in 1980 and provincially - incorporated as a Charitable, non - profit, non - partisan, non - denominational multicultural association on November 8, 1984 by William D. Richards, John M. McNair, and Natalie R. Granger. Past activities have included: May 18th Observances (City of Saint John), and participation in Canada Day, Flag Day, Heritage Day, Remembrance Day and New Brunswick Day Civic Observances. The Multicultural Association of Saint John Inc. was instrumental in 1967 in securing the (now National Historic Site) of the Fort Howe Blockhouse and title to the City of Saint John. Through the M.A.S.J. initiated a Special Committee, aboriginal elder Norman Tuplin — Volunteer Blockhouse Coordinator for this Heritage Site has greeted thousands of tourists annually from 1996 to 2010 and continues to be a site at risk that could be better protected, maintained and celebrated. MASJ Inc. has present both a Celebrate Canada National Aboriginal Day Celebration and a Celebrate Canada Canadian Multiculturalism Day Celebration 2012/2013 and further has presented a signature multicultural event and free public celebration establishing the Multicultural Festival of Colours as an annual regional signature multicultural event and exhibition for our region. Representatives have communicated with Saint John City Council members and staff, concerning Multicultural, Immigration & Settlement matters and initiated a New Year's Day Levee Observance which is held annually each year. Representatives have participated in an Adult Literacy Launch, an initiative of the Saint John Free Public Library, Heritage events, Iranian New Year celebration. Members and volunteers on behalf of M.A.S.J. actively partner with various ethnocultural and community partners in bringing public cultural celebrations to the Saint John area, such as Asian Heritage Month celebrations throughout the region, such as Asian Heritage Gala, where volunteers worked behind the scenes (backstage technical coordination and stage management services) ensuring a successful event, including a members performance at the event and live on CBC radio, in promotion of the event. The Association has partnered with many stakeholders throughout the community including: New Brunswick Museum, Hardman Group, New Brunswick Filipino Association, Asian Heritage Society of New Brunswick (A.H.S.N.B.), A.H.S.N.B. — Saint John Chapter, Chinese Cultural Association of Saint John, the Indo- Canadian Association, Saint John Trade & Convention Centre, Hardman Group, Korean Association of New Brunswick. Cultural Affairs Office for the City of Saint John. A volunteer representative of the Association wrote and developed a `Cultural Awards' Program for the A.H.S.N.B., which provided the new cultural group, with a tool that will enable the recognition of the achievements and contributions of their members in the decades and years ahead as the new cultural group in Saint John grows. M.A.S.J. continues to serve and encourage other cultural associations to be more active seeks to share all of its multicultural resources on an on -going basis with the goal of strengthening the Saint John regions cultural infrastructure, through the creation and facilitation of a variety of cultural events, initiatives and projects. M.A.S.J. distributes refers clients to various organizations such as: Saint John Free Public Library, Saint John Tourism Department, Provincial Government Department of Education Training and Labour, Human 33 Development Council, City of Saint John Emergency Preparedness Department, various other interested immigration and settlement service providers and stakeholders (all sectors). M.A.S.J. continues to promote multiculturalism in accordance with New Brunswick's Policy on Multiculturalism in matters of policy development with its primary representative actively participating in National Sport Policy Consultations in 2011 and Atlantic Human Rights Conference in 2012, RCMP Radicalization Information Session in 2013 and presentation of the 2013 Multicultural Festival of Colours made possible through funding and support from all levels of government and numerous partners and sponsors. Multiculturalism and has participated as an advisor to staff, municipal leaders, municipal think tank and community leaders, where they are in keeping with the philosophy of multiculturalism, its philosophy, and principles with an on -going effort to encourage the capacity building efforts required to further implement M.A.S.J.'s Multicultural Programming. M.A.S.J. is a charitable, non - profit, non - denominational, non - partisan association. Location and Facilities The Multicultural Association of Saint John has temporarily month to month office located at 89 Canterbury Street, Suite 305 until the end of September 2013. Located in the heart of the Historic Uptown Saint John's Trinity Preservation District this office serves as the 2013 Multicultural Festival of Colours Headquarters throughout the duration of the project. Current office hours are by appointment only by contacting the Festival Project Coordinator Melana Iverson (MASJ Executive Director) at (506) 849 -8778 or via electronic mail at dabagrogers.com The Multicultural Association of Saint John Inc. requires a permanent office , meeting place, training, rehearsal and performance space that will facilitate the activities and events of a Multicultural Centre and space dedicated to the on -going development and delivery of multicultural programming that is responsive to the needs of the community /region in fostering full and active participation in civic life. (Volunteer, presentation, speaker, demonstration, exhibition etc.). Objectives The Association's principal goals are to encourage and promote the concepts of multiculturalism, foster harmonious relationships, communication and understanding among all cultural groups and individuals within all of our communities in an effort to advance ethno - cultural education and awareness and assist our communities and newcomers to become established and therefore strengthen our regions infrastructure and increase retention of our newcomers to Saint John and its surrounding communities. The problem in Saint John is not simply about getting funding, but rather the building of partnerships for long term goals. Partnerships are crucial when looking to the future. Whether an artist or a newcomer in Saint John, the solution must be a continuous focus on developing partnerships with education, government, business and corporate leaders who will assist our association in creating cultural opportunities that will focus on our common multicultural goals and objectives to ultimately, increase Saint John and its surrounding communities cultural capacity by building upon cultural assets that already exist in our communities. It is the intention of our association to actively seek sponsorship support through its sponsorship program and use the funds raised to cater to larger sections of the community with resources, and services that will market 34 the association to acquire more funds and the reallocation of these funds in a systematic manner that supports its Mission: Promote and encourage cultural diversity, its exchange and understanding in Saint John and the surrounding communities. Encourage ethnic groups to develop and preserve their individual cultures and communities. Develop capacity building initiatives that will allow the Association to coordinate and facilitate communication between individuals, groups, industry, businesses and government with respect to ethno- cultural groups and their heritage for Saint John and region. Develop and provide resources and opportunities for organizations and individuals that wish to present promote or protect their diverse cultural assets within their communities. Assist newcomers in easing the transition to a life in Saint John New Brunswick and its surrounding communities. Key Services / Programs / Initiatives M.A.S.J. on an on -going basis focuses on initiatives that build upon our current cultural assets, including our current citizens and newcomers, at a grass roots level, in an effort to ease the transition that a newcomer must overcome when facing a new life in a strange city, province, or country. This will create effective opportunities to reach out to the existing community and future newcomers, participants and members. The following are the services, programs and initiatives that the association will strive to implement over the next three years but are not limited to: Office / Location establishment of a permanent and accessible location for the Multicultural Association of Saint John Inc. Multicultural Centre dedicated to working for equal treatment in matters of human rights. In matters of cultural expression and in active seeking to ensure equal access -to and participation in society for everyone. This will provide a permanent, visible and Welcome Centre and home for the Association and a space for other cultural groups /association, newcome4rs and other persons or groups who share common goals and objectives. It will provide a multicultural multimedia Resource Centre for stakeholders all sectors (business, health, education, community and all public institutions and organizations) our citizens, newcomers and potential newcomers, and the encouragement of anyone interested in actively participating within the community in civic life, in various positions and capacities. Regularly held Information Sessions, Cultural Community Groups, Committee Meetings, as held as needed and are intended for the use of the various stakeholders or as required, throughout the year. Annual General Meeting held each October in addition to the required four additional virtual Board of Director's Meetings (May, September, March and February). Volunteer, speaker, performance, mentorship, traditional arts demonstrations, vendor, exhibitor Opportunities for our residents, citizens, newcomers and all interested parties throughout the region to actively participate at signature multicultural events, research and special projects, initiatives and programming. M.A.S.J. in partnership and coordination with the Saint John Volunteer Centre and other interested participants. We will hold training sessions and seminars as they relate to Volunteering. MASJ Multicultural Educational Committee 35 to contribute to the development of a Multicultural Curriculum Development Project Kindergarten to Grade Twelve, inclusive of both Official Languages Phase I, II and II. Development of an Official Multicultural Association of Saint John (M.A.S.J.) Website for the Association that will provide an Interactive Website for the promotion of our Association. This will also act as a valuable tool for newcomers to Saint John and the community at large, by providing global access to essential information that newcomers may access prior to arriving in Canada. Further, the development of an Immigration and Multicultural Centre developed in cooperation with all stakeholders who will provide content for each of their organizations, products and services. (For example: Atlanta Centre for the Arts ESLeducation.ca Program and CIC language- training, private tutoring etc.). Explore opportunities for the development of a Multicultural Can Con Cafe to assist in generating an alternate revenue stream to assist with off - setting the costs association with the on -going development, delivery, and presentation of multicultural projects, programs and events and the diverse range of activities of a Multicultural Centre. Multicultural Community Connections and Referral Service bring community together to present multicultural programming (all aspects) within a performance venue and further to better represent the various cultural communities and cultural or artistic opportunities or our region and provide valuable artistic and cultural network which a creative of performing artist may wish to access in promoting one's own artistic endeavours or in establish one's self in the artistic community. The development of this Interactive Website and Computer Access Centre would be most beneficial to the success and relevance of those seeking information about Saint John and its surrounding communities for online information and communication for Saint John, the Province of New Brunswick, Canada and the world. This website would provide an accessible, user - friendly, bilingual and multicultural representation of Saint John and its surrounding communities to the rest of the world and assist in presenting Saint John as a welcoming, friendly and immigrant- friendly community and region. Multicultural Toolkit Amalgamate all resources into a comprehensive Multicultural Library and Resource Centre providing Inter - Cultural Sensitivity, Communication Patterns and Assumptions, Cultural Myths, Cultural Challenges, Cross - Cultural Communications and Values literature, information and resources. This Multicultural Toolkit will assist in providing an educational source for Saint John and the region, as to the vast and often dramatic differences and gaps that exist as a result fo the lack of cross cultural awareness and competence between our current population and newcomers from around the world who choose to come to the Saint John region whether on a temporary basis or to settle permanently. This is a pro- active and practical program that would provide a one stop resource to promote cross - cultural, multicultural and cultural competence and understanding of cultural diversity and its strengths to all levels of society both to our youth, through to our community, educational and business leaders with respect to the many newcomers already in Saint John and the region and those who will arrive in the future. North End / South End / East Side / West Side - Annual Community Potluck ideally held annually each year. This event is a free community event open to all backgrounds, ages and circumstances. This event is promoted as both a welcoming and inclusive event to promote membership in the Association and all who attend are encouraged to bring a dish to share that reflects their ancestral heritage. A grass roots event providing an excellent opportunity to share local culture, traditions and meet / greet newcomers highlight the diversity of 36 each area of the Saint John through the sharing of culinary traditions, dress and music in each area of the City in a much more intimate and accessible way. This event supports M.A.S.J.'s mission and vision by forging alliances and relationships with the local grass roots multicultural community. Outreach Initiatives and Events Initiatives and events that foster and promote cultural diversity and promote the importance of nurturing and protecting all of our cultural and ethnic assets and increase the associations presence and visibility within Saint John and the surrounding communities. Cultures Program, intended to provide support to various new and emerging cultural community groups and individuals to become better able to more fully participate as Heritage Performers/Heritage Performance Groups in public celebrations of diversity, equality, human rights and the preservation of their own cultural heritages. The Cultures Program is an accessible tool for the artistic development of our city and region, with a specific focus on regional programming, projects and initiatives that engage and promote our current ethno- cultural and cross - cultural assets and further strengthen the cultural infrastructure of Saint John and the broader region, as mandated. Loyalist Statue — Commission a local artisan to create a Pewter Statue of Loyalist Man and provide the Saint John Harbourfront with a permanent symbol and tribute to the historical significance of our City and its Loyalist history in addition to paying homage in a public and permanent way to its continuing importance to Saint John and tourism and visitors to the port and City of Saint John each year. `COLOURS' a `Building Communities Project - The Association will acquire and maintain an inventory of multicultural regalia/costumes `tickle trunk' that represents the cultural diverse peoples of the City and region (currently and historically) to assist our various cultural groups and heritage performers to become better able to more fully participate and provide much - needed traditional regalia to be worn and used during historical and multicultural festival, initiatives, events and throughout the region at free public celebrations that celebrate our culturally diverse (Aboriginal, First Nations, English, Irish, Acadian, French, Scottish, Dutch, Norwegian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Iranian, Afhani, Pakinstani, Jewish, Lebanese, Italian etc.) region, annually each year. (For example: Celebrate Canada Events, Multicultural Festivals and various traditions New Years Celebrations). Seminar Series and Tea An annual series of multicultural presentations targeting stakeholders, all sectors (business, health, education and all public institutions with a accessible opportunity to develop and increase awareness and understanding of the challenges in ensuring a welcoming and inclusive workplace environment. For example: Cultural Differences — Crossing Cultural Lines, a presentation by Dr. Keng Pee Ang of Cooke Aquaculture Inc. This 1/2 hour seminar and Tea will feature an Audio Visual presentation of Dr. Keng's global travelling experience and a talk of cultural differences around the world. Length: Seminar' /2 hour Network %2 hour. HR and Multiculturalism A professional development seminar series aimed at all sectors (business, health and education) increasing awareness and a broader level of cultural competence and understanding of the importance of a diverse, welcoming and inclusive workplace and the strength that this can contribute to the strength of a city, a region. Presenter TBA 37 Multiculturalism in Film a film series presentation for all sectors to actively promote the importance of multicultural programming within our increasing culturally diverse client base, patients and classroom and demonstrate the strength that this type of programming can contribute to the strength of a community, our city and the region. Multiculturalism is for everyone. Multicultural Association of Saint John Inc. is a Charitable, non - profit, non- denominational multicultural association that provides its supporting members with a opportunity to gain hands - on experience in the world of a non -profit and strives to provide a positive environment where everyone can feel free to fully participate. Events and Initiatives where appropriate focus on enhancing team building, networking and cooperative skills. A focus on Team Building The promotion of and to actively seek to form and strengthen Partnerships, Networking and the coordination of efforts with other cultural and community organizations, associations, advisory groups, event planning committees, business and corporate leaders to achieve common goals as they relate to multiculturalism and the promotion of our city and region's diverse cultural assets and further initiatives that promote multicultural programming and development that further seeks to betters support existing human rights legislation and policy development at a grass roots community level and full and active participation in civic life. A continuous focus will be placed on strengthening partnerships with mainstream and grass roots community organizations, proves sector and government organizations to develop linkages with existing settlement service providers, municipal resource centres, the regions newcomers, not -so -new newcomers, Saint John Board of Trade, various Community, Cultural and Arts Organizations (Sussex to St. Stephen inclusive of the Village of St. Martins and the Town of Grand Bay Wesfield) Police Forces, RCMP, Socan, MNB, NBAB, SJAC, NBCU, Social Development, UNB -SJ International Student Centre, youth and recreation centres, .), in addition to establishing regional multicultural events that seek to help stakeholders (all sectors) become better able to more fully support and participate in them. We will monitor our Associations progress and celebrate its success regularly. The Association will evaluate the monitor the success of each initiative and event through participant feedback and input from the community and partners through consultation, surveys, feed- back forms and various other methods to facilitate a continual improvement of our Associations services and community needs. M.A.S.J. will also support or be a catalyst for a cross community group survey — (Year One) This survey will provide newsworthy and good statistical data before and after of our Associations impact on the community and the creation of programs that provide cross - cultural awareness and understanding. Multicultural Curriculum Development Phase One [Kindergarten to Grade Five (5)] (Year Two) The implementation and delivery of multicultural programming from Kindergarten to Grade 5 inclusive of both official languages and seeking your support in making multiculturalism come alive in each of our classrooms. Delivery of this curriculum would include the development of classroom lesson plans, incorporate school -wide activities that support cross - curricular outcomes expanding from social studies, science, literary, music, art, guidance and personal development as well as provide enriching extracurricular activities. 0. This specific programming would further allow us to reach students in the shape of an annual signature Multicultural Festival, extending to the greater community as well as the development of possible other partnerships with community schools. It would be crucial, and a welcome addition to new and existing students and their families to have a direct link to a cultural association and furthermore, have an extremely positive impact on our delivery of Canadian Heritage programs already celebrating such as the Day to eliminate racial discrimination. Further, this type of programming would enhance our cultural awareness, and most importantly address the inclusion of all students. A further celebration could be in the form of an Evening of the Arts, showcasing our unique talents and fits and symbolically represent our diversity as a community. Our dream for multicultural programming extends far beyond our classrooms and is of a global nature. We imagine the ability to purchase necessary technologies that would allow us to bring multiculturalism alive in our classrooms on a national and international level through the venue of a web -cam connections and smart board technology around the globe. This would provide an invaluable skill set for students to experience and communicate, collaborate and interact, and most importantly would serve as a defining teachable moment to explore and identify who we are as individuals, as a nation and as a country. The ability for students to directly link to a much larger multicultural experience, to share our fits, and uniqueness, around the world would most definitely serve as a means to bridge the gap to establish commonalities and differences that bond each of us as a world community. The possibilities of this project could re- define the instructional opportunities to teach and develop fundamental virtues such as acceptance and understanding, responsibility and peace, problem solving and solidify dreams." Source: Excerpts from request for funding to pilot this project in partnership with the Multicultural Association of Saint John Inc., educational leaders within the broader Saint John Region and all levels of government. Multicultural Curriculum Development for Grade Six (6 ) to Grade Eight (Year Three) Multicultural Curriculum Development for Grade Nine (9) to Grade Twelve (12) (Year Four) Multicultural Week (Evening of Diversity in the Arts) held Year Five its an event held in partnership with educational leaders (Milidgeville North School etc.) across the region and in- schools. All levels participate in a one (1) week long series of cultural events and film presentations in schools and provide cross - cultural understanding and further the sharing of cultural traditions throughout our diverse and multicultural community. Educational leaders will lead in the development of reciprocal programming that crosses educational levels that will further reinforce the importance of multiculturalism and its strengths in addition to encourage and facilitate increased participation for youth. For example: Multicultural Curriculum Programs are intended to actively share this knowledge and series of cultural celebrations at all levels of the educational community. Multicultural Poster Contest is a youth- engagement contest in- schools supported by the MASJ Corporate Sponsorship and Fund Raising Program and in order to increase awareness, and understanding about the challenges and barriers faced by newcomers when they arrive and settle in a new country. Evening of the Arts is a fundraising event to assist schools in off - setting the costs association with the development of multicultural programming and provides. 39 Multicultural Regional Awards and Recognition Program is a regional awards and recognition program sponsored by the Multicultural Regional Sponsorship and Fundraising Program intended to acknowledge our region's public institutions, businesses, corporations, individuals and or groups who have been leaders in fostering of cultural diversity and multiculturalism through the promotion, protection and celebration of it within their respective fields and areas of specialty. This event could be presented within a number of locations throughout the region (Diamond Jubilee, Saint John Trade & Convention Centre etc.) and further used as a fund raiser in support of Multicultural Education and Curriculum Development youth engagement and education activities developed for Multicultural Week and in order to enhance existing multicultural programming and events held annually throughout the broader region. Multicultural Awareness — Multicultural Regional Report Card March 21 Film Series presentation on the history our black citizens and their contributions to issues related to racism and race related issues in Canada from both a current and historic perspective. Canadian Multiculturalism Film Series presentations, focussed on racism, multiculturalism and race related issues. The association will present a series of films that will promote and bring awareness to the historical current and future challenges in blatant and the subtle examples of racism both past and present) and what can be done to eliminate and combat the existence of racism through education and awareness of it and or films that focus on the increasing global community bringing education and awareness to the multicultural issues of the day. Annual Multicultural Fair /Bizarre — hosted by the M.A.S.J. in partnership with local business organizations, community stakeholders and various levels of government, this is an event that will remind everyone about the contributions of various groups to the city's multicultural and reflect a portrait of our city, our people, our province and our country. Partnership Program for community and cultural Events offered by the Province, Port Authority, West Side Business Association and various other community stakeholders. Establish a signature Multicultural Event and Exhibition. A free public celebration for all ages. It is an annual opportunity for stakeholders (all sectors) to demonstrate their commitment to multiculturalism and to active support and celebrate diversity in the arts, community and all of our existing public institutions annually each year. Funding opportunities are explored on an on -going basis such as Heritage Canada, Multiculturalism Branch PGS, Wellness, Sport & Culture, Factor, Videofact, Building Communities Arts and Heritage Inter - Action offered by Citizenship & Immigration Canada and other accessible funding and grants programs such as the Province of New Brunswick's Arts Festival Funding Program. Actively seek to establish Chapter Committees and Chapters in accordance with the By Laws of the Association and as needed. Peace and Friendship Committee formed in 2012 is an aboriginal -led committee created to provide our aboriginal and First Nations (off - reserve) with a meaningful opportunities to contribute to the development of our events /activities aboriginal content. This is an aboriginal -led initiative facilitated by M.A.S.J. through an Aboriginal Chapter created in accordance with the Association's By Laws and in keeping with the goals and objectives of the Association. The event will encourage and facilitate aboriginal participation at all levels of the community in the development of a number of capacity - building workshops intended to engage aboriginal youth (off reserve) to it actively participate in a variety of workshops relating to the diverse range of aboriginal and First Nations history and culture here and across Canada from both a current and historic perspective. Further to continue to actively encourage the establishment of a Peace and Friendship Centre for Saint John and the region and an annual Aboriginal Pow Wow to commemorate the signing of the Peach and Friendship Treaty on September 24, 1777, signed at Fort Howe. The Gathering of Peace and Friendship will bring together the region's aboriginal and First Nations (off - reserve) to come together to participate in a series of capacity - building and youth- engagement workshops that will help them to become better able to more fully participate in public celebrations that exist to celebrate them. For Example the Multicultural Festival of Colours. Present annually a National Aboriginal Day Celebration with support from Canadian Heritage's Celebrate Canada Funding Program held on June 21St each year will celebrate Summer Solstice with an event that is held at the Immigration and Multicultural Centre and will feature aboriginal films, storytelling to the general community. This will provide increased public awareness and attention to aboriginal issues and cultural heritage that will encourage active participation by the off - reserve aboriginal community and the celebrations of their ancestral roots. Multicultural Professional Development Workshop Presentations - M.A.S.J. hosts a professional development exercise intended to dramatically improve the cultural competence, sensitivity and awareness to the educational, businesses, health and civil service sectors of the community through the provision of a two day series of workshops intended to achieve an inclusive and welcoming health education and business community. Volunteer Tele- Translator Recruitment Programming /Service Host and/or Facilitate the delivery of English Second Language Programming for newcomers. English Language Programming — Informal Conversation Clubs, ESL in house services through creative writing and language arts and various other projects that are in keeping with the goals and objectives of multiculturalism and the improvement of language acquisition for our newcomers and those interested in improving their language skills. Citizenship and Immigration Canada's Settlement Services funding program is a possible funding source in addition to the Province of New Brunswick Department of Education, Training and Labour. Settlement Services are intended to ensure that everyone (including newcomers) are encouraged to actively participate in all aspects of New Brunswick society and, in order to create a sense of community for all newcomers to their respective communities in addition to the community in general. Further, to encourage on an on -going opportunities to practise their language skills and celebrate their cultural traditions and participate in the community through attendance and participation in Multicultural events, exhibitions and free public celebration that directly support the MASJ Inc.'s mandate and purpose. Historic Fort Howe and Blockhouse — a Historical Re- Enactment and Youth - Engagement Project intended to better celebrate and increase awareness of Fort Howe, Fort Howe Blockhouse and the area around Fort La Tour, the Harbour and Indiantown. Historical re- enactments providing the broader public with an look in the past and the daily lives of our region's First People (Metis, Micmaq, Maliseet, Passamaqouddy), and long and extensive history of newcomers to our city and region (Acadian, Irish, Scottish, French, Dutch Planters, Loyalists etc) through the presentation of historical re- enactments sharing the rich and extensive history and times of the area and our region's first National Park. Historical Re- enactment opportunities will provide an opportunity to generate much - needed funds to help off- set the costs associated with the full development and implementation of a series of Historical Re- Enactments G'Itl for presentation throughout the year to those who visit the Fort Howe Site. This project would extend beyond Fort La Tour and provide an opportunity for further Historical Re- Enactments to include: Parrtown and Old Indian Town. Funds generated would then be used to help off -set the costs associated with the development, implementation and delivery of this project and further help to maintain and protect the Fort Howe site and area on an on -going basis that we can all be very proud of. Climate According to the Canadian Psychology Association, more than 75% of Canadians live in neighbourhoods with persons of different ethnic and national origins and count them as friends. Nearly two thirds of all Canadians work with people from different ethno - cultural backgrounds and feel our ethnic diversity enables Canada to tackle national and international problems more effectively than would be the case in a more homogeneous society. A substantial majority of Canadians view the Federal policy on multiculturalism positively and believe that its positive impact includes enhancing cultural life in Canada, fostering equality of opportunity, and strengthening a feeling of belongingness to Canada. Ninety -five percent of Canadians are simultaneously proud of being Canadian as well as proud of their ethnic ancestry. According to Statistics Canada the Greater Saint John Region's Chinese population alone will quadruple by 2031. The Multicultural Association of Saint John Inc. will strive to provide Saint John and its surrounding communities, in the least, with resources, generating volunteer opportunities for active participation within all levels of the Saint John and surrounding communities, and marketing the association to acquire further financial benefactors for the reallocation of these funds in a systematic and responsible manner. The association will remain focused on multiculturalism and pursuing partnerships at all levels of the community that will maximize its efficiency in attaining its goals and objectives, where at present, none exists. It is anticipated that the association will seek to explore all opportunities to partner with various public institutions, associations and organizations in achieving their goals and objectives, where these goals and in keeping with the mandate of the Multicultural Association of Saint John Inc. Multiculturalism is guided by the principles of equality, appreciation, preservation of cultural heritages, and participation. It is the intention of the Multicultural Association of Saint John Inc. to be guided by the same principles. These goals are a long term investment in community. Strengthening the Saint John region's current cultural assets and the retention of our artists, newcomers and are also key concerns among the immigrant community and community at large. Successful orientation and settlement, requires new thinking and new partnerships with a focus on educating the local community about the diverse cultures that may be introduced. Public schools are a crucial tool in reaching the community and one that Saint John has not yet been fully engaged. Without a strong welcoming community and a significant increase in Saint John's cultural capacity, without it the retention of newcomers is impossible. Retention however, can be achieved. A globally diverse stage and a healthy positive growth depends on a multicultural community that operates in a positive and welcoming manner. If the goals and objectives of multiculturalism are to be embraced and enhanced actively throughout all levels of the community in an on -going and sustain manner, the on -going efforts and revitalization of the Multicultural Association of Saint John Inc. and its multicultural programming will provide an inclusive, practical, effective and cost- efficient tool by which to achieve these multicultural goals and objectives that is accessible and inclusive of all ages, backgrounds and circumstances. 42 Overview According to our last community event there are over 41 different ethnically represented residents in Saint John. Our current cultural and religious communities, the general public, newcomers and potential newcomers, the various community corporate and business leaders to the local, regional, provincial and federal government agencies, associations and organizations are the target market. In particular those with a mandate or the desire to promote foster and protect their individual / collective cultural assets. Cities such as Saint John, are currently facing fierce competition for the few immigrants who don't go to the major cities in Canada for immigration and for Saint John to become a player, Saint John must cultivate not only what is desirable about these locations but also emphasize its own local strengths. It is increasingly evident that those desirable qualities are an existing immigrant population and thriving ethnic community, an educated local community and, a diverse range of cultural offerings. The Multicultural Association of Saint John Inc. on an on -going basis seeks on -going opportunities to develop, implement and delivery multicultural programming, events and services as mandate. The on -going development and implementation of the Multicultural Program will fill a vacancy, that is long overdue and in our view, a necessary component to the enrichment of Saint John. It is imperative that we further developing initiatives and strategies that will be best facilitated when it is confirmed that multiculturalism, diversity and the celebration, protection and education of it, is in the best interests of their citizens, their employees, their school or community and therefore a pro- active, committed team of individuals have stepped forward to address this need. Please support us in our efforts by participating and actively supporting our efforts. Participants There is an increasingly enthusiastic community interested in the Arts, cultural diversity and newcomers to Saint John. All of these organizations, and individuals are working very hard independently to do what they can, but there is currently no on organization or association to unite all stakeholders towards achieving common goals and objectives. The community is torn and rarely involved directly with one another. Saint John is a small community at heart. This strong bond and inter - connectedness coupled with the competition for funding, has led to a lack of unity, even though many of the goals are united. The association will strive to facilitate an unbiased discussion and partnership between all of these groups. In any one profession of field, like immigration or the various disciplines within the Arts, each organization and individual has been working together forever. We will create a strong and unified bond, by offering a strong voice to the province and the community through a strong multicultural organization that will bring these different service providers together and place a significant focus on partnerships and the assets within our community. Province of New Brunswick, Multicultural Association of Saint John Inc. , City of Saint John, Asian Heritage Society of New Brunswick, University of New Brunswick, Saint John Multicultural Society, University of New Brunswick, Saint John Spanish Student Association, University of Moncton, Multicultural Association of Fredericton, Multicultural Association of the Greater Moncton Area, Korean Association of New Brunswick, Chinese Cultural Association of Saint John Inc. ,Citizens of Fort La Tour, African Association of New Brunswick, Filipino Association of New Brunswick, Prude Inc. ,Music New Brunswick, New Brunswick Sound Initiative, Department of Wellness Culture & Sport, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation ,Saint John Free Public Library, New Brunswick Museum, New Brunswick Arts and Craft Council, New Brunswick Scottish Cultural W Association Inc., Saint John Art Club, Dreamcatcher Publishing, School District / Board of Education ,Indo- Canadian Association of New Brunswick, Saint John Volunteer Centre, New Brunswick Multicultural Council, New Brunswick Chinese United, Muslim Association of New Brunswick, University of New Brunswick — Saint John Campus, Arc -f, Samuel de Champlain Centre, Municipal Recreation facilities, N.B. Latino Association / Hola Saint John, Irish Cultural Association, St. George's Society, United Empire Loyalists Association, New Brunswick Genealogy Society, Federal Government of Canada, Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Heritage Canada, Population Growth Secretariat., Various ethno- cultural associations and groups., Cultural dance instructors, schools and troupes., Vocal Ensembles (bands, choirs, trios, songwriters, musicians etc.),Performance Artists, Creative Artists, Writers, poets, actors, film makers, photographers and various other groups or individuals where the purpose and or goals and objectives are in keeping with the goals and objectives of multiculturalism and New Brunswick's Polity on Multiculturalism. r,. Marketing A growing Global and multicultural population combined with the large influx of international students going to school in the Saint John area, the association requires the development and implementation of a capacity building strategy that will create the permanent space and central location, that will allow the multicultural Association of Saint john to accomplish its mandate and promote its objectives and vision for the multicultural community and the Saint John community at large. There is a need to increase public awareness and dialogue regarding cultural diversity which in turn will enhance multiculturalism within not only the community but the province and country as a whole. In a timely manner we will work with local media, television, newspapers, and websites in order to regularly get our messages out to a broad population, in addition to the timely targeting of specific markets that will maximize the benefits to the Association in achieving goals on a project by project basis. We recognize the potential of all newcomers to New Brunswick, and will strive to encourage and assist in the transition and orientation into their community and encourage where possible to take an active part in its social, cultural, economic and political affairs of Saint John, the Province, and Canadian society. Acceptance gives Canadians a feeling of security and self confidence, making them more open to becoming fully active and contributing members of society and thereby improving the retention of newcomers in Saint John and New Brunswick as a whole. Canadian experience has shown that multiculturalism encourages racial and ethnic harmony and cross - cultural understanding. Our Association believes that multiculturalism is fundamental to the belief that all citizens are equal. It ensures that all citizens can keep their identities, can take pride in their ancestry and have a sense of belonging and accepting of diverse cultures. Our Multicultural Mandate is clear: Assist in the development of strategies that facilitate full and active participation of ethnic, religious and cultural communities in Saint John and the surrounding communities. - Increase public awareness, understanding and informed public dialogue about multiculturalism, racism and cultural diversity. - Facilitate collective community initiatives and respond to ethnic, religious and cultural conflict and hate - motivated activities. - Improve the ability of public institutions to respond to ethnic, religious and cultural diversity by assisting in the identification and removal of barriers to equitable access and by supporting the involvement of these communities in public decision making processes. - Encourage and assist in the development of inclusive policies, programs, and practices within federal and provincial departments and agencies so that they may meet their obligations under New Brunswick's Policy of Multiculturalism and the Multicultural Act of Canada. Anticipated Funding Sources (past, present and future) N.B. Partnership in Community Events, New Brunswick Population Growth Secretariat — Multicultural Grants Program, Aboriginal Peoples Secretariat, New Brunswick Department of Post Secondary Education, Training and Labour, Heritage Canada — Festivals Program, Multicultural Program, Various funding Programs, as 45 appropriate to the project. Wellness, Sport and Culture, Individual and corporate Donors, Membership fees and donations, Charitable Donations, various fund raising initiatives, an annual gala fundraiser. BOARD OF DIRECTORS The 2013/2014 Board of Directors are: President: Keith Alexander PEng. Sr. Electrical Engineer Crandall Engineering Ltd. , Auxiliary Quispamsis Policy Officer. Vice President John Noddin Bed. Retired Teacher, former President of MASJ Inc. Secretary: Douglas A.G. Boyer PEng. (Interim Treasurer) Electrical Engineering Instructor NBCC, Saint John Campus Director: Sharma Wicks LLB Lawyer, Lutz & Longstaff Barristers and Solicitors — Hampton NB Director: Dr. Keng -pee Ang PHD VP Fish Nutrition Cooke Aquaculture There are currently seven (7) vacant positions on our Board of Directors. Melana Iverson has had the unanimous support of the Association's Board of Director's sing April 2008 Current Supporting Membership: Twenty (20) Current Virtual Membership/Network: Seven Hundred Ninety Two (792) Active Volunteers: Three Hundred Fifty (350) The association anticipates the need to hire additional staff on a project by project basis in addition to securing basic operational funding and funds to secure continued services of the current volunteer Executive Director to assist in the on -going development of the MASJ Inc.Multicultural Program and its implementation over the next three to five years, as required. On a project by project basis, the association and its partners will seek the support of various levels of government to support the MASJ Inc. Board of Directors to continue to support the Executive Director and primary representative to oversee the day to day activities of the Association and to fully develop the MASJ Multicultural Programs over the next three to five years. Ideally basic operational staffing of at least one (1) full time receptionist and two (2) to seven (7) students seasonally and, on a project by project basis as funding to support them will permit. Partners /Collaborators (past /present): Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Canadian Heritage, Province of New Brunswick, City of Saint John Leisure Services, City of Saint John's Saint John Trade and Convention Centre, Imperial Theatre, Prude Inc., Chinese Cultural Association of Saint John Inc., New Brunswick Chinese United, Asian Heritage Society of New Brunswick, Battle of the Arts New Brunswick, Morris Music Ltd. Crandall Engineering & Consulting Ltd., Fundy Engineering & Consulting Ltd., New Brunswick Chinese United, New Brunswick Aboriginal People's Council Local 10, Dr. Kevin Langford BA., B.Ed. PHd. Director District 6 Honour Choir & Rotary Kings Girls Choir, Bill Farren, Councillor for the City of Saint John, Betty Ann Lavalee — former President and Chief of the New Brunswick Aboriginal People's Council, John Hughes — Hughes Communications, Saint John Energy, Dr. George Kolyvas MBSS, FRCSC 0 Division of Neurosurgery, Saint John Regional Hospital, A.H.S.N.B. -Saint John Chapter, Filipino Association of New Brunswick, Spanish Student association of UNBSJ, New Brunswick Museum, Canadian Union of Public Employees, Department of Social Development, Chipman Hill Suites 9. Sponsors: Superstore, Hardman Group, Morris Music, Saint John Trade & Convention Centre, Subway, Saint John Trade & Convention Centre, Dreamcatcher Publishing, Historica Development Ltd., JC Brown Restorations, Catherine Scissorhands Private Salon The Market The Multicultural Association of Saint John Inc. (M.A.S.J.) will primarily recruit through the efforts of its supporters, sponsors volunteer and current membership base and its Board of Directors, under the direction of the Association's Executive Director in a positive and forward thinking multicultural manner combined with the support of individuals and the support and partnership of key stakeholders, agencies, organizations, associations and individuals who will foster and attract many other dedicated and talented persons to work together in partnership with the Multicultural Association of Saint John Inc. and enable the association to fully revitalize and a need in our communities that is currently not being met. Recruitment is a necessary element, but to be successful it must be coupled with a welcoming community and centre point of contact for the various settlement and referral services, and educated local community. Successful retention, orientation and integration will occur when newcomers perceive a strong sense of community, social acceptance and welcoming, sometimes referred to as `social inclusion', which requires that all individuals be provided with equal means to attain the `good life'. That is, equal access to education, language, employment and meaningful relationships. By creating a strong voice that supports, celebrates, advocates and promotes cultural diversity and its assets to all levels beginning at the community level and then to the Province of New Brunswick and its leaders we will develop a solid association that will increase community capacity for Saint John the Province. The Province will then confidently be able to pursue and encourage increased levels of immigrants and refugees to the city. Various Provincial and Federal Immigration initiatives will then have the community infrastructure in plane and a more established receiving community that will easily be able to increase long term settlement retention to Saint John and its surrounding communities. This is a process that will build upon itself. Building on our current immigrant population and cultural assets combined with a more significant presence to the community, will naturally invite more newcomers to choose Saint John and remain in Saint John. This sense of community cannot be created by an immigration policy alone, Knowing people in the community who speak your mother tongue or know of your home country or city is proving to be crucial to the slow and difficult life change that is immigrating to a new home. The Multicultural Association of Saint John Inc. with the support of its Board, members, volunteers and sponsors, donors, government, business and corporate and community leaders and partners, will increase community interest resulting in a gradual increase in newcomer numbers which will force the Province to include additional monies into the budget. Out of necessity and need therefore perceived as less of a gamble. M.A.S.J. must apply for or have access to the money needed to develop the programs and services aimed specifically at addressing this need and the need for meaningful relationship between individuals at the community level. It is estimated that approximately 1.5 million dollars in funding over the next three to five years is required to fully implement the program. These amounts would be reviewed and adjusted in accordance with the development of the initiatives and activities of the Association as it strives to remain within budget, the development of a Corporate Sponsorship and Fund Raising Program before the end of year three (3) enabling the Association to enjoy a measure of sustainable funding for the continued promotion of Multiculturalism at all M levels of the community and the services that are required in the delivery of those services in order to ensure accessibility to all. The Multicultural Association of Saint John Inc. working together with stakeholders in the greater Saint John Region, and with the many diverse community, business, educational, and organizational leaders to create a welcoming environment to Saint John, so that those who have already settled in our city can feel at ease enough, to increase their contribution to the growth of their own communities and play an event more active role. This will increase our collective capacity to handle newcomers and is vital to that success. If there are more people to benefit from a more efficient system than at present then, Saint John and its surrounding communities will inevitably encourage a higher proportion of newcomers to come to Saint John and remain. The Province, will benefit both financially and socially, Saint John will be further enriched, experience, positive growth and thrive on into the future. a. August 30, 2013 His Worship Mel Norton and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: Subject: Published List of Municipally Funded Entities Background: Recently, a debate regarding the demolition of the Loch Lomond Community Centre gave rise to neighbouring entities that receive municipal funding in close proximity. In order to achieve increased transparency and accountability, all organizations that receive funding from the City of Saint John must be readily available and accessible to those who provide the publicly funded sponsorship. Motion: A published and regularly updated list of all entities that receive funding support and respective amount from the City of Saint John be posted to the corporate website. Respectfully Submitted, (Received via email) Greg Norton Councillor —Ward 1 City of Saint John l� - VU SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 41_1 I www.saintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N. -B. Canada E2L 4L1 M 1 September 4, 2013 His Worship Mel Norton and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors, Subject: Play SJ Update Motion: That Council receive an update /progress report on Play SJ. Respectfully Submitted, (Received via email) Dr. Shelley Rinehart Deputy Mayor City of Saint John SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 41-1 1 www.saintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N. -B. Canada E21- 41-1 50 REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M &C2013 -194 September 3, 2013 His Worship Mayor Mel Norton and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: Dever Road — Sanitary Lift Station "Y" Replacement BACKGROUND The City of Saint John The approved 2013 Utility Fund Capital Program, Infrastructure Renewal .. Sanitary" category includes a project for the renewal of Sewage Lift Station "Y" including design and construction management services. Sewage Lift Station "Y" is located off Dever Road, near the Intersection of Dever Road and Greendale Crescent. The station was built in the mid 1970's and has the electrical and mechanical systems located below ground. The station has reached the end of its serviceable life and is in need of replacement. A complete new lift station including pumps, controls and building will be installed to replace the aging "Y" Station. PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to make a recommendation for the purchase of a "packaged" lift station that will replace the existing Dever Road "Y" Station. M&C2013 -194 September 3, 2013 Page 2 INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES — MATERIALS MANAGEMENT: Materials Management facilitated the RFP process to solicit proposals for Packaged Lift Station Equipment for the Dever Road "Y" Station. As such a Request for Proposal {RFP} closed on Thursday, August 22, 2013 with only one response from Sansom Equipment Limited of Fredericton. A review committee, consisting of staff from Materials Management and Saint John Water reviewed the submission for completeness and compliance with the RFP requirements and selection criteria consisting of the following: I. Quality and Completeness — Has the proposal addressed all of the needs raised? Is the proposal presented in an organized and professional manner? 2. Related Experience — Has the proposal demonstrated a level of expertise with the requirements of this project? 3. Equipment and Performance Specifications — Does the proposed equipment meet the City's specification, warranty and post installation service requirements. 4. Cost — Cost will be a factor, however not the only factor to be considered. The proposal submitted by Sansom Equipment Limited met all the requirements set forth in the RFP at a cost acceptable by staff. The above process is in accordance with the City's Procurement Policy and Materials Management support the recommendation being put forth. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Funding in the amount of $325,000.00 was provided in the 2013 Utility Fund Capital Program for the renewal of "Y" Station. The cost to supply a packaged lift station is $225,152.50 including HST. M &C2013 -194 September 3, 2013 Page 3 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the proposal for the supply of a packaged sewage lift station for the renewal of Dever Road "Y" Station, be awarded to Sansom Equipment Limited, at their submitted price of $225,152.50 including HST. Respectfully submitted, t nCampbell, P.Eng. icipal Engineer Wm Edwards, Eng. Commissioner Transportation & Environment Brian Keenan, P.Eng. Engineering Manager J. Patrick Woods, CGA City Manager REPORT TO COMMON N COUNCIL M &C2013 -195 September 3, 2013 His Worship Mayor Mel Norton and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council: The City of Saint John SUBJECT: Contract 2011 -30: Riverview Drive — Sanitary Lift Station #28, Force Main and Sewer PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to update Council on the status of the Riverview Drive — Sanitary Lift Station #28, Force Main and Sewer project and associated costs. BACKGROUND Contract 2011 -30 consists of a project that was approved under the Harbour Clean -Up Program for the construction of a new sanitary lift station, force main and gravity sewer on Riverview Drive in West Saint John. Common Council, at its meeting of July 3, 2012, awarded Contract 2011 -30 (M &C 2012 -170) to Terraex Inc., at a tendered price of $1,560,821.54. The completion cost of this project including engineering and land acquisition was estimated to be $1,496,064.68, including eligible HST rebate. ANALYSIS The majority of the work under Contract 2011 -30 has been completed and invoices submitted with the exception of some minor concrete sidewalk work. Lift Station 28 is complete and has been commissioned. The final quantities and summary of change orders for the project have not been finalized, however the majority of the quantities and change orders have been agreed upon between the City and the Contractor. The additional costs on the project to date have been compiled into six categories as follows: M &C2013 -195 September 3, 2013 Page 2 1. Change Orders associated with additional work $29,404.94 required during the course of the project such as modifying new and existing infrastructure due to conflicts with various utilities and actual conditions different from plans. 2. Change Orders related to removing and disposing $52,520.72 of contaminated soil, working around abandoned IPP oil line. 3. Additional costs for making repairs to the existing $20,464.07 water main and services during the course of the project. 4. Costs for reinstating the existing asphalt sidewalk $18,024.46 that was removed during installation of new sewer laterals. 4. Costs for boring through rock under Route 1. $24,650.95 Rock was encountered part way through bore so bore was lowered to be fully in rock. 5. Difference between estimated and actual $129,372.62 quantities used in the performance of the work. Greatest differences were in asphalt and concrete curb and sidewalk quantities. Total Change Orders & Additional Quantities: Minus: Contingency Allowance: Net Additional Cost: COST SUMMARY Original Contract Value: Minus: Contingency Allowance: Value of Original Estimated Work: Summary of Change Orders & Additional Quantities: Estimated Final Contract Value: $274,437.76 - $145,770;00 128,667.76 $1,560,821.54 - $145,770.00 $1,415,051.54 +$274,437.76 $ 1,689,489.30 The estimated final construction cost of the project based on change orders and additional quantities to date is $1,689,489.30. The difference between the estimated final contract value and the original tendered price is $128,667.76 ($1,689,489.30 - $1,560,821.54). There is sufficient funding within the overall Harbour Cleanup project budget to cover the additional costs. M &C2013 -195 September 3, 2013 Page 3 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Common Council receive and file this report. Respectfully submitted, Jhn Campbell, P. Eng. unicipaI Engineer g Commissioner Transportation and Environment Brian Keenan, P. Eng. Engineering Manager J. Patrick Woods, CGA City Manager REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL September 3, 2013 His Worship Mayor Mel Norton and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: ELECTIONS NEW BRUNSWICK INVESTIGATION OF MAIL -IN- BALLOT FOR MUNICIPAL BY- ELECTIONS The City of SWW X&n On June 10 "', 2013, Common Council directed the City Manager to correspond with the Cities of New Brunswick Association "regarding Council's input on the proposed voting changes being proposed by the Province." City Staff have since prepared a letter for Council's consideration (see attachment), which is addressed to the Chief Electoral Officer of New Brunswick and copied to the Executive Director of the Cities of New Brunswick Association. RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends that Common Council: 1. Approve the attached letter regarding the City of Saint John's feedback on proposed changes to municipal by- elections; 2. Direct Mayor and Common Clerk to execute the letter and send to Elections New Brunswick. Respectfully submitted, Phil Ouellette, MA Intergovernmental Affairs Coordinator atrick Woods, CGA i y Manager The City of saint John Mayor Mel Norton Mayor's Office Bureau du malre September 3rd, 2013 Attention: Michael Quinn Sartain MacDonald Building Room: 102 Floor: Ground P. 0. Box 6000 Fredericton, NB E3B 5H1 Dear Mr. Michael Quinn, The City of Saint John would like to commend Elections New Brunswick for their investigation of alternative voting methods in municipal by- elections. The City is encouraged that the introduction of mail -in- ballots for municipal by- elections has the potential of reducing costs and instituting greater efficiencies within the system. While there are clear benefits with a mail -in- ballot system, Elections New Brunswick should ensure that any reform upholds the highest level of privacy and protection over voter information and identity of voters. In addition, a change to a mail -in- ballot system should include a comprehensive voter education program, to ensure that voters are well- informed of the transition. Elections New Brunswick is also encouraged to continue the ongoing investigation of e- voting and ensure that stakeholders continue to be active participants in the discussion. The City of Saint John thanks Elections New Brunswick for their interest in receiving feedback from municipal stakeholders, and we hope that the above feedback is useful to your investigation. Yours sincerely, Mayor Mel Norton City of Saint John cc: Denis Roussel, Executive Director, Cities of New Brunswick Association A SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 4L1 i wwwsaintjohn.ca C.P. 1971 Saint John, N. -B Canada E2L4L1