2012-12-03_Supplemental Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour supplémentaireCity of Saint John Common Council Meeting Monday, December 3, 2012 Location: Council Chamber Supplemental to Agenda 12.2 City Manager: Proposed Operating Budget Water & Sewerage Utility Fund 2013 (amendment to page 7 and page 8) 17.1 Committee of the Whole: Investigative Solutions Network Inc. Contract 17.2 Committee of the Whole: Interest Arbitration Award — City of Saint John and IAFF Local 771 The City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal Le lundi 3 decembre 2012 Lieu: Salle du conseil communal Ordre du jour supplementaire 12.2 Directeur general : Budget d'exploitation propose pour 2013 — Fonds du reseau d'aqueduc et d'egouts (amendement a la page 7 et page 8) 17.1 Comitd plenier: Investigative Solutions Network Inc. contrat 17.2 Comite plenier: sentence arbitrate interet — City of Saint John et IAFF Local 771 Z- M & C 2012 -283 November 20, 2012 Page 7 A BY -LAW RESPECTING WATER AND SEWERAGE SCHEDULE "B" Effective January 1st, 2013 METERED CUSTOMERS - WATER SERVICE CHARGE Meter Size Yearly ($) Monthly ($) Bi- Monthly ($) 15mm 216.36 18.03 36.06 20mm 264.84 22.07 44.14 25mm 361.68 30.14 60.28 40mm 475.56 39.63 79.26 50mm 948.72 79.06 158.12 75mm 1,971.48 164.29 328.58 100mm 3,428.52 285.71 571.42 150mm 5,388.24 449.02 898.04 200mm 7,742.40 645.20 1,290.40 250mm & up 10,485.96 873.83 1,747.66 METERED CUSTOMERS - CONSUMPTION CHARGE Monthly (by m3) Bi- Monthly (by m3) Consumption (m3) Rate ($ /m3) Consumption (m3) Rate ($ /m3} For the first 50 1.1786 For the first 100 1.1786 For the next 124,950 0.7505 For the next 249,900 0.7505 For all in excess of 125,000 0.2648 For all in excess of 250,000 0.2648 Spillage 0.1100 Spillage 0.1100 M & C 2012 -283 November 20, 2012 Page 8 ARRETE CONCERNANT LES PdSEAUX D'EAU ET D'EGOUTS ANNEXE << B >> En vigueur ler janvier 2013 CLIENTS AVEC COMPTEUR - TARIF DES SERVICES D'EAU Dimension du compteur Tarif annuel ($) Tarif mensuel ($) Tarif bimensuel ($) 15mm 216.36 18.03 36.06 20mm 264.84 22.07 44.14 25mm 361.68 30.14 60.28 40mm 475.56 39.63 79.26 50mm 948.72 79.06 158,12 75mm 1,971.48 164.29 328.58 100mm 3,428.52 285.71 571.42 150mm 5,388.24 449.02 898.04 200mm 7,742.40 645.20 1,290.40 250mm et plus 10,485.96 873.83 1,747.66 CLIENTS AVEC COMPTEUR ^- FRAIS DE CONSOMMATION MENSUEL ET BIMESTRIEL Mensuel (par m3) Bimestriel (par m3) Consommation (m3) Frais ($ /m3) Consommation (m3) Frais ($ /m3) Pour les 50 premiers m3 1,1786 Pour les 100 premiers m3 1,1786 Pour les 124 950 m3 suivants 0,7505 Pour les 249 900 m3 suivants 0,7505 Pour toute consommation au -delA de 125 000 m3 0,2648 Pour toute consommation au -delA de 250 000 m3 0,2648 Renversement 0,1100 Renversement 0,1100 R sn ,sj, r i Y14 The City of Saint John December 5, 2012 Common Council of the City of Saint John Mayor Norton, Deputy Mayor Rinehart and Councillors, Subject: Committee of the Whole Report: Investigative Solutions Network Inc. Contract The Committee of the Whole, having met on December 3, 2012, directed the Clerk to add the following proposed resolution to Council's open session agenda: "RESOLVED that Council: 1. Receive for information the interim update from Investigative Solutions Network Inc. (ISN) on the progress of their investigation as contained in Attachment A of the submitted report; 2. Direct ISN to develop a strategy to prioritize investigative resources prior to further funding approvals." Respectfully Submitted, Jonathan Taylor Assistant Common Clerk SAINT JOHN N N? O. Box.1971 Saint John, Nb Canaria E1L 4L1 I ww saintjohru a I C.P. 1971 ''aint jIohrr, HA. Canada EiL 4IL] The City of Saint john December 5, 2012 Common Council of the City of Saint John Mayor Norton, Deputy Mayor Rinehart and Councillors, Subject: Committee of the Whole Report: Interest Arbitration Award — City of Saint John and IAFF Local 771 The Committee of the Whole, having met on December 3, 2012, directed the Clerk to add the following proposed resolution to Council's open session agenda; "RESOLVED that the interest arbitration award dated November 8, 2012 respecting the terms of a collective agreement between the City of Saint John and the IAFF Local 771 be referred to the City Solicitor for his advice." Respectfully Submitted, Jonathan Taylor Assistant Common Clerk SAINTJOHN RQ. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 4L1 j yu. 9ritjohn.ea I C,P 1971 Saint John, NA. Canada E2L 41