2012-11-13_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jourCity of Saint John Common Council Meeting Tuesday, November 13, 2012 Committee of the Whole 1. Call to Order Si vous avez besoin des services en frangais pour une r6union de Conseil Communal, veuillez contacter le bureau de la greffi6re communale au 658 -2862. Each of the following items, either in whole or in part, is able to be discussed in private pursuant to the provisions of section 10 of the Municipalities Act and Council /Committee will make a decision(s) in that respect in Open Session: 4:30 p.m. 8th Floor Boardroom City Hall 1.1 Approval of Minutes 10.2(4) 1.2 Employment Matter 10.2(4)(a,b,c,f,g) 1.3 Legal Matter 10.2(4)(g) 1.4 Financial Matter 10.2(4)(c) 1.5 Financial Matter 10.2(4)(c,d) 1.6 Governance Matter 10.2(4)(e) 1.7 Financial Matter 10.2(4)(c) 1.8 Financial Matter 10.2(4)(c) 1.9 Employment Matter 10.2(4)(b,j) Regular Meeting 1. Call to Order — Prayer 6:00 p.m. Council Chamber 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Adoption of Agenda 4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest 5. Consent Agenda 5.1 Proposed Public Hearing Date - 12 Fern Street (Recommendation in report) 5.2 Trade and Convention Centre Signage (Recommendation in Report) 6. Members Comments 7. Proclamation 8. Delegations/ Presentations 9. Public Hearings 3 10. Consideration of By -laws 11. Submissions by Council Members 11.1 Spring Clean Up Program (Councillor Strowbridge) 11.2 Exhibition Association - Field House Project (Councillor Merrithew) 12. Business Matters — Municipal Officers 12.1 City Manager: Bike Route - Campus Harbour Connection 12.2 Common Clerk: Schedule for Councillor Appointments to Nominating Committee 2013 - 2015 13. Committee Reports 13.1 Planning Advisory Committee: Proposed Subdivision (Street Vesting) 210 Lawrence Long Rd 14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda 15. General Correspondence 15.1 New Brunswick Dental Society - Maintaining Fluoride Levels 15.2 The Hardman Group Ltd. - New Year's Eve Celebrations 2012 16. Supplemental Agenda 16.1 Prostitution (Councillor Fullerton) 16.2 Pension Plan (Councillor Fullerton) 16.3 Saint John Parking Commission - Feasibility of Text to Pay System for Payment of Parking Fines 16.4 Saint John Parking Commission - Pay By Phone System for Parking Meters 16.5 City Manager: Harbour Clean -Up - Sanitary Lift Station #31 Former Mill Street 16.6 Hodges Hamm - Real Estate Signs on Public Property 16.7 Congratulatory Letter to Mr. Arthur Irving (Deputy Mayor Rinehart) 16.8 Common Clerk: Proposed 2013 Common Council Schedule 16.9 Council Minutes of October 12, 2012 16.10 Council Minutes of October 13, 2012 16.11 Council Minutes of October 15, 2012 16.12 Council Minutes of October 22, 2012 16.13 City Manager: Revisions to City Government Act 16.14 Actionable Resolutions - Reflecting up to the October 29, 2012 Council Meeting (Recommendation: Receive for Information) 17. Committee of the Whole 18. Adjournment 2 The City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal Le 13 novembre 2012 Comite pl6nier 1. Ouverture de la seance Si vous avez besoin des services en frangais pour une r6union de Conseil Communal, veuillez contacter le bureau de la greffi&re communale au 658 -2862. Chacun des points suivants, en totalit& ou en partie, peut faire l'objet d'une discussion en priv6 en vertu des dispositions pr6vues a Particle 10 de la Loi sur les municipalites. Le conseil /comit6 prendra une ou des d6cisions a cet 6gard au cours de la seance publique 16 h 30 — Salle de conference, 8e 6tage, hotel de ville 1.1 Approbation du proces- verbal — paragraphe 10.2(4) 1.2 Question relative a 1'emploi — alin6a 10.2(4)a), b), c), j), g) 1.3 Question juridique — alin6a 10.2(4)g) 1.4 Question financiere — alin6a 10.2(4)c) 1.5 Question financiere — alin6as 10.2(4)c), d) 1.6 Question juridique — alin6a 10.2(4)e) 1.7 Question financiere — alin6a 10.2(4)c) 1.8 Question financiere — alin6a 10.2(4)c) 1.9 Question relative a 1'emploi — alin6as 10.2(4)b), j) Seance ordinaire 1.Ouverture de la seance, suivie de la priere 18 h — Salle du conseil 2. Approbation du proces- verbal 3. Adoption de Pordre du jour 4. Divulgations de conflits d'int6rets 5. Questions soumises a 11approbation du conseil 5.1 Date propose pour les audiences publiques visant le 12, rue Fern (recommandation figurant au rapport) 5.2 Affichage du Centre du commerce et des congres (recommandation figurant au rapport) 6. Commentaires pr6sent6s par les membres 7. Proclamation 8. Delegations et presentations 9. Audiences publiques 10. Etude des arrWs municipaux 11. Interventions des membres du conseil 11.1 Programme de travaux de nettoyage du printemps (conseiller Strowbridge) 11.2 Association de 1'Exposition de la Ville et le Comt6 de Saint -Jean — Projet relatif au complexe sportif (conseiller Merrithew) 12. Affaires municipales 6voqu6es par les fonctionnaires municipaux 12.1 Directeur g6n6ral : Itin6raire a v6lo — Campus Harbour Connection 12.2 Greffiere communale : Calendrier pour les nominations de conseillers au Comit6 des candidatures 2013 -2015 13. Rapports deposes par les comit6s 13.1 Comit6 consultatif d'urbanisme : Projet de lotissement (d6volution de terrains A titre de rue) visant le 210, chemin Lawrence Long 14. Etude des sujets 6cart6s des questions soumises a 11approbation du conseil 15. Correspondance g6n6rale 15.1 Social dentaire du Nouveau - Brunswick — Maintien des niveaux de fluorure 15.2 The Hardman Group Ltd. — C61ebration 2012 de la veille du jour de 1'An 16.Ordre du jour suppWinentaire 16.1 Prostitution (conseillere Fullerton) 16.2 R6gime de retraite (conseillere Fullerton) 16.3 Commission sur le stationnement de Saint John: Faisabilit& du systeme de paiement par message texte pour les amendes de stationnement 16.4 Commission sur le stationnement de Saint John : Systeme de paiement par t616phone pour les parcometres 16.5 Directeur g6n6ral : Nettoyage du port — Station de relevement sanitaire ri 31 de 1'ancienne rue Mill 16.6 Hodges Hamm — Affiches d'agents immobiliers sur une propri&t6 publique 16.7 Lettre de f6licitations a M. Arthur Irving (mairesse suppl6ante Rinehart) 16.8 Greffiere communale : Calendrier propos6 du conseil communal pour 2013 16.9 Proces- verbal de la s6ance du conseil tenue le 12 octobre 2012 16.10 Proces- verbal de la s6ance du conseil tenue le 13 octobre 2012 16.11 Proces- verbal de la s6ance du conseil tenue le 15 octobre 2012 16.12 Proces- verbal de la s6ance du conseil tenue le 22 octobre 2012 16.13 Directeur g6n6ral : Changements apport6s a la City Government Act (loi sur les gouvernements municipaux) 16.14 Points pouvant faire l'objet de mesures de suivi — jusqu'a ]a r6union du conseil du 29 octobre 2012 (recommandation : accepter a titre informatif) 17. Comit6 pl6nier 18. Levke de la s6ance 5', REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M &C- 2012 -276 October 29, 2012 His Worship Mayor Mel Norton and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Proposed Public Hearing Date 12 Fern Street BACKGROUND: 74 City of Saint john As provided in Common Council's resolution of August 3, 2004, this report indicates the rezoning and Section 39 amendment applications received and recommends an appropriate public hearing date. Details of the applications are available in the Common Clerk's office and will form part of the documentation presented at the public hearings. The following application has been received. Name of Location Existing Proposed Reason Applicant Zone Zone Arthur 1 12 Fern Street "R -2" 44R -4" To permit a Chiasson three- family dwelling RECOMMENDATION: That Common Council schedule the public hearing for the rezoning application of Arthur J. Chiasson (12 Fern Street) for Monday, December 3, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, and refer the application to the Planning Advisory Committee for a report and recommendation. Respectfully submitted, i6-� Ken Forrest, MCIP, RPP Commissioner 5 ,l trick Woods, CGA City Manager REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL October 31, 2012 Mayor Mel Norton and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: Trade and Convention Centre Signage "n The City of Saint john As per the attached letter from the General Manager of the Hilton Saint John, the Trade and Convention Centre logo needs to be updated to compliment the new property logo designs for Hilton Hotels. Hilton requires the approval of the City of Saint John in order to proceed with the change. There is no cost to the City and the logo will primarily be used on letterhead, business cards, marketing material, decals etc. RECOMMENDATION That Common Council authorize the new signage for the Saint John Trade and Convention Centre as proposed by Hilton Saint John. Respectfully submitted, 4 trick Woods CGA City Manager 0 AR) Hilton SAINT JOHN October 26, 2012 Mr. Pat Woods City Manager City of Saint John PO Box 1971 Saint John,NB E2L 4L1 Dear Mr. Woods: For the past 12 months, !-Tilton Hotels Corporation has been working to create a new identity for Hilton Hotels & Resorts, making it streamlined, consistent and instantly recognizable globally. One of the components of this brand identity revision, is the modification of all property logos. The Hilton Saint John's logo has recently been changed (copies of old and new logos attached). Apart from the changing of lower to tipper case lettering, the font has been modernized and colour changed. As the new Hilton Saint John logo does not carry the Trade and Convention Centre logo beneath it, we will need to modify the Trade and Convention Centre logo to compliment the new look. It is important that both logos compliment one another, so a strong association is made, and that both entities are fully leveraged in order to maximize awareness. In addition to the reasoning outlined above, we wish to take this opportunity to incorporate the water aspect and reflect the Centre's location on the waterfront, which is a unique selling point of the Trade and Convention Centre. Asper article 11.01 of the Manzagernent agreement (copy attached) between Hilton & the City of Saint john, Hilton requires the permission of the City before any change to the current logo is made. By copy of this email, we are respectfttlly submitting a formal request to modify the current. Trade and Convention Centre logo to the new logo, a copy of which is attached for your review. The design work was completed by a local Saint John company, Pulse Communications. We await your response and trust that our request will be met favourably. Please let me know if you have any questions. With kin .est reganr'dJs, Tammy eblan� � General Manager HILTON SAINT JOHN i Market Square I Saint John, New Brunswick I E2L 4Z6 T: 506 693 8484 F: 506 657 6610 1 www.hilton.com SAINT JOHN Trade N rion ConvenCentre w October 26, 2012 His Worship Mel Norton and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: Subject: Spring Clean Up Program I am told that the program was cut approximately 9 years ago and the cost was approximately $500,000 to do. I would ask that the current program of pick up twice annually with only 3 items each be eliminated as it was brought in to replace the old Spring Clean Up program and what the costs of this current program are. I feel that this program will contribute to our clean city and would help to eliminate illegal dumping sites. Motion: That Council consider, reinstating the Spring Clean Up program beginning in spring of 2013. And that the City Manager submit a report to give the costs of administering this program. I would ask him to please address the savings when FERO was eliminated curb side pick -up. Council may wish to refer this to the budget. Respectfully Submitted, (Received via email) Ray Strowbridge, City Councillor — Ward 4 City of Saint John /r SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E21L 40 I www saingohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N.-B. Canada E2L 4L1 0 x. October 30, 2012 His Worship Mel Norton and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: Subject: Exhibition Association - Field House Project I feel that it is important that we hear from these groups that are willing to co -fund recreation projects within the City. This is also an optimal time as Council will be /is in budget discussions. Motion: That Council hear a 15 minute presentation from the Exhibition Association regarding the field house project. Respectfully Submitted, (Received via email) David Merrithew, City Councillor — Ward 4 City of Saint John (P4 — SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 41_1 I www.saintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N. -B. Canada E2L 41_1 10 Exbibi on Association of the City and County of Saint John P.O. Box 284 Saint John, N.B. E2L 3Y2 Phone: (506) 633 -2020 Fax: (506) 636 -6958 Mayor Mel Norton and Members of Common Council Octoberl9, 2012 City of Saint John PO Box 1971 Saint John N. B. E2L4L1 Dear Mayor Norton and Members of Council Re: Proposed Field house @ Exhibition Paris Enclosed you will find some material in regards to a Field House that the Exhibition Association proposes be built at Exhibition Park. We had originally presented this proposal to Saint John Council some two years ago and had the support of the Council of that time - dependent on participation of the other levels of government. Given there has been an election in the past few months and the existence of the provincially mandated District Commissions as of January ,2013,we felt it necessary to present the concept to the new Council and be available to answer any questions there may be. The Field House concept arose from the need for the Association to construct an exhibition facility to replace space that for one reason or another was lost over the past several years. The Board then looked at leveraging the Association funds into a facility that could be used for two weeks for the exhibition and be available for the community at large for the other fifty weeks. A recreation consulting firm and architectural firm were engaged to carry out a feasibility study and make a recommendation as to the most appropriate facility. Their recommendation was a 107,000 sq ft building which would contain a 66,000 sq ft full size indoor turf field and a walking track. Additional studies were conducted on soil and placement of the building as well as storm water and wet land management. The cost of the building has been estimated at $14,000,000 and added to that is $6,000,000 in upgrades to existing buildings, development of parkland, landscaping as well as design fees and contingencies. The total project cost is estimated to be $21,000,000 including the land. The Association has committed to contributing the land plus $3,000,000. The ask from the City of Saint John is foremost, support for the 11 project and secondly a contribution to the $3,000,000 required, over a three year period, from the Greater Saint John municipalities. The support of the City of Saint John and the other municipalities in the District Commission would then be needed to approach the Federal and Provincial Governments to each contribute $7,000,000 to the project, again over a three year period. In addition to the land and a capital contribution, the Exhibition Association is also committed to funding any operating deficits for the facility. There is no facility of this nature in Southern New Brunswick thus there is little opportunity for the thousands of participants in field sports such as soccer, lacrosse, field hockey, rugby etc to play in the October to May period. The few that are able to participate are travelling to Moncton, Fredericton or even Halifax. By not having a facility of this nature in Greater Saint John, the region is lacking both a significant quality of life asset as well as the opportunity to enhance the sports tourism industry on a year round basis. A recent interview with Jason Brown of Fundy Soccer in the Telegraph Journal indicated that the number of youth registered in soccer in New Brunswick exceeds those registered in hockey .When fall comes, by and large the majority of players in this area wait until May except for perhaps 200 who have the opportunity to play indoor soccer on hard court surfaces. Corporate Research Association included a number of questions in their August quarterly survey of Greater Saint John The results of this survey indicate that 78% of Saint John residents support the field House and 52% indicate they or a member of their household would use the facility. A copy of the survey is included with this material. We would be pleased to do a presentation to Common Council on this project and to answer any questions you may have at this time. ours Truly, l Paul Gilbride President 12 Corporate Research Associates (CRA) Survey Part of Quarterly Greater Saint John Survey that was carried out August 10 -20, 2012 Results of survey statistically valid 95 times out of 100( Le there can be a level of confidence that the results would represent the population of Greater Saint John correctly 95% of the time) Question Support Overall Support Saint John Support Other Areas Support or oppose field 73% 78% C3% House At Exhibition Park? Would you or Members of Your 49% 52% 42% Household Use Facility? 13 urbanThird 20 _ Quarter 12 3 Sample Distribution The overall results are based on 352 interviews with individuals from the Saint John and surrounding areas population. A sample of 352 respondents would be expected to provide results accurate to within plus or minus 5.2 percentage points in 95 out of 100 samples. Sample Distribution Region Sample Margin of Error" Saint Joh n 227 +-6.5% Other 125 +8.8% Saint John & surrounding areas 352 t 5.2% 195% confidence intaml Corporate Research Associates Inc., 2012 14 - Saint John Exhibition Association - TABLE EA1: As you may or may not be aware, the Exhibition Association is proposing to develop a 100,000 square foot multi - purpose Indoor sport and recreation facility. Indoor turf playing field to be used for soccer, football, lacrosse, baseball, and other be The facility will have an sports. The Exhibition Association would provide the land, a significant capital and responsible for the operating costs on a break even basis. They would seek Federal Government to provide the remaining funding. contribution, a onetime contribution from the surrounding municipalities, the Provincial Government, and the All things considered, do you completely support, mostly support, mostly oppose, or completely oppose the development of a multi- purpose indoor sport and recreation facility Exhibition Paris grounds? on COMMUNITY GENDER OVERALL% AGE EDUCATION INCOME Saint John Other M F F 18 -34 35-54 55+ LT. H.S. Grad N.S. Some P.S, Grad P.S. < $50K $SDK- $74.9K $75K + Completely support 31 37 21 31 32 37 34 25 31 41 26 27 32 29 37 Mostly support 41 41 43 42 40 41 43 40 31 31 55 46 43 41 42 Mostly oppose 12 10 15 11 13 11 12 12 8 10 9 14 7 16 12 Completely oppose 6 4 9 9 3 5 5 8 11 8 3 4 B 5 Neither support nor oppose 6 4 9 3 9 3 5 5 8 11 5 2 Don't know/No answer 4 4 3 4 3 6 6 8 2 1 2 8 8 4 5 WEIGHTED SAMPLE SUE ( #) 352 227 125 163 189 3 4 0 4 91 132 129 26 102 37 182 106 59 97 UNWEIGHTED SAMPLE SIZE ( #) 352 227 125 163 189 93 129 130 26 fig 36 186 104 61 98 %SUPPORT 73 78 63 73 72 79 77 65 fit 72 81 73 75 71 79 OPPOSE 18 14 24 19 16 16 16 20 19 18 11 19 15 21 15 Corporate Research Associates Inc., 2012 15 ISJUREP -10271 Page 1 SAINT JOHN URBAN REPORT - THIRD QUARTER 2012 - Saint John Exhibition Association - TABLE EA2a: [ASK IF'SUPPORi' IN O.EA1] Why do you support the development of a mufti- purpose indoor sport and recreation facility on Exhibition Park grounds? OVERALL % Need a sporttrecreation facility /Lack 32 of recreational facilities EDUCATION Benefits children/Gives children 30 something to do M Good for the community 20 Encourages heaWfrtness/Keeps 8 people active Grad H.S. Provides more sport opportunities 5 Provide sports year round/All weather 5 facility 32 Good for the economy 4 Will provide jobs 2 Convenient location 2 Good use of the land 2 Other 7 Don't know 4 WEIGHTED SAMPLE SIZE 256 UNWElC KMO SAMPLE SIZE ($] 256 Corporate Research Associates Inc., 2012 COMMUNITY GENDER AGE EDUCATION INCOME Safnt John Other M F 1 B -34 35-54 55+ L.T. H.S. Grad H.S. SorneP.S. Grad P S. < S50K $50K- $74.91( $75K + 32 32 33 32 22 35 37 18 30 33 34 29 32 39 34 22 25 35 34 30 26 58 32 35 24 38 18 23 20 20 26 14 21 21 17 18 21 15 21 16 28 24 6 11 7 9 6 12 4 0 6 16 8 4 9 12 3 11 5 6 8 4 5 0 3 11 6 4 4 4 4 7 2 7 4 7 4 0 1 7 8 6 5 3 4 4 4 3 5 4 2 0 6 0 4 5 5 5 2 1 1 3 2 3 1 0 4 4 1 2 0 4 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 0 0 3 3 0 G 1 1 3 1 2 0 2 2 0 3 0 2 0 2 3 6 7 7 6 8 5 7 6 5 3 8 5 4 11 4 3 4 4 2 2 7 0 7 3 2 5 5 0 177 79 120 136 71 101 84 16 73 30 133 79 42 77 170 1 80 1 120 1138 T5 1 99 1 84 16 72 29 4131 78 43 78 W1 [SJUREP -1027] Page 2 SAINT JOHN URBAN REPORT - THIRD QUARTER 2012 Saint John Exhibition Association TABLE EA2b: [ASK IF'OPPOSE' IN Q.EA1] Why do you oppose the development of a multi- purpose OVERALL % indoor sport and COMMUNITY recreation GENDER facility on Exhibition AGE Park grounds? EDUCATION INCOME Saint John Other M F 18-34 35-54 55+ L.T. H.S. Grad H.S. Some P.S. Grad P.S. < $50K $50K- $74.9K $75K + Don't need it/Have enough recreation 27 26 28 20 34 32 19 31 60 facilities 31 0 23 26 16 35 Too much money /Can't afford it 22 28 16 26 18 32 14 23 0 16 Poor economy 17 17 17 16 18 18 10 23 20 18 0 0 32 12 31 14 Money should be spent 16 25 8 22 11 15 19 15 20 19 6 16 14 elsewhere/Waste of money 15 31 15 24 16 23 Will be paid by taxpayers 12 11 13 13 10 15 14 8 0 12 0 14 14 Other 14 7 23 10 19 6 24 12 0 16 45 12 19 7 7 14 14 Don't know 7 3 10 10 3 0 14 4 0 11 24 3 12 16 0 WEIGHTED SAMPLE SIZE ( #) 62 31 31 31 30 14 22 25 5 19 UNWEIGHTED SAMPLE SIZE ( #) 1 60 30 1 30 1 31 1 29 1 13 1 21 26 5 4 34 16 13 14 1 1 18 1 4 33 16 13 14 Corporate Research Associates Inc., 2012 17 [SJUREP -1027] Page 3 SAINT JOHN URBAN REPORT - THIRD QUARTER 2012 Saint John Exhibition Association TABLE EA3: Imagine for a moment the Exhibition Association constructed a multi- purpose indoor sport and recreation facility, how likely, if at all, are you or other members of your household to use such a facility? Would you definitely, probably, probably not, or definitely not use such a facility? OVERALL COMMUNITY GENDER AGE EDUCATION INCOME Saint John Other M F 18-34 35-54 55+ L.T. H.S. Grad H.S. Some P.S. Grad P.S. ¢ $50K $50K $74.9K $75K Definitely 16 20 10 14 18 23 18 8 12 19 17 t5 17 16 22 Probably 33 33 33 37 29 39 37 25 24 32 22 37 32 29 36 Probably not 33 32 36 31 36 24 32 41 38 29 50 31 31 35 31 Definitely not 17 15 21 18 17 14 12 25 27 20 11 15 20 18 9 Don't know/No answer 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 2 WEIGHTED SAMPLE SIZE 352 227 125 163 189 91 132 129 26 102 37 182 106 UNWEIGHTED SAMPLE SIZE {#} 352 227 125 163 189 93 129 130 26 99 36 188 59 97 % DEFINITELY /PROBABLY 49 52 42 51 47 62 56 33 35 51 104 61 98 % PROBABLY NOT/DEFINITELTY NOT 51 1 47 57 49 1 52 1 38 44 65 65 39 53 48 46 59 49 1 61 46 51 54 40 Corporate Research Associates Inc., 2012 W7 [SJUREP- 10271 Page 4 i s'• _ •• i °s • •'i i s•• '• °•asaaasaa'a')')'a'a'a'aa• i °• °i •'r'i r' ••aaaaaa)aa))))))a)a)a)aa 0 •0 •0 •0 •0 •r•0 •1 / f• r f) a a)) a f )) r f•••• r• u ! a ) ) ) ) ) a a • • • • • • • r ')'aaaa)ai i s if•s's•i t •°!r)ar °t 'aat • 0 '•a)a• °•� 'aaa';a•• °� • °sas•i ►a! °• 0•� 0 r •a a's'• i °� •': •aa� �•aaaaaa'•'• 0'•'•'•'•r� I a'as s s'r'lrrrsasas••i'i iiiil 's•aaO'a'aa)aa'r'rara8ar'0 i i i •••'i 4 ►,! °faaaa,a'aa31 aaaaa9 °0 '0 '0 •'• °i i i 1 s•raararssss••••••• I��st•iaraa•!'i °rarar'•'i • 0 0 i'• °•'r •Oaaaa••••••••••••••••f• 0•0 f• °1 �•'r'r'• °f °•'t f •°• i 0' $• °•'• °• °•'• • °'i • °� • �..• • ! • • i • • • • • •'c' • • • '1 •°• t °• °• °• °•�• °• °c °c i•s••c•cEESCf i•s•cc• 9 •0t9ccccc9 41 0 • c ° t t t • 9cctcc ttttc tcc tt f 1 • ccctcccc i i i i••i c •'_ • t c •_ • •c cctc cc cctcc • • s 9 c 9 c 9 c c c • t c t •cccccccc(cccccc ••t •••E cccr cctc cc (ccc (E c _ 9 c _ a i s'• _ •• i °s • •'i i s•• '• °•asaaasaa'a')')'a'a'a'aa• i °• °i •'r'i r' ••aaaaaa)aa))))))a)a)a)aa 0 •0 •0 •0 •0 •r•0 •1 / f• r f) a a)) a f )) r f•••• r• u ! a ) ) ) ) ) a a • • • • • • • r ')'aaaa)ai i s if•s's•i t •°!r)ar °t 'aat • 0 '•a)a• °•� 'aaa';a•• °� • °sas•i ►a! °• 0•� 0 r •a a's'• i °� •': •aa� �•aaaaaa'•'• 0'•'•'•'•r� I a'as s s'r'lrrrsasas••i'i iiiil 's•aaO'a'aa)aa'r'rara8ar'0 i i i •••'i 4 ►,! °faaaa,a'aa31 aaaaa9 °0 '0 '0 •'• °i i i 1 s•raararssss••••••• I��st•iaraa•!'i °rarar'•'i • 0 0 i'• °•'r •Oaaaa••••••••••••••••f• 0•0 f• °1 �•'r'r'• °f °•'t f •°• i 0' $• °•'• °• °•'• • °'i • °� • �..• • ! • • i • • • • • Z 1 1 1 1 1 J a V qP Y :J a Table of Contents Ourplan ................................. ..............................2 An historic organization ................... ..............................4 Benefits to the region ..................... ..............................4 What will this idwiry uiuU- UU .............................. I . .........r Exhibition grounds redevelopment .......... ..............................6 How much will it cost? ..................... ..............................7 How long will it take to build? .............. ..............................7 How will it be funded? ............. ............................... .I — - Other bonuses ........ ............................... a ... a .... .8 Location, location ......................... ..;. .8 Appendices We want to hear from you .. ............................... Inside back cover 20 � � � ! A ® e4 n ,ry � �► re re Enhancing sports and recreation in Southern New Brunswick Our plan We want to breathe new life into Saint John's historic exhibition grounds by constructing a multi - purpose indoor sport and recreation facility for Southern New Brunswick. This state -of- the -art facility, the first of its kind in New Brunswick, would be part of the Exhibition Association of the City and County of Saint John's overall redevelopment plan for its exhibition grounds. This facility would boost participation in the region's historic annual exhibition and serve as a year -round venue to improve the health and wellness of residents and increase our entire region's sports tourism. It's a bold, sensible and future - focused plan. And we are prepared to make it happen. Featuring an indoor field house with artificial turf, spectator seating, a raised, three -lane walking track and exhibition space, this facility would be used for a wide variety of sport and recreational activities, including: • Soccer - lawn bowling Lacrosse • Pre - school children's • Tennis programs • Football • After - school activities Field Hockey - Seniors' walking/ • Rugby fitness programs • Track and field • Trade shows Winter baseball - Arts and crafts fairs • Golf • Agricultural exhibits • Ultimate Frisbee House H t1 el ... H el 41 - _ 22 S � .l� '�. Vie:'-- .tip''• i • i •'•igei'i w•w °ee'wi 'e•'ew"e eA�0w�e AAAiA"MA ...►"" 0-1 „ � ., s v - i 0 i i i i •w • s0 0i aSeA 4► • �► • ” A A °A A�., � . , n w A A A 0. • • • • • • • • • • • e • w • A A A A A A �+ ► i�1 A • • 0 .o0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e0 •0A4 AAA., �- - WA -0 i • • • • e • • w • • e A A A A r► � A" a • • • • • • • • • • e e A A !� %7•.0 • • • • • • • • w • 0.w 'WV ••i•••••!!Alb 0,7 i i:.i.• • • • e • • .is••••� 4 BENEFITS An historic ORGANIZATION Established over 120 years ago, the Exhibition Association of the City and County of Saint John is a non - profit, incorporated organization whose purpose is to promote the local economy, the social and cultural aspects of the region and provide opportunities for social and recreational experiences. We are best known for hosting annual agricultural and industrial exhibitions, usually as part of a fall fair, but also at other times of the year. In order for us to continue to fulfill our mandate, we need to improve our aging facilities and boost attendance. We will do that by meeting the changing needs of our society with this new multi - purpose sports and recreational facility and our overall site redevelopment plans. A multi - purpose sports and recreational facility would bring numerous benefits to the Southern New Brunswick region: • Provide a year -round venue to help citizens adopt a healthy lifestyle • Help combat our high rates of obesity Provide multiple sports with a "winter" home, especially the rapidly growing sport of soccer • Boost attendance and interest in exhibition activities, particularly during Exhibition Week Provide an improved venue for new exhibition activities and concerts Create a sports tourism industry for the region based on field sports 23 - � s What will this FACILITY include? This permanent, steel structure (not a dome) will house: An indoor 60m X 100m field surface with artificial turf A three -lane walking track, on a second level, allowing use while field play in progress Sport spectator seating for 150 • Dressing rooms Referee rooms Training /meeting rooms • Lounge /concession area • Storage area • First aid room Reception /ticket area Entrance /exhibition display area The design allows for the lower level to connect to outdoor temporary structures during the annual fall fair exhibitions. The turf field can be covered to provide 66,000 square feet of space for crafts and agricultural exhibits. Also included in the plans are exhibition office and storage space, a staff rood and locker room as well as maintenance areas. 13• } —t, • • • • • • • • • • • • w • • • e w w A A A A A A ., • e A w A A A A A 26& •• s e a • • • • • • • • • • e a A A A A A • • • � � • • • • • • • • • w • A A A A A A � " • • • • • • All • • • • s Exhibition grounds REDEVELOPMENT Apart from the new facility itself, we will renovate the existing exhibition building (Building #1) and add a new lobby /entrance. Building #1 is currently used for a wide variety of community events including meetings, bingos, commercial exhibits and shows. It will become the main entertainment venue at Exhibition Park following renovations. We'll construct a new parking lot which will also serve as the seasonal midway zone. And, under the parking lot, we are constructing a storm -water containment unit that will improve the entire site's storm water retention capabilities. We'll also re -do the landscaping and add flowers and trees that complement and enhance the nearby wetlands, so that visitors can see and learn about what a wetland is and does. The current building #3 used as a paddock, and during the fall fair for displays, is past its useful life and will be demolished. The existing horticultural, fruit and vegetable building will be converted to a paddock for use by Horse Racing New Brunswick. l ' � � 'uMmu= KMV ousts L c �° t295 SFVUj nesac arc s swr � ` an arm umn• 1 \ Y` �, •.. \ �.` G. y F.IVXNC + , \ �/ / r \ `- / \ r�\ NtrI A E,.EcPFMm jw s ��\\\Mc` <uSTF \�\ t'a „i j •: ii l \ J J if \ 25 v v/ it v b► • i •� �Il �. 11 + S How much will it COST? The total capital costs, including land, of constructing the multi- purpose sports and recreational facility and redeveloping the remaining exhibition grounds is estimated at $21 million. As the owner and operator of the new facility and the other exhibition infrastructure, we will be responsible for all on -going operational costs. The facility will operate on a break -even basis, and facility rental rates will be reasonable. How long will it take TO BUILD? The overall project will be scheduled over a three - year period, with construction starting as early as possible. The multi - purpose sports and recreation facility could be open within a year of construction commencing. How will it be FUNDED? As the field house will be a facility that benefits the entire region, the Saint John Exhibition Association is proposing the following capital funding arrangement: One -third from the Saint John Exhibition Association, Municipalities within the Regional Service Commission, and Corporate Sponsors. Approximately $4.0 million of that cost will be contributed by the Saint John Exhibition Association. Oft.D 1 l l -� - �.C4/ With the support of the Regional Service Commission, an additional one - third of the capital cost will be sought from each of the provincial and federal governments. All costs would be spread over a three -year period. 1 26 V1 0 0 0 0'• - • i °• a • °s i °• °i • s - w - 04 04 04 0 0. A"AA�^ • *• 0 • • • • • • • • • • •••�A 4% 014 0% 0% �AAor* 04 v � 1.0.0 • 0 • • • • • • • • • • d e A I. q A A ^ n ,• • • • • • • • • • • • • • A A A A �, • • • • • • • • • • • • • w A 04 04 s �'••0•••••••••0s- W�. • :� • • • • • • • •. -• O-0••••••• Other BONUSES Our plan has other added advantages: • Attract more visitors to our region to attend sporting events and tournaments • Provide valuable infrastructure to help develop our `sports tourism' industry • Bring economic spin -offs for hotels, restaurants and the retail sector as the result of increased visitors • Complement the new indoor soccer facility in Halifax, leading to inter - provincial tournaments Location, LOCATION Our new facility will be ideally located to serve the Southern New Brunswick region, with easy access to the city from Highway 1 and conveniently situated close to the retail sector and hotels. 12 minutes from Rothesay • 40 minutes from St. Martins • 16 minutes from Ouispamsis • 50 minutes from Sussex 30 minutes from Grand Bay Westfield - 90 minutes from Fredericton • 30 minutes from Hampton - 108 minutes from Moncton 27 EXHIBITION ASSOCIATION OF SAINT JOHN SUMMARY OF COSTING Facility Capital Cost Budget CONSTRUCTION New Multi-Purpose Building $ 14,000,000 Building 1 Renovation $ 1,485,000 Demolish Building 3 $ 15,000 Public Park $ 800,000 Landscape Upgrades to Existing $ 600,000_ CONSTRUCTION COST $ 16,900,000 OTHER COSTS $ 1,600,000_ SUB-TOTAL CONSTRUCTION & OTHER COSTS $ 18,500,000 10% Contingency $ 1,850;00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION & OTHER COSTS $ 20,350,000- Does not include value of land. 2,_ 28 f • • • • • • • • • A !4 A A P1 A n n • • • • • • • A • A A Al A � � • ` Operating Cost Projections for Initial Full Year of Operation EXPENSE ITEM ESTIMATED COST Full Time Staff $ 151,200 Part Time Staff $ 76,500 TOTAL STAFF $ 227,700 Total Administration $ 55,000 Total Utilities and Maintenance $ 235,000 Total Program Costs $ 10,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES (estimated / rounded) $ 524,500 Revenue Items Rental Revenues Sport Facility $ 426,500 Advertising Sales $ 5,000 Walking Track Revenues $ 48,000 Concession and Equipment Sales $ 20,000 Program and Staffing Grants $ 25,000 TOTAL REVENUES (estimated / rounded) $ 524,500 NET ANNUAL COSTS $ 0 29 Capital Fundraising ITEM Capital Cost plus land costs Land & Reserves from Association / Anticipated Contribution from regional municipalities and Corporate Sponsors Anticipated Contribution from Provincial Government Anticipated Contribution from Federal Government Total Capital Contribution t. aim fir.. v v w AMOUNT $ 21,000,000 $ 7,000,000 $ 7,000,000 $ 7,000,000 $ 21,000,000 10 0 0 0 0 0 �0 0 0 0 0•• A— A A A A�A A n • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • A M A A A A 00+ n k • • • • • • • • • • • • • • w A A A A A n n ••••••••• w• 0• 0 A A A A A A A n n �.• • • • • • • • • • • • • A A A A A A A 0% �r- ••0 0 0 0 0 0 •w_0 - �:-:•-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0- s • • • • • • 0 •!� I 12 Usage Assumptions Field House Full Field - Prime Time Adult 12 30 Full Field - Prime Time Minor 10 30 Half Field - Prime -time Adult 15 30 Half Field - Prime -time Minor 15 30 Full Field - Non -Prime Time Adult 1 30 Full Field - Non Prime Time Minor 2 30 Half Field - Non Prime -time Adult 2 30 Half Field - Non Prime -time Minor 5 30 Commercial rental Full Field (e.g., trade show) 1 4 Program Hours - Adult 8 3 Program Hours - Minor 8 3 Summer Camps - Minor Field Revenue NA 6 Board Room Meeting 2 40 Multi- Purpose Room MP Room - Prime Time Adult 5 20 MP Room - Prime Time Minor 25 25 MP Room - Non Prime Time Adult 15 25 MP Room - Non Prime Time Minor 5 25 Use of Walking Track 2500 monthly passes annually (approximate) t wi V _ d V • a V ri •. V W 7 0 Proposed Rates and Fees Full Field - Prime Time - Adult $225 Per Hour Full Field - Prime Time - Minor $180 Per Hour Half Field - Prime -time - Adult $125 Per Hour Half Field - Prime -time - Minor $90 Per Hour Full Field - Non -Prime Time - Adult $180 Per Hour Full Field - Non Prime Time - Minor $150 Per Hour Half Field - Non Prime -time - Adult $80 Per Hour Half Field - Non Prime -time - Minor $60 Per Hour Board Room $25 Per 2 Hours MP Room - Prime Time - Adult $40 Per Hour MP Room - Prime Time - Minor $30 Per Hour MP Room - Non Prime Time - Adult $30 Per Hour MP Room - Non Prime Time - Minor $20 Per Hour Track Pass $20 Per Month Commercial rental Full Field (e.g., trade show) $3,500 Per Day Advertising $500 Per Year Directly provided program minor $1,200 Per Program (10 weeks @ $80 /wk, l hr /wk) Directly provided program adult $1,200 Per Program (10 weeks @ $100 /wk,1 hr /wk) Weekly Revenue from Summer Camps $9,600 Per Week jr Ld 13 14 0 0 • 0 0 0 Apo 0T0 0 0 0 a A'A ^A A A� r •w • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • A A A A A A A n 1_ • .• 0•• 0••• 0••• A 0 A A A A A^ n * • • • • • • s • • • • A A w A A A A ^ ^ _b 0 • • • • • • • • • • A 0 0 A A A A 0% �0iiiiiiiie0 " s6 iie eaa W740;i -mh Aft m m ft Ah Ah m Ah da PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION TIMELINE FISCAL YEAR YEAR 1 I YEAR 2 YEAR 3 • : r r ■■so■ X101 111111100100 Underground Services 11101111101 Renovate Bldg I .,.........,,.........., Landscaping .,........., ,.........., ,....,......- i Exhibition 1 r 1 1 1 1 ProvinceofNB f r f Gov't 1Canada 1 f 1 33 1 "l 1 7 .� M w We WANT to hear from YOU We want to hear what you think about our plans, and we're anxious to work with all interested community groups as we move forward with this exciting project for our region. For more detailed information about our project, please visit our website at: www.exhibitionparksj.com We encourage you to leave comments on our Facebook page (search The field House at Exhibition Park) or call our office at (506) 633 -2020 with your questions and comments. You can also visit our office at 159 McAllister Drive, Saint John between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. Our association members would be happy to speak to interested community groups about our plans. We need your SUPPORT You can help us turn our plan into a reality by: • Talking to your family and friends about our project • Contacting your municipal, provincial and federal representatives to voice your support Signing up for our Facebook page and leaving a comment - search The field House at Exhibition Park • Invite us to present the plans to your group Field House @ Exhibition Park r i 1W 7 W z , V r W W • • • " .: v V V hI 1I i� • � � V W W 111 • • ., v v V V V•� - " v V W W • r V W s W - y, - (506) 633 -2020 www.exhibitionparksj.com 34 15 * 1-0-0 4 t •�•.•:•• iiiii • °e i• e•••• e• t t(( t t t c c t •°tccccccccccccccctct °• t °t i• 40 t°• °•t cttcccttttttttt•! e i° i C i °t•ccctcccccCtttt• 1 °t t • i !°• °C(cctcctcttttctt°•° 1 °• 1 °• i t •4caccc9c9ccctstc9E °e' 1 °• t t • iet tttc99acccttt6tt!° • 1 i•� a °tttttltc(cct(ctct9EEEa 1 • • °tc(cctccctcE° t t c c t t t t t � °e °e � ! °i i ttcttcccccccctcstt iiiiiit °t °t °ccccccccsc� ° i i i• i s t °! !°ttttcctc• r °• i °• ii i °• °t °tccccc t °lcccsc r °! i °• °• i °! � t °lctttt �• °!°•°• t 10: • �•i °i•i °i iii• °• -s•••tffffff•• i�i ••• °• °• °aiaff))fs °•fa °• • • • - s••f•faaa)a•f• '•i••ffaa))aff• •••f•faaa))))) s• i•• a f a a))))) ! s•••faafaa))>>a� • •. s••a)aa))aa)as�• �!•••a)))a)sasa�)+ •t+•!••)••aaaa)))a ) aa)a))))aa•)))a• s••° afa'saa)a)a))a)a)))c))ai• °• °• °� i •° aff °•af)aaa)))aaa)a��)aa•faaa °: •••afasaaaaasaa+ REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL October 30, 2012 M &C2012 -275 His Worship Mayor Mel Norton and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: Bike Route - Campus Harbour Connection BACKGROUND 71n 47 The City of Saint John At its August 13, 2012 meeting Common Council resolved that "the presentation from the Uptown Green Feet Committee regarding an active transportation route be referred to the City Manager for a report and further that this matter be referred to the 2013 budget deliberations." This report is in response to Council's request. P1anSJ contains policies that refer to the implementation of the City's Trails and Bikeways Strategic Plan adopted by Council in 2010. The first priority project listed in this strategic plan is a bike route connecting the university/hospital area with the Uptown. UNB Fredericton's Civil Engineering undergraduate program completed a preliminary design and cost estimate for their final year project in the Spring of 2012. The Uptown Green Feet Committee presented the Campus Harbour Connection bike route concept resulting in Council's resolution. One of Common Council's 2012 -2016 priorities states that "we will work toward integrated walkways and bike paths to connect our neighbourhoods and waterways ". The Campus Harbour Connection would be the first continuous bike route in the City of Saint John that would connect major destinations, including neighbourhoods and Harbour Passage along the waterfront as shown in Figure 1. City staff reviewed UNB's submission and using national traffic industry guidelines and engineering judgment, completed a detailed design and cost estimate for the initial installation cost and annual maintenance cost. Detailed Design This bike route would begin at the entrance to the Saint John Regional Hospital driveway on University Avenue, continue to Millidge Avenue, to Somerset Street, to Churchill Boulevard, to 36 M &C2012 -275 October 30, 2012 Page 2 Valour Court, to Turnbull Place, to Harrington Street, to Adelaide Street, to Metcalf Street, to Simonds Street and end at the entrance to Harbour Passage on Hilyard Street. The route would include 2.7 KM of dedicated bike lanes and 1.8 KM of lanes to be shared by vehicles and bikes. Figure 1: Campus Harbour Connection Route This plan includes unique features such as wayfinding signs installed at intersections, bike boxes at the Millidge/University and Somerset /Churchill intersections, site specific signs warning right turning vehicles to yield to cyclists, and a "contra -flow" bike lane on the one -way section of Harrington Street to allow cyclists to travel in both directions. Balancing acceptable service levels for vehicle traffic with providing appropriate facilities for cyclists was a challenge in a few locations given the constraints of road width as shown in Figure 2. A "Road Diet ", involving converting four vehicle lanes into three with remaining space for two bike lanes, is proposed for Millidge, Somerset and Metcalf. This concept is relatively inexpensive as it relies on changes to painted traffic lines. Benefits of this concept include traffic calming in addition to the space for cyclists. A reduced service level for vehicles is minimal in most situations with the centre left turn lane and volumes of less than 20,000 vehicles per day. Some changes to traffic lines and markings at intersections would also be required. Figure 2: Metcalf Street three lane concept 37 M &C2012 -275 October 30, 2012 Page 3 Adelaide Street posed another challenge since on- street parking is permitted on both sides of the street. To continue permitting this on- street parking and providing new space for bike lanes, staff recommends that Council authorize the reduction of the speed limit for this section of Adelaide (Harrington to Metcalf) from 50 KM/H to 40 KM /H given road width constraints based on the detailed design outlined in Figure 3. Should challenges persist after implementation on this section of the route, Council may need to consider the elimination of on- street parking on one side of Adelaide or direct staff to consider a modified route to maintain this continuous bike route. Traffic islands on Metcalf Street at its intersection with Magazine Street would be removed to provide the additional road width for cyclists. Staff recommends removing this section of Metcalf Street, between Main Street to Lansdowne Street, from the Designated Truck Route once this Plan is implemented since Main Street and Lansdowne Street are existing Designated Truck Routes. Staff also recommends a reduced speed limit to 40 KM /H from 50 KM /H that would enhance safety given these constraints. Figure 3: Detailed Design on Adelaide Street Figure 4: Detailed design for Metcalf Street at Magazine Street The detailed design includes the addition of approximately 90 traffic control signs, 110 shared use lane road markings, 30 directional lane arrows, and 2.7 KM of streets with bike lanes and other lane lines in addition to the removal and asphalt reinstatement of the two traffic islands on W M &C2012 -275 October 30, 2012 Page 4 Metcalf Street. Many existing painted traffic lines and symbols must be ground off the road surface, a labour- intensive process. Phasing Plan Staff recommends that the Campus Harbour Connection be completed in 2013. Alternatively, the project could be phased over two years with Phase 1 (2013) from Simonds Street to the end of Churchill Boulevard and Phase 2 (2014) from Somerset Street to the end of the route on University Avenue. Detailed Installation Cost Estimate Funds in the amount of $31,800.00 are estimated to be required within the City's 2013 Pedestrian & Traffic Management Service budget to install this bike route next year. Confirmed funding from other sources would decrease this required amount. In an effort to manage costs and to identify temporary labour resources required to implement this plan, staff is proposing the use of summer students to augment work crews. Detailed Maintenance Cost Estimate An inconsistent level of maintenance has been completed on existing bike lanes due to a lack of identified funding within the General Fund Operating Budget to account for increased infrastructure (painted lines, signs, etc.) over several years. Adequate funding for resources must be provided in a sustainable manner for ongoing maintenance requirements and take into consideration additional infrastructure on an annual basis. Staff estimates $15,800 would need to be invested annually to adequately maintain the Campus Harbour Connection Bike Route. Adjustments for inflation and other impacts on resource costs would need to be considered in the future. RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends that Common Council: 1. Endorse the implementation of the Campus Harbour Connection bike route in 2013 as detailed in this report, 2. Consider increased funding within the City's 2013 Pedestrian & Traffic Management Service operational budget in the amount of $31,800.00 for the installation of the Campus Harbour Connection bike route, 39 M &C2012 -275 October 30, 2012 Page 5 3. Commit to annual sustainable funding levels within the Pedestrian & Traffic Management Service operational budgets for the regular maintenance of the Campus Harbour Connection bike route, 4. Direct the City Solicitor to place in proper translated form the following amendments to the City's Traffic By -Law for Council's consideration when the bike route is implemented in 2013: a. Add Adelaide Street with limits Harrington Street to Metcalf Street to Schedule M -4 (40 KM/H Speed Limits), b. Add Metcalf Street with limits Main Street to Lansdowne Avenue to Schedule M -4 (40 KM/H Speed Limits), c. Delete Metcalf Street with limits Main Street to Lansdowne Avenue from Schedule K (Truck Routes). Respectfully submitted, 2 0,1Y Timothy D. O'Reilly, P.Eng., M.Sc.E. Traffic Engineer William Edwards, P.Eng. J. Patrick Woods, CGA Commissioner, Transportation & Environment City Manager .x 13 �- i The City of Saint John November 5, 2012 Mayor Norton, Deputy Mayor Rinehart and Councillors Subject: Appointment to Nominating Committee Mayor Norton, Deputy Mayor Rinehart and Councillors, The following is a schedule for Councillor appointments to the Nominating Committee for 2013 — 2015: 2013: Deputy Mayor Rinehart Councillor McAlary Councillor Strowbridge Recommendation: 2014: Deputy Mayor Rinehart Councillor Reardon Councillor Merrithew 2015: Deputy Mayor Rinehart Councillor Norton Councillor Snook That the submitted schedule for Councillor appointments to the Nominating Committee for the years 2013 — 2015 be approved. Sincerely, Elizabeth Gormley Common Clerk P.O. K,),x 1971 S a €RA Idui, NI, Canaado, EA 4L'E I v� sa'hgotanxa I CA 1971 Saint JoIan, N. -R. Canada EA 4L1 41 Planning Advisory Committee October 17, 2012 Your Worship and Councillors: P.O. Box 1971 506 658 -2800 Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 City of Saint John SUBJECT: Proposed Subdivision (Street Vesting) - 210 Lawrence Long Road The Planning Advisory Committee considered the attached report at its October 16, 2012 meeting. The applicant, Mrs. Catherine Long, appeared to speak in support of the application and was in agreement with the Staff Recommendation contained in the report. Mrs. Donna Henderson, of 94 Lawrence Long Road, addressed the Committee and requested clarification on the nature of the street conveyance as it was her understanding that the street was already publicly - owned. No one else appeared to speak in support of or in opposition to the application, and no letters were received. After considering the application, the Committee adopted the recommendation as set out below. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Common Council assent to one or more subdivision plans, in one or more phases, with respect to the vesting of the proposed public street(s), as generally illustrated on the attached photo- reduced tentative subdivision plan, including any necessary municipal services, municipal drainage and public utility easements. 2. That Common Council authorize the preparation and execution of a City/Developer Subdivision Agreement(s) to ensure provision of the required work and facilities, including detailed site and drainage plans for the approval of the Chief City Engineer. Project No. 12 -214 42 �� Jri` DATE: OCTOBER 12, 2012 TO: PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: COMMUNITY PLANNING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT FOR: MEETING OF OCTOBER 16, 2012 W M / i Patrick Foran Ken Forrest, MCIP, RPP Planning Officer Commissioner SUBJECT: Proposed Subdivision (Street Vesting) - 210 Lawrence Long Road The Planning Advisory Committee, at its August 21, 2012 meeting, favourably considered a subdivision application proposing the creation of nine (9) unserviced residential lots having access via an extension of Lawrence Long Road, which was also to connect with Arthurs Road to the north (see attached Staff Report). Staff was supportive of this application on the basis that the existing privately -owned portion of Lawrence Long Road would be conveyed to the City in its present form, in exchange for the applicant constructing the "future street" to the rural road standard at his expense. While Council has given its assent to the proposed street extension, tentative approval cannot be given to the proposed subdivision until assent has also been given to the vesting of the privately -owned portion of Lawrence Long Road, which was not part of the previous application. As required by the Subdivision By -law, the proposed conveyance of the street to the City (i.e., street vesting) must be submitted to the Planning Advisory Committee for a recommendation before being forwarded to Common Council for its consideration. With the incorporation of the Acamac / South Bay area into the City of Saint John, the City inherited some maintenance responsibilities from the Province with regard to Lawrence Long Road, The conveyance of the privately -owned portion of the street to the City would allow it to be added to the public street inventory thereby facilitating future maintenance. As detailed in the attached report, the street conveyance, in conjunction with the connectivity to Arthurs Road resulting from the proposed subdivision, would address the loss of access suffered by certain homeowners during times of seasonal SAINT )OHN P.O. Box 1971 "tilt John, NB Canada E 2L 4L1 UR 1 971 Saint JoE- n, N, -B. Canada EEL •ILI 43 Michael and Catherine Long 210 Lawrence Long Road Page 2 October 12, 2012 flooding as well as provide for a safer traffic pattern in the long term. Consequently, approval of the proposed street vesting can be supported. STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO COMMITTEE: That Common Council assent to one or more subdivision plans, in one or more phases, with respect to the vesting of the proposed public street(s), as generally illustrated on the attached photo- reduced tentative subdivision plan, including any necessary municipal services, municipal drainage and public utility easements. 2. That Common Council authorize the preparation and execution of a City /Developer Subdivision Agreement(s) to ensure provision of the required work and facilities, including detailed site and drainage plans for the approval of the Chief City Engineer. PF Project No. 12 -214 MI PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 1 URBANISME ET DEVELOPPEMENT S-21 A t ;1 ♦w I� r♦ 1 r �� �♦� rrr ter• rrr RF M Subject Site / Site en question: PID(s) / NIP(s): 55163133 Location: 210, chemin Lawrence Long Road Date: July / juillet 18, 2012 Scale / echelle: Not to scale / Pas a 1'echelle 45 Approximate Section of Lawrence Long Road to be conveyed The City of Saint John DATE: AUGUST 17, 2012 TO: PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE FROM: COMMUNITY PLANNING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT FOR: MEETING OF AUGUST 21, 2012 PREPARED BY: Patrick Foran Planning Officer SUBJECT: Name of Applicant: Name of Owner: Location: PID: Municipal Plan: Zoning: Proposal: Type of Application: SAINT JOHN REVIEWED BY: Ken Forrest, MCIP, RPP Commissioner Michael & Catherine Long Michael & Catherine Long 210 Lawrence Long Road 55163133 Rural Residential "RS -2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential To develop a nine -lot subdivision. Subdivision and variances to: 1) allow the proposed street to be constructed to the "rural road" standard, whereas it is required to be constructed to the "local street" standard; P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 4L1 www,saintjohn.ca C.P. 1971 Saint John, N, -B. Canada E2L 4L1 47 Michael & Catherine Long Page 2 210 Lawrence Long Road August 17, 2012 2) reduce the minimum required width of the proposed public street right -of -way from 23.1 metres to approximately 20.1 metres; 3) reduce the minimum required amount of Land for Public Purposes from 2,919 square metres to approximately 452 metres; 4) allow the placement of "front- overhead" electrical utility lines whereas they are required to be placed underground at the front of the proposed lots; 5) reduce the minimum required lot area from 5,350 square metres to lot areas varying between 4,603 square metres and 5,064 square metres for lots 08 -01 to 08 -05 and lots 08 -07 to 09 (inclusive); and 6) reduce the minimum required lot width from 59 metres to approximately 20 metres (Lot 08 -06), approximately 56 metres (Lot 08 -03) and approximately 58 metres (Lot 08 -02). JURISDICTION OF COMMITTEE: The Community Planning Act authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to advise Common Council concerning the vesting of public streets and land for public purposes in conjunction with the subdivision of land. The Act also authorizes the Planning Advisory Committee to grant reasonable variances from the requirements of the Subdivision and Zoning By -laws. The Committee can impose conditions. STAFF RECOMMENDATION TO COMMITTEE: That Common Council assent to one or more subdivision plans, in one or more phases, with respect to the vesting of the proposed public street(s), as generally illustrated on the attached photo - reduced tentative subdivision plan entitled `Pasture Hill Estates Subdivision' dated April 20, 2012, including any necessary municipal services and public utility easements. 2. That Common Council authorize the preparation and execution of a City/Developer Subdivision Agreement(s) to ensure provision of the required work and facilities, including detailed site and drainage plans for the approval of the Chief City Engineer, 3. That Common Council accept a cash -in -lieu payment instead of the required land dedication in order to satisfy the Land for Public Purposes requirement. .• Michael & Catherine Long Page 3 210 Lawrence Long Road August 17, 2012 4. That the Planning Advisory Committee approve the proposed street name of "Pasture Hill Road ". That the Planning Advisory Committee grant the following variances from the requirements of the Subdivision and Zoning By -laws to: a) allow the proposed street to be constructed to the "rural road" standard, whereas it is required to be constructed to the "local street" standard; b) reduce the minimum required width of the proposed public street right -of -way from 23.1 metres to approximately 20.1 metres; c) allow the placement of "front- overhead" electrical utility lines whereas they are required to be placed underground at the front of the proposed lots; d) reduce the minimum required lot area from 5,350 square metres to lot areas varying between 4,603 square metres and 5,064 square metres for lots 08 -01 to 08 -05 and lots 08 -07 to 09 (inclusive); and e) reduce the minimum required lot width from 59 metres to approximately 20 metres (Lot 08- 06), approximately 56 metres (Lot 08 -03) and approximately 58 metres (Lot 08 -02). 6. That the Planning Advisory Committee deny the requested variance to reduce the minimum required amount of Land for Public Purposes from 2,919 square metres to approximately 452 square metres. BACKGROUND: The Acamac / South Bay area (which includes the Lawrence Long Road) was annexed by the City in the mid- 1960's. The exact length and configuration of Lawrence Long Road at the time of amalgamation is not clear, but City records indicate that the initial 336 metres (1,100 feet), approximately, appear to be public with the remaining approximately 560 metres (1,800 feet) being privately owned and extending to the original, long- existing Lawrence Long homestead. Also unclear is the number of dwellings that were existing at the time of amalgamation and whether they fronted on the publicly or privately owned portion of the road. However, since the 1980's the Planning Advisory Committee has approved the creation of approximately eight lots that have access via the privately -awned portion of the street, most recently in 1996. While the earliest staff report(s) expressed concern with the state of repair of the road (and in fact a condition was imposed by the Committee prohibiting further subdivision without street construction to City standards), additional subdivisions were allowed in the mid- 1990's subsequent to Committee approval of the access (which appears to have included favourable recommendations from Planning Staff). It is not clear what, if any, street improvements were undertaken in the intervening years, however at present the latter portion of 1 In 1996, tentative approval was given to a subdivision proposing the creation of three lots on a private access (Lawrence Long Road) subsequent to approval of the access by the Committee. However, the final plan actually creating the lots was only approved in 2003. .• Michael & Catherine Long 210 Lawrence Long Road Page 4 August 17, 2012 Lawrence Long Road is still considered a private street and does not satisfy the minimum construction standards for a public street. In August of 2011, an application was submitted proposing to sever a lot with an area of approximately 2.8 hectares (7 acres) from the parent property in order to accommodate the future construction of a single - family dwelling. Because access to the proposed lot was by means other than a public street, approval of the Committee was required. The Committee, at its September 20, 2011 meeting, considered the proposal and approved the proposed access as being advisable for the proposed development of land. Notwithstanding the approval of the proposed means of access, the proposed subdivision has yet to be undertaken. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: Municipal Operations and Engineering has indicated that: • There is no municipal servicing (water, sanitary, storm) available. • While minimum road maintenance services are provided to Lawrence Long Road a portion of the access is located on private property. • The majority of the existing Lawrence Long Road is of substandard construction (including the width). This access is not constructed to current municipal engineering standards for right of way and travel lane widths, shoulders, base and surface materials, and drainage features. • In accordance with the Subdivision By -law, every lot should abut a public street. • There is no guarantee to the level of service or continuation of service that will be provided by the municipality as this is a privately owned road. • Support of this application is conditional on ownership of the existing portion of Lawrence Long Road, in its present state, being conveyed to the City to vest as a public street, as agreed to with the applicants in 2009. • The proposed extension of Lawrence Long Road would extend to the existing "future street" and be built as a public street to at least the Rural Road standard. The requested reduced width variance from 23.1 m to 20.1 metres can be supported for this proposal; • A "future street" should be constructed to the Rural Road standard in order to provide the interconnectivity with Arthurs Road as this was the basis of Staff's support for the original proposal. • As with all other proposed subdivisions, any street construction or improvements would be the fall responsibility of the developer. Detailed engineering (street) plans must be provided by the developer's engineering consultant to the City by the developer's engineering consultant for review and approval. • The developer's engineering consultant must provide detailed engineering storm water drainage plans and a design report to the City for review and approval. In addition to the Lawrence Long Road being very narrow with drainage issues, there is a significant issue with the existing infrastructure on this road which must be addressed prior to considering development at the end of the existing road. • During the spring Lawrence Long Road toward its end can be submerged with floodwater and can be impassable for several days. Although the existing few property owners managed to transport via boats, there would a delay in emergency response if it was needed. Increasing the number of residences beyond the section that flooded would increase the risk of such an emergency event occurring should a similar flooding event occur in subsequent years. Prior to any new development 50 Michael & Catherine Long Page 5 210 Lawrence Long Road August 17, 2012 taking place, upgrades would be required by the developer to ensure continuous road access unaffected by annual spring freshet. (Photos attached) Buildings and Inspection Services has indicated that it has no issues with the proposed subdivision as there is a distinct advantage to having the roadway looped through Lawrence Long and Arthurs Roads from a public safety viewpoint and a servicing aspect. 51 Michael & Catherine Long Page 6 210 Lawrence Long Road August 17, 2012 Saint John Fire Department has been forwarded a copy of the application. Saint John Transit indicates that it offers limited service along the Westfield Road on weekdays in close proximity to this location. Leisure Services has indicated that the UP lands proposed on this plan have little utility as recreational space if undeveloped. In lieu of numerous small areas of land obtained by piecemeal development, cash in lieu would better serve the broader neighbourhood by supporting improvements to existing recreational facilities in the area as well as connections between them. Geographic Information Systems (Planning and Development) has indicated that "Pasture Hill Road" is an acceptable street name and has been reserved. Saint John Energy has been forwarded a copy of the application. Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline, Enbridge Gas, and Brunswick Pipeline advise that the area is all "clear" and that the proposal is not near any pipeline facilities. ANALYSIS: Site and Neip_hbourhood The subject property extends from the end of the publicly -owned portion of Lawrence Long Road (approximately 336 metres east of its intersection with Westfield Road) to the banks of the Saint John River / South Bay in the Acamac / South Bay area (see attached location map). The property is configured similarly to a flag- shaped lot, with the "stem" of the lot (containing the privately -owned portion of Lawrence Long Road) extending from the end of the publicly owned portion of the street a distance of approximately 560 metres eastward to the developable portion of the property. This rear portion has an area of approximately 54,000 square metres (13.5 acres) which the applicant is proposing to subdivide into nine unserviced lots residential approximately 5,000 square metres (one and a quarter acres) each in area. Presently existing on the parent property is the applicants' dwelling for which a building permit was issued in 2009. The surrounding area is rural in nature, being comprised primarily of single - family dwellings of varying styles situated on large (4,000 or more square metres) unserviced lots. The only strictly non - residential use in the general vicinity appears to be on the property to south addressed as 186 & 320 Lawrence Long Road, which was rezoned in 1999 to permit a horse stable and riding arena for up to twelve horses. Proposal The applicant has submitted a subdivision application proposing the creation of nine unserviced residential lots along an extension of Lawrence Long Road (see attached tentative subdivision plan). As part of the proposal, the "future street" (PID 55065346, see attached map) would be constructed, thereby allowing Lawrence Long Road to connect to Arthurs Road via a new street tentatively named Pasture Hill Road. A narrow Land for Public Purposes (LPP) dedication of approximately 452 square metres would extend from the proposed Pasture Hill Road to the Saint John River. 52 Michael & Catherine Long page 7 210 Lawrence Long Road August 17, 2012 The configuration of the current proposal was derived in large part from a number of previous discussions between City Staff and the applicant beginning in late 2007 / early 2008. In reviewing earlier versions of the proposed subdivision, Staff had concerns pertaining to the proposed means of access given that most of the existing Lawrence Long Road is a private street that is not constructed to the current minimum street standard. Further, the developable portion of the property where the proposed lots would be created is beyond the section of Lawrence Long Road that is susceptible to flooding during the spring freshet. In fact, there are some existing properties created in the late 1990's / early 2000's that can become inaccessible at certain times of the year due to the higher water level. In situations such as the present instance where an existing street or other access to a proposed subdivision is substandard, the Subdivision By -law requires that the proponent make provision to bring the existing access up to the same standard as required for the new street(s) within the subdivision as a condition of approval. It is recognized that there are substantial challenges in doing so in the present instance. Specifically, the length of the privately -owned portion of Lawrence Long Road that would have to be improved is significant and would likely be cost - prohibitive. This is coupled with the fact that an Environmental Impact Assessment would likely be necessary to build up the low point of the road so as to resolve the flooding issue. The costs of the required street upgrades, coupled with those of the new street construction, speak to viability of the proposal. While it is not ordinarily the City's responsibility to resolve the feasibility of a particular project, it is recognized that the City has inherited some maintenance responsibilities from the Province with regard to Lawrence Long Road that differentiate this project from other proposals. Further, given the inaccessibility of certain lots at the end of Lawrence Long Road, there is concern (liability) regarding the City's ability to provide emergency services. Consequently, the above- mentioned concerns were discussed between the applicants and Staff, and it is Staff's understanding that there was general agreement with the following compromise to address the concerns pertaining to the access: The applicants would accept responsibility for constructing the City -owned "future street" (identified on the tentative subdivision plan as PID 55065346) to the "rural road" standard at their cost as part of the standard City/Developer Subdivision Agreement. This would be in addition to the street construction required for the extension of Lawrence Long Road and the creation of Pasture Hill Road. In exchange, Staff would recommend that Common Council accept transfer of ownership of the privately -owned portion of Lawrence Long Road in its current state to the City, with appropriate "rural road" right -of -way width. Once ownership of the road was transferred, the City would become responsible for the costs of improving and maintaining Lawrence Long Road, including any Environmental Impact Assessment(s) necessary to build up the low point that is prone to flooding. Staff's support of this concept is predicated on the fact that the connection of Lawrence Long Road to Arthurs Road via the new Pasture Hill Road would create an alternate access point to the properties that are rendered periodically inaccessible due to flooding. Not only would the inaccessibility problems be rectified, but with the transfer of ownership of the road to the City, future maintenance and improvements could be undertaken as per the normal prioritization process. Staff remain supportive of the general concept, although a number of variances (detailed below) are required. 53 Michael & Catherine Long Page 8 210 Lawrence Long Road August 17, 2012 It should be noted that Municipal Operations and Engineering has provided comments to the applicants in a letter dated October 16, 2009 advising that in order to ensure that the physical roadway is not located on third -party lands, both the City (for the apparently publicly -owned portion) and the applicant (for the privately -owned section) may need to have their respective portions of the road surveyed, at their cost. For clarification purposes, should the survey(s) illustrate that the portions of the road to be conveyed are on third -party lands, the Staff recommendation to Common Council may be affected. Municipal Plan Context The subject property is designated Rural Residential. This designation applies to those lands which accommodate existing or approved low - density residential development that is not located within a Rural Settlement Areal, is unserviced, and is located beyond the Primary Development Area. The Municipal Plan seeks to curtail this form of development in the future by limiting further subdivision of lots for this purpose. Further, Council intends that land within the Rural Residential Area designation is generally intended to accommodate existing rural residential development. Development of residential uses on existing lots is permitted but the creation of new lots for additional rural residential development is generally discouraged. However, the dedication of new public streets (or street extensions) can be accepted as part of a subdivision approval if, in the determination of Council, the new streets / street extensions are necessary to provide safe access to the proposed development or are necessary to improve connectivity between existing developments in the general area. In light of the access issues outlined earlier in this report, Staff s opinion is that the current proposal would address the outstanding safety and connectivity issues that presently exist and can be recommended to Common Council as per the policies of the Municipal Plan. Subdivision & Variances Street Construction & Utility Servicing Standards Because the proposed subdivision involves new public streets, the Community Planning Act requires the Planning Advisory Committee to provide a recommendation to Common Council concerning the proposed street vesting. Based on the submitted tentative subdivision plan, the street layout is acceptable to Municipal Operations and Engineering and can therefore be recommended to Council on this basis. The Staff Recommendation includes all the necessary assents and approvals for the tentative plan, easements, and City/Developer Agreements, etc. With regard to the actual street construction, the Subdivision By -law requires the proposed street to be constructed to the "local street" standard. This standard requires concrete curbing and sidewalks, which are not features present on adjoining streets, such as Arthurs Road, which was recently reconstructed to the "rural road" standard. In order to allow the proposed street to be constructed in manner consistent with other existing streets in the surrounding area, and based on discussions with City Staff, the 2 The Rural Settlement Areas are Martinon to Ketepec, Lomeville and Treadwell Lake. 54 Michael & Catherine Long Page 9 210 Lawrence Long Road August 17, 2012 applicant is requesting a variance to allow the proposed street to be constructed to the "rural road" standard. Municipal Operations and Engineering is in support of this variance and, for the reasons outlined, Staff can also recommend approval of this variance. Should the Committee be inclined to grant the necessary variance to allow the street to be constructed to the "rural road" standard, a subsequent variance will be necessary to reduce the minimum required width of the public street right -of -way from 23.1 metres to approximately 20.1 metres. In addition to the concrete curbing and sidewalks, the other difference between the "rural road" and "local street" standards is the minimum required width of the public street right -of -way. A "local street" is required to have a minimum width of 20 metres, whereas the "rural road" is required to have a minimum width of 23.1 metres. However, this standard was only recently increased to 23.1 metres, when it had previously been 20 metres. A width of 20 metres would be consistent with the existing streets to which the new streets would connect (Lawrence Long Road and Arthurs Road). Given these observations, in conjunction with Municipal Operations and Engineering's support, approval of this variance can be supported. In addition, the Subdivision By -law requires that the electrical utility lines be placed underground at the front of the lots to be served. Although the By -law permits the utility lines to be placed overhead when subdivision occurs along existing streets, there is no such relaxation for street extensions / new streets. Further, the By -law allows "front overhead" utilities in Rural Residential subdivisions, but as the present proposal does not entail a rezoning to "RR " One Family Rural Residential, this provision is not applicable. However, both the existing Lawrence Long Road and Arthurs Road have front overhead servicing presently in place. Continuing the "front overhead" servicing would allow for consistency with the surrounding area and given that the proposal is essentially characterized as a rural residential subdivision, approval of this variance can be supported. Land for Public Purposes The development of the original parent property has unfolded over a period of several decades. Not uncommon in these types of rural settings, it appears that the lots were generally created either one at a time or in small numbers. It does not appear that there was an overall plan guiding the development of the subdivision (street configuration, LPP, etc.) and as a consequence it does not appear that having a publicly - accessible area, be it along the shoreline or elsewhere, was ever contemplated. The remnant parcel is the last phase which can be developed and there are difficulties in attempting to require a significant land -based LPP dedication at this time given it was never a feature that was planned for. In light of the comments received from Leisure Services, it is not anticipated that any proposed LPP parcel as part of this subdivision would be developed by the City, The specific LPP parcel put forth by the applicant, while satisfying the intent of the By -law in providing public access to a water feature, would only have a width of approximately 6 metres, limiting its ability to be developed or utilized by the public in any event. Therefore a land dedication would be of little benefit to the community if it were accepted and is not considered appropriate in this instance. While there is no planning rationale to support a variance to reduce the minimum amount of LPP required, the Subdivision By -law allows for a cash -in -lieu payment to be provided. Although this 55 Michael & Catherine Long Page 10 210 Lawrence Long Road August 17, 2012 payment is based on a percentage of the value of the land being subdivided, the calculation of the value of the payment takes into account the cost of the street construction. It is anticipated that the net LPP payment would be approximately several hundred dollars per lot. By providing a cash -in -lieu payment, not only would the LPP requirement be satisfied, but, the tentative plan could be revised to increase the size of the proposed lots, thereby reducing or eliminating the need for some of the lot area variances. A cash -in -lieu payment is supported by Leisure Services as they have indicated that it would be more in keeping with the strategy of Play SJ of improving and supporting existing recreational facilities instead of adding to the large number of existing parcels which are costly to develop and maintain. For the reasons outlined above, Staff is recommending an LPP dedication in the form of a cash -in -lieu payment, based on the full By -law amount (i.e., no variance). Lot Dimensions At the time the original concept was prepared and subsequently reviewed by Staff, all of the minimum required lot dimensions were in conformity with the standards of the Subdivision and Zoning By -laws, with the exception of Lot 08 -06. However, as this lot was essentially a "flag- shaped" lot with ample area beyond the access portion (in fact it is the largest lot in the subdivision), Staff was supportive of the necessary lot width reduction from 54 metres to 20 metres. However, since that time, there have been a number of legislative changes affecting standards for unserviced development. Aside from the adoption of the new Municipal Plan (P1anSJ) which was detailed earlier in this report, the regulations administered by the Provincial Department of Health were amended such that they no longer provide an assessment of the proposed lots as part of the tentative subdivision review process for suitability of an on -site sewage disposal system. Based on discussions with the Department of Health, it was determined that, as a substitute for having a lot assessment, increasing the minimum required lot area to 5,350 square metres and minimum required lot width to 59 metres should be sufficient in most instances for property owners to install a traditional on -site septic disposal system. As a result of the increased lot dimension standards, only one of the proposed lots (Lot 08 -06) would meet the current minimum lot area requirement, and three of the lots need variances to reduce the lot width from 59 metres to approximately 20 metres (Lot 08 -06), approximately 56 metres (Lot 08 -03) and approximately 58 metres (Lot 08 -02). Notwithstanding that the earlier proposal was never given tentative approval and that lot assessments were never undertaken prior to the changes to the Public Health Act, the proposed lots are all well over the previous threshold of 4,000 square metres in area and, other than Lot 08 -06, would exceed the previous lot width requirement of 54 meters. As mentioned previously, however, Lot 08 -06 is essentially a "flag- shaped" lot — the developable part of the lot, which contains the applicants' recently constructed dwelling, has almost double the minimum required lot area (approximately 8,906 square metres) and almost twice the width (approximately 93 metres). Further, the proportions of the proposed lots would be consistent with those of the existing lots in surrounding area which have been able to accommodate private on -site well and septic. It is not anticipated that the proposed lots would be any different. Based on the above observations, approval of the lot dimension variances can be supported. 56 Michael & Catherine Long 210 Lawrence Long Road CONCLUSION: Page I I August 17, 20I2 At first glance, the proposed subdivision is not in keeping with the vision of the recently adopted Municipal Plan as it is outside of the Growth Boundary and involves the extension of a street to accommodate additional unserviced development. Further, the number of variances may create concerns about the conformity of the proposal with City standards. However, the Plan does recognize that there are instances where this type of development can be accommodated in order to address existing safety concerns or to improve street connectivity. Staff is of the opinion that this is one of those instances_ The proposal outlined herein is an opportunity for the City to acquire a private road for which it has inherited some maintenance responsibilities, but has faced significant challenges in being able to service properly given the ownership issue. Not only could future maintenance be facilitated, but until such time as the road is improved, an alternate access point would be provided via the Arthurs Road. A number of variances which are considered relatively minor in nature are necessary to allow the concept to proceed, but neither the overall subdivision configuration nor individual lots would be inconsistent with the established development pattern of the surrounding area. Consequently, Staff can recommend the necessary assents and variances as detailed in the Staff Recommendation. PF Project No. 12 -214 57 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 1 URBANISME ET DEVELOPPEMENT f f 1 - � r t ♦ f I � 1 ♦wi�J Z l 1 1 f 1, r r� J ;'• 100 �y zw a''r.,4rOr'` R -2M , di rr ` rr'.rrrrr .. 4 � rrr r y.r rr RF err �prrr M Subject Site / Site en question: FxA = `'' " PID (s) I NIP(s): 55163133 Location: 210, chemin Lawrence Long Road Date: July / juillet 18, 2012 Scale / echelle: Not to scale / Pas a 1'echelle c � ff / O Q (t n °�qq• Ro N 8.0 2� C) 41 CD CD CP $ o �I Vn ND so S Yn V'.,'°.i� ♦aa .a�, u> ^.y\ lu Jo pRST Hill _ - -Y• - 6� 2 C tM S CP CP 8 s s xo so q -; Sg1NT o NN R a q 9 --xe rnn xon x v 9a g.. � s..` F F n c r : a p rn e= 5 E E ` 5� €F• #. ••a;�"e8•o m o � � � � � �i de. - § i >; 5' f •i e' •si � e e � �s . �� �b . f ��':x� o g � °_ � � .`- � � � � � �y {: y � y: y ` Ey N� �� ;} fr �9 S�f� g: �F y $ 3 �p 3F iFE�$` g rte.. &3eFjFE Z ��'• (1� .. Pf S a ! Y m t p a P A fiEfgg � N 59 New Brunswick Dental Society ' Societe Dentaire du Nouveau- Brunswick Mayor Mel Norton and Council of the City of Saint John City of Saint John 15 Market Square PO Box 1971 Saint John, New Brunswick E2L 41_1 October 23, 2012 Dear Mayor and Council, 520 rue King Street, HSBC Place #820 P.O. /C.P. Box 488, Station "A" Fredericton, N.B. E3B 4Z9 Tel.: (506) 452 -8575 Fax: (506) 452 -1872 We are writing to follow -up on the recent article in the Telegraph Journal ( "Water treatment Proposal Could Save City Millions ", October 17 2012). We wish to provide you with some information that we hope will encourage you to consider maintaining the fluoride levels in the municipal water system. As dentists,we know that water fluoridation is a safe and effective way to prevent tooth decay. We see it on a daily basis and can distinguish, particularly among children, those who live in areas with fluoridated water and those who do not. The policy of water fluoridation saves millions of dollars in public health costs and protects those who might not have access to dental health care, such as the elderly and low- income families. The New Brunswick Dental Society strongly opposes the removal of this public health measure for purely financial reasons. One of water fluoridation's biggest advantages is that it benefits all residents of a community — at home, work, school or play — throughout their lifetime. This is of key importance for families when income level or ability to receive routine dental care is a barrier to receiving its health benefits. Fluoridated water greatly reduces the number of cavities in children's teeth, which contributes to their healthy development. (1) While cavities are largely preventable, tooth decay is an infectious disease and is the #1 chronic disease in children and adolescents in Canada. It is four to five times more common than asthma and is the second most expensive disease category in Canada (2, 3). Untreated tooth decay can lead to infection, pain and abscesses. It can affect school performance, even a child's sense of self- worth. Communities without municipal fluoridation reveal higher dental decay rates than other communities with water fluoridation. Water fluoridation is supported by more than 90 health - related organizations around the world, including the World Health Organization, Health Canada, the Canadian and American Dental Associations, the Canadian Medical Association, the Food and Drug Administration of the United States and the Canadian Public Health Association. Both Canada's Chief Dental Officer and New Brunswick's Chief Medical Officer have issued statements in support of continued municipal water fluoridation. Additionally, the Chief Medical Officer for Ontario released a report in 2012 recommending a review of current policies and mechanisms to ensure that all Ontarians have access to optimally fluoridated drinking water. (4) /2 website: www.nbdental.com email: nbds @nb.aibn.com .1 The National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia stated that "water fluoridation remains the most effective and socially equitable means of achieving community -wide exposure to the caries prevention effects of fluoride." [emphasis added] (5) The (US) Surgeon General supports this statement, noting "community water fluoridation continues to be the most cost - effective, equitable and safe means to provide protection from tooth decay in a community." (6) It is worth noting that in several communities across the country, city councils are considering adding fluoride to the water systems in order to minimize the levels of dental caries in the local populations, particularly in children. The most recent community to undertake this examination is the town of Orillia, Ontario. Some communities which are making the decision to add it in again, after having taken it out. One such community is Dorval Quebec. Having removed the fluoride during an equipment upgrade in 2003, the community restored fluoridation in 2007. Data collected on children enrolled in public schools in Dorval between 2003 and 2006 indicated that the percentage of kindergarten children at high risk of developing dental caries doubled in the two -year period after water fluoridation was halted in 2003, rising from 8 to 17 %, which represents a statistically significant difference. (7) What are the benefits of community water fluoridation — beyond the proven oral health benefits? • Less out -of pocket expenses — a Centre for Disease Prevention and Control study says that for every dollar invested in community water fluoridation, $38 is avoided in costs for dental treatments. (8) • Less public spending on health care for emergency room visits to treat pain and infection — welcome news in a time when governments are faced with shrinking budgets and increasing needs • Less missed school and work time - Health Canada's research estimates 2.26 million school days and 4.15 million working days are lost annually to oral health issues. (9) As President -Elect and Vice - President of the New Brunswick Dental Society, practicing dentistry in the Saint John region, we can attest to the positive impacts of municipal water fluoridation. Dentists are the health care professionals who are trained to promote good oral health. Municipal water fluoridation is one way to increase the oral health, and overall health, of our local citizens. It has been proven Pffprfivp many times over. We hope that you will take the time to consider all of the information before making a decision on this important issue. Should you require any additional information please do not hesitate to contact either of us, or the New Brunswick Dental Society. Sincerely, Dr. Jeff Clark President - Elect, NBDS Dr. Kelly Manning Vice - President, NBDS 61 REFERENCES CITED: 1. Journal of the American Dental Association. Fluoride. http://www.iada- plus.com /content /136/12 /`1783.full 2. Centre for Disease Control. Water - related hygiene. http: / /www.cdc.gov /healthvwater /hygiene /disease /dental caries.html 3. Federal Provincial and Territorial Dental Working Group. http: / /www.fptdwg.ca /English /e- documents.html 4. King, Arlene. 2012. Oral Health — More Than Just Cavities A Report by Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health. April 2012. http://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/common/`­minist health /oral health.pdf 5. Government of Australia. 2007. National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). Water fluoridation - information for health professionals. http: / /www.health.vic.gov.au/ environment /fluoridation /fluoriprof.htm 6. Surgeon General, Richard H. Carmona, MD, MPH, FACS, VADM, USPHS. Surgeon General's Statement on Community Water Fluoridation, 2004. http: / /www.cdc.gov /fluoridation /fact sheets /sg04.htm 7. Institut national de sante publique du Quebec. Water fluoridation : An analysis of the Health Benefits and Risks. 2007. http: / /www.inspg.gc.ca /pdf/ publications /705- WaterFluoration.pdf 8. Centre for Disease Control. Cost Savings of Community Water Fluoridation. http: / /www.cdc.gov /fluoridation /fact sheets /cost.htm 9. Health Canada. Health Measures Survey 2007 -2009. http: / /www.hc- sc.gc.ca /hl -vs /pubs /oral- bucco/ fact - fiche - oral - bucco - stat- eng.php 62 QD The Hardman Group Limited October 2k"h, 2012 Mayor Mel K. Norton and Councillors PO Box 1971 Saint John, NB E2L 4L 1 Dear Mayor Norton and Council: Re: New Year's Eve Celebrations 2012 It's hard to imagine it now, but we are quickly coming up to the start of the holiday season and the end of another wonderful year. Soon, hearts and souls will light up with the warmth and joy of the most wonderful time of the year, and children will be bursting with anticipation of a magical visit. To top off all of our community's joyous celebrations is our New Year's Eve festivities at Market Square, New Brunswick's Festival Place. Each year, families from all over our region gather in Uptown Saint John to see our amazing fireworks show, which lights up the Saint John skyline like a Christmas tree! Along with live entertainment, activities for the whole family to enjoy, and festive giveaways, this year promises Development to be the best ever! Management As always, Saint John's New Year's Eve festivities are provided at no charge to our guests. In order to provide the highest of both quality and quantities to our citizens, we would greatly value Consulting a contribution from your organization. Your financial support will help to provide that priceless Brokerage feeling of warmth and charity as we gather with family and friends, neighbours and strangers alike, rejoicing in the promise of a new year. In appreciation for your partnership, we will promote your business throughout the New Year's Eve promotions and event via print, radio, and social mediums. In this fashion, your business garners high - profile placement in heavily trafficked areas that extends beyond conventional advertising and demonstrates your support of our community - the gift that keeps on giving. Thank you for your anticipated collaboration in providing one of the most cherished and memorable parts of Saint John's New Year's Eve. We would appreciate confirmation of your contribution at your earliest convenience so that we may coordinate the highest caliber event possible! Yours very truly, The an Group Limited ae Regional Property Manager One Market Square, Saint John, New Bruns x ick Canada E2L 4Z6 Tel 506.658.3600 Fax 506.658.3605 63 PRESENTING SPONSOR $3,000 ✓ Recognition as Sponsor of the event in all advertising pre, during, and post event ✓ Banners /signage displayed ✓ Logo placement on event website ✓ Web link to your company website ✓ VIP seating for four guests and $250 in gift certificates ✓ Recognition by Emcee as Presenting Sponsor throughout evening ✓ Exhibit opportunity available to your company during the event ✓ Opportunity to introduce headlining band and engage with crowd onstage GOLD SPONSOR $1,500 ✓ Recognition as Sponsor of the event in advertising pre, during and post event ✓ Logo placement on event website ✓ Web link to your company website ✓ VIP seating for four guests and $100 in gift certificates ✓ Recognition as Event Sponsor during evening ✓ Opportunity to introduce opening band SILVER SPONSOR $1,000 ✓ Recognition as Event Sponsor on signage during and post event ✓ Logo placement on event website ✓ VIP seating for four guests and $50 in gift certificates ✓ Web link to your company website BRONZE SPONSOR $500 ✓ Recognition as Event Sponsor on signage during and post event ✓ Logo placement on event website SUPPORTING SPONSOR $250 ✓ Logo placement on event website Thank you for your contribution to the 2012 Saint John and Surrounding. Area New Year's Eve Celebrations, and the continued development of or, community. Please indicate your level of sponsorship: o PRESENTING SPONSOR $3,000.00 o GOLD SPONSOR $1,500.00 ❑ SILVER SPONSOR $1,000.00 ❑ BRONZE SPONSOR $500.00 ❑ SUPPORTING SPONSOR $250.00 ❑ OTHER/INKIND Please make cheques payable to: The Hardman Group Limited One Market Square Saint John, NB E2L 4Z6 Please forward this form via fax to (506) 658 -3605 or mail to the above address with your payment. Please call (506) 658 -3600 with any questions or concerns and to get more information about the celebrations. Once again, thank you for your contribution! Please indicate contact information below: Business Name: Contact Name: Mailing Address: Email: Phone: 65 October 31, 2012 His Worship Mel Norton and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: Subject: Prostitution I would like to have a discussion with Council on the topic of prostitution in the City of Saint John. Respectfully Submitted, (Received via email) Susan Fullerton, City Councillor —Ward 2 City of Saint John SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 4L1 I wwwsaintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N.-B. Canada E2L 4L1 -----------� 66 November 1, 2012 His Worship Mel Norton and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: Subject: Pension Plan Reading in this morning's Telegraph Journal (November 1, 2012) that Susan Rowland does not guarantee that the Provincial Pension Task Force will be back to The City of Saint John with their recommendations before the end of the year, I once again call for immediate action on the part of this Council. We must NOT wait any longer. All deadlines for us to hearfrom the Provincial Pension Task Force have been missed, and our situation with regard to the Pension absolutely MUST be dealt with. It is long past time for THIS COUNCIL to take the leadership role for which we were elected. This is our fiduciary responsibility. This is what we promised our Citizens we would do, if they elected us. It is time we step up and make the hard decisions on behalf of our Citizens, our employees and our retirees, all of whom are looking to US for solutions. We have abdicated our responsibility for long enough and it is now time that we take it on. As a member of Council and also a member of The Pension Board, I am completely in the dark regarding what discussions are happening, what progress is being made and what the status is of the work of the Provincial Pension Task Force in regards to the Saint John Pension Plan. MOTION: That Common Council immediately strike a committee, with power to add, to immediately embark on a mission to find the best possible "Made In Saint John" solution for our Pension Crisis in order that we have something to compare to the Dutch Model, if and when it is presented. I am not only volunteering but sincerely requesting to chair this committee. -and- /� SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 4L1 I www saintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N. -B. Canada E21L 4L1 ---------� 67 MOTION: That Common Council insist that the Provincial Pension Task Force should immediately present a very candid update to Common Council regarding the status of the proposed Dutch Model Pension Plan. Respectfully Submitted, (Received via email) Susan Fullerton, City Councillor —Ward 2 City of Saint John .: 1�911_ Saint John Parking Commission Commission sur le stationnement de Saint John November 5, 2012 His Worship Mayor Mel Norton and Members of Common Council City of Saint John Stn Floor, City Hall Saint John, NB Your Worship & Councillors: 11 th Floor, City Hall, 11 i6me Etage, H6tel de Ville P.O. Box 1971 / C.P 1971 Saint John, N.B. /N. -B. E2L 4L1 Tel / T61: (506) 658 -2897 Fax / T616copieur: (506) 649 -7938 E -mail / Courriel: parking@saintjohn.ca RE: Feasibility of Text to Pay System for Pavment of Parking Fines At its meeting of June 18, 2012, Common Council adopted a resolution to request that the Saint John Parking Commission investigate the feasibility of implementing a Text to Pay System to pay for parking tickets as they are received. Currently people who receive parking tickets have the option of coming into the Cashier's Office and paying for the parking with ticket in hand, paying the parking ticket by mail or waiting until the next day and paying the parking ticket online with their credit card. Customers can only pay the fine the day after the ticket is issued online because the City currently uses a batch system and the ticket information is downloaded onto the mainframe computer system at the end of each day. In our review of the various Pay by Text Systems, it is our understanding that each company using such a system would require account information on each person or company before a Text to Pay account can be established. The account information would include the use of a credit card or bank account to make payments depending upon the set up. In addition, the City would have to change the current batch system of downloading tickets at the end of the day and use a live system where the ticket information would be transmitted to City Hall. After discussions with the City IT Department, the City is prepared to review the concept of a Pay by Text System in the following manner: The City of Saint John does not currently have the ability to implement a text to pay option to integrate with our existing payment methods. • We are investigating the functionality and legibility of the existing online payment website on mobile devices to confirm that it can be readily utilized as an option for such devices. The option of paying online with a mobile device immediately after receiving a ticket would also require updates to the current software process in which tickets are only available the next business day after the ticket is issued. www.saint -n.ca M &C 2011 -234 Page 2 RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Saint John Parking Commission that the City of Saint John IT Department review the Pay by Text process for payment of fines as outlined above, and look at the possibility of introducing an on -line fine payment process if the Pay by Phone Parking System is implemented. Respectfully submitted, C. Dwight Allabyy Acting Chairman Saint John Parking Commission /vf 70 I ("�3 Saint John Parking Commission Commission sur Ile stationnement de Saint John November 5, 2012 Mayor Mel Norton and Members of Common Council City of Saint John Stn Floor, City Hall Saint John, NB Your Worship & Councillors: RE: Pay by Phone System for Parking Meters BACKGROUND: 11 th Floor, City Hall, 11 ieme Etage, Hotel de Ville P.O. Box 1971 / C.P. 1971 Saint John, N.B. /N. -B. E2L 41-1 Tel/ Tel: (506) 658 -2897 Fax/ Telecopieur: (506) 649 -7938 E -mail / Courriel: parking@saintjohn.ca At its meeting of June 18, 2012, Common Council adopted a resolution to request that the Saint John Parking Commission investigate the feasibility of implementing a pay -by -phone parking system for the payment of parking fees at parking meters and pay & display machines. Currently, motorists in Saint John are able to pay for parking at meters and pay and display machines, in both on- street and off - street parking areas, using the following methods: cash, parking tokens, and credit cards (pay and display machines only). Because of wide - spread use of mobile phone technology, pay -by -phone business applications are becoming more popular; municipalities and other private organizations are looking at new ways to improve their daily parking operations and enhance customer service by offering their customers added convenience through mobile phone payments. Several Canadian municipalities, and other private parking operators such as Impark, have already invested in pay -by -phone technology. Canadian Municipalities Using Pay By Phone Parking Systems: Municipality On- Street Off- Street Transaction Fee Text Fee Fees Paid By Municipality City of Vancouver Yes Yes 25 cents No Charge Yes City of Richmond Yes No 25 cents 10 cents No White Rock Yes No 25 cents No Charge No City of Kelowna Yes No 35 cents No Charge No City of Winnipeg Yes No 25 cents 10 cents No City of Ottawa Yes No 25 cents 10 cents No Please refer to Appendix "A" to read about how Pay by Phone parking works. www.saintj- 41hn.ca FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS & ANALYSIS: Estimated Cost to City of . Phone Per Transaction Cost One -Time Cost Annual Cost (Annual Estimate) Upgrading Ticketing System $33,900 (gTechna) Regular Maintenance Ticketing $2,800 System (gTechna) Wireless charges for handheld $4,320 ticket writers (Rogers) Credit Card Merchant Fees* $1,800 ** TOTAL $33,900 $7,120 $1,800 *Credit card merchant fee rates vary from 1.77% to 2.00 %. Merchant fees are variable costs based on the total dollar amount of transactions charged on each type of credit card accepted. ** Estimated annual merchant fee cost was calculated using 10% of total annual meter revenue paid using credit card at the merchant fee rate of 2 %. ($900,000 x 10% usage x 2% _ $1,800) Estimated Cost to Customer in Using Pay by Phone Service Transaction Fee $0.25 - $0.35 per transaction Expiry Text Message Fee $0.10 per transaction Customer Benefits: • More convenient and timely payment method compared to standard payment methods. • No need to have coins or other currency readily available, or having to make change. • Ability to extend parking time without returning to the meter or pay and display machine. (Most operators impose a maximum extension period.) • Text reminders may be sent to customer cell phones to notify pending expiry of paid parking time. • Less chance of receiving parking tickets for expired time at meters or pay and display machines. • Customer ability to track expenses through on -line historical records of parking transactions. Municipality Benefits: • Increased parking revenues — customers keep meter paid to avoid receiving a ticket. • Accurate real time electronic customer parking transactions which allow parking operator to properly enforce parking regulations and reduce ticket complaints and legal challenges. • Higher turnover of parking spaces when customers abide by time limits. • Accurate reporting for parking operators such as peak times, busiest zones, etc. • Report data may be used to improve parking space management during times of high demand. • Reduced expenses for cash collection, meter maintenance and accounting, • Less vandalism of parking meters and theft — less cash in meters due to electronic payments 72 3 The cost for the first year of this new service is estimated at $43,000 plus costs for signage and promotion. Annual operating costs, thereafter, are anticipated to be approximately $10,000 per year or higher depending on the usage rate and associated credit card merchant fees. Some of the cost will be offset by additional meter revenue and some reduced operating expenses; however, the actual payback for this new system will only be known through experience with the system. Steps required for implementation of a Pay by Phone Parking System in Saint John: 1. Refer the proposed payment option to the City Solicitor's Office for a determination of the authority to adopt this option. In the event the authority exists, the City Solicitor's Office will draft the appropriate amendment of the Parking Meter By -Law. 2. Discuss the on- street parking time limits with Uptown Saint John and other stakeholders to determine whether the current two hour parking limit is to remain in effect for most uptown streets, and whether an extension should be permitted. 3. Refer the proposal to Materials Management to determine the appropriate method to engage an external service provider. 4. Co- ordinate the work required between the City of Saint John Finance Department, IT Services, and the Pay by Phone external service provider to make appropriate changes to the information systems, cash collection and financial reporting systems. 5. Upgrade the current handheld ticketing system. Currently, parking tickets are uploaded daily to the City's system, from the handheld ticket writers. A pay by phone system would require a change to a real time (live) system. The handheld ticket writers presently being used by enforcement officers will become obsolete in three years and will require replacement. This cost must be built into the City of Saint John's capital budget. 6. Work in co- operation with the City's Communications Department and the external service provider to develop a promotional program for the introduction of the new service (signage, decals, website, and other promotional materials). The external service provider will provide decals for meters. RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Saint John Parking Commission that the City of Saint John proceed with the implementation of a pay by phone parking system for the payment of on- street parking tolls in Saint John as outlined in the above -noted process and that Council understands that it will take time for consumers to increase their use of this service. Respectfully submitted, C. Dwight Allabby Acting Chairman Saint John Parking Commission 73 Appendix "A" How Pay -By -Phone Works - Customer Pay -by -phone in a parking operation is offered in a couple of different ways. One way requires the customer to contact the pay -by -phone service provider twice - to initiate the parking session and again to terminate the session. The second way requires the customer to contact the service provider only when the parking session is initiated and the customer indicates the desired length of time; the customer also has the ability to extend a parking session by contacting the service provider again. Convenience (transaction) and /or text fees also apply to pay -by -phone systems. These fees can either be paid by the parking operator, or by the customer. The parking operator must contract with a pay -by -phone service provider. Customers must pre - register on -line to use the pay -by -phone system. Registration information includes mobile phone number(s) the driver wishes to use to engage /disengage the parking session, license plate number(s) and credit card number. Once registration is complete, the customer is ready to use the pay -by -phone system. To activate a parking session, a customer, once parked at a designated pay -by -phone parking meter or pay and display location, contacts the pay -by -phone service provider by telephone (1- 800 number) or mobile phone application, if available. The telephone number can be found on meter decals and signage in the parking area. The customer enters the parking location (indicated by meter number or pay and display machine number), and the length of time required or contacts the telephone number again to deactivate the parking session. The customer can also choose to have reminder text messages sent to their cell phone when the paid time is nearing expiry. The applicable parking fee and convenience (transaction) fee are charged to a pre- registered credit card, or deducted from a pre -paid account. The pay by phone service provides e-mail receipts and on -line monthly statements for users. How Pay -By -Phone Works — Parking Enforcement Enforcement officers enter the license plates of vehicles with expired time at meters and pay and display machines, or vehicles that do not display their parking receipt of a pay and display machine into their handheld device. Using real -time technology, the license plate information is transmitted wirelessly from the handheld device to the pay by phone system in order to verify payment of parking tolls. If the parking session has expired, or if no toll was paid (either on -line or at meter), then a parking ticket is issued. In the case of ticket disputes, staff members have access to the pay by phone service provider's report system and can view users' historical parking records which allows for quick resolution of disputes. 74 CIT REPOMP TO COMMON COUN A-4 M & C — 2012 -277 November 7, 2012 His Worship Mayor Mel Norton and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Harbour Clean -Up — Sanitary Lift Station #31 Former Mill Street — PID # 00032763 BACKGROUND: In relation to the Harbour Clean-Up project, Common Council has already: �pn � City of Saint John 1. Accepted funding under the Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund from the Government of Canada for the Wastewater Treatment System Project # 2008 -2012; and; 2. Resolved that the City Manager be directed to proceed to negotiate the acquisition by agreement, of all land interests required to a maximum of 125 per cent of the appraised value with intention to promote goodwill, equity, and ultimately negotiated voluntary settlements on value. Design engineering has determined that the favourable location for Harbour Clean-Up sanitary lift station #31 (SLS # 31) is on a portion of an undeveloped parcel of land designated PID # 00032763 located on the west side of the former Mill Street, and owned by Moosehead Breweries Limited (Moosehead). The general layout of the land requirements are as illustrated on the CBCL drawing titled "Sanitary Lift Station #31 Force Main & Sewer Preliminary Design" dated Sept. 2012, a copy of which is attached to this letter. The lift station will cover a 224 square metre +/- portion of the 1,143 square metre land parcel. Subject to Common Council approval, staff negotiated with Moosehead for the City's purchase of the required land interests for the price of $7,517.00, being 125% of the appraised value of same. 75 Report to Common Council November 7, 2012 RECOMMENDATION: Page 2 1. That The City of Saint John acquire the freehold interest in lands designated PID # 00032763 from Moosehead Breweries Limited for the sum of $7,517.00 (plus HST if applicable), upon the terms and conditions contained in the "Agreement of Purchase and Sale" attached to M &C 2012 -277; and, 2. That the Mayor and Common Clerk execute the Agreement of Purchase and Sale and all documentation required to complete the contemplated purchase. Respectfully submitted, FCX Gregory J. Yeomans, CGA, MBA Commissioner of Finance and Administrative Services J. Patrick Woods, C.G.A. City Manager PWW /P attachments 76 JDI ib o / i / MOOSEHEAD -.1 Mara St West ;� t `� � �kj r Description of Plan: Moosehead Breweries Limited and Simms Corner Area N PID: 0032763 PAN: 16976 Proposed Location for Sanitary Lift Station # 31 Date: 29 October, 2012 77 AGREEMENT OF PURCHASE AND SALE The Purchaser agrees to purchase from the Vendor and the Vendor agrees to sell to the Purchaser the freehold interest in a portion of the Vendor's Lands PID # 00032763 as hereinafter set out upon the following terms and conditions: Vendor: MOOSEHEAD BREWERIES LIMITED PO Box 3100 Station B Saint John, NB E2M 3H2 c/o Greg Foster Purchaser. THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 15 Market Square Saint John, NB E2L41_1 Attention: Common Clerk Premises: Freehold interest in a portion of PID # 00032763 Comprising 224.0 sq. m. +/- Designated "APPROXIMATE AREA FOR PURCHASE: 224 mZ OWNER: MOOSEHEAD BREWERIES LIMITED" on a drawing dated Sept 2012 entitled "Project Description SANITARY LIFT STATION #31 FORCE MAIN & SEWER PRELIMINARY DESIGN" prepared by CBCL Limited (hereinafter called "Real Property") (Photo - reduced copy of said drawing attached hereto) Purchase Price: $7,517.00 + HST if applicable Deposit: $500.00 payable upon adoption of Common Council Resolution Balance: $7,017.00 on Closing Closing Date: On or before December 28, 2012. 1. The Purchaser shall acquire from the Vendor the unencumbered and unrestricted freehold title in the Real Property. 2. The Purchaser may examine the -title to the Real Property at its own expense until the Closing Date. If within that time any valid objection to the title to the Real Property is made in writing by the Purchaser to the Vendor which the Vendor shall be unable or unwilling to remove within twenty (20) days of notification of such objection or objections and which the Purchaser will not waive, this agreement shall, notwithstanding any intermediate acts or negotiations in respect of such objections, be null and void and any deposit shall be returned by the Vendor without interest and the Vendor shall not be liable for any costs or damages. Save as to any valid objection so made within such time, the Purchaser shall be conclusively deemed to have accepted the title of the Vendor to the Real Property. 1 Agreement of Purchase and Sale — SLS #31 Moosehead Breweries Limited and The Citv of Saint John 3. The Vendor shall deliver to the Purchaser at closing and in registrable form any postponement(s) and /or discharge(s) or partial discharges of any encumbrances which the Purchaser, at its discretion may require. 4. (i) The Purchaser shall prepare at its cost any Subdivision Plans) /Plan(s) of Survey required to effect the conveyances herein contemplated; and (ii) The Purchaser shall contribute $500.00 for legal fees expended by the Vendor to finalize this conveyance; and (iii) The Purchaser shall pay for registration & filing fees at SNB for the plan, postponements, and any discharge(s) or partial discharges of mortgage(s), debenture(s), or other encumbrances. 5. The Vendor shall at its expense terminate all leases with respect to the Real Property such that the Purchaser will have vacant possession of the Real Property on the Closing Date. 6. If the Purchaser defaults in the closing of the sale under the terms of this Agreement, any money paid hereunto shall be forfeited to the Vendor by way of liquidated damages, and the Vendor shall have no further or other recourse against the Purchaser. 7. AND FURTHER, the parties agree that, upon acceptance by the Purchaser, the Purchaser, by its authorized representatives, and with such equipment as may be necessary has a right of access to, in and upon the Real Property at any time provided such right is exercised with as little disturbance as possible to the Vendor and Tenants for such purposes and pursuant to the terms hereinafter set out: a) The right of access is to allow the Purchaser to make improvements to the City of Saint John sewerage system; b) Any entry to, in and upon the Real Property shall require 7 days prior notice to the Vendor; c) Any entry by or on behalf of the Purchaser shall be at its risk, cost and expense; d) The Purchaser for itself and its authorized representatives hereby indemnifies and saves harmless the Vendor from and against all matters arising by reason of the Purchaser exercising its right of access granted herein. 8. This offer shall be irrevocable by the Vendor until 4:00 p.m. local time on NovemberA, Ir and upon acceptance by the Purchaser shall constitute an Agreement of Purchase and Sale binding upon the parties hereto. 9. This offer when accepted shall be read with all changes of gender or number required by the context shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their respective heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, and time shall in all respects be of the essence hereof. 2 79 Agreement of Purchase and Sale —SLS #31 Moosehead Breweries Limited and The Chy of Saint John IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Vendor has caused these presents to be executed this day of /f ✓Li•►� �G� , 2012. MOOSEHEAD BREWERIES LIMITED Per: W6 � {'YL✓ And: bi:�!* AND the Purchaser has caused these presents to be executed this day of _ , 2012. THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Mayor Common Clerk Common Council Resolution: :1 0 13 .1 .. IA Z Af, I Or. 't )/, LL it 4� le IL it 1-7 /1 .41 9E Hodges Hamm 66 ]coley Court Saint John, 'NB E2J 1 B9 September 25, 2012 Mayor and Council City of Saint John Saint John New Brunswick Reference: Real Estate Signs on Public Property Your Worship and Councilors I was encouraged to write this letter to you as a result of the public open house meeting that was held at St. Joachim's Church this Tuesday evening. It was my impression that the public was going to be able to address some concerns to the City Planners regarding City By -Laws. However that was not the case and in speaking with one of the Planners there, they suggested that I write City Council with respect to the signage issue I brought to their attention. The problem is the growing number of so called "temporary signs' that are showing up at hundreds of street corners in Saint John. These signs are mainly real estate post "for sale" signs with direction arrows on them. All these signs are being installed illegally as they are not considered to be temporary because they are anchored into the ground and many of them are up now for over 180 days On some corners of city streets, there are as many as four of these post signs on one corner. These signs are a hazard to drivers and it will only be a matter of time when there will be a bad car accident where a pedestrian will be hit because the driver was unable to see the pedestrian because of the signs obstructing their view. Being that 1 am a REALTORG, you may find this strange that 1 would request these signs be taken down; however I will share with you an incident that happened just recently. I went to the Saint John Airport to pick up a client who was moving here to work with the Royal Canadian Navy. On the way into Saint John, he noticed the number of real estate signs that were located on every street corner along Loch Lomond Road. His comment was "there seems to be is a lot homes for sale in Saint John judging by the vast number of real estate for sale signs there are.' 1 said to him that he was correct in his observation, but it was a great time to buy because it was a Buyer's Market ". 1Ie immediately responded that, he was only going to be here for two years and did I think it would continue to be a Buyer's Market then. Of course I couldn't answer his question, because I did not have a crystal ball. 82 His question relating to the number of for sale signs resonated with me for a while. I then started to notice that there were all kinds of real estate signs on almost every corner street in Saint John. Not only did I think it would be a safety issue, but from my point of view, they were considered to be over kill. Most of these signs are being used as an inexpensive way to advertise themselves and their company, Some REALTORS® have as many as four corner signs to show directions to the listing which also has a sign on it. Today, the real estate companies have more listings than ever before, and every REALTOR® has to compete against one another, and therefore the sign war begins. I have written to the real estate board about this problem, and I am still waiting to hear a response. In speaking with the Executive Officer of the Saint John Real Estate Board, she felt that it was a City by -law control issue. I remember that we (the real estate board) did address the issue many years ago and signs disappeared off the corners. However the rise of the sign war started when "private for sale" companies started to erect corner signs. So, in order to compete, the REALTOR® followed suit. Thank you for taking the time to review my concerns and hopefully Council will give some direction to Staff to have this matter resolved. By the way, even I have been forced to put up corner post for sale signs by my clients, in order to keep up with the competition. I would be the first to take them done if I was directed to do so by the City of Saint John. Respectfull ; Hodg Hamm Associate Broker/Manager Re/Max Professions 83 The City of Saint John November 6, 2012 His Worship Mel Norton and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: Subject: Congratulatory Letter to Mr. Arthur Irving Motion: That the Common Clerk's Office prepare a letter on behalf of Mayor and Council congratulating Mr. Arthur Irving on receipt of the Order of New Brunswick. Mr. Arthur Irving has recently received the Order of New Brunswick and as such I am suggesting that Mayor and Council extend congratulations. Respectfully Submitted, Dr. Shelley M. Rinehart Deputy Mayor (received via email) kS!t� l' T is H IN P.O. R)x 'l971 Saint Jdin, N13 Canada E2L 41A, I w.,"w%ji gohn.ca I C- 71 SMO John, N. -S. Canada F2L 4L7 84 The City of saint John November 13, 2012 His Worship Mayor Norton, Deputy Mayor Rinehart and Councillors Subject: Proposed 2013 Common Council Schedule Mayor Norton, Deputy Mayor and Councillors, Attached please find the proposed 2013 Common Council Schedule for your review and approval. Sincerely, Elizabeth Cormle Common Clerk SA JI TY 14 -T14N. RO. kxx 1971 nit John, Ng Canada E2L 4LI I wtnrW-&IingOhn.c ; I C.P. 1471 Saint john, N, -B. Canada EL 4L`E [ *I COMMON COUNCIL MEETING SCHEDULE 2013 January 2, 2013 (Wednesday) REGULAR MEETING with PUBLIC HEARING January 7, 2013 If required January 14, 2013 REGULAR MEETING January 21, 2013 If required January 28, 2013 REGULAR MEETING with PUBLIC HEARING February 4, 2013 If required February 11, 2013 REGULAR MEETING February 18, 2013 If required February 25, 2013 REGULAR MEETING March 4, 2013 If required March 11, 2013 REGULAR MEETING with PUBLIC HEARING March 18, 2013 If required March 25, 2013 REGULAR MEETING April 2, 2013 (Tuesday) If required April 8, 2013 REGULAR MEETING with PUBLIC HEARING April 15, 2013 If required April 22, 2013 REGULAR MEETING April 29, 2013 If required May 6, 2013 REGULAR MEETING with PUBLIC HEARING May 13, 2013 If required May 21, 2013 (Tuesday) REGULAR MEETING May 27, 2013 If required June 3, 2013 REGULAR MEETING with PUBLIC HEARING June 10, 2013 If required June 17, 2013 REGULAR MEETING June 24, 2013 If required July 2, 2013 (Tuesday) REGULAR MEETING with PUBLIC HEARING July 8, 2013 If required July 15, 2013 REGULAR MEETING July 22, 2013 If required July 29, 2013 REGULAR MEETING with PUBLIC HEARING August 6, 2013 (Tuesday) If required August 12, 2013 REGULAR MEETING August 19, 2013 If required August 26, 2013 REGULAR MEETING September 3, 2013 (Tuesday) If required September 9, 2013 REGULAR MEETING with PUBLIC HEARING September 16, 2013 If required September 23, 2013 REGULAR MEETING September 30, 2013 If required October 7, 2013 REGULAR MEETING with PUBLIC HEARING October 15, 2013 (Tuesday) If required October 21, 2013 REGULAR MEETING October 28, 2013 If required November 4, 2013 REGULAR MEETING with PUBLIC HEARING November 12, 2013 (Tuesday) If required November 18, 2013 REGULAR MEETING November 25, 2013 If required December 2, 2013 REGULAR MEETING with PUBLIC HEARING December 9, 2013 If required December 16, 2013 REGULAR MEETING December 23, 2013 If required December 30, 2013 REGULAR MEETING with PUBLIC HEARING :. 97- COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL October 12, 2012/LE 12 Octobre, 2012 COMMON COUNCIL MEETING — THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN CITY HALL, LUDLOW ROOM — OCTOBER 12, 2012 — 4:10 P.M. Present: Mel Norton, Mayor Deputy Mayor Rinehart and Councillors Farren, Fullerton, McAlary, Mackenzie, Merrithew, Norton, Reardon, Snook, and Strowbridge - and - P. Woods, City Manager; F. Beaulieu, Solicitor, G. Yeomans, Commissioner of Finance and Administrative Services; W. Edwards, Commissioner of Transportation & Environment Services; K. Forrest, Commissioner of Growth and Development Services; J. Hamilton, Commissioner of Strategic Services; K. Clifford, Fire Chief; and J. Taylor, Assistant Common Clerk 1. Call To Order Mayor Norton called the meeting to order. 1.1 Priority Setting Session Nicole Paquette Sullivan introduced herself and welcomed Council to the priority setting sessions. Referring to a submitted report, K. Forrest provided background information regarding the City's new municipal plan, PlanSJ. Holly McMackin from Dillon Consulting reviewed the submitted ServiceSJ: 2012 Public Engagement Results. Heather Shuve from Ipsos -Reid presented the submitted IPSOS -Reid City of Saint John 2012 citizen survey results. (Councillors Fullerton withdrew from the meeting) Referring to a submitted presentation, Ms. Paquette - Sullivan reviewed the summary of her one -on -one discussions with council members regarding Council priorities. (Councillor Merrithew withdrew from the meeting) Ms. Paquette - Sullivan introduced the concept of Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, Results Analysis ( "SOAR "). Council members formed groups and provided input respecting the city's strengths and opportunities. on motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that the public be excluded from the meeting for the duration of the discussion on the following matters: 1.1 Employment Matter 10.2(4)(j) Question being taken, the motion was carried The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Mayor /maire Common Clerk /greffiere communale ma 97 -92 COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL October 13, 2012/LE 13 Octobre, 2012 COMMON COUNCIL MEETING — THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN ROCKWOOD PARK INTERPRETATION CENTRE — OCTOBER 13, 2012 — 9:00 A.M. Present: Mel Norton, Mayor Deputy Mayor Rinehart and Councillors Farren, McAlary, Mackenzie, Merrithew, Norton, Reardon, Snook, and Strowbridge - and - P. Woods, City Manager; S. Brittain, Solicitor, G. Yeomans, Commissioner of Finance and Administrative Services; W. Edwards, Commissioner of Transportation & Environment Services; K. Forrest, Commissioner of Growth and Development Services; J. Hamilton, Commissioner of Strategic Services; K. Clifford, Fire Chief; J. Taylor, Assistant Common Clerk; N. Moar, Communications Manager; P. Ouellette, Intergovernmental Affairs Officer; S. Rackley- Roach, Manager of Call To Order Mayor Norton called the meeting to order. 1.1 Priority Setting Session Nicole Paquette - Sullivan reviewed the concept of the Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, Results Analysis ( "SOAR "). which she presented at the previous Council meeting. Council members formed groups to further discuss the SOAR analysis. Council members identified the following priorities: recreation; governance; pension /debt control, economic growth, transit, recreation, safe, clean drinking water, and roads. Ms. Paquette - Sullivan advised that she will create a draft Council priorities document based on the input provided by members of Council, which she noted would be presented to Council at its meeting of October 23, 2012. be adjourned. On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that the meeting of October 13, 2012 Question being taken, the motion was carried. The Mayor declared the meeting adjoured at 2:00 p.m. Mayor /maire Common Clerk /greffiere communale 97- COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 15, 2012/LE 15 OCTOBRE 2012 COMMON COUNCIL MEETING — THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN CITY HALL — OCTOBER 15, 2012 - 6:00 P.M. Present: Mel Norton, Mayor Councillors Farren, Fullerton, MacKenzie, McAlary, Merrithew, Norton, Reardon, Snook and Strowbridge - and - P. Woods, City Manager; J. Nugent, City Solicitor; G. Yeomans, Commissioner of Finance and Treasurer; K. Forrest, Commissioner of Growth and Development Services; W. Edwards, Commissioner of Transportation and Environment Services; K. Clifford, Fire Chief; E. Gormley, Common Clerk and K. Tibbits, Administrative Assistant. 1. Call To Order — Prayer Mayor Norton called the meeting to order and Councillor Snook offered the opening prayer. 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Approval of Agenda On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that the agenda of this meeting with the addition of items 7.1 Proclamation IODE Awareness Week; 13.2 Committee of the Whole: City's Nominee to Arbitration Board; 13.3 Committee of the Whole: Agreement of Purchase of Sale for Saint John YM -YWCA Inc. — Churchill Blvd.; and the withdrawal of item 13.1 Committee of the Whole: Recommended Appointments to Committees, be approved. Question being taken, the motion was carried 4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest 5. Consent Agenda 5.1 That the Actionable Resolutions — Reflecting up to the Oct 1, 2012 Council Meeting be received for information. 5.2 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2012- 264: Engineering Design and Construction Management: Greenhead Road Sanitary Lift Station "A" Replacement, the proposal from Crandall Engineering Limited for engineering services (design and construction management) for the Greenhead Road - Sanitary Lift Station "A" Replacement project be accepted and that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the appropriate documentation in that regard. 5.3 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2012- 253: Stop -Up and Closure of Portion of King William Road for Lorneville Community Centre Signage: 1. The Public Hearing for the consideration of the passing of a By -law to Stop Up and Close a 217 square metre ± portion of a public street known as King William Road, be set for Monday, November 19, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber; and 2. Common Council authorize the publishing of a notice of the intention to consider passing of such By -law. 5.4 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2012- 256: Stop -Up and Closure of Portion of Public Street known as Market Place (also known as Winslow Street) for City Parks Project: :• 97- COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 15, 2012/LE 15 OCTOBRE 2012 1. The Public Hearing for the consideration of the passing of a By -law to Stop Up and Close a Public Street known as Market Place, also commonly known as Winslow Street (portion of) as shown on the attached sketch attached to M &C 2012 -256, be set for Monday, November 19, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber; and 2. Common Council authorize the publishing of a notice of the intention to consider passing of such By -law. 5.5 That as recommended by the Commissioner of Finance and Administrative Services in the submitted report entitled Saint John Trade and Convention Centre - Approval of 2011 Audited Financial Statements the audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2011 be approved as presented and further that the Mayor and the Chair of the Finance Committee be authorized to sign on behalf of the City of Saint John. On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that the recommendation set out for each consent agenda item respectively be adopted. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 6. Members Comments Council members commented on various community events. 7. Proclamation 7.1 IODE Awareness Week — October 15 -19, 2012 The Mayor proclaimed October 15 to October 19, 2012 IODE Awareness Week in The City of Saint John. 8. Delegations /Presentations 8.1 Latimore Lake and Area Community Association Inc. 2012 Presentation Referring to the submitted report, Odette McGrath, representing the Latimore Lake and Area Community Association Inc., provided an overview of concerns faced by the residents of the Latimore Lake area. On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that the Latimore Lake and Area Community Association Inc. 2012 Presentation, be received for information. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 8.2 River Road Community Alliance Presentation Referring to the submitted report, Jim Stubbs, chair of the River Road Community Alliance, provided an overview of the road enhancements in the River Road area over the past several years. Mr. Stubbs stated that the River Road Community Alliance is requesting that funds be allocated in the upcoming budget to rebuild the remaining section of Westfield Road. He added that the group is also requesting that funding be allocated for a detailed study of another section of the road and that a phased plan to design and reconstruct the Westfield Road be continued. On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Councillor MacKenzie RESOLVED that Council suspend section 10.7 of Council's Procedural By -Law to allow for the finalization of matters. Question being taken, the motion was carried. a 97- COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 15, 2012/LE 15 OCTOBRE 2012 On motion of Councillor Farren Seconded by Councillor Norton RESOLVED that the River Road Community Alliance Presentation be referred to budget deliberations. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 9. Public Hearings 10. Consideration of By -laws 11. Submissions by Council Members 11.1 City Owned Vacant Lots (Councillor Reardon) On motion of Councillor Reardon Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to investigate how the city can maintain its vacant lots and that an acceptable standard of maintenance be established. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 12. Business Matters - Municipal Officers 12.1 City Manager: Safe, Clear Exploration Update 12.1(a)TerrAtlantic Engineering for the City of Saint John 12.1(b)TerrAtlantic Engineering Report Drinking Water Program — Groundwater Limited: Development of a Groundwater Supply Limited: Final Copy of Groundwater Supple Mr. Woods stated that the submitted report provides an update regarding the potential for securing well -water as part of the Safe, Clean Drinking Water Program. Mr. Edwards commented that as part of the due diligence process, the City investigated the possibility of sufficient quantities of groundwater being available to augment or replace some of the surface water that currently provides water to residential and industrial customers. He reiterated that this does not replace the current P3 investigation underway with respect to surface water, adding that the purpose is to ensure this service is provided in the cheapest, most efficient way possible. Dean Price, Project Engineer, provided a brief overview of the submitted report and responded to questions from Council. Responding to a question regarding the sale of land surrounding Spruce Lake and Loch Lomond Lake, Mr. Woods stated that the City has no intention of selling these properties. Responding to a question with respect to financial savings and best outcomes, Mr. Price suggested that a best case scenario could potentially save the City an approximate $50,000,000 to $60,000,000 dependent upon the quality of the water. He added if a water supply can be established on the city's west side, it could potentially save an additional $5,000,000 as there would no longer be a need to pump water from the east side to the west side of the City. On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2012 -265: Safe, Clean Drinking Water Program - Groundwater Exploration Update that following a short staff presentation, Common Council adopt the following recommendations: 1. TerrAtlantic Engineering Limited be engaged to conduct the Step One EIA document and the test drilling program for the 150mm wells near South Bay, at their submitted quote of $18,500 plus expenses plus tax; and 91 97- COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 15, 2012/LE 15 OCTOBRE 2012 2. Council approve the use of an additional $15,000 from the $4,564,135 allocated to the approved 2012 Water & Sewerage Utility Fund Capital Program - Safe, Clean Drinking Water category to cover the engineering and drilling costs noted; and 3. Council authorize staff to develop and issue the "Request for Proposal" for The Groundwater Supply Exploration Project to seek a consultant team to manage the project; and 4. The Mayor and Council assist the City Manager in receiving approvals from the Province in a timely fashion for the test well program in the South Bay area. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 13. Committee Reports 13.1 Committee of the Whole: Recommended Appointments to Committees Council withdrew item 13.1. 13.2 Committee of the Whole: City's Nominee to Arbitration Board On motion of Councillor Snook Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that V.J. (Joe) Lumsdon be named as the City's nominee on the Arbitration Board in the matter of the dispute between The City of Saint John and CUPE Local #18. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 15. General Correspondence 15.1 Exhibition Association of the City and County of Saint John — Request to Present 15.2 Human Development Council — Request to Present 15.3 Uptown Saint John — Request to Present Councillor McAlary suggested that Council consider a revised policy regarding requests by organizations to present to Council due to the large volume of requests, adding that a large number of these would likely be referred to budget deliberations. On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that a revised policy be created for requests to present to Council, whereby an organization would submit the content of its presentation to the Common Clerk's office for placement on the Council agenda for a decision regarding whether the organization will be invited to appear before Council; and further, approved presentations are to be grouped together on one agenda; and further that the requests to present appearing on the agenda of October 15, 2012, from the Exhibition Association, the Human Development Council and Uptown Saint John are subject to this policy. Councillor MacKenzie stated that he supports receiving written presentations by organizations wishing to present to Council but expressed concern with how Council will determine which groups it will allow to present. Councillor Farren supported the idea of grouping presentations together but stated that he cannot support not hearing from the public or representatives from the public. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillors Farren, MacKenzie and Merrithew voting nay. 15.4 P. Campbell Letter — Designation of Rockwood Park as a Heritage Preservation Area On motion of Councillor Snook Seconded by Councillor McAlary 'I 97- COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 15, 2012/LE 15 OCTOBRE 2012 RESOLVED that item 15.4 P. Campbell Letter regarding the Designation of Rockwood Park as a Heritage Preservation Area, be received for information. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 13.3 Committee of the Whole: Agreement of Purchase of Sale for Saint John YM- YWCA Inc. — Churchill Blvd. On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Councillor MacKenzie RESOLVED that, as recommended by Committee of the Whole to Common Council, Common Council approve the submitted Agreement of Purchase and Sale regarding the sale of City owned lands to the YM -YWCA for the sum of $1.00 and that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the submitted Agreement of Purchase and Sale. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 16. Adjournment On motion of Councillor Snook Seconded by Councillor Strowbridge RESOLVED that the meeting of October 15, 2012, be adjourned. Question being taken, the motion was carried. The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Mayor / maire Common Clerk / greffiere communale 93 97- COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 22, 2012/LE 22 OCTOBRE 2012 COMMON COUNCIL MEETING — THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN CITY HALL — OCTOBER 22, 2012 - 6:00 P.M. Present: Mel Norton, Mayor Councillors Farren, Fullerton, MacKenzie, McAlary, Merrithew, Norton, Snook and Strowbridge - and - P. Woods, City Manager; J. Nugent, City Solicitor; G. Yeomans, Commissioner of Finance and Administrative Services /Treasurer; K. Forrest, Commissioner of Growth and Development Services; A. Poffenroth, Deputy Commissioner of Building and Inspection Services; W. Edwards, Commissioner of Transportation and Environment Services; M. King, Police Staff Sergeant; K. Clifford, Fire Chief; E. Gormley, Common Clerk and J. Taylor, Assistant Common Clerk. Call To Order — Prayer Mayor Norton called the meeting to order and Reverend Rob Nylen offered the opening prayer. 2. Approval of Minutes 3. Approval of Agenda On motion of Councillor Snook Seconded by Councillor MacKenzie RESOLVED that the agenda of this meeting with the addition of items 12.6 City Market Head Tower— Hydraulic Flushing of Sprinkler Lines and 13.2 Committee of the Whole: Granting a Leave of Council to Councillor Reardon, be approved. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 4. Disclosures of Conflict of Interest 5. Consent Agenda 5.1 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2012- 268: Contract No. 2012 -6: Rodney Terminal Outfall Renewal - Phase 3 (Check Valve), the contract be awarded to the low tenderer, Fairville Construction Ltd., at the tendered price of $101,922.61 including HST as calculated based upon estimated quantities, and further, that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary contract documents. 5.2 That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2012- 269: Contract No. 2012 -23: Frederick & Seaton Street - Watermain, Sanitary and Storm Sewer Installation and Street Reconstruction this report be received for information. 5.3 Refer to item 14.1 5.4 Refer to item 14.2 On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Councillor MacKenzie RESOLVED that the recommendation set out for each consent agenda item respectively with the exception of item 5.3 Westgate Park Drainage Basin; 5.4 Actionable Items — Reflecting up to the October 15, 2012 Council Meeting, which have been identified for debate, be adopted. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 6. Members Comments ., 97- COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 22, 2012/LE 22 OCTOBRE 2012 Council members commented on various community events. 7. Proclamation 8. Delegations /Presentations 9. Public Hearings 7:00 P.M. 10. Consideration of By -laws 10.1.1 Third Reading Proposed Zoning By -Law Amendment 416 Sandy Point Rd 10.1.2 Section 39 Conditions On motion of Councillor Snook Seconded by Councillor Merrithew RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "By -law Number C.P. 110 -202, a Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John," re- zoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 3980 square metres, located at 416 Sandy Point Road, also identified as being PID number 55115968, from "RM -1" three Storey Multiple Residential to "IL -1" Neighbourhood Institutional, be read. Question being taken, the motion was carried. The By -Law entitled, "By -Law Number C.P. 110 -202, a Law to Amend the Zoning By- Law of The City of Saint John, was read in its entirety. On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Councillor Merrithew RESOLVED that pursuant to the provisions of Section 39 of the Community Planning Act, the use of a parcel of land with an area of approximately 3980 square metres, located at 416 Sandy Point Road, also identified as being PID number 55115968, be limited to a group care facility with a maximum of ten residents. Question being taken, the motion was carried. On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Councillor MacKenzie RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "By -law Number C.P. 110 -202, a Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John," re- zoning a parcel of land having an area of approximately 3980 square metres, located at 416 Sandy Point Road, also identified as being PID number 55115968, from "RM -1" three Storey Multiple Residential to "IL -1" Neighbourhood Institutional, be read a third time, enacted, and the Corporate Common Seal affixed thereto. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Read a third time by title, the By -Law entitled, "By -Law Number C.P. 110 -202, a Law to Amend the Zoning By -Law of The City of Saint John." 10.2 Third Reading Proposed Municipal Plan Amendment On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "By -Law Number C.P. 106 -1 A Law To Amend the Municipal Plan By- Law," amending Schedule A — City Structure, by redesignating those portions of the parcels of land located at 3795 Loch Lomond Road, Abigail Place and 356 Eldersley Avenue, also identified as PID numbers 55214910, 00329144, 55196588 and 00330159, from "Rural Resource Area" to "Stable Area" classification; and amending Schedule B — Future Land Use, by redesignating the same portions of the parcels of land, from "Rural Resource" to "Rural Residential" classification, be read. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 95 97- COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 22, 2012/LE 22 OCTOBRE 2012 The by -law entitled, "By -Law Number C.P. 106 -1 a Law to Amend the Municipal Plan By- Law," was read in its entirety. On motion of Councillor Snook Seconded by Councillor McAlary RESOLVED that the by -law entitled, "By -Law Number C.P. 106 -1 A Law To Amend the Municipal Plan By- Law," amending Schedule A — City Structure, by redesignating those portions of the parcels of land located at 3795 Loch Lomond Road, Abigail Place and 356 Eldersley Avenue, also identified as PID numbers 55214910, 00329144, 55196588 and 00330159, from "Rural Resource Area" to "Stable Area" classification; and amending Schedule B — Future Land Use, by redesignating the same portions of the parcels of land, from "Rural Resource" to "Rural Residential" classification, be read a third time, enacted, and the Corporate Common Seal affixed thereto. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Read a third time by title, the by -law entitled, "By -Law Number C.P. 106 -1 a Law to Amend the Municipal Plan By- Law." 10.3 Third Reading Proposed Traffic By -Law Amendment On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Councillor Merrithew RESOLVED that the By -Law entitled, "A By -Law to Amend a By -Law Respecting Traffic on Streets In The City of Saint John Made Under The Authority Of The Motor Vehicle Act, 1973, And Amendments Thereto," amending Schedule M -1 — 60 KM /H Speed Limits; Schedule M -2 — 70 KM /H Speed Limits; and Appendix A — Speed Limits on Provincial Highways, be read. Question being taken, the motion was carried. The By -Law entitled, "A By -Law to Amend a By -Law Respecting Traffic on Streets In The City of Saint John Made Under The Authority Of The Motor Vehicle Act, 1973, And Amendments Thereto," was read in its entirety. On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Councillor Norton RESOLVED that the By -Law entitled, "A By -Law to Amend a By -Law Respecting Traffic on Streets In The City of Saint John Made Under The Authority Of The Motor Vehicle Act, 1973, And Amendments Thereto," amending Schedule M -1 — 60 KM /H Speed Limits; Schedule M -2 — 70 KM /H Speed Limits; and Appendix A — Speed Limits on Provincial Highways, be read a third time, enacted, and the Corporate Common Seal affixed thereto. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Read a third time by title, the By -Law entitled, "A By -Law to Amend a By -Law Respecting Traffic on Streets In The City of Saint John Made Under The Authority Of The Motor Vehicle Act, 1973, And Amendments Thereto." 11. Submissions by Council Members 11.1 Sale of Vacant Properties (Councillor Merrithew) On motion of Councillor Merrithew Seconded by Councillor McAlary RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to advise Council of the list of vacant lots and lands, including parking lots that could be advertised for sale. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 12. Business Matters - Municipal Officers 12.1 Snow Removal on Red Head Road 99 97- COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 22, 2012/LE 22 OCTOBRE 2012 On motion of Councillor Merrithew Seconded by Councillor McAlary RESOLVED that item 12.1 Snow Removal on Red Head Road, be lifted from the table. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Referring to a submitted report and presentation, K. Rice, Deputy Commissioner of Municipal Operations, updated Council on the City's winter management plan for streets and sidewalks. On motion of Councillor Farren Seconded by Councillor McAlary RESOLVED that the report M &C 2012 -257: Snow Removal on Red Head Road be received for information. Question being taken, the motion was carried. s12.2 City Manager: In -House Solid Waste Collection Model Update On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that Item s12.2 City Manager: In- House Solid Waste Collection Model Update be lifted from the table. Question being taken, the motion was carried. On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that the report M &C 2012 -271: In- House Solid Waste Collection Model Update be received for information. Question being taken, the motion was carried. s12.3 City Solicitor: Amendment to the Procedural By -Law /Supplemental Agenda On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Councillor Norton RESOLVED that Item s12.3 City Solicitor: Amendment to the Procedural By -Law / Supplemental Agenda be lifted from the table. Question being taken, the motion was carried. On motion of Councillor Farren Seconded by Councillor Strowbridge RESOLVED that the By -Law entitled, "A By -Law to Amend a By -Law Respecting the Procedures of the Common Council of The City of Saint John" amending Section 8.4 by deleting the words 16. adjournment" at the very end of the section, and replacing them with the following: "16. supplemental agenda, 17. committee of the whole, 18. adjournment ", be read a first time. Question being taken, the motion was carried. The By -Law entitled, "A By -Law to Amend a By -Law Respecting the Procedures of the Common Council of The City of Saint John" "was read a first time. On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Councillor Norton Amend a By -Law Respecting the Procedures of the Common Council of The City of Saint John" amending Section 8.4 by deleting the words 16. adjournment" at the very end of the section, and replacing them with the following: 16. supplemental agenda, 17. committee of the whole, 18. adjournment ", be read a second time. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 97 97- COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 22, 2012/LE 22 OCTOBRE 2012 The By -Law entitled, "A By -Law to Amend a By -Law Respecting the Procedures of the Common Council of The City of Saint John" "was read a second time. s12.4 City Manager: 2012 Fleet Replacement Program On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Councillor Norton RESOLVED that Item s12.4 City Manager: 2012 Fleet Replacement Program be lifted from the table. Question being taken, the motion was carried. Referring to the submitted report, the City Manager explained that the City's fleet replacement program is essentially an in -house user -pay system whereby departments are charged a fee for maintenance and a fee for a reserve fund, which he noted is used to replace vehicles when necessary. Mr. Yeomans advised that the City's fleet is approximately 350 pieces of stock and equipment, adding that the 25 vehicles identified in the report require replacement. R. Russell, Manager of Fleet Services, advised that the City is currently behind in its replacement program, noting that over 150 vehicles that have gone beyond the optimal replacement point. Councillor Farren called a point of order with respect to comments made by a Council member regarding the tendering process, noting that the comments were not consistent with legal advice that Council has received from the City Solicitor. Councillor Farren stated that in the past the City Solicitor has stated that when the City initiates the tendering process it must award the tender or risk being sued. The Mayor asked Mr. Nugent to comment on the matter. The City Solicitor stated that he previously advised Council that due to the fact that it adopted a resolution to call for tenders on the Peel Plaza Park project, the City faced a risk of being sued if it did not award the contract to a bid that was close to the amount budgeted. Mr. Nugent stated that there is a reservation clause that is built into the City's tendering documents that would allow the City not to award a tender in situations where the City's financial circumstances change materially from the time the City calls for a tender and the time it receives the bids. A motion was moved by Councillor McAlary and seconded by Councillor Merrithew to approve the acquisition of vehicles and equipment as identified in the submitted Schedule 1 at a cost not to exceed $2,380,000 plus applicable taxes. The question on the motion was not taken. On motion of Councillor Fullerton Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that the report M &C 2012 -263: 2012 Fleet Replacement Program be referred to the City Manager to report back to council, in order of priority, the vehicles requiring replacement, and further, that the report is to include information regarding why the vehicle needs replacement immediately. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillors McAlary and Merrithew voting nay. s12.5 City Manager: Move Fire Station 4 Operations from Courtenay Avenue to the Transit Facility On motion of Councillor Merrithew Seconded by Councillor McAlary RESOLVED that Item s12.5 City Manager. Move Fire Station 4 Operations from Courtenay Avenue to the Transit Facility be lifted from the table. Question being taken, the motion was carried. .; 97- COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 22, 2012/LE 22 OCTOBRE 2012 (Councillor Farren withdrew from the meeting) On motion of Councillor Snook Seconded by Councillor Merrithew RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report entitled Move Fire Station 4 Operations from Courtenay Avenue to the Transit Facility this report be received for information. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 12.6 City Market Head Tower — Hydraulic Flushing of Sprinkler Lines On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Councillor Snook RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2012 -272 City Market Head Tower — Hydraulic Flushing of Sprinkler Lines: 1) Common Council approve the unbudgeted expenditure of $43,930.00 plus HST and authorize Troy Life & Fire Safety Ltd. to complete the work under the direction of the Facility Management Department; 2) Common Council authorize Troy Life & Fire Safety Ltd. to complete the necessary replacement or repairs required as a result of damaged sprinkler components realized during the course of the hydraulic flushing on a time and material basis at the contracted unit rates ($80.00 per hour with 15% mark -up on materials) under the supervision and direction of the Facility Management Department; 3) The Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary documents; and 4) Common Council refers the recommendation for a two - phased approach to the renovation of the City Market Head Tower to 2013 budget deliberations. Responding to a question, T. Gamblin, Manager of Facility Management, advised that the City has a contract standing offer agreement with Troy Life & Fire Safety for sprinkler maintenance. He noted that the work will take two individuals approximately four weeks to complete. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 13. Committee Reports 13.1 Committee of the Whole: Recommended Appointments to Committees On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Councillor Norton RESOLVED that as recommended by the Committee of the Whole, having met on October 9th, 2012, Council makes the following appointment to a committee: Enterprise Saint John: to appoint Elizabeth Rowe for a three year term from October 22nd, 2012 until October 22nd, 2015. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 13.2 Committee of the Whole: leave from Council On motion of Councillor McAlary Seconded by Councillor Merrithew RESOLVED that Council grant a leave from Council to Councillor Reardon. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 14. Consideration of Issues Separated from Consent Agenda .. 97- COMMON COUNCIL /CONSEIL COMMUNAL OCTOBER 22, 2012/LE 22 OCTOBRE 2012 14.2 Actionable Items — Reflecting up to the October 15, 2012 Council Meeting (Councillor Farren reentered the meeting) A motion was moved by Councillor MacKenzie and seconded by Councillor Merrithew to form a committee of four Council members to review the actionable item list and make a recommendation to Council. The question on the motion was not taken. On motion of Councillor Snook Seconded by Councillor Farren RESOLVED that the Actionable Resolutions — Reflecting up to the October 15 Council Meeting be referred to the City Manager, Solicitor and Common Clerk to update the list. Question being taken, the motion was carried with Councillor MacKenzie voting nay. 14.1 Westgate Park Drainage Basin On motion of Councillor Merrithew Seconded by Councillor McAlary RESOLVED that the report M &C 2012 -266: Westgate Park Drainage Basin be received for information. Question being taken, the motion was carried. 15. General Correspondence 16. Adjournment On motion of Councillor Farren Seconded by Councillor McAlary RESOLVED that the meeting of October 22nd, 2012 be adjourned. Question being taken, the motion was carried. The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Mayor / maire Common Clerk / greffiere communale 100 REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL. November 6, 2012 Mayor Mel Norton and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: Revisions to City Government Act "n The City of Saint John As directed by Common Council the steps are underway to make the necessary changes to the City Government act such that Council will have only one direct report, namely the City Manager, in the future. The Solicitor acting on behalf of the City, W. Teed, has requested that Council adopt the following resolution in order to facilitate the process. Recommendation RESOLVED that all necessary steps be taken forthwith to amend the governance structure of the City, as set forth in An Act to Provide for the Government of the City of Saint John, 1936, including the preparation and presentation of a Private Bill to the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick as soon as possible, to the effect that: i) Common Council shall have one direct report, namely, from the City Manager, through whom all other departments shall report, including, but not to limit the generality of the foregoing, the City Solicitor, Commissioner of Finance, Treasurer and Common Clerk; and ii) the Act shall be repealed and enacted in both official languages in accordance with the Standing Rules of the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick, such enactment to include the amendment set forth herein to the governance structure of the City. Respectfully submitted, J. trick Woods CGA City Manager 101 Actionable Resolutions - Reflecting up to the October 29, 2012 Council Meeting Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that city staff bring forward a recommendation to Common Council on the feasibility of implementing anti - whistling legislation which would limit the use of train horns during specific hours in locations where railway crossings are in close proximity to residential neighbourhoods and people are subsequently 6/9/2008 affected. Donnie Snook City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the submitted letter from Karen Kincade dated October 21, 2008 be formally referred to the Ability Advisory Board for a full and comprehensive report on all of the various topics; and further, that upon request, City staff provide the Council's Ability 12/22/2008 necessary support to the Advisory Committee; Joe Mott Advisory Board Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager bring forward a report to Council, outlining the mandates and /or justification for the various commissions, boards and committees of common council and subsequently make recommendations on how we could create greater efficiencies by reducing the number of commissions, boards and committees of Council through the elimination and /or consolidation of any of these bodies and 1/12/2009 through the establishment of clear reporting procedures. Donnie Snook City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the letter from Councillor Killen dated January 21, 2009 regarding an exemption from flat rate water use increases be referred to the City manager and the City Solicitor for a report City Manager and 1/26/2009 and recommendations. Carl Killen City Solicitor Incomplete RESOLVED that the priorities outlined in the presentation from the Ability Advisory Committee be referred the Acting City Manager for a report and recommendation, and further, that the report include a review of the City of Saint John's workforce and 8/31/2009 1 human resources practices to ensure inclusion /diversity practices. I n/a I City Manager lIncomplete i to] 0 Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that Council consider strengthening whatever by -laws exist that safeguard monuments and public spaces, specifically that sitting, standing, skate - boarding and /or other activities be prohibited on monuments; that signage be erected that indicates such prohibitions; that consideration be given to some form of general prohibition on loitering, the details to be provided in a report on the issue developed by the City Manager in 9/29/2009 consultation with the City Solicitor and with the police. Carl Killen City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to develop a policy framework which will allow City Staff to work safely within the area of community engagement forums, and further, that a report and recommendation be submitted to Council by June 1, 3/29/2010 2010. Peter McGuire City Manager Incomplete Staff report back to Council with the results of the Environmental Impact Assessment and a plan for phased implementation of the 5/25/2010 detention ponds and remaining Associated Works. n/a City Manager Incomplete Direct that a multi disciplinary staff team, including the City Solicitor, examine the existing legislative context in light of the proposal set out herein and identify any amendments which might be required to realize this proposal; and, additionally, that the nature and scope of authority of a public utilities commission, together with its terms of reference, guiding principles, stewardship responsibilities and relationship with Council, be 7/19/2010 articulated for submission to and consideration by Council. n/a City Solicitor Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager report back to Council in one month's time with a short term and long term plan for the enhancement of the green space area adjacent to the Martinon 9/13/2010 lCommunity Centre. I Peter McGuire I City Manager lIncomplete 103 Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that the City Manager and the City Solicitor be directed to investigate the feasibility of creating a deferral payment plan, or other options, for citizens who cannot afford to City Manager and 12/20/2010 pay for future water utility increases. n/a City Solicitor Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager explore the feasibility of creating an "After Hours" PALS program support model for the City of Saint John's Community Centres in order to ensure that children and youth have an increased level of mentorship, support, and recreational opportunities. The goal is to ensure there are sustainable and enhanced programs in our community centres through the establishment of creative partnerships with 1/4/2011 local businesses. Donnie Snook City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager direct the appropriate City of Saint John staff to open discussions with the owners of the listed properties on Manawagonish Road to begin the process of remediation, with a forthcoming report updating Common 2/14/2011 Council. Peter McGuire City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that as recommended by the Committee of the Whole (Closed Session), the City Solicitor or his designate be authorized to commence legal proceedings against the Town of Rothesay before the Court of Queen's Bench of New Brunswick arising from the Town of Rothesay's breach of a 1996 Agreement between its predecessor, the Village of Renforth, and The City of Saint John respecting the supply of water by The City of Saint John to the areas known as Kennebecasis Park and Hastings Cove 2/14/2011 1 in the Town of Rothesay. I n/a City Solicitor lIncomplete iDE! Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status Seek appropriate cost sharing agreements with the Province of New Brunswick and the Government of Canada for total Program funding over four years (2012 to 2015) of $172,300,000 (or approximately $57,433,000 from each funding 4/11/2011 partner) n/a City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the letter from Councillor Farren entitled By -Law to Prevent the Feeding of Deer Within City Limits be referred to 5/24/2011 the City Solicitor for a report and recommendation. Bill Farren City Solicitor Incomplete RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2011 -149: Glen Falls Flooding and Residential Relocation, Common Council: 3) Reviews the Flood Risk By -law as it may be applied to the flood risk area identified in the forebay; reviews By -law for changes to prevent further residential construction in the flood risk areas; revises flood risk areas based on Stormwater Management 6/20/2011 Strategy model; n/a City Solicitor Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to examine every option to find the funds for the noted repairs at Seaside Park and report back to Council as soon as possible so these repairs can 7/4/2011 move ahead in 2011. Bill Farren City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that Council refer to the City Manager for a review, recommendation (and, if recommended implementation prior to the end of September 2011) on a trial basis the installation and broadcast of a live webcam feed from Rockwood Park and Rainbow Park with a view to establishing similar webcam feeds 7/4/2011 from other popular Saint John locations. Mel Norton City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the submitted letter from the Leisure Services Advisory Board be referred to the City Manager for a report and 7/4/2011 recommendation. n/a City Manager Incomplete i[Il• ", Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that the City Manager review the steps necessary for direct investment from the General Fund in clean water infrastructure in Saint John, and how the payment of this investment can be generated beyond the water ratepayers, and 8/15/2011 to report back to Council on this matter. Mel Norton City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the matter of chalk art and busking on the City streets and sidewalks be referred to the City Manager and City City Manager and 9/12/2011 Solicitor for a report and recommendation. Ivan Court City Solicitor Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to explore the possibility of establishing a closer financial relationship with the Parking Commission whereby the City could potentially receive 9/12/2011 revenue from on- street and off - street parking. n/a City Manager Incomplete That the City give written notice to the New Brunswick Power Nuclear Corporation and the New Brunswick Power Holding Corporation in the submitted form of the City's desire to negotiate a new or replacement agreement to the agreement executed on November 2nd,1999 between the City and the New Brunswick Power Corporation respecting the City's provision of fire protection services on the latter's behalf at the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station in accordance with Article 5 thereof (the "1999 Agreement "), and further Common Council direct the Acting Fire Chief or his designate, in collaboration with the City Solicitor or his designate, to negotiate and draft a new or replacement agreement to the 1999 Agreement with the appropriate corporate entity for the subsequent consideration of Common Council and such City Manager and 10/3/2011 jappropriate corporate entity. I n/a I City Solicitor lIncomplete 1111. Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that the Common Clerk forward all previously submitted reports regarding Safe Clean Drinking Water and all future reports on the subject to the local provincial caucus and to 10/24/2011 MP Rodney Weston. n/a Common Clerk Incomplete That the letter from Kirby Lucas regarding parking on Regent 11/7/2011 Street be referred to the City Manager. n/a City Manager Incomplete Commissioner of Refer this report to the Commissioner of Finance for an Finance and affordability analysis of the PS &I Plan Version 2 and financial Administrative 11/7/2011 recommendations; n/a Services Incomplete That Common Council direct the City Solicitor to commence the process of revising the By -law in a manner that incorporates the 12/5/2011 1 reform recommendations outlined in this report; I n/a I City Solicitor lIncomplete WIN Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status That the Advisory Committee be immediately tasked with studying and making recommendations to Common Council regarding: (1) the setting of the technical /operational requirements of the meters to be used in the Taxi Industry, and (2) the setting of a program to inspect and test the integrity of meters and to develop a system that renders meters "tamper proof ". Once the work of the Advisory Committee is carried out, Common Council will consider the resulting recommendations and direct the City Solicitor to incorporate, where necessary, the recommendations of the Advisory Committee into the By -law. That the Advisory Committee be immediately tasked with studying and making a recommendation to Common Council regarding the curriculum and implementation of taxicab driver training program. Once the work of the Advisory Committee is carried out, Common Council will consider the resulting recommendations and direct the City Solicitor to incorporate, where necessary, the recommendations of the Advisory Advisory 12/5/2011 Committee into the By -law. n/a Committee Incomplete That the Chief of Police and the City Solicitor to be directed to review the administration and enforcement requirements under the By -law and advise Common Council of the resources required to properly carry out these functions. The purpose of this exercise will be to ensure that the license fees charged under the By -law Police Commission 12/5/2011 will achieve cost recovery for administration and enforcement. n/a and City Solicitor Incomplete 4) Follows up to determine the current storage space available in 6/20/2011 the forebay area; n/a City Manager Incomplete I[I1:? Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status 5) Prepares a comprehensive program of inspection and 6/20/2011 maintenance for Marsh Creek Drainage system; n/a City Manager Incomplete 6) Updates a flood response contingency plan in the event of flooding with warnings and public communications for severe 6/20/2011 events — through Saint John EMO; n/a City Manager Incomplete 7) Engages the services of a consultant to determine the benefit and feasibility of constructing detention reservoirs on Kelly Lake 6/20/2011 and Ashburn Lake and models the performance of Majors Brook n/a City Manager Incomplete 8) Consults with the YMCA (owners) concerning Ashburn Lake to determine interest in possibly re- building an outlet control structure for the dual purposes of the recreation facility and flood 6/20/2011 water storage; n/a City Manager Incomplete 9) Consults with appropriate staff of other government levels (eg NBEMO) regarding flood assistance and other programs that may 6/20/2011 be pertinent to this situation; n/a City Manager Incomplete 10) Consults with owners (Irvings) of the forebay lands to City Manager and 6/20/2011 determine current status; n/a City Solicitor Incomplete 11) Develops a feasible assistance program for private property owner based on an appropriate cost sharing model and pursue tri 6/20/2011 level government support; n/a City Manager Incomplete 12) Directs the City Solicitor to review the legal ownership of the creek system and physical structures and responsibilities arising therefrom for maintenance and efficiency performance in 6/20/2011 carrying flows. n/a City Solicitor Incomplete illy!; Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that report dated December 9, 2011 entitled Consultant's Report — Fleet Evaluation Project, and the Executive Summary from Mercury Associates, be referred to the City Manager and Fleet Staff with a directive to report back to Council with; a) The development of a comprehensive fleet utilization and replacement policy, b) The development of a business model that will see the complete recovery by the Fleet Services Division of their operating costs while providing sufficient funding from the annual operating budget to facilitate a stable and sustainable fleet replacement program, c) The development of a Fleet operational model that will support an efficient and effective division that will work cooperatively with the user departments to provide them with the information they need to determine the most cost effective levels of service they can provide with the available assets, and d) To create a process for the periodic review of the size, configuration and effectiveness of the fleet related to service 12/12/2011 delivery. n/a City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to submit a plan and recommendation so as to bring the City of Saint John's water and sewerage rates within the average cost of communities in New Brunswick, within a defined period of time, including a review of other similarly situated municipalities throughout Canada, including comparators in terms of the technology of water and wastewater systems along with scenarios based on cost sharing 12/19/2011 land non -cost sharing models projecting out to 2025. n/a City Manager lincomplete 110 Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to ensure that necessary and appropriate steps are taken to communicate Council's support with regard to the proposed tax relief measures for public transportation systems in New Brunswick as outlined in Councillor Snook's submitted letter entitled Public Transportation Tax Reforms, Generation of New Revenue for Transit and 1/3/2012 Innovative Transportation Solutions. Donnie Snook City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to explore potential City Manager, partnerships /funding for the creation of innovative transportation Parking options in the City of Saint John; and further that this be referred Commission and 1/3/2012 to the Parking Commission and to Enterprise Saint John. Donnie Snook Enterprise SJ Incomplete RESOLVED that Council direct the City Manager to draft a governance policy on the appropriate use and non - appropriate use of City owned vehicles; and further, that this draft report be presented to Council no later than the first Council meeting of 1/3/2012 March 2012. Bill Farren City Manager Incomplete That the request to present by the Saint John Port Authority be 1/16/2012 referred to the Common Clerk for scheduling. n/a Common Clerk Incomplete RESOLVED the report entitled M &C 2012 -013: Traffic Line Painting Truck be tabled and the City Manager be directed to investigate whether the neighbouring municipalities would be interested in cost - sharing the traffic line painting truck; and further, that the cost of contracting out the service also be Common Clerk and 1/16/2012 1 investigated. I n/a City Manager lincomplete 111 Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2012 -20: Traffic Line Painting Future Service Delivery: 1. Delay the purchase of updated traffic line painting equipment and salting /sanding attachment, and 2. Direct the City Manager to complete a detailed Traffic Line and Marking Service Outsourcing Decision review and recommend a 1/30/2012 service delivery model to Council in 2012. n/a City Manager Incomplete That the letter from the Saint John Ability Advisory Committee 2/13/2012 regarding Transportation be referred to the Transit Commission. n/a Saint John Transit Incomplete That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2012 -046: Space Needs Analysis: 1. That The City of Saint John accept Ashford Properties Inc.'s offer to perform, for the City, a space use optimization analysis for the City's leasable area at City Hall; and further 3/12/2012 2. That Staff report back to Council upon receipt of the Report. n/a City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the submitted letter from the Cities of New Brunswick Association, dated February 14, 2012, regarding the adoption of a by -law respecting Jacob brakes be referred to the 3/26/2012 City Solicitor for a report. n/a City Solicitor Incomplete RESOLVED that item 11.2 Graffiti from the Common Council agenda of March 26, 2012, be referred to the City Solicitor with a view to preparing a report and recommendation on the implementation of the graffiti management by -law for the City of 3/26/2012 Saint John. Mel Norton City Solicitor Incomplete 112 Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status Common Council convene a Water Committee Meeting with provincial and federal counterparts. The meeting would provide an opportunity to exchange updates on the Safe, Clean Drinking Water Program, and inquire as to whether the Government of Canada is able to fund 50 percent of the costs to conduct the P3 Business Case and value for Money Study, and finally, to determine the level of support and cooperation from the 4/10/2012 Government of New Brunswick. n/a City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that scenario four in the submitted report entitled Sport Field Fee Increases proposing an hourly sports field rate structure of $23.00 per hour for adults and $2.00 per hour for youth, be approved by Council; and that as recommended by the City Manager in said report, staff be directed to consult with members of the public and stakeholder groups about an overall policy guiding decisions on sport user fees and bring same back to 5/7/2012 Council for consideration. n/a City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the funding for lifeguards at our beaches previously withdrawn be re- instated, and further that the item be referred to the City Solicitor to examine if there is a legal process by which funding for lifeguards could be guaranteed annually and 5/7/2012 report back to Council. Ivan Court City Solicitor Incomplete RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report entitled ONE Change Inc. Proposal - Community Centre Management & Operations, the City Manager be directed to finalize a formal service agreement with ONE Change Inc. for the operation of the C.E. Nicolle Community Centre for Council's 5/7/2012 1consideration and approval. I n/a I City Manager lIncomplete 113 Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to present a progress report to Council with regard to Rainbow Park. This report should provide P.U.LS.E with the opportunity to update 6/18/2012 Council on the work it has undertaken with regard to same. Donnie Snook City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that report to Common Council highlighting the key components of City's internal and external communication strategy updating Council with regard to the various items 6/18/2012 outlined in Councillor Snook's submitted letter. Donnie Snook City Manager Incomplete That the Multicultural Association of Saint John Inc. request for a representative from The City to the Board of Directors of the Multicultural Association, be referred to the Nominating Nominating 6/18/2012 Committee. n/a Committee Incomplete RESOLVED that the Parking Commission be requested to investigate a text -to -pay (mobile payment) system for submitting parking violations and report back to council with a Saint John Parking 6/18/2012 recommendation in six weeks. Greg Norton Commission Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to add a staff 6/18/2012 directory listing to the City of Saint John website. Donna Reardon City Manager Incomplete That as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2012 -173: Contractor Access on City of Saint John Land that Council: 1. Give permission to a contractor or contractors to undertake improvements to Rainbow Park subject to direction from City staff. 2. Direct staff to prepare for Council's consideration a policy that would set out suitable guidelines and criteria to allow staff to 'fast 7/3/2012 track' certain projects without seeking explicit Council approval. I n/a I City Manager lIncomplete 114 Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that the letter from Councillor Farren entitled Formation of the Energy and Trade Development Committee of Common Council, be referred to the City Manager to seek input 7/3/2012 on the matter from representatives of the Irving Oil Refinery. Bill Farren City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Solicitor be directed to prepare a Procedural By -Law amendment so as to make it expressly clear in section 3.10 of the By -Law that the two - thirds vote required is two- thirds vote of the entire Council; and that the City Solicitor be directed to prepare for Council's consideration that amendment and, in addition the Solicitor be directed to bring to Council's attention all provisions of the By -Law which establish a two - thirds vote requirement and make any recommendation necessary so as to clearly establish in each case of reference to a two - thirds vote that it is either a two - thirds vote "of the entire council" or "of the members present and not disqualified from 7/3/2012 voting ". David Merrithew City Solicitor Incomplete RESOLVED that the letter from Mary Ellen Carpenter dated June 20, 2012 Regarding Truck Routes be referred to the City 7/16/2012 Manager. n/a City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the Police Commission be requested to investigate the implementation of a Citizen Online Crime Reporting System and report back to council with a 7/23/2012 recommendation in six weeks. Greg Norton Police Commission Incomplete 115 Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that, as Council's representative on the Transit Commission, Councillor Snook will work directly with other Municipalities in New Brunswick to ensure that necessary and appropriate steps are taken in order to successfully advocate tax reforms for public transportation in New Brunswick as outlined in Councillor Snook's submitted letter, dated July 12, 2012, entitled Public Transportation Tax Reforms and Innovative Transportation Saint John Transit 7/23/2012 Solutions Tax Relief and Reforms. Donnie Snook Commission Incomplete RESOLVED that as suggested in Councillor Snook's submitted letter, dated July 12, 2012, entitled Public Transportation Tax Reforms and Innovative Transportation Solutions Tax Relief and Reforms, Common Council request that Enterprise Saint John explore potential partnerships /funding for the implementation of Enterprise Saint 7/23/2012 creative and innovative transportation options. Donnie Snook John Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager, or his designate, be directed to review upcoming Council agendas and prepare briefing notes on 7/23/2012 those issues which are likely to attract media attention. Shelley Rinehart City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager and /or the Common Clerk be directed to develop a briefing document for all groups or organizations to which Council is asked to nominate or appoint members. Those briefing booklets should, among other things, clearly define the relationship between the group and Council, any contractual or other documented agreements between the group and Council and the nature of their appointment by City Manager and 7/23/2012 lCouncil. IShelley Rinehart I Common Clerk lIncomplete i`[. Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that the Nominating Committee be tasked with developing a mechanism whereby (i) Council appointees provide regular written updates on the activities of the organization to which they have been appointed; (ii) Council appointees provide a record of their attendance; (iii) Council appointees provide Nominating information should a time sensitive issue come up that is of Committee and 7/23/2012 particular importance to Council or the City. Shelley Rinehart Common Clerk Incomplete RESOLVED that the letter from Councillor Merrithew entitled Budget Process Study be tabled pending a report from the City Common Clerk and 7/30/2012 Manager. David Merrithew City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that Council instruct the City Manager and City Solicitor to determine the process and mechanics required to join the two boards (Transit and Parking) and to report back to City Manager and 7/30/2012 Council. David Merrithew City Solicitor Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to provide a report outlining the legal and financial relationship between the City and the Trade & Convention Centre and a summary of needed work 7/30/2012 and related costs. John MacKenzie City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that item 12.6 Synopsis and Comment Upon the Regional Service Delivery Act be received for information; and further, that the City Solicitor be authorized to distribute this report to the Cities of New Brunswick Association and other 7/30/2012 municipalities. n/a City Solicitor Incomplete RESOLVED that item 11.5 Criminal Record Checks for appointees Common Clerk and 8/13/2012 be referred to the Common Clerk and City Solicitor. Susan Fullerton City Solicitor Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to examine the truck routes in Saint John and make recommendations to 8/13/2012 improve public safety. Shelley Rinehart City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Solicitor be directed to prepare a draft fire prevention by -law, which is to include the cost of 8/13/2012 lenforcement and cost recovery fees. n/a City Solicitor lincomplete 117 Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that the submitted report entitled By -Law Respecting Unsecured Refuse on Properties, be received for information; and further, the City Solicitor be directed to report back with a draft By -Law Respecting Unsecured Refuse on Properties, by the end of 8/13/2012 November 2012. n/a City Solicitor Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to devise a plan to complete the outstanding resolutions of Council appearing on the 8/13/2012 Actionable Items /Record of Motions document. Bill Farren City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the report M &C 2012 -203: Adding Topsoil and Grass Seed to Vacant lots after a Dangerous Building has been Demolished by the City be received for information; and further, the City Manager be directed to examine additional possible 8/13/2012 methods to supply topsoil to vacant lots. John MacKenzie City Manager Incomplete That the letter from Carleton Branch #002 regarding moving the 8/27/2012 cenotaph back to Tilley Park be referred to the City Manager. n/a City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that Common Council direct the Common Clerk to report back to Council regarding the creation of an electronic solution whereby the Nominating Committee: (1) Would have safe, secure and convenient access of applicant's resumes and CV's. (2) Could view a comprehensive list of the ABCs, their respective 8/27/2012 members and mandate Greg Norton Common Clerk Incomplete RESOLVED that item 11.3 Press Releases (Councillor Fullerton) be 8/27/2012 referred to the City Manager for a report and recommendation. Susan Fullerton City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that all lawsuits presently underway by the City be disclosed, in detail, to Mayor and all members of Common Council immediately, and that this is done in each and every City Solicitor and 8/27/2012 1 instance going forward. ISusan Fullerton I City Manager lIncomplete iIiiR] Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that all lawsuits currently being advanced against the City, and all lawsuits against the City, of which the City is aware, be disclosed, immediately, in detail, to the Mayor and all members of Common Council, and that this is done in each and City Solicitor and 8/27/2012 every similar instance going forward. Susan Fullerton City Manager Incomplete That the request to present to Council from the Saint John Board 9/10/2012 of Police Commissioners be referred to the Clerk to schedule. n/a Common Clerk Incomplete RESOLVED that the letter from Councillor Norton entitled Simms Corner be referred to the City Manager to arrange a meeting between City staff and Mr. Alan Benton, P. Eng.; and further, prior to a presentation being scheduled with Common Council that a report and recommendation be received from the City Manager 9/10/2012 on this item. Greg Norton City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that Council direct the City Manager to report to Council in closed session within the next 30 days with respect to filling various staff vacancies, including that of the Deputy Fire 9/10/2012 IChief. IShirley McAlary I City Manager lincomplete 119 Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2012 -233: Construction of Mattro Street, Bally Desmond Subdivision Phase 3 that Common Council agree to reimburse A.J. Mallette and Sons (1985) Limited for those costs associated with the cost of constructing the extension of Mattro Street from the Mallette and Sons property line westward to Jadvo Street consistent with the Saint John Subdivision Bylaw and the City's General Specifications respecting the construction of streets. Further, it is recommended that the City Solicitor be directed to prepare or revise the necessary City /Developer Subdivision Agreement to ensure provision of the required work and facilities 9/10/2012 and the City reimbursement proposed. n/a City Solicitor Incomplete 2. Direct staff to examine all remaining Truck Routes in the City of Saint John in conjunction with the preparation of an updated 9/10/2012 Transportation Strategic Plan. n/a City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the letter from the Millidgeville -North End Lions regarding the Charles Gorman Canteen be referred to the City 9/10/2012 Manager. n/a City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that Council request that the City Solicitor report back to Council regarding a previous Council resolution respecting 9/10/2012 vendors in public spaces. n/a City Solicitor Incomplete RESOLVED that the report from Morgan Lanigan regarding a proposed traffic calming pilot program for Douglas Avenue be 9/24/2012 referred to the City Manager. n/a City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager arrange for senior staff to complete a confidential 360 Review of members of Council the results of which would only be shared with the individual who is reviewed and the Mayor; and further, that Council complete a 9/24/2012 360 Review of the Mayor. Mayor Mel Norton City Manager Incomplete 120 Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that Council direct the City Solicitor to amend By -law M -27 to include the mandatory use of an approved helmet and 9/24/2012 further that the amendment be referred to as Josh's Law. Greg Norton City Solicitor Incomplete RESOLVED that Council direct the City Manager to investigate the 9/24/2012 elimination of Chesley Drive and Douglas Avenue as truck routes. John MacKenzie City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager arrange a time to have all of Council brought up to speed on the pension changes that were put forward to the legislature for needed changes, otherwise 10/1/2012 known as S7b. Bill Farren City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to create a policy whereby heavily traveled streets in The City are paved in the off hours, and further, in cases where off hour paving is done that it not exceed 10 percent of normal cost and if so it is brought back 10/1/2012 for Council to decide on the value of doing so. Bill Farren City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to bring a policy forward for Council's approval respecting the use of City owned 10/1/2012 vehicles by the end of Oct 2012. Bill Farren City Manager Completed RESOLVED that the report entitled Planning Advisory Committee: Skills Matrix be referred back to the Planning Advisory Committee with the request that it submit a skills matrix to Common Council Planning Advisory 10/1/2012 in order to help ensure diversity on the committee. n/a Committee Incomplete RESOLVED that the request from the Canadian Folk Music Awards 10/1/2012 2012 Saint John Committee be referred to the Clerk to schedule. n/a Common Clerk Incomplete That the Discover Saint John request to present be referred to the 10/9/2012 clerk for scheduling. n/a Common Clerk Incomplete RESOLVED that item 15.1 entitled Harbour Skating Club — Request for Free Ice Time be referred through the City Manager to the 10/9/2012 Regional Mayor's Caucus. n/a City Manager Incomplete 121 Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that item s11.1 entitled Parking on Douglas Avenue (Councillor MacKenzie) be referred to the City Manager to receive 10/9/2012 input from the Parking Commission and Municipal Operations. John MacKenzie City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that item s11.2 Animal Control By -Law (Councillor MacKenzie) be referred to the City Manager and City Solicitor to draft appropriate language for a proposed by -law amendment, and further that this be brought back to Council for approval City Manager and 10/9/2012 within thirty days. John MacKenzie City Solicitor Incomplete RESOLVED that the City look into maintaining its vacant lots and 10/15/2012 that an acceptable standard of maintenance be established. Donna Reardon City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that a revised policy with respect to requests by organizations to present to Council wherein organizations would provide a written submission to the Common Clerk's office to be added to the agenda for Council's review and that Council will make a decision as to the organizations that will appear before Council and further that the presentations be grouped together; and that Items 15.1 through 15.3 regarding the requests to present by various organizations are subject to this policy, be 10/15/2012 adopted. n/a Common Clerk Incomplete 11.1 RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to advise Council of the list of vacant lots and lands, including parking lots, 10/22/2012 that could be advertised for sale. David Merrithew City Manager Incomplete 12.6 RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C2012 -272 City Market Head Tower — Hydraulic Flushing of Sprinkler Lines: 4) The Common Council refers the recommendation for a two - phased approach to the renovation of the City Market Head City Manager 2013 10/22/2012 ITower to 2013 budget deliberations I n/a IBudget lincomplete 122 Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status 14.2 RESOLVED that the Actionable Resolutions — Reflecting up to City Manager, City the October 15 Council Meeting be referred to the City Manager, Solicitor, Common 10/22/2012 Solicitor and Common Clerk to update the list. n/a Clerk Incomplete 5.1 That the letter from the Saint John Fire Fighters' Association 10/29/2012 regarding collective bargaining be referred to the City Manager. n/a City Manager Incomplete 5.2 That the Fred Trail request to build within the street right of City Manager and 10/29/2012 way be referred to the City Manager and the City Solicitor. n/a City Solicitor Incomplete 11.1 RESOLVED that the City Manager be directed to provide a report on the current status of Glen Falls flooding issues by December 1, 2012, which is to include the current schedule for 10/29/2012 emptying the trenches, and the current status to maintain them. Ray Strowbridge City Manager Incomplete 123 Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status 1. All agencies, boards and Commissions ( "ABCs ") appointed by Council must give a written report outlining number of meetings, attendance, activities and decision making on a bi- annual basis; by the end of June and before mid - November unless otherwise directed by Common Council. Some major ABC'S may wish to report in person to Common Council on a more regular basis and that will be determined on an individual basis at the wish of Common Council 2. All appointments made by Council for all ABC'S will be for a period of three years with the possibility of one re- appointment term of three years which would allow an individual to serve a total of six years. After an individual has served a total of six years the individual must remain off that particular ABC for a period of at least one year. This will become effective as of the date of this report being approved by Common Council. 3. If Members of Common Council are nominated to serve on any given ABC they will serve only their full term of Council period. 4. The Nominating Committee should be conscious of the fact of appointing citizens to only one ABC, in order that more individuals may have the opportunity to serve. 5. As a first step towards ensuring that our ABC'S are more Common Clerk and accountable to Common Council, each ABC should fully Nominating 10/29/2012 understand their mandate and should understand what skill sets Shirley McAlary Committee Incomplete 11.3 RESOLVED that the report entitled Funding for Transit in 2013 Budget (Councillor Snook) be referred to the 2013 budget City Manager 2013 10/29/2012 Ideliberations. I Donnie Snook IBudget lIncomplete iPZ11! Date Made Resolution Councillor Staff Status RESOLVED that Council request a report from the Saint John Transit Commission which outlines all of the revenue generated outside of daily operations, or normal routes (ie chartered tours for cruise ship passengers) and any new initiatives that Saint John Saint John Transit 10/29/2012 Transit has taken since May 2012 to improve revenue generation. John Mackenzie Commission Incomplete 11.4 RESOLVED that the report entitled Funding for Transit in 2013 Budget (Councillor Snook) be referred to the Aquatic Centre Aquatic Centre 10/29/2012 Commission. Donnie Snook Commission Incomplete 11.5 RESOLVED that the following resolution adopted by Council on June 7, 2010: "RESOLVED that as recommended by the City Manager in the submitted report M &C 2010 -195: Cedar Point Estates Development Standards and Infrastructure Maintenance, Common Council consider the issues and options outlined in said report, and direct staff to develop a long term strategy, in consultation with the neighbourhood and developers, for appropriate future standards for these developments" be prioritized by City Staff and that a follow up has occurred within 10/29/2012 14 days of today's date. Susan Fullerton City Manager Incomplete RESOLVED that the report entitled City Owned Vehicle Policy be referred back to the City Manager to return with a recommendation to update the policy, for example remove the provision that permits vehicles to be taken home by staff, or prohibit vehicles being taken outside the city boundaries unless it 10/29/2012 is for city related business. Bill Farren City Manager Incomplete 15.1 RESOLVED that the report entitled Saint John Theatre Company — Fundy Fringe Festival be referred to the 2013 budget City Manager 2013 10/29/2012 deliberations. n/a Budget Incomplete 15.2 RESOLVED that the report entitled Saint John Theatre Company — Annual Operating Funding be referred to the 2013 City Manager 2013 10/29/2012 1 budget deliberations. I n/a IBudget lIncomplete 125