2012-07-16_Supplemental Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour supplémentaireSupplemental to Agenda 13.0 Committee of the Whole: Public Outdoor Plaza Construction Agreement Harbourfront Residences at "Three Sisters 13.2 The Cherry Brook ,boo (Deputy Mayor Rinehart) 13.3 Performance Management Plan (Deputy Mayor Rinehart) 13.4 Memorials (Deputy Mayor Rinehart) 13.5 Media Briefing Notes & 'Peach in (Deputy Mayor Rinehart) 13.6 Appointee Relationship (Deputy Mayor Rinehart) 13.7 Review of Bill 61 (Deputy Mayor Rinehart) City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal Le Lundi 16 juillet, 2012 Lieu : Salle du conseil communal Ordre du jour supPlementaire 13.0 Construction Accord de 1'Exterieure Public Plaza des Harbourfront Residences a Three Sisters 13.2 Le Cherry Brook Zoo (1a mairesse suppleante Rinehart) 13.3 Plan de gestion des resultats (la mairesse suppleante Rinehart) 13.4 Les Memorials (la mairesse suppleante Rinehart) 1.3.5 Notes pour les reunion d'information a l'intention des medial et seance de fox-- ration (la mairesse suppleante Rinehart) 13.6 Relation du personne nomm6e (la mairesse suppleante Rinehart) 13.7 Examen du projet de loi 61 (la mairesse suppl6ante Rinehart) C.11 ON July 16, 2012 Your Worship, Deputy Mayor and Councillors: Subject: Committee of the Whole: Public Outdoor Plaza Construction Agreement Harbourfront Residences at Three Sisters The Committee of the Whole, having met on July 16th, 2012 adopted the following resolution: RESOLVED that as recommended by the Committee of the Whole, having met on July 16, 2012, Common Council approve the text of an agreement respecting the construction of the Public Outdoor Plaza at Harbourfront Residences at Three Sisters, with the addition to section 3.5.2 of the following language: provided however that the City Manager may approve one or more change requests that are consistent with the Existing Design and which in total do not exceed $10,000.00" Respectfully Submitted, Jonathan Taylor Assistant Common Clerk SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E21L 41-11 wwwsaintjohn.ca I C-R 1971 Saint John, N.-B. Canada E21- 4LI July 9, 2012 His Worship K4e| Norton and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: The Cherry Brook Zoo F-EN M.Maim _0T ED According to information contained on their website, The Cherry Brook Zoo "opened in 1978 in a 35-acre woodland that is located /n the northe/m section qf the city's 22D0-orne Rockwood PonK. |tiomy understanding that, over the years, the Zoo has received support from the City of Saint John in the form af funding grants as well as services in-kind. Most recently, under financial pressure, the amount of funding provided to the Zoo for their operations has been steadily decreasing, leading to claims in the media that the organization may have to close its doors. Funding pressure io not likely tm lessen asvve move forward. Given the business they are in, the closure of the Cherry Brook Zoo could have serious implications for the City of Saint John; particularly from a public relations perspective. That the City Manager and/or City Solicitor be asked to answer the following questions: 1. b the Zoo situated nn lands belonging to the City of Saint John, and if so what bthe tenancy agreement? 2. Who owns the assets pf the Cherry Brook Zoo? 3. Where does the UabNby for the welfare mf the animals lie should the Cherry Brook Zoo cease operations? 4. Are there any risk of financial, legal or other exposure for the City should funding be further reduced oreliminated and the Zoo cease operations? Respectfully Submitted, (Received via email) Shelley Rinehart, Deputy Mayor City of Saint John | | S���� M�B�l9�S��������/ /C.P.l�Sa�nt John, N.-B. Canada E2L 4LI July 9, 2012 His Worship Mayor Norton and Members ofCouncil: Subject: Performance Management Plan Background: Council, as abodv conducts City business via a model of operations under which there are four designated direct staff reports. Those individuals are: Mr. Woods (City Manager) Mr. Nugent (City Solicitor) Ms. Gormley (Common Clerk) Mr. Yeomans (Commissioner ofFinance, and Administrative Services) In 2010 Council adopted a performance management plan, developed in consultation with E&Y, which, in part, explicitly outlined a performance management process for Council to follow in the development and evaluation nf their direct reports. To date, itismy understanding that this process, although formally adopted by Council, has not been followed, This is cause for concern for two reasons. First, as the employer/supervisor of record Council has aduty to follow the rules that it has adopted regarding performance management and professional development uf its direct reports. Second, the lack ofadherence exposes Council toanincreasing amount of risk asit relates to its roles and responsibilities asamemployer. A lack of goal setting, performance feedback urprofessional development direction results in an inability to onnecK performance issues, reward exceptional outcomes or plan for succession within the organizatiVn. Overall it leads to a lack of moral and decreased sense of worth among employees and potentially unfocussed or decreased levels of performance across the organization. Motions: Council receive immediately copies of the last performance evaluation documents from each of the four individuals reporting directly to Council, Council receive immediately copies of most current performance goals and professional development plan from each of the four individuals reporting directly to Council. SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1�Saint John, NB Canada E21-41-1 � wwwmintjohn.ca|C,P1� Saint John, N,-B. Canada E2L 40 Council immediately set a schedule nf meetings, adhering to the requirements ofperformance management adopted by Council August 3O 2010 with each of the four individuals reporting directly to Council, not tobe scheduled during regularly scheduled Council meetings, Council remind supervisors within the company that adherence io proper performance management, employee development and human resource processes is expected. Respectfully Submitted, (received via e-mail) Dr. Shelley Rinehart Deputy Mayor RO, Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 40 | wwwsaintjohn,ca I C-Pl97l Saint John, N,-B.Canada E2L 4LI kI V July 9,2012 His Worship Mayor Norton and Members ofCouncil: Subject: Memorials Background: Although unfortunate, itis inevitable that during our tenure on council a number of individuals will pass either connected to Council members in some way or prominent community people and there will be an expectation of recognition by Council. Although past practice has been to send flowers, might | suggest that we institute a policy of charitable donation with a standard base message, making it easier for staff tV manage both )n terms mf equity as well astiming. I would propose a standard base message of: Our thoughts are with you during this time. VVe hope that many happy memories will help make this most diff icu|t time a bit easier. I would propose two options for consideration with respect to donations: I.We donate a lump sum tua particular charity one associated with efforts of the City able tobenefit all citizens and then use h for a one year period. 2. We set a donation cap of 25 dollars and the donation is made to a charity listed in the obituary. Option Iis much easier10 manage for staff it can be done online and requires only one financial transaction. Choice of recipient needs to be carefully discussed. Option 2 is more labour intensive for staff and in some cases will still require a decision on the Organization ifbis listed as donor's choice. Respectfully Submitted, (received via e-mail) Dr. Shelley Rinehart Deputy Mayor Q-1-4 -- SAINT JOHN P.I Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada F-2L 4L1| wwwsaintjohnta |[.Pl�Saint John, N.-B, Canada GL 4L1 July 9\2012 His Worship Me] Norton and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Media Briefing Notes & Teach-In The City, and in particular Council, is facing a number of sensitive, significant and potentially unpopular decisions. A number of issues facing Council require collaboration and/or cooperation with all three levels of governments, community stakeholders and citizens. Finding solutions and encouraging support will require strategic communications and information sharing processes be put in place, IN reyffliNk� That the City Manager be asked to Direct Staff to review upcoming Council agendas and prepare briefing notes on those issues which are likely to attract media attention. That all media inquiries for staff be directed to the City Manager in the first instance. That Council consider a "teach-in" by an expert on media preparedness for Council and senior staff. Respectfully Submitted, (Received via email) Shelley Rinehart, Deputy Mayor City nf Saint John (14 / } SAINT JOHN R0, Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada F2L 4L1 | |�1971 Saint John, M�Canada E2L 4f I I E6 July 5\2O12 His Worship Mel Norton and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Appointee Relationship Council, asa body, is frequently required and/or requested to appoint and or nominate individuals to a variety nf Boards, Agencies, Commissions and other organized groups. |n some instances the request/requirement is for a Councillor, in others it is for a citizen and still in others it may be a request fora staff member. To ensure "fit", previous meetings have -seen a motion requiring a skills matrix from the requesting body and a suggestion that Councilors be polled about their interests and preferences. This information is for use by the Nominating Committee. While the appointment process is being given some definition, the relationship between appointees/nominees and the appointing body, Council, isnot. At present there appears tobeno standard documentation provided to appointees/nominees regarding the position of Council with respect to the group ur organization am individual is being appointed to, Nor is there a mechanism mr requirements for those appointed as City of Saint John representatives to report back to Council on matters of particular importance, or status of activities ingeneral. 12�9 � That the City Manager be, directed to develop briefing booklets for all groups or organizations to which Council io asked bw nominate mr appoint members. Those briefing booklets should, among other things, clearly define the relationship between the group and Council, any contractual or other documented agreements between the group and Council and the nature of their Appointment by That the Nominating Committee be tasked with developing a mechanism whereby (i)Council appointees provide regular written updates on the activities of the organization to which they have been appointed and (ii) Council appointees provide information should a time sensitive issue come up that isof particular import tm Council or the City. Respectfully Submitted, (Received via email) Shelley Rinehart, Deputy Mayor Saint]ohn - W-r` SAINT JOHN P.Q. Box l971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L4Ll | wvvxsaiMdohu.co / [.R1971 Saint John, N.-B.Canada E2L4L1 ~�~�~ �� / _y �. July 9, 2012 His Worship Mayor Norton and Members of Council: Subject: Review of Bill 61 Om June 26 *|attended[itiesofNewBnunsvvdk4ssodabonmoeetingoobehaUofHixVVorhip. The meeting agenda focused nn Bill 6l,a Bill dealing with regional service delivery. There are a number of activities in process asa result uf the introduction ofthis Bill, including but not limited toa white paper on taxation, changes to the unconditional grant formula, revisit of the Municipalities Act and establishment of Regional Service Commissions, Given the potential impact ofBill 61 on the Association members, it was suggested that those Odes with Legal Counsel be asked to have Bill 61 be reviewed by their respective counsel. A time frame of24days was suggested, but allowing flexibility for vacations. Following individual review, legal counsel representatives would meet or participate in a conference call, to prepare a single document detailing issues ofrelevance as they relate tmAssociation members. This document would serve as a point of discussion at a special meeting of the Association, the date of which is pending, That Council direct the City Solicitor to engage in a comprehensive review of Bill 61 and its potential impad(s)on the City mf Saint John and its operations, That Council direct the City Manager to participate in this review process, That Council direct both the City Manager and the City Solicitor, working with the intergovernmental Affairs Coordinator, to meet the timelines of the Association. ** Please note that copies of the Bill as well as my notes from the meeting are available for anyone interested in reviewing, Respectfully Submitted, (received via e-mail) Dr. Shelley Rinehart Deputy Mayor SAINT JOHN P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, N13 Canada E2L 401 �saintjohn,ca I C,Pl97l Saint John, W�Canada E2L 41-1