2005-08-02_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jouraOpuaS as ;eM pue a6eMaS 9;!s -u0 a ;enud q ;!M s ;ol � tJ suo! ;nlosay 6u!Moiaoe uo!lel!I!gegaH "lS aglAwS bZ-400Z loei;uo0 L'9 ;S uealoIN - ajnsol0 ;aaa ;S 9 "9 'PM8 au!;ualen L - uo! ;!s!nboy luaw8se3 4,9 ;uaw99J6y aogOUy g a!od JOMOd ON 17'9 auel ess O - 86ue40 aweN ;aaa ;S £,9 ;S ssoa 09 lR -any uun0 8£9-9£9 "pH PeaH Pali 68 -6L - sa ;ea 6uueaH o!lgnd pasodad Z "9 euajy (alanH PeMa ;S - suo! ;enouaa aoua ;ul ao; aapual 6.9 213E)VNVW kUD ( ;!el aol!!ouno0) wea6oad Ma!nab leuo! ;ejad0 poddnS suo!leo!unwwo0 o!6a;eilS Z'4 (uo ;OOH JOAM i4ndad) Mel -(g as!oN pasodoad V9 S2138W3W II3Nn00 pa!uap aq ;uewpuawe 6u!uoz -ai pasodoad aq; 6u!puawwooaa ea;;!wwo0 Ajos!npy bu!uueld woa; ),Jodab (q) •sezz!d s,ouezz!d Cq palsonbaa se eoueo!l aonb!l woo.i 6u!u!p a q ;!M ;ume ;sai e;!waad o; uo! ;eo!;!sse!o sseu!snq lea9u90 „Z -8„ o; ssau!sn8 leool , l 8, wa; 0099£I7 jagwnN did bu!aq se pa! ;! ;uap! osle `peob A@NOIH 9696 le pa;eool sai;aw aaenbs 0009 (la;ew!xoadde ;o eaje ue q ;!M puel ;o laoaed a auoz -aa o ; ;uewpuawy Mel -(8 6u!uoz pasodoad (e) w 00:L VJ7 SDNIUV3H oriand s;uawwo0 saagwaW 4" 6 uo! ;ewel=d b' 6 epua6y ;O lenoaddy £" 6 (4002 '86 (Inr) sa ;nu!lN ;o lenoaddy Z, 6 as (ead — a9pa0 01 lle0 - -wu-c--ocq 6' 6 DNI133W 21`dinceu (6)(b)Z'O6 uo! ;e6! ;!l - ;oy saben6uel le!o!}}O uo!ssas le6al -g (6)(14tu uollelle ;Sul aaMaS wao ;S � leMauab aaMaS �R u!eW Ja ;eM - 's ;S;asaawoS �R aou!ad - £Z -90OZ IOMWo0 uo!ssaS 091 -L (q)(b)Z'O6 9811!wwo0 6u!;eu!wON "9 (p)(17)Z'O6 anssl puel "4 (1)(OZ'06;uawaOao ;u3 Mel -(8 6uWed 17 (q)(b)Z'04 Al!0 aql to wopaaij "£ (400Z'86 AInr uo palgel) (sn ;!ljoll!ouno0) (MOZ'06 as ;leW lauuosJed "Z aapa0 of IleO —00..4 4 ONI133W 3lOHM 3Hl d0 331 LIWW00 s00Z Z;sn ny - VGN3`Jb' IIONnOO NOWWOO pouno0 of luasaid o; Auedwo0 aaJea41 ugop Ju!eS ;o ;sanbay 6'0 L Ioo14OS leOlpaW ao; a ;eOOnpy o;;JoddnS bu!�aaS as ;ua0 aoanose�j ,sjoluas wa 4 -191 19-1 g•OL Saou!lp o; 000egol ;o aleS - ;uasaJd o; ssaupaM V 1411e0H ;O • ;daa ;o Jsanb9b L'OL sa ;ea J@mOd ui aseajoul p9Jed!oguy bulpiebaa xool!M sawep wa; as ; ;a� 9-0L I!ouno0 01 Juasaad o; •Oul lenlJsa:j wl!j ; ;ud leluoul ;uo0 ;o JsanboH g'04 sainso10 sa ;!S 11 puel jo; 6u!pund le!Ou!nad ;O uol ;ewal ;uOO VOL 6e1=I 911 Lld o; AID 8143 ao; SN JO �49!ooS o16uy ;o ;sanbaa £-0 L aaenbS ;aNaeW 'S 3e uapaeO uO aORON Ile ;sul o; AID ao; 9911Pw00 ueaa ;an 9141 ;o aeaA ;o ;sanb8�1 Z,0 L sa14o ;eW 6u1 ;14614 a ;enud o; 6u! ;oafgo ;uowaa ;u3,p a96ob woa ;aa ; ;a-1 L-OL lb'b3N30 s�jedS AwMar - eoedS 6UIMJed alglss000y Z'6 ;u!eldwo0 ezueu8 •o 12 •M uo poda�j siauolsslwwo0 90110d 10 pieo8 ugop Jules L'6 Jaodab alo14M 914 ; ;o 99;1!wwo0 0'6 SNOISSIW WOO /S33111W WOO amial (ajdso - 6u!so10;99a3S posodOad 6u!pea�{ aE L'e Nb310 NOWWOO gjedS Aoigar woa} Jsanbay noel -Ag oigeal E'L slun000y - uo!Je6Rl1 Joy sebenbuel le i4o Z'L ;uawpuawy noel -A8 3a�aeW A3!0 L'L U0110110S A110 uealolN ani el ap ainlawia3 9,9 aullualen -Inoq 'L ne aanlls apnllnaas eun,p uolllslnboy 9,9 ON al6Jau3 aed sa6woue,p la xnealod ap uolleIIelsul,l a angelaa u0111.18nu00 ti'g essA13 aelle,l ap wou np luawa6ueil0 £'9 ssoa ani 'og ne la uuno anuane 'g£g -9£S ne 'peaH paN ulwa4o ' 1,9-6L ne luawanllelai saasodoid senbllgnd seoualpne,p saved Z'g (alanH }Jenne ;S euaae,l a sanloega inaualul p uollenouaj ap xnenei; xne angelaa uo!sslwnos V9 1b213N39 un31o32110 (7!el Jalllasuoo) sanbl6aleJls suolleolunwwoo xne;llelaJ lauuogeJado uawexa,p awweJ6oJd Z'S (uolooH lueelddns aJlew) llssaoxa llnJq np uolluanaJd el lueuJaouoo asodoJd alaJJy L�9 113SNo3 no S3218W3W •aasodad 96euoz ap uogeol4lpow el ap lafaJ al luepuewwooei awsluegJn,p plellnsuoo ellwo0 np lioddea (q •sezzld s,ouezzld ap apuewap el a 'J96uew e alles ap aouaoll aun,p nlJan ua lueJnelsaJ un,p uogepoldxa,l aillawJad ap uge '« Z -8 » aleJaua6 alepawwoo auoz e a L -q » aleool alepawwoo euoz ap Jassed aJle; el Jnod '0099£b GIN al lueliod le ' (aVIH ulwayo 4969l, ne aanlls 'saJJeo saJlaw 000 8 uonnua,p alol}aadns aun,p 'u!eJJal ap allaoaed aun JauozaJ a lues!n a6euoz al ins alaJJe,l a easodoJd uogeog!po1N (e !H6-6 1,17 S3nol18nd S33N310n`d saJgwaw sal aed saluasaJd saJleluawwo0 9' L uo ti, I, Jnof np aJpio,I ap uolldopy £, L (9002 lall f 9 L) legaan- saooJd np uollegaddy Z, L aJaud el ap alums 'uo!unei el ap aJnlJannO - OE 4 96 [PI, 3NIVNIONO NOINn3b (64p)Z'OL eaupe 'sapayoigo sen5uel sad ens iol el ap aJluooua,l a apnlo almsJnod aun a anllelaJ anblpunf aoueas -9 (6(Oru eaulle 'lasJawos la aouud sent sal ins xnelnnld slnoba,p uogeilelsul le s1no6a sap la eledlouud neap allnpuoo el ap luawapannouaJ al luesln £Z-900Z ou leJluoo ne angelaJ anblpunf eoueaS 'L (q(b)Z'06 eaulle 'saJnleplpueo sap allwo0 'g (P(b)Z'OL eaulle 'spuoj -sualq xne sangelaJ suogsanO •g O(ti)Z'OL eaulle 'luawauuo!lels al luewaouoo alaJJe,l ap uollnoax3 'ti (q(b)Z'OL eaulle cello ap l!oJ4 .£ (SOOZ 1a111nf g 1, np uolunaJ) (snl!1 Jall!asuoo) (f(q)Z•OL eaulle 'IauuosJad ne angelaa uogsenO 'Z uolunaJ el ap aJnlJannO - U Ll - I, N31N31d 311WO3 N3 NOINn321 SOOZ lnOb' Z no NOINn3m `dl 30 unof no 3MONO TdNnWWOO 113SNoo no N0INn3M Iiasuoo al;uenap aa;uasaad as ;uelnoA (uedwoo aj ;eay1 uyor juleg aj ;gay; ap ednoi; el ep an3aJ apuewaa 6'O L ouloapaw ap 911noel aun aasiuooaid anod uai ;nos un;uelnoA sauie sap saoinossai ap as ;uao np an6aj ai ; ;a1 9-0L sanauiw xne oege; np s;mpoid sap a;uaA el g ;uawangejaJ Iiasuoo aI ;uenap is ;uasaid as ;uelnoA as ;a -xnaiW np ;a a ;ueg el ep aia ;siuiw al aed ea;uesaid apuewaa fM a;ioia ;oaja,p s ;ue; sap annaid uoi ;e;uawbne,l e aAi ;elan xooliM sawed ap an6aj as ; ;al 9.0 Iiasuoo al;ueAap ja ;uasaid as ;uelnoA "oul leAi ;sad wlid;;ut] le ;ueui;uoo el jed as ;uesaid apuewaa g-OL ;uawassino}ua,p sa ;is ap am;awial el;uesiA jelOUlAoid;uawaoueug ne aAi ;elan uoi;ewn ;uoO J7-0L neadeip uos aassiy ;uelnoA [auoydol6ue uoi;eioosse] ON ( ;along 016uy el aed as ;uasaid apuewaa C-OL ayoaew np eoeld el ap pns uipief al ins sm un,p uoi ;elle;sui,i g aAi ;elaa ;ue ;;egwoo uaioue,l ap eauuy,l ap uoi;eAjasgo,l ins a ;iwoc) al jed as ;uasajd apuewaa Z60 L saanud sa; ;nl xne ;uesoddo,s ;uowaJ;u3,p aa60b ap an6aj aa; ;al L'O L S3111"3N30 qaedg Aelmer - algiss000e ;uawauuoi ;e ;s ap ;uawaoeldw3 Z66 ezuaug •0 ;a .M aed easodep a ;Meld el g Igelaj uyor juieg ap aoilod el ap saiiessiwwoo sap neaang np jjoddeb L'6 jaivald a;iwoo np }aoddeb 0'6 SNOISSIWWOO 13 S311WO5 oidsp asseiaa; el ap ana el ap am ;awia; el a angelaa uoi ;niosai el ap ain ;oal awaisioij 108 lVNf1WWOO 2131dd3NU sNiedg (aa .4ap ap an6ai uoi;elnono el;uewaouoo a ;aaaej a aAgelai apuewaa Cl saiieaouoy,p sa ;dwoo 'sa11ajiniyo sen6uel sa /ins!ol el ap ai;uooue,l e ajinp a ;insjnod Z,L ledioiunw ayoaew al ;uewoouoo a ;aiaej ap uogeogipoW VL M I lVdIOINnw ivooAv eoeld ms anod ;no6a,p ;a neap neasai un jed miassap s;ol 6'9 ;unidwa,p suognloseH 209 ay; (wg ana el ap;uawa ;anaa ne plelai bZ-900Z ou ;ei ;uoo L'9 ea'uyofJuleS'mmm Llb lZ] epeue] 49-'N /9N 'uyo( ;uieS LZ6L 'd'D /xoe 'O'd ay;ob . siswedsinO • pj@gjs@m -Aeg pueig Nnoaa0 ainin; jnoA JaAoasi0 loldx3 /;sed .ino ajoldx3 'IIgof Iu6ES 3o 4!3 agl3o'OXE �l am pueq Stu Ias aneq I IoajageiL ssaallM uI •661aaM aplij etoquiun YCI13 Iiod» )m aqI unelooid igonq op ugop Imes 3o U11O l IOxj w I :aHoAa Hjm MOAT pue `•«)loam apud moquteg /fIID lzod>, zauuuq agI zopun SooZ `,y,tq of ,,S Isany plag aq Ilim ugor ;uieS ui )loam apud Ienuue pztgl agI :SV3HHHM puo `•uTagl gltm a;ezgalao o; Xjjo oq ;3o X;iunuuuoo za2sel aul sa;inui oslu ;nq `.flumu woo umo s ;t uiq;im Xluo;ou a;ezgajoo o; pnozd si �;iunuauoo sig; :SVN2IHHM pue `.ugop ;Ulu S 3o it oiuzou000 pue o3Tl Iezn;Ino /leioos a;nqu;uoo Xilununuoo zoom `pa;uids -om,I, `Iunxasuezl, `lenxasig 6ueigsa7 `Xuq D ag13o guiag Ilom aq; o; Xl ;ueogiais Pup paxasaaa;ul `pajopma ?suezZ oq; 3o aldoad :SvauaHm pue `lle zo3 Xlilenbo pue XI!AIsnloui `ssauazeme 3ui;omoid pue `;uouissexeq pue aoualoin `uoileuiuluosip se sonssi Bons uo X;tununuo3 ag; $ut;eonpo `X;iszanip 2ui ;ezgalao Butpnloui `,i;nmunuoa ugop ;uieS ioluoig aq; o; 2ui;nqu;uoo pue ui 3uT;edpiwd ui soilquopl iapua$ pue suoppluauo lenxos Ile 3o aldoad $uuamoduza pue SuTuoddns o; po ;eotpap si pue pagsilge;so uaaq seq •ouI apud moquieg XIID IzOd :SVNHgHM AIoavivvria02Id NHOI ZNIVS - -�J ,n sluouznoop loe4uoo X.mss000u oql alnoaxa of pazuoglne oq ljolD uounuoD pue iodeyg aql legl iaqun3 pup `saililumb poleuglso uodn paseq popelnoluo se 00'L9L`8£9$ 3o oozed paiapuol .nagl le •p1Z uoTlonzlsuoo glleigl72D `zanpual oql of papiumu aq `uollellelsul zamaS uuo1S pue leenauag iamaS flmllueS pue uieyg zalem — laazlS lasiau OS pue 10045 aoulzd £Z-SOOZ loeiluoD jo Xluo uotizod 1ao4S aouud aql legl papuounuooaz si 1I NOI.LV(lN9 lwo3aw �l •aouegan4slp ayj aJnpua Aldwls oq Ja4aJd Mou suazlllo 'auob sl (aslou) walgoJd len4ae ay4 Ja:ge 6uol Lpm heap aq pinom Jallew ayq 6uuaplsuoD •olJeuaas Jogy lau •sn Jogy lau a a4ewo pue saouaJJn000 palelosl ua:go we sjuappul asayj se (,sluawage4s,) s4uleldwoa legal -4o bululelgo awla pJey /Jan a aney slelal}O aallod pue melAS • •slelaUjo juawaaJojua Jo4 bulwnsuoo awll /Jan sl sai:padoid luaJa}}lp oml ul s;ueuleldwoo oml Jo4 juawaJlnbaJ juaJJn:) • (lelluaplsaJ '4uawule:pa4ua 'lelJ4snpul :Ea•l) sauoz snopen J04 aouem011e ON • -),anon ul paJJajaJd 4ou sl aauapina (,uoluldo,) ,anlloafgnS, •(slanal laq!oap :'a'!) p@molle sl J040e; ,anljealjuenb, ou 'anl4oafgns Ala;aldwoo sl ,lanal, asION :sJoloej buimollo3 ayj of anp 'awosJagwno pue anljoa}}aul se mejAg asloN juaJJno ayl nnaln aol}}o s,JollolloS A;1D ay4 pue aoJO:J aallod uyof WeS ayj 'juawaaJojug MelAq ;o sanl;ejuasaJdab punojb�:)eg enelAg ani;eai;uena a 1.7eu3 oa Aj!.ioy #ny 0ni;elsi607 JOJ isanbed :nee/ -Ag asioN pasodo.rd :ag `szolIpunoo pue dtgsJom JnoA tiounoD uouauaoD 3o sJaguaoK pue ouetJe3oW uaJoN JoXPW digsJOAk siH rlI Iza epeueo '9-'N /9N 'ugof aurz$ u6T aODIXoa *o'd Soot `bZ XInf eD-ugofjup2S-M m i �y .joAew Aindad uO4OOH aIPyaiw 'pap!wgns Allniioadsab •saa;aw logl3op •a•i SJO40e) aAi ;e4puenb uo paseq snnelAq asiou lediaiunw ;o uoi ;dope ay; ;!waad o; ;Oy sailliediaiunW ay; o; s;uawpuawe aAi;ejsi6aj AiessaOau ay; ajew o; ipinnsunig nnaN ;o aOUiAOJd ay; ;sanbw uyor ;uieg ;o Al!:) ay; 4e41 'uoiinlosai 6uimolloj a4i ao3 Iaoddns s,liounoD Isanbaa aao4aaag4 I •,jal@w Iagioap, e 6uizili4n- sIanal lagpap •a•i sa04oej aniieiiiuenb uo paseq melAg aslON a 30 6ul:geap a4i -joi molle OI Iob' saiiiledioiunw ay; of sa6ueyo Aaessaoau a4i Isanbai of Iaoddns s,pounoo sisanbai aaiiiwwoo Iuawpuawy melAg ayl •ssaooad Iuawaojojua ayi pue melAq Iuaiino a41 ui saiiinbigwe ayi of anp Aljaiyo paouawwoo say Iuawaoaoiva ou Isowle aae a iayi 'Iuieldwoo uowwoo a si ,asiou, y6nog4le Ie4i umogs seq aouapadxg •walsAs paseq- Iuieldwoo a uo 6uiAla.i Iou 'S121DIijo Iuawaoaojua pauieji Aq yoeo.idde ,aAipeo-id, a io4 molle p1nom MelAq ajAis- aniieiiiuenb y (saoilON aoueJeaddy VdOd d0 asn ayi g6noayi pauilweajis Alleaa6 aq ll!m aaiiel aui) ssaoo.id Iuawaojolue aqj pue melAB Iua uno ayi 4I!M uoiieaisnaj passa idxa aneq pue awosjagwno ssaoojd Iuawaoaoiva a4i puii s.iaoi -4o aoilod uo=OD of matna.T agI 3o ssaz�?o.Td auI OuTluoiun=oo zo3 XItligisuodsa.T au; aalliuzuzoD aql pausissu aalliuRUOo 2uuaalS matnag Iuuoiluzado aqI Xq panozddu pue IlominigD Cq ponda.Td upld uotlpluouzaldun Tupz$ozd oql `XjjuonbosgnS -mainal1 luuotlu.zodo oql of f4iruMzad suoiluotunuuuoo lumoixo pup Ipuzalut azudaid of A4tligisuodsaz oql gpTm IsgumodS suotluomnuxumo urei.goid u 3o aloi aqp Sulpnlout •ouI ItamuugD Xq posodoid asogl luomolddus of lupaul azam solo.T asaq,l, uqo f IuTuS ;o ,clip oql Xq papinozd oq pinom salon Xa)l3o aaquznu u `•ouI pZ�U Ilav4j�gD pue ugof lulus 3o XITD agp uoomlaq pue Xq luauTaai2u gooZ `Z Xxpn.Tga3 oql 3o zunpuappy loviluo,7 „g„ alnparlog ut poziuxapT sy „ •mamas s Jolzozlog d4o aril of loalgns paquoo ayl u8zs of pozuoglnv aq alda10 uozuzuo0 puv dodvN aql lvgj puv lvsododd pailzurgns s,llamjivzlD fo l uozldo qi!m luaiszsuoo lovrluoo pasodaid agjj'o Ewial aql azrlvuyroi oalptuwo0 ma.may lvuozlviodo ooq pv arll azuoglnv puv .oul Ilanu,rvgj fo sao.mdas ayl a8v2ua Izouno0 uotuwo0 ;vqj Q,gd70SdX„ `uopnlosaz 8uimollo3 ogl poldopu ITounoD uounuoD `gooZ 41 £ Ajunuu f uo amaoxoNava •u u.T2ozd moinag Iuuoiluzado ugof lulus 3o �ITD aqI zo3 lxoddnS suotluoiunuiTuoD oT2ialugS zo3 •ouI IlomingD uzoz3 Iusodo.Td u puaunuooaa of si .Tallol sigl 3o osodznd oqy roll f I Itv l4 i[[e mainag Ieuoilun o poclans suoili niunutuioD ai ajv4s 13grafls :ITounoD uouzuzoD 3o szaquzaW pup digs.Tom znoA ITounoD uouxuioD 3o szaquzoW puu a minjoW uuoN ToluW digszorn sTg IZh ZZg 12puuu0 'q -'N /HN 'ugof Iulps IL6I 'd'DIX09 40•d ooz `OZ xinf uo ugo[Iulusmmm au; azTleug o; aa;;Tuuuoo maan x luumill ado a p ozuotpnn pus •oul tioml -mqD 3o saoinjas au; a$ugua ltounoo uounuoD ugof ;uTeS ;uq; popuotumoaaj st ;I MOI NGNabQwo3au •lesodojd pogou; ;u aq; ui paprnojd sT olnpagos 2upsoo palte;ap V 41SH $uTpnlauT ;ou 00'008461$ si lusodojd aq; 3o ;soo pa;sun;so aq,I, •,djo a ;um aunt; ouo„ uoT ;duo aq; japan urog pa;soolluaj oq pinoo saiuom lioddns uoi;uorcmuuuoo gurpjuOaj apsuT aq uoisToap e pinogs ;sq; pa;ou sum ;I -jauuum Isuoissojojd u uT agussaur s,XI!D oq; janTlap o; ;saq moq uo suoissnosip uaaq anuq ajaq; sjeoX 3o jaqurnu e jo; ;uq; uoi;TU3ooaj s sum ojoq; uolssluTgng ya8png punt lveaua0 1v;!dv0 puv 8u.zlniod0 SOOZ aql uI SNOI.LVOPIdNII 'IVIOAiVKII ;uauranlonut S;tunuzuxoD ■ JO;aas a;enud aq; PUP JUQUTUj AOO JO slanal joq ;o 3o ;uauraSeSug ■ sjoquiour urea ;3o slITSIs uoilvoiununuoo uoVuaj ;S ■ sjio33a uolivoTUnunuoo;uouno uo ppng ■ Sant;ut ;Tut aSUega ajn ;n3 jo3 ss000jd suoi;uoiunrumoo u gsilge;sg ■ ;uauraSuSua33u ;s gBnoxq;;oaCojd aq; jo3 ajoddns anojdTul sagussour Xo- jealo dolanaQ ■ sjoploga)le ;s o; not ;suuojuT Injosn puu `a;ujnoou `Maui; aprnOjd amigojd moinag leuot;ejadp aq; 3o uoT ;e ;uomoldun puu atsop oq; jo3 uoddnS ■ :panaTgau aq litm sant;oa fqo �?uimoiio3 ag; `ueld jljom posodojd aq; do not;u;uauaaldurt oq; gSnojgs •UrejSojd matnag Iuuot;ujadp aq; uroj3 uoi;euuo;ui guTpnOoi suogroranuraroo Xjouin; pus `a;sudojddu `jualo slioddns •ouI IlamuvgD urog Iusodojd aql, IVSOdOUCI ,Sooz `Oz ounf uo IlamuegD UTOj3 pantaoaj sum Issodojd V •uoddns suoT;soTunuuuoo apinojd o; Iusodojd u ;tuugns o; ouI Ilom;jego pwIsu as ; ;TunuoD 2?uuaa ;S aq; `puo siq; oZ •mainag luuoT;ujad0 oq; uroj3 Supinsaj uoilvuuoju13o not ;soTUnarUIO aeT;3a33a pus `XIDUli; `a;ujnaou apinojd o; japjo ui pajmbaj aq pinom lzoddus luuja;xo ltgl puu suoT ;e;aadxo 3o aiogs Outliu3 sum lioddns SUOT;soTunururoo pajinbaj oq; FUTpinojd uT ssolSojd ;sq; paznaooaj sum ;T `aauiURUOD 2?uuaa ;S mateag luuoillend0 ag; 3o 2ulloom s,Si ounf aql IV -pamatnaj puu podolanap suon;uorunuaUO3 u `dols ;sig u sV •oilgnd oq; o; pue sjoplogajlu ;s o; `urpaur aq; o; IiaunoD am •aznsojoug 00111uRUOD $uuaajs ziego OITI uajD aolpounoD `pajjtuxgns /fpnjjoodsag •enatnaz s,zoltogoS Xl!o aqp of loofgns joriluoo acp ais o; paziJog1ne oq xzalD uouuuoo pue zoioW ag1;eq; pue joezluoo posodozd oq;3o suual �� woo dnm8- Ilan4aego mm 6£bb-£9£ (9lb) :xej 9Z££-Z9£ (9 1t?) :lal 9H6 09W ouelup'oluaoy'Joolj 439 iseg laaJIS aPROW 9'oul IIOMIJ840 J2ploga5lzls g5noRp `paau oq; 3o uol;zorUquopl ag; mog `ssaoo-1d uol;uuuojsuuJ; aq; 3o da ;s , Jana It s;uago mo;uouiaidwoo o; Voddns puz osc;Jadxa SulpinoJd uo posnoo3 XIlzaldf4 sl oloJ s,ltam;JUgD •uol;oz3sl ;zs Jamo;sno �umo-1dml ul da ;s;s-1r3 u `poBuSua puz panlonul 132 o; suTsoq,C;lunmmoo oq; `.s ;gauaq 112n4nm Jo3 pa8uguo om /�jlunmmoo ssaulsnq aq; puz aoulnozd zip QN11 s au; red d runmmoo `.am;rg aq; ui uol;zalunmmoo panoJdml amsuo dlag o;;lmq a-1e s -1agmam mua; ;o s1luls umiumunuuuoo olszq aq; puz 4uol;zolunmm0030 slauuzga alqullun12 sa8z -1anal puz (s9ut;aayq IIEH umoL -2-0);uamanl0nul Xqlunmmoo puz uol;zolunmmoo ;z s;Jo33a;uaJJno q ;cm sa;zr8a;u! aojuAs suol172alunuturoo ag; `sanl;ul;lul ofuugo f11a Jaq ;o Jo3 a-1n;n3 ag; ul pamollo3 oq uzo;uq; aovId M ind sl ssaaozd u `.smaouoo -1laq; o; sosuodsa-1.$mjja2 a-1u puz paau Xoq; uol;zuuojul aq; fururaoaJ azu Xoq; osnuoaq ssaaozd suol;u0lunmmoo oq; ul;uamanlonul g8nonp SOAOJdmi ul- Xng33z ;s :aml;jug poo;s-12pun puz pJZag an so5essam ,Sa)l acp ;12m-1o3 In3asn 12 ul amt;;g8u oq; ;u aldood;gBp xp sogoza-1 uol ;zuuojui;q$u oq; `.�Slael ;oa33a atom put Xlq;ooms omui `Ja;sz3 pa;uamaldml pup paOlsap oq Fl;uonbosgns Ipm ;l amsuo dlaq o; `polJoddns puz pano-1ddu `poo;s-1apun sl muaoJd malna21 luuopmd0 aq; :;uq; os suop12alun umoo iSlaml; puz a;zudoJddu `-112alo dolanap noX diaq lllm m12-1BoJd maleaX IlmoV mdo ag; -1o3 a ioddns suouuarunmmoo posodozd Jn0 ,magl Jo3 aq lllm sofuallzgo puz s;gouoq aq;;ugm puz `aq Illm m12J2o-1d oq; ul luamanlonul pa;oodxa Jlag;;zgm `aJe samoa ;no popua;ul s;l;12gm `;nogz Ilu sl muJ3oJd oq; ;ugm mou)l o; paau s-1aploga3l12 ;s IId •s-1aplogajz ;s Iuma;xo puz Izma;ul iSwj 1112 o; LuBBoid oq;3o uol;uolunmmoo Juolo ag; sl m12-12o-1d uol ;uuug3suzJ; In3ss000ns Xuu jo;uamala;u12Lrodml uy •szaplogailz ;s ,S;lunuxuzoo lzma;xa su 113m s1233u ;s Ogy puz SpD o; urei2o-1d mowrd Iuuopland0 aq; a;uolunmmoo Xlanl;oa33a o; mza; uqo f;uluS 3o ,S;ID ag; q ;lm 31-1om o; f4lun;-1oddo ag; a;uloaJddu aAk `jcuQ j -1za(j muj�iwd malnaH luuol ;uaad0 ugop;uluS 3o fj10 aq; xo} laoddnS suol ;ealunmmo0 ai�a ;ut ;s :aH I'Ib JZH )IOlmsulug mall miof lul12s IL6I X09 '0'd -10013 gl8 `IIUH /1I0 mlof lulus 3o 43 `Ja9uuuw fglD uaUo1, ,Lua L '.IW 90OZ `6I XInf 113MIJ -eqO 0 woo'dnoi6- Ilampeyo 6£bb-£9£ (9L17) :xej 8Z££-Z9E (9L4) lal 9H 09W ouelup'oTuaol'Joolj M'lse3 1984S aP!elaPV 9'Oul IIOAWE40 'auI Ilamp.)sgD `luullnsuoD zotuaS `IlagalM uel`d `Xlazaouls -suogsonb Xuu anug no.i pinogs (oltgouT) 98L5-019-906-1 lu satzn ap xuaig lluo of olelisoq lou op asuald •moloq papnlout ale isoo puu Pogo powtuilso puu meal loo fold `soilrligrsuodsaz pue solo.) `weld 5lzom `iIzom jo adds oqy 'uzu.)Soz(l mama -g luuotlszado agp uoddns of suotleotuniumoo 30 kMAllap lnjssaoons aqp aznsuo of fg!uncuuioo uqo f 1utuS agp olut lq$tsut zno/i gptm zagla2op uotlsatunwLuoo pus sootlauzd lsoq `uotluuuojsuezl Iudtotunuz3o 8utpuups.)apun zno a5szanai Qtm am «vpvuva atjuvljV w aa:ogl fo dilunwuioj„ oql auT000q pus a.)n4n3 agp3o Sj!unuzuzoD olgsuislsnS aq1 olsazo ugof luluS dloq Illm legl antpetptut luauxano.)durt lueoTgtuft pus ot.)olstq e uo 31zequza ol;noge si /Clto ag11eg1 a.)u momaz aqp cuoz3 suoiWotput xIng •dtgsuotpulaz szgl pltnq of futnutluoa 01 p.)emzo3 Tool pus uTezdozd matna-d luuotle.)ado agp uo $ut)l.)om XIluauno ale aAN srea i 30 .)aquznu a zo3 ugof puteS 3o i1 aq1 gptm dtgsuotlula.) �ut�Izom Injssaoons u paAofua anuq aAk •otlgnd aql of saotnzas puu sme.)80.)d ant1aa33a puu puatag3a azouz zantlap suoRurtuu8zo atIgnd Butdlag uo posnoo3 sung 4utllnsuo paouatzadxo Isom s,eotzamy g1zoN ;o ouo st IlomlzsgD `sluuoissajozd 0£ ump azoulio33e1s u qp!M -suotpeztudto ludtotunw 3o spaau luowoguuuw ootn.)as puu amlO wd oq1 ut 8utztletoads oououodxa szeaX OZ usgl azOnT ansq aAk sllnsaz algtfuup pue sigouoq lusog!u8ts 3o luauzanatgou lung oql op gSnozgl .fsm agp llu `sumi2o.)d uotleuuojsui?4 jo uotluluauwldun puu atsap aqp `suuld uotleuuojsmgjo luomdolanap aql `smatnaz luuotlezado `uotluonpo 11 3M ll-BqO woo dnw6- IlaMy84o M Mt-£9£ (9Lb) :Xej £Z££-Z9£ (9L0:191 9H L 09W ouelup 'o;uwol'tool j 4l9 lse3 laaAS aPTIGPV 9'aul I1e19ae43 33t1s o; )louq axul o; s tapual weal io3 uo!luluosazd aelnpow ldupy /dolana(j pus `.(sios!n-tadns -$•a) sdnoa2f saa,fojdwa xaglo zo3 sag!jjq!suodsa.i pus sajoz Xjguap! pus 33uls .to3 saSussow ,fax ougag `.sooSoldwa 000`Z Xloluw!xoaddu of uo!luo!unwwoo w s.iagwaw utual3o sa!l!j!q!suodsoU pue solog oq!iosaQ !lowed suo!luo!unwwo:) 01231e.4S luasald :weal d!gstapea -1 Xl!D zo3 uo!ssag Nupj toM ssaua�em� leuo! ;uz!uu�>O luuaa ;ul a ;u ;ll!ae3 'S 9 .luutto3 uolluluasazd lulodtamod a ui uxe.Bozd agl•Io sluawala luuVodw! Ilu aznldto pus wua8oid oql gl!m pals!oossu slgauoq puu sawagl aql dolanap of weal loo ford ma!Aag Iuuo!luiado agl gl!m Xlasolo 31toAk sa!l!unlzoddo puu sdnoB taploga31els `saoua!pnu snoIJUA of uo!lsldupu .to3 uo!luluasazd asuq su an.tas of uo! ;u;uasa id wuAlo ad ma!eaH luuo! ;u iado ivjnpoW dojaAa(j .b •s.taplogaxels agl of ( rjjLgo AAOH 7y maHAA) sa2tssow agl3o Xouonbaa3 pus su!w!l aql jo uo!l!ugap pus (tAOH) spoglaw puu stool uo!luo!untumo oql jo uo!ldlzosop Puu `•(L OHO OHAA) sa8tssaw agl X-ueo Il!m lugl saapuoi jo uo!l!ugap 4(X3VffQaa3 78 Om OHAA) (ol popuodsaz puu p-reaq aq of paau sutaouoo 33uis B-a) 31ougpaa3 io3 paau agl fu!pnjou! — dnoj2 gouo 3o Spam uo!luo!unwwoo oql puu sdnoi2 zaploga71s luu talxo pue luwalu! 3o uo!l!ugop `alto!unwwoo of (jLVHM) sa8essaw luulsodwi puu uo!luuuoju! 3o sodXl `slou3 Xax `(AJJA�) san!loafgo pue asodind `sold!ouud uo!luo!ummoo :Su!pnlout `agisop puu veld luawaSufuo put uo!luo!unwwon Injss000ns u 3o sluawala ,fax aql apnlou! asogl •ueld suo!luo!unwum otoop [ls e ;o sluawala luo!dSi aql sapniou! go!gm (sDgd put sluawlteda(I Xl!D Ije 3o spuoq) wuol d!gsaapuaq 1uuo!luz!uu8i0 oql puu l!ounoD zoj iaw!.td suo! ;ua!unwwoE) a!2ale.a ;g dolaea(I •£ `(al!s -qom Xl!D uo ou!luo saamsue put suo!lsanb pa31se ,Sjluonbo4 ap!Aozd -2-0) u01l13w.to3w of ssaoos ap!no td pus 2u!puulszapun pee ssauazumu pjmq `uo!ltuuoju! palujat- =12oid f4!.tulo of spoglaw Xjguap! puu uuld suo!lso!unwwoo u uo ua31eltapun Xjsno!Aaid xzom lun000t olu! a31ul jI!m am -suo!lupuawwooai sl! puu umiSoid momw Iuuo!luuado oql jo uo!luo!unwwoo ln;ssaoons xo3 paz!nbw so!loul puu sa!saluzls agl Ilu3o luawdolanap aql sopnjou! — uuld suo! ;ua!unwwoa 3!2a ;ea ;g a;aldwoD sg augag .Z `uo!luluawaldwi io3 sauolsol!w puo.tq las osly •we.Boad otpio uo!luo!unuwwn oql ul panloeu! szapeal X031 aaglo zo3 sa! ;!j!q!suodsaz pus salon ougop pue stagwaw weal azoo luuo!l!ppu X•jguap! `saA!loafgo uo!lso!unuwtoo amldeo `alupuuw atg u! — weal suo!lumunwwo0 moo weAoad ma!eaH luuopu lad0 ao3 a;upul3w dolaea(l - I :11!m uteal azoo suo!luo!unwwoo jjamlzugD / uqo f lu!eS 3o Xl!D aql uol ;ealunwwoo - HjoM ;o odooS ll3mIje o J woo'dnoi6- Ilamlie4o'mmm 6£bb-£9£ (9L4) :xej 9ZEE -Z9E (9L4) lal 9H 09W ouelup'oluaol'Jooid 438'3se319911S aP!elaPV 9'oul II8AWe40 (aoloos aluntad ail `luawuaanoS jutoumid oql -S-a) suotloauuoo Sutptnoad ig Boluqs Sutaauylsd acp Supaoddns • slunaalut mpoizad lu uzez$oid aglgo s;gauaq puu slsoo acp 2u1M9IA0a `wuaSoad uopuwaogsuual aql go aoumuopod oql SutSuuuw • Xjjunwwoo oql go slaud jngSutuuawgo s$utnAuap o7w of ;soluoo u anus pjnoo sloops Gujuawajo •Z uotste oq; go sluawala snouun aq; Sut4tuSts limb u o3luw of za33o lgStw gnlo Sullllnb aql -1 /fltunwwoo aql of uotstn aql Sutpoauuoo go suopt SutllaS su gons `sdnoaS aaalunjon puu ,iltunwwoo aql Sutejonut • :Sutpnjout `aingj4uoo of jtounoo aog so ptunlaoddo ogtaads lu )loorl swoons wuaSoad ut pounoo go aloa `slgouoq puu slsoo `sluawala LurBoad aql lip of luougtwwoo puugo Sutpuu;saapun ling aansuo of jtounoa glzm uotssas Sutlaom u aog sluua;uw aql dolanap — uotssas Sugatag paunoa ;uauiajdtul sg dolana([ g `.Ximnwwoo aql ut sdnoaS aaploiaijels aofuw oq;;oudwt 1pm It lugl Xum oql puu aonpoad IIpA 11 sigouoq ogtoads oql `paptnS sl It gotgn4L Xq uotstn aql `ssaappu [I!M wua8oad oql gotim ugof;utus ut so2uojjugo oq; `wuzSoad Matnaa luuolluiodo ailgo uotlduosap u sapnjout gotgm Maud etpow u dolanap — uotssas Sugapa uipaW plog zg 3jaud utpaW dojana([ ,.`.IipUnwwoo oql of aoug„ suotluotunwwoo aql su ss000ad suotluotunwwoo ail ut ltouno3go saagwaw aejoeut .ijantlou of sXuM igtluapt pue SOOZ `S I lsn$nvjo Supaaw pounoD uowwoo ail lu luasaad o; anoqu E kltntloV ut podojanap aawud suotluotunwwoo acp aztauwums — ltaunoa lu .aawt.la suot ;uamnwwo,3 pasaad '9 J woa-dna6-IIam4imp � 6Ebb -£9£ (9 t4) :xe.1 SZ££-Z9£ (9lb) :lal 9H6 09W ope ;up 'o;uaol'1oola 418 ';sea ;aaa ;S aP!elaPV 9'oul IIOAWe43 weJ6ad Malnab leuo!;ejadp w papnpul Apeoile uelV jo; s;noq ;sow :a;ou - s ;a loejq ul papnlow pailnbaa smoq poddns buglnsuoo'ploq w umogs sl A ;IAI ;oe ay; uo; uosjad peal (sjopounoo) 'suopelab ollgnd uolssas (g) uelV'(ZT) �uala 'Auo44uV 'lujal SOOZ 'LT aagwa ;das bu0aug 1puno:);uawaldwT i8 dolanaa •g ;nopueq ao; Apm - uope;uasaad 1punoo lioda-d leu!d SOOZ 19Z (s) uolssas 6uppe QT) �u@nd'Auo4}uV '/wal uagwaadaS ajo;aq Toed a;aldwoo elpaW ploH 18 Toed e!paW dolanaa •Z 6upa@w ipunoo uelV'(b) )lualb 1punoD uowwo:) SOOZ 1ST ;sn6nV ;e jawed suol;eo!unwwoo;uasaJd •9 uolssas •jq b a;e;llloeJ ue1V 'wlN 'Njal Aq pamalAaj 'sleua ;ew uolssas 6uNJoM ssauaiemV uolssas 6piom wedaid QT) )lual8 SOOZ 'ST;sn6nV;o NaaM leuopezlue6io lewa;uI a;e;pped •s wly'Auoq;uV uol;e;uasaJd wej60Jd SUjal Aq malnaa '(ti) uelV'(ZT) )luale SOOZ '8;sn6nV;o �aaM ma!Aaa leuopeaado aelnpoW dolanap •y uelV 'wDl Jawlad 'Auoq;uV 'Ajjal Aq malnaa '(ZT) 8ualu SOOZ 183,.sn6nV ;o �aaM suopeolunwwoo ol6a4ej ;S dolana0 £ uelV'w!N ueld suapealunwwoo Aq malAaj'(ZT) rua!b'Auoq;uV'Aujal SOOZ '87sn6nV To �aaM ol6a4ej4s a;aldwo:) I augaa 'Z weal suoge7lunwwoj uelV aaoo weJ6ad Malnaa 'wi)l Aq malnaJ '(y) juand 'Auoq ;uV 'Aaaal SOOZ 'Z;sn6nV jo paM leuol ;eaado ao; a;epueW dolanaa •T uol ;eolunLumoo - ueld )I oM J woo 'dnoa6- IIaMUe4o'mmm 6£W-£9£ (9L4) :xej 9Z££ -Z9£ (9L0 lal 9HL OSW ouelup'oluwol'Joolj 4 ISE3 4884S aP!elaPV 9'Oul II8MVe43 •Isoo Ie polpq oq Ipm sasuadxa Imp alou aseald 006008'63 Ielol '£$ (uqo[ Iu!eS to /! 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(leu.inof gdui2ala,I, ugof;uivS = f.LfS) (olgeaildde se )laagL)) sale(I uot;.iasuI laT sd Mai :(,fue 31) suopan gsal lelaadS b,Zb-,L9(90" :Xe3 Z98Z- 8S9(900 :auogd spooM 3131.I;ed T 43e1u03 90ZIL # lunoaaV) a3330 SAIN0 aommqD :;uamlau a(I OIOZ Zbb 1080011 :.IagmnN ;a png :.(!uo asn ugof Imes ;o fall -loa H:IcrdO N0IZHM II 'IVARIII.LNII ugof;utuS jo SI!3 'alltn Op laloq,l e aufissnos np uopualle,l a luoo led uoileoulpow ap lafoid ne suoiloafgo son ap ilud ane3 zolllnan 'IIeH fo!D le pou2isiapun aql of lugs oq , uw luawpuawe aql of suolloafgo uanyM •paldooxa "salia3 sinof sa13nes s,Cepiloq `anlsnloui `,Cepud gdnagl Apuow `-w-d 61pa1puan ne ipunl np 0£ q 91 la O£ q 8 allua "g -•N 0£:q pue -w•e O£:S3o sinoq aql uaamlaq •g•N `ugof `ugof lames `aaunbS io)lju q S1 ne aptn ap Ialogd luleS `alenbS la3lieln[ Sf `IIeH Ally `luawdolanaa V luawaddolanap np la owswegln,l ap neainq ne pue 2tnuueld 3o 03g3o aql u1 io `11010 no leunwwoo ia33as2 np neatnq ne uolleogipow ap uowwoo aql 3o aogjo 0111 le uosiod palsoialul lafoid of jaunuuxa lnod aassajalul auuosiod alno L Xue , q paloadsul oq ,Cew luawpuawe pasodoid aqy -a2eloXoal op lodajlua,nb luel ua •lodap uollsonb ua alaudoxd el ap uoilesglln.l ainamad 2wlo,Coal a se ,ilxadad aql 3o osn oql l!uuad o L NOLLVOIAMON V'I dQ NOSIVU :HDNVHD HO3 NOSV3H (H.LIIVO V'I NUN2SNI) snossap -lo aim el ailuow al awwoo `aastnai uotlisodad oun,p uolleaedald el aallamad mod `I S£ I S I SS QIN np all.ted aun luela la `ssod oni 409 ne ands uoilsanb ua uteual np L661 aagwaldas 8 np a2euozaI ne luawanllelaa saasodwl 6£ a[alue,l ap suolllpuoa sap uoileoulpoyq : saluenms suolleog ?pow sal lueuodde ua q 61 V SOOZ MOB 6Z IPunl of wpuall as wb anewpio uolunai el ap stol uop!sodoid aun iawwexa,p uoiluolul uos anbiput ugof Jules Io ,CUD aqZ ap leunwwoo psuoo of lanbal ied auuop isa oggnd sine un `soluosaid sal led SSO2I 3fiu `09 udfgO 6£ 31DIlUVA I M NOLLVJI IIQOLII d(I ZdfO)Id (dVW .LWaSNI) -molaq paleusn[p se `Iusodoid pasina1 e llwzad of ` l S£ I S I S S lagwnN CE[d 3o uolliod a se pauiluopi osle `lowlS ssoH 091e paleool Xuadoid loofgns aqi ;o 2uluozai L661 48 lagwaldaS oql no pasodwl suolllpuoo 6£ uollaaS aql 2wpuawV :/Cq "tu'd 00 :L IF SOOZ 66Z 1sn2nV `,fepuoN no plaq aq of Oupaw ielaw slt it! lesodoid a japlsuoo of Spain! uqof lupS 30 ,i110 aq.L 3o IlaunoD uowwoD aql legl uanB Xgaioq si oolloN oilgnd IMHIS SSOH 09 :3H ,LN3W(lKaWV 6£ NOLLMS QdSOdOUd aanso1ou3 ojs:O3 �Ja10 uowwoO;ue }sissy 2IwjoO 4lageZ113 ��� -_ ' Anil sinoA •pJe6aa s14; ui aoi;oN oilgnd a4; to Adoo a si pas010u3 9,'laaJiS sso�j 09 aol uoileopdde luawpuawe 6£ uoiloaS a4; o;;oadsal 4l!M aa; uoi;eoildde '00£$ a4; aniean IIounoO uowwoO ;e4; pue :jagwe40 IiounoO a4; ui w.d 00:L le 900Z '6Z ;sn6ny ' (epuoW jo; ;as aq;aaj ;s ssob 09 le luawpuawe 68 uoi;oas posodoid a4; pue anuany uuna g£g -g£g 'peon{ peaH pab ;2-6L le s6u1u0z -aj pasodoid a4; Jo; sbuueaH oilgnd a4; 'ia6euew CIO a4; Aq papuawwooaa se ;e4; Q3AlOS3b.. -: jaweu 'pa ;dope seM uoi;niosai f5upoilo; a4l 'SOOZ 'Z;sn6ny uo pla4 'pounoo uowwoO a4; ;o 6upow a ;y r In, lift U9 2p2u20 'g -'N /gN 'u40( ]ul2S T26T 'TDIXOg '0'd :pis jea() byL NZ3 ON 'u4or;uieS peoa puowoj 400l ZIbZ uappeosioo �ouapaad -in g00Z '96 ;sn6ny 23,ugo[ju12s.mmm 12unwwoo ial,;lajf np n2amg a3T330 Sxialo uowwoo �I ✓ Z98Z-8S9 (905) :auogdalaZ tilZb-17L9 (909) :xvj pau;uoD Ieunu ;umo ia;gjauJ/-AialD uouzu ;off `spoom xou;ed I :uol;aV o; IIe3 QllHDVIIV 1 -UHSNI :;xa,L :(alquall u31 ) aullpuaH-gnS (•a;a'geZ'a.i;ua3'Pd ui Plog ;uum noS NuiglSue aae3Plog) pd ao3 uoi;eulaojuI :(s)a ;eQ :(s)aluu SOOZ `£Z ;snSny'XHpsagl, SOOZ `Z lsn2lnv'.fepsan L :(s)aiuu spaulsselD firs.. ;uamaaeld;uapuadopuI firs.. 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W 3 F 3 z di y � ti 0 y J9 ° ° O � 0 ,y 0 B N N c 4 . cd �Yon��� O .y C. m rl N U O b U C y W 4 � M b Cn ° GN ° w b� CO m o°'�o 6D Cd o C A, ° '� •� a o Y O a°+ w V N c c 'd OIn, w to y T Q ° o o o n. -o V. U ° cC y U cd z" gi rn b° �u b�o� N U 0 O O 0 lC (E U Y b C) obi ° b N U N b iy cC N N T ..s". COC s. 0 7+ O O .y U .>. N w ° pOp N T ° rz 0 Y OCd. 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CL O U 'C co ti .L O RW O 75 0 0 0 U r ro wi W O U b�A HE v q v is b F4 b N U .-Q 'C �N 0 O U U 0 U U O C. U 'cl ti 'O ffm 0 'O .1] U ro �N W z Vv m biD N <r v a 0 a U Q G w O bio 0 a 'O tli v v N .L y l•' LL ti N N G v h v ro 'c3 H V Q) U 9 w U z 0 a U U O U w O v N N U O U 4+ .0 0 G -o L" R� O U -C' 0 y G C N 0 L." 0 U b G' 0 W) -0 0 U O (Nd N �i z w O rv�i r+4 -o U O (Nd N �i z w O rv�i r+4 M O U Q) H � � G w v v z 0° O N ON U 0 cC U O (Nd N �i z U rzr_� I� O W U z 0 a a O w O H 0 U o v abi 3 0 � ° Q)w ° (U W h N ° ° w Cd cd 0 Fr' F'+ O ° u o U W U L 0 Y ° �;d o � . & :+ O tLo N Y o s W O b � b W o P, z oU b o 3 0 U 0 w 0 o Cd o ki o z w U) w � y � Cd U) U ° U iUC C) w a .3 ° x 3� Y o ro Cd �Uoo ❑❑ b O N N �. C2, Tw w 0 F! T as ❑pa❑ Cl o U c r a 0 ti ti o b U abi o x oy Cd� DO 0 ~QY0 0 3 � 0 �+ 0 N y ° .r 30 0 cn cF vi 0 x ti cd 0 W U N 0 q w c'. o w°4:1 t2), 0 a 0b A y 0 � N O Y 0 4,�o U O 0 y '3 H 0 U 3 � 0 v� -F! Z d 0 REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M &C -239 July 27, 2005 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Re- construction of Sanitary Sewer Line Easement Acquisition - 7 Valentine Boulevard BACKGROUND: The City of Saint John is planning to replace an existing sanitary sewer line that currently runs from Gault Road, through civic #171 Gault Road and civic #5 Valentine Boulevard, then onto the subject site, and finally, tying into the sewer line on Valentine Boulevard. In order to do so, easements are required from a total of three residential properties. A number of years ago, the City acquired from the adjoining property at civic #5 Valentine Boulevard, a 3.0 metre (10 foot) wide easement for municipal services, and recently an additional 16.5 metre easement at the rear of that property. In order to replace the existing pipeline, a 118.1 square metre t (1,271.3 square foot) easement is required running parallel with an existing easement on the adjacent lot. In total, the City will have acquired an easement for municipal services having a total width of 6 metres (20 feet), which is the standard width for the purposes of this easement. ANALYSIS: Real Estate Services have negotiated with the affected property owner of the above noted property to secure a new 118.1 square metre t (1,271.3 square foot) easement for municipal services, being a portion of PID Number 413617, as generally shown on the attached plan. The purpose of this report is to seek Council's support to secure the desired interest in the above noted parcel of land. City of Saint John Report to Common Council July 27, 2005 RECOMMENDATION: am That The City of Saint John acquire an easement for municipal services /municipal services easement in a 118.1 square metre t portion of PID Number 413617 from Ms. Davina Weaver for $5.00 per square metre, for a total of $590.00 plus HST if applicable, as generally shown on the submitted sketch. As part of the transaction the City shall: a). prepare and pay for any plan of survey /subdivision required; and b). reinstate the subject property to a condition that existed prior to construction; and c). pay to a maximum of $350 (plus HST, if applicable) the legal fees incurred by Ms. Davina Weaver to finalize the transaction; and d). that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to sign any documents required to formalize this transaction. 2. That Common Council assent to the vesting of the proposed municipal services easement. sur�� mitted, . J ci Tim R. Baird, MCIP Commissioner Planning and Development ence Totten, F.C.A. City Manager CL /c O`� eIba Blvd. Bwd• 1entiue 1 Va bou 0OOj9i33 in 3 I N C i d Description of Plan: Easement Acquisition for Municipal Services N PID: 413617 Address: 7 Valentine Boulevard Pan: N/A Date: July 26, 2005 U !3 N g GRAD NORTH \. I \. I \. I PROPERTY LINE4- i l � � w li w I 5 � I� i I� I� i I � I, I, i r ' I I qLENT jNE 8` VD Y , MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS ENGINEERING City of Saint John DWN. BY W.H.B. I DATE JUNE 13/05 I REV. No. CHECKED BY I SCALE 1 : 250 1 DATE EASEMEtT AREA 118.1m +/- / / i / / / / !/ I I i GAULT ROAD EASEMENT ACQUISITION DWG. No. # 7 VALENTINE BLVD 1 3 REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M &C2005 -240 July 27, 2005 His Worship Mayor Norman McFarlane And Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councilors; SUBJECT: Street Closure McLean Street BACKGROUND City of Saint John At the previous meeting of Common Council staff indicated it would be taking a number of steps to deal with traffic concerns on Northumberland Avenue. One of those actions is to physically close a section of McLean Street to reduce the volume of through traffic on Northumberland Avenue. A copy of the previous report is attached. This report will deal with the closure of McLean Street. ANALYSIS Staff indicated that it intended to close a section of McLean Street on a pilot basis and evaluate the impact on traffic flow to determine if such closure should become permanent. Public notification of such a change is an important consideration and staff recognizes that a formal process exists where public notification is an integral part. This process allows Council to formally close a section of street through adoption of a By- law. Staff wishes to proceed with closure of a very short portion of McLean Street on a pilot basis and is requesting that Council publish notification of it's intent to consider the passing of a By -law for a temporary closure. This process has been used by Council on many occasions to close public streets, although it has usually involved closure on a permanent basis and is often accompanied by disposal of the resulting property. A sketch showing the intended limits of closure on McLean Street is attached. Staff wishes to close this section on a pilot basis for a period of 120 days from the date of enactment. Staff will report back to Council during this period to either make the closure permanent or re -open the street. M & C 2005 — 240 July 27, 2005 Page 2 INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES The legal department has advised that this process is appropriate to achieve the desired action. Planning staff has also been consulted and concur. RECOMMENDATION That Common Council direct the Common Clerk to publish notice of it's intention to consider the passing of a By -law to Stop up and close for a period of 120 days from the enactment of said By -law, a 583 square meter section of McLean Street as generally shown on the attached sketch and described as follows: All that portion of McLean Street, so called, intending to be the entire width of the said street for a length more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the northern sideline of Spencer Street (formerly known as Northumberland Avenue) with the western sideline of McLean Street ; going thence in a northerly direction along the western sideline of McLean Street a distance of 29.00 metres; thence in an easterly direction and at right angles to the western sideline of McLean Street a distance of 20.12 metres or to the eastern sideline of McLean Street: thence in a southerly direction along the eastern sideline of McLean Street a distance of 29.00 metres; thence in a westerly direction and at right angles more or less to the eastern sideline of Mclean Street to the place of beginning. Respectfully submit Shayne Galbraith P. Eng Director, Public Works J. M. Paul Groo P.En Y, g � Commissioner, Municipal Operations & Engineering La Terry L. Totten, F.C.A. City Manager Senf By: CITY SAINT JOHN; 6582837; Jul -28 -05 11:59AM; Page 414 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT/ URBANISME ET DEVELOPPEMENT Real Estate Services /Services des Biens Immobiliers / azd ° t'F • \\ 397 / / �W /\ 316 314 � \ 3 4 \ sea / 00 / 30 9S 0 0 64 ° 0 93 C 3p / 312 �� $30 383°2 f3 11 en eo 0030 7 ///743334124 3433° °39 I / �' 53 Se _t / 39 3 27 °3 y 69 /70 '33'3331 62 ° / V fib \\ 21% \\ 3o 330 4J .` rse3 V ° / 3 330 33348 19 do 40 ° as soot 23 J s °a 44 °3 �Dr \'Y 330 3 1J10J 43 V a \ 341 �do ._— S2 33 °j' �A i9 3 9 6 3° `L /[/ 0130 4/ 6 303013 1J 003j° d6 \\ 00J03 J0, 0 �° 61 99 0 µ ti ..� ST °3 \ �l '+ 59 Y j 9393 SJ 42 55 ° 4p° / / / 37 40 ° 49 03 ti 36 3 ° e 45 6 003 5 0 0J� o / 033 °4 / 36 i — Area to be closed PID(s)INIP(s) N/A Location: rue McLean Street REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M & C 2005 - 234 July 14, 2005 His Worship Mayor Norman McFarlane And Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councilors; SUBJECT: Traffic Concerns Northumberland Avenue BACKGROUND City of Saint John A number of residents have expressed concerns to staff and members of Council about traffic on Northumberland Avenue and in particular at the intersection with Highmount Court. Staff has looked at the situation and agrees there is reason for concern and a need to take action. This report will -update Council on the situation and the actions that staff will be taking. ANALYSIS Northumberland Avenue is a short "local' street in Westmorland Heights on the East side of the City and runs northwest off Westmorland Road to McLaughlin Crescent. It slopes upward from Westmorland to a knoll near the midpoint and then drops sharply downhill to McLaughlin Crescent toward Rothesay Avenue. The result is a blind knoll for vehicles travelin_ in either direction but the intersection with Highmount Court occurs just downhill from the knoll toward McLaughlin Crescent. This combination creates a major safety concern for vehicles traveling from Westmorland on Northumberland and vehicles entering Northumberland from Highmount — sight distances are extremely limited by the knoll. This situation was created when Highmount Court was developed. Concerns have been raised in the past and resulted in restricted parking on Northumberland Avenue and the installation of "SLOW BLIND KNOLL" and speed limit 30km /hr signs on the approach to the knoll. Several accidents have still occurred with the most recent being last April 13. M & C 2005 —234 July 14, 2005 Page 3 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Council receive and file this report. Respectfully submitted .4 e/k Shayne Galbraith P. Eng Director, Public Works I J / J. M. Paul Groody, P. Eng Commissioner, Municipal Operations & Engineering Terry L. Totten F.C.A. City Manager REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M & C 2005 - 238 July 25, 2005 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane & Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council, SUBJECT: CONTRACT NO. 2005-24: SMYTHE STREET — STREET REHABILTTATION BACKGROUND �;wcn City of Saint John The 2005 General Fund Capital Program for Transportation includes funding for repairs to the waterproofing membrane for the roof deck of the Market Square Parking Garage under Smythe Street, repairs to the drainage system and resurfacing of Smythe Street between Union Street and the Hilton Hotel entrance. The work consists generally of the supply of all necessary labour, materials and equipment for the replacement of 7 steel catchbasins, removal of the existing asphalt and waterproofing membrane and placement of approximately 130 tonnes of Rosphalt 50 rubberized asphalt for waterproofing and 180 tonnes of asphalt surface course (type D). TENDER RESULTS Tenders closed on June 15, 2005 with the following results: Lafarge Canada Inc. $ 359,082.23 Saint John, N.B. The Engineer's estimate for the work was $239,000.00 M &C2005 -238 July 25, 2005 Page 2 ANALYSIS The tender was reviewed by staff and it was found to be formal in all respects. Staff is of the opinion that the tenderer has the necessary resources and expertise to perform the work. The difference between the tendered amount and the original Engineer's estimate is $1201082.23($359,082.23 - $239,000.00). Following the tender closing, staff prepared a spreadsheet to compare the tendered unit prices to the prices utilized to produce the Engineer's estimate. After comparing the prices and reviewing the Engineer's estimate in detail, staff are of the opinion that the Engineer's estimate was low and that an amount of $302,000.00 (an increase of $63,000.00) would more accurately reflect the true estimated cost of Contract 2005 -24. The prices utilized to complete the original Engineer's estimate were derived from material supplier's estimates plus estimated costs for labour and installation. Many of the products specified in the contract for this project have not been used by the City of Saint John in the past; therefore Municipal Engineering does not have any historical cost data from which to derive accurate labour and installation costs. Given that there was only one bidder for the project, staff wanted to ensure that the City would receive good value for the funds being allocated to this project. With this in mind, staff requested a meeting with the tenderer to discuss the differences in the tendered amount versus the Engineer's estimate and to take advantage of an opportunity to negotiate a better overall project price. Staff reviewed the contract Schedule of Quantities and Unit Prices with the tenderer in an effort to identify areas where agreed upon clarifications could provide a cost saving to the City. The tenderer and staff were successful in clarifying the limits of a lump sum unit price and identifying alternative material suppliers that would result in a cost saving of $30,346.90 to the project. The tenderer agreed that a clearer definition of the limits of the lump sum quantity for expansion joint replacement and pursuing more competitive material suppliers allowed them to complete the work in a more cost effective manner that would result in reduced construction cost with an overall lower "project risk ". The negotiated tender price is now $328,735.33 which is $26,735.33 more than the revised Engineer's estimate. INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES The City Solicitor and Purchasing Agent were consulted prior to staff contacting the tenderer and both agreed that post -bid negotiations between the tenderer and City to identify project scope changes that would result in an overall reduction in project cost would be considered an acceptable process. M & C 2005 — 238 July 25, 2005 Page 3 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The Contract includes work that is charged against the 2005 General Fund Capital Program, Transportation category. An analysis has been completed which includes the estimated amount of work that will be performed by City forces and others. The cost analysis concludes that a total amount of $200,000.00 was provided in the budgets and that the projected completion cost of the projects included in this contract and also work to be done by others is estimated to be $295,658.27, including the city's eligible HST rebate — a $95,658.27 negative difference in the General Fund Capital Program. A report will be provided to Council in the coming weeks that identifies an offset for the above shortfall in the General Fund Capital Program so that the overall budget envelope remains at the approved level. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Contract 2005 -24: Smythe Street — Street Rehabilitation be awarded to the tenderer, Lafarge Canada Inc., at a negotiated tender price of $328,735.33 as calculated based on estimated quantities, and further that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary contract documents. Respectfully submitted, J. M. Paul Gro y, P.Eng. Commissioner Municipal Operations &Engineering LT Qr,4� otten, F.C.A. City Manager PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK COUNTY OF SAINT JOHN I, ELIZABETH GORMLEY, of The City of Saint John in the County of Saint John and Province of New Brunswick, DO HEREBY CERTIFY:- 1. That I am the Assistant Common Clerk of the said City of Saint John and as such have the custody of the minutes and records of the Common Council of the said City of Saint John and of the Common Seal of the said City. 2. That hereto attached and marked "A" is a copy of a resolution adopted at a meeting of the Common Council of The City of Saint John held on the second day of August, A.D. 2005. 3. That I have carefully compared the said resolution with the original and the same is a true copy thereof. A.D. 2005. D A T E D at The City of Saint John on the eighth day of August, IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I, the said Assistant Common Clerk of The City of Saint John have hereunto affixed the Common Seal of the said City the day and year first hereinbefore written. Elizabeth Gormley Assistant Comm Clerk Corporate Services /I Services administratifs ' VN www.saintjohn.ca OPEN SESSION M & C 2005 - 236 August 2, 2005 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane And Members of Common Council P.O. Box /C.P. 1971 Saint John, NB /N. -B. Canada E2L 41,1 SUBJECT: BORROWING RESOLUTIONS BACKGROUND: The Bank of Nova Scotia has requested certain Council to formalize the resolutions during the resolutions for 2005. ANALYSIS: line of credit with the City first part of the year. resolutions to be passed by Common Council normally passes the required The Bank requires the appropriate The City has had an $11,200,000 line of credit with the Bank of Nova Scotia for a number of years. This amount represents $3,200,000 for general operating purposes and $8,000,000 for bridge financing on capital expenditures. It is most unlikely that actual borrowings will reach these combined levels, but there is not harm in having the credit limits in place as a precautionary measure. PAGE TWO RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that for general operating purposes: 1. That the Commissioner of Finance is hereby authorized to borrow, on behalf of the City of Saint John (the Corporation), from the Bank of Nova Scotia (the Bank) from time to time by way of promissory note, a sum or sums not exceeding at any one time three million two hundred thousand dollars ($3,200,000) to meet current expenditures of the Corporation for the year 2005; 2. That any two of the Commissioner of Finance, the Deputy City Manager, Comptroller or Assistant Comptrollers are hereby authorized to sign on behalf of the Corporation and to furnish to the Bank from time to time a promissory note or notes sealed with the corporate seal for the sum or sums so borrowed with interest at such rate as the bank may from time to time determine; 3. That the Commissioner of Finance is hereby authorized and directed to furnish to the Bank at the time of each borrowing and at such other times as the Bank may from time to time request, a statement showing the nature and amount of the estimated revenues of the current year not yet collected or where the estimates for the year have not been adopted, a statement showing the nature and amount of the estimated revenues of the Corporation as set forth in the estimates adopted for the next preceding year and also showing the total of any amounts borrowed in the current year and in any preceding year that have not been repaid, and 4. That the Commissioner of Finance is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed from the Bank, with interest thereon, all of the monies hereafter collected or received on account or realized in respect of the taxes levied for the current year and for any preceding years and all of the monies collected or received from any other source. 5. That for the purposes of bridge financing on Capital Expenditures, that the City of Saint John establish a revolving term loan to bridge finance capital expenditures to a maximum of $8,000,000 and the Commissioner of Finance be authorized to borrow from the Bank to the specified limit, and PAGE THREE RECOMMENDATIONS (CONT'D.) 6. That any two of the Commissioner of Finance, the Deputy City Manager, Comptroller or Assistant Comptrollers are hereby authorized to sign on behalf of the Corporation and to furnish to the Bank from time to time a promissory note or notes sealed with the corporate seal for the sum or sums so borrowed with interest at such rate as the Bank may from time to time determine, and 7. That any two of the Commissioner of Finance, the Deputy City Manager, Comptroller or Assistant Comptrollers are hereby authorized to sign on behalf of the Corporation and to furnish to the Bank an Agreement or Agreements under the seal of the Corporation providing for payment to the Bank of all amounts required to be paid by the Bank pursuant to each promissory note of the Corporation guaranteed by the Bank with interest at such rate as the Bank may from time to time determine and of a guarantee fee in respect of each such promissory note at such rate as the Bank may from time to time determine. Respectfully submitted, �.kett, C.A. of Finance 4 ence L. Totten, C.A. City Manager REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL M & C — 2005- July 28, 2005 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Lots with Private On -site Sewage and Water Service BACKGROUND: Council recently requested staff to re- examine the use of one acre lots in all areas of the City not serviced by City water and sewer systems. M City of Saint John This issue was previously considered by Council between June and October 2002. At that time the Zoning By -law was amended to permit 4,000 square metre (1 acre) lots in both Suburban Residential zones. The lot size of 5,000 square metres (1.24 acres) in the Rural Residential zone was unchanged. ANALYSIS: Lots that are developed to be serviced by individual wells and on site septic tanks are regulated both by the City and the Province of New Brunswick. The regulations set standards for both the size and width of the unserviced lot. The City has a number of policy objectives which in the past have suggested that sizes greater then the provincial minimum should be utilized. In summary, the minimums were used in areas that should ultimately be serviced (Torryburn, River Road and various infill locations). In areas where the City never intends to extend services (Rural Residential Subdivision) a larger standard is employed. In rural resource areas of the city where we wish to discourage residential development even larger lot standards are employed. The overall policy on residential development has been generally expressed as "encourage serviced development, permit unserviced development but discourage sprawl ". Report to Common Council July 28, 2005 Page 2 The province in setting standards for lots with on site disposal systems is primarily concerned with public health. Their standard was adopted under the Health Act and sets a minimum (4,000 square metres or one acre) but also requires larger lots for two family homes and also requires lots greater than the minimum for large estate style homes. The final factor that needs to be considered is the less than ideal soils in Saint John. Rock, high water table, and clay are problematic for on site disposal systems. The changes that were made in October of 2002 permit the one acre minimum lot in both suburban zones for one family homes. The By -law does permit one or two family homes and these would require larger lots (5,400 square metres or 1.3 acres) both by the city and provincial standard. The larger lot size requirement was retained in the Rural Residential Subdivision. These developments involve a large number of lots in a defined area and have been permitted to develop only in those areas where the City never intends to extend services. Many of these subdivisions are also seeing larger estate style home developments. While developers refer to all of these lots as "one acre lots ", there are larger lots being required to meet City policy objectives and Provincial Health standards. CONCLUSION: Saint John's challenging soil conditions, the desire to encourage serviced development versus sprawl and the present health standards required by the Province do not suggest that additional changes to the lot size standard should be implemented. RECOMMENDATION: That this report be received and filed. submitted, 6 6�j R. Baird, MCIP Planning and Development \Z en ce Totten, F.C.A. City Manager JRB /mmf City Solicitor's Office P.O. Box/C.P. 1971 Bureau de I'avocat municipal Saint John, NB /N. -B. Canada E21, 4L1 � „o www.saintjohn.ca July 29, 2005 Common Council of The City of Saint John Your Worship and Councillors: Re: Official Languages Act — Litigation — Accounts The assistance of Professor Ruth Sullivan and her colleague, Ms. Carol Diamond has been retained in connection with the litigation in question. This Department's outside counsel budget for 2005 is $25,000. Approximately $24,000 has been spent to date on this matter and thus the budget cannot accommodate the accounts in question, copies of which are attached. Therefore, Council authorization for payment is required. The following is the text of the appropriate resolution: RESOLVED that payment be authorized of the account of Ruth Sullivan in the amount of $17,227.00 ($16,100 plus GST of $1,127.00); and the account of Carol Diamond in the amount of $17,702.56 ($16,400 plus disbursements of $144.45 and GST of $1,158.11). Respectfully Submitted, G�I John L. Nugent City Solicitor Attachments To: Melanie C. Tompkins Solicitor /Avocate City of Saint John 15 Market Square, 8th Floor /8e etage Saint John, N.B. From: Ruth Sullivan 213 Strathcona Avenue Ottawa, Ontario K1S 1X7 re: appeal of Charlebois v. St. John to Supreme Court of Canada invoice from March 28, 2005 to June 28, 2005: 1. review of Association factum ... ..........................$400. 2 hours x $200 2. telephone consultations .......... ..........................$300. 1 %hours x $200 3. advice on issues to be addressed ..........................$400. 2 hours x $200 4. analysis of relevant caselaw, legislation and interpretation principles ... ........................$5000. 25 hours x $200 5. analysis of secondary sources .... ........................$2000. 10 hours x $200 6. drafting of factum .................. ........................$6000. 30 hours x $200 7. revisions to factum ................. ........................$2000. 10 hours x $200 Total............................ ............................... $163100. GST ( 4834 - 487 -349 RT 001) (7 %) ........................$1,127. Total...... ............................... .......................$17,227. CAROL DIAMOND, LL.M. 15 ROSELAWN COURT NEPEAN, ONT_4RIO K2G 4J3 July 14, 2005 Melanie C. Tompkins Solicitor /Avocate City of Saint John 15 Market Square, 8th Floor /8e etage Saint John, N.B. Re: Legal Research -- As per attached Charlebois v St. John (For the period March 28 — June 28, 2005) Professional Fee: 82 hours @ $200.00 per hour Disbursements: Quicklaw $144.45 G.S.T. on Fees and Disbursements @ 7% (G.S.T. No. 89152 9802) TOTAL Carol Diamond Telephone e -mail $ 167400.00 1 158.11 $ 17,702.56 613 - 224 -2602 carol. diamond @sympati co. ca 1.3 City Solicitor's Office Bureau de l'avocat municipal www.saintjohn.ca July 29, 2005 Common Council of The City of Saint John Your Worship and Councillors: P.O. Box/C.P. 1971 Saint John, NB /N. -B. Canada E2L 4L1 Re: Traffic By -Law — Request of Mr. Jeffrey Sparks in(iA' (4 l Mr. Jeff Sparks wrote to Common Council earlier this year. The matter was referred to the City Solicitor and the Parking Commission. He advised that he is handicapped and that he works in the CompuCollege building on Prince William Street in Saint John. He requested that a portion of the commercial parking space located in front of the CompuCollege building be designated as a "paid accessible parking spot" and appeared to be asking that only he be allowed to park in the space, saying that he is willing to pay the market rate for a parking space. The designation of a parking space that only Mr. Sparks could use would be discriminatory not only to other citizens in general, but also to other disabled persons. Generally municipalities do not have any authority to enact legislation that is discriminatory. Subsection 113 (1)(a) of the Motor Vehicle Act authorizes by -laws for "regulating the standing or parking of vehicles". Certain sections of the Motor Vehicle Act, however, specifically authorize municipalities'to discriminate in their traffic by -laws. Subsection 113(1)(a.1) of the Motor Vehicle Act authorizes discrimination in favour of disabled persons as against persons who are not disabled, stating: "A local authority may make by -laws as expressly authorized herein and in addition to the provisions of this Act, but not in conflict therewith, for (a. 1) establishing or regulating the use of locations reserved for parking for disabled persons. " ... /2 Common Council July 29, 2005 Re: Parking Spaces in front of CompuCollege on Prince William Street City Solicitor Page 2 The City, pursuant to this authority, has designated some parking spaces which may be used by any person who is disabled provided that an appropriate Provincial permit or sticker is prominently displayed in the vehicle. It is an offence for anyone else to park in such a space. Subsection 113(a.01) of the Motor Vehicle Act goes even further. It authorizes municipalities to make traffic by -laws: "exempting any person or class ofpersons or any vehicle or class of vehicle from any by -law made under paragraph (a) and providing for permits to be issued to those persons exempted or for those vehicles exempted. " This authority is sufficient, at least from the point of view of Provincial authority, for the City, in its Traffic By -Law, to discriminate in favour of Mr. Sparks or any other person or class of persons or any vehicle or class of vehicle as against other persons. Common Council, pursuant to the authority of the Motor Vehicle Act, has a number of options with respect to the parking of vehicles in front of CompuCollege, including: a) continue with the present commercial parking, or b) change one or more of the spaces to a disabled parking status whereby the space(s) would be available to any person who is disabled, or c) change one or more of the spaces to a No Parking Anytime status, and then exempt Mr. Sparks from the prohibition during the whole or part of the day. He would not be exempted from other provisions of the By- Law. Respectfully Submitted, UL John Nugent City Solicitor Z�WUW � `� oa ctl a°i yy N OF"O W UD v6 b v° mob t°- 'Faao C4 Z � �i q o ,� �'• oC .- qp.Uf.w O cd A r N end ° TJ DO z O d A 0 0 awU U ao � 0 Y FL U w .. 6 C7Q U � O t� y p 0 N p ,y U � ,U P. b �O ^w Jb o � O O � � G b p N � a W .b b o w C x ° � y O � � U ° � M U � Ho� y w �w o N � N a �b ro p o 0 0`0 o vi ti ti p. 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AggdSO : S;ulaAUIS auloa Pp $n06noa; sal aaa uq op ja aawaa3 op ugu q 61 a SOOZ 0111 f Si !pun[ a[ uapuall os rnb aallaulpao uolunaa ul op saol o ugof lumS jo ft310 aqZ suup sa;noa ap aanjowaa; lal juuuaaouoo al0aau >>j aaglpow op uoljualul uos anblpul uqo f ju1uS do XI1D aqZ op pasuoo al lanbo[ and ouuop lso allgnd smu un `soluasaad so[ and AAHdSO dSSV"51,L d.Lfl0H dQ UHfllaW HA 'IIlaH 4D lu pau2lsaapun oq; o; lugs aq Aw luowpuaure pasodoad oqj o; suolloa[go uoulaM •poldooxa s,iupl[oq `PAlsn[oul Xvplad o; _CupuoW 'w'd 0£:17 Pry 'w'u OE:8 3o sanoq all uaamlaq 'g'N `ugof jullaS `0alanbS la)lje[AI 5I `IIuH SID `31JOID uowwoD aqj 3o aag ;o oq; ;u uoslad palsaza;ul Xuu Xq poloodsul oq ,Slaw Xumg2lq 3o uoluod poglaosop anoqu aqj 3o uuld puu luawpuawu posodoad aqZ (NV'Id'niasNI) •olazaq pagolauu 5002 `01 armf pajup 'XananS ;o uuld u no umogs Xjaujnoluud oiow puu saalow aaunbs 6WI 2ulsladwoo `06Z9906I 'oN uuld `5-g lo'I Sq lsomquou oqj of punoq puu '-oul sluawdolOAaQ anoD Canj(j Xq paumo spuul Xq lsuaglrou oql of punoq puu `laaals oql 3o sllwll uaaquou oqj lu aus -op -Ina u olul 2uluaplm aouogl `gjpuaaq anlua s ;l 2ulumjumw Xlpzumglrou 2ulpua ;xo 'aouaaad, Xaadsp 3o apls glrou ag; no 2uluul2aq 'Nolmsunag maN 3o aoulnoad puu uqof jujus jo f4unoj aql ul ugof juluS jo X31D aql u1 l0a4s ollgnd aplm aalaw O-OZ u 'OOUaao L XaadsO3o uoluod juq; IIV :g0VUUrjl AgHjSO :Xemg21q jo uoluod 2ulmollo3 aqj osolo puu do dots of •m•d OO:L Jr SOOZ '8I Blnp 'dupuolk no ploq oq o; 2ullaaw alaln2aa s11 jr „ugof ju1uS 3° 4D aqZ ul s,tutAVMJo 2ulso[D puu dfl 2ulddojS 011E 2upoodsag mlal -,(g V„ 2ulpuawla aaplsuoo OT spuajul ugof lu172S 30 f41D aq.L 30 IlounoD uowwo3 0111 ;u41 uan12 6gaaaq s1 aolloN allgnd 93VUH2111 AHHJSO ONISO'lo ,LaaHILS I � t ai yo �g Illiii 'q 'O 1 0 N a m 0 1 CD c� O m I �r �m s ' r .+ m S� �O �O a j 2y/ l� �O °§� u�o 'ou` =o �n�o n ��p ooe� i wo ~o'O o C 9 sog CX3 i 0 $= V 2�ma °o om9aRB,o OSCNN0 .N S� FN O TN O 2 � E o`N Eo ° � b PgM °a s`s, s5 � 2261 �B��S �� � zA��n5A6ezA'as g m " And " -. &E9�ISab B2 0 o 0 0 �za0 g a o � o SC 0 0 0 'mcv00 'n°° �, 20 `va $^ O city o= John a ss 8 ?. P. Oq TI R on �$ a 35 Y�i� § �b{g •\ a YYY � F : m m 0 2 0 0 a e° �s a s s n Z9SZ-SS9 (90S) :auogdalal bIZb -bL9 (90S) :X93 : 1au;uo0 luunuimoo zag3air ppo10 uoutuio0 `spoom Xolil9d I :uoi ;av 011193 QffHDV I..IV .INF[SNj :;xas, :(alquall u3! ) aa►IpuaH-gnS aai ;oN luaaua0 (•a ;a lqu,L'aa;uaD 1pV ui plog;uem noX 2uigjXue aaujplog) pv lo3 aoiluuuaojul :(s)aleQ SOOZ IS Sinf I.tepsanj SOOZ `SZ aunf',fupsagl, :(s)a;eQ spaglsse!D fifs .. luawaae!d auapuadapuI f.LfS .. pv uogewao3uI A!D ars .. (leuinof gdealala,L ugof;uiuS = f.LfS) (alquaildde se )laaq�) sa ;uQ uolpasul da BCC CV S( Aar :(Xuu31) suopana;sul lulaadS bIZb -bL9 (90S) :X93 aapoN al[gnd ❑x lusodo.id ❑ iapua,L Ej aai ;oN luaaua0 :amlpeag no; ;aaS (•a ;a lqu,L'aa;uaD 1pV ui plog;uem noX 2uigjXue aaujplog) pv lo3 aoiluuuaojul :(s)aleQ SOOZ IS Sinf I.tepsanj SOOZ `SZ aunf',fupsagl, :(s)a;eQ spaglsse!D fifs .. luawaae!d auapuadapuI f.LfS .. pv uogewao3uI A!D ars .. (leuinof gdealala,L ugof;uiuS = f.LfS) (alquaildde se )laaq�) sa ;uQ uolpasul da BCC CV S( Aar :(Xuu31) suopana;sul lulaadS bIZb -bL9 (90S) :X93 Z98Z-859 (90S) :auogd spooM 3131.119d T : 1391ao0 (90ZTL #;unoaaV) aa!330 s,naa[D uommo0 :;uaugau aQ 01 OZ Zbb IO80 OI I maquanK ja png :X!uo asn ugof;uluSio HJUNO . 0I T VUSNT 1 V N(1:IINI uqo f juieS 3o Xj!D �9 /OOZ `9Z ounf of .zua,i I — Ilauuog uoCI -jW 800Z `9Z oun f of sxeoS £ — l mgaulg SallagS 'sW 800Z `9Z oun f of s. uo' £ — ureg3uluuno wills -JW 8002 `I £ gojvw of s.reax £ - (aauluTON apri L 3o p.TUog) 3uz,fg- glyA3laag oftew -SW `pogpads uual agl io; ugop luluS asud.ialug jo sioloazTQ3o p.Tuog agI of paluloddu aq slT;npinlpul �UTMOIIO3 agl Iuq.L 480OZ `1 £ XInf of s.TuoX oaxLp jo uuol u .To3 oallimmoD lg3isaanp 014e33 e01leaen03 pas apuiLL aiR of poluioddu -aT oq `suvwooA 8aig -.iW lug,L '800Z 41E XInf of s.TU ooxgl ;o m.[al v .To3 p mog sjj flluntumoa ugop luluS oql of poluloddu aq `uolooLl .ToXuW ,ClndaQ Iuq j uuaalaA agl 3o aeai agI of paluloddu aq •aallimmo3 aammosgo zolllaunoo IuTLL `suollupuamuTOaaa Ouimollo3 oqI saNuuT `SOOZ 4g19Z XInf uo IauT 8ulnuq oalllmmoD 8uiluulmoN oqj suollupuammoaau aalllmmoa Nulluulmom :OR `Ilaunoo 3o szagmaW Ilounoo uotuuToD3o s.TagiuoW puu uolooH 31lag31W .TO,iUW XTndaQ Trar 'IZ3 12PEULD 'g -'NlgN 'ugof lulus IL6I 'd'J/XOg '0'd SOOZ `9Z ,�Inf (q)(b)Zool eO.ugOflules•mmm uuuurugD auulau3ow uuox 10 72W pallimgns xl loadsag 'LOOZ `I £ �Inp of shoo Z 3o uual a zo3 aalliuimoa bOSIAPV sp!M and oql of poluioddu oq IloosuQ ,iuunW zoXuW ,ilndaQ lu9L A77l1dHliVd 3AY3S Ol aoilod ;o;alyo Alndad jawled uay r, Ps;uawannbai ino� iol tio;oelsi ;es sl sly;;sni; 1 -ss000id;uepodwl tian sly; ul;sisse o; � pun}loddo ay; iol nog( *lueyl -panlonui lenpinipul ay; ;o AOenud ay; pue ss000id ay; ;o Alp6a;ul ay; arnsua o; uaile; 6uieq sl uoi;oe slyl •paslnpe OSIMJay ;o ssalun 'a0l}}o sly ; ;e jauuew del ;uappoo pue ainoes a ui play aq 1pm awes ;o uol;e;uawnoop ay; pue uo�lag •aW �(q papinoid uol;ewao;ul ay; uo paseq seen aoueaealo A;pnoas ayl pJepue ;s;say6iy 91-114 10 Senn 6uge.1 ;ipaao sly pue palanooun seen a0uago �(ue iol pa6jeyo uaaq.1ana 6ulney uosiad sly; ;o piooai ou '�(11euol;ippy spauanb saseq e;ep ay; ;o �(ue ul suol;OlnuoO Jay ;o Jo leulwuo ;O pJooai a y;lan uosiad yons �(ue asoloslp o; pale; `y}uq ;o a ;ep pue aweu pauoi;uaw anoge ay; uo paseq 'aoueaealo ayl 'pa;aldwoo uaaq Sey aoeJJG -L anol0 aonidS 6 `(S 6-Z6 -0566) uo ; ;ug nnaJpuV u8LW0N iol aouelealo A;unoas a ao;;senbai inoA pasinpe aq aseald :aueI.ledoeVq joAew 61b IZ3 i101Msunig nnaN 'ugOP lines 6L66 X08 'O 'd uyof;uleS ;o Al!o ayl aueliedOen uewJON joAeW 7b71N3O1dN00 ONV 31VAIdd 900Z `6Z AInf :aiu Ono :aiu inoA woo •ao I lod leu o lBejAesay3ormmm eo•qu•aauqu @;dij :11VW -3 £L£9-L48 (909) :XVd NIWOV 1,0£9-L48 (909) :XVd 00£9•L48 (909) :3NOHd3131 939 M '8'N 'SISWVdSlnO 3AING WnINN3111W M 30I10d d0 d31HO :0133N30NOd HHOO 77V SS3HaaV 30M0=1 30110d WN0103M AVS3HJLoH 30110d j0 d31H0 A1nd30 213W1Vd N3Hd31S 09 30110d d0 j31HO 3NA1NIOW 'N N3Hd31S uogaapog .O uojjVjotgD :D qD gagar-"j uzX ,r paJJI qns- XIIn3Joadsa�I •ezuaug -SJW pus • W of papiAo.td uaaq oslu sug J.todoi stgl jo Woo V 'SOOZ `S XInf uo siauotssimucoD aagod3o pteog ugof Jules agJ3o Buuaaut u Ju po)I!Lugns podat33eJs oql jo Uoo u sI gJimotoq pogouJJV -ptuog oqJ of podoi u puu uot;u$tJSaAUI Io333sJs PUB aagod 3o3aigD agJ o; lapin sitp pa.tza3oi SIluonbosgns preog agZ •szauotsstululoD aagod 3o preog ugof Jules agJ of JaaaJS ptempg aouud pue puowllz)l I uo og3usJ xo" Suiutaouoo uzuaug XauoD pue uzslll!Ay utoz3 Jutuldwoo 3o .mull e poilo a-t SOOZ 411 I ?.tdVjo Ou!p ut .uagJ Je `IpunoD uowLuoD sJaaxiS P.rempg aauud pus p1101JUVIN uo 093u.zL NMI uzuaug /SouoD W umifflM 3o JumIduloD :ag :siolltaunoD puu digszom znoi paunoD uotuwoD jo staqu oIN pay auulzs,doW uuuuoN ioXulnl dtgstoAN sIg SOOZ 4z Xlnf assna znou za.ropdxg /Jsnd ano axoldxg NHOf INIVS �J na,uyohuzos'i uosppM'goans pap.+dnoD1I7vw-9 t0££ -869 (905) :.rnazdoaapas /x d Z616-6L9 (90S) : auogdata,L /auogdap j artpJnllFtuiwpV a<zotaJr dg /i4ntaao,,S anzlnoaxg NOS'7Im HVHVS aj!vm /fodvN 3NV'IHVdaW NVWIION arpossz wwo� /.rauorsszwwo,� SaAVH dN3'iHVIL7 auznsszwwa� /eauozsszwwo,� , NgHHVd'I'IIg alzassx wwo� /xauorsszwwo,� 11MOO NVAI a.�rol�uaaS /r(eu7a[.7aS NVWSOO sam Iuapzsaad aozq /.zngD aazA SIHHVH W'IOJ'IVW tuapgsaad /.zznN3 HONaad U (INOWAVH 1767 FnpnuaD galMSUrug- nnannoSr ugof hang 1661 cQ ugoF7uing ap ao /pod ap aa<n.rag np sa.rzvrs)wwoJ .rap nnaang I76'Izd gpBUgO ijazmsunig maN `ugof Iu!vS IL6I XUg Od SHUNOISSIMNOD H3I'IOd d0 (IHVOg Kilof .LNIVS r -ulaouoo nagl pun sVzNgpdg aql uzo-g ojoq of alu!oajddt .ilurtljoo pinom oall!iu moo sill -uotlnitlsojd jo sasnto aqI gltm aldduj$ of pogsilqulso uaaq sal aalliu moo uoTlnlilsold u `jauunul anlsuagajduroo moue u uc put `6lluuorlippy aluudolddn wagm pa$jtgo put pogguop! uaaq anug sugo[ pun salnlrlsold qloq `smul uollnlllsaidjo Iuauraolojua glim oAgot uaaq seq Iii f] autu;) loa4S s oojo3 aqy -slauloisno .nagl put saimpsold Aq poluanba.g slaajlg aql Suouiu 61u!upoo si ualu laajlS puouzgor aqy SISA'IVNIV -4unuium nagl ul 8utsiauia sn Ii33u1$ put uoprilpsoid of loadsaj gl[m sanssi mou Xj!luopl Aagl jallal lsalul s,VZNMg oql uI -suonnloin /suorlulaal ogiujl Z-Iy amojua of onuiluoa Ipm put sulaouoo s,`dZXMUq •ryq of polouaj suq oo1o3 agy tare siq of og[oods suotltlom 9upilud put s5lonjl ai?nl inoqu sujaouoo pagguopt `Isud aq1 ui `suq VZNMXq -jW THE .nagl punoju put ui 8uldduq sonssi luouzaojojua jaglo put o1gt.4 3lonjl inoqu $uturulduioo `Iaa1IS puounlord do sluoprsal Vzmmg SuoD put muiitlM moj3 IlounoD uouzuzoo ,(q papjumjo3 snm 101101 u sjauoissiuuuoD aotlod jo pjtog ag13o Outloam Soot `y o I Avw alp IV aunOxOxOVg %ual"Y"V40 laaalS parmpg aauud punoiV pus u1 sanssl luamaajo}ua mu7 put aiwea,L 3o lmuldmoa jDargrls sjaquiaW put gouail uummiri sjauoissimuioo ooilod jo pmog agl3o sjoquioW put utui.nugD `gouajd -y puouiSug NOISSas DPISfId SHIJNOISSINN03 33I10d AO axVOU NHOr iNuVs Oi ixodaH ggllOCI 30 JMHD suo�qo0 Uolfv KTnTLNT A T/ 0Q. 1T A VTO T/ XT T V T -palg pus pom000i aq liodoi s?gl yVHy NOI.LVC1Kff lvo3aH -aozo3 aTl13o tAoTnind ag1 uT 1ou sT goMm.Tallol nagl ut u.Taouoo3o sonssi oglo of papnllu oslu ansg sV ZNMUEI agy Psunoo ag1 oiojaq sa$rugo o.TouT XvI of poloodxo sT pus lam sigl ui sapuls Iva-i8 ap7aw ssq rJNjWg'Id Tutr olgvlsuoD 'pa &'aw pus paouopr evjsrljv 1Jjfv.L2, poliso -os Xulaw g1!tA onssT sTg1 uo XlluagTl!p flan guTalTOnn uaaq ssg aoio3 ag13o 1?uf1 saoinTas ilnTnunuoO agl `.11gai$ of loadsai ql!M J"djs p m.npd aouud putto f puv ur odfv t j fo jmv1dtuo,) :joafqug Z agog sooz •c �fptr stauoissrnnuoj aogojfo ptvog aqt fo saaqutaj 47 p,.., uv111.11oyJ •1101ae,3 puota lvg •juuinU;sai uzztd t) put) (srea,i SZ Iugl aiouT ro3 uoTplado uT uaaq suq gotgm sasudia;ug s,aunuq) Suuduzoo Suppl uy u `aiols arennp.TUH t) are sossouTSnq IuTOiauiuioo aq; UT papnioul -sSuiplinq aq ;3o s oog iaddn oq; uo Suisnoq Iu!;uapisa.T otuos q;tm sassouisnq IuioraulTUOO puu Ire ;ai jo .TaquTnu t) art) waq; apls gljou aqj SuolV -apTS q ;nos aq; uo sossouisnq Itu;ar3o .Tagwnu e puU ra;ua0 IluO u suiu;uoo golgm IlvW arenbs prempg aouud aq ;3o s;sisuoo;aar;s pmmpg aouud -palanu T; XITnt)aq st pue a ;nor olgui; uTUUT a sT;aa. IS oolra ;UM 's;aai ;s ool.TaWAk pug prempg aouud uaam;aq uoi;oomp xjoglrou t) uI sunr pup s;iun SuTSnoq Iul ;uoplsai jo raquTnu t) 3o s ;sisuoo;aar ;s puoTUgo.a -uaiy umo;dn ag; su o; poira3ar Xluowuioo sI goigm ,f;Tg aq ;3o ulnsuivad lei;ua0 q ;nos oq; uI pa;uool an s;aa.T ;s prempg aouud puu puouTgoul •care siq; ur leSalll Sla;aldwoo Su.Nmd 31oTU; anuq o; aX ?l Pinom uzuaug UW ';saris prumpg aouud uo palred ssloni; iaq;o jo sain;old papnloui ostu suq ag unoq ouo rano joj oouds para;aTU u ;u aoils S ?g s Xulwt)s 3o iuoij ut pa3liud 3IoTU; a q;Tm tualgo Td relnotired u paUguopt suq uzuaug -IW -uoTSStuzurog aoctod ag; o ; ;uiulduTOO stq; paua;ar llouno0 uounuo0 -t)are;aanS prempg aouud pug puoTUgo d aq; ui sauantlap SunleuT puu SuTnup (tajtnq jo ;on q) s3tonr; aRrel ;noqu Ilounog uounuo0 0; a;oim ezuaug TuvIlUffik .4Yq b00Z `SO ;sang uo uiuSt) puU 1700Z CZ AUW u0 ;aaa ;s plumpg aau►rd puu;aaT ;s puouTgalg uo sK3nay ;o ;utuldmo0 (N) siagwow pug uUUUtUgg/y uoissTUZUTOg ooilod jo piuog aq; jo sraquzalnl puu uumilugg Sui;oy `suTUg mlootuN b00Z `ZO laquTanort NOISSIS N JO SH21KOISSINNOD :lDI'IOd 30 axVOg NHOP ,LNIVS O.I..LxodJH Sg�)T n �>TMZ 'TON T V,4 HoI`Iod d0 3HIHD uogoapog (uoifv) MD"v � �'0,* ;r/ •liodai slip jo slualuoo a14i ;o uzlg SuruTlo�TTi ezuaug -4410110401 e 14lun `palg pue panTaom aq podal sTgl yHy moISfirlDmoa laallg prennpg aouud pug laaliS puouTgolg3o Bare aqi ut sxacu; STanrlap 3o $ul�lred pue sauanllap loulsal o; noel - ig oT e1y agl puauTe o; lduTa a o; olIiawolgojd [Ian pue oi;sileazun aq pinonn lT `sassauTsnq asagi 1loddns o; palinbai sauantlap 30 lunouTe ag; pue ease snll ul pa ;tool sassoulsnq lelolaTuuTOO J0 laqumu 0141 TIM •solnuna S I lsn3 oql lo3 aoeds iolouT a le ,fed o; l0u 310TUI Lanllap aqi 103 SM011e osle mel -gig oqy •opatu oq ol;noge silo uaaq seq 6lantlap a Imp lsoSSns pinonn oollS STg s,,tuTUTeS 3o luog ui sloTul asaago aql apeui Oulaq sauantlap nnogs ;ou op paprnoid aq salnlold 0141 gSno14ile `.:lred pue dots lulelduTOO siq ui sVrul ag1 paglluapl se14 ezuaug 414 •uollolnuoo a iloddns of iopio ul Sulddols lnogllM a ;no131on11 aq; slalua- a13lonil aql Illun alnoi:joxul a Sulneal 0011011 Sagl s313nll M01103 s.100!po aas of oA!l pinotA sllnoo oRp.4 `,illuauno 's1ea6 aqi lano suiolgoTd jo 1agtunu a palolun0oua seq uolloas snll3o luauzaolo3TTg • sauanllap lie 103 s1a1T8111o13e1; 01 s}locul alxe lggMlls 11BUIS w013 6ente panouz aneq saluedwoo $ulddM Ism `slallmu aleoT1dum laging 0y it •Langap fo ;urod agt pup a;nai xonr; v uaa4vaq a;no.t ;sa;.togs puv;safvs ag; sapino ul ;aa4s gonsfo asn puv ugwpuoa `a.mavu ag; Sulpnlou: saouv;sutno.uo aq; llv of p w,9a.t Sulnvg gozgnt a ;nai alon4 v Suzaq ;ou ;aa.gs ag; asn pun Auaegjap fo;ulod aql ;saivau wo*.rag; aouv4ua aq; uto. f puv o; a ;not xon4 ag; asn `ruo�fa gag; Su1u[n;a t puv 'a;noi 1jon4 v o; a141ssaaov djaimpaunul ;ou 4110 aq; u:g;:ni ddangap fo;utod v ;v pool v fo dian:lap Suvjv; to djan:jap fo sasodind aq; -,of idvu[ iaAup gans;vg; pap:noid 'a;noi apn q v;daoxa il;!o aq; urq ;rot ;aa4.v duv asn IOU jjvgs a.tout .10 'suzv dolPY 009L fo MA'ant ssoad v Sulnvq alolKan jv:o.raruuroo rfuv fo JOAJL p aq; (t) uoyoasgnS o;;oalgns;, :smolloj se spear goMm (£)81 uol aag N al ags — sanoy 4owL `lureldwoo slg l s ` .1 T41 e relnolled m `pue noel -sa oTwe1y ugof luleS 30 Xl ?3 aqj Xq pallolluoo sT ugof 1upaS 30 441D aqi ul nog o33e1y SISA' lvmv laaa ;s paon+pg aouldd puv;aadlg puourgoid uo sXoru,L fo lumldwoo ,pa .rgnS z asod hoot 'z iaquraAom u0t9struuj03 aogod o pavog agjfo sraqutaN pup up hqo Supoy `sr.uny ugoolvN ea•uyofluieS-MN nn Cn/ •1011euT siq; JO UOTSSnosip -1aqpTg -1o; s)l-1udS -jW Suiloeluoo aq IIIM aAk 'ufalgo -1d 2upped siq o; uoi;nlos O1eudo-1ddu Ue fufpug ui sxsedS-jW ;sTSSU o; -iluoq ;nu -1101; uiq ;lea 31-IOM o; $uilliM ST UOISSTUnuoO 5UDTjed aq; `ssaiaq;.zaeax •;sixa �aq; su noel -Xq luazmo oq; -1o; uosua-1 ogloads aq; s1 uam umo;dn aqJ UT 3UI3I-1ed jo -1anoum; -1eln5a-1 oq L •Ieluaufulop aq o; 3no-1d pinoo a-1n;uu siq; jo s1sanba-1 xopuns ;o X;ilTgfssod aq,L •spgl op o; uolsslunuo0 BuiX -Md aq ;3o uoT;epuounuoo0-1 aTp g;im aq;ou pinom ;T `muI -Xq 01; apuTanO O;;q$u aq; aneq X12m ugof JuieS JO Xji0 aq; q2?nogllV •0ouds guuVed ;00-1ls -uo uu lua-1 o; `-IOU `lunpinipui Uu ;o asn Onpsnloxo aq; -1o3 0ouds Oui l-1ud ;aa -1 ;s -uo uu anzasa-1 o; ,C ;uoq ;nu aq; anuq IOU saop uolsslunuo0 $upl-1ed uqo f ;uiuS oq; `uoT;un ;is s,3I-1udS -iW o; og3q ;edU-TAS Si uOISSTunuoD `?Upj ed ugof ;uieS aql allgm •laauS ulutlllM aouud £6 lu ooeldbl -1om siq jo luozl ui 0uoz 2ufpuol aql ui asn sTq -1o3 poleazo aq aouds gunlwd ojgiss000u pue;efl; palsonba-1 suq sN-1edS -iW •UOISSTUUUoO Sugmd uqo f ;u!uS oq; o; popjimuo3 oq -1olp iloS X ;10 a p umzl uotuido 10ol u;mp palsonba-1 puu `SOOZ 49 IudV uo Suiloom -1iaq; ;u ufa;i sTgl passnasip uoisslulufo0 gul l-1ed oq; lugl pasinpu aq osuald `uofssTUfufoo 3uiN-1ud uqo f;ulleS aq; Aq uoT;e-1apisuoo -103 sNmdS Cogjo f -.iW UIoz3 ;sanba-1 aq; 3uu-1030-1 `SOOZ `ti IT-1dd pa;ep )pI0 uoumm0 oq; wog zaual mp o; joLp n3 eo ugoflules @6u!�jed :lawnoo / pew -3 886L -6b9 (90S) :ma!dooalal / xed L680 -899 (9oS) :lal/ lal llb lZ3 '9-'N /'9'N'ug0PMeg LL6l'd'O/ 1/61 x09 Od BRIA aP I910H '96e13 aw@! L L 'IIeH 40 'Joold 91l L s31.1e S aljjaf —a0e S a1K.ledatq!ssao0V :aH :Iiouno0 uoumfo03o s -1OqumW puu dTgs-1om moA i'Ib 'IZff RI `mlof lupus IL61 xOH'O'd Iiouno0 uou -moo 3o s-1aqufaW puu auepupW uuoN -1oXeW digs -1orn sTg SOOZ `ML XInf 40f, -Yrz b uyo( ;uieg ap ;uawauuogeJs al ins uoissiwwo3 u0issiww03 BUDIJBd uyor Jules 91 luowaqug, p fa8o to 'dlataautS •asvald asuodsag •dlalmpawug sygl lnogv 8urglauros op pun ulog aql dq linq agl axol of auoamos tof auig aql sr 11 anallaq I 'Jla 'oW t %.tadvdsmau 'umstnajal 'ajaq"aAa woaf sluawwoa pvq ffuma8 sr ugof 7S fo dllg aqi puv Oj rood u1 wslavi of spavffal ut walgosd agl 2uravq atv noj Llxau aavid ayvl111M lvq x 'anuyuoa sluana asayl u1 paelodul suosaad aql dq suopav Bans fI V3yod fo faigg agi of leas aaual dw fo ddoa v nod 8ulpuas um I 'ugof 7S fo dng agl fo iodVM agl SV 'alvp srgl uo :staalal uo apvut nod s7uaunuoa aql falfV TOOZ TI dinf `aallod fo falgg mod ivas aallal v pa yavnv puff j" nol 'paunog puv lodvyq 77Y 77.7 WON `ugof 7S '0 xog O d `ugof 7Sfo d0!3 'Tlaunog puv aodvw Zd I vrg •gvjv'isrngivg '•advagalwvvwJPL67 Cj s00Z `hI dluf (dwa+- ") 8TZZZ # tuowayug,, p f o la4 u ?S 'paivo.vuv sr asuodsa r V plrom aqt uq aldoadZamoum paAmq satlnw PW lua"fo adds aqi pvpna 01 uoyav awns alvi asvald aavfot anvq 1ptu vpvuv3 fo aldoad Puv y**sung MajV fo aoumwd aql `ugol 7Sfo szuarsw aW puv nod galgM `aM aqt aq aminfmau aW ur H. m aauuma auvgfaq v w sayaswagl Sunanpuoa suosrad aums aqb 7lalmsmiff mans ul gslmolf of pamopv iohwgaq gans aas of pazmuv ifiae wv I 7um2 fo Pwy s?qI nvlma of uoy" alvlydoiddv agt ayv1 of llauno.? Aua ugof 7Sfo pun uam fo mod Waslnod'aofawg aqt s? tl •saauaffo fo aQ s ?tp qpm swap moo apoo Pwwma agtfo suogaas am "I paVfq,7 tou s? vg pllom aql fo idjoWuv t uo sm m s?glfo lgSnogl sd mlv I igvwjsa+ si Rm" ummq agtfo uompalgapfo add" s?g.E WvuvJP mu Yaamsunsg man? fo axumoad aqt tagpau fo umssg mama gsgxoq ro Su?llsaam "v wotf4rotpnv duv lnogpm guolswadns ladosd aW proW m sloj Su?lanpuoo a m dagj *ugof 7Sfo ,$n mod urgtrm rduuvw 4wgjvq v w sagaswagl Supmpuoa spnpv puv sraffvuaai'uaappga fo ivw s? of Suuaafat wv I ivaea aq.L 7uauymdap a4lod fined fo mvd aql uo uoyav awos of ptvmfofSulyool puv lumwoo v aVmu of qs?m I °W3 mod ui amgd Suplvl syua" jyvgmq fo aSwaeoa uot0ealal luaaat 01 ana Jam a .maa 77h 7Zg 'g'ni`ugof 7S 0 X0 Od tuauymdaa aa?lod ugof 7Sfo Ma Zd I v'Zg ffw `isingivg 'aay ?gmuva!NYLb7 SOOZ `ZI Xjnf oaqunuoo ooueniasgo uuaajaA agjJO span 6sejaaaas 'pzuId jsfIrsol tuoa3 pup of Xq 2uTssud ao snq u ao3 i?uTjTpm osogj 3o jsaaajul all ao3 uopap3 aqj �jguopT pinom goTgm spsom sepwis auaos ao ,aoupagTuouioU jo uapapro `ueaajaA agj3o seal,,,: `uopxe R agj jo doj uo ao opTs oql uo ooTjou ajuTadoaddu ue Ind of 6jTO agj saBan oo4li moo uoTjpnaasgo ueaajaA agj3o apaA aqZ -suesajaA s,ppuupo 3o aaTAaas pup aagTsops aqj ozni2oaas of `Xloumu OuTaq ao3 uoseaa papuajuT q! of suosaad jo uoTjuajjp aqj mpap ,�lluaa IOU saop uapae8 aATjapajjp sigj pue uoTjp0gTju3pi3o uza03 ou sT asagj `aanamoH •dojs sng aajuao uaagjnos oqj BuTaq aaunbS jo3laeW gjnoS uT pajpool oouusguzauioWjo uapnq p podolanap seq X110 ag L •pajoTuoad spm u5Tsop poq aamog IpToods V •ueaajaA agj3o seo k agj so3 ooueagm- 3LuoWjo uopmD p jueld of suelppupo IIp sollAuT pup pagan seq Mueo saTu33y s,ueaajaA aremp asp pounoo oqj jo saagiuoiu s`; `saollTounoo pup dTgsaoAk anon Soot 481 /�Inf Say* 771 P)fl Mm Upu4gMas 4141jl 4uivS „-vil u15: `9 * *9 xvg 406d uqo f luTps 3o SIT.o pounoo uomwoo FO 01 g'N3o A;atoOS 01911V `;uaplsaid Ietautnold UU01D m0111173W Xldaz .TnoA;teau om `uot;ulaptsuoo -TnoA .To3 noA 5luegl gt8l iaquia;daS o; loud s,fup leianas $ug u q;im X;iledioiunTU oq; Xlddns o; aogoutd mo uaoq suq ;I 'aoutnoid ag; ut sat;io iaq ;o op su.S00Z 'y8i .Taquta;doS AW(I o#kV uo $up mo SuiXii Xq 'g'rl3o suort;io Sunleads gstl 'gug aq; iouoq osle Ilia X ;to inoA;ug; gsim anouts .ino si 11 uot;eigaloop Sep Ietaads nag; uo iauuuq io 5uO naq; &isu 6q sgnlo ooin.Tas pue sdno i? le.tn;lno Amu pa_iouoq Spou seq ugof;uiuS3o Alto aq;;sed oq; ul uoi;elndod BurVods gsil ug aq ;3o sanssi PUB sTUaouoo aq; Io3 anion paznieWJO XIuo alp puu uoi;urtue$io leiautno id u o; A;unoD ia;saonolD ui uotpuzme$.io leool u uioi3 umo i$ aneq am s maX volts ma3 e ul �soiouagu leiouinoid puu ssautsnq a;unud `spmoq loogos `suot;ezodioo le;Tdsoq `s;uautuianoB IudtaTUmu `;uauuuano$ Ie.Tapa3 pue p;touino.Td aq; q;im sanssi passalppu aneq aM 'aouino.Id atl;3o wd X.Taea ut s;uana Ieiaads puu sdnoT$ uoissnosip `slleq uao; `s$ui ;aaui atIgnd luianas ui ued w3pi suq AjatooS olSuV aqs aoutnoid ino 3o uol;ipuoa oiuiouooa -otoos Ieioua2 alt; pue s;gSu lunpTntpui `ooiauiuioo `Uot;eonpo o; sumVad;i Se uot;elsi$al a$un$Tiel;uouno ag;;noge suazi;io .Supluads- gstl$ug aq; iiut;uonpa uo;uods si voila ino3o gonW .ivaX silt; poppe aq o; .ioldega gttno3 e gpim `sio;oaiiP3o preoq e pue sla;dego letoutnoid oaiq; suq Al;uauno uot;ezTUe$Io Inp 'aIalasunig maN3o aoutnold alt; ut ain;Ina puu a ienftel gstIRug alt ;3o not ;aa ;oid a ; ;Tm a$ae o uOunju gio O.Id -uou a e3od30auI ue ST 3 MST?n T" may O Ianc nr err q q. P q ig P; �[ a d3 61a a -r N :Ijouno0 pUe dTgslom *no1L SOOZ `PI Xinf 9XT `Ugof;utuS Uqof ; *-'iuS 30 S;ig .1::OU..'C) pTie .TOFeI�l EZL9-LZE (900 (t , ENE fiKI 13imsun10 mall `OJMI l v lands IM OL xarmsurug mam jo Aapos o18uV IHS gig zpuuug IHS 9£9 upecreD pimsumg- nuannoK xarmsun qg, Kr uoiavapaIg u0331sapaig 0009 alujsod asuD 0009 xog 'O'd 1a}SIU11N a!Inno3 epuaag 'Alejeou!S •sainsolo al!sdwnp esegl al!pedxe of uo!lewao }u! Iuuo!l!ppe aa!nbei not pinogs aoua!uanuoo anon( 4e sn 13eJu03 o; aaa; laaj aseeld •sel!s anon( le slaolle aansolo aqj ao} sueld � AOM o!jloads oqi 6u!uaaouoo sluawwoo ano paleo!unwwoo seq pue 1jels ano( ql!m law seq gouuag uo!je!pewaH ano woaj aaouedS ela6uy •sW '9009-9003 leos!b ano 6uunp Al!lud!o!unw anon( Aq sainsolo !!!)puul ao} pa/uesaa uaaq seq 000100£$ jo ainl!puedxo paloefoid y •sall!n!joe aansolo poeibe Allu!of am }uql slsoo spiemol alquo!ldde aau puu s!suq juawasingw!aa %05 u uo aq I pm sluawesings!p buuugs Isoo '9003-9003 ao} Iuawuaano!D Ieool puu lu9wuoJIAU3 aql }o luewuedaQ oq} Aq pall!wwoo si uo!led!o!laed lu!oueug jugj wa!}uoo o} gsIm 1 'sails li puel ejul eonidS puu eMel SannoH s,ugor IMS ;o 40 eqj je spolle uo!le!powei pue aansolo luouuwied aqj 6u!paubej san!IuII!ul anon( o} aaglan3 :d!gsao/N anoA 4lb l33 gN Ugof lu!uS aaunbS 1a�aeVU ' 1L61 xog .0.3 ugor lu!es }o Alo euulae3ow waoN JOAUA 4080-0369/1080-9369 'ON Sal!3 5003 `9 AInf 3pimsuuig T, xnuaol smawauraAnog auawman09 legal is luawauuoi`nug puu juawuojuwg aAs[u[IN 1aJS[UIW ! 'out len1199d wpd llu(3 le;uaugu00 aolaan0 lengsad jalln8 eaapuy 01 % i (0 1 `blaiaou!S alnl!lsul wpb gs!pams ay; pue `aldoad buno), pue uaipl!y0 aol wild to aa;u90 leuo!;ewa;ul aql 'lepj;uoyy ap aqe v opuovy np lemisa=j ay; ql!m sd!ysiaulied mo ql!M len!�sal ayl 6wpuedxa We am eab s!ql *Swig a�ew of aoeld a se— ae!nop)ed ui uyop;upS pue— epeue0 ollue!ly a;owad of pue `sdoys)uom leoyaeid pue leuol ;eonpa yl!m ;vale; 6u lewwly leool jalsol o; 'swly j!aq; bu!uaaros bq saaNew wig 6unob a6einooua of 'swig yogs leuogewa ;u! poonpoid- Ailuepuadepul s 0 snoslp pue uaaaos o; onun a ap!noad o; s! -oul lemisad wl!d Spa leluoullu y; y6noj43 bl!unwwoo ;uejq!n a to ;uawdolanap aq; to stied ;uellodwl aie eouauadxa pueq -;say pue uogeonpa 'sn uod ';uawdolanap bl!unwwoo ;noge aleuo!ssed aae oul lenysad wild 8ua le;uou!luo0 le GM 'aEZ ;des uo wnuol!pny gq!u>l s!uua0 eql ul q61H ugor mus ;e aq p!m eie0 6u!uad0 eql pue ua6 uagwaldes uo ia!1 baallel) aoedS W!yl aq3 le palsoq eq II!m byed goune-1 eql 'lengsal agl to suopigalao oq; of lsanb a pue siolpauno0 pue jobew aq; o; uo!;el!nul ue pualxa of aN!I osie pinom aM -slenysal ainpo pue slie ;ueupe -aid s,ugor ;ides to ouo se aoeld a axle; of bu!moa6 uua le ;uau! ;uo0lo uols!n ino 1puno0 pue d!gsaoM ino k q ;!m auegs of aNq pinom aM -pouno0 o; uolle ;uasaad a aNew `aoua!uanuoo lsaluea snob le 'ol bllunpoddo aq; slsanbai len!lsad wl!� lJoyS leuo!lewalul llua le;uau!luo0lo aall!wwoo a41 -aoua!pne ueouawy WON a o; puom ay; punwe wojl saa)lew -wlg pal!q!gxa -ssal pue Mau to s)aoM ay;;uasaid of sanuls os!e ;I 'sseme ou aney es!maaglo pinom bay; go!gm o; swig baeaoduaaluoo 6u! ;!oxe o; ainsodxa aompne umpeue0 of ;uei ;y ue sapinaad lenllsad aq; 'ugor maS ui palsoy blpnoud ppom ay; punwe wag swig boys;uapuedepu! ,aol eseomogs lenuue ue sap!noud lent ;sad wl!j >aogS leuo!lewalul llu(3 114uau!lu00 aql vgor mes u! ol!gnd ay; aol s;uana snouen pue `sdoys)laom `slenysal wig gbnoayl aan;Ino will 6u!}aoddns pue 6ullowaad to uolss!w ay; uaNelaapun sey aepwwoo aaa ;union .m0 'saaz!uefuo ue pue siaNew will `slspie to do apew 'dnaa6 ;void -uou poseq -ugor toles a aae aM 'out len!lsad wi!d Spa le;uaulluo0 to llegaq uo 6uyum we I 'I!ouno0 pue auepedow uuON aoA%N digsaoM snot, Soot `ls1Z binf BO gupO Mmen no, 689 -in � 8N 'ugoP;uleg bg > 31msuu8 OdLJ 6ZOOZ xO8 Od OU! lengsad wj!d yuO le ;uauyuot £LI9-ZL9 905 9NE WZ�l 9N `ugof ;ureS 'PAV jeaazuoW LSZ xooljM sautef i `Alaaaouis sanoA -Seld ajud puu aojlsnf do /aaxoow u opuut suq i1r3 aqz 4,(uetu do uoiuido aqi uj `aud sngl *)laonAJood ano,t tp!m saa fudxu aagio aztaauusoux of anupwo noh su food aaglo zip uo si oogs age uogna suadduq jugn oaS -tai e q-gom s jj *iogs lsoq ano! 11 anjO •anjaoaa asjAURgo zou pinonA A4!polad Suiluaaua '2-oo aga Iugl Aauout aq pinorn sigl jeq� $ut1uis Xq tuojssaouoo xul DN'I of laadsoa tp!m `ljp fuinaj and uuutsoNods suuApoog lalmQdo otsol aTV Outsn Xq trap arp lugs llgjssod pinoa any {Ieoi$ojjj woos Xm sjgl ajjgM -aping alujadoaddu tre su saua f SZ and uj po laol `alua mosaxd agldo %0I isanns pinom 14iitau}oala do asegoand oqi and uojlu ;S 0uijeaauaD -0D upeuuDsueJ j- 2utnaj atp ip!m suoilello2au ale jpautuaj ut2aq A!o zip imp jsa02ns of o ljj pjnoel I •punoxe sauoo punoau soot 1ugM •suojssaouoa xe1 OKI alp and uqo f JujeS 01 dajjaa XM apjnoad ol zuounmanoD jujoujnoad aT do aanljed agz oa xeptujs ouuuaos u `fijjjoud aealonN neaxdarj oiR 1no jjuq o; zuaunuanoO juaapa j agido aanljud aqi o} onp 3jojnnsunag nnaitj do suazj�ja aq; xod sa�ua aar�od uj asuaaout pa�udjaj�uu agt :aZj ugof jupuS do gl!D saollrounoD puu ao,ieW 900Z'61 '(Inf 1 puu slinsaz asagl oluomnuiumo feux am lugl os 1psodoxd zno ui lsazalui 33lu; Ipm not luq; adoq am Lq ;no i zno lnoqu ono am mog $uipzu2az 9uipuos sigl si a$ussaut;ugAk •alduxis os 000ugol o; ss000u ft7w dq spuuq .nagl olui gnxp ,ilpuap u 3uil ;nd aq ;ou pinogs am •glno,i zno uugl salts;noge axom ono szaliulaz mo lugl afuuzi oql SuuTf? `sxouiui o; 000ugol Suillos zoj;sxom oql ,illuazzno si „;sua aql ui ,ilio ail ;ii lsolp3z3 ag1,,, •tpno,i mo jo luouuoSuepuo agl puu `mul oql jo uoi;uloim `sxouiux o; 000pgol jo olus oql zoj pup ;s lou Ipm am lu p pue aq ol;i utiulo om Xliunuuuoo alqu;oodsax `alelzodzoo Tuoxls oq; paapui si ugof ;uieS ;eql o2ussow oilqnd oql $uipuolxa ui liounoo agl3o lxoddns aql puu lzoddns mo,i amen o; Suidoq axu pup maim mo,i q;im aaxSu op am «•lualul gonuz os `lui;ualod gonuz os puu a3ii 3o ,iltfenb pogoluuzan ue glim X;io a ax,am — sluauiamaigoe ,fueuz `Wuaz ;s gonuz uaas am61„ `pips no,( `b00Z `SZ Xtw Ilounoo ,ilio agl ;o Xuomoioo ul 2?uuuomS oql it, `auelxedoA xo,iuW •glno,i MO $uimlomui pup sazo ;s zno ui 2uun000 si li;ug; pup sllnsax,(pnls asag;3o axumu oilgnd aql a)lnux o; sda ;s uunfel ,ipuazfe azu aAk •uqo f luieS ut slamal aouuilduzoo plingaz pue uzalgoxd sigl luquzoo o; uuld am mog pup suoi;uolui xno uo no,i uuojui puu sOuipuu mo jo sliulop oql glim no,i;uiunbou o; axii pinom am togeluosazd e ul •q;mojS zo3 Iui;ua;od sli umogs suq;ugl ,ilia olge;oodsax u jo uol ;u;ndax aq; o; Ouauuzup azu Xotp inq Tuissuxuquia sollspuls osag; azu,iluo;ol l •onssi glfuoq oilgnd luulxodwT sin ;3o azume oq o; no,i zo3 lunlzodmi oq pinom li lgBnog; am `,i;io agl luosaxdax of poloala sluiou3o sy -could ui sum slonpozd 000ugol jo uoilulsi$al fuiouimozd xagp uqo f luuuS ui s3loago aoueildumo lszt3 oq; palonpuoo ,Clfuuosxad oqs uagm 966I ul 020 sxua,i 0l olquld000uun su lsnf azam slamal oounilduioo `,ilaiooS zaouuo uutpuuu0 agl jo ,ial ;3nCl uuy uu,ij of Suipz000V •,ilia mo ui szouiuz of slonpozd 000ugol Ilos llim szaliplaz zno 3o 3fuq zamO `;oul ul •ze3 ,iq -- uppueo ssozou a;ux ooumildwoo lsamol aql glim ,ilco aq; su lno uqo f luieS pal$uis goigm `epuuuO glivaH zOI palonpuoo Spnls Inuoiluu b00Z u3o auzoolno agljo llnsaz a su uuSaq;oafozd sigL •,iliunuiuzoo mo ui sxouiuz of 000ugol Suillos szaliulaz3o uiolgozd ail 3loellp o; 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