2012-05-07_Supplemental Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour supplémentaire r� ' ��tJ -'�� Ct«tr,..=�� � � `jl�, . -,�-� -=r, � ��� - City of Saint John Common Council Meeting Monday,May 7th,2012 Location: Common Council Chamber Supplemental to Agenda 12.6 City Manager: Pension Reform Update City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal Le Lundi 7 mai,2012 Lieu : Salle du conseil communal Ordre du jour supplementaire 12.6 Directeur General: Reforme de retraite � � � � �.�' �' � �. � �►� � � � i� � �� ���� � � 1�, �•k���µi �,�,�`�* ��" � y� � '('A'. i f/"� r..y��s'4+eJ c.4 P'�a �'r; � . � ���t'�" �_y��. �� ;�,"y� �,.'��� ?,��. May 7, 2012 � ` rhe�isy�r sai��x�O�n His Worship Mayor Ivan Court anc! Members of Common Council Your Worshi{� and Counciflors: SUBJECT: Pension Reform Update Staff continue to work with the plan actuaries and the Office of the Superintendent of Pensions and have, as of Friday, submitted updated stochastic projections based on a more aggressive reform proposal (additionai benefit reductions, lower assumed rate of retum). It will of necessity take several days for the Superintendent's office to complete their required review and we have not as yet received a response. The development of various reform options is a rigarous and time consuming exercise. There is no guarantee that the Superintendent will be able fio respond to the City regarding our latest submission while still providing sufFicient time for the City to meet the timefines of the spring legislative session. The timelines to participate in the spring sitting are very tight as can be seen by the attached schedule. There is also a possibility that some aspect of the proposaf will not meet the sustainability requirements of the Superintendent and in turn require more refinement and additional time. In order to proceed on a timely basis, it would be necessary for Common Council to approve the attached revisions and to authorize staff to proceed wit� the necessary ad�ertising. lZeport to Common Council Page 2 May 7,2012 Re: Pension Reform Update The benefits changes are as set out in the attached documenf. Tf�e primary difference from the Scenario 7 adopted by Common Councif in November of 2011 are Frozen Service based on Final Average Earnings { 3 years) at the date of reform (June 30, 2012) and the retention of the rule of 85 for new hires. The discount rate would also be reduced to 5.25%. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that: 1. Common Council approve the benefit changes as set out in the attached summary; and further that 2. Staff be directed to initiate advertising as required by the Private Bills Committee �rocess_ Respectfufly sub - e , Grego J. eomans, CGA, MBA Com is oner of FinaRCe a�d Administrati�e Services • �� c-�,-� atrick Woods, CGA City Manager City Solicitor's O�ce � Bureau de 1'Avocat Municipal � �'��` ��,. �� � ;�� L ���� �"1.` �+ ^t ��-k� �iC C�O�S�LA�]O�II[ ���:���.�r��.�,,,1 r� }� �E: City of Sair•t�oEn ?ension Act Re: 2010-2011 Propose4 Amendments �ile No.: 2083(C) FR�N: ,iohn IVugen` CATr.: May 4,2p12 RE: '*'i�eline`or Legislature's consideri�g proposed amend-x�ents to#�e :;ity o±'Saint John�ession Act May 7,2012 Common Council appro�al of proposed changes. May 8,2012 (1) Notice of Appiication respecting proposed changes delivered to the Royal Gazette(provide electronic copy to Nancy Moar who will deal with the Royal Gazette Office). (2) Notice of Application delivered to four Provincial newspapezs for pu�*lication in three succes5it�e weeks (Nancy will also l�ok a�}er that) and it involves the daily newspapers published in 5aint John, Fredericton antl Moncton as well as L'Acadie Nouvelle. May l 6,2012 Notice of Application published in Royal Gazette. May 34,2012 The conciusion of the two week publication period required in the Gazette. J�zne 1,2012 Bill introduced into the House and first zeading given (this assumes that there is still a sponsor for the Bill}. Fage � � lune 7,2012 Standing Committee holds Hearing and if the Committee ss prepared to report favourably to the House, daes so on this �ate. June 8, 2012 Sa;ond and third reading given by the Leg�slature. John L. Nugent City Solicitur J LN/bm CfTY OF SAINT-JOHN PENSION PLAN SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS OF ASSUMPTfONS CHANGES, BENEFITS CHANGES AND RELIEF MEASURES AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2011 S7 b)at 5.25% with S7 b) at 5.75% S7 b) at 5.25% a Revised Investment Polic Actuarial assumptions -Valuation Discount Rate 5.75% 5_25% 5.25% - Mortality table no loading no loading no loading -Valuation of assets Market Vaiue Market Value Market Value - Provision for fees (6%) None None None Investment Policy - Cash 5.Q0% 5_00°!0 5.00°/a - �ong Term Bond 30 OQ°/e � 3Q OQ% 45 O(3% - Canadian Equity 2p.00% 20_00% �5.50% - US Equity 10.00°l0 10.00% 7.75% - International �quity 10.00% 1Q.00% 7.75% - Hedge Funds 12.50% 12.50% 9.50% - Real Estate 12_50% 12.50°/o 9.50% Expected Long-Term Return 8 fC!% 6 10°/v ! 5 fi4% Benefit changes - Current members and retirees - Past service (prior ta Jan 1 2012) - Frozen FAE 3 3 3 - Post retirement indexation suspended sus�ended suspended - Unreduced retirement age no change no change no change - Salary definitio� no change no change no change - Future accruals - FAE 5 S 5 - Post retirement indexation no indexation no indexation no indexation - Unreduced retirement age no change no change no change - Employee contribution 9% 9% 9% - Salary definition no o�ertime no overtime na avertime Relief ineasures -consolidation of 2010 deficits yes yes yes - amortization period 15 15 15 CITY OF SAINT-JOHN PENSION PLAN SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS OF ASSUMPTIONS CHANGES, BENEFITS CHANGES AND RELIEF MEASURES AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2011 S7 b) afi 5.25%with S7 b) at 5.75°/a S7 b) at 5.25% a Revised Investment Polic Estimated Financial Position as at December 31, 201'f Assets 368,556 368,556 368,556 Liabilities: 469,916 499,364 499,364 (Deficit) -101,360 -130,808 -�30,808 Funding ratio 7$,4"! 73 8% 73 8% CSC Employer{$000) 4,604 5,768 �,768 CSC Employer(°/o payroll) 7.9% 9.9% 9.9% Deficit payment ($000) 8,101 10,339 10,339 Deficit payment(% of payroll) 13.9% 17.7% 17.7% Total Ernpfoyer($000} I 12,iu� I 16,107 �h 107 Total Employer(% payroll) 21 8% � 27 6% � ?16% 2012 Estimated Payroll 58,284 58,284 58,284 Minimum Employer Contribution 27.0°I� 27.0% 27.Q% Probability of full funding after 25 years 94.3°la 93.4% 95.p°/a Probability of 1 Q5% after 25 years 91.8°l0 92.1% 92.7% Minimum employer contribution to meet Superintendant Requirements Express in % of payrofl: 50th percentiie - 905% funded in 12 years 21.0% 23.0% 30.0% 75th percentile- 105% funded in 20 years 21.0% 21.0% 25.0% 95th percentile - 105%funded in 29 years 27.0% 27.0% 2fi.0°/o 97.5th percentile- 105%funded in 29 years 30.0% 31.0% 29.0% Express in $M (2012): SOth percentile - 105% funded in 12 years 92,240 13,405 17,485 75th percentile - 105% funded in 2d years 12,240 12,240 14,57� 95th percentile- 905% funded in 29 years 15,737 15,737 15,154 97.5th percentile- 105% funded in 29 years 17,485 18,068 16,902 Number of years to meet the target with a Minimum contribution of 27% 50th percentile - 105%funded 10 11 14� 75th percentile- 105% funded '16 17 18 95th percentile- 105% funded zg 2g Zg 97.5th percentile- 105% funded Probability of being funded below 70% 0.1% 0.1% 0_0% 80% 1.1% 0.9% 0_4% 90% 2.4% 2.8% 1.4% 100% 5.7% 6.6% 5.0% CITY OF SAINT-JOHN PENSION PLAN SUMMARY QF FINANCIAL IMPLICATiONS OF ASSUMPTIONS CHANGES, B�NEFITS CHANGES AND RELIEF MEASURES AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2Q11 S7 b) at 5.25% with S7 b)at 5.75% S7 b} at 5.25% a Revised lnvestment Polic 125% 13.7% 16.0% 19.3% 150% 28.9% 32.3% 43.5% Average employer contributions (25 years� 5% 27.a% 27_0% 27.0% 25% 27.0% 27.0% 27.0% 50% 27.�% Z7.1% 27.1°�v 75% 27.1% 27.8% 27.8% 95% 29.0% 3�.6% 29.9°/a Mean 27.3% 27.7% 27.6% Standard devia#ion 1.Q% 1.5% 1.1% CITY OF SAIN7-JOHN PEN510N PLAN SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS OF ASSUMPTIONS CHANGES, BENEFITS CHANGES AND RELIEF MEASURES AS AT DECEMBER 31, 2011 S7 b) at 5.25%with S7 b) at 5.75% 57 b) at 5.25% a Revised Investment Polic Average employer contributions First 5 years 5% 27.0% 27.1°/a 27.1% 25% 27.0% 27.1% 27.1°/a 50% 27_0% 27_4% 27.5% 75% 27.d% 28.9% 28.8% 95% 28.8% 32.4% 31.5% First 10 years 5% 27.0% 27.1% 27.�% 25% 27.0% 27.1% 27.1% 50% 27.Q% 27.3% 27.3% 75% 27.1% 2$.7% 28.8% 95% 30.1% 33.4% 32.5% First 95 years 5% 27.0% 27.0% 27.0% 25% 27_0% 27.0% 27.0% 50% 27.d% 27.2% 27.2% 75% 27.1% 28.3% 28.3% 9`�% 30.1% 32.8% 31.$%