Street Closing By-law Amendment Jean St (undeveloped street off of) BY-LAW NUMBER M-23 ARRETE N° M-23 A BY-LAW TO AMEND ARRETE MODIFIANT A BY-LAW RESPECTING THE L'ARRETE SUR L'INTERRUPTION DE STOPPING UP AND CLOSING OF LA CIRCULATION ET LA FERMETURE HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF SAINT DES ROUTES DANS THE CITY OF JOHN SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by the Common Council of Lors d'une reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John as follows: The City of Saint John a decrete ce qui suit : 1 A by-law of The City of Saint John 1 Par les presentes, 1'arrete de The City of entitled, "A By-law Respecting The Stopping Up Saint John intitule, «L'arrete sur 1'interruption de and Closing of Highways In The City of Saint la circulation et la fermeture des routes dans The John", enacted on the nineteenth day of December, City of Saint John », decrete le 19 decembre 2005, A.D. 2005, is hereby amended by adding thereto est modifie par 1'ajout de 1'article 226 Section 226 immediately after Section 225 thereof, immediatement apres 1'article 225, comme suit : as follows: 226 The City of Saint John does hereby stop 226 Par les presentes, The City of Saint John up and close permanently the following highway: barre et ferme de fa�on permanente la route suivante : UNDEVELOPED FIFTY (50) FOOT WIDE RUE PUBLIQUE NON AMENAGEE DE PUBLIC STREET (OFF JEAN STREET) in CINQUANTE (50) PIEDS DE LARGE the City of Saint John, County of Saint John, (RUE QUI PART DE LA RUE JEAN) dans Province of New Brunswick, extending The City of Saint John, comte de Saint John, eastwardly from the eastern sideline of Jean province du Nouveau-Brunswick, se Street maintaining a breadth of fifty (50) feet a prolongeant en direction de 1'est a partir de la distance of one hundred (100) feet more or less limite laterale est de la rue Jean, en conservant to the western sideline of Lot 07-1 (being une largeur de cinquante (50)pieds, soit une Service New Brunswick Parcel Identifier distance de plus ou moins cent (100)pieds de #55188577) and designated "STREET"on a la limite laterale ouest du lot ri 07-1 (portant le subdivision plan titled : "Subdivision Plan The numero d'identification de parcelle 55188577 Municipality of The City & County of Saint de Service Nouveau-Brunswick) et indiquee John to Charles W. Bettle & Mary G. Bettle comme « RUE » sur un plan de lotissement Amending Lots 10, 10 �/z, 1 l, 12, Courtenay nomme : « Subdivision Plan The Municipality Heights by G.G. Murdock Feb. 15, 1924, Rev. of The City & County of Saint John to Charles May 21, 1942, Situated Parish of Simonds —St. W. Bettle & Mary G. Bettle Amending Lots John Co., NB" , dated June l, 1962, approved 10, 10 �/z, 1 l, 12, Courtenay Heights by G.G. by The Town Planning Commission of Murdock Feb. 15, 1924, Rev. May 21, 1942, Metropolitan Saint John on June 28, 1962 and Situated Parish of Simonds —St. John Co., filed in the Saint John County Registry Office NB », date du leT juin 1962, approuve par la on June 29, 1962 as File 37 #28. Commission d'urbanisme de The City of Saint John le 28 juin 1962 et depose au bureau de 1'enregistrement pour le comte de Saint John le 29 juin 1962, sous le dossier ri 47, document ri 95. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said apposer son sceau communal sur le present arrete le City to be affixed to this by-law the 26"' day of 26 mars 2012, avec les signatures suivantes : March, A.D. 2012 and signed by: Mayor/Maire Common Clerk/Greffiere communale First Reading - March 12, 2012 Premiere lecture - le 12 mars 2012 Second Reading- March 12, 2012 Deuxieme lecture—le 12 mars 2012 Third Reading - March 26, 2012 Troisieme lecture - le 26 mars 2012