2012-03-26_Supplemental Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour supplémentaire � �4: ;�:..;�� e. � ,,�; �:u:4j. ��.� ; �: ,. � �McL. �.i�...,+.. City of Saint John Common Council Meeting Monday,March 26,2012 Location: Common Council Chamber Supplemental to Agenda 3.3(b) Re-c�edication of 410 Squadron 9.2(b) Revised PAC rcport for 875 Ashburn Road 12.4{a) Saint John Plumbing By-Law 13.4 Cammittee of the Whole: Pension 2011 Outstanding Contributions re Pension Plan Going Concern Def cit 13.5 Committcc of the Whole: Capital I3udget for Fit-up and Occupancy of thc New Police Headquarters Facility 13.6 Committcc of the Whole: Proposed Appeal of WorkSafe NB Decision 13.7 Fandy Region Solid Waste Letter Ville de Saint John S�ancc du conseil communal Le lundi 26 mars 20l Z Lieu : Salle du conseil communal Ordre du jour supp[�mentaire 3.3b) Commemoration du 410e escadron 9.2b) Rapport du comite consultatif d'urbanisme revis�relatif au 875, chemin Ashburn 12.�a) Arrete de Thc City of Saint John concernant la plomberie 13.4 Comite plenier: Contributions impayees du r�gime de retraite 2011 —Passif a long terme du regimc dc rctraite 13.5 Comite plenier ;Budget d'immobilisations pour 1'amenagement et 1'occupation du nouveau quartier general du Sen�ice de police 13.6 Coxnite pl�nier :Appel propose de la decision de Travail securitaire NB 13.7 Letlre de gestion des dechets solides de Fundy / f �� � ��� �.EP�R�r To coM�oN co�NC��. Febnzary 10, 2012 � � � o _� � � � �. ���w�LL� ��"�°4 His Worship Ivan Court and Members of Common Council City oP sa�nt 1o�an Your Worship and Members of Council: SUSJECT: Re-Dedication of 414 Squadro� BACKGROUND In August 2011, Mr. Harold E. Wriglit wrote to inform Councii that 2012 will mark the centennial af powered flight in New Brunswick. The flight took off from the mudflats of Courtenay Bay in 1912. This is the same general area that the first manned aircraft flight in Canada took place in 1840—the balloon `The Star of the East.' Saint John is the birthplace of both Canadian and New Brunswick aviation. Sixty-eight years ago, at a Common Council meeting of March 28, 1944, the City adopted a night-fighter squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Forcc. That Squadron became 410 (City of Saint John) Squadron, RCAF, arid was a highly successful night-fighter squadron. When the Sc�uadron was disbanded after the war our City affiliation ended. The Syuadron was later reconstituted and today is 410 Tactical Fighter{Operational Training} Syuadron at CFB Cold Lake, Alberta. Over the years many Saint John residents served with the Squadron. To commemorate the centennial of powered flight in New Brunswick, Mr. Wright has made contaet with the Canadian Air Force. He is proposing that the City�f Saint John re-establish our distinguished historic ties with 410 Squadron. Mr. Wright has also been in comm unication with a member of the Chief of the Air Force's staff, as well as the Commanding Officer of 410 Squadron. They are excited by the possibility of re- cstablishing this affiiiation. ��.,� FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS While there would be no significant costs nor obligarions placed on the City, there would be tangible and intangible benefits; - During civic ceremonial occasions, when military involvement is desired or needed,the Squadron could be given the opportunity to participate. - During the City's Annual Remembrance Day Service, Air Cadet inspections, and similar nnilitary or veteran functions, thc Squadron would be invited, and rnight be able to take part. - The Squadron aircraft could include the City's Corporate Seal as an image on their aircraft as well as on unit signage. - The City could includ.e their symbol, a Cougar, on civic signage, website, and lettcrhead. - School students and citizcns could be encouraged to adopt a tnember of the Squadron to write to. The only initial cost to the City would be the creation and framing af a re-dedication certificate for presentation to the Squadron which would not exceed$2D0. INPUT FRQM �THERS The folIowing individuals and organizations have indicated they support this endeavour to re- establish the City's affiliation with 410 Squadron: - The New Brunswick Turnbull Chapter of the Canadian Aviation Historical Society - The Friends of the New Brunswick Military History Musenm - 250 {Saint John} Wing, Air Force Association of Canada - The Honourable Joseph Day, Senator - Mr. Christopher Waldschutz, pilot and former City Councilior - The Honaurable Trevor Holder, Minister of Wellness, Culture, and Sport RECOMMENDATION It is recommended tha#Common Council re-establish the City's affiliation with 4]0 Squadron and that the Cultaral AfFairs Officer make arrangements for a suitable ceremony to take place in September 2012 during the Annual Confcrenee ofthe Canadian Aviation Historical Society. Respectfully submitted, 4Y'�i ' `♦ � r�\ � `�.�'��____�� Bernard Cormier �atrick Woods, CGA Cultural Affairs Officer City Manager � _�. (� �.� Y,,� � Planning P.O. Box Z971 50b 658-2800 Advisory Committee Saint John New B�unswick Canada E2L 4L1 March 21, 2012 �, �= �� Your Worship and Councillors: °`""��,,�� �=°��M � Gity of 9aint John SUBJECT: Rezoning 895 Ashburn Road (rear) On February 28, 2012 Common Council referred the above matter to the Planning Advisory Committee for a repart and recommendation, The Committee considered the aitached report at its March 20, 2012 meeting. Mr. Rick Tuiner of I�ughes Surveys & Consultanfis Inc. addressed the Committee on behalf of the applicant and advised he had received the staff report and letters subznitted and was in agreement with the staff recommendation.No other persons attended the meeting. One letter was received in opposition to the proposal and one letter was received that advised there was no concern with the proposal. After considering the matter, the Comrxiittee decided io adopt the staff recommendation fihat the application be approved. 1tECOMMENDATION: 1. That Common Council rezone a parcel of land having an area of approximately 3,728 square metres, located to the rear of 895 Ashburn Road, also identified as being part of PID No. OQ29b673, from"RF" Rural to "I-1" Light Industrial. 2. That, pursuant to the provisions of Sectio� 39 of the Community Planning Act, the proposed development of the parcel of land with an area of approximatcly 3,728 square metres, located to the rear of 895 Ashburn Road, also identified as being part of PID No. 00296673, be subject to the following conditions: a. Any future development of the site be in accordance with a detailed site plan, to be prepared by the proponent and subject to the approvaI of the Development Officer, indicating the location of all buildings, structures, pazking areas, driveways, loading areas, outdoor storage areas, landscaped areas and other site features. -z- 3. That Common Council nat give third reading to the proposed rezoning until all ontstanding issues identified by the Building Inspector with respect to the property at 895 Ashburn Road (I'ID 00448290)have been resolved to the satisfaction of the Building Inspector. Respectfully submiited, f� Eric Falkjar Chairman SF Praject No. 12-057 � 4+x--?,w r.ti��'F nr�' ,;d�;;1'�,aP � � +�i 111e[�lly af B:lirt Johu DATE: IVIARCH 16,2Q12 TO; PLANI�ING ADVISORY CQMMITTEE FROM: COMMUNITY PLANNING PLAI�NING AND DEVEL4PMENT FOR: MEETING�F NiARCH 20,2412 PREPARBD BY: REVIEWED BY: � .�� ��� Stacey Fa a�r,MBA,MCIP,RPP Ken Forrest, MCIP,RPP Planner Cammissioner SLTBJECT. Name of Applicant: Hughes Suzweys �t Consultants Znc. Nazne of Owner: A.0 Fairweather&Sons Ltd. Location: 895 Ashburn Raad�rear) pID; Portion of 00295b73 1V�unicipal p]an; Stable Commercial Zor�ing: Existing:"RF"Rural Proposed: "I-1"Light Industr�al propo�: To cezone a portion of 885 Ashburn Road containing an existing storage yard and consolitlate it tk�rough subdivision with the properiy at 895 Ashbucn Road. Type af Appli�ation: Rezaning l'� _ .�... �,_,.__._�...,.,_._. _ . . .._._ ._ .._�--�--� .�.._... � � SJi[NT]�Hi�T P.O.Box 1977 Saint�ohn,NB Canada �ZL 4L7 � www.salntjohn.ca f C,P.1971 SainY John,N:B.C�r�zc�, F2L 41.1 ��� Hughes Surveys&Consultents Lnc.(for A.0 Fairweafiher�c S�ns Ltd.) page 2 895 Ashburn Road(Rear) Mareh 16,2�12 JURISDCCTION OF COMMITTEE: The Community Planning�4ct authorizes the Flanning Adviaory Committee to give its views to Common Cotmcil concerning proposed ament�uents to the Zoning By-law.Cornrnon Council will consider the Cammittee's recomme�dation at a pu'b�ic heazing on Mondxy Ms�rch 2b,20I2. STAFF RECUMMENDATION TO COi1�MYTTEE: 1, T#�ttt Gommon Cauncil rezone a p�rce!of land having an area af approximately 3,728 square metres,lacated to the rear of 895 Ashbum Road, also identified as being part of PID No. OU296573,frorn"RF"Rural to "I-1"Light Industriai. 2. That,pursuant to the provisions of Section 39 of the Community PlanrtingAct,the proposed development of the paxcel of land with an area of appraximately 3,728 square metres, located to the reaz of 895 Ashbu�Road,also identified as being part of P�'D No. 0�296673,be subject to the fallawsng conditians: a. Any fiiture develaprnent of the site be in accordarfce with a detailed site pla.n,to be prepared by the praponent and subject to the approval of the Deveiapmerrt Officer, indicaring the location of all buildings, structures, parking a�reas,driveways, Ioading areas, outdoor storage are.as,landscaped areas and other site features. 3. That Common Council not give third readin.g ta the proposed r�zoning until a11 autstanding issues id.en�ified by the Building Inspector with respect to Ehe property at 895 Ashburn Road {PID 00448290)have been resolved to the satisfaction af the Building Inspectar. BACKGR�UND: The adjacent property at 895 Ashburn Road(PID Q044829�), locaied between the subject site and Ashburn Raad,was rezoned from"RF"Rural to"�-1"Light Industrial in 1974,subject to a Section 39 resolution requiring site plan approval for any development, The ownsr, A.C. Fairweather& Sons Ltd. subsequently constructed a warehouse and storage facility there in the mid-1970s,whic}�has been rented to various industyrrial tenants since that time. In 2Q06,a Flood Risk Area Develapment pern�it was issued to A.C.Fairwea#her�t Sens to place fill an the area which is the subject of the present rezoning application(portion of PID 00296b73) and is loeated immediately ta the rear of the property at 895 As��um Raad.The wark was completed in accordance with the Flood Risk Area By-law req�rirements;however,the owner and/or tenant of$35 Ashbum Road subsequent�y expanded its outdoor storage area onto the subject site without obtaining the necessary rezo�g or char�.ge-af-use permit. Hughes Surveys&Consultants Inc.(for A.0 Fairweather&.Sans Ltd.) P�ge 3 $95 Ashbum Road(Rear) March 1 G,2012 In September of 2011,the property at 895 Ashburn Rc3ad was purchased from A.C.Fairweather and Sons Ltd. by the Iabare�es' Loca1400 Training Trust. In November,the new vwner applied for a variance to permit a second driveway access to 895 Ashburn Road.The applicatiox�was denied by the Develnpuaent OfScer on the grou.nds that the second access did not meet the intent of the�oning By- law,as the frontage of the property was weli helow the minimum width to allow a second access and the nei�bouri�ng pmperty at 899 Ashburn Road had an�xisting access in close proximity to the propased second access. It was at this t�ne that the expansion of the outdoot�storage area onto the subject site first r,a�ne to the Planning and Development Depart�ment's attention. INPUT FROM OTHER SUURCES: Municipal Operafions and�ngineering has no objectiqns to the proposed subdivision and rezoning of this site. It is assumed from the applicadon that there will be no modifications#o the site plan or servicing however if changes are proposed,this Department mast be contacted for further review and appraval. Bai�ding� and Ins�ection Services has nated that landfill was placed on the pazcel to be tezoned under a Flood Risk Area Develapment Permit,2U06-297. The work was campleted to the City's satisfactian with surveyors being involved however the cwrrent aerial photos show that the land being used as a stora�e area has extended beyond what is proposed in the rezoning. A perrnit applicafiion, 2011-1484,to place a large concrete slab on the le�t side of the building was applied fbr�nnd the awner has been advised by a Violation Notice that informatian is required to demonstrate compliance with the Fiood Risk Area By-Law. To date we have not received a satisfactory rsspanse and the slab is in place,without a permi� Building Pertnit 2011-X 52U,was issued to do interior renovataons and this permit remaivas active and the work is tu�fy.t�ished. Lastly,Plumbing Permit 2Q12-87 to install plumbing far the Training Centre,rema.ins open. ANALYSIS: 5ite and Neighbour�ood The subject site is a 3728-square-metre portion of the 7.2-hectare A.C. Fairweather&Sons Inc,properry that extends to the rear of 895 Ashburn Road. The immediately surrounding area is nual in nature, except for the two iight industrial properties at 895 and 899 Ashburn Ro�d,both of u+luch were developed in the 1970s.Much of the area lies within the Marsh Creek Fiood Risk Area. As noted in the Background,the site is currently being used as an autdoor storage area ixt conjunction with the industrial use of 895 Ashburn Road.According to the applicant,the property at 895 Ashburn Road was purchased by the new owners with the nnderstanding that the subject sxte�was not part of the la.nd they were acquiring. There was a negotiatinn between the applic�nt's client,A,C.Fairweather and Sons Ltd., and the Laborers' Local 900 for them to acquire tiie storage compound,which bas resulted in the present applicatian. Hugbes�urveys B�Consultants Tnc.(for A.0 Fairweather t� Sans Ltd.) Page�4 895 Asht�urn Road{Rear} March 16,2012 Propased Rezvning The applieant pzaposes that the subject site be rezoned from"RF"Rural to"I-1"Li�qht Industrial sa ti�at it may be sold and consoIidated with 845 Ashburn Rnad and continuc to he usec!for its gr�serrt purposcs. According to the applicant,the new owners of 895 Ashburn Raad are not aw�re of the circumstances that resuited in the storage compound area being cvnstructed.With respect to A.C,Fairweather&Sons Ltd.,control of that cornpany now lies with individuals who are also unaware of the circurnstances that resulted ia the existing situatian. The subject portion of Ashbum Road is designated Stabl�Co»unerc�al by the Municipal Plan,while tiie balance af th�immediately surrounding area is designated Urban R�serve. 'I�e Stable Cammerctal designation essentially recagnizes existing are�s that are develnped or approved for non-residential development but are nat anticipated to receive major change aver the planning period, The propased rezoning of the 3728-square-metre subject site for consolidation with the existing light industrial property at 895 Ashburn Road is consistent rvith the intent of the Plan. In addid�n,the Buiiding Inspector has advised that there ha�e been no fozmal complaints made to the City from neighbouring properly-ovvners regarding the existence of the autdc�or stnrage area. Based on the above observati�ns, approval of the prapased rezoning can be recornmcnded, subj ect to a Section 39 resolution requiring that any redevelopment of fhe site be subject to submission atid approval of a detailed site plan.This r.ecommended condition is consistent with tlie S�ction 39 canditions already applicable to 895 A.shburn Roxd. Outstandir�g Issues Cancerning 895 Ashburn Raad As noted in the inpu#from Buildings and Inspe�fion Services,there are outstanding Building By-law and Flood Risk By-law issues which need to be addressed by the new owners of 895 Ashburn Ro�d. As has been the case in other similar situations,it is suggested that Common Council not give third reading to the rezaning of the subject site until these issues are resolved to the satisfacfiion of the Building Inspector. CONC�iJSIQN: The propt�sed rezoning vvill recog�ize the existing use of the subject site and permit it to be consol�d�ted and used in canjunctian with the adjacent light ix►dustrial praperty at 895 Ashbvm Road.Approval nf the application is recammended,subject to Section 39 conditions requiring review and approval of a detailed site ptan prior to any redevelopment�f t�e site.Hawever, it is also recommcnded that thxrd reading not be given until aIl outstanding issues identified by the Building Inspector are resolved. 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A k.....Plan.. .. aaema��ha— smw� : iaooa . o' �� onMr�•..:ti 0.Poiw.�q�r r san.�ki4R Plp.:00096673 7 SIO o00 � 7 770 OOO 47f.e6,a GA:l006-11-27 _ J?etoil n�s �- � ti.w�,.�:T�x./asr�a+e�en r�,ss�iwi.to7x-0u-rr aNr. � w Sem � Oenr Naris:L�x�rl l.�000 T�q Tm! \ P,IA i OOMS770 M d� BfN�NS Qd�:RDI1-47-7! j `. Mrumwn s TioMv/JIA60EK Ibg�2011-�-01 r � I °'""' � T ,�.,- /! / n.�a.�w.a 7,,�ow�ue'�a.��n.�n.�ae�.yx,.R 7,Tr 1 I z A�1 dn.ons.e.a��.�tn m.lfr�ke ae�w.�l ta In+vp��q�rd,r�m. � � / ! b�'dl010. � �S N+o d�ury oWrn�d Ids���P��hfemiaEm ,e `� l A tlmrnwe mid pl�nfmnae�a fa ttw Idpt.trf Oflk�fer SMir6 John OoW�. +�/ Iaw Heb?} �!1 � S iLr!wrw!'mm�1 m�•.�, POrCli A" f / g w�iw�iwloa�Eom p��a� � / ar�M 2 r' �/ ar��..nasa dr s«.k.IM,.�`san a +� � N MQY vnWfai e�e�dnar a`nq�awiv�nriLL q / i. Poial 71'6o rw,R�fet�d MM�ial 7�-1 ��+n bl Il-01 . or 00�00� �Z�O� � �� 2 Perml ll�M1 vil he M eanl�tl a�Mr�WI3p lel. ,r ,..«m Z ! eP %� ��� .. - — � P•�D°++°�0O Nsw 6nms�ick Grld Co-Ordhote Volues �i�� � 74sr'rw.a sm K r anka �. i � :ass r�.tw ��u aiuo, ra.au \� / A716 m Z + ] 7 0!i� 7�Bd01�f 1G.S1i. \� J � 7 7 38 R71�4 7]!9OI,OE3 �R.E.Y. I � i 2 7H6 6�M1lW 7 JK YQ7,677 F0.SJA. �w / � � , 1d p S76 C10,�D; 7 3i1 Y37.411 fD.&M. r y O 19 4!1.%e61�10! 7]!!!!l01a QHL Pf. 7 yw y� � 7 30i 906 779 T L76 70330! 7 3!1�..11� FD.6Y. -�- � + 01 1 1 7b7W 4 6Ei�4.fW T�1il,MO M,B.MWL{F1PlQ a, ���,ry� / Irh I�er/Rl�d Id00010 .�� i �RF�e Di P1nn � � �'' � ^ Ts�tative Plan � �"°—nd P,�.00z� � A.C. Fairweather dc Sons Limi�ed and - ; � ............ ...a,�,��,,.� A.C. Fairwaather s L.aborers' Local 900 Tra�ninq Truet ••••• .......�..��.i�..FMLY so� Llmi3ed Prt�perty Ci#y of SaPnt Johrs, � �.......�......."„>�. �x,�o+a�,.��,.� / Subdivision� ,..°"tr."'" ��"P�"°.°4 / Saint Jahn Ccsunty. New Brunswick. � .-� .::::::::::::':...�a+r.n�.��nt,iv.,.. • ...........................��rr«�■rww � I r ...................�..... �ra h1.1 ai91r! 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P-9.1 and 1'rnspectio�r des installation,s de pdomberie, associated regulations; L.N.B. 1976 c. P-9.1 et des r�glements y aff�rents; AND W1�EREAS section b of the Plumbing Installation and an Inspectior� I'artice b de la Loi sur le montage et 1'inspection Act, S.N.B. 1976, c. P-9.1 provi�es that a de,.c i�rstaltations de plomherie, L.1�.B. 1976 c. municipaJity may by hy-law regulate and P-9.I prevoit qu'une municipalit�peut,par voie control any act or thing which is not d'arr�te, r�g�ementer toute action on chose qui abready regulated and controlled by the n'est pas regie par ladite lo� et les r�g]erneats y said Act and regula�ions, provide for the aff�ezits; �tablir des prescriptions relatives a granting and xevoking of pertt�its and the 1'octr�i ou a la r�vocation de peramis et les droits fees th�rsfor and provide for the y �ffereir�ts; et pourvoir a 1a nominatian appaintment of municipal plumbing d'i.nspecteurs plorrahiers municipaYUC et iaxspectars and the prescribing of their d�terminer Ieurs fonctions; duties; AND V�'H�REAS Comrnon Council sees le Conseil cornmunat consid�re qu'il est it fit to enact thc within by-law; appropri�d'�dicter le pr�scnt arr�te; AND 'WHEREAS notice of this by-law avis du present arret6 a�t�donne conform�ment was pravided in accordance with section a 1'article 12 de ia Loi sur les municipalites, c. 12 of the Municipalities Act,c. M-22; M-22; NOW THEREFORE, the Common Counci7 af A CES CAUSES, le conseil comtnunal de The The City of Saaz�t John, enacts as follows; City of Saint John edicte: TitIe Titre 1 This by-law may be cited as the Sarnt John X Le pr�seiat arr�tt peut etre cite sous le titre Plurnbing By-Law. Arrete relatif d la plomberie de Saint John. -4- Definiaons D�finitions 2 2 "Act"means the f'lumbing Installation and «Consei!» Le conseil communal de The City Inspection Act S.N.B. 1976, c. P-9.1 and of Saint John. (Counci� amendments thereto. (loi) <c eutrepreneur de plomber�e» d�signe une "Building Inspector" means the person personne, corporation, societe ou firme qui appointed by Council as Building Inspector cntreprend, en� confarn�it� avec �a loi de and includes the Deputy Building Inspector, monter, prolonger, modifier, renover au {inspecteur des batiments) rcparer toute partie d'une installa�ion de plomberie et qui est �itulaire d'une Iicence "Counc�l" means the Cammon Cotu�cil of valide d'entrepreneur de plomberie delivr�e the City of Saint John; (consei� ou renouvel�e en vertu du R�glement. (Pl�smbing Contractor) "Piumbiiaug Contractor" means a person, corporation or firm vvha undertakes to <dnspecteur des bati�ments» designe Ia install, extend, alter, renew or repair any personne nomz�n�e par le conseil ainsi que part of a plumbing system and is no# 1'inspecteur des batiments adjoint. (Building prohibited from doing so under the Act and 1'nspector} holds a valid plumbing contractor's license granted or renewed under the Regulation. <anspeeteur piombier» d�signe inspecteur (entre�reneur de plomberie) plombier nomme par le Canseil (PlumBing Iirspector) Plum�ing Inspector" means a plumbing inspector appoi�nted by Council; (inspecteur a lai» designe la Lai sur le montage et plombier) 1'inspection des installations de plomberie L.N.-B, 1976, c.P-9.1 et Ies modifications y "Regnlation" means Regulation 84-J.87 afferentes, tAct) under the Act and amendments thereto. {reglement) «r�glement» d�sigtae le Reglement 84-187 pris en vertu de la 1oi et les modifications y afferentes. (Regulation) �aterpretation Interpr�tation 3 Ru1es for interpretation of the �an.guage 3 Les r�gles d'interpr�tation suivantes used in this By-1aw ars contained in the s'appliquent au present arrete . lettered paragraphs as follows: (a) The captians, article and section a) Les titres, intertitres et nutu�ros names and numbers appearing des disposit�ons ne servent qu'� in this by-law are for facititer la consultation de 1' -S - convenience of refcrence only arrC�fe et ne doivent pas servir a and �ave no effect on its son interpretation. interpreta.tion. (b} This by-2aw is to be read with b) Le genxe ou le nombre all changes of gender or numbcr gramtnaticaux doivent �tre required by the context. adaptes au contexte, (c) Each referenc� ta legislation in c) Le,s renvois l�gislatifs paraissent this by-law is printed in Ttalie en italiqtte. Ils visent les Lois font. Where the name of the revis�es du Nouveau-Brunswick statute does �aot include a year, de 1973 sauf inention d'une #he referenc�e is to tlae Revised annee particuliere, auquel cas ils Statutes of New Brunswick, visent les Lois du Nouveau- I973 edition. Wh�e the name Brunswick de cette annee-Ia. of the statute does include a Dans tous les cas, le renvox a une year, the referex►ce is ta the loi vise �galement les Stat�te of New Brunswick for modificalions qui s'y appliquent, that year. In every case, the y compris tout� l�gistation de reference is intendec� to include rem�lacement, Les renvois a alI app�icable amendments to d'autres arretes de Ia the legislation, including manieipal�t�visent�gatement les suceessor Iegislation. Where modifica#ions qui s'y appliquent, this by-1aw referenc�s othear by_ y compris tout arre#e de laws of the City, the ter�n is rempla.ceYaent. intended to inelude all applicable amendments to those by-laws, including successor by-laws. {d) The requirements of this by-law d) Les obligations qu'il cree are in addition ta any s'ajoutent a celles d�coulant requirements contained d'autres arret�s applicables de la in any other applicable by-Iaws municipalit� ou des lors uu of the City or applicable r�gle�ents f�derau.x ou p�rovincial or federaI statutes or provincia�applicables. regcilations. (e} If any section, subsectifln, part e) Si u�ne disposition quelconque or parts or provision of this by- est declar�e i�nvalide �ar un law, is for any reason declared h�ibunal comp�tent pour quelque by a court or tribunal of motif que ce soit, la d�cision - 6 - competent jurisdiction to be n'entache en cien la validit� de invalid, the ruling sha11 not 1'arr�t� dans son ensemble ni de affect the validity of the by-law toute autre disposition. as a whole,nor any other part of it. nermit Perm�s 4(1) No persan shall carry out, or pe�it to be 4{1) II est interdit de construire, de proZonger, de carried out on his behalf, the construction, modifi.er ou de r�parer une installation de extension, alteration, or repair of a Plumbing plomberie tel que cc terme est defini dans la loi,ou System as defined in the Act, or the connection de branc�er ou de d�brancher un �gout, ou de or discvnnection of a sewer unless a pexmit to do permettrc que de tels travaux soient effectu�s pour so has been obtained. son compte,�moins d'avair obtenu un permis a cet �gard. 4(2) A permit referred to in subsection (1} 4(2) Le permis vis¢ au paragraphe (1) ne peut etre hereof shall be issued only to a Plumbing d��i�+r�qu'�un entte�reneur de piomberie. C:ontractor. 4(3) A permit referred to in subsection (1) may 4(3) L'i�specteur plombier, 1'inspecteur des be issued by the Plumbing Inspector, the batiments, ou toute autre personne designee par le $uilding Inspeator, or such other person as consei� peut d�liyrer un permit vis� au paragraph Council may designate. (1). Applicat�on Demande 5(1) Wk�ere a pexsott is rec�uired to obtain a 5(1) La personne qui doit obtenir un permis en permit pursuant Lo sectian 4, applicahon therefor vertu de 1'article 4 pr�sente une demande a shall be made to the Plumbing Tnspector. 1'inspecteur plombier. 5(2) Every application for a permzt shall be in 5(2} La dennande de pertnis �e fait par $crit stur un writing an a forzn provided by the Plumbing formulaire fourni par l'inspecteur plombier et Inspector and sha11 include: s'accornpagne : (a} The name, address and contact a) du no�n, de l'adresse et des niun�ros de numbers of the Piumbing Contractor; t�l�p�one de 1'entrepreneur de plamberie; (b) The locatiau of the property upon b) de I'emplacement de la propriet� ou les wl�ch the plumbing work is to be travatix de plom.berie seront effectu6s; - �- performed; {c} A capy of the Plumbing Contractor's c) d'une copie de Ia licence de lieense issued under the Act; 1'entrepreneur de plombezie d�livree conforn�em�nt�la loi; (d) The nature of the plumbing work to be d) de la nature des t�ravaw�t de plamberie qui P����� serant effecfi��s; (e) An application �ee of sixty-five e) des droits de demande de soixant�cinq ($65.00) dollars plus a plumbing (65$) dallars plus un droit associ� aua� fixture fee of twenty ($20.Q4) dollar appazeils samitaires de vingt(20$)dollars for each plumbing fixture to be par a�pareil sanitaire qui sera install�; installed; (fl The plans and specifications af the t} des plans et sp�cifications du systemc de exist�ng plumbing azid drainage plomberie et de dxainage du batiment o�l system of the building upan which the seront effcctu�s les travaux de p�omberie plumhing work is to be performed indiquant les p�ans d'elevation et de showing the elevation and basement or sous-soI/de eave, des plans et cellar plan; the pla,ns and specification specifications des trava�x q�i seront of the work to be performed, showing effectues indiyuant 1'emplacement, la the locatian, description and size of al1 description et les dimensions de toutes the parts of the said pltunbiug and les parties dudit syst�me ainsi qu'une drainage system and a descziption a£ description des lieux du b�nent; et the building premises; and (g) Such other information as the g) de taute aut�-e informahan qui pourrait Plumbing Inspector may requi�re. etre requise par 1'inspectewr plombier. Granting of Permit Octroi de permis 6 Subject to section 8, upon receipt of a 6 Sous reserve de 1'article S, sur rLception d'une cc�mplete applicatian made pursuant to section 5, demande remplie conform�ment � 1'article 5, the P[umbing lnspector or a person Iistc�d at i'inspecteur plombier ou une personne listee au section 4(3) shalI, within a reasonable time, issue paragraphe 4(3} doit d�livrer, dans un d�Iai a perntit provided the proposed work complies raisonnable, un permis a co�dition qtte les travaux with Lhis and any other applicable laws. proposes soient confoz�nes au pr�sent arrete et a toute autre 1oi applicable. Term of Permit Terme du permis 7 A permit issaed unde�r tlus by-law shall be 7 Un permis d�livre en vertu du pr6sent arret�est - 8 - vaiid for a period af twa (2) years from the d�te valide pour une periode de deux (2} ans suivant la the pezmit vvas issued and auto�atically becc�mes date a laquelle le permis a ete d�livre, et ledit null and void once the said 2 year period expires. permit devient automatiquernent nul et invalide une �ois que ladite p�riode de 2 ans a expir�e. Mandatory Bai�ding Permit Permis de construction mandatoire 8 Where the work for which a perrnit is sought $ Lorsque les travaux pour lesquels une demande under this by-�aw forms part of a projecf which de permis a et� sournise en vertu d.0 pr�sent arret� requires a building permit pursuan# to the Saint font partie d'un projet qui requiert un permxs de John Building By-Law, a plurnbing permit shall construction en vertu de 1'Arrete sur les batimerzts not be issued unless the Building Inspector is in de Saint John, un permis de plomberie ne sera pas receipt of an application for a building permit for d�livre a moins que 1'inspecteur des batti�ments ait the said projec#. reru une demande de permis de construction pour ledit projet. Revoking of Permits Revocation de�ermis 9(1) A permit issued under section 6 may be 9(l) Un pertnis delivr� en vertu de 1'article 6 peut revoked by the Plumbing Inspector if etre revaqu�par 1'inspectetxr plombier si : (a} the work described in the permit is not a} les travat�x qui font 1'objet du permis n'ont commenced vc�ithin six (6) months from pas et� commenc� dans Ies s� (6) rnais the da#e the permit was issued; or suivant la date de delivrarice du perrnis;ou (b) tbe work described in the permit is b) les travaux qui font 1'ot�jet du permis ne contrary to the National Plumbing Code sont pas conforzn,es au Code nahonal de la of Canada, this or any other City of Saint plomberie— Canada, at� pr�sen.t arr@te ou a John By-Lavv or any provincial ar federal tout autre a�rete de the City of Saint John ou Act or Regulations; or � toute loi ou tout r�glement provincial au f�d�rai; ou {c) the work undertaken is cAntrary to the c} les travaux effectu�s ne sont pas conforrmes description of the work on the permit; or � la description des travaux sur le periuis; ou {d) the PZumbing Contractor to whom the d) I'entrepreneur plombier � qni le permis a permit was issued is no longer associated �t� d�li�r� n'est plus associe au�c travaux with thc work fnr which the petmit was �our lesquels le pemzis a�te d�livr�. issued. -9 - 9(2} Where a person deviates frozn the wark for 9(2} Lorsq�'une personne effechte des travaux qui w�ich a permit has been issued, the Plumbing ne correspondent �as � ceux 1�diques dans le Inspector shall, by written natice served peimis delivre, 1'inspecteur plombier, par avis ecrit personally on, or sent by re�stered mai] to, the signifi� ou envoy� par courrier recpt�mand� a la person named in the pezmit, state tJze nature of persanne nomm�e datxs le perrnis, indic�t�e la natu,re the violatian and order the cessation thereof cle Ia violahan et en ordonne la cessatzon dans un within a reasonable time. d�lai raiso�ouna�ble. 9(3) W12ere any person fails ta comply with an 9(3) Le d�faut de se conformer�l'ordonnance vis� order under subseetion (2), the Plumbing au paragraphe (2) petrt entrainer la suspension oU Inspector may suspend or caneel the permit. Thc Ia revocatian du permis par 1'inspecteur plombier, Plunribing Inspecto� may also, if the conditions qui peut le r�tablir si Ia situation � 1'origi.ne de la laading to the suspension are subsequently violation est ulterieurement corrigee. corrected,r�instate the suspended pexmit. Municipal Plumbing Inspector Inspecteur Plombier Municipal 10 The Common Counci�shall,by resolution, 10 Le conseil c�mmunal noname par r�solu�ion appoint a Plumbing Inspector atid may appoint un inspecteur plombier et peut nommer un ou one or moze Assistant Pluznbing Inspeator$. plusieurs inspecteurs plombiers adjoints. Repeal Abrogation 11 A By-law of The City of Saint John J.1 L'arrete de The City of Saint John �dict� le enacfed on the I9`�' day of December, 20Q5 19` jour de d�cembre 2005 intituYe « Arrete entitled "A By-law Respectzng The Plumbing concernant le metier de plombier et les maitres Trade and Master Plumbers" and all plorribiet-s», ensemble ses modifications, est ahmg� amendments thereto are repealed on the coming des I'entree sn vigtteur du pr�sent arrete. into force of t�uis by-law. - 1U- TN' WITNESS WHEREOF the City of Saint Ja�n EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint]ohn a fait has caused the Corporate Common 5eal of the apposer son sceau municipal sur le pr�sent arr�e le said City to be affixed to this By-law the 2012, avec les signatures day of ,A.D.2012 and signed by: suivantes : IVlayar/Maire Gomrnon Clerk/Greffiere communale First Reading - Prerni�re lect�re - Secand Reading - Deuxi�me lecture - Third Reading - Troisi�me�ecture - ��V� C1ty H�11 p.0. BoY 1971 15 Market SquaCe Saint John New Brunswick Canada E2I.4L1 March 27'", 2012 �---"- �� Your Worship, Deputy Mayor and Councillors: �� Rr i - e..�.. �y0X1»�NqM Subject: Committee of the Whole-2011 Outstanding Contributions re Pension Plan Goin� Concern Deficit �ity of Saint John The Committee of the Whole, having met on March 26th, 2412 adopted the following resolution: RESOLVED that the Committee of the Whole recommends that the folfowing resolution adopted by Common Council at its open session meeting held on January 31, 2012: "RESOLVED that as recommended by the Commissioner of Finance payment of$7,900,000.00 plus interest to date be made forthwith to the City of 5aint John Pension Fund, for special payments due with respect to 2011; And further be it resoived that as recommended by the Commissianer of Finance the City request from the Pro�ince a loan in the amount of$12,800,000.00 which amount consists of the special funding payments to the City of Saint John Pension Fund due for 2011, being $7,90�,000.00 plus $4,900,aoo.oa, being a portion of the amount paid by the City as special payments to the Pension Fund for 2010, with repayments of such loan being part of the annual operating budget, with such borrowing being in the form of a debenture to the Province of New Brunswick and w+th such debenture being exec�ted on behalf of the City by the Mayor and Common Clerk; And further be it resolved that as recommended by the Commissioner of Finance the City seek permission from the Commissioner of Municipal Affairs to defer$7,9Q0,000.00 plus interest of the special payments made by the City to the Pension Fund for 2011 and amortize this deferred expense over a period not to exceed 10 years commencing in 2013." be amended as follows: 1. The figure"$7,900,000.00"each time it appears be defeted and in each such case the figure "$8,699,453.00" be substifuted; and 2. The figure$12,soo,000.Q0 be deleted and the figure$13,600,000.00 be subskikufed. RespectFully Submitted, Jonathan Taylor Assistant Cammon Clerk ,'� ,c� City HaII �'0. Box 1971 15 Marlc.et Square saint]ohn New Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 n March 27t", 2012 � � a�= , � � a�c�,�N = � .,AO� Your Worship, Deputy Mayor and Councillors� ' o,�A�.�,� City �f S�znt john Subject: Committee of the Whoie - Capital Budget for Fit-up and Occupancy of the New Police Headquarters Facility The Committee of the Whole, having met on March 26'�, 2012 adopted the following resolution: RES�LVED that the Commiftee of the Whole recammends that fihe budget of$1,995,000 (net of HST)for the fit-up and occupancy budget of the new Police Headquarters facility be approved and responsibility to administer the budget be assigned to the Saint John Board of Police Commissioners_ Respectiully Submitted, Jonathan Taylor Assistant Common Clerk t� i � •� CiCy Hall F.O. Box 1971 15 Market Square SainC John Ne�v Brunswick Canada E2L 4L1 � '� ��� ��- p��A>� u�16v U � March 27th, 2012 � ���.�r of Saint John Your Worship, Deputy Mayor and Councillors: Subject: Committee of the Whole- Proposed Appeal of Worksafe NB Decision The Committee of the Whole, having met on March 26th, 2012 acfapted the following resolution: RESOLVED that the Committee of the Whole recommends that the City Solicitor or his designate be authorized to appea! the May 9�h 20�1 decision of WorkSafe NB regarding Claim No_ 1301453 on the discrete basis that the reported 2011 workplace injury is a reoccurrence of a 2005 workplace i�jury_ It is also recommended that this report be received and filed_ RespectFully Submitted, �� Jonathan aylor Assistant Common Clerk ��� ;,� ;, , Fundy Region Solid WasEe Commis�on !`��� ;`�y '� PU 8ax/�P 3032.Grand eay-Wes�efd NB E5K 4V3 ,.;L'::�"� CommEsslonde gextivn 7 50673$-1z12 • F. 5�6T38-�207 �r des d�thets solides de `� Fundy hotiine@funclyrecyeles.com March 1b,2012 Mayor and Council City of Saint John 8th Fioor,City Half PO Box 1971 Saint John NB E2L 4L1 Reference: Tmnsition to Proposed Regfpnal Service Corrrmfssfort(RSCJ Dear Mayor�nd Council, This letter concems the assimilation of the Fundy Region Solid Waste Commission (FRSWC) into � branch of the proposed Regional Service Commission (RSC). The purpose of this letter is ta request that seriaus cansidera#ion be given ta reappointing your current�ar a past representative if required) fio the �RSWG to insure a smooth transttion when it fs replaced on January 1, 20�3. ln the absence of specific directions from the Province, the Solid Waste Commissions have been asked ta canduct f�USiness as usual to help the transitior� into their respective RSC. The FRSWC in the caurse of regular business wilf need to enter intv cpntracts and commitments that will take us past ti�e end date established by the gove�rtment. One of those commitments will be the Annual Budget for 2Q13 which is required by legislation to be submitted to the Pro�ince by Navember 15. In the interest of the new RSC, its members, and the cammunities it serves, we would suggesfi that it would be an advantage through familiarity ta gov�rn the FRSWC with the same me�-nbers for this short extension until the Gammission ends. Thank you for your conslderation of this matter. Sincerely, ��C� Ch�is Titus Chair, Fundy Region Solid Waste Commission cc: Town ofQuispamsis Town of Rothesay Tow�of Nampton ._. .. . . _ ... , ,.�.>�_�,., - ��__ ,,.x.�:�, . �.� ., . ..� . .. :��... �,�- - � . � � . � '� _,-,.«._ x�i,f-�:� } ��. ��•. '•r' �°a�.