Street Closing By-law Amendment Elgin StI3Y-LA'V4' NUMBER M-23 ARRETE N° M-~3 A BY-LA4Y TU AMEND ARRETE MUDIFIANT A BY-LAW RESPECTING THE L'ARR~T~ SUR L'INTERRUPTION STOPFING [IP AND CLOSING OF DE LA CIRCULATION ET L~1 HIGkIAYS IN THE CITY OF SAINT FERMETURE DES ROUTES DANS JUAN TIDE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by the Common Lars dune reunion du Conseil Coutteil of The City of Saint Jahn as communal, The City of Saint John a follows: decrete ce dui suit : 1 A bylaw af'The City of Saint John 1 Par lee presentee, I'arrete de The entitled, "A By-law Respecting The City of Saint John intitule, ~t L'arrete sur Stepping [Jp and Closing of I~ighways in 1'interruption de la circulation et la The City of Saint John", enacted an the ferzneture des routes daps The City of Saint nineteenth day of December, A.D. ~U~S, is Jahn y~, decrete le 19 decembre .~~05, est hereby amended >ay adding thereto Section madifie par I"ajaut de Iarticle 211 X14 immediately after Section thereof, itt~mediatement apres Particle 2~~, camme as follows: suit The City of Saint Jahn does hereby Par lee presentee, The City of Saint stop up and close permanently the John bane et ferme de fa~on germanente la fallowing portion of highway: portion d'utte route sttivante ; ELGIN STREET: All that portion of RUE ELGIN i 'Pout le tran~on de la rue Elgin Street, a public street in the City of Elgin, une rue publique Bans The City of Saint Zahn, County of Saint Jahn and Saint John, Comte de Saint Jah1i, da;as la Province of New Brunswick comprising province du Nouveau-Brunswick, dune 4.~5 square metres as shown on a Plan of superficie d'enviran m~ camme le Survey titled: "P1an ~f ;~'rtrvcF~y Shr~~~irrg montre ]e plan d'arpentage intitule scPlan portion of ~Igirr S"tx•ec►t, To C~~scd b~ d'arpentage ittdiquant wle pantie de la rue The Wily of Saint,~nhr:, ~S'r'trratc ~'l~~in Str•c~et, Elgin, City of Saint John, Comte de Saittt City anc~ Cot~nt~ of ~'~i~rt John, Province of Jahn, Nauveau4Bruns~vick~~, prepare par dVcjw ~rrcn.ti•►~i~~k", prepared by DeSaulniers DeSaulniers Surveys Inc. et date du 24 Surveys Inc. and dated February 2~, ~0 ] 0, fevrier ~d 1 l~, ci joint. attached hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of EN FQI DE ~UOI, The City of Saint John Saint Jahn has caused the Corporate a fait opposer son sceau communal sur le Camtnon Seal of the eaid City to be affixed present arrete le 12 avril ~D10, aver ley to this by-law the 1 nth day of April, A.D. signatures suivantes ~~10 and signed by,:~_~~ ~ . f ire ~ r ~on ClerldGreffiere m~anale First Reading - March ~.d10 Premiere lecture - ]e 2~ rnars ~0] ~ Second Reading - March ~.9, ~.~1D Deuxieme lecture - le 2~ mars 2Ql (l Third Reading -April 1 Z, 2~ 1 Q Troisieme lecture - le 1 ~ avril X01 ~