2006-12-04_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jourCityof SaintJohn CommonCouncilMeeting Monday,December04,2006 CommitteeoftheWhole 1.CalltoOrder 5:00p.m.8thFloorCityHall 10.2(4)(b)( 1.1NominatingCommitteeTabledNov.20,2006) 10.2(4)(b) 1.2CollectiveBargainingNegotiationsNov.30,2006 1.3ProcessesRelatedtoMunicipalitiesAct&CommunityPlanningAct 10.2(4)(f) 10.2(4)(d) 1.4LandNegotiations RegularMeeting 1.CalltoOrder– Prayer 6:30p.m.CouncilChamberCityHall 2.ApprovalofMinutes 2.1November20,2006Minutes 3.AdoptionofAgenda 4.DisclosuresofConflictofInterest 5.AdoptionofConsentAgenda 5.1LetterfromAnnGilbert-OppositiontoProposedRacino(Recommendation- ReceiveforInformation) 5.2PaulZedexpressingSupportforSaintJohn TheatreCompany (Recommendation-ReceiveforInformation) 5.3AtlanticGolfSuperintendentsAssoc-UseofPesticides(Recommendation- RefertoCityManager&CitySolicitor) 5.4RequestforCompensatoryStorage-643RothesayAvenue(Recommendation inReport) 5.5 EngineeringServices:PreliminaryDesignLongWharf LiftStation#10, SanitaryForcemainandSanitaryCollectorSewer(RecommendationinReport) 5.6SaleofCityLand545to585OldBlackRiverRoad(Recommendationin Report) 5.7UseofPesticidesonCityProperty(RecommendationinReport) 5.8RenamingofMarlboroughAvenueandNewStreetName(Recommendation inReport) 5.9UpperFloors(RecommendationinReport) 5.102006DebentureIssue(RecommendationinReport) 5.11LandforPublicPurposesTrustFundApplication(Recommendationin Report) 5.12 TenderforSandandGravel(RecommendationinReport) PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com 5.13RequestforFinancialSupport-FundyBayFestivalInc.(Recommendation- RefertoBudget) 5.14Cityof MiramichiRequestforsponsorshipforYouthConference (Recommendation-RefertoBudget) 5.15CourtenayPlaceSublease-LeaseAttornmentAgreement(Recommendation inReport) 6.MembersComments 7.Proclamation 7.1Proclamation-NationalSafeDrivingWeek 8.Delegations/Presentations 6:30p.m. 8.1SaintJohn TheatreCompany 8.2AtlanticCoastalActionProgram 9.PublicHearings 7:00p.m. 9.1(a)PublicHearingproposedZoningBy-lawAmend-16FernSt 9.1(b)PlanningAdvisoryCommitteeRecommendingRezoning-16FernStreet 9.2(a)PublicHearingProposedZoningBy-lawAmend-1000SomersetSt 9.2(b)PlanningAdvisoryCommitteeRecommendingRezoning-1000Somerset Street 9.3(a)PublicHearingProposedZoningBy-lawAmend-648Westmorland&166 GoldenGroveRds 9.3(b)PlanningAdvisoryCommitteeRecommendingRezoning648Westmorland &166GoldenGroveRds 10.ConsiderationofBy-laws 10.1 ThirdReadingZoningBy-lawAmend-17AdmiraltyDrand66Anchorage Ave 10.2 ThirdReadingCityMarketBy-lawAmendment-StallA 10.3(a)ProposedRezoning-304WestmorlandRoad 10.3(b) ThirdReadingZoningBy-lawAmend-304WestmorlandRoad 10.3(c)Section39Conditions-304WestmorlandRoad 11.SubmissionsbyCouncilMembers 11.1FreedomoftheCity(CouncillorTitus)(TabledNov.20,2006) 11.2DisabilityManagement(CouncillorTitus)(TabledNov.20,2006) 11.3PerformanceIndicators-ValueforMoney(CouncillorChase) 11.4SaintJohnCommunityLoanFund(CouncillorMcGuire) 12.BusinessMatters–MunicipalOfficers 12.1NeedsConfirmationStudy-MultiplexCommunityCenter 13.CommitteeReports 14.ConsiderationofIssuesSeparatedfromConsentAgenda 15.GeneralCorrespondence 15.1RequestfromRitchie'sCarpetWarehouseforTrafficSignals-Intersection ofRothesayandBroadwayAvenues 16.Adjournment PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com Cityof SaintJohn Séance duconseilcommunal Lelundi4décembre2006 Comitéplénier 1.Ouverturedelaséance e 17hSalledeconférencedu 8étageàl'hôteldeville alinéa10.2(4)b) 1.1Comitédescandidatures–(propositionprésentéele 20novembre2006) alinéa10.2(4)b) 1.2Négociationscollectives–le30novembre2006, 1.3ProcessusliésàlaLoisurlesmunicipalitésetàlaLoisurl'urbanisme– alinéa10.2(4)f) alinéa10.2(4)d) 1.4Négociationsrelativesauxterrains– Séanceordinaire 1.Ouverturedelaséance,suiviedelaprière 18h30Salleduconseilàl'hôteldeville 2.Approbationduprocès-verbal 2.1Procès-verbaldelaséancetenuele20novembre2006 3.Adoptiondel'ordredujour 4.Divulgationsdeconflitsd'intérêts 5.Adoptiondel'ordredujourrelatifauxquestionssoumisesàl'approbationdu conseil 5.1Lettred'oppositiondeAnnGilbertrelativeàlapropositionduconcept «Racino»(recommandation–accepteràtitreinformatif) 5.2PaulZedexprimantsonappuiàlacompagniethéâtraleSaintJohn Theatre Company(recommandation–accepteràtitreinformatif) 5.3AtlanticGolfSuperintendentsAssociationInc.relativementàl'utilisationdes pesticides(recommandation–transmettreaudirecteurgénéraletàl'avocat municipal) 5.4Demandeconcernantl'entreposagecompensatoire–643,avenueRothesay (recommandationfigurantaurapport) 5.5Servicesd'ingénierie:Avant-projetsommairerelativementàl'installation d'uneconduitederefoulementetunégoutcollecteuràlastationderelèvement o n10duquaiLongWharf(recommandationfigurantaurapport) 5.6Ventedebiens-fondsmunicipauxdu545au585,cheminOldBlackRiver (recommandationfigurantaurapport) 5.7Utilisationdespesticidessurlespropriétésmunicipales(recommandation figurantaurapport) 5.8Changementdunomdel'avenueMarlboroughetnouveaunomderue (recommandationfigurantaurapport) PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com 5.9Étagessupérieurs(recommandationfigurantaurapport) 5.10 Émissiond'obligationsde2006(recommandationfigurantaurapport) 5.11Demandeenvertudufondsenfiducievisantlesterrainsd'utilitépublique (recommandationfigurantaurapport) 5.12Soumissionrelativeàl'approvisionnementde sableetdegravier (recommandationfigurantaurapport) 5.13Demanded'aidefinancièreprésentéeparleFundyBayFestivalInc. (recommandation–renvoyeraubudget) 5.14Demandedeparrainageprésentéeparlavillede Miramichipourla Conférencejeunesse(recommandation–renvoyeraubudget) 5.15Sous-baildelaplaceCourtenayPlace–bail,reconnaissance,contrat (recommandationfigurantaurapport) 6.Commentairesprésentésparlesmembres 7.Proclamation 7.1ProclamationdelaSemainenationaledela sécuritéroutière 8.Délégationsetprésentations 18h30 8.1DemandedelatroupedethéâtreSaintJohn TheatreCompany 8.2Programmed'actiondeszonescôtièresdel'Atlantique 9.Audiencespubliques 19h 9.1a)Audiencepubliquerelativeauprojetdemodificationdel'Arrêtésurle zonagevisantle16,rueFern 9.1b)Comitéconsultatifd'urbanismerecommandantlerezonagedubien-fonds situéau16,rueFern 9.2a)Audiencepubliquerelativeauprojetdemodificationdel'Arrêtésurle zonagevisantle1000,rueSomerset 9.2b)Comitéconsultatifd'urbanismerecommandantlerezonagedubien-fonds situéau1000,rueSomerset 9.3a)Audiencepubliquerelativeauprojetdemodificationdel'Arrêtésurle zonagevisantle648,cheminWestmorlandetle166,cheminGoldenGrove 9.3b)Comitéconsultatifd'urbanismerecommandantlerezonagedesbiens-fonds du648,cheminWestmorlandetdu166,cheminGoldenGrove 10.Étudedesarrêtésmunicipaux 10.1Troisièmelectureduprojetdemodificationdel'arrêtésurlezonagevisantle 17,promenadeAdmiraltyetle66,avenueAnchorage 10.2Troisièmelectureduprojetdemodificationconcernantl'arrêtésurlemarché municipalrelativementàl'étalA 10.3a)Rezonageproposévisantle304,cheminWestmorland 10.3b) Troisièmelectureduprojetdemodificationdel'arrêtésurlezonagevisant le304,cheminWestmorland 103c)Conditionsimposéesparl'article39relativementau304,chemin Westmorland 11.Interventiondesmembresduconseil 11.1Droitdecité(conseillerTitus)(propositionprésentéele20novembre2006) 11.2Gestiondel'incapacité(conseillerTitus)(propositionprésentéele 20novembre2006) PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com 11.3Indicateursderendementrelatifsàl'optimisationdesressources (conseillerChase) 11.4FondsdeprêtcommunautairedeSaintJohn(conseillerMcGuire) 12.Affairesmunicipalesévoquéesparlesfonctionnairesmunicipaux 12.1Étudesurlaconfirmationdesbesoins–centrecommunautaireMultiplex 13.Rapportsdéposésparlescomités 14.Étudedessujetsécartésdesquestionssoumisesàl'approbationduconseil 15.Correspondancegénérale 15.1Demandeprésentéeparl'entrepriseRitchie'sDiscountWarehouse relativementàl'installationdefeuxdecirculationàl'intersectiondesavenues RothesayetBroadway 16.Clôturedelaséance PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com present DeputyMayorHooton CouncillorsChang,Chase,Court,Farren,Ferguson,McGuire, andWhite -and– T.Totten,CityManager;J.Nugent,CitySolicitor;J.Baird, CommissionerofPlanningandDevelopment;E.Giffin,Deputy CityEngineer;W.Edwards,CommissionerofBuildingsand InspectionServices;M. Gillen,DeputyFireChief;A.Bodechon, ChiefofPolice;andE.Gormley,AssistantCommonClerk SÉANCEDUCONSEILCOMMUNALDETHECITY OFSAINTJOHN TENUEÀL'HÔTELDEVILLE,LE20NOVEMBRE2006À18H Sontprésents : MairessesuppléanteHooton ConseillersChang,Chase,Court,Farren,Ferguson,McGuireet White et T.Totten,directeurgénéral;J.Nugent,avocatmunicipal; J.Baird,commissaireàl'urbanismeetaudéveloppement;E. Giffin,ingénieurmunicipaladjoint;W.Edwards,commissaireaux servicesd'inspectionetdesbâtiments;M. Gillen,chefadjointdu serviced'incendie;A.Bodechon,chefdepolice;ainsiqueE. Gormley,greffièrecommunaleadjointe 1.CallTo Order–Prayer, DeputyMayorHootoncalledthemeetingtoorderandDanTrecartin, Pastorof GraceHarvestChurchofferedtheopeningprayer. 1.Ouverturedelaséance,suiviedelaprière LaséanceestouverteparlamairessesuppléanteHootonetlepasteur DanTrecartin,del'église GraceHarvest,récitelaprièred'ouverture. 2.ApprovalofMinutes OnmotionofCouncillorChang SecondedbyCouncillorMcGuire RESOLVED that theminutesofthemeetingof CommonCouncil,heldonNovember2and6,2006,beapprovedwithcorrectionstobe made to thesecondersofmotionsinitem10ofNovember6minutes. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarriedwithCouncillorFerguson votingnay. 2.Approbationdesprocès-verbaux PropositionduconseillerChang AppuyéeparleconseillerMcGuire RÉSOLUquelesprocès-verbauxdesréunionsdu conseilcommunal tenuesles2et6novembre2006soientapprouvésmoyennantdes correctionsrelativementauxpersonnesayantappuyélepoint10duprocès-verbaldu6 novembre. OnmotionofCouncillorWhite SecondedbyCouncillorMcGuire RESOLVED that theagendaofthismeetingbe approvedwithitem5.7tobeconsideredwithitem9.1. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. 3.Adoptiondel'ordredu jour PropositionduconseillerWhite AppuyéeparleconseillerMcGuire RÉSOLUquel'ordredujourdelaprésenteréunion oo soitadoptémoyennantl'examendupoint n5.7aveclepoint n9.1. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. 4.DisclosuresofConflictofInterest 4.Divulgationsdeconflitsd'intérêts 5.AdoptionofConsentAgenda 5.1 That theletterfromEricTeedregardingenergyefficiencyandenvironmental standardsgoverningnewconstructionbereferredtotheBuildingandDesign Committee. 5.2 That theletterfromSt.PiusXRomanCatholicChurchregardingconstruction nearSt.Joseph’sCemetery,bereferredtotheCityManager. 5.3 That theletterfromtheVillageNeighbourhoodAssociationrequestingatraffic lightatthecornerofCarmarthenandUnionStreets,bereferredtotheCityManager. 5.4 ThatCommonCouncilschedulethePublicHearingfor theSection39 amendmentapplicationofAlpineAutoGruppeInc.,450AshburnRoad,forMonday, December18,2006at7:00p.m.in theCouncilChamber. 5.5 That theproposalofSGEAcresLimitedforengineeringservicesfortheLoch LomondWatershedStructures–EvaluationandDesignbeacceptedandthattheMayor andCommonClerkbeauthorizedtoexecutetheappropriatedocumentationin that regard. 5.6 That theMayorandCommonClerkexecutetheAgreementbetween theCityof SaintJohnandPlazaBNGInc.,soas topermitPlazaaccesstothecityownedlandson FairvilleBoulevardtocarryoutinspections,surveysandtesting. 5.8 That theletterfromtheNBHorticulturalTradesAssociationregardingtheuseof pesticidesintheurbanenvironment,bereferredtotheCityManagerandtheCity Solicitor. 5.9 ThatCouncilreceive theinformationinthesubmittedreport, GrantsforHeritage ConservationProgram,andrefertoitduringdeliberationonthe2007CapitalBudgetfor the GrantsforHeritageConservationProgram. 5.10 That thereportonRuralRoadUpgradeProject,bereceivedforinformation. 5.11 1.ThatTheCityofSaintJohnenterintotheAgreement-KingWilliamRoad Vesting,and 2.uponregistrationofconveyance,CommonCouncilauthorizeasubdivisionplanto vestthelandsasapublicstreet,and 3.thattheMayorandCommonClerkbeauthorizedtosigntheagreement. OnmotionofCouncillorWhite Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. 5.Adoptiondel'ordredu jourrelatifauxquestionssoumisesàl'approbation duconseil 5.1 QuelalettreprésentéeparEricTeed,concernantl'efficacitéénergétiqueetles normesenvironnementaless'appliquantauxnouveauxprojetsdeconstruction,soit soumiseaucomitédelaconstructionetdelaconception. 5.2 Quelalettredel'églisecatholiqueSt.PiusXconcernantles travauxde constructionprèsducimetièreSt.Joseph,soitsoumiseaudirecteurgénéral. 5.3 QuelalettreduVillageNeighbourhoodAssociationdanslaquelleondemande l'installationdefeuxdecirculationaucroisementdesruesCarmarthenetUnion,soit soumiseaudirecteurgénéral. 5.4 Queleconseilcommunalprévoituneaudiencepubliquerelativementàla demandedemodificationdel'article39présentéeparAlpineAuto GruppeInc.(450, cheminAshburn),lelundi18décembre2006à19hdanslasalleduconseil. 5.5 QuelapropositionprésentéeparSGEAcresLimited,relativementauxservices d'ingénieriepourlesstructuresdubassinhydrographiqueLochLomond–évaluationet conception,soitacceptéeetquelemaireetlegreffiercommunalsoientautorisésà signerladocumentationrequiseàcetégard. 5.6 Quelemaireetlegreffiercommunalsignentl'ententeentreTheCityofSaint JohnetPlazaBNGInc.,afindedonneraccèsàPlazaBNGInc.auxterresmunicipales duboulevardFairvillepourqu'ellepuissemenerdesinspections,des travaux d'arpentageetdesessais. 5.8 Quelalettredel'AssociationdeshorticulteursduNouveau-Brunswick concernantl'utilisationdepesticidesenmilieuurbains,soitsoumiseaudirecteurgénéral etàl'avocatmunicipal. 5.9 Qu'onenvoieauconseillesrenseignementsdurapportsurlessubventionspour leprogrammedeconservationdupatrimoine,etquecelui-cientiennecompteau momentdesdélibérationssurlebudgetd'immobilisationsde2007relativementaux subventionspourleprogrammedeconservationdupatrimoine. 5.10 Quelerapportsurleprojetd'améliorationderoutesruralessoitacceptéà titre informatif. 5.11 1.QueTheCityofSaintJohnsignel'ententerelativeàladévolutionduchemin KingWilliam,et 2.surenregistrementdelacession,queleconseilcommunalautoriseunplande lotissementpourqueles terresdeviennentuneruepublique,et 3.quelemaireetlegreffiercommunalsoientautorisésàsignerl'entente. PropositionduconseillerWhite AppuyéeparleconseillerMcGuire RÉSOLUquelarecommandationdechaquepoint del'ordredujournécessitantl'approbationduconseilsoitadoptée. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. 6.MembersComments 6.Commentairesprésentésparlesmembres 7.Proclamation TheDeputyMayorproclaimedtheweekofNovember202006asAddictions Lamairessesuppléantedéclarelasemainedu20novembre2006laSemainede sensibilisationauxtoxicomaniesdansTheCityofSaintJohn. 8.Delegations/Presentations 8.1BeaverbrookArt Gallery Referringtoasubmittedslidepresentation,DougStanley,memberoftheBoardof GovernorsoftheBeaverbrookArtGalleryandBernardRiordon,DirectorandChief ExecutiveOfficerreviewedtheactivitiesofthe Gallery,withparticularreferencetothe recentdisputewiththeBeaverbrookFoundationover theownershipofartworks.Mr. RiordonadvisedCouncil thattheGalleryhadlosttheFoundationasitsmajor benefactor,andislookingtoputmorefocusonGalleryactivitiesthroughoutthe Province.Herequested thatCouncilconsiderafinancialcontributionduringitsbudget deliberations. 8.Délégationsetprésentations 8.1Galeried'artBeaverbrook Enserapportantàunexposésoumis,DougStanley,membreduconseildes gouverneursdelaGaleried'artBeaverbrook,etBernardRiordon,directeuretchefdela direction,passentenrevuelesactivitésdelaGalerie,enparlantparticulièrementdu conflitrécentaveclafondationBeaverbrookrelativementaudroitdepropriétéde certainesœuvresd'art.M.RiordoninformeleconseilquelaGalerien'apluslafondation commeprincipalmécèneetqu'ellechercheàmettredavantagel'accentsurlesactivités delagaleriedanstoutelaprovince.Ildemandeauconseildesongeràincluredansson budgetundonàla Galerie. 10.ConsiderationofBy-laws 10.1(a)ZoningBy-lawAmendment-77 Golden GroveRoad OnmotionofCouncillorChase SecondedbyCouncillorWhite RESOLVED that theby-lawentitled,“By-law NumberC.P.110-26,ALawtoAmend theZoningBy-lawofTheCityofSaintJohn”, adding to thelistofusesinSection740(8)(a)(i)(SpecialZone#8“SZ-8”)topermita loungeat77GoldenGroveRoad,beread. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. Theby-lawentitled,“By-lawNumberC.P.110-26,alawtoAmendtheZoningBy-lawof TheCityofSaintJohnwasreadinitsentirety. OnmotionofCouncillorChase SecondedbyCouncillorWhite RESOLVED that theby-lawentitled,“By-law NumberC.P.110-26,ALawtoAmend theZoningBy-lawofTheCityofSaintJohn”, adding to thelistofusesinSection740(8)(a)(i)(SpecialZone#8“SZ-8”)topermita loungeat77GoldenGroveRoad,bereada thirdtime,enactedand theCorporate CommonSealaffixedthereto. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. Readathird timeby title,theby-lawentitled,“By-lawNumberC.P.110-26 ,ALawto AmendtheZoningBy-lawofTheCityofSaintJohn”. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. 10.1(b)PlanningAdvisoryCommittee-Section101Agreement-77GoldenGrove Road incorporatingtheconditionsimposedbythePlanningAdvisoryCommittee. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. 10.1(c)LettersofSupportforproposedRezoningof77 GoldenGroveRoad OnmotionofCouncillorChase SecondedbyCouncillorFarren RESOLVED thatCommonCouncilreceivefor information thematerialsubmittedregarding thezoningby-lawamendmentat77 Golden GroveRoad. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. 10.Étudedesarrêtésmunicipaux 10.1(a)Modificationdel'arrêtésurlezonage-77,chemin Golden Grove PropositionduconseillerChase AppuyéeparleconseillerWhite o RÉSOLUquel'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêté nC.P.110- 26modifiantl'arrêtésurlezonagedeTheCityofSaintJohn»,ajoutantàlaliste o d'usagesdresséeausous-alinéa740(8)a)i)lamention(zonespéciale n8,«SZ-8»), afindepermettrel'exploitationd'unbar-salonsituéau77,cheminGoldenGrove,fasse l'objetd'unelecture. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. o L'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêté nC.P.110-26modifiantl'arrêtésurlezonagedeTheCityof SaintJohn»estluintégralement. PropositionduconseillerChase AppuyéeparleconseillerWhite o RÉSOLUquel'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêté nC.P.110- 26modifiantl'arrêtésurlezonagedeTheCityofSaintJohn»,ajoutantàlaliste d'usagesdresséeausous-alinéa740(8)a)i)lamention(zonespécialeno8,«SZ-8»), afindepermettrel'exploitationd'unbar-salonsituéau77,cheminGoldenGrove,fasse l'objetd'une troisièmelecture,queleditarrêtésoitédictéetquelesceaucommunaly soitapposé. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. o Troisièmelecturepar titredel'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêté nC.P.110-26modifiantl'arrêtésur lezonagedeTheCityofSaintJohn». Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. 10.1(b)Comitéconsultatifd'urbanisme–ententeenvertudel'article101,77, chemin Golden Grove PropositionduconseillerChase AppuyéeparleconseillerWhite RÉSOLUqueleconseilcommunalautorisela rédactiond'uneentente,envertudel'article101delaLoisurl'urbanisme,comportant lesconditionsétabliesparleComitéconsultatifd'urbanisme. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. 10.2(c)Lettresappuyantlerezonagedu77,chemin Golden Grove PropositionduconseillerChase Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. 11.SubmissionsbyCouncilMembers 11.1FreedomoftheCity OnmotionofCouncillorWhite SecondedbyCouncillorChang RESOLVED that theletterfromCouncillorTitus regarding theFreedomoftheCitybetabled. Questionbeingtaken,thetablingmotionwascarried. 11.Interventiondesmembresduconseil 11.1Droitdecité PropositionduconseillerWhite AppuyéeparleconseillerChang QUEl'examendelalettreduconseillerTitusau sujetdudroitdecitésoitreporté. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionvisantàreporterl'examendecette questionestadoptée. 11.2DisabilityManagement OnmotionofCouncillorWhite SecondedbyCouncillorChang RESOLVED that theletterfromCouncillorTitus regardingDisabilityManagementbe tabled. Questionbeingtaken,thetablingmotionwascarried. 11.2Gestiondel'incapacité PropositionduconseillerWhite AppuyéeparleconseillerChang RÉSOLUquel'examendelalettreduconseiller Titusausujetdelagestiondel'incapacitésoitreporté. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionvisantàreporterl'examendecette questionestadoptée. 11.3SaintJohnYouthHockey OnmotionofCouncillorFerguson SecondedbyCouncillorChase RESOLVED that thematterofschedulingforSaint JohnYouthHockey,bereferredtotheLeisureServicesAdvisoryBoardfordiscussion andreviewandforresponsebacktoCommonCouncilassoonaspossiblewitha recommendedsolution. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. 11.3SaintJohnYouthHockey PropositionduconseillerFerguson AppuyéeparleconseillerChase RÉSOLUquelaquestiondel'horairepourSaint JohnYouthHockeysoitsoumiseauConseilconsultatifdesservicesdesloisirsàdes finsdediscussionetd'examenafinq'unesolutionsoitrecommandéeauconseil 11.4DevelopmentofUpperFloorsinUptownArea OnmotionofCouncillorFarren SecondedbyCouncillorChase RESOLVED that theCityManagerputaplan togetherthatwouldencourageandhelp thedevelopmentoftheupperfloorsofthemany unused,andinsomecasesunsightlybuildingsinouruptownarea;andthathereport backtoCouncil,foritsreview,duringtheupcomingbudgetdeliberationswithwhathe believeswouldbeanincentiveforownersanddeveloperstorenew thelookofour uptownarea. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. 11.4Rénovationdesétagessupérieursdesbâtimentsducentre-ville PropositionduconseillerFarren AppuyéeparleconseillerChase RÉSOLUqueledirecteurgénéralélaboreraun planquifavoriseralarénovationdesétagessupérieursd'unbonnombredebâtiments inutilisés,etdanscertainscasinesthétiques,ducentre-villeetqu'ilprésenteraauconseil pendantlesdélibérationsbudgétairesunpland'actionpourinciterlespropriétairesetles promoteursàaméliorerl'apparenceducentre-ville. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. 12.BusinessMatters-Municipal Officers 12.1GasTaxRevenueSharingAgreement OnmotionofCouncillorChase SecondedbyCouncillorMcGuire RESOLVED that thesubmitteddocumentation representingTargetInvestmentLevelsbytheGeneralFundandtheWaterandSewer Utilityfortheyears2006through2011beadopted,andthatthelistingofspecific projectsandsupportingdocumentationfortheyears2006to2009whichfundingis beingsoughtundertheProvincial/FederalGasTaxbeapproved. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. 12.Affairesmunicipalesévoquéesparlesfonctionnairesmunicipaux 12.1Ententesurlepartagedesrevenusdelataxesurl'essence PropositionduconseillerChase AppuyéeparleconseillerMcGuire RÉSOLUqueladocumentationsoumisefaisant étatdesniveauxciblesd'investissementdufondsd'administrationetduréseau d'aqueducetd'égoutsde2006à2011soitadoptée,etquelalistedeprojetsprécis,etla documentationàl'appui,couvrantlesannées2006à2009pourlesquelsdessommes ontétédemandéesdanslecadredel'ententeentrelesgouvernementsfédéralet provincialsoientapprouvées. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. 12.2Contract2006-30-WatermainCleaningandLiningPhaseI OnmotionofCouncillorWhite SecondedbyCouncillorMcGuire RESOLVED thatContractNo.2006-30:Watermain Cleaning&Lining–Phase1,previouslyawardedtoAlltechSolutionsInc.,beincreased toanamountof$400,000.ascalculatedbaseduponestimatedquantities,andfurther thatCouncilauthorizeanamountof$35,000.forengineeringinspectionservicesfor DillonConsultingLimited delaconduited'eauprincipale PropositionduconseillerWhite AppuyéeparleconseillerMcGuire o RÉSOLUquelecontrat n2006-30,relatifàla premièreétapedunettoyageetdurevêtementdelaconduited'eauprincipale,accordéà AlltechSolutionsInc.soitaugmentéà400000$selonlescalculsfaitsdesquantités estimées,etqueleconseilautoriseunmontantde35000$pourdesservices d'inspectiond'ingénieriequiseraitverséàDillonConsultingLimited. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. 12.3ApprovalRequest-DesignandServicesforUpgradetoCulvertServicing- WestSideEstatesSubdivision OnmotionofCouncillorWhite SecondedbyCouncillorMcGuire RESOLVED thatCommonCouncilpre-approve $51,984.($45,550. + HST)fordesignservicesbyCBCLLimitedaspartofaproject withintheproposed2007GeneralFundCapitalProgram–StormCategory. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. 12.3Demanded'approbationrelativementauxservicesdeconceptionpour l'améliorationdel'entretiendesponceaux–lotissementWestSideEstates PropositionduconseillerWhite AppuyéeparleconseillerMcGuire RÉSOLUqueleconseilcommunalapprouveà l'avancelasommede51984$(45550$+TVH)pourdesservicesdeconceptionde CBCLLimiteddanslecadred'unprojetduprogrammed'immobilisationsproposédu fondsd'administration(catégoriedestempêtes)pour2007. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. 12.4LeaseofStallA-Raymond’sDeli-CityMarket OnmotionofCouncillorWhite SecondedbyCouncillorMcGuire RESOLVED: 1.ThatTheCityofSaintJohnenterintoaLeaseofSpaceforStallAattheCityMarket withA.B.S.FrenchInc.asperthe termsandconditionsascontainedintheLease submittedherewith toM&C2006-314;and 2.thatCommonCouncilgive1stand2ndreadingtothesubmitted“CityMarketBy-Law” wherebysection5(2)isamendedtoaddfollowingSection5(2)(m),Section5(2)(n)Stall A;and 3.furtherthat theMayorandCommonClerkbeauthorizedtoexecute theLeaseorany otherdocumentrequiredtofinalize the transaction. OnmotionofCouncillorWhite SecondedbyCouncillorMcGuire RESOLVED that theby-lawentitled,“By-law NumberC-1,ABy-lawRelating to theMarketintheCityofSaintJohn”,amending Section5(2)regardingStallAbereadafirst time. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. Readafirst timeby title,theby-lawentitled,“By-lawNumberC-1,ABy-lawRelatingto theMarketintheCityofSaintJohn”. OnmotionofCouncillorWhite SecondedbyCouncillorMcGuire Section5(2)regardingStallAbereadasecond time. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. Readasecond timeby title,theby-lawentitled,“By-lawNumberC-1,ABy-lawRelating totheMarketintheCityofSaintJohn”. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. 12.4Locationdel'étal«A»aumarchémunicipalàRaymond'sDeli PropositionduconseillerWhite AppuyéeparleconseillerMcGuire RÉSOLU : 1.RÉSOLUqueTheCityofSaintJohnconclueunbailrelatifàl'étalAaumarché municipalentreelle-mêmeetA.B.S.FrenchInc.,conformémentauxmodalitéset o conditionsstipuléesdanslebailjointaucontrat nMC2006-314; 2.queleconseilcommunalprocèdeauxpremièreetdeuxièmelecturesdel'Arrêté concernantlemarchédeTheCityofSaintJohnci-joint,modifiantleparagraphe5(2) afind'ajouterl'alinéa5(2)n)relatifàl'étalA,àlasuitedel'alinéa5(2)m); 3.quelemaireetlegreffiercommunalsoientautorisésàsignerleditbailettouteautre documentationrequiseafindeconclureladite transaction. PropositionduconseillerWhite AppuyéeparleconseillerMcGuire o RÉSOLUquel'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêté nC-1 concernantlemarchédeTheCityofSaintJohn»,modifiantleparagraphe5(2)relatifà l'étalAfassel'objetd'unepremièrelecture. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. o Premièrelecturepar titredel'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêté nC-1concernantlemarchédeThe CityofSaintJohn». PropositionduconseillerWhite AppuyéeparleconseillerMcGuire o RÉSOLUquel'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêté nC-1 concernantlemarchédeTheCityofSaintJohn»,modifiantleparagraphe5(2)relatifà l'étalAfassel'objetd'unedeuxièmelecture. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. o Deuxièmelecturepar titredel'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêté nC-1concernantlemarchéde TheCityofSaintJohn». Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. 13.CommitteeReports 13.Rapportsdéposésparlescomités 14.ConsiderationofIssuesSeparatedfromConsentAgenda 14.Étudedessujetsécartésdesquestionssoumisesàl'approbationdu conseil 15.GeneralCorrespondence 15.1LetterfromFrankRodgersreComplianceofProceduralBy-law ConsiderationwasgiventoaletterfromFrankRodgersexpressinghisopinionthat Council’sproceduralby-lawwasnotfollowedintheissueoftheEmeraBrunswick RESOLVED that theletterfromFrankRodgers commentingofhowtheProceduralBy-lawisnotbeingadhered to,bereceivedfor information. Responding toCouncillorFerguson,theCitySolicitorassuredCouncil thatitisrequired toadhere tostatutoryrules,butthatitwillnothaveitsdecisionsinvalidated,byfailingto followitsownproceduresbarringactinginbadfaith.Headdedthatinthecaseunder discussion,itwasclearas toCouncil’sdecision. TheAssistantClerkclarifiedthatthepurposeofamotiontoreconsideristorevisita decisionmadethatamemberbelievestohavebeenmadeinhaste,iserroneousor anotherreasonthatthememberfeelsisimportant.Sheexplained thatthemotionto reconsider,aswellas thedecisiontoacceptaportionoftheFireChief’s recommendationinhisreportof October23,2006,wereproperlyraised,putbeforethe Council,andweredisposedofappropriatelyconsistentwithCouncil’sProceduralBy-law asprovidedforinSections3.11and16.1.Shefurtherexplainedthatasnotedinthe ProceduralBy-law,Section16.3,afteramotionisput toavotebythePresidingOfficer, nomembershallspeakto thatmotion. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried,withCouncillorCourt votingnay. OnmotionofCouncillorCourt SecondedbyCouncillorFerguson RESOLVED that theletterfromFrankRodgersbe referredtotheCitySolicitortoreviewtheissueoftheMayorspeakingafterthevotewas taken,andreportbacktoCouncil. Questionbeingtaken,theDeputyMayordeclaredthemotiondefeated. 15.Correspondancegénérale 15.1LettrereçuedeFrankRodgersrelativeaurespectdel'arrêtéprocédural LalettredeFrankRodgers,danslaquelleilprétendquel'arrêtéprocéduraln'apasété suiviparleconseildanslecasdesmotionsdu23octobrerelativesàEmeraBrunswick Pipeline,aétéexaminée. PropositionduconseillerChang AppuyéeparleconseillerMcGuire RÉSOLUquelalettredeFrankRodgersfaisant remarquerquel'arrêtéprocéduraln'estpasrespecté,soitacceptéeàtitreinformatif. EnréponseauxquestionsduconseillerFerguson,l'avocatmunicipalrassureleconseil qu'ildoitsuivrelesrèglementsadministratifs,maisquesesdécisionsneserontpas invalidéesenraisond'unmanquementàsespropresprocéduresàmoinsqu'ilaitagide mauvaisefoi.Ilajoutequedanslecasprésent,ladécisionquedevaitprendreleconseil étaitclaire. Lagreffièreadjointeprécisequelebutd'unemotionvisantleréexamenestderevenir surunedécisionquiselonunmembreaétéprisetroprapidementouesterronée,ou pour touteautreraisonquiestimportantepourlemembre.Elleexpliquequelamotion deréexamen,demêmequeladécisiond'accepterunepartiedelarecommandationdu rapportduchefduserviced'incendiedu23octobre2006,ontétébiensoulevées, présentéesauconseiletrégléesdefaçonappropriéeconformémentauxarticles3.11et 16.1del'arrêtéprocéduralduconseil.Ellerajoutequeselonl'article16.3del'arrêté procédural,aprèsqueleprésidentduconseilatenuunvotesuruneproposition,aucun membrenepeuts'exprimersurladiteproposition. Àl’issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée.LeconseillerCourtvote contre. PropositionduconseillerCourt Àl'issueduvote,lemaireaffirmequelapropositionestdéfaite. 15.2WinegardenEstateLtd.RequestforSupportforFarmersMarketSales Permit OnmotionofCouncillorFarren SecondedbyCouncillorWhite RESOLVED that theMayorsendalettertothe appropriateMinisterexpressingCouncil’ssupportforbroadeningthedefinitionsinthe legislationtoenablelocallyproducedspiritstobesoldatFarmersMarkets. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. 15.2DemandedesoutiendeWinegardenEstateLtd.pourl'obtentiond'un permisdeventeaumarchédesfermiers PropositionduconseillerFarren AppuyéeparleconseillerWhite RÉSOLUquelemaireenverraunelettreau ministreappropriéeluidemandantaunomduconseild'élargirlesdéfinitionsdelaloi pourquelesspiritueuxproduitslocalementpuissentêtrevendusaumarchédes fermiers. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. 9.PublicHearings7:00P.M. 9.1and5.7ProposedZoningBy-LawAmendment-53-75LeinsterStreet OnmotionofCouncillorWhite SecondedbyCouncillorMcGuire RESOLVED that theNovember20,2006public hearingfortherezoningapplicationofSaintJohnNonProfitHousingInc.,53-75Leinster Street,becancelled,andthatCommonCouncilscheduleanewpublichearingfor Monday,December18,2006at7:00p.m.intheCouncilChamber. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. 9.Audiencespubliquesà19 h 9.1et5.7Projetdemodificationdel'arrêtésurlezonagevisantle53-75,rue Leinster PropositionduconseillerWhite AppuyéeparleconseillerMcGuire RÉSOLUquel'audiencepubliquedu20novembre 2006relativementàlademandederezonageprésentéeparSaintJohnNonProfit HousingInc.,visantle53-75,rueLeinster,soitannuléeetqueleconseilcommunal tienneunenouvelleaudiencepubliquelelundi18décembre2006,à19h,danslasalle duconseil. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. 9.2(a)ProposedZoningBy-lawAmendment-17AdmiraltyDriveand66 AnchorageAvenue TheCommonClerkadvisedthatthenecessaryadvertisingwascompletedwithregardto theproposedre-zoningofaparceloflandhavinganareaofapproximately42hectares, locatedat17AdmiraltyDriveand66AnchorageAvenue,alsoidentifiedasbeinga portionofPIDNumber55180558andaportionofPIDNumber55156954,from“RS-2” OneandTwoFamilySuburbanResidentialto“RSS”OneFamilyServicedSuburban ConsiderationwasalsogiventoareportfromthePlanningAdvisoryCommittee submittingacopyofPlanningStaff’sreportconsideredatitsNovember14,2006 meetingatwhichtheCommitteedecidedtorecommendapprovalassetoutinthestaff recommendation,recommendingthatCommonCouncilre-zonetheabovementioned parcelofland. TheDeputyMayorcalledformembersofthepublic tospeakagainstthere-zoningwith noonepresenting. TheDeputyMayorcalledformembersofthepublic tospeakinfavourofthere-zoning withLaddsBatten,theapplicant,advocatingfortheproposal. OnmotionofCouncillorFarren SecondedbyCouncillorMcGuire RESOLVED that theby-lawentitled,“ALawto AmendtheZoningBy-lawofTheCityofSaintJohn”,re-zoningaparceloflandhaving anareaofapproximately42hectares,locatedat17AdmiraltyDriveand66Anchorage Avenue,alsoidentifiedasbeingaportionofPIDNumber55180558andaportionof PIDNumber55156954,from“RS-2”OneandTwoFamilySuburbanResidentialto “RSS” OneFamilyServicedSuburbanResidentialclassification,bereadafirst time. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. Readafirst timeby title,theby-lawentitled,“ALaw toAmendtheZoningBy-lawofThe CityofSaintJohn”. OnmotionofCouncillorFarren SecondedbyCouncillorMcGuire RESOLVED that theby-lawentitled,“ALawto AmendtheZoningBy-lawofTheCityofSaintJohn”,re-zoningaparceloflandhaving anareaofapproximately42hectares,locatedat17AdmiraltyDriveand66Anchorage Avenue,alsoidentifiedasbeingaportionofPIDNumber55180558andaportionof PIDNumber55156954,from“RS-2”OneandTwoFamilySuburbanResidentialto “RSS” OneFamilyServicedSuburbanResidentialclassification,bereadasecond time. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. Readasecond timeby title,theby-lawentitled,“ALawtoAmend theZoningBy-lawof TheCityofSaintJohn”. 9.2(a)Projetdemodificationdel'arrêtésurlezonagevisantle17,promenade Admiraltyetle66,avenueAnchorage Legreffiercommunalindiquequelesavisrequisontétépubliésrelativementau rezonageproposéd'uneparcelledeterraind'unesuperficieapproximativede 42hectares,situéeau17,promenadeAdmiraltyetau66,avenueAnchorage,inscrite commeétantuneportionduNID55180558etuneportionduNID55156954,afinde fairepasserlaclassificationdezonerésidentielledebanlieue–habitationsunifamiliales etbifamiliales«RS-2»àzonerésidentielledebanlieueaménagée-habitations unifamiliales«RSS»,pourpermettrel'aménagementd'unlotissementrésidentiel,àla demandede512531NBLtd(LaddsBatten),etqu'aucuneobjectionparécritn'aété reçue. 9.2(b)Comitéconsultatifd'urbanisme Examend'unrapportduComitéconsultatifd'urbanisme,accompagnéd'unexemplaire durapportdupersonnelduserviced'urbanisme,étudiélorsdelaréuniondu 14novembre2006,àlaquellelecomitéarésoluderecommanderl'approbation,telle qu'elleestsoulignéedanslerapportdupersonnel,voulantqueleconseilcommunal procèdeaurezonagedelaparcelledeterrainsusmentionnée. Lamairessesuppléanteinvitelepublicàexprimersonoppositionauprojetderezonage PropositionduconseillerFarren AppuyéeparleconseillerMcGuire RÉSOLUquel'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêtémodifiant l'arrêtésurlezonagedeTheCityofSaintJohn»,relativementaurezonaged'une parcelledeterraind'unesuperficieapproximativede42hectares,situéeau 17,promenadeAdmiraltyetau66,avenueAnchorage,inscritecommeétantuneportion duNID55180558etuneportionduNID55156954,afindefairepasserlaclassification dezonerésidentielledebanlieue–habitationsunifamilialesetbifamiliales«RS-2»à zonerésidentielledebanlieueaménagée-habitationsunifamiliales«RSS»,fasse l'objetd'unepremièrelecture. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. Premièrelecturepar titredel'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêtémodifiantl'arrêtésurlezonagede TheCityofSaintJohn». PropositionduconseillerFarren AppuyéeparleconseillerMcGuire RÉSOLUquel'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêtémodifiant l'arrêtésurlezonagedeTheCityofSaintJohn»,relativementaurezonaged'une parcelledeterraind'unesuperficieapproximativede42hectares,situéeau 17,promenadeAdmiraltyetau66,avenueAnchorage,inscritecommeétantuneportion duNID55180558etuneportionduNID55156954,afindefairepasserlaclassification dezonerésidentielledebanlieue–habitationsunifamilialesetbifamiliales«RS-2»à zonerésidentielledebanlieueaménagée-habitationsunifamiliales«RSS»,fasse l'objetd'unedeuxièmelecture. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. Deuxièmelecturepar titredel'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêtémodifiantl'arrêtésurlezonagede TheCityofSaintJohn». 9.3(a)ProposedZoningBy-lawAmendment-304WestmorlandRoad TheCommonClerkadvisedthatthenecessaryadvertisingwascompletedwithregardto theproposedre-zoningofaparceloflandhavinganareaofapproximately6,980square metreslocatedat304WestmorlandRoadalsoidentifiedasbeingPIDNumber 55160113andaportionofPIDNumber00415422,from“RS-2”OneandTwoFamily SuburbanResidentialto“US”UtilityandServiceclassificationtopermit theconstruction ofanelectricalsubstation,asrequestedbyHughesSurveys&Consultants,Inc.on behalfofSaintJohnEnergy,withnowrittenobjectionsreceived. 9.3(b)PlanningAdvisoryCommittee-304WestmorlandRoadandSection39 Conditions ConsiderationwasalsogiventoareportfromthePlanningAdvisoryCommittee submittingacopyofPlanningStaff’sreportconsideredatitsNovember14,2006 meetingatwhichtheCommitteedecidedtorecommendapprovalassetoutinthestaff recommendation,recommendingthatCommonCouncilre-zonetheabovementioned parcelofland. TheDeputyMayorcalledformembersofthepublic tospeakagainstthere-zoningwith MalcolmRogersofEastpointInc.statingthatthesubstationwouldhaveanegative impacton theproposedhotelhiscompanyisdeveloping;BeatriceLatour,ownerofthe propertyat298WestmorlandRoadandCarmelMcCaig,300WestmorlandRoadstating thattheirpropertyvaluesandqualityoflifewillbedecreasedif there-zoningis approved. TheDeputyMayorcalledformembersofthepublic tospeakinfavourofthere-zoning withRickTurnerofHughesSurveys&Consultants,Inc.onbehalfofSaintJohnEnergy advisingthatheisinagreementwiththestaffreportandPlanningAdvisoryCommittee recommendationsHenotedthat theapplicanthasaproventrackrecordofmaintaining JohnEnergy’scriteriaforlocatingasubstation,adding thattheyhavenotexhaustedall optionsforalocationinthearea. Mr.BairdadvisedCouncilthatrevisionstoSection39conditionsaregenerallyreviewed bytheDevelopmentOfficer,howeverifCouncilwishestohavetheconditionsgoto Councilforfinalapproval,thatcanhappen.Headdedthat thereisopportunityto explorealternativesitesfor thesubstation. CouncillorChasemovedatablingmotionontheissuewhichwassecondedby CouncillorChang,withCouncillorFarrensuggestingthatfirstandsecondreadingsbe made,and thirdreadingbedelayeduntilfurtherdiscussionstakeplaceamong the partiesinvolved. OnmotionofCouncillorChase SecondedbyCouncillorChang RESOLVED that thefirstandsecondreadingsbe given totheproposedre-zoningamendmentandthat thirdreadingnotbegivenuntilall avenuesareexhaustedforanalternativesite,and thatSection39conditionsbe developedtoensurethatthesitebesuitablylandscaped. CouncillorFergusonproposedanamendmentwhichwassecondedbyCouncillorCourt thatthealternativesitesnotbeexplored;issuespresentedbythehomeownersbe discussedwiththepartiesinvolved;revisedSection39conditionsbeconsideredbased onthediscussionswhichtookplaceduring thepublichearing,andthedevelopment officerreviewtheSection39conditionsandpresentthemtoCouncilatthe thirdreading ofCouncil. CouncillorChasestatedthathisintentwastotabletheissue. Questionbeingtakenontheamendment,itwascarried,withCouncillor Chasevotingnay. OnmotionofCouncillorChase SecondedbyCouncillorChang RESOLVED that thefirstandsecondreadingsbe given totheproposedre-zoningamendment,andthatthealternativesitesnotbe explored;issuespresentedbythehomeownersbediscussedwiththepartiesinvolved; revisedSection39conditionsbeconsideredbasedonthediscussionswhichtookplace duringthepublichearing,andthedevelopmentofficerreviewtheSection39conditions andpresentthem toCouncilatthethirdreadingofCouncil. Questionbeingtakenonthemainmotionasamended, themotionwas carried,withCouncillorChasevotingnay. OnmotionofCouncillorCourt SecondedbyCouncillorFarren RESOLVED that theby-lawentitled,“ALawto AmendtheZoningBy-lawofTheCityofSaintJohn”,re-zoningaparceloflandhaving anareaofapproximately6,980squaremetreslocatedat304WestmorlandRoadalso identifiedasbeingPIDNumber55160113andaportionofPIDNumber00415422,from “RS-2” OneandTwoFamilySuburbanResidential to“US”UtilityandService classification,bereadafirst time. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. Readafirst timeby title,theby-lawentitled,“ALaw toAmendtheZoningBy-lawofThe CityofSaintJohn”. OnmotionofCouncillorCourt SecondedbyCouncillorFarren RESOLVED that theby-lawentitled,“ALawto AmendtheZoningBy-lawofTheCityofSaintJohn”,re-zoningaparceloflandhaving anareaofapproximately6980squaremetreslocatedat304WestmorlandRoadalso Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried,withCouncillorChase votingnay. Readasecond timeby title,theby-lawentitled,“ALawtoAmend theZoningBy-lawof TheCityofSaintJohn”. 9.3(a)Projetdemodificationdel'arrêtésurlezonagevisantle304chemin Westmorland Legreffiercommunalindiquequelesavisrequisontétépubliésrelativementau rezonageproposéd'uneparcelledeterraind'unesuperficieapproximativede 6980mètrescarrés,situéeau304,cheminWestmorland,inscritesousleNID 55160113etcommeétantuneportionduNID00415422,afindefairepasserla classificationdezonerésidentielledebanlieue–habitationsunifamilialesetbifamiliales «RS-2»àzonedeservicespublicsetgénéraux«US»,pourpermettrelaconstruction d'unesous-stationélectrique,àlademandedeHughesSurveys&ConsultantsInc.,au nomdeSaintJohnEnergy,etqu'aucuneobjectionparécritn'aétéreçue. 9.3(b)Comitéconsultatifd'urbanisme–304,cheminWestmorlandetconditions del'article39 Examend'unrapportduComitéconsultatifd'urbanisme,accompagnéd'unexemplaire durapportdupersonnelduserviced'urbanisme,étudiélorsdelaréuniondu 14novembre2006,àlaquellelecomitéarésoluderecommanderl'approbation,telle qu'elleestsoulignéedanslerapportdupersonnel,voulantqueleconseilcommunal procèdeaurezonagedelaparcelledeterrainsusmentionnée. Lamairessesuppléanteinvitelepublicàexprimersonoppositionauprojetderezonage. MalcolmRogersdeEastpointInc.affirmantquelasous-stationauraunimpactnégatif surleprojetd'hôteldesonentrepriseetBeatriceLatour,propriétairedu298,chemin Westmorland,ainsiqueCarmelMcCaig,propriétairedu300,cheminWestmorland, prétendentquelavaleurdeleurbienimmobilieretleurqualitédeviediminuerontsile rezonageestapprouvé. Lemaireinvitelepublicàseprononcerenfaveurduprojetderezonage.RickTurnerde HughesSurveys&ConsultantsInc.,aunomdeSaintJohnEnergy,indiquequ'ilappuie lerapportdupersonneletlesrecommandationsduComitéconsultatifd'urbanisme.Il précisequeledemandeurs'esttoujoursbienoccupédesesbiensimmobiliersetque SaintJohnEnergypeutfairefaireunaménagementpaysagerquiestconvenable. Enréponseauxquestionsdesconseillers,DarinLamontdeSaintJohnEnergyfaitétat descritèresdesélectiond'unemplacementpourunesous-station,enprécisantqu'ils n'ontpasexaminétouteslesoptionsenmatièred'emplacementdanslarégion. M.Bairdaviseleconseilquelesrévisionsapportéesauxconditionsimposéesenvertu del'article39sont,enrèglegénérale,passéesenrevueparl'agentd'aménagement, cependantsileconseilsouhaitentquelesconditionsluisoientprésentéesauxfins d'approbationfinale,ilestpossibledeprocéderainsi.Ilajoutequ'ilestpossibled'étudier d'autresemplacementspourlasous-station. LeconseillerChaseprésenteunemotionpréalablementdéposéesurlaquestionquia étéappuyéeparleconseillerChang,etleconseillerFarrensuggèrequel'onprocède auxpremièreetdeuxièmelecturesetquela troisièmelecturesoitretardéejusqu'àce quedesdiscussionssupplémentairessoiententaméesaveclespartiesencause. PropositionduconseillerChase AppuyéeparleconseillerChang RÉSOLUquelespremièreetdeuxièmelectures soientfaitesrelativementauxmodificationsauprojetderezonageetquela troisième lecturenesoiteffectuéequ'aprèsquetouteslesoptionsontétéépuiséespourunautre conseillerCourt,voulantqued'autresemplacementssoientétudiés;quelesquestions présentéesparlespropriétairesdemaisonsfassentl'objetdediscussionsavecles partiesencause,quelesconditionsréviséesprévuesàl'article39soientconsidérées enfonctiondesdiscussionsquionteulieupendantl'audiencepubliqueet,qu'enfin, l'agentd'aménagementpasseenrevuelesconditionsafférentesàl'article39etles présenteauconseillorsdela troisièmelecture. LeconseilleChaseindiquequel'intentionviseàreporterlaquestion. Àl’issueduvoterelatifàlamodification,lapropositionestacceptée.Le conseillerChasevotecontre. PropositionduconseillerChase AppuyéeparleconseillerChang RÉSOLUquelespremièreetdeuxièmelectures soientfaitesrelativementauxmodificationsauprojetderezonage,etqued'autres emplacementssoientétudiés;quelesquestionsprésentéesparlespropriétairesde maisonsfassentl'objetdediscussionsaveclespartiesencause,quelesconditions réviséesprévuesàl'article39soientconsidéréesenfonctiondesdiscussionsquionteu lieupendantl'audiencepubliqueet,qu'enfin,l'agentd'aménagementpasseenrevueles conditionsafférentesàl'article39etlesprésenteauconseillorsdelatroisièmelecture. Àl’issueduvote,lapropositionprincipaleainsimodifiéeestadoptée.Le conseillerChasevotecontre. PropositionduconseillerCourt AppuyéeparleconseillerFarren RÉSOLUquel'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêtémodifiant l'arrêtésurlezonagedeTheCityofSaintJohn»,modifiantlezonaged'uneparcellede terraind'unesuperficieapproximativede6980mètrescarrés,situéeau304,chemin Westmorland,etinscritesousleNID55160113etcommeétantuneportiondu NID00415422,afindefairepasserlaclassifications'yrapportantdezonerésidentielle debanlieue–habitationsunifamilialesetbifamiliales«RS-2»àzonedeservices publicsetgénéraux«US»,fassel'objetd'unepremièrelecture. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. Premièrelecturepar titredel'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêtémodifiantl'arrêtésurlezonagede TheCityofSaintJohn». PropositionduconseillerCourt AppuyéeparleconseillerFarren RÉSOLUquel'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêtémodifiant l'arrêtésurlezonagedeTheCityofSaintJohn»,modifiantlezonaged'uneparcellede terraind'unesuperficieapproximativede6980mètrescarrés,situéeau304,chemin Westmorland,inscritesousleNID55160113etcommeétantuneportiondu NID00415422,afindefairepasserlaclassifications'yrapportantdezonerésidentielle debanlieue–habitationsunifamilialesetbifamiliales«RS-2»àzonedeservices publicsetgénéraux«US»,fassel'objetd'unedeuxièmelecture. Àl’issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée.LeconseillerChaseavoté contrelaproposition. Deuxièmelecturepar titredel'arrêtéintitulé«Arrêtémodifiantl'arrêtésurlezonagede TheCityofSaintJohn». 9.4(a)ProposedZoningBy-lawAmendment-587WallaceCourt TheCommonClerkadvisedthatthenecessaryadvertisingwascompletedwithregardto theproposedre-zoningofaparceloflandhavinganareaofapproximately4963square metreslocatedat587WallaceCourtalsoidentifiedasbeingPIDNumber55166375and aportionofPIDNumber55178131from“R-1B”OneFamilyResidentialto“R-2”One 9.4(b)PlanningAdvisoryCommittee-587WallaceCourt ConsiderationwasalsogiventoareportfromthePlanningAdvisoryCommittee submittingacopyofPlanningStaff’sreportconsideredatitsNovember14,2006 meetingatwhichtheCommitteedecidedtodeny theproposalcontrary to the recommendationassetoutinthestaffreport. TheDeputyMayorcalledformembersofthepublic tospeakagainstthere-zoningwith noonepresenting. TheDeputyMayorcalledformembersofthepublic tospeakinfavourofthere-zoning withnoonepresenting. OnmotionofCouncillorFarren SecondedbyCouncillorFerguson RESOLVED that theproposedre-zoningofaparcel oflandhavinganareaofapproximately4963squaremetreslocatedat587Wallace CourtalsoidentifiedasbeingPIDNumber55166375andaportionofPIDNumber 55178131,from“R-1B” OneFamilyResidentialto“R-2” OneandTwoFamily Residentialclassificationbedenied. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried,withCouncillorChase votingnay. 9.4(a)Projetdemodificationdel'Arrêtésurlezonagevisantle587,rueWallace Legreffiercommunalindiquequelesavisrequisontétépubliésrelativementau rezonageproposéd'uneparcelledeterraind'unesuperficieapproximativede 4963mètrescarrés,situéeau587,rueWallace,inscritesousleNID55166375et commeétantuneportionduNID55178131,afindefairepasserlaclassificationdezone résidentielle-habitationsunifamiliales«R-1B»àzonerésidentielledebanlieue– habitationsunifamilialesetbifamiliales«R-2»,pourpermettrel'aménagementdequatre maisonsjumeléessurunprolongementdelarueWallace,àlademandedeMattErb,et qu'aucuneobjectionparécritn'aétéreçue. 9.4(b)Comitéconsultatifd'urbanisme–587,rueWallace LeconseilaégalementexaminéunrapportprésentéparleComitéconsultatif d'urbanismeaccompagnéd'unexemplairedurapportdupersonneldeplanification, étudiélorsdelaréuniondu14novembre2006,àlaquellelecomitéaprisladécisionde rejeterlaproposition,agissantainsiàl'encontredelarecommandationénoncéedansle rapportdupersonnel. Lamairessesuppléanteinvitelepublicàexprimersonoppositionauprojetderezonage, maispersonneneprendlaparole. Lamairessesuppléanteinvitelepublicàseprononcerenfaveurdurezonage,mais personneneprendlaparole. PropositionduconseillerFarren AppuyéeparleconseillerFerguson RÉSOLUquelamodificationdezonageproposée delaparcelledeterraind'unesuperficied'environ4963mètrescarrés,situéeau 587,rueWallaceetinscritesousleNID55166375etcommeuneportiondu NID55178131,afindefairepasserlaclassificationdezonerésidentielle-habitations unifamiliales«R-1B»àzonerésidentielle-habitationsunifamilialeset bifamiliales«R-2»,soitrejetée. Àl’issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée.LeconseillerChaseavoté contrelaproposition. 95(a)ProposedSection39Amendment-1350HickeyRoad propertylocatedat1350HickeyRoad,alsoidentifiedasPIDNumber00313072 to permitarevisedproposal,asrequestedbyGoldenMileProduce(514113NBInc.),with nowrittenobjectionsreceived. 9.5(b)PlanningAdvisoryCommittee-ProposedSection39Amendment-1350 HickeyRoad ConsiderationwasalsogiventoareportfromthePlanningAdvisoryCommittee submittingacopyofPlanningStaff’sreportconsideredatitsNovember14,2006 meetingatwhichtheCommitteedecidedtorecommendapprovalassetoutinthestaff recommendation,recommendingthatCommonCouncilamend theSection39 conditions. TheDeputyMayorcalledformembersofthepublic tospeakagainsttheproposedre- zoningamendmentwithnoonepresenting. TheDeputyMayorcalledformembersofthepublic tospeakinfavouroftheproposed re-zoningamendmentwithShawnFillmore,theapplicant,statingthathewantedtogrow hisbusiness,andthatheistrying toworkthroughtheexistingSection39conditions,but thathehassomeconcernswiththePlanningAdvisoryCommission’srecommendations, whichwouldimposeafinancialburdenonhissmallbusiness. Mr.Bairdadvised that theSection39conditionswereimposedonthepropertybefore thepresentownersbought theproperty,andthat theconditionswerenotadheredtoby thepreviousowners,withthepresentownershavingmadesignificantimprovements. OnmotionofCouncillorFerguson SecondedbyCouncillorCourt RESOLVED that theproposedSection39 amendmentsbereferredtostafftodiscuss theSection39conditionsfurtherwiththe ownerinanattempttoreachamoreagreeablesettlement. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried. 9.5(a)Modificationproposéeàl'article39–1350,cheminHickey Legreffiercommunalindiquequelesavisrequisontétépubliésencequia traitàla propositiondemodificationdel'article39,visantàmodifierlesconditionsimposéesle er 1mars2004relativesaurezonagedubien-fondssituéau1350,cheminHickey, portantleNID00313072afindepermettrelaprésentationd'unepropositionrévisée,àla demandedeGoldenMileProduce(514113NBInc.),etqu'aucuneoppositionparécrit n'aétéreçue. 9.5(b)Comitéconsultatifd'urbanisme-Modificationproposéeenvertude l'article39visantle1350,cheminHickey LeconseilaégalementexaminéunrapportduComitéconsultatifd'urbanisme, accompagnéd'unexemplairedurapportdupersonnelduserviced'urbanisme,étudié lorsdelaréuniondu14novembre2006,àlaquellelecomitéarésoluderecommander l'approbation, tellequ'elleestsoulignéedanslerapportdupersonnel,voulantquele conseilcommunalprocèdeàlamodificationdelaconditionstipuléeàl'article39. Lamairessesuppléanteinvitelepublicàexprimersonoppositionauprojetderezonage, maispersonneneprendlaparole. Lamairessesuppléanteinvitelepublicàvenirexprimersonappuiauprojetderezonage etShawnFillmore,lerequérant,prendlaparoleafindepréciserqu'ilsouhaitequeson entrepriseprospère,etqu'ilfaitsonpossiblepoursatisfaireauxconditionsimposéespar l'article39,maisqu'ilacertainespréoccupationsquantauxrecommandationsduComité consultatifd'urbanisme,quiconstitueraientunfardeaufinancierpoursapetite entreprise. MBairdindiquequelapropriétéétaitassujettieauxconditionsimposéesenvertude PropositionduconseillerFerguson AppuyéeparleconseillerCourt RÉSOLUquelesmodificationsproposéesenvertu del'article39soient transmisesaupersonnelafindediscuter,aveclepropriétaire,plus endétaildesconditionsprévuesàl'article39danslebutd'enarriveràunrèglement plusacceptablepourlesdeuxparties. Àl'issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée. CouncillorChaseaskedforleavetobringup therezoningofWallaceStreetpreviously votedonearlierthiseveningtoenablehimtoattempttoconvinceaCouncilmemberto reconsiderthemotionpassedasthemotionhadbeentakenquickly. OnmotionofCouncillorFerguson SecondedbyCouncillorWhite RESOLVED that themotionpassedearlierthis evening,“Resolvedthattheproposedre-zoningofaparceloflandhavinganareaof approximately4963squaremetreslocatedat587WallaceCourtalsoidentifiedasbeing PIDNumber55166375andaportionofPIDNumber55178131,from“R-1B”OneFamily Residentialto“R-2”OneandTwoFamilyResidentialclassificationbedenied.”,bere- considered. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried,withCouncillorFarren votingnay. InresponsetoCouncillorChase’squestion,Mr.Bairdadvisedthatgiven thatneither the applicantnortheresidentsappearedatthePublicHearing,itcouldbeassumedthat theremayhavebeenadiscussionbetweentheparties,adding thathebelievesthat the proposeddevelopmentisareasonableone,and that theapplicantcancomebackto Councilandapplyagain. OnmotionofCouncillorChase SecondedbyCouncillorChang RESOLVED that theproposedre-zoningofaparcel oflandhavinganareaofapproximately4963squaremetreslocatedat587Wallace CourtalsoidentifiedasbeingPIDNumber55166375andaportionofPIDNumber 55178131,from“R-1B” OneFamilyResidentialto“R-2” OneandTwoFamily Residentialclassificationbetabled. Questionbeingtaken,theDeputyMayordeclaredthemotiondefeated, declaringthattheoriginalmotiononthisissuestands. OnmotionofCouncillorFarren SecondedbyCouncillorCourt RESOLVED that themotionpassedearlierthis eveningontheconsentagenda,“ThattheletterfromSt.PiusXRomanCatholicChurch regardingconstructionnearSt.Joseph’sCemetery,bereferredtotheCityManager.”, bere-considered. Questionbeingtaken,themotionwascarried,withCouncillorChang votingnay. InresponsetoCouncillorCourt’squestion,TheCityManageradvisedthattherewillbe immediateactiontakenonthematter. 16.Adjournment TheDeputyMayordeclaredthemeetingadjournedat9:30p.m. LeconseillerChasedemandeàrevenirsurlerezonagedelarueWallacesurlaquelle onavotéplustôtcesoirafindeluidonnerlachancedeconvaincreunmembredu conseilderéexaminerlapropositionadoptéepuisquesonadoptions'estfaite rapidement. commesuit«RÉSOLUquelamodificationdezonageproposéedelaparcelledeterrain d'unesuperficied'environ4963mètrescarrés,situéeau587,rueWallaceetinscrite sousleNID55166375etcommeétantuneportionduNID55178131,afindefaire passerlaclassificationdezonerésidentielle-habitationsunifamiliales«R-1B»àzone résidentielle-habitationsunifamilialesetbifamiliales«R-2»,soitrejetée»,soit réexaminée. Àl’issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée.LeconseillerFarrenvote contrelaproposition. EnréponseàlaquestionsoulevéeparleconseillerChase,M.Bairdindiquequ'enraison dufaitquenilerequérantnilesrésidentsnesesontprésentésàl'audiencepublique,il seraitpossibledeconclurequ'unediscussionaeulieuentrelesparties,ajoutantqu'il croitquel'aménagementprévuest toutàfaitraisonnableetquelerequérantpeut présentersademandedenouveaudevantleconseil. PropositionduconseillerChase AppuyéeparleconseillerChang RÉSOLUquelamodificationdezonageproposée delaparcelledeterraind'unesuperficied'environ4963mètrescarrés,situéeau 587,rueWallaceetinscritesousleNID55166375etcommeétantuneportiondu NID55178131,afindefairepasserlaclassificationdezonerésidentielle-habitations unifamiliales«R-1B»àzonerésidentielle-habitationsunifamilialeset bifamiliales«R-2»,soitreportée. Àl'issueduvote,lemaireaffirmequelapropositionestdéfaite,venant ainsiréaffirmerquelapropositioninitialedemeureintacte. PropositionduconseillerFarren AppuyéeparleconseillerCourt RÉSOLUquelapropositionadoptéeplustôtcesoir auxrésolutionsenbloc«Quelalettredel'églisecatholiqueSt.PiusXconcernantles travauxdeconstructionprèsducimetièreSt.Joseph,soitsoumiseaudirecteur général.»,soitréexaminée. Àl’issueduvote,lapropositionestadoptée.LeconseillerChangvote contrelaproposition. EnréponseàlaquestionposéeparleconseillerCourt,ledirecteurgénéralmentionne quedesmesuresimmédiatesserontprisesàcetégard. 16.Clôturedelaséance Lamairessesuppléantedéclarequelaséanceestlevéeà21h30. Mayor/maire CommonClerk/greffiercommunal ::2-0 ~ ~d s-r ~f90~ ~~~;A6 ~ 2-'- 3 S::L- ~/ 3/6 C, ~~ J-~ ?7LC~ c~J ~~) P 0- B~ I q 7 ~ 5~""~ L.fL---v, h 0 a, c 2- ~4- L / ~h~~~~C~: . d Cft--'~ <--'.~.~::-z ~ . : ~ ""~.;,/- ~cUA-"'- C-'~ /~ ~ .~::.~ "".r ~"' ~.{. tz'o",- ~ .~ --<--<~ 7:r02 =_4~--d e"-,. j 77::[. /-7-"-. ~A '-:' .____~.szd A'-"'-- ~.:.... co-<?~<~A- ~-t:. rl-Y c...~ ________ ..-fi'-~ ..-<--'-<7- CL~ r~..z O~ ' ~...:...-e. f'.~~<.J ..-L~~' , ...-f~ ~~......cA .,,--,-~ ::::~.w.~:.J- ~.---I. - ~fl.. ~~ ~(j-c') GA~ .~~ "CL~~ 0:--" ~ yJ___~ I ~".~ J-c-<~/ c~<-. ~ ~ ~C--<.c ,P . .fl...r--v -dc.e :p~rl ~ _~-.SL_ .~~~~_~A~-~.....J2 --r.~~" p' 6'- -f"~ d~-c../44- ~~~ d.r-~ ~ ..~ ~ ~--e-;;~~ ~~.) ~ ~4- ;::UG..-J2--. . 14::d- 6-- ~~~~ q~'~~'7 '-d~-^~. r~--C'i (Zet'.:-':A ...;... ~ LA...;...e-e d-~-e:: F~'-'7"_J29- I_~~_-t:- <'~/~ ~ B vr-~-.~~ .A~~::) . &~'-J. .~ .~~. ':]:.to-. ~ (..-eYjJ r ~...e ~..:e- ~ ,-~~.J2 "-:..-r:- ,....4- ~-. ~ k'-~e"A-. (J~~ ,ofG.fh.--;Y -;;1 ~ ~-7'iy52e ~. . cl~~'~~' }1 ~o ,,"_,.J L..--7'-L.J ,~.:...J j!.4lYn--'..:...e ~~AJ . ---fL? ~~J .~;;f--<'-4 _..<Z-'"'- ~ :;j~~ CJ Ottawa Constituency 90 King Street Saint John, New Brunswick E2l I G4 Tel: (506) 657-2500 Fax: (506) 657-2504 Centre Block, R.oom 655-D Ottawa, Ontario KIA OA6 Tel: (613) 947-2700 Fax: (613) 947-4574 HOUSE OF COMMON; Paul Zed Member of Parliament for Saint John November 23, 2006 Mayor Norm MacFarlane & Council Members P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB E2L 4L 1 Dear Mayor & Council, I am writing to advise you of my support for the Saint John Theatre Company. A grant application made to the federal government, Department of Heritage under the Cultural Spaces Canada Program, was approved in October 2006 for $180,000.00. A matching contribution pledged by The Regional Development Corporation confirms the provincial funding of $180,000.00. To date, the theatre company's capital campaign "Setting the Stage" has passed the $750,000.00 mark and is endeavouring to achieve the campaign goal of $950,000.00. Such efforts have certainly shown the commitment of the theatre company, volunteers, patrons and supporters to provide community-based theatre and a high profile arts organization within the City of Saint John. This undertaking will enrich the City of Saint John and provIde quality production facilities. The Saint John Theatre Company has added much to the community since its conception in 1990 and moving ahead with such a venture would ensure the longevity of the theatre company as an integral part of the community. A request by The Saint John Theatre Company is presently before Saint John Common Council to enable this project to move ahead in a timely fashion. I encourage you to support this worthwhile and much needed project for the betterment of the Saint John community. cc: Saint John Theatre Company Honorable Roly Macl ntyre atlantic golf superintenaents association P.O. Box 2063 Fall River, NS 82T 1 K6 16 November 2006 Conunon Council The City of Saint John 15 Market Square PO Box 1971 Saint John, NB E2L 4L 1 RE: Proposed Ban on Pesticides Dear Mayor McFarlane and Council members; It is our understanding that the city of Saint John has developed a Private Property Pesticide By- Law (draft). We are writing this letter on behalf of our members located within your region. Since 1967, the Atlantic Golf Superintendents' Association (AGSA) has been a professional organization for the golf superintendents within Atlantic Canada. The AGSA's position with respect to pesticide use is that federally registered products as registered by the Pesticide Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) used by provincially licensed technicians should continue to be available as part of an integrated pest management (IPM) program. This position is based on evidence from the scientific community and the fedem! government that these products pose no unacceptable risk when used according to label instructions; moreover, we would be the first to abandon these products should they be scientifically proven to be harmful to our employees or patrons. All Class A and B members of the AGSA are required to hold a valid pesticide applicator's license. We also provide education and technology transfer sessions and up-to-date information via our website and emails sent directly to members. In addition, we are in the preliminary stages of establishing IPM accreditation in Atlantic Canada. IPM ensures that conditions conducive to disease development are reduced but golf superintendents still require some pesticides to provide the playing conditions that the goflers expect. For example, damage such as that caused by pink and grey snow mould must be managed by fungicide applications prior to snow fall. Cost alone dictates that the use of these atlantic golf superintenaents association P.O. Box 2063 Fall River, NS B2T 1 K6 products is performed only as required. (Refer to Photo, Pink and Grey Snow Mould" damage, Mactaquac, spring/03. The nuf grass on a golf course constitutes the playing surface for the game and is the life blood of the facility. Maintaining this specialized turf grass cannot be equated to a home lawn and keeping it weed, insect and disease free cannot be considered "cosmetic". In closing, I would just like to say that we are writing this letter as our foremost concern with the adoption of this new by-law is the potential inclusion of golf courses under the ban. We feel that given the fact that we are all professionals in what we do, have the proper licensing, perform IPM at our facilities, and continue to educate ourselves in ways to reduce pesticides, golf courses should be exempt from the ban in Saint John. Thank you for allowing us to convey our point of view regarding the Saint John Private Property Pesticide By-Law (draft). Sincerely, ~~ 'n~ President AGSA P~C)YO AS,;; g/~.*.-t-.Sj-?;l.t-.-- . ~~p'tJP?t:l<1.j-"'I""'q.cz.. ~ c. - /O:J{S,.o,..:" ) f p,.,,-f<) ~ ~"-L..l OI'),o.oiJ J4;J.dd) ~,..~e..n S. NO'/-,. c... c.. /-'4 ~ <!, a-r,.,."c. .,c(' '.f~1iL i.1"'L~~ f'~'J1it:'.../d.~...ty S4...PiJ/,."e..d "-.s DPPd~<!..4 To i.L/)~re.Q..t~ ..~..J'c:!..Q. t:"i....,rt:J~'J./:;~ -PIt) K y &ret oS n ~ 'CJ 171 e) I d U Cl... n7 a... ? e... OPENSESSION M& C 2006 – 317 November 28, 2006 HisWorshipNormMcFarlane andMembersofCommonCouncil YourWorshipand Councillors: SUBJECT Provisionof CompensatoryStorage – MilestoneConstruction&DevelopmentInc., 643 RothesayAvenue BACKGROUND Inearly 1999 CommonCounciladopted guidelinesrespectingthesaleofflood storagewhichwouldallow developmentsintheflood riskareato proceedonland parcelsincapableof providingcompensatorystorage.Subsequenttoadoptingthe guidelinesCouncilhasauthorizedthesaleofcompensatorystoragetotaling 78,270 cubicmetres.Thevastmajorityofthisvolumehasbeen providedforthe developmentofFirstProfessionalsonWestmorlandRoad (seeattached).Thesaleof thiscompensatorystoragehasfacilitated developmentintheWestmorlandRoadarea inexcess of $30 million.TheCityofSaintJohn,inadvanceofsellingcompensatory storage,undertookconstruction projectsalongGoldenGroveRoadwhich resultedin thecreationofapproximately 85,000 cubicmetres of newfloodstorage. Theretentionponds,whichaccommodateapproximately 85,000 cubicmetresof floodwater,accomplishthreeimportantobjectives: x Provisionofflooding relieftothe residentsofGlenFalls. x Allowcontinued developmentwithinthefloodriskarea. x Providecompensatoryfloodstoragefor residentsintheGlenFallsareawhomay wishtoimprovetheir propertyorexpandtheir building. ANALYSIS In developingsuggested guidelinesforCouncil,staffacknowledgedafundamental principal.Although developmentwithinthe floodriskareahaseconomicbenefitsfor theentireCity,such developmentshouldnot proceedifthepotentialexists fora PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com M&C2006-317-2-November28,2006 negativeimpactonthefloodingsituationintheGlenFallsarea.Withthisunderlying principal,Counciladoptedthefollowing guidelines: ¾Theapplicantmust demonstratetothe BuildingInspectorthatitisnot practicalto provideanyorallofthecompensatorystorageonthe property being developed. ¾Thedeveloper(oranyaffiliatedcompany)does notown other propertywithinor adjacenttothefloodriskarea uponwhichthenecessarycompensatoryflood storagecould reasonably be provided. ¾Compensatorystoragemust be providedwithinthesame designatedfloodrisk areaofthedisplacedstorage. ¾Saleofcompensatorystoragemust beapprovedbyCouncil. ¾Costs percubicunittothe developerwillvary, dependentonthespecifics ofeach application. ¾Monies receivedbytheCityinthesaleofcompensatorystoragewill be used solelyforMarsh Creekflood reduction programs. ¾TheCitywillatnotime beina deficitpositionresultingfromthesaleof compensatorystoragewith respecttofloodstoragecapacity. ¾TheCitywillnot pre-sellanystoragecapacityinanticipationofadevelopment. ¾TheCityisatnotimeobligatedtosellcompensatorystoragetoany developer. To datetheCityhasnot deviatedfromthese guidelines. TheCityhas recently been requestedbyMilestone Construction&DevelopmentInc. tosell 1,476 cubicmetresofcompensatorystorageinorderthattheymayconstructa newautomobiledealershipat 643 RothesayAvenue. PresentlytheCityhasavailable 6,727 cubicmetres of remainingcompensatory storagewhichcould bemadeavailableto developerswithinthefloodriskarea. Ifthe requestisapprovedbyCounciltheCitywill beleftwith 5,251 cubicmetres available.Whereasthecreationofthe retentionpondshaveplayedasignificantrole inthe developmentofthisarea,andfurther,whereasthe retentionpondshave significantlyalleviatedtheincidentsoffloodingintheGlenFallsarea,theCity shouldconsiderlocatingotherlandsforconstructionofadditionalfloodwater storage. As Councilwillnotefromtheadopted guidelines,thecostpercubicunittoa developerwillvarydependingonthespecificsofeachapplication.Ascanbeseen ontheattachmenttheinitial price forcompensatorystoragewas $4.60 percubic metre,then $5.41 percubicmetre.These priceswere based ontheactualcosttothe City fortheconstructionofthe retentionponds.Thesecondphaseoftheretention PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com M&C2006-317-3-November28,2006 pondwassmallerinscopethantheinitialphase,andconsequently,carriedamuch highercost perunit.TheEngineeringDepartmenthascalculatedthatthe bestfigure forunitcostis now $10.75.The developerhas beenadvisedand hasagreedtothis pricesubjecttoCouncilapproval. Asshownontheattached,theCitystillhasavailable 6,727 cubicmetres ofstoragein its retentionponds.Thesaleofthisneeded 1,476 cubicmetrescan besupported. Thesale,ifapprovedbyCouncil,willresultin revenues of $15,867.00. RECOMMENDATION YourCityManager recommendsthat x MilestoneConstruction&DevelopmentInc. beadvisedthatCommonCouncil willsellcompensatorystorage,calculatedatthe rateof $10.75 percubicmetre, foreachcubicmetreoffloodstoragedisplacedbythe development, up to 1,476 cubicmetres,attheir developmentonRothesayAvenue,and x this report be receivedandfiled. Respectfullysubmitted, Wm.Edwards,P.Eng. Commissioner Buildingsand InspectionServices TerrenceTotten,CA CityManager WE/ljv Attachment PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com ell l;ll i::! $l (f) ~ $l (ll fI) C Cll 0. C E .c 0 ~u ... - C'" 'ill a; (f) E '00. ~~ (3 ~ c (ll l!! c( .lo: fI) i:E "C o o iI 'i? '" E ~ l <1> E 5: E '" o .r. o 0.. 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(j; .r. :iii tP;t;" ~ g ~81 u1l; 01.18' <(0:: "'<'> 0>0 C\lM 9";- <D<D 00 0..0.. lDlD <D o <D 0 ON o _ C\lN ..,fN ~d. ~~ o It') o'i N <Ii fA It) ci ...... N vi ...... o 0:) 0> 0> of 00 .,. '" r! g '" '" ." 2 "! ~ '~ .. D:: o o "t o '" ~ o o o o o .... N 'lIo ~ 'E .., E <I> gj <l) ~. '" 0:; c o '-m '13 o '" ~ c: o "'" :c :;;: x W C J::: .0 ...., - I::: "ill C/) <1> ,s 1;" <1> '" ::> .2 :2-E <1> <1> J:::E <1> <1> -0<1> ~; o a> N_ "" .lJ '6 '0 C o "" ~ ~. ~ Cl) C 'I:; ::J "0 <= 'iij Q. "0 o o <C E ,g "0 ~ E ~ OJ, ~ OJ :;: <D o o r: {::! 1ij~o <0 ECle: ~ cD u.i.!;:: 'I'""" <1> E . ~,g ~' o ~ ~ i:i fJ R ::> l;' :i 11/28/2006 13:20 506-848-1799 MILESTONE CONSTRUCTN PAGE 02/02 MILESTONE onstructiDn & Development Inc. 1 Hampton Road- ScJite.140 Rothe-say. NB EZE 5K8 Te/.' (506) 848-1780 Fax: (506) 848-/199 November 28,2006 70602/03 City of Saint Jobo PO Box 1971 Saint John, NB E2L 4L1 Attention: Bill Edwards Commissioner of B ilding & Inspection Services Re: Saint John Kia Dea ership Dear Mr. Edwards: Milestone Construction & Develop enl Inc. on behalf of our client Kia Saint John, hereby requests permission to inftll approx' atcly 1476 cubic meters of groWld that is bdow the prescribed flood region elevation at 43 Rothesay Avenue, to facUitate construction of a new Kia car dealership_ It is not possible to provide this vol c of compensation on site, so we are seeking permission from the City to proceed witb the pr ~ect and purchase flood compensation capacity from the City of Saint John at the City presc bed price of$1O.75 per cubic meter. OUf cHent wishes to begin construct on immediately so iliat ex.cavation of frozen ground may be averted, therefore a prompt respons to this request will be very greatly appreciated. Thank you for your assistance in thi matter. yoursif!y,n ~t"" MIL} N" NSi UC'tION C/h. I uJ r Mil~Ler, J V-- President DEVELOPMENT INC. MDMlamc cc: D. Peacock M&C2006-316 November30,2006 c HisWorshipMayorNorm MFarlane &MembersofCommonCouncil YourWorshipandMembersofCouncil, SUBJECT: ENGINEERINGSERVICES:PRELIMINARYDESIGNLONGWHARFLIFT STATION#10,SANITARYFORCEMAINANDSANITARYCOLLECTORSEWER. BACKGROUND TheApproved2006WaterandSewerageUtilityFundCapitalProgram–WastewaterTreatment categoryincludesfundingnecessarytoengageengineeringservicestocompletethefollowing: x LongWharf–PreliminaryDesignof LiftStation#10andSanitary Forcemain/CollectorSystem PURPOSEOFTHEREPORT Thepurposeofthisreportistomakearecommendationforconsultingengineeringservicesfor thisproject. ANALYSIS OnOctober3,2006,withacomprehensiveanddetailedscopeofworkdocumentdevelopedby staff,aproposalforconsultingengineeringserviceswasrequestedfromCBCLLimited.In responsetothisrequest,CBCL LimitedsubmittedaproposalonOctober23,2006.Staffwas previouslyauthorizedtoconductnegotiationswiththisconsultantforengineeringservicesfor thePreliminaryDesignLongWharf LiftStation#10,SanitaryForcemainandSanitaryCollector Sewerproject. PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com M&C2006–316 November30,2006 2 Page AReviewCommitteeofstaffcompletedananalysisofthesubmission: BrianKeenan,P. Eng. EngineeringManager,MunicipalEngineering KendallMason,P.Eng. MunicipalEngineer,MunicipalEngineering KevinRice,C.E.T. OperationsManager, EnvironmentalProtection(Wastewater) DaveLogan,CPPB PurchasingAgent/Manager,MaterialsandFleetManagement Eachmembercompletedareviewofthesubmission,andasubsequentmeetingoftheReview CommitteewasheldtojointlydiscusstheinformationpresentedintheCBCL Limitedproposal. Theupsetpricecontainedintheproposalwasalsoevaluatedandthecommitteeagreedthatthe consultant’srequestedfeewasappropriateforsubmissiontoCouncilforapproval. ThesubmissionfromCBCL Limitedmetalloftherequirementsoftherequestforproposal,ina manneracceptabletothecommittee,withacost-effectivebidfortheproject. FINANCIALIMPLICATIONS Anamountof$130,000wasincludedinthe2006WaterandSewerageUtilityFundCapital Programforengineering services. TheproposedcostoftheworkfromCBCL Limitedtoprovide engineeringdesignservicesisapproximately$134,108.14includingtheCity’seligibleHST rebate–anegativedifferenceof$4,108.14intheWaterandSewerageUtilityFundCapital Program. RECOMMENDATION ItisrecommendedthattheproposalofCBCL Limitedforengineeringservicesforthe PreliminaryDesignLongWharf LiftStation#10,SanitaryForcemainandSanitaryCollector SewerbeacceptedandthattheMayorandCommonClerkbeauthorizedtoexecutethe appropriatedocumentationinthatregard. Respectfullysubmitted, J.M.PaulGroody,P.Eng.TerrenceL.Totten,F.C.A. Commissioner,CityManager MunicipalOperations& Engineering PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com M&C–2006-318 December1,2006 HisWorshipMayorNormMcFarlaneand MembersofCommonCouncil YourWorshipandCouncillors: SUBJECTSaleofCityLand-545-585OldBlackRiverRoad : BACKGROUND : InFebruaryof2006Mr.PercyWilburofferedtopurchasefromtheCityofSaint John,a10.5acre +sitelocatedat545-585OldBlackRiverRoad.Mr.Wilbur intendstodevelopindustrialcondominiums,muchliketheunitsfoundinthe McAllisterIndustrialParkattheS.J.GalanzCenterlocatedoffMcIlveenDrive. The siteconsistsofthreeparcels(PID#s55005102,348540and55005110). Theselandswereoriginallyassembledwiththevisionofaconnectorrightofway extendingfromMcAllisterIndustrialparkthrutoGrandviewAve. Thisrightof wayisnolongerapartofthelongtermdevelopmentplanforthearea.Thelandis currentlyencumberedbyanAlianttowerlocatedattherearoftheparcelandits accessroad/drivewayoffOldBlackRiverRoad. Thetopographyofthis site makesdevelopmentdifficult,particularlyattherearofthelands. This sitedoes however,offerexcellentfrontageonOldBlackRiverRoadwhichhasbeen recentlyimprovedasaCapitalprojectbytheCity. OnAugust14,2006CommonCouncilresolved; ‘That TheCityofSaintJohn sellitsfee simpleinterestinthelandsidentifiedas PIDNumbers55005110,55005102and348540toPropertyManagement/Proman Ltd.for$150,000.00plusHSTonorbeforeDecember31,2006andthatthe MayorandCommonClerkbeauthorizedto signthetransferandallrelated documentstofinalizethistransaction.’ PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com ReporttoCommonCouncilPage2 December1,2006 RecentlyMr.WilberhascontactedCitystaffseekingsupporttomovetheclosing dateouttoMarch31,2007.Mr.Wilburhasrecentlypurchasedthelastofthe industrialcondominiumunitsoffMcIlveenDriveandhasleasedthebuildingto nearcapacity,albeit slightlybehindschedule.A March31,2007closeimproves hiscashflow.Mr.Wilburhasofferedtopaythe2007taxesforthefullyearfor theOldBlackRiver siteasa signofgoodfaithandongoinginterest. RECOMMENDATION : ThatCommonCouncilrescindsitsresolutionofAugust14,2006(M&C2006- 234)andadoptsthefollowinginitsplace; That TheCityofSaintJohnsellitsfee simpleinterestinthelandsidentifiedas PIDNumbers55005110,55005102and348540toPropertyManagement/Proman Ltd.for$150,000.00,plusthe2007realestatetaxesleviedagainstthe site(+HST whereapplicable)onorbeforeMarch31,2007andthattheMayorandCommon Clerkbeauthorizedtosignthetransferandallrelateddocumentstofinalizethis transaction. Respectfullysubmitted, JimR.Baird,MCIP Commissioner PlanningandDevelopment Terrence Totten,F.C.A. CityManager BI/mmf PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com M&C2006 November29,2006 HisWorshipMayorNormMcFarlane AndMembersofCommonCouncil: SUBJECT:UseofPesticidesonCityProperty BACKGROUND: Overthepastnumberofmonths,therehasbeenrenewedinterestintheCitydevelopingaby- lawtocontroltheuseofpesticideswithinitsboundaries.ThisisareporttoCounciloutlining theuseofpesticidesbyCitystaffonCityownedpropertyforCouncilsinformation. ANALYSIS: TheCityofSaintJohn,asisthecasewithmostcities,usesavarietyofpesticidestocontrol infestationsofweedsandinsects.ItisthepracticeofthestaffofLeisureServicestoapply pesticidesonlywhennecessarytocityproperty.Pesticidesareappliedonlytosportsfields(and usuallythenumberonefieldssuchasShamrockPark,MemorialField,andForestHillsBall Complex),King’sSquare,BurialGroundsandthetreewellsinuptownSaintJohn.Pesticides arenotappliedtoanysoccer/football/rugbyfields,playgrounds,RockwoodParkoranyother citypropertyorpropertymaintainedbytheCitybutownedbyothers(suchasschool properties). TheChemicalsgenerallyusedandtheamounts(2006)are: Killex500(selectiveherbicide)PCP#1953110L Roundup(nonselectiveherbicide)PCP#1364430L CasoronG5(nonselectivepre-emergentherbicide)PCP#1253325Kg KillexandRoundUpareherbicidesandareusedtocontrolweeds.Thesearesprayed infrequentlyandsometimesayearmaybeskippedifstaffdeemsitnotnecessaryatthattime. Therehavebeennoapplicationsofthesepesticidesin2004and2005.In2006itwasnecessary tocontrolthespreadofunwantedpests. Casoronisusedinthetreewellsintheuptownareatocontrolweeds.Thisisusuallyone applicationperseason. TheCityofSaintJohnisalicensedapplicatoreventhoughitisnotrequiredforMunicipalities belicensedwhenapplyingpesticidestotheirownproperty.Staffdecidedanumberofyearsago tofollowthesameregulationsasprivateoperators.Thisisdonetoensureallprecautionsare PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com 2 takenduringpesticidesapplicationsandthatallstaffapplyingpesticidesarefullytrained.All CityapplicatorsarelicensedandonlyCertifiedClassD1applicatorsarepermittedtospray. SprayingapplicationsaredoneattheleastpopulatedtimesinCityfacilities.Thisisusuallyat nightsorearlymornings.ItisnormalpracticetofollowProvincialDepartmentofthe EnvironmentandLocalGovernmentregulationsforsignage.Theseregulationsrequirethe targetareatobesignedatallnormalentrancepointsprevioustoanypesticidesapplications takingplace.Thesignageisleftupfor24hours. Thesignindicatesthenameoftheapplicator andthenameofthepesticideusedonthearea.TheProvincealsohasa“call”listforpeople wishingtobenotifiedifwearesprayingnexttotheirproperty. Therehasbeenmuchresearchdoneonalternativestoapplyingpesticides.Oneofthebetter methodstocontrolweedsistomaintainahigherqualityturfwhichwilldiscourageweed growth.Thismethodmayreducetheneedtoapplypesticidesbutwillnoteliminateitentirely. Staffdoesemployahigherdegreeofmaintenanceonsportsfieldspartlyforthisreason.In mostareasthepublicappearstoberelativelyacceptingofweedsingeneralturfareas.In2006a numberofCitystaffreceivedcertificationinintegratedpestmanagement(IPM).Thismethodis usedtoreducethedependenceonchemicalsbyenhancingculturalpractices.Furtherworkwill bedoneinthisareoverthenextyears. FINANCIAL: Itcostsapproximately$1,000topurchasepesticidesinthoseyearsitisused. RECOMMENDATION: Itisrecommendedthatthisreportbereceivedandfiled. Respectfullysubmitted, BernieMorrison DirectorofLeisureServices TerrenceL.Totten,C.A. CityManager PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com M&C–2006-321 November29,2006 HisWorshipMayorNormMcFarlaneand MembersofCommonCouncil YourWorshipandCouncillors: SUBJECTRenamingofMarlboroughAvenueandNewStreetName : ANALYSIS : Inconjunctionwiththe EastPointShoppingCentredevelopment,workis progressingtocompletionofthenewRetailDrivecollectorstreetoff WestmorlandRoad.Whencompletedandopentotraffic,RetailDrivewill connectwiththeexistingMarlboroughAvenue,whichthedeveloperisalso reconstructingasafour-lanecollectorstreet.Thiswillresultina single continuousstreetfromWestmorlandRoadtoRothesayAvenue. Inordertoavoidtheconfusionoftwodifferentstreetnamesforwhatwill essentiallybecomethesamestreet,itwouldbeappropriateatthistimefor CommonCounciltochangethenameofMarlboroughAvenuetoRetailDrive. Theproposedchangewillaffectonlyafewpropertyowners,allofwhomhave beennotifiedthatCommonCouncilhasbeenaskedtoconsiderthischangeatits December4,2006meeting.ShouldCommonCouncilapprovetheproposed change,thepropertyownerswillbefurthernotified. InadditiontotherecommendedrenamingofMarlboroughAvenue,theCity’s ManagerofGeographicInformationSystemshasrecommendedthatanofficial namebegiventotheaccessdrivewayoffRetailDrivethatiscurrentlybeing constructedtoservethenewhotelandthefirstphaseoftheshoppingcentre.The applicanthasrequestedthenameFashionDriveforthisaccessdriveway,which canberecommended. RECOMMENDATION : ThatCommonCouncil: a)changethenameofMarlboroughAvenuetoRetailDrive;and PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com ReporttoCommonCouncilPage2 November29,2006 b)approvethenameFashionDrivefortheaccessdriveway servingthehotel andfirstphaseofthe EastPointShoppingCentre. Respectfullysubmitted, JimR.Baird,MCIP Commissioner PlanningandDevelopment Terrence Totten,C.A. CityManager JRB/r PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com M&C–2006-323 December1,2006 HisWorshipMayorNormMcFarlaneand MembersofCommonCouncil YourWorshipandCouncillors: SUBJECTUpper Floors : INTRODUCTION: CouncilaskedforareportonthepossibilityofreintroducinganUpperFloor GrantProgram. Thisreportrespondstothatrequest. BACKGROUND : WiththeapprovalofCouncil,thePreservationReviewBoardretaineda consultantinthefallof1991totackletheissueofvacantupperfloors.Thefocus oftheeffortwastodeterminetheobstaclestoredevelopmentofunderutilized upperfloorsinthe TrinityRoyalHeritagearea,andtorecommendaprogramto overcometheseobstacles. Theprimaryobstacleswerefoundtobe: x PhysicalBuildingCondition:lackoffireandlife safety systems;lackof elevators;lackofparking; smallfloorplate size;difficultiestointegrate horizontallywithotherbuildingsdueto slopedstreets;lossofgroundfloor rentalspacetoprovidenewentriestoupperfloors;etc. x AgeofBuildingOwners:notinterestedintakingonnewriskwithlong paybackhorizon;inexperiencedinpropertydevelopment;upperfloors werealowpriority;perceptionthatbuildingshadlowmarketvaluewith minimalfinancialreturn;etc. PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com ReporttoCommonCouncilPage2 December1,2006 x MarketConstraints:perceptionoflowpropertyvaluesandoverpricing; highertaxesingeneralandmagnifieduponcompletionofdevelopment; difficultiestomakeaprofit;gapbetweenimprovementcostsandrevenue; highvacancyrate;etc.;and x RegulatoryIssues:unfamiliaritywithbuildingcoderegulations; small baseofdeveloperswithrehabilitationexperience;taxationpolicies;etc. TheUpperFloorProgramthatwasestablishedin1992providedagrantforany oneprojectupto$35,000.00at80%ofthecoststoretainprofessionalstoresolve fire,lifesafety,buildingcodeissues,etc.aswellastocompletemarketing analysis.Anadditionalcapitalgrantofupto$10,000.00at10%ofconstruction costswasalsoavailable. Anumberofprojectswereconsideredbypropertyowners.Whiletheydidnot proceedimmediatelyanumberofthesehavebeencompletedinsubsequentyears. Severalamendmentsweremadetotheprogrammanagementanddelivery. The programwas shelvedafterseveralyears. ANALYSIS : Inthepastfewyears,thedevelopmentclimateinthe TrinityRoyalareahas changed.Anumberofpropertieshavesoldandarenowownedbyyounger,more aggressiveinvestors,withalongertimehorizonforreturnontheirinvestment. SeveralofthoseownershaveimplementedaConservationPlanfordevelopment oftheirbuilding,whichisphasedoveranumberofyearstoworkwithan establishedannualbudget.Marketconditionshavealsochanged. The developmentofCenterBeamPlacebytheIrving’shasestablishedrenewed confidenceinthearea.Inaddition,theProvincialHeritagePropertyTax AbatementProgramprovidesforpropertytaxestobeincreasedincrementally overfiveyears,ratherthanimmediatelyuponcompletionofdevelopment.These factorsaswellasothers,makeitprudenttoconsiderare-introductionofthe UpperFloorsGrantProgram. TheHeritageBy-lawReviewCommitteerecommendedthattheUpperFloors grantprogrambereintroduced.TheHeritageDevelopmentBoardagreedwith thisrecommendation.However,inrecognitionofotherdemandscurrentlybeing placedonCitybudget,theHeritageDevelopmentBoardenvisionedholding discussion(s)withpropertyowners/developersintheheritageareasonpossible amendmentstotheprogram. TheBoardplannedtothenreturntoCouncilwith recommendationsforarestructuredprogram,priortothe2008budgetdiscussion. PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com ReporttoCommonCouncilPage3 December1,2006 ShouldCouncilwishtoproceedonamoretimelybasis,someofthefactorsthat couldbeconsideredinamodifiedUpperFloorsGrantProgramare: Assistanceon ProfessionalFees The1992programofferedupto$35,000.at80%ofthecoststoretain professionalstopreparenecessarydrawings,resolvefireandlifesafety/National BuildingCodeissues,etc.aswellastocompletemarketingstudies. The1992 programenvisionedprojectsinthehalf-milliondollarrange,whichcouldbe servicedbythisfeebase. Experienceworkingwithpropertyownersinthe heritageareasindicatesthatownersprefertopreparealongrange(Conservation) Planfortheirbuildingandimplementitthrougha seriesofincrementalsteps, phasedoveranumberofyearstomeetcashflowandbudgetconstraints.A revisedUpperFloorsProgramfocusedonprojectswithanaveragebudgetinthe $100,000.rangecanbeexpectedtohavemoreup-take.SuchanUpperFloors GrantProgramwouldalsobeconsistentwiththecurrenteligibilityminimumto qualifyfortheProvincialHeritagePropertyTaxAbatementProgram–inwhich theCityofSaintJohnisanequalpartneronprojectswithinourcity. Since1992anumberof significantheritageprojectshavebeensuccessfully completed.Theseprojectshavecontributedtothelocalknowledgebaseandcan bereferredtoasexamples.Assuchthe“riskfactor”andfearofunknown,isnot asgreatasitwasfifteenyearsago.Consequentlyitshouldbepossibletoreduce theratioofgrantpreviouslyofferedfrom80%tosay50%,whichwouldmakeit consistentwiththegrantthattheHeritageDevelopmentBoardapprovesfor preparationofHeritageConservationPlansfortheexteriorofheritagebuildings. AssistanceonCapitalConstructionCosts Onprojectsofhalfmilliondollarsasenvisionedbythe1992program,itisnot surprisingthatthe$10,000.at10%offeredbytheprogramtowardcapitalwas ignored. Experiencewithgrantsintheheritageareasindicatesthatagrantof 20%appearstobethebareminimumrequiredtoencourageapropertyowneror developertotakeactionandinvestintheirproperty.Anincreaseto$20,000.at 20%wouldprovideconsistencywiththecurrentheritagegrantprogramandmake up-takemoreenticingtoownersofunderutilizedbuildings. Eligibility The1992programlimitedeligibilitytocommercialbuildingswithinthe Trinity RoyalHeritagePreservationArea.SaintJohnnowhasa significantnumberof propertieslistedontheNationalRegisterofHistoricPlaces.Itwouldbe appropriatethateligibilitybeexpandedtoincludeanybuildingonthisdatabase, inSaintJohn. Thislistinginadditiontounderutilizationoffloorspacecouldbe thesoleeligibilitycriteria.However,anadditionalcriterionforeligibilitycould bemandatoryconcurrentapplicationfortheProvincialHeritagePropertyTax AbatementProgram. Thiswouldensurethatthebuildingsarere-appraisedafter developmentandthattheCitywouldrecoupitsinvestmentinatimelymanner PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com ReporttoCommonCouncilPage4 December1,2006 throughtaxbaseincrease.Bothcommercialretail/officeaswellasmultiple- residentialbuildingswouldbeeligible.Asmorebuildingsoutsidethecurrent designatedheritageareasareapprovedbyCouncilforvoluntaryinclusiononthe National RegisterofHistoricPlaces,thesepropertyownerswouldbeeligibleto accessfunds.Workcompletedontheseprojectswouldneedtomeetthecriteria establishedintheNationalStandards&GuidelinesfortheConservationof HistoricPlacesInCanada. SelectionCriteria Projectscouldbechoseninresponsetoacompetitiveexpressionofinterest. Selecteddevelopmentprojectscouldactaspilotprojectsandbeusedtoevaluate thefuturerequirementsofanUpperFloorsGrantsProgram. PotentialBudget Itisanticipateda$50,000budgetapprovedin2007couldfundtwoprojects. Conclusion SuchamodifiedUpperFloorsGrantProgramwoulddemonstratetothecitizens ofSaintJohnandotherlevelsofgovernment,thatconservationofheritage buildingsisbelievedtobeameansofwealthgenerationthrough:employment, increasedpropertyvalues,heritageandculturaltourism,etc.Thisprogramcould alsobeusedtoconvinceotherlevelsofgovernmenttocometothetablewith theirownincentiveprogramstoencourageappropriatedevelopmentofheritage assets. ImplementationOptions TherearetwooptionswhichCouncilmaywishtoconsider: 1.ReferthemattertotheHeritageDevelopmentBoardwitharequestfor reportbackonarestructuredUpperFloorsgrantprogramwellinadvance ofdiscussionsonbudget2008;or 2.ReferthemattertoBudget2007discussionforconsiderationof$50,000. tobeapprovedforamodifiedUpperFloorGrantProgramwith: x thegrantportiontoretainprofessionalsforanyoneprojecttobeupto $5,000.at50%ofcosts;and x theportionofagrantforconstructioncostsbeupto$20,000.at20% ofcostsprovidedthatinteriorcharacterdefiningfeaturesareretained. Criterionforeligibilitytobe: x concurrentapplicationfortheProvincialHeritagePropertyTax AbatementProgramtoensurethatthebuildingsarereassessedandthat theCityrecoupsitsinvestmentinatimelymannerthroughtaxbase increase; PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com ReporttoCommonCouncilPage5 December1,2006 x ListingontheNationalRegisterofHistoricPlacesinCanada; x WorkcompletedmustmeetthecriteriaestablishedintheNational Standards&GuidelinesfortheConservationofHistoricPlacesIn Canada;and x Minimumprojectswouldbe$100,000.butthisamountcouldbeatotalin conjunctionwithaproposedHeritageConservationprogramforthe exteriorofthebuilding. RECOMMENDATION : ReferthisreporttotheBudget2007discussions. Respectfullysubmitted, JimR.Baird,MCIP Commissioner PlanningandDevelopment Terrence Totten,C.A. CityManager JHB:lll PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com OPENSESSION M&C2006-325 December4,2006 HisWorshipMayorNormMcFarlane AndMembersofCommonCouncil YourWorshipandCouncillors: SUBJECT:Termsofthe2006DebentureIssue BACKGROUND: OnNovember7,2006,theNewBrunswickMunicipalFinanceCorporation negotiatedthesaleofabondissueintheamountof$105,400,000,ofwhich $19,900,000relatedto theCityofSaintJohn2005/2006CapitalProgram. ANALYSIS: The termsof theissueas theyrelate toSaintJohnareas follows: Term:10year,serial form$19,900,000. CouponRate:Year1–4.300Year6–4.200 Year2–4.150Year7–4.250 Year3–4.150Year8–4.300 Year4–4.150Year9–4.400 Year5–4.150Year10–4.450 Price:$99.46 AverageYield:4.427% SettlementDate:December1,2006 PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com M&C2006-325 December4,2006 Page2 Note:WithrespecttotheGeneralFunddebtisnowbeingamortizedovera fifteenyearperiodandfortheWater&SewerageUtilitydebtisbeingamortized overa20yearperiod.Asaresultaportionofthecurrentdebentureissuewill havetoberefinancedaftertheinitial10yearterm.FortheGeneralFund $3,670,000willberefinancedin2016foraperiodnottoexceedfiveyears,for theTransitissue$300,000willberefinancedin2016foraperiodnottoexceed fiveyears,andfortheWater&SewerageUtility,$4,400,000willberefinancedin . 2016 foraperiodnot toexceed tenyears RECOMMENDATION: Itisrecommended that theMayorandCommonClerkbeauthorized tosign the debenturesbetween theCityandtheNewBrunswickMunicipalFinance Corporation for$19,900,000at the termslistedabove. Respectfullysubmitted, GregoryJ.Yeomans,CGA,MBA CommissionerofFinance TerrenceL.Totten,F.C.A. CityManager PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com M&C–2006 December1,2006 HisWorshipMayorNormMcFarlane AndMembersofCommonCouncil: SUBJECT:LandforPublicPurposesTrustFundApplication BACKGROUND OnAugust20,2001,CommonCounciladoptedaspartofthepolicyforuseoftheLand “GuidelinesforEvaluationofRequestsfor forPublicPurposesTrustFundmonies, ContributionsfromtheLPPTrustFund.” Theseguidelinesareappendedtothis report.ThefollowingfiverequestswerereceivedforfundingfromtheLandforPublic PurposesTrustFundbytheOctober30deadlineandwereevaluatedinaccordancewith theguidelines: 1.SeawoodSchoolRecreationCommitteerequestsagrantof$1,912.28to purchaseadditionalplayequipmentfortheplaygroundatSeawoodSchool. 2.EcoleMillidgevilleNorthPlaygroundCommitteerequests$20,000toassistin enhancingtheplaygroundanddevelopingagreenspace. ANALYSIS: Theaboveapplicationshavebeenreviewedbystaffandevaluatedinaccordancewiththe policyandguidelinesapprovedbyCommonCouncil.Theguidelinesprovidelimitations oneligiblefundingforplaygroundprojects.Therecommendationscontainedinthis reportareinaccordancewiththeProjectEvaluationGuidelines.Eachoftheapplicants willcontribute50%ormoreoftheprojectcost. 1.SeawoodSchoolRecreationCommitteerequestsagrantof$1,912.28to purchaseadditionalplayequipmentfortheplaygroundatSeawoodSchool.This playgroundprojectisalocalplayground.Therequestedamountconformstotheterms andconditionsoftheexistingLPPTrustFundPolicy.Themaximumamountavailable undertheexistingpolicyis$5,000inmatchingfunds.IfCouncildecidestoprovidethis grant,itisnecessaryfortheSchoolDistricttogivepermissionthattheplaygroundwill beopenandaccessibletothepublicatalltimesandthisconditionshouldbemetpriorto releasingthegrant. PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com 2.EcoleMillidgevilleNorthPlaygroundCommitteerequests$20,000toassistin enhancingtheplaygroundanddevelopingagreenspace.Thislocationisconsidereda localparkandunderthepolicyiseligibleforamaximumgrantof$5,000.IfCouncil decidestoprovidethisgrant,itisnecessaryfortheSchoolDistricttogivepermission thattheplaygroundwillbeopenandaccessibletothepublicatalltimesandthis condition shouldbemetpriortoreleasingthegrant. EXISTINGCITYPOLICY ApplicationsforfinancialassistanceforprojectsfromtheLandforPublicPurposes Trust ForUseofLPPFunds Fundareevaluatedinaccordancewiththepoliciesadoptedby GuidelinesforEvaluationofRequests CommonCouncilNovember6,1995andthe forContributionsfromtheLPPTrustFund adoptedonAugust20,2001.Acopyof thepolicyisattachedfortheinformationofCouncil. FINANCIALIMPLICATIONS ThebalanceintheLPP TrustFundasofMay2006theuncommittedbalanceoftheLand forPublicPurposesTrustFundisapproximately$11,880.Bothapplicationsareeligible forfundsof$6,912.28whichwillleaveabalanceof$4,967.72.Atthistimeisalso recommendedthattheLPPfundgrantprogrambediscontinueduntilfurthernoticeto allowthefundtogrow. RECOMMENDATIONS ItisrecommendedthatCommonCouncil; 1.Approvetherequestforagrantof$5,000totheEcoleMillidgevilleNorth PlaygroundCommittee,providedwrittenpermissionisgivenbytheSchoolDistrictto enablethisplaygroundtobeopenfortheuseofthepublicatalltimes. 2.Approvetherequestforagrantof$1,912.28toSeawoodSchoolRecreation Committee,providedwrittenpermissionisgivenbytheSchoolDistricttoenablethis playgroundtobeopenfortheuseofthepublicatalltimes. PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com 3.ThattheLandforPublicPurposedFundGrantprogrambetemporarily discontinuedtoallowforgrowth.StaffwillmakearecommendationtoCouncilatthe appropriatetime. Respectfullysubmitted, BernieMorrison CommissionerofLeisureServices TerrenceL.Totten,C.A. CityManager PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com GuidelinesforEvaluationofRequestsforContributionsfromtheLPPTrustFund x CommunityPlanningActLandfor Projectsmustcomplywiththedefinitionof PublicPurposes. x CommonCouncilmay setthemaximumLPPexpenditurefortheyear. x ApplicationsfromcommunitygroupsforLPPfundswillbereviewedtwiceperyear, inMayandNovember.ThedeadlinesforreceiptofapplicationswillbeApril30and October31. x Applicationsforplaygroundfundingwillbeassessedonwhethertheplaygroundwill serveaLocal,Community,orCity(Regional)population.Theclassificationsystemwill Cityof bebasedontheguidelinesandinventoryoftheParkClassificationsystemofthe SaintJohnRecreationandOpenSpaceStrategy. x ThemaximumeligiblefundingfromtheLPPTrustFundforplaygroundprojectswill bebasedontheparkclassification,andwillbelimitedtolocal-$5000,community- $10,000andcityorregional-$50,000.Thefundinglimitisinclusiveofallphasesofa project. x LPPfunds shallnotexceedmorethan50%oftheprojectcost. x Whenconsideringmoniesandin-kindcontributionsthatthecommunitycontributesto aprojectasmatchingfunds,anymoniesfromothergovernmentsourcesistobeexcluded. x Preferencewillbegiventoplaygroundsdevelopedatpublicschools. x Developmentsmustprovidebarrier-freeaccessto someofthefacility. x Preferencewillbegiventonewdevelopments,andespeciallyinareaswherethereisa lackofrecreationfacilities. x CommonCouncilatitssolediscretionmaychoosetoprovideLPPfundingtoa project,asitdeemsappropriate. 1)Thatthisamendmentbeimplementedimmediately,withthefirstdeadlinefor applicationsbeingOctober31,2001andfurtherthat, PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com 2)OutstandingapplicationsforfundingfromtheLPP Trustthathavebeenreceivedprior tothisdatebeconsideredbasedonthepolicyinplacewhentheapplicationwasmade toCommonCouncil. APPROVEDBYCOMMONCOUNCIL20010820 PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com REPORTTOCOMMONCOUNCIL M&C–2006-319 December1,2006 HisWorshipNormanMcFarlane andMembersofCommonCouncil YourWorshipandCouncillors: SUBJECT:TenderforSand&Gravel BACKGROUND: EachyeartheCitycallsatenderfortheestablishmentofasupplyagreementforthe provisionof sand,gravelandaggregate.Thepurposeofthisagreementistoprovidethe Citywithaconstantsupplyofmaterials,whichmeetsitsspecifications,atafixedcost. Fivecompaniessubmittedbidsinresponsetothisyear’stendercall. ANALYSIS: StafffromMunicipalOperationsandMaterialsManagementhasreviewedeachofthe tendersandhavefoundthemtobecompleteineveryregard. Asaconditionofaward,biddersaretoprovidethelocationofthepitstobeemployedto supplytheproductsbid.AcopyoftheseaddressesissubmittedtotheBuildingand TechnicalServicesDepartmentforreviewandcompliancewithanyCityBylaws pertainingtoPitsandQuarries. Staffhasbeenadvisedthatallofthepitssubmittedbythebiddersareincompliancewith thebylaw. AsummaryofthebidsisenclosedforCouncil’sconsideration. PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com PAGETWO FINANCIALCONSIDERATIONS: Itisimpossibletopredictwithanydegreeofaccuracy,howmuchtheCitywillspend annuallytopurchasethematerialscoveredbythisagreement.Itisestimatedhowever, basedonpastexperiencewithalluserdepartments,thattheCitywillspendbetween $250,000.00and$300,000.00topurchasesand,gravel,sod,topsoilandaggregate materials. Thisisaplannedexpenditureandas suchfundsaretraditionallyincludedintheaffected budgets. RECOMMENDATION: Itisrecommendedthatthetenderfortheestablishmentofasupplyagreementforthe provisionofsand,gravelandaggregatebeawardedtothelowestbidderforeachofthe itemstendered,asindicatedontheenclosedsummary. Respectfullysubmitted, ____________________ DavidLogan,CPPB PurchasingAgent ____________________ T.L.Totten,FCA CityManager PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com Q) ::::J c:: Q) > <( >. C'CS tn Q) J: - 0 a:: It) t-- "r"'" E~ 0 0 10. "C 10. 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Q) > co "C ...... = >. 0 I.... ... 0 ...... ...... ~ U "0 co = LL ~ '+- 8 "'0 Q.. 8 ..c 0 ...... C.I "3= ~ ~ "'0 '" Q) ~ ...... ...... co ~ Q) C.I I.... ... U "0 = LL ..... 0 ~ a.. . . " Fundy Bay Festival Inc. P.o. Box 27025 RPO Manawagonish Saint John, N.D. E2M 5S8 (506) 738-0990 fbf@nb.sympatico.ca ~r'.'~.\ ;en' . -.. , ll, r: ~', . ..... .i,. .. \ ~::"~ ~ ~ November 29th/2006 To: You're Worship Mayor Norm MacFarlane And members of common council I am writing to you in regards to an update on the Fundy Bay Festival. Work is now in progress to host the 2nd Annual Fundy Bay Festival. The dates for the festival are now set to take place on August 9th to 12th/2007. As such, our committee is requesting that Common Council consider earmarking $ 10,000.00 during your budget deliberations for the 2007 Municipal budgets. Our committee will be requesting to appear before council with a formal request and council approval at a later date. I will be in touch as soon as we complete further details of the 2007 Festival. Thank you all for your consideration in this matter. Sincerely ~.. H--.-~~~"":- . ~.--:- - Fred ittle ~. --. ~.:::=.~' See/Treasurer -. .."...... -.... ~/-. (.;?~) . . ... ". . c C~"'f_.. j. ~- City of - Ville de MIRAMICHI November 23,2006 Mayor Norm McFarlane & Members of Council City of Saint John P. O. Box 1971, 15 Market Square Saint John, NB E2l 4L1 Your Worship and Members of Council: Miramichi is proud to have been chosen to host the Third National Thrive! Conference 2007. This conference is devoted solely to the concept of Positive Youth Development in Canada. Many recent national conferences have focused on what's wrong with our kids - bullying, Violence, "at risk'l and the list goes on and on. This will be an opportunity to focus on what's working and share our stories with others who know that focusing on strengths can be far more productive than trying to "fix" what's wrong, When young people possess the necessary skills and competencies for life they are less likely to get involved with the negative influences and risk taking behaviour. Thrive! 2007 National Conference on Positive Youth Development involves so much more than sessions, speakers and statistics. This conference will enable communities to strengthen their commitment to work with their youth and community organizations. It will outline the best practices and experiences mobilizing and building partnerships between youth, municipal councils and community groups. We all share one goal; create a community that enables youth to develop to their full potential and help them recognize their important contributions. Youth are the key element in this conference. Miramichi is striving to have a diverse contingent of youth from across New Brunswick attend the Third National Thrive! Conference 2007. Please consider our request to have your Council sponsor two youth from a community youth organization to attend the Thrive! 2007 National Conference on Positive Youth Development in Miramichi May 10 - 11, 2007. The cost would be $105.00 per night for accommodations and $250.00 each for registration (until February 9, 2007). Thank you in advance for your generous support. s~r.rreell~Y.'1 . ' !\\t~ ~~ Wendy Chadwick, Councillor Chairperson, Miramichi Advisory Committee on Youth WC/me Encls. Miramichi Place, 141 rue Henry St., Miramichi, NB Canada E1 V 2N5 Tel: (506) 623-2200 Fax: (506) 623-2201 www.miramichi.org Helping Canadian Kids Thrive! 2007 Registration Form (Continued) Payment Information Payment must accompany registration. A participant is not considered to be registered until payment is received by Thrive! Payment must be made in Canadian dollars. If paying by cheque or purchase order for more than one participant, please include a list indicating the names of the participants in which you are submitting payment. Total payment due: $ Please indicate method of payment: Cheque (payable to Thrive!) Visa Mastercard Purchase Order # (PO' must accompany registration) Card Number: Expil)' Date: Print name of cardholder: Signature of cardholder: Payment/Purchase Order Information: Contact Name: Organization Name: Address: City: Province: Postal Code: Daytime Phone (~area code): Contact Fax (with area code): Email address: (confirmation of your registration and future conference correspondence will be sent to the ema~ address provided above) Send Completed Fonn and Payment by: Mall- Thrive! The Canadian Centre for Positive Youth Development, 160 Frobisher Drive, Unit 1 C, Waterloo, ON N2V 2K1. Fax -for registration by credit card or purchase order only may be faxed to 519-725-3118 Telephone - for registration questions call 800-265-2680 ext 102 or email kay@thrivecanada,ca. By signing below, I agree to all the terms and conditions of the registration, cancellation, and payment policy for the mentioned participant. I will also ensure that payment is rendered to Thrivel The Canadian Centre for Positive Youth Development. Name: Signature: Phone: 09/06 Helping Canadian Kids Thrive! 2007 Registration Form Personal I nfannation Type or print information as you wish it to appear on your Conference name badge. Your Conference confirmation will be emailed to the address below. _ I am a youth 18 years of age or younger. Name (how your name will appear on your nametag) My chaperone is: Title (please shorten to 40 characters) (chaperone must register separately) Organization (please shorten to 40 characters) Emergency Contact Information: Please infonn us of your hometown emergency contact who you would like us to contact in case of an emergency. Address [ ] home address; [ ] OIJ1IIIIlzatlon's address City Province Postal Code Name <-l Daytime phone <-) Fax Relationship to you Email [ ] home address; [ ] organJzatlon's address L-) Daytime phone L-) Fax Conference Registration Your Conference Registration Fee Includes Conference Registration, all Conference materials, break refreshments, lunches, admission to all Conference events, the displays and Thrive! Resource Centre. Your Conference Registration Fee does NOT include Pre-Conference Session Fees, travel costs, hotel accommodations, books or material you may choose to purchase. breakfasts or evening meals. Youth @ Adult Early Bird Fees Until Februa 9 2007 $250.00 @ 18 years and under as of May 1, 2007 - must be accompanied by a chaperone. Cancellation Policy AU cancellations must be received in writing prior to April 13, 2007 to receive a refund. A $100 handling fee will be charged. Registration fees will not be refunded after April 13, 2007. There is no penalty for substitutions. Any additional fees or penalties incurred by the registrant for travel or accommodations are the responsibility of the registrant. REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL December I, 2006 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: Courtenay Place Sublease Lease Attornment Agreement One of the subtenant's, Plazacorp Property Holdings Inc, is mortgaging its leasehold with GE Canada Real Estate Financing Holding Company. As part of this transaction the City is asked to provide an Attornment Agreement to the mortgagee (OE Canada). The documentation asked for generally provides that the City will agree, should Plazacorp default on the terms of either its sublease or its mortgage, that the mortgagee can take the steps necessary to make the City "whole" and then seek a new subtenant for the premises. The request was discussed with staff in the Legal Dept. RECOMMENDATION: That the City enter into the Lease Attornment Agreement between the City of Saint Jolm and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (Landlord), Plazacorp Property Holdings Inc. (Subtenant) and GE Canada Real Estate Financing Holding Company (Mortgagee) attached to M&C #2006 - _ and that the Mayor and Common Clerk be authorized to execute the Agreement. Terrence L. Totten, FCA CITY MANAGER Final LEASE ATTORNMENT AGREEMENT (SJDC) THIS AGREEMENT made as of the _ day of December, 2006. AMONG: THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN and CENTRAL MORTGAGE AND HOUSING CORPORATION. (hereinafter called the "Landlord") - and - PLAZACORP PROPERTY HOLDINGS INC. (hereinafter called the "Subtenant") - and - GE CANADA REAL ESTATE FINANCING HOLDING COMPANY (hereinafter called the "Mortgagee") WHEREAS: A. Under date of May 16, 1966 the Landlord, as lessor, entered into a lease (the "Head Lease") with Metropolitan Developments Limited, as lessee, of certain premises (the "Demised Premises") more particularly described therein, the Head Lease having been registered in the Office of the Registrar of Deeds in and for the County of Saint John (the "Registry Office") on June 1, 1966 in Book 548 at Page 437 as No. 206888; B. Metropolitan Development Limited assigned its interest under the Head Lease to MEPC Canadian Properties Limited under assignment dated March 1, 1976 and registered in the Registry Office on April 20, 1976 in Book 781 at Page 171 as No. 261030; C. Pensionfund Properties Limited (formerly MEPC Canadian Properties Limited) assigned its interest under the Head Lease to Garson Holdings Limited under assignment dated September 29, 1983 and registered in the Registry Office on October 3, 1983 in Book 1022 at Page 202 as No. 311036; D. Garson Holdings Limited assigned its interest under the Head Lease to Greenarm Development Partners Inc. (the "Tenant") under assignment dated September 30, 2005 and registered in the Registry Office on October 18,2005 as No. 21141610; E. Under date of October 18, 2005, the Tenant, as lessor, entered into a sub-lease (the .'Lease") with the Subtenant, as lessee, and Plazacorp Retail Properties Ltd., as guarantor, in respect of the Demised Premises, a Notice of Lease in respect of which having been registered in the Registry Office on October 31,2005 as No. 21219002; SMSS\\560761.3 -2- F. The Subtenant mortgaged its interest in the Lease to the Mortgagee by way of a debenture dated October 30, 2006 (the "Mortgage") from the Subtenant as security for the obligations referred to in the Mortgage, which Mortgage was registered in the Registry Office on November 1,2006 as No. 23006084. WITNESSETH that in consideration of the sum of TWO ($2.00) DOLLARS and other good and valuable consideration (the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged by the parties hereto) and the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter contained, the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows: 1. Upon the Landlord re-entering the Demised Premises on termination of the Head Lease, so long as the Subtenant is observing and performing its covenants under the Lease (including the covenant to pay rent), and so long as the Subtenant attoms to the Landlord, the Landlord shall either, (a) accept and acknowledge the attormnent of the Subtenant and permit the Subtenant to continue in quiet possession of the Leased Premises in accordance with the provisions of the Lease for the term thereof (inclusive of any renewals) without interruption or disturbance from the Landlord or any person claiming by, through or under the Landlord, or (b) at the option of the Landlord, grant to the Tenant a lease for the unexpired portion of the then current term of the Lease upon and subject to the same terms and conditions as are contained in the Lease. 2. The Landlord covenants, undertakes and agrees with the Mortgagee that, if the Subtenant exercises the rights set out in Section 1 and attoms to the Landlord, then: (a) If the Mortgagee shall at any time enter into ownership or possession of the Subtenant's interest under the Lease, the Mortgagee shall have all of the rights and benefits of the Subtenant set out in Section 1 as if the Mortgagee were a beneficiary of such rights and benefits in place ofthe Subtenant. (b) So long as the Mortgage remains outstanding, the Landlord shall not exercise its right to grant the Subtenant a lease pursuant to Section 1 (b) unless it has obtained the prior written consent of the Mortgagee, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Landlord and the Subtenant acknowledge and agree that it shall not be unreasonable for the Mortgagee to withhold its consent if as a result of such lease the Mortgagee would not, concurrently with the entering into of such lease, have the same security, with the same priority, as it had prior to the entering into of such lease. The foregoing shall not be construed as in any way limiting the rights and obligations of the Landlord and the Subtenant pursuant to Section l(a). (c) Upon the Landlord re-entering the Demised Premises on termination of the Head Lease, if the Subtenant does not exercise its right to attorn to the Landlord pursuant to Section I (a), the Landlord will accept the exercise of such attornment by notice in writing from the Mortgagee on behalf of the Subtenant and such notice from the Mortgagee shall constitute an effective attornment by the SMSS\\56076U -3- Subtenant for the purposes of Section 1 (a) so long as the Subtenant or the Mortgagee on its behalf continues to observe and perform the covenants of the Subtenant under the Lease (including the covenant to pay rent). The Subtenant hereby acknowledges and agrees to the foregoing and irrevocably agrees to be bound by such exercise of attornment by the Mortgagee. 3. The Landlord covenants, undertakes and agrees with the Mortgagee that, if the Subtenant attoms to the Landlord pursuant to Section 1 and the Subtenant is thereby recognized by the Landlord as the tenant under the Lease, then, (a) (b) SMSS\\56076 1.3 If the Subtenant defaults under the Lease and fails to cure such default within any cure period allowed under the Lease, or if the Subtenant defaults under the Lease and there is no period for the Subtenant to cure such default, the Landlord agrees to give written notice of such failure to cure or such default, as the case may be, to the Mortgagee and the Mortgagee shall have a period of twenty (20) days after the date of such notice within which to cure the default or defaults specified in such notice. If after the expiration of twenty (20) days after the giving of such notice as aforesaid the default specified in such notice shall continue to exist, then and in every such event, but not otherwise, at the option of the Landlord, the Lease may from and after the conclusion of the said period of twenty (20) days be terminated. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this paragraph 3(a), if the default reasonably requires more time for the Mortgagee to cure than the aforesaid twenty (20) day period the Landlord shall not have the right to terminate the Lease if the curing of the default is promptly commenced by the Mortgagee after the giving of such notice to it and is with due diligence thereafter completed. If, as a result of a default under the Lease which is not capable of being cured by the Mortgagee, the lease shall be terminated before its stated expiration date, or if the Lease is otherwise terminated, disclaimed or surrendered, the Landlord shall give written notice to the Mortgagee promptly accompanied by particulars of the nature and extent of the default which brought about termination, disclaimer or surrender and the Landlord agrees that upon the request of the Mortgagee, if such request is made in writing within twenty (20) days after the giving of the above- mentioned notice by the Landlord, it will grant to the Mortgagee or the nomin'ee of the Mortgagee a new lease between the Landlord and the Mortgagee or the nominee of the Mortgagee, as tenant, for a term equal in duration to the then remaining residue of the term of the Lease and at the same rent and otherwise upon the same terms and including the same covenants, provisos, agreements and conditions as are contained in the Lease; provided, however, the Landlord's obligation to grant the new lease is conditional upon the Landlord being paid all moneys which would have been lawfully due and owing under the forfeited lease if it had not been forfeited (other than accelerated rent) to the date of the new lease and the agreement of the Mortgagee or its nominee to perform such other covenant under the forfeited lease which may be in default provided they are not reasonably incapable of being performed by the Mortgagee or its nominee. Any such new lease and the leasehold estate thereby created shall retain the same priority as the Lease with respect to any mortgage of the Landlord's interest or other lien, charge or encumbrance thereof created by the Landlord. All revenues collected by the Landlord from the Demised Premises during the interval -4- following termination of the Lease and prior to the commencement of the term of the new lease shall be credited against any arrears under the Lease which would have existed had it not been terminated, and payments as they fall due under the new lease. The failure of the Mortgagee or its nominee to execute and deliver to the Landlord the new lease within twenty (20) days after it has been tendered by the Landlord to the Mortgagee or its nominee, or to comply with any of the other provisions and conditions herein specified with respect to such new lease, shall conclusively, unless otherwise agreed to in writing between the Landlord and the Mortgagee or its nominee, be deemed an abandonment and waiver on the part of the Mortgagee of all rights to obtain such new lease. (c) The Mortgagee shall not be liable for the fulfilment or non-fulfilment of any of the obligations of the Subtenant nnder the Lease, except as hereinafter set out. The Mortgagee hereby agrees with the Landlord that if the Mortgagee forecloses or takes possession of the Subtenant's interest in the Lease, then, so long as the Mortgagee shall be the owner of or in possession of such interest, the Mortgagee shall observe and perform all the obligations of the Subtenant under the Lease and that if the Mortgagee exercises any power of sale under the Mortgage, the Mortgagee shall require the purchaser to agree with the Landlord to observe and perform all the obligations of the Subtenant under the Lease. (d) So long as the Mortgage remains outstanding, the terms of the Lease shall not be amended, supplemented, modified, cancelled, forfeited, surrendered or (subject to the express terms of this Agreement) terminated prior to the end of the term reserved by the Lease without, and the same shall not be effective without, the prior written consent of the Mortgagee. 4. The registration on title of a discharge of the Mortgage shall constitute an automatic termination of this Agreement. 5. Any notices or other communications to be given by any party hereunder to any other party shall be given or made by delivering the same by hand, or by mailing the same in a sealed envelope by registered mail, return receipt requested, or by facsimile transmission addressed to the party to whom the notice is directed, at the address set out below or to such alternative address as may from time to time be designated by notice given in the manner provided in this paragraph. (a) to the Landlord at: c/o City of Saint John City Hall P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, N.R E2L 4LI Attention: The Common Clerk Facsimile No: 506-658-2802 (b) to the Subtenant at: SMSS\\5Ii076IJ -5- 527 Queen Street, Suite 110 Fredericton, N.B. E3B IB8 Attention: Facsimile: Peter Sheehan 506-451-1802 ( c) to the Mortgagee at: 123 Front Street West Suite 1400 Toronto, Ontario M5J 2M2 Attention: Facsimile: Director of Canadian Asset Management 416-842-1731 Each such notice shall be dated as of the date of its delivery or mailing, as the case may be. If so mailed, it shall be deemed given on the fifth (5th) business day following the date of so mailing it. In the event of interruption pending interruption to the postal service, each such notice shall be delivered by hand or facsimile transmission. If delivered by facsimile transmission, any such notice shall be deemed to be delivered on the date of transmission, ifreceived before 4:00 p.m. on any business day of the intended recipient or otherwise on the first business day of the intended recipient following transmission. 6. The Landlord will not sell or encumber its interest in the Demised Premises, except to a purchaser or encumbrancer which shall, before such sale or encumbrance is effected, at the Subtenant's expense, enter into either an agreement with the Tenant, Subtenant and the Mortgagee substantially in the form and terms of this Agreement or an acknowledgement addressed to the Mortgagee confirming that such purchaser or encumbrancer is familiar with the terms of this Agreement and is bound by them. Any such agreement with any encumbrancer shall provide that such encumbrancer shall not be bound by the terms hereof unless and until it enters into possession or ownership (whether by itself or through a receiver, manager or receiver and manager) of the Landlord's interest in the Demised Premises. 7. If any term, covenant, obligations or agreement contained in this Agreement, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall, to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement or the application of such term, covenant, obligation or agreement to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be effected thereby and each term, covenant, obligation and agreement herein contained shall be separately valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law_ 8. This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts each of which when so executed shall be deemed to be an original and which counterparts together shall constitute one and the same instrument. SMSS\\5fi076 1.3 -6- IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have duly executed this Agreement as of the date first above written. THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Per: Name: Title: Per: Name: Title: CENTRAL MORTGAGE AND HOUSING CORPORATION Per: Name: Title; Per: Name: Title: PLAZACORP PROPERTY HOLDINGS INC. Per: Name: Title: Per: Name: Title: GE CANADA REAL EST A TE FINANCING HOLDING COMPANY Per: Name: Title: Per: Name: Title: SMSS\\560761.3 The City of Saint John Norm McFarlane Mayor's Office Bureau du maire PROCLAMA TION WHEREAS: The Saint John Police Force and the committee for safe driving week~ in the City of Saint John, county of Saint John~ Province of New Brunswick is concerned about the safety and health of its citizens; and WHEREAS: motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of workplace-relates fatalities; and WHEREAS: the committee for safe driving week is dedicated to reducing traffic related deaths and injuries in the city of Saint John and to inform citizens about the human and economic costs of traffic crashes and to promote safe driving practices; and WHEREAS: this year's campaign focuses on the positive actions that each driver can take to ensure their safety and the safety of others sharing the road and that they are fully prepared n hey et behind the wheel; and NOW THEREFORE: I, Mayor Norm McFarlane~ ~ of the City of Saint John do hereby proclaim Hie week of ecember 3-9, 2006 as National Safe Driving Week and call upon all citizens to join in this lifesaving observance and encourage their friends and employees to do their part this week and every week thereafter. In witness whereof I have set my hand and affixed the official seal of the Mayor of the City of Saint John. i1 SAINT JOHN ~ ({}/dLin(j. II<<!~ ~~~~rN~ re December 4, 2006 Common Clerk City of Saint John Common Council PO Box 1971 Saint John, NB E2L 4Ll Common Council: Please find enclosed information concerning Saint John Theatre Company's capital campaign 'Setting the Stage'. The Setting the Stage capital campaign is a 3-year project to develop a permanent infrastructure, housing various theatrical production departments and to support the strategic direction of the Saint John Theatre Company Inc. (SJTC). Currently, SJTC has access to numerous local performing venues, including the well-established Imperial Theatre. However, the SJTC lacks a home base for the numerous creative and administrative tasks that go into staging productions or providing classes and workshops. The crucial next step in the evolution of the SJTC is to create a permanent base of operations that the SJTC can own and pass on to the performing arts community of the province. On May 1, 2006 the SJTC purchased the vacant building located at 112 Princess Street. This 8000 sq foot building is ideal for the production and administration requirements for the SJTC. However, the building requires significant upgrades and improvements in order to be developed into a comfortable and safe environment for working, creating, and learning. In early 2006, SJTC set a campaign goal of $950,000 to cover the costs of purchasing and developing 112 Princess Street. The "Setting the Stage" capital campaign is gaining momentum and we are climbing steadily towards our goal On October 20,2006 we received confirmation from the Federal Government that our grant application to the Department of Heritage Cultural Spaces Canada Program has been approved for $180,000. This is a matching contribution which also serves to confirm our provincial funding of $180,000 pledged by the Province of New Brunswick Regional Development Corporation. With these federal and provincial funding commitments, and pledges from major corporations, local businesses, individuals, and foundations our campaign has passed the $750,000.00 mark and we are now well on our way to achieving our campaign goal of $950,000. We are here tonight to request financial support for the "Setting the Stage" campaign from the City of Saint John. The successful completion of this project will result in much-improved SJTC Campaign Office. Level III Brunswick Sq. Unit C-5 .39 King Street . Saint John NB . E2L 4W3 . Phone: (506) 652-7582 . Fax: (506) 652-7585 . campaign@saintjohntheatrecompany.com physical conditions for theatre production in Greater Saint John. The building is intended to be a high-end and well-equipped production facility - a permanent legacy that the SJTC can leave to future theatre production companies in Greater Saint John. This project will allow SJTC to expand its services to offer more opportunities by members of this community for direct participation in theatre. After completion of the project, SJTC commits to: o more training programs for acting, design, and writing o more opportunities for children such as children's theatre productions, and after- school workshops and classes o more opportunities to workshop and stage locally written, original works of theatre o more opportunities to stage new, contemporary scripts o more formalized props and costume rental lending program to high schools and other community theatre groups The acquisition and renovation of a permanent production facility and "home" for the SJTC is considered to be a critical success factor in the accomplishment of our 2004-2009 Business Plan and Strategy. This facility will greatly enhance the effectiveness, operational stability, and community impact of the SJTC. Our campaign now has the support of the Provincial and Federal government; national and local foundations; national and local corporations; individuals and small businesses individuals from the Greater Saint John area. We feel strongly that it would now be appropriate for the City of Saint John to support this worthwhile project. As we enter the final stages of our campaign, we now find ourselves facing some major deadlines related to other funding agreements. Your support now will fill a critical funding void and allow us to aggressively move forward with the construction and development phase of this project. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, s! 1~ Campaign Co Chair SJTC Campaign Office. Levell" Brunswick Sq. Unit C.5. 39 King Street . Saint John NB . E2L 4W3 . Phone: (506) 652.7582 . Fax: (506) 652-7585 . campaign@saintjohntheatrecompany.com Ottawa Centre Block. Room 655-0 Ottawa, Ontario KIA OA6 Tel: (61 3) 947-2700 Fax: (613) 947-4574 Constituency 90 King Street Saint John. New Brunswick E2l I G4 Tel: (506) 657.2500 Fax: (506) 657.2504 HOUSE OF COMMONS Paul Zed Member of Parliament for Saint John November 23,2006 Mayor Norm MacFarlane & Council Members P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB E2L 4L 1 Dear Mayor & Council, I am writing to advise you of my support for the Saint John Theatre Company. A grant application made to the federal government, Department of Heritage under the Cultural Spaces Canada Program, was approved in October 2006 for $180,000.00. A matching contribution pledged by The Regional Development Corporation confirms the provincial funding of $180,000.00. To date, the theatre company's capital campaign "Setting the Stage" has passed the $750,000.00 mark and is endeavouring to achieve the campaign goal of $950,000.00. Such efforts have certainly shown the commitment of the theatre company, volunteers, patrons and supporters to provide community-based theatre and a high profile arts organization within the City of Saint John. This undertaking will enrich the City of Saint John and provide quality production facilities. The Saint John Theatre Company has added much to the community since its conception in 1990 and moving ahead with such a venture would ensure the longevity of the theatre company as an integral part of the community. A request by The Saint John Theatre Company is presently before Saint John Common Council to enable this project to move ahead in a timely fashion. I encourage you to support this worthwhile and much needed project for the betterment of the Saint John community. cc: Saint John Theatre Company Honorable Roly Macintyre ...;.... Minister of Canadian Heritage and Status of Women .;;il:,,:~,,~:~1 ~::";;';'...'.';';:.;.1.~.\ ~/~,,;.,:,;;~S~ .~~~:..~~~;~~~~~,,::J ',;,,;,...:?,~'~,(.:';': Ministre du Patrimoine canadien et de la Condition feminine Ottawa, Canada K1A OMS OCT 1 7 2006 Mr. Stephen Tobias President and Artistic Director Saint John Theatre Company Inc. Brunswick Square, 3rd Floor, Unit C5 39 King Street Saint John, New Brunswick E2L 4 W3 Dear Mr. Tobias: I would like to inform you that I have approved a contribution up to a maximum of $180,000 to the Saint John Theatre Company Inc., under the Cultural Spaces Canada Program. The contribution is to defray part of the costs associated with: "Setting the Stage ". This contribution is subject to the execution of an agreement which sets out the conditions under which the contribution will be released to you. Two (2) originals of the Contribution Agreement will be sent to you in the coming weeks for your signature. Please note that any payment is subject to the appropriation of funds by Parliament and to the budget levels of the Program. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you every success in your endeavours. Yours sincerely, ~ Bev Oda, P.c., M.P. Canada Hon. Trevor Holder Minister of Environment Launch of "Setting the Stage" campaign 12 noon Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2006 112 Princess St., Saint John, N.S. Good afternoon! I'm delighted to be here today on behalf of the Province of New Brunswick, to announce our support of the Setting the Stage campaign for the Saint John Theatre Company. This campaign is crucial to the continued development of live theatre in our province. And it will draw on the talents and skills of theatre professionals to development new generations of talent. Support of the arts is a vital part of our ongoing development as a society, and it offers tangible economic benefits as well. A strong and healthy cultural sector is another example of what we as a community have to offer! This initiative will also put the Saint John Theatre company on the map as a major arts organization in the province. This, in turn, will benefit the local and provincial economies. As you all know, I'm a very proud native Saint Johner, and I'm always happy to see that we are continuing to develop. Saint John has come a long way in the past several years. We can now boast a strong economy, a thriving tourism industry, and a brilliant cultural sector that offers something for everyone. Today is the first step in moving that sector forward even more. On behalf of the Regional Development Corporation, I'm delighted to announce today that the Province will provide funding of $180,000 to this campaign. It is an investment that fits in well with our mandate to facilitate regional economic development. Every region of this province has different strengths, and we are always happy to support organizations that will use those strengths to their fullest advantage, On behalf of the Province of New Brunswick, I am very proud to support this very worthwhile campaign. Thank you! artsnb.ca March 24, 2006 Ms Pati Teed Fundraising and Development Coordinator SJTC Campaign Office Level III, Brunswick Square, Unit C-S 39 King Street Saint John, NB E2L 4W3 Dear Ms Teed, As per your request, this is to confirm that the New Brunswick Arts Board has approved a grant of $ 20 000.00 to be used for the purchase of a buildilli to house the Saint John Theatre Company. These funds are to be used for t}le purpose intended and cannot be transferred to any other project of the Saint John Theatre Company or any thit'd party without prior approval of the New Brunswick Arts Board. It is also subject to the terms stated in the letter of agreement. Sincerely yours, ~/ ~ ~ Pauline Bourque Executive Directo .;3~ el':'::!:. slli:c W(l ::r~~c~i~~l)n i\$ ~;):t1\do ~s~ ~ ~2 ~ (3;;0\ 'GG.fI;;~$ T. (~1l6) ~/,.~...W' i'. :m) &'4.5543 www.amnb.ca :;"., ~1ijn;;Yritk "rlS &il~r1i c,)",~i1 f,E~ ar:S tl~ ~lOl."V":;u..&,,,r.$\'Ilelc 99l-; ZOO/ZOO'd e90-l e~SS~~~90S l~V S30 '13SNO~ OHVOS SlHV ~~IMSNnHS M3N-WO~~ nd81:eO 900Z-~Z-~VW Department of Canadian Heritage Cultural Spaces Canada Imperial Tlieatre ,,;'- ~ 1 Theatrale Imperi 21 March 2006 Re: Saint John Theatre Company To Whom It May Concern: I am writing a letter in support of Saint John Theatre Company (SJTC) and their proposed project to purchase and renovate a building at 112 Princess Street in Saint John. I was given an opportunity to take a tour of the building, and was given an outline of the planned uses of it-frankly, having spent much of my career working in producing theatre companies, I am quite jealous! The building is ideal for their purposes-in fact, as I walked around the building, I envisioned props rooms, rehearsal spaces, carpentry and paint shops, wardrobe rooms and storage-all the parts needed to house a working theatre company. The building also lends itself to a small ("black box"-type) performance area for studio productions, as well as having several offices and office suites. A facility such as is planned by SJTC is sadly lacking in Saint John, and would be extremely useful, both to SJTC itself, but to many other 'partners' or users-for instance, companies such as Opera New Brunswick could utilize the workshops during the summer to build their productions-a time at which SJTC would not be using the construction areas. Speaking for Imperial Theatre, we would be more than interested in renting some of the office space available from SJTC once the project is concluded; as well we would certainly be able to take advantage of the construction, meeting, and performance areas of the facility from time to time-it would be a perfect complement to our own [limited] space. In summary, it is my personal and professional opinion that the SJTC project as outlined is one that is worthy of support, and one that I hope see come to fruition. Sincerely, )caA Peter D. Smith General Manager * Imperial Theatre Inc., 2-1 1\111,1-; Sql1~II\' S(ll1lh, S;11111 )(11111_ f\,C\\ IlilI/1S\\iLi" C~II1:lda, E2L ,)BH Administration (506) 674-4111 Box Of/kt' (506) 674-4100 I'acsimilc (506) 674.4141 i Illpl'i'I:1 i 'Ililllll1V1 nl1C1 1\1\'\\ il)lpl'fl:dl hl~:i1I\'_ I1ILe:1 ~.. SAINT JOHN ".- "----"" The City of Saint John P.O. Box/C.P. 1971 Saint John, NB/N.-B. Canada E2l411 March 9, 2006 www.sainljohn.ca To Whom It Mav Concern Arts and culture are crucial to the economic, social, and creative future of Saint John. The arts connect individuals in a community -- they offer diversity, enhance mutual understanding, and promote active participation as volunteers and audience members. As well, the arts are a social and economic force: Statistics Canada reports that twice as many Canadians attend live arts as sporting events. The Saint John Theatre Company has emerged as our leading not-for-profit theatre group. By teaming great theatrical works with seasoned local artists and reenergizing classic plays and musicals, it has drawn both volunteers and audiences. With incredible support from our community, the Saint John Theatre Company is now poised to deliver extraordinary enrichment of the performing arts for the whole region. I am deeply proud of what the Saint John Theatre Company has achieved, and eagerly anticipate what lies ahead. I applaud the Board of Directors, artists, subscribers and other audience members, volunteers and donors for setting the stage for even greater success and impact. Yours truly, /v1 (C!et~itl00/u~' Michelle Hooton Deputy Mayor City of Saint John Explore our past/ Explorez notre passe Discover your future Decouvrez volre avenir Grand Bay-Westfield . Quispamsis . Rothesay . St. Martins . Sainllohn ~ENT~RPRISE SAINT JOHN ~ 40 rue King Street Saint John, NB/N..B. Canada E2l lG3 T: 506-658.2877 1-800-561-2877 F: 506-658- 2872 info@enterpri'e,j.com www.enterpri.e.j.com .-' March 6r 2006 Pati Teed Saint John Theatre Company Fundraising and Development Coordinator Level 3 Brunswick Square 39 King St Saint John NB E2L 4W3 Dear Pati Enterprise Saint John is pleased to provide a letter of support to the Saint John Theatre Company ("SJTC") as part of its proposal for a Cultural Spaces Grant. As our community-based theatre company and a valuable contributor within our arts and cultural sector, the SJTC continues to be an essential component of our True Growth vision to promote growth and vitality in our region. Training volunteers, performers and technicians through experience expands the community's ability to support expanded cultural sector activities, events and opportunities. True Growth aims to engage all sectors of our community by collaborative partnerships across the economic (or "prosperous) sector, the social and environmental (or "nurturing") sectors and the arts, cultural and academic (or "evolving") sectors. For Saint John to achieve True Growth, it strives to balance the priorities of each sector. Enterprise Saint John supports the SJTC in its efforts to secure funding to establish a permanent home base in the Uptown core. A permanent location in Uptown Saint John will ensure the SJTC continues to build upon its tradition of excellence in cultural expression and learning. Sincerely ~ Steve Carson CEO Community Economic Development Agency . Agence de developpemenr economique communouloire Grand Bay-Westfield. Quispamsis . RothesilY . St. Martins. Saint John Datron: Lynn Irving Board of Directors: Hon. Erminie Cohen, Chair Eusn Strachan, President Pat PeI18y, Past-President Carey Ryan, Vice-President Matt Letson, Treasurer Martha MacLean, Secretary Paul Bustin Dr. Kathryn Hamer Heather Pert Cheryl Robertson Jean Saint-Pierre Dianne Scott, Office Manager Wendy Sentner Dr. Eileen Travis Gervais Warren Bertis Sutton, ONS Director Advisory Council: Fawn Wilson White, Chair Sally Brey18y Bliss Van Burdon George Fry Michael Gormley Carolyn F. Hellman LudmHa Kneskova-Hussey Mrs. George London Dr. S. Timothy Maloney Mary Lee McKenna Francis X. Morrissey, Jr. Wendy Nielsen Hon. Margaret Norrie McCain Joan Patenaude-Yarnell Dr. Peter Simon Lisa Roy Marsha Zed (. ' ./J\ ." , I \ l "'. ../ 1 O!h Anniversary -10':: Anniversaire March 6, 2006 The Board of Directors of the Saint John Theatre Company c/o 3rd Level Brunswick Square, Unit C5 39 King Street Saint John, NB E2L 4 W3 Dear Members of the Board - I understand that your organization is getting close to realizing its intention to purchase and renovate a pennanent home for The Saint John Theatre Company, a project that been ongoing for some time. Having used your current space for the construction and storage of our set for Amahl and the Night Visitors in 2004, Opera New Brunswick recognizes the important role SJTC plays not only in the cultural life of southern New Brunswick but in supporting and assisting other arts organizations by making your infrastructure available for use. Clearly, the present temporary space has limitations in tenns of space, accessibility, and functionality. A new facility designed to SJTC's specifications for onsite construction and costumes and properties storage would be a welcome addition to all arts organizations in greater Saint John. The Lingley Building's proximity to the Imperial Theatre is particularly helpful. A pennanent home for SJTC would allow for real investment in production inventory and equipment and, perhaps best of all, provide rehearsal space. Opera New Brunswick knows very well the challenge of finding a suitable place for staging and music rehearsals. With the number of productions in a typical SJTC season, a reliable rehearsal space would relieve a great deal of pressure. Congratulations on this undertaking and best of luck. If Opera New Brunswick can be of any assistance in this venture, please let us know. ~. /"."--;.,. Sins>erely, ~'. / ~/. .~~ /' ,:t2Z7tj~.-tI.- ~ /~'-. --~-----::> / - Euan S. Strachatl- ? President 663 Dominion Park Road, Saint John, N.S. E2L 1 E7 Telephone: (506) 847-5800 www.operanb.com e-mail: operanb@nbnet.nb.ca March 2, 2006 The Board of Directors Saint John theatre Company 3rd Level Brunswick Square, Unit C5 39 King Street Saint John, NB E2L 4W3 Dear Board: Re: Department of Heritage Cultural Spaces Canada Program Application It is with great enthusiasm that we hear of your continued efforts to establish your operation at 112 Princess Street in the core of Saint John. We see the Saint John Theatre Company as a significant asset to the City of Saint John and surrounding area. Having your organization in a permanent home will provide benefits to the arts community. From the perspective of Uptown Saint John, we see the value of the arts community to the downtown core and the spin offs from the vitality it creates for Saint John. The renovation of 112 Princess Street will take a vacant building and create new life for many years to come. We see this as a catalyst to reinvestment in this area of Princess Street. If there is anything we can do to help you in this very important community building initiative, please contact us. Z~ -nick Daigle President Uptown Saint John Inc. ~ . 40 KING STREET SAINT JOHN NB E2L leI . TEL 506.633.9797 I HHK.H7H.6%7 lAX S()('.<iS2..L'i2S . in[o(<l\lptownsj.com ,^-ww.\Iptownsj.com 65/6G/26ee e4:18 50G-855-9858 JASON BETTS PAGE 01/01 Minl5tet Regiooal D~lopment Corporation ~ Socl~ de: d~loppement rt81o"aJ BNewiJ. Nouv~auk rUnSWIC CAN A D A January 2S, 2006 FDe If. 4%74.03!.OOl (2006-2007) Mr. Stephen Tobias President and Artistic Director Saint lohn Theatre Company Inc. S 11 Somerset Street Saint John NB E2K 3E2 Dear Mr. Tobias: As Minister responsible for the Regional Development Corporation. I am pleased to inform you that financial assistance under the Community Partnership Fund has been approved up to a maximum of $180~OOO to help cover the cost of converting a building into a production and training facility. This contribution is conditional on confirmation of the other funding sources as indicated in your application submission, including a $180,000 contribution by the federal government. This funding will be provided in the 2006-2007 fiscal year. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Regional Development Corpo~~tion at ~S3-8534. Sincerely, ~ ~ Bernard Lord Premier and Minister responsible c. Honourable Trevor Holder, Minister of Environment and Local Government Ms. Sylvie Levesque-Finn, Executive Director, Culture and Spon Secretariat Mrs. Francine Scott Tel.lTel~p"one : (506) 453-2277 Fnx/T"tIecoplevr . (506) 453.7~1l8 P.o. Box 428 Fredericton New BrunSwick Canada E3B 5R4 Cue postale 428 Fredericton Nouveau. Broon.iell Canildil E3B 5R4 INTERACTION CHILDREN'S THEATRE Company INC. P.O. Box 27008, RPO Manawagonish, Saint John, New Brunswick, E2M 5S8 e-mail; interactionkids@yahoo.ca Phone: (506) 647-3269 Studio: "Gothic Arches" 95 Wentworth Street, Saint John I am writing in regards to The Saint John Theatre Company's proposal for funding. I understand the company is looking for funding for a multi-purpose space in the Uptown of Saint John, and I would like to show my support for this building. This building would be an asset to The Saint John Theatre Company, as well as other not-for-profit Arts based organizations in Saint John. As the Director of Education and Artistic Director ofInterAction ChiJdren's Theatre, I have worked in various locations throughout uptown Saint John. We currently have an enrolment of 130 children taking classes during the week, with an additional 200 participating in workshops, day-camps, and other on-site events (this does not include our productions). We are looking for a space we could share with other arts-based groups which could be a home-base for our company, with an office as well as classroom space. We would continue to offer workshops off-site, but we are in need of a location that would be central, accessible, and safe. I have spoken to Stephen Tobias and have toured the proposed site on Princess Street, and we both feel that InterAction Children's Theatre could utilize space in The Saint John Theatre Company's future location, with both companies benefiting from this partnershi p. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank y~~U for y~~r conSid~erat~on, I ./ -E . c~dv" .~, LCl \ll~;~ \. Katef:lman Wileott Director-of-Education! Artistic Director ARTS PROFESSIONALS SUPPPORT Most major cities in Canada have a permanent and leading theatre company. Saint John Theatre Company deservedly holds this position in Saint John. The SJTC is a committed group of talented and dedicated people, who have made it their goal to create a company presenting the highest standard of live theatre. Any successful theatre company must establish their own identity, not only through their work but. most essentially, by having their own home. It is a wonderful signal to residents of Saint John, and indeed the outside world, that top live theatre indigenous to this great city is permanent and thriving. I've waited for the Saint John Theatre Company to make this move. I applaud it and encourage it. - Tom Keff is a profeSSional director with Stratford Young Company, Neptune Theatre, Atlantic Theatre Festival, and Vancouver Playhouse, and guest director to the SJTC for shows in 1995 and 1996. The Saint John Theatre Company adds immeasurably to the richness and quality of Saint John's cultural life - and it has been doing so very successfully for many years. From my perspective, it is obviously important to have a first-class performance venue such as the Imperial Theatre. But what is equally important is that local, professional-calibre productions be regularly performed in that venue. The SJTC does that - and makes Saint Johners proud in the process! - Michaal D. Wennberg is chair of Saint John Community Arls Board and President of the Imperial Theatre Foundation, STAKEHOLDER SUPPORT The Saint John Theatre Company has become a huge part of my life since moving to Saint John in 2000. I am very grateful to the SJTC for providing an avenue to do the things I love, to work with people whom I respect and admire, and to be part of a great non-profit, community theatre group. I volunteer because there is a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment in being a part of building something for which the payment is not monetary, but is personal growth and satisfaction. I see numerous benefits of this project, the most important being that we will now have a "home," which will be an accessible and permanent fixture for our audiences and the members of the community. I fully support the SJTC's Setting the Stage campaign and look forward to helping it become a success! .. Kizzy Kaye is a Project Manager with an international corporation and an SJTC volunteer since 2000. For 35 years I have been involved with theatre in Saint John as a teacher, actor and director, In the Saint John Theatre Company, I have seen children excitedly discover the magic of theatre through our school outreach program. I have heard the laughter and seen the tears of audiences touched by our productions, and enjoyed the glowing reviews across our province. I have been proud to leam that the presence of the SJTC has helped people and businesses choose to settle and remain in our city. The company has developed successfully from both theatrical and business standpoints. and I look forward to what the theatre company will provide for our community in the future. That's why I am an ardent supporter of Setting the Stage. - Bob Doherty is a retired school teacher, a member of the board of the SJTC, and winner of several awards for volunteer service The Saint John Theatre Company gave me my first opportunity to act. It's the only company in Saint John where you can get any experience and where so many people can see you. Being in a play, made me realize that I do love to perform and gave me confidence to want to do more. Through the SJTC. Ileamed that everything comes alive with hard work and dedication. It felt like we were a family. I really fell in love with everyone and look forward to doing a Jot more in years to come! - Felicia Rodrigues, 13, played the role of Helen Keller in the SJTC's production of The Miracle Worner (2002) 'I , ~ \ \ r \\,\ ~ I I '~I~~~,lY1Jt I 1 ~ ~ I I:l - - a II ~ -~ II:lI , 0 !~i~1 '). "-~ .J I SAIN'-T~r@HN THEATRE COMPANY Before the curlain rises, the players must rehearse, Technical staff must be trained. Sets must be built. Props must he found or made, and costumes prepared. The production must be publicized, and tickets must be sold. Before the first actor strides into the spotlight, before we get the first glimpse of the hackdrop, before anyone con utter a word of dialogue, dozeflS of people pour thousands of hours of time and effort into making this first moment -- and all the others that follow -- memorable, poignant and satisrying, Before any of that, someone must traTlSform an artistic vision into something concrete and visible. Before the curtain rises, before we feel that thrill of anticipation, someone must set the stage. The Campaign for the Saint John Theatre Company I I I I' ( I I L_ JllllO')t as soon a~ there 11'aS a dlJ~ there ,vas tl1eatre. The Saint }ohn Theatre Company has become (J huge part of my life since moving to Saint John in 2000. J am very grateful to the SJTC for providing an avenue to do the things J love, to work with people whom J respect and admire, and to be part of a great non- profit, community theatre group. J volunteer because there is a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment in being a part of building something for which the payment is not monetary but is personal growth and satisfaction. J see numerous benefits of this project, the most important heing that we will now have a "home," which will be an accessible and permanent fixture for our audiences and the members of the community. J hilly support the SJTCs Setting the Stage campaign and look f01'll'ard to helping it become a success! H(J1~\ T Ii::; a IJI' th "11/1111, in fwr book Too '>O(11! tlu' Curta;1I rdl, rcpor/.. that rI/l' lint dramatic perlcJnnall(c ill \'rll Hrl/mllhk IIBS ii/ ,>(Jint 101m, Oil rclJr/uuy.lB. {798. The city fwd bel'll illwrpora/cd lilr on', limf \'C'ar.". Jhe appetite lor /11('(1t1'(' (Jl/(l.r/wt it qiu'\ thi, flJlIlml/llity r(,1I/uim strong lO(} yeaf... la/rl: NOli (J I It'll , (J(/ ;... imminent - till' (fea/ion 01 (J pcrtJwllel1tlw111l' fOf tl1catrc prepamtirJ1l, tminillg and pmcl/l(1ioll ill )(linl lolln - Kizzy Kaye is a Project Manager witlr an international corporation and a SJTC mlunteer since 2000. Theatre is society's way of acting out the dreams of a cpmmunity. With one accord, hundreds of people attending a performance suspend their disbelief about the drama on stage and together they share the live experience of (J different world, another vision. Through the characters portrayed by the actors, theatre takes us into other worlds and other lives. It invites us to enter into a common emotional experience around some issue of concern. - Department of Canadian lIeritage -, A Drama in Many Acts 1990 Who Killed Sonta Claus? is the first production of a newly formed theatre troupe committed to excellence and entertainment called 'The Company.' 1992 The Company mounts Frankenstein, a breakthrough project that raises $4,600 for the Juvenile Diabetes Association, and attracts significant community involvement. 1994 The Company presents The Incredible Murder of Cardinal Tasca, the first production at the newly- restored Imperial Theatre. The effort attracts unprecedented corporate sponsorship, volunteers, national media coverage, and over 3,500 audience members. 1995 Under newly-launched SJTC guest artist program, Tom Kerr (former artistic director of Neptune Theatre and Stratford Young Company) directs Macbeth and Julie-Kate Olivier (daughter of Sir Laurence Olivier) plays Lady Macbeth. The project attracts national media attention. The audience of 5,400 people is the largest ever for a community-based production at the Imperial Theatre. Theatre for All III addition tu ongoi1lg outreach to YOlltll UIIlI school childrell, /he SIn hu.'i: . H/orked lI'illl tlie deaf and IlUrd-o/-JU'or;lIg fOIlI11IWlity to mOllnt Ihe fir!)t thealre productions ut the Imper;al Theatre offering sign language interprrlalion; . Par/nered II';tll the Saillt .lollII }ell'isll mmlllll1li~l' 10 edum(c and illcreosr (1II'(lr('Il('ss of till' 1-I0lowlIst; . In rollalJOmtioll I,.;tll IlIe Greater Saillt John ClHllf1lllllity 1001lldatioll, dOlluted tickets to I'ariolls roflllllll1litr o/'qrlllizations alllI social groups 10 rt'(lrll WIIl11luIJi/)' IIlclIllJers 1l'l1O.'il' ('WI1011l;( (irCll11l.,,'allcc.'i or fJhysiml rhalll'nge.'i prel'(,II/ IIIl'Hl fro11l attl'1lding 1;1 t' ar/i5/ic perfofllllllllCS; ami . /losted post -S/lOlI' / f'lI rt'(('pt iOlls (I ftCI' motillt'(' fJer/lJrlllllll(('S h,I' seniors. 1999 To build long-term engagement with theatre arts, the SJTC holds a series of consultations with members of the community. The SJTC emerges with a renewed commitment to financial discipline, increased tickets sales, and improving the company's profile in the community. 2000 The SJTC forms 'Second Stage' to develop and implement theatrical training opportunities and workshops and to coordinate production opportunities and activities for new directors, writers, and performers. 2001 The SJTC partners with the Saint John Jewish Historical Museum for The Diary of Anne Frank. The company reaches more than 2,000 local students with visits to a dozen schools. 2002 SJTC's Second Stage produces its first evening of original one-act plays by local playwrights. 2003 The SJTC mounts a hugely successful production of Guys and Dolls, its first musical production. 2004 The SJTC completes a 5-year Business Plan and Strategy to ensure the long-term viability of the company. 2005 The SJTC acquires an option to purchase 'The Lingley Building' at 112 Princess Street. 2005 The SJTC launches Setting the Stage - its first major capital campaign initiative. to ~rI' m ~ 11 rr~ f' r ~ J !!lIlt(} II II ;j Over a three-year period, the SJTC plans to develop a permanent theatrical production and training facility for the city of Saint John. rJ The facility will provide the SJTC with permanent quarters ..,;:fbr':all aspects of production, as well as a base for It theatrical training and experience for people from across the entire region. When the facility~open5, the Saint John Theatre Company plans to: . Establish a training program offering professional instruction in areas such as theatre performance, playwrighting, and technical production skills. . Recruit theatre professionals through an Artist-in-Residence program, who will work directly with local volunteers in theatre production and assist local writers with ~script development and the staging of new theatrical works. . Establish a theatre education program for children (day camps, year-round classes, special workshops etc.). . Provide TV, theatre, and film companies with production servjces such as costumes and props rentals, and a database of local talent. . Expand the SJTC to develop new lalent - theatre directors, performers, and writerS.- In addition to helping the SJTC set the stage for its own productions, the project sets the stage for a major, su~tElinable expansion of the performing arts in Saint Jonn, with long-term artistic, social and economic befJ,eBts to everyone. c;: ""'1 --.-. ...--... - --- II r- ~ II II ....... ( ~!;1. t J . , I I {\, ~ \-~ I -..II I c r r' I~ , \\ - ~ ~ , ;, \:~.' f-;t ~'.) ., ~' & A Base for a Long-Tenn Contribution Saint John has a very rich theatrical tradition, beginning with New Brunswick's first-ever theatrical production more than 200 years ago. In the last 100 years, many theatre companies have come and gone. Some of them were large and well-established. And as with the Saint John Theatre Company, these community groups,were a powerful outlet for artistic expression, and an engine for-,Eol!lmunity involvement and economicactivity. Theiw-ere a source of r.rid^e",andinspiration, audiences were suppoliive, and the anticipation of any new production~was always high. thousands of tasks that go into staging productions or providing classes and workshops. For us, the next and crucial step is creating a permanent base of operations for the Saint John Theatre Company that we own and can pass on to an emerging generation of leaders. The proposed facility will host everything that does not take place in front of an audience. And the workshops, classrooms, offices, and other spaces will be a focal point for community theatre and the perfo[ming arts in general in southeastern New Brunswick. This building and campaign are the means for~us to ensure that the Company is greater than any of its members or any one production. Only when the Company is bigger than all of us can it thrive and secure for'the long te'rm. We are committed to this vision, and we invite ypu to join us in Setting the Stage for the future."of community theatre in Saint John. After fifteen years of building?the SJTC, we are determined that there will be a lasting th.eatre company that. both _ __ Stepllen Tobias, Board President and Artistic Director serves arldiilV7Jhtes-the community. TIle Saint John Theatre Company's Board of Directors has taken many steps to ensure we..can pass on something living and strong to those who f~jqw.J!s. We have implemented rigourous financial management. We~have developed a network of volunteers whose vision and commitment matches our own. Our marketing and sales afe"'Carefully planned and executed. We are expand- L- _'ing our ou!reach to school children, and multiplying opportunities for local playwrights and performers. And, most important, the Saint John Theatre Company is.m..~k- ing strategie investments in top-flight talent to keep'the bar of performance - and audience enjoyment - very high. I I - Yet none of these companies survived because none created something that could outlive the core members of the day. (~ '<<' t '~ In all this, we are grate~ul to have...a~c~<;s to superb performance space. Volunteers on stage Jnd_beniiid the scenes share a thrill with the audience when.the ructljin rises on a SJTC production at the Imperial Theatre:~hd we appreciate" the warm welcome we receive at many other venues. . :..... Yet we lack a home base for the days, weeks, and months when the curtain is down, and we are immersed in the I " II I " I I I II l (jlIeiti/n ~ the Tile 5aint John Theatre Company presents: An 8,000 square foot facility at 112 Princess Street in uptown Saint lohn . Multiple rehearsal and training rooms . Set co1lstruction workshop . Storage for construction materials . Storage and work areas for props and costumes . Loading bay . Sales, promotion, and administrative offices The facility will: . Increase the profile of the SHC, aiding sales and promotion; . Draw new volunteers and supporters; . Leverage production activity to generate revenue by providing services to others (such as props and costuming for TV and film productions); and . Generate revenue by renting rehearsal and other spaces to loml arts organizations and other agencies. An Investment for the Entire Community The people of Saint John know the value of the arts. The SJTC and other arts organizations enjoy broad support from those who love the arts, but also from those who understand the economic and social benefit of SLJch things as live theatre. Recently, Saint John Common Council adopted a Draft Arts & Culture Policy. In part, it reads that: Cornman Council recognizes the importance of the City of Saint John being, and being seen outside its borders as a 'creative' city. Council agrees that it must play an ongoing leadership role to ensure that this happens. Common Council recognizes the key role that arts and culture play in the City's social, cultural and economic development, as vehicles for growth, urban renewal, and effective marketing of the City. The Council also identified that the arts: . Generate economic wealth. . Improve quality of life. . Reduce (mti-social behaviour. . Build healthier comrmmities. . Provide opportunities for minority groups. Further, Common Council specifically identitied the crucial need for investment in arts infrastructure if the community is to have a thriving artistic and cultural life. - .---- l) u~u 'V"U - Lr,-U u- -U' 'U:: Tf U U' 'U:..'U'" V-'U U' u:.. u ~~. 1;~ - -. ~ "' .= II rm~ '" m~~~~ m. 1 - '-" .", , ~.~ . - __ _ "r~=,,_ -: - - f -- .. .. -..~~ ---....., ;;.; ( s~nt john theatre companD @Q (L- c:.afe ;y ~~ F f- . f= II I' ; 112 ~ .~ , f"""'" ~ , -Q! - [==:J c:=J GJC! c=:::J t=:::J [:=J c=J PROPOSED ELEVATION ~tAL( 1/~. .. 1'_0" According to one study, the quality of life in a community increases the attractiveness of a job there by 33 per cent. The availability of cultural activity is a significant factor in the complex livability quotient. . . wilen cities promote art, culture and heritaqe activities, they not only improve Ihe quality of life for their citizens, but also attract the skilled workforce on which a vibrant economy depends. - ,\flax M)lJ1lOn, The Defiant Imagination I "!" .~ ~~ 't I " II Ground Floor Proposed Floor Plan , I~-~jl r--=-~~; ~t=:=,~n-oEL~ ~~I ~ ( ~r~ f "'1 ~"", "'~ TDol ~- ~ . I 11/:> - _,Adm,"l.t~lon_ _ ~.Room ,,,..,, I I '- I I ~ ',.,.., Reception U I J / ~ L I-I " I)~' I," I I,' I I I~.C11 .;-; (- ~. ~fT. -'. ,\. ~~. -. I \ II::: I: -' )"~>'(:\:(. =, I 'I r ,-.- ~! ~.I ,- .. commorCI'1,,:,:,".",. 0 . ~ b Tonant Space I ~' ,~'>~~ i'~~> 0 [I ~I' ',,-L. c'.'?:.. .f:~..'>-":l'l~.' '';.~. ;> ~ . <r',:', "(;-r~") .'~" 01 * r-T-D ~. <~~, - ~. j~ Set Storage !l;; :13 :D Storage Sot Assembly Set Construction i:i:I " '";::~ ~-I Note; Ceiling Height :::.13' 2nd Floor Proposed Floor Plan ~') F!J Office o [!] 8 /fi} i$'; ::: ,.. "::,'L=l.'\f ::: D Actor. [[.).11 ::: Loung. 1;;; ... t=l [( )] "ld 00 r:tI ~ =< Note: Rehearsal Hall open to roof trus&es above ITI r~ Smi"B 1[,( In~;~~{J~ AudUion Hall Rehearsal Hall - "" .nIL /~'- o w~:..... /<m === "f)' ~ """', I '" ! 'B'-~"" ,1./ 51 I . -::;-:;. V :' , a rway The Saint John Theatre Company gave me my very first opportunity to act. It's tile only company in Saint Jolin wllere you can get any experience and where so many people can see you. Being in a play made me realize that ! do love to perform and gave me confidence to want to do more. Through the SJTC, !leamed that everything comes alive with hard work and dedication. It felt like we were a f(Jmily. I really fell in love with everyone and look forward to doing a lot more in years to come! - Felicia Rodrigues, 13, played the role of Helen Keller in the SiTe's production of The Miracle Worker (2002). . I r f J- I . t t I , WHAT WIll IT TAKE? GIFT RANGE No. GIFTS REQUIRED SUBTOTAL CUMULATIVE TOTAL CUMULATIVE PERCENTAGE $90,000 $90,000 $90,000 9% $75,000 $75,000 $165,000 17% $60,000 2 $120,000 $285,000 30% $45,000 2 $90,000 $375,000 39% $30,000 3 $90,000 $465,000 49% $21,000 5 $105,000 $570,000 60% $15,000 10 $150,000 $ 720,000 76% $9,000 10 $90,000 $810,000 85% $6,000 12 $ 72,000 $882,000 93% $3,000 12 $36,000 $918,000 97% $1,500 14 $21,000 $939,000 99% Under $1,500 78 $11,000 $950,000 100% Totals 150 $950,000 Ilrt<, and rulturl' arc crucial to tllf' (,cOllOmic, soc:ial, and creatin' fu/ure of Saini John. Thc al'/<' connell indiriduo15 ill a lOl/HIlUllily -- III(~r oller di. 'l'rsil), C1l11111J((' IJIulllalundenlandin9, alld prumole adil'c participatioll 0.<' lollI1rll't'r<; and audi- clIce members. ,Is II'd/, Ihe arh (Jr(' a social alld cro- nomic {orcc: Slalislirs Canada rcporl... that tl!'irc (15 "wny Ca1ladians atte1ld lire arls as sporling t'l'('1IIs. rhe Sailllfo!rn rllealre ComptJTJ 1 (51 I C) 1m, t'mcl'ged as ollr leudi1lg not-lor-prnfiltht'lJlrt' group. 11) tcaminq gr('tlllllt'all'im/ll'orb lI'il!r <,rlJ.<,O/wd foral arli,ls, und rccllcrgi=in9 dm.<,ir pial'S amI m/J.\imls, il IlllS drall'n IJotlr I'Ofullleers and oudielw'". 11Iil!r imredib[c slIpporl from our comlllll1li(l; tile SIn is 11011' poiwel 10 eldin'r t'xtraordi1lary cllridmu'nl 01 III(' per/ormill!} aI'/<; for the 11'110[(' reqiml. I (JIll deeply proud II/wt II/(' SH( has (Jc!riel'cd, alld l'(JgC/"~" (Jllliripalc n-hat lit";' alll'ad. I applaud till' Board of IJircdo/"s, arli<;ls, su/Jsrrihl'rs, l11/(I oOWl' audic1lrt, ml'1II11l'1:S, I'Ofllll/CC/"S, alllI dOllor<, lor "Cl/illg IIIl' slage for el'('ll q/"mlp/" SIH/l'.'" alld illlpat'!. \ IiI "('Ill' IloollJ// , DqJl/II' ,\ 10\ '01' 01 'lainl }ol1n How to Give to Setting the Stage Every gift to Selling the Stage will benefit the people of southern New Brunswick by enabling the SJTC to grow its reach and impact, and by helping ensure the long-term stability of theatre arts. Each gift will be gratefully received and permanently recorded in the record of the Campaign. You have several options for making your gift to the Selling Ihe Stage Campaign. All gifts will receive tax credit to the full extent allowed by law. . Gifts of cash Cash gifts are extremely useful to the opening of a new building. They provide immediate resources to the SJTC and support the ongoing development of the project. . Gifts by pledge A pledge is a convenient and efficient way to give. With a pledge period of up to three years, you are able to budget for your donation. Meanwhile, a pledge allows the SJTC to plan the most effective means of accomplishing its goal. . Gihs of securities or personal property Gifts in this form are welcome, and may be advanta- geous to certain donors. Inquire with our Campaign Office for details of how securities or property can be charitable donations to this campaign. Note that the SJTC advises all potential donors of property or assets to obtain professional financial advice about the tax or other implications of such a donation in your specific situation. Gifts should be made out to the Saint John Theatre Company and designated for the "Setting tile Stage Campaign" I IJ \ 10." major lilies ;11 ( allat/a IIlII (' /1 flemll1nclII om/h'ot/;IIl) (lIclI(n' COlI/fllIIIY 111/' ,)oinl 101111 IlIl'ulr(' ( Oll/fl(lIIY c/('\('ITI'C/h Iwlth (IIi... flo....itio/l ;11 ')(1;11/101111. rhc )If( i.... a coII/II/iltl'd group of lolcl/(I'd /1//(] 1I('t/iw(ed P('()flll', Idlll I1(]1/' lIIode ;1 I/lI'ir gool (0 (T('otc a (()/IlpOIlJ prl'sclltilll) thc lJiqlwst ,...I(JIIl/un/ of liH' III/'/ltrl', III.' ...IIU ('')~fl/l thmtre Wl1IfI/1/1\ 1111151 l'~tulJf;.,/1 their 011'11 id/'lltitl, Iwt olllJ t/lrtJuqll tlleir 11'01'1. but, II/ost e."'sl'nl;afIJ~ h, Iwl'ing Ihl'ir 011'11 110 III 1', It;s a 11'IHlller/1l1 signol to re~idl'/lls of ,)oillt 10111I, /11ld i/l{l/'ell Ill/' ollt....i/II' lI'or/d, tlwl (op liH' tllI'atf'/' il///i9/'110I/,'" 10 IlIi... grl'ul dr., i... !Wrlll(IIU'lIt oll/Itllril'illg. 1'I'(,II'oitell lor Ihe )0;'1//01111 J hralrc CompwlJ to /lWkl' Ihi.... /llOll', I ofJplolld it Will e/lwl/flull' ;1. 1011I hl'/T i~ () J!ro(C~SIlIlW( di/cdllr a1ld 11m l\'o/ked lIillJ ~lruf(iIf'CIIOlIII.Cf (0 III {I III II , \/'{'II/III' rllI'lJlrc, IIlll/lli( Tf'/'(Jlrc /1'~/ilIll, (lml! (/II/l1f11I'r l'/udwIIs(' 1//1/1 II"/J,~ 11 (}lIe~1 tlirn/u/ 10 II,I'..../H /(Jr 511/111'5 ill 1995 /lod /<J9(,. · for better productions · for involving more volunteers · for more opporhlnities · for children and students · for long-term stability of theatre production · for a lasting legacy of live community theatre lor 5.1 years 111/11'(' !Jeefl il/1'oll'ed Il'itll (healrr ;/1 Soifll Jolin as 0 t('or/wr, (J(1(J1~ a/ld director. 11IlII(' )oilll10111l Thcatre (OIl/POflY, I 11 (]I 'I' well children 1'\1 il('III, t/i."'WI'l'r tll/' lIIagil of /1u'olr(' Ihrough our ,...r/wol ou/r('(1d, flwf)r(Ir/l. IlIuH' heurd till' IUlll/hler afld seen tire lears of arlllil'lIc(,~ foudll'd by ollr pmdllcliolls, /llld l'l1jO\'Ct/ the 1)lolI'il1.1/ r('/'iell'''' {J{TO~" 0111' pfl/l'incc. 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demandenr Name of Applicant (Nom du dP.rn~ ~~ NJ IJ /J AAO ~) ~ L YNE g'7"t:(~ Ai/NO Mailing Addmls (}f applicant f Addresse postalc do demandcur / R9 0 ~ I!hU7 ~"..4d 4,-, J~ 6""1 s- , b tf Posf1ll Code I Code postJJJ /5;l IE- / PS- Telepha:Je N'IIm~ I Numero de telephone .,JJ~9 -J2/ I"J? Home! Domicile Work I Tmvail ~~(~ 6/t9 . Fax Number I Numero de ttltcopieur Name of Property Owner (if different) I Nom dn propri6laire ($i, dUfere'lll) )JMi?~L~ ~ ~L~ ~~//4'N/N" Address f Adresse I f ~ ~. ~J; 'Po&1Jl Code J Oxk pQfStal. P ~ r;;2.M S Property Information I Reoseigneroenu SDr Ja propriete Lo<:ation' emplacement / 6 ~ G...?AJ S-f, ('.,r;H u1d;,).,A./.,ALtj (J 0 iU 73/3 .. Ci..,1't-<#.1 NQ de voine Street J IWe PID I Lot Area I Supcrficie du lot ...r~ S" - ~//r Street Frontage IF~ sw: rue ~t) ~.,..r E:riSliug Use afProperty I Utilisation amIe11c de la proprietc ,~ II AI t r .4;; J!);(Y'IIlJ'G II./L...& I@.. A:C Municipal Plan land Use Dc$ignatiOD Designation de utili7..atiOtt des teIml sur le plan nnmicipal AmeDdmedt Requested I Modification demandee Present ZOning I Zonage actuel R - ~ ~ a...8" Zi>niuglo'-" ~_. IJ//./ L 77. .aL t5 mN<<too / o Text Amendment (indicate particulars) I Modification due fextc (indiquez Ies dttails) OS/20/2002 04:42 1 PLANNING AND DEVELOP PAGE 05/05 DevelOplbelt Proposal I Proposition d'amenagement ~on of Proposal {DCS<<iptioo. de la proposition rj5u~4:;lUt. /f HLu.e ,/AJ ('dl(/~ ivt-d ~H1e"f-r &~~.Nr ~ t7/~ /-::Ie~~ - ~~/1/.4~" o'7~r <1~4 Pv,'11f j/1!.1l) ait -7"-+JV'1. d ud.<J/u;t. /, ~ A./ :S~(..I~~ili "P~A/~ 4P1-d 4- t/4~tI~ pf /7:J;1J()~ You must prtNide a 9CtIled site p/tJ1t that illustMMS your proposal. You may also provide photogt'(lfk. building plans, e/nation drawings aJ'IQ aIQJ Qthel' form of InftJrmation. '!'he plan m~ 3h()W the dimen$01IS oftht! property. the locatton of aJl bttiJdings, ~ay&, parking ~O:S. larui:Jc;ap;ng and signs. It is Important that the distance betwetn the property boundary and builwrlSS Ql"e $huwn, Vmu deve.:foumir un plan du sIte Q l'echeUe jl/uwant'VOtyg propoSitit>11, Vous pouve.lgalement lotJ.mir des photographies, des plans de bdtilfterlt. des deS$ins de plan d'iJivaJion tll~rlle QUtNf~ M ~nseigMlMnt. Le plan doit indiquer les dimensIons de fa proprieti, l',mpluament de fa totaltU dC1i bdttm;mu, des allees, des aires de stt2riMnemenr, des ambtagements payst:lgers et del. panneaw.: Oil. signali~tif)n. nest imporlant IfIi"dtqutll' fa di:;tonet entre les /imites de /0 j1N)prttte st Jes b4tJ1Mtt~, Ptovidc reasons why these amcadmeDts $hould be approtie\1 {'ourairtout allUe n:nseignement ~ votte proposition qoi powmit ftre apprcuvt<<l. &,// ~/JCJ (,.. /,~ e~AJ U~..,.(J A'(' S'-DJV,r fi/LJ/9*'{~J4'r:: :~~~;;:7!!~Ji~ ~~;;;;;;:;~ ~~&~& Provide any atbet 1nfOnnation about your proposal tbat 'WOUld be helpfuL I Foumir tm;U autre rcnsti.pement CGnc:emaor wtre proposition qui poumrlt !tte aIilc, lie g~~f' j()e~1/~d /I1u'-r/~L~ JCOA ~~~ti/11.f?~7 Si.gnature of Applicaot I Signature du demandeur 1/ you are not the owner Qfthe Imrd in question pltotJlt!! htm the "wner sign below. The $ignatu1>e of'the owner is authorizing this application to proceed for COflSideratitm by Cmtmwn Council. SignatuR: of 0wDer (d applicable) Si.~ due~(ll'i1 Y 8 lieu) $i VOUS 'IIllws pas Ie proprietaire chi tet"1Wn en que.W:iQfl, veuille: obtenir la stgnature du pI'Oprletaire dans la pa11ie ci-dessous. La stgnature b proprietaire rmrorlsant Ie h'aitement de /a pre9tl1te tkmonde pow' qull C%l1e demUre solt e:<<If1Iinh par Ie Ct)rtJei/ comtlulnal. dO> ~.J.c..... "":.........c Date: WJfA' ~~ o?d~ PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT RE: 16 FERN ST Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint Jo1m intends to consider amending The City of Saint John Zoning By-law at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, December 4, 2006 at 7:00 p.m., by: Rezoning a parcel of land located at 16 Fern Street, having an area of approximately 471 square metres, also identified as Pill No. 00317313, from "R-2" One and Two Family Residential to "RM-l" Three Storey Multiple Residential, PROJET DE MODIFICATION DE L' ARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE OBJET: 16, RUE FERN Avis public est donne, par la presente, que Ie conseil communal de The City of Saint Jo1m a l' intention d' etudier la modification suivante de l'arrete sur Ie zonage de The City of Saint John, au cours de 1a reunion ordinaire du conseil prevue le lundi 4 decembre 2006 a 19 h dans la salle du conseil: Rezonage d'une pareelle de terrain d'une superficie approximative de 470 metres eames, situee au 16, rue Fern, et identifiee sous Ie NID 00317313, de zone residentielle - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales "R-2)) a zone d'edifices a logements multiples de trois etages HRM-1>>. REASON FOR CHANGE: RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: To recognize an existing five-family dwelling as a Reconnaitre l'utilisation d'un edifice a cinq permitted use, logements existant. The proposed amendment may be inspected by any Toute personne interessee peut examiner Ie projet interested person at the office of the Common de modification au bureau du greffier communal ou Clerk, or in the office of Planning and au bureau de l'urbanisme et du developpement a Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint 1'h6tel de ville au 15, Market Square, Saint Jo1m, Jo1m, N,B. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 N.-B., entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du 1undi au vendredi, p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays saufles jours feries. excepted. Written objections to the amendment may be sent Veuillez faire parvenir vos objections au projet de to the undersigned at City Hall. modification par cent a l'attention du soussigne a l'h6tel de ville. J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 658-2862 J. Patrick Woods, Greffier communal 658-2862 PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT RE: 16 FERN STREET Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider amending The City of Saint John Zoning By-law at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, December 4, 2006 at 7:00 p.m., by: Rezoning a parcel of land located at 16 Fern Street, having an area of approximately 470 square metres, also identified as Pill No. 00317313, from I'R-2" One and Two Family Residential to "RM-l" Three Storey Multiple Residential, REASON FOR CHANGE: To recognize an existing five-family dwelling as a permitted use. The proposed amendment may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, or in the office of Planning and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N .B. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. Written objections to the amendment may be sent to the undersigned at City Hall, 1. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 658-2862 PROJET DE MODIFICATION DE L' ARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE OBJET: 16, RUE FERN Avis public est donne, par 1a presente, que Ie conseil communal de The City of Saint Jo1m a l'intention d'etudier la modification suivante de l'arrete sur ]e zonage de The City of Saint John, au cours de ]a reunion ordinaire du conseil prevue Ie lundi 4 decembre 2006 a 19 h dans Ia salle du conseil: Rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie approximative de 470 metres carres, situee au 16, rue Fern, et identifiee sous Ie Nill 00317313, de zone residentielle - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales HR-2)) a zone d'edifices a logements multiples de trois etages HRM-h>. RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: Reconnaitre I 'utilisation d 'un edifice a cinq logements existant. Toute personne interessee peut examiner Ie projet de modification au bureau du greffier communal ou au bureau de I'urbanisme et du developpement it l'hOte1 de ville au 15, Market Square, Saint Jolm, N.-B., entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les jours feries. Yeuillez faire parvenir vas objections au projet de modification par ecrit a l'attention du soussigne it I'hOtel de ville. J. Patrick Woods, Greffier communal 658-2862 City of Saint John INTERNAL INSERTION ORDER For City of Saint John use o:nly: Bud et Number: 1100801 4422010 De artment: Common Clerk's Office Account # 71206) Contact: J. Patrick Woods Phone: (506) 658-2862 Fax: (506) 674-4214 Special Instructions (if any): Newspaper Insertion Dates (Check as applicable) (SJTJ= Saint John Telegraph Journal) .. SJTJ City Information Ad Date(s): Tuesday, November 7,2006 Tuesday, November 28, 2006 .. SJT J Independent Placement n SJT J Classifieds Date(s): Date(s); Information for Ad (Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad, Centre, Tab, etc.) Section Headline: o General Notice D Tender D Proposal I&J Public Notice Sub-Headline (if applicable): Text: INSERT ATTACHED Call to Action: ], Patrick Woods, Common Clerk/Greffier communal Contact: I Telephone: (506) 658-2862 BY-LAWNUMBERC.P.110- ALA W TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: ARRETE NO C.P. 110- ARRETE MODIFIANT L' ARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Lors d'une reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John a decrete ce qui suit : The Zoning By-law of The City of L'arret6 sur Ie zonage de The City Saint John enacted on the nineteenth day of of Saint John, decf\\te Ie dix-neuf (19) December, A.D. 2005, is amended by: decembre 2005, est modi fie par: 1 Amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re-zoning a parcel of land located at 16 Fern Street, having an area of approximately 470 square metres, also identified as PID number 003] 73] 3, from "R-2" One and Two Family Residential to "RM-I" Three Storey Multiple Residential - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the * day of *, A.D. 2006 and signed by: 1 La modification de ]'annexe ((A>>, Plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, permettant de modifier la designation pour une parcelle de terrain dOune superficie approximative de 470 metres carres, situee au ]6, rue Fern, et identifiee sous Ie NID 003173] 3, de zone residentielle habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales ((R-2>> it zone d'edifices it logements multiples de trois etages ((RM-l>> - toutes les modifications sont indiquees sur Ie plan cj-joint et font partie du present arrete. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur Ie present arrete ]e 2006, avec ]es signatures suivantes : Mayor/Maire Common Clerk/Greffier communal First Reading Second Reading - Third Reading - Premiere lecture Deuxieme lecture Troisieme lecture November29,2006 YourWorshipandCouncillors: SUBJECT:Rezoning-16FernStreet OnNovember6,2006CommonCouncilreferredtheabovemattertothePlanning AdvisoryCommitteeforareportandrecommendation.TheCommittee consideredtheattachedreportatitsNovember28,2006meetingandadopted staffrecommendation,asdetailedbelow,regardingtheproposedrezoningofthe property. Therequestedparkingvariancewastabledfortwoweekssothatneighbouring propertyownerscouldbenotifiedregardingtheactualnumberofoff-street parkingspacesprovided.ThevariancewillbeconsideredattheDecember12, 2006PlanningAdvisoryCommitteemeeting. Theapplicants,AntonioandEvelyneSaturnino,appearedinsupportofthe application.Therewerenoconcernsorobjectionsvoicedatthemeeting; however,oneletterexpressingconcernswithregardtoparkingwasreceived. RECOMMENDATION : ThatCommonCouncilrezonetheparceloflandlocatedat16FernStreet,also from“R-2”OneandTwoFamilyResidential identifiedasPID317303,to “RM-1”ThreeStoreyMultipleResidential torecognizetheexistinguseofthe propertyasafive-familydwelling. Respectfullysubmitted, PhilipHovey Chairman SKH Attachments ProjectNo.06-366 PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com DATE:NOVEMBER24,2006 TO:PLANNINGADVISORYCOMMITTEE FROM:PLANNINGANDDEVELOPMENT FOR:MEETINGOFNOVEMBER28,2006 SarahHerring Planner SUBJECT : NameofApplicant:Antonioand EvelyneSaturnino NameofOwner:Antonioand EvelyneSaturnino Location:16FernStreet PID:317313 MunicipalPlan:LowDensityResidential Zoning:Existing:“R-2”Oneand TwoFamilyResidential Proposed:“RM-1” ThreeStoreyMultipleResidential Proposal:Torecognizeanexistingfive-familydwellingasapermitted use. TypeofApplication:RezoningandVariancetoreducetheminimumparking requirementsfromsixoff-streetparkingspacestozero. JURISDICTIONOFCOMMITTEE : TheCommunityPlanningActauthorizesthePlanningAdvisoryCommitteetogiveitsviewsto CommonCouncilconcerningproposedamendmentstotheZoningBy-law.TheCommittee’s PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com AntonioandEvelyneSaturninoPage2 16FernStreetNovember24,2006 Monday,December recommendationwillbeconsideredbyCommonCouncilataPublicHearingon 4,2006. TheCommunityPlanningActauthorizesthePlanningAdvisoryCommitteetograntreasonable variancesfromtherequirementsoftheZoningBy-law.Conditionscanbeimposedbythe Committee. STAFFRECOMMENDATIONTOCOMMITTEE : 1.ThatCommonCouncilrezonetheparceloflandlocatedat16FernStreet,alsoidentifiedas “R-2”OneandTwoFamilyResidential“RM-1”ThreeStorey PID317313,fromto MultipleResidential torecognizetheexistinguseofthepropertyasafive-familydwelling; and 2.ThatthePlanningAdvisoryCommitteeapprovetherequestedvariancereducingtheminimum parkingrequirementsfromsixoff-streetparkingspacestozero. INPUTFROMOTHERSOURCES : MunicipalOperationsandEngineering hasnoobjectionstotheapplication. BuildingandTechnicalServices hasnotedthattherearenorecordsthatwouldindicatethatthis propertywaseverinspectedforBuildingCodecompliance.Acompleteanalysiswillberequiredas partofanyChangeofUsepermit. FireDepartment hasnoobjectiontothisapplication;however,theapplicantshouldhavesubmitted planstotheDepartmentofPublicSafety–TechnicalInspectionsDivision,onCastleStreetinSaint John. ANALYSIS : ThesubjectsiteislocatedonFernStreet,asmallresidentialcul-de-sacoffWestmorlandRoadinEast SaintJohnacrossfromtheFernhillCemetery.The470squaremetre(5,060squarefoot)propertyhas approximately15.5metres(51feet)offrontageonFernStreetandcontainsalong-standingfive- familydwelling.The subject siteappearstobehavebeenusedasafive-familydwellingsinceitwas builtapproximately50yearsago,althoughtheareawaslikelyzoned“R-2”OneandTwoFamily Residentialatthattime.Thedwellingisapproximately143squaremetres(1,540squarefeet)inarea andoccupiesjustover30%ofthelotarea.Thebuildingislocatedapproximately1metre(3.3feet) PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com AntonioandEvelyneSaturninoPage3 16FernStreetNovember24,2006 fromthesouthpropertyline,approximately3metres(9.8feet)fromthenorthpropertylineand approximately4metres(13feet)fromthefrontpropertyline,asshownontheattachedsiteplan. FernStreetisashortresidentialcul-de-saccontainingonlysevenotherresidentialdwellingsanda vacantlotadjacenttothesubjectsite.FernStreetandtheimmediatelyadjacentareasalong WestmorlandRoadarezoned“R-2”OneandTwoFamilyResidentialasidefromanexistingand appropriatelyzonedfour-familydwellinglocated193WestmorlandRoadandabusinessoffice locatedatthecornerofFernStreetandWestmorlandRoad.Amixofoneandtwo-familydwellings, apartment,institutionalandcommercialusesarefoundwithinthewidersurroundingarea. “R-2”OneandTwo TheapplicantisrequestingthatCommonCouncilrezonethepropertyfrom FamilyResidential“RM-1”ThreeStoreyMultipleResidential toinordertorecognizethe existinguse.Thepurposeoftherezoningistoresolvetheconflictbetweentheactualuseofthe propertyandthezoningofthesitewhichcametolightwhenthepropertywastobesold;noother changestotheuseorthesiteareproposed. Althoughthesubjectsiteis smallerthanrequiredbythe“RM-1”ThreeStorey MultipleResidential zoneanddoesnothaveanyoff-streetparking,thelong-standingusedoesnotappeartohavecreated anyproblemsintheareathusfarasnocomplaintsregardingthepropertyhavebeenrecorded.The western sideofFernStreetisnotcurbedandthefourresidencesonthatsideofthestreet,including thesubjectfive-familydwelling,utilizethewidegravelshoulderforparking.Thesmallfrontandside yardsofthesubjectsitedonotprovidesufficientareaforon-siteparkingtobecreated;however, continuedon-streetparkingisnotlikelytocreateanytrafficcongestionissuesgiventhelimited amountofhousingandtrafficonthisshortdead-endstreet. CONCLUSION : Giventhenatureofthesurroundingareaandthatthelong-standinguseofthesitehasnotcreated problemsthusfar,theproposedrezoningtorecognizetheuseofthesubjectsiteasafive-family dwellingcanbesupported. SKH ProjectNo.06-366 PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT/URBANISME ET DEVELOPPEMENT F~Y-l\h,l\ t~e..te.ry p Subject Site/site en question: Location: 16 rue Fern Street Date: November 2. 2006 Scale/echelle: Not to scale/Pas a I'echelle \'=> Fer\'") ~t("e.e.. * ~\ -t~ 'P \ CAt") \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "" \ ~A \ ~ \ Uk \ , \ ^ \ (\I~ \ (<' \ \ \ \ (1\ Cr..... ,... ~\ x \St-}., \ ~(.I )( /.\ ~ ~ \ SCo.\e. \: '160 I. . 19 Fern Street, Saint John,N.B. E2J 3X9 November 13,2006 Planning Advisory Committee, City of Saint John, P.O. Box 1971, Saint John, N.B. E2L 4Ll Dear SirIMadam: Re: Rezoning and Variance-16 Fern Street We would like to state that in so far as changing the above property from Two Family Residential or an R-2 to an RM-I Three Story Multiple Residential is merely legalizing A situation that already exists and has existed for many years. The fact that a variance in parking spaces is to be reduced from six to five means very Little, as there are other vehicles with no parking spaces and have to park along the road, Which by the way is a DEAD END STREET and is especially troublesome when snow- Plows, oil trucks, garbage trucks, etc. can't get up the street or turn around because of Vehicles parked on both sides of the street. We have no objection to the rezoning as stated above but would like to remind the Planning Advisory Committee of the overall situation. We would not like to see an Increase in traffic or parking on this DEAD END STREET. Sincerely, uJ~~iJ~ William J. Ho e :f~=c~:~~ ~r.\.i NOV 22 Z006 ~ , ; \~ ~ ()~SA~~ (~2/YJ~~ C 4 c.:=Jessie E. Howe ' Application for a Zoning By-law Amendment Demande de modification a I'arrete sur Ie zonage Applicant Related Information I Renseignements sur Ie demandeur Name of Applicant I Nom dudemandeur G1. \let h 01 al COh c,~ IAc-l-ft:)~ Mailing Address of applicant I Addresse postale du de~ II W y () i ~vJ vi- . ~11 VI + 00 t, ,.J " JB . Postal Code f Code postal D f:::' -.5 K z IoSro - J ,~ 2--2 Telephone Number I Num.ero de telephone Home I Domicile lDC;1-_l);;l. 0-0 Work I Travail Fax Ntunber I Numero de telecopieur Name of Property Owner (if different) I Nom du proprietai.re (si different) fono ~o <() L'T P Address/Adresse 1\ \;Jq{:y LJ'/'f \ D f(. PostalCode/COOepostalQk'~Sk7.... Property InformatioD I ReDseignemeDu SDr ~A7,~r ~.O' I 000 ..s~M~ 1 . Location I Emplacement -e-. tv",", i I } ~ 00 D+ 13 81 Civic # I No de 'e Street I Rue 1/ d ", PID I NIP '7-- WI. ~-tt'eSCI i'Y\~~ S Lot Area I Superficie do lot @I 5240 M Street Frontage I F~ SW'rue 50 + " ,~5- VY\€t-re5 Existing Use of Property I Utilisation actuene de la propriete Va CUI rj f- 1_ .?\ n ""]) PS2 Municipal Plan land Use Designation 1 - J:e Designation de utilization des terres sur Ie plan municipal LUlAJ -.1'\ <;rj Amendment Requested I Modification demandie Present Zoning I Zonage actuel y s: - 2- ~ Change Zoning to I Modification du zonage a f2.-- M -- and/or I ou Text Amendment (indicate particulars) I Modification due texte (indiquez les details) R-t'~ )c/Qrt+fCt L D Development Proposal I Proposition d'amenagement Description of Proposal I Description de la pfOJlOsition Se> e. A:f::t" <:-\"" c{ an:\. w ~ ~ ' 0::+ ;24101,1) E - /VIa i[ 'w., ~r('J_J ~c:) rY\ T-e 'f r~ V 1'\ G (0 lAp Provide reasons why these amendments should be approved. I Foumir tout autre renseignement concernant votre proposition qui poumrit ~ approuvees. Ne"jr: ~ u..v\", You must provide a scaled site plan that illustrates your proposal. You may also provide photographs. building plans, elevation drawings and any other form of information. The plan must show the dimensions of the properly, the location of all buildings, driveways, parking areas, landscaping and signs. 1t is important that the distance between the properly boundary and buildings are shown, Vous devez fournir un plan du site a l'echelle ilJustrant votre proposition. Vous pouvez egalement fouroir des photographies, des plans de bdtiment, des dessins de plan d'1!!evation et toute autre forme de renseignement. Le plan doil indiquer les dimensions de la propriete, l'emplacement de la totaJite des bdJiments. des aUees, des aires de stationnement, des amenagements paysagers et des panneaux de signalisation. 1/ est important d'indiquer la distance entre les timites de la propriete et les bdtiments. h€- rert lA \ tf a Veq J aVe ((M:-L \ Df 2Lt LM As be ~~ l:r 'j eve -k a. Provide any other infonnation about your proposal that would be helpful. I Fournir tout autre renseignement concernant votre proposition qui pounait etre utile. Signature of Applicant I Si_ du demaudeur ~ ~ Date rJci 2:5/0 Co ~ $400 Application Fee Enclosed f Ci-joint les frais de demande de 400 $ Jfyou are not the owner of the land in question please have the owner sign below. The signature of the owner is authorizing this application to proceed for consideration by Common Council. Signature of Owner (if applicable) Signature due propriCtaire (s'i1 y a lieu) Si vous n'~tes pas Ie proprietaire du terrain en question, veuillez obten;r la signature du proprietaire dans la partie ci-dessous. La signature du proprJetaire autorisant Ie trai/ement de la presente demande pour que cette dern;ere soil examinee par Ie conseil communal Date: ~1 -- '- ---- \ I' ! " ,I ii i' PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT RE: 1000 SOMERSET STREET Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider amending The City of Saint John Zoning By-law at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, December 4, 2006 at 7:00 p.m., by: Rezoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 8240 square metres, located at 1000 Somerset Street, also identified as being Pill No. 00047381, from "RS-2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "RM-l't Three Storey Multiple Residential, as illustrated below. (INSERT MAP) PROJET DE MODIFICATION DE L' ARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE OBJET: 1000, RUE SOMERSET Avis public est donne, par la presente, que Ie consei! communal de The City of Saint John a l' intention d' etudier la modification suivante de l'arrete sur Ie zonage de The City of Saint John, au cours de la reunion ordinaire du conseil prevue Ie lundi 4 decembre 2006 a 19 h dans la salle du conseil : Ie rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 8 240 metres carres, sHuee au 1000, rue Somerset, et portant Ie NID 00047381, de zone residentielle de banlieue - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales <<RS-2}} a zone dt Mifices it logements multiples de trois etages <<RM-l}}, comme l'indique la carte ci-dessous. (INSERER LA CARTE) REASON FOR CHANGE: RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: To permit the development of two apartment Pour pennettre l'amenagement de deux habitations buildings having a total of24 dwelling units. multifamiliales ayant 2410gements au total. The proposed amendment may be inspected by any Toute personne interessee peut examiner Ie projet interested person at the office of the Common de modification au bureau du greffier communal ou Clerk, or in the office of Planning and au bureau de ! 'urbanisme et du developpement a Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint !'hOtel de ville au 15, Market Square, Saint John, John, N,B. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 N.-B., entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, p',m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays sauf les jours fmes. excepted, Written objections to the amendment may be sent Veuillez faire parvenir vas objections au projet de to the undersigned at City Hall. modification par ecrit a l'attention du soussigne a l'hotel de ville. J. Patrick Woods, Conunon Clerk 658-2862 J. Patrick Woods, Greffier communal 658-2862 . .. en .. ~~~ E o fJ) Q) ::s .. ~ PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT RE: 1000 SOMERSET STREET Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider amending The City of Saint John Zoning By-law at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, December 4, 2006 at 7:00 p.m., by: Rezoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 8240 square metres, located at 1000 Somerset Street, also identified as being PID No. 00047381, from "RS-2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "RM-l" Three Storey Multiple Residential, as illustrated below. (INSERT MAP) REASON FOR CHANGE: To pennit the development of two apartment buildings having a total of 24 dwelling units. The proposed amendment may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, or in the office of Planning and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N,H. between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. Written objections to the amendment may be sent to the undersigned at City Hall. J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 658-2862 ------------------------------------------------------------------ PROJET DE MODIFICATION DE L' ARREnt SUR LE ZONAGE OBJET: 1000, RUE SOMERSET Avis public est donne, par la presente, que Ie conseil conununal de The City of Saint John a I'intention d'etudier la modification suivante de l'arrete sur Ie zonage de The City of Saint John, au cours de la reunion ordinaire du conseil prevue Ie lundi 4 decembre 2006 a 19 h dans la salle du conseil : Ie rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 8 240 metres carres, situee au 1000, rue Somerset, et portant Ie NID 00047381, de zone residentielle de banlieue - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales <<RS-2n a zone d'edifices it logements multiples de trois etages <<RM-h>, comme l'indique la carte ci-dessous. (INSERER LA CARTE) RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: Pour permettre l'amenagement de deux habitations multifamiliales ayant 2410gements au total. Toute personne interessee peut examiner Ie projet de modification au bureau du greffier communal ou au bureau de l'urbanisme et du developpement a l'hOtel de ville au 15, Market Square, Saint Jolm, N.-B., entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les jours feries. Veuillez faire parvenir vas objections au projet de modification par ecrit a l'attention du soussigne a I 'hotel de ville, J. Patrick Woods, Greffier communal 658-2862 City of Saint John INTERNAL INSERTION ORDER For City of Saint John use only: Budget Number: 11008014422010 Department: Common Clerk's Office (Account # 71206) Contact: J. Patrick Woods Phone: (506) 658-2862 I Fax: (506) 674.4214 . Special Instructions (if arty): Newspaper Insertion Dates (Check as applicable) (SJTJ= Saint John Telegraph Journal) .. SJT J City Information Ad Date(s): Tuesday, November 7,2006 Tuesday, November 28, 2006 " SJT J Independent Placement " SJT J Classifieds Date(s): Date(s): Information for Ad (Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad, Centre, Tab, etc.) Section Headline: o General Notice 0 Tender D Proposal lEI Public Notice Sub-Headline (if applicable): Text: INSERT ATTACHED Call to Action: J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk/Greffier communal Contact: I Telephone: (506) 658.2862 BY-LAW NUMBER C.P. 110- ALA W TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: AR.RETlt NO C.P. 110- ARRETE MODIFIANT L' ARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Lars d'une reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John a decrete ce qui suit: The Zoning By-law of The City of L'arrete sur Ie zonage de The City Saint John enacted on the nineteenth day of of Saint John, decrete Ie dix-neuf (19) December, A.D. 2005, is amended by: decembre 2005, est modifie par: I Amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by rezoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 8240 square metres, located at 1000 Somerset Street, also identified as being PID No. 00047381, from "RS-2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "RM -I" Three Storey Multiple Residential classification. - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the * day of *, A.D. 2006 and signed by: 1 La rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 8 240 metres carres, situee au 1000, rue Somerset, et portant Ie NID 00047381, de zone residentielle de banlieue - habitations unifarniliales et bifamiliales <<RS-2>) II zone d'edifices a logements multiples de trois erages <<RM-l>>. - toutes les modifications sont indiquees sur Ie plan ci-joint et font partie du present arrete. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur Ie present arrete Ie 2006, aveclessignaturessuivantes: MayorlMaire Common Clerk/Greffier conununal First Reading Second Reading - Third Reading - Premiere lecture Deuxieme lecture Troisil~me lecture December1,2006 YourWorshipandCouncillors: SUBJECT:ProposedRezoning CavanaghConstructionLtd. 1000SomersetStreet OnNovember6,2006CommonCouncilreferredtheabovemattertothePlanning AdvisoryCommitteeforareportandrecommendation. TheCommittee consideredtheattachedreportatitsNovember28,2006meeting. Theapplicant, MikeCavanagh,appearedbeforetheCommitteeinsupportofthe applicationandstaffrecommendation. Therewasalsooneotherpresentation madebyanarearesidentwhoexpressedsomeconcernregardingrockdebrisfrom thedevelopment sitefallingontothestreetarea. TheDeveloperexplainedthaton oneparticulardayalargerockwaspermittedtofallintheright-of-way,butthat thiswasaplannedeventandsafetymeasureswereundertaken. Therockwillbe removed shortly,anditwasneverallowedtobeclosetotheactualasphaltdriving surfaceofSomersetStreet. Therewerenootherpresentationsmadeatthemeetingregardingthisapplication, andnoletterswerereceivedfromarearesidents. Afterconsideringthepresentationsandreport,theCommitteeresolvedtoadopt thestaffrecommendation,whichissetoutbelowforyourconvenience. The Committeealsoapprovedtheproposeddwellinggroup(i.e.,apartmentbuildings witha shareddrivewayandparkinglot)withtherecommendedconditions. RECOMMENDATION : ThatCommonCouncilrezoneaparceloflandwithanareaofapproximately 8240squaremetres(88,698squarefeetor2.04acres),locatedat1000Somerset “RS-2”OneandTwo Street,alsoidentifiedasbeingPIDNo.00047381,from FamilySuburbanResidential“RM-1” ThreeStoreyMultipleResidential to. Respectfullysubmitted, PhilipHovey Chairman PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com DATE:NOVEMBER24,2006 TO:PLANNINGADVISORYCOMMITTEE FROM:PLANNINGANDDEVELOPMENT FOR:MEETINGOFNOVEMBER28,2006 MarkO'Hearn PlanningOfficer SUBJECT : NameofApplicant:CavanaghConstructionLtd. NameofOwner:600608N.B.Ltd. Location:1000SomersetStreet PID:00047381 MunicipalPlan:LowDensityResidential Zoning:Existing:“RS-2”Oneand TwoFamilySuburban Residential Proposed:“RM-1” ThreeStoreyMultipleResidential Proposal:Torezoneapropertyinordertoundertakeadevelopment consistingoftwoapartmentbuildingshavingatotalof24 dwellingunits. TypeofApplication:RezoningandConditionalUse PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com CavanaghConstructionLtd.Page2 1000SomersetStreetNovember24,2006 JURISDICTIONOFCOMMITTEE : TheCommunityPlanning ActauthorizesthePlanningAdvisoryCommitteetogiveitsviewsto CommonCouncilconcerningproposedrezoningapplications. TheCommittee’srecommendation MondayDecember 42006 willbeconsideredbyCommonCouncilataPublicHearingon,,. TheZoningBy-lawauthorizestheCommitteetoimposetermsandconditionsuponthe establishmentofadwellinggroupinthe“RM-1”zone. STAFFRECOMMENDATIONTOCOMMITTEE : 1.ThatCommonCouncilrezoneaparceloflandwithanareaofapproximately8240square metres(88,698squarefeetor2.04acres),locatedat1000SomersetStreet,alsoidentified “RS-2”Oneand TwoFamilySuburbanResidential asbeingPIDNo.00047381,from “RM-1” ThreeStoreyMultipleResidential to. 2.ThatthePlanningAdvisoryCommitteeapprovetheestablishmentoftheproposed dwellinggroupoftwoapartmentbuildingsat1000SomersetStreet,onthefollowing conditions: (a)Thesubjectpropertymustbedevelopedinaccordancewiththesubmittedsiteplan illustratingasharedasphaltparkingareaanddrivewayenclosedbycontinuous concretecurbing; (b)Thedevelopmentofthesubjectpropertymustbeinaccordancewithadetailed drainageplan,subjecttotheapprovaloftheChiefCity Engineer,includingthe installationofanynecessarycatchbasins;and (c)Alldisturbedareasnotoccupiedbybuildings,parkingareas,walkways,and drivewaysmustbelandscapedbynolaterthanSeptember1,2007. INPUTFROMOTHERSOURCES : MunicipalOperationsandEngineering hasnoobjectiontothisapplication.However,asboth apartmentbuildingswouldbeservicedbyasinglewaterandsewerservicefromSomersetStreet, itshouldbenotedthattheCitywillnotacceptsuchasharedservicesituationshouldthe landownereverwishtosubdividetheproperty. PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com CavanaghConstructionLtd.Page3 1000SomersetStreetNovember24,2006 Inordertofacilitatesuchasubdivisionseparatewaterandsewerlinesforeachbuildingwould havetobeinstalled.Amutualright-of-wayeasementandsharedparkinglotarrangementwould alsobenecessaryifeachbuildingweretobeownedbydifferentparties. Theproximityandsightdistancesoftheproposeddrivewayhavebeencarefullyconsideredand aredeemedacceptablefromatrafficperspective. BuildingandTechnicalServices hasnoconcernswiththisproposal. SaintJohnTransit hasadvisedextensiveserviceisprovidedthroughtheareaenroutetothe SaintJohnRegionalHospitalandUNB(SaintJohnCampus). SaintJohnEnergy hasindicatedthatoverheadfacilitiesareinthearea.Anextensionoffacilities willberequiredinordertoservicetheproposedbuildings,andthisextensionwillbeatthe Developer’scost. AliantTelecom hasindicatedthatthenecessaryextensionoffacilitieswillbecoordinatedwith SaintJohn Energy,andanycostswillbebornebytheDeveloper. Rogers hasbeenadvisedofthisproposal. Maritimes&Northeast hasnoconcernswithregardstoproject. FireDepartment hasnoobjectiontothisapplication.However,theDeveloperisrequiredtosubmit planstotheTechnicalInspectionsDivisionoftheDepartmentofPublicSafetyfortheProvinceof NewBrunswickforapproval. SchoolBoard hasbeenadvisedofthisresidentialproposal. ANALYSIS : SubjectSiteandNeighbourhood ThesubjectpropertyissituatedattheintersectionofSomersetStreetandMillidgeAvenue (see attachedlocationmap). Thepropertyhasanareaof8240squaremetres(88,698squarefeetor 2.04acres),andastreetfrontageofover160metres(525feet). Thesitesteeplyslopesupwards approximately13metres(43feet)fromthestreet,andthereissignificantoutcroppingofrock, especiallyalongMillidgeAvenue. Thesiteismostlycoveredbymatureevergreentrees,except forthebuildingsitethatrecentlyhasstartedtobecleared. Theremainderofthepropertyhas remainedundisturbed. PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com CavanaghConstructionLtd.Page4 1000SomersetStreetNovember24,2006 Therearesix3-storeyapartmentbuildingsalongMageePlaceimmediatelytotheeastofthe subjectsite.Alargetownhouseproject(SomersetPark)issituatedtothesoutheast.A commercialproperty(i.e.,repairgarageandgasolinebar)issituateddirectlytothesouth. There arealsotwocommercialbuildingsandacarwashfacilitytothenorthwestat473MillidgeAvenue. APentecostalchurchissituatedat363MillidgeAvenue. Theremainingdevelopedpropertiesin theimmediateareahaveoneortwo-familydwellings. Theadjoininglandstothenorthareowned bySomersetInvestmentsLtd.andhaveremainedundeveloped. DevelopmentProposalandRezoning Thelandowner(CavanaghConstructionLtd.)isseekingpermissiontoconstructtwo12-unit apartmentbuildingsonthesubjectproperty (seeattachments). Eachofthesebuildingswould haveaheightof3storeys.Accesswouldbeprovidedbyaprivate7.5-metre(25-foot)wide paveddriveway.Acentralasphaltparkinglotfor30vehicleswouldbeconstructedbetween thesetwobuildings. “RS-2”Oneand TwoFamilySuburbanResidential Thepropertywouldberezonedfromto “RM-1” ThreeStoreyMultipleResidential ,whichisthesamezoningastheadjacentproperties containingtheapartmentbuildingsalongMageePlace. Theproposalcansatisfyallapplicable ZoningBy-lawrequirements. TheMunicipalDevelopmentPlanhasdesignatedtheareaasLowDensity Residential. ThePlan encouragesavarietyofhousingtypesincludingoneandtwo-familydwellings,townhousingand low-riseapartmentbuildings. TheproposedapartmentprojectisconsistentwiththesePlan policies,andwouldbeconsistentwiththisparticularneighbourhood,especiallygiventheclose proximityofothersimilarapartmentbuildings.Approvaloftherequestedrezoningcantherefore besupported. AsalreadymentionedtheproposalcansatisfyallapplicableBy-lawrequirements,includingthe drivewayrequirementbeingatleast30metres(100feet)fromtheintersectionofSomersetStreet andMillidgeAvenue(atitsclosestpoint),whichwouldbe36metres(118feet)fromthesaid intersection. GiventhevolumeoftrafficandtheconfigurationofthisbusystreetintersectionMunicipal Operationsand Engineeringhasbeenrequestedtocarefullyconsiderthisprojectandlocationof theproposeddriveway. Theyhaveconcludedthatthereisasufficientseparationandsight distancetoaccommodatetheproposeddrivewayforthisproject.Whileitisrecognizedthat somecarewillneedtobeexercisedbytenantsperformingaleft-handturn,thereissufficient distanceandvisibilitytoaccomplishthistasksafely. PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com CavanaghConstructionLtd.Page5 1000SomersetStreetNovember24,2006 ConditionalUse 1 Undertheproposed“RM-1”ThreeStoreyMultiple Residentialzoningadwellinggroupisa conditionaluse,meaningthatwhileitispermittedinthiszoneitissubjecttotheimpositionof reasonabletermsandconditionsbythePlanningAdvisoryCommittee.Sincethisapartment projecthassharedfacilities(i.e.,drivewayaccessandparking)specificapprovalbytheCommittee mustbesought. TheprojecthasbeendesignedinamannerthatsatisfiesallapplicableZoningBy-lawstandards. Therearealsoexistingrestrictivecovenantsconcerningthispropertythatarediscussedinthe nextsectionofthisreport.Notwithstanding,furtherconditionshavealsobeenrecommendedto ensurethatthisapartmentdevelopmentisundertakeninasimilarmannerasothersuchmultiple familydevelopmentsthathaveoccurredinrecentyears. Theseconditionswererequiredinthe Developer’sapartmentdevelopmentthatwasundertakenseveralyearsagoonMagazineStreet, andincludethefollowing: ?Thesubjectpropertymustbedevelopedinaccordancewiththesubmittedsiteplan illustratingasharedasphaltparkingareaanddrivewayenclosedbycontinuousconcrete curbing; ?Thedevelopmentofthesubjectpropertymustbeinaccordancewithadetaileddrainage plan,subjecttotheapprovaloftheChiefCity Engineer,includingtheinstallationofany necessarycatchbasins;and ?Alldisturbedareasnotoccupiedbybuildings,parkingareas,walkways,anddriveways mustbelandscapedbynolaterthanSeptember1,2007. RestrictiveCovenants TheCityofSaintJohnconveyedthesubjectpropertytotheDeveloper(600608N.B.Ltd.)earlier thisyear. TheDeveloperonlyproposedtoconstructaservicedsinglefamilydwellingonthe subjectsite. Thenegotiatedpriceforthepropertyonlyreflectedthislimiteddevelopment proposalinlightoftheratherexpensiveservicingandsiteworkassociatedwiththisdifficultsite. Also,thefollowingrestrictivecovenantswereregisteredagainstthispropertybytheCityatthe timeofconveyance: (a)Placementofaccesstothesubjectpropertyfromapublicstreetissubjecttoapprovalby theChiefCity Engineerorhisdesignate,andarestrictivecovenantthattheplacementof 1 DwellingGroupmeanstwoormorebuildings containingdwellingunitslocatedon a lotor adjoininglotswhere all buildings,recreation areas,driveways,parking areas andlandscapinghavebeenplanned as a singleorunified development. PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com CavanaghConstructionLtd.Page6 1000SomersetStreetNovember24,2006 access,asapprovedbytheCity Engineerwillnotbeenlarged,amended,extendedor replaced,unlesspriorwrittenapprovalhasbeenobtainedfromtheChiefCity Engineeror hisdesignate; (b)Thesubjectpropertymustbeconnectedtomunicipalwaterandsewerservices,priorto anyoccupancyofthebuilding; Thatarestrictivecovenantbeplacedonthedeedtitlelimitingthedevelopmentofthis (c) sitetoasinglefamilydwelling ;and (d)Ifconstructionoftheabovesaidbuildingincludingthefoundationforthedwellinghasnot commencedwithinsixmonthsofthetransferofthepropertyto600608N.B.Ltd.theCity hasanoptiontorepurchasethesubjectpropertywithin90daysoftheCitygivingwritten noticetothepurchaserandthattherepurchaseofthesaidpropertyshallbefor$3,500and thattheMayorandCommonClerkbeauthorizedtosignanynecessarydocuments requiredtofinalizethistransaction. Thepresentzoningofthepropertynormallypermitstheconstructionofaoneortwo-family dwelling,andtheproposednewzonewouldusuallyallowforaoneortwo-familyormultiple dwelling(apartmentsortownhousing).However,giventheregisteredcovenantsimposedonthe propertybytheCityonlyasinglefamilydwellingcanbeconstructedregardlessofthezoning. Therefore,inlightoftheDeveloper’sdesiretoundertaketheproposedapartmentproject,itis expectedthattheDeveloperwillseekfurthernegotiationswiththeCity(Real Estate)inorderto removetheexistingcovenantrestrictingdevelopmenttoonlyasinglefamilydwelling.Itisalso anticipatedthatCitystaffwillseekadditionalcompensationforthepropertygiventhemagnitude oftheproposeddevelopmentascomparedtotheoriginalproposalforonlyasinglefamily dwelling. CONCLUSION : TheDeveloperisseekingpermissiontoundertakeadevelopmentconsistingoftwoapartment buildingswithashareddrivewayaccess,parkinglotandservicing. Theproposalisconsistent withtherelevantpoliciesoftheMunicipalPlan,andisappropriateforthesurrounding neighbourhood. Therefore,thenecessaryrezoningofthepropertyto“RM-1”ThreeStorey Multiple Residentialcanbesupported. PACconditionshavebeenrecommendedwithregardstothisdwellinggroup. Theseconditions havebeenimposedonsimilarmultipledwellingprojects.Also,asdiscussedinthisreportthere areadditionalrestrictivecovenantsthattheCityimposedpriortoconveyingthispropertytothe Developer.Furthernegotiationswillbenecessarysincetheserestrictionswouldprohibitthe constructionoftheproposedapartmentbuildings. PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com , '. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT/URBANISME ET DEVELOPPEMENT RS - 2 ~~..._tYl \r--~/- \ ... .................. ~ -... u . . . . . . ~\ . .....y. t'..... ...... ..r ......... ...-.0-.... .........-...~. ........-vf:............ ..- , .-~.. .. ,-..-r..... . . .............,,~......- ~.~,....., "'. . "'. . ". ,+ .......... ./'+ ..... .. . . . . . .~,,,, .' .11I1.~ .' .' " ........ l' . . . . . R-IA , .. . . Subject Site/site en question: Location: 1000, rue Somerset St. Date: October/octobre 30, 2006 Scale/echelle: Not to scale/Pas a l'echelle , '. ! ~ ~ ~ :~ ~ I gg !~~~ I i~ Ii ~ &~ Ii If ~ ~~ ~ t ~ 3' ~ ~ ~ . Ii ~!d ~. ; ~~ ~~ ~'rE~ ~~N =; li~l~ !h~6 e.~ ~!IU ~ ..il~ ~~ ~>~. '~~~~5 ~~ ~~;~~ hbB~ ~ ~~~:k5ri ri }Wriri. I" -1. I / t----I (, i i ;' " '''''... " i..... " '. " , " i~." " '. .'--...----., ..-' ..' ,..r",..r'/' ~ ! ./' '..' '. \.~\ 10/21/2005 13:09 9054049912 STAPLES #203 105 - 5"21.- ~14g PAGE 01 Applicado.. for a ZODiDl By-taw Amendment Demallde de lmodifJeatiod 11'arriU sur Ie zooale Appliunt Rd"t.fd )tlrormatloal ReUJeiPfmtD'tS lur Ie de..odeur Name of Appli~ J Nom du. ~ _ZSZI'1J..r;t CN~(,.i'C.71a~ J.,~.. _________._ --...-~~__...............o_.._.~___~__,...,.~.~.~~.~'._. Mailing Acl4rets of Applil::i1!1 f Addreae posts1e du Ga:maDdeuc go, l?~: !~W7~~ ;VB" ,.._._c____._.___.___~__.~ , ~J'OiIII8.l Cede I (',()lilt po8tal ~-L:;;t2. T~lflI.Ilmlt N:\IlW)ej ! Nmaeru de teWpbl)nt _ 6 % -..8:.t C'l::) .-- Home j Dom.i~ __.~._.~_ Work J Travnil .- fax NI1lDber I Nl1~m de .eft\.ooJJletU' _-6~~ '"5'5'/7 Name: 0{ Plcpcrty Owner (if d.if!ert:nl) I Nom dll propM~ ($1 cll1I'~retU.) . ( 312-04-/ : ~~(. ~_~~~~~.~) C ~jj./~:~:~?:f~!!l7 ) __ Ohm (110 J l"nP WeSrl11o,t:.",,,, ~ \).)'1. 1111*' *' A/J&11tI.ts, ~ _ -"" .___ ""__..____ Poml C<< e ,I Code postal_~. 4 c:5'Si6]8~7 "-roptrty (.form_dn I ReanipUDleau IJU' 1. Proprl~U;6 4--'6 Wp5ki"I~,,,4 {3V" 3 5'4-5' LcalljCn/SmrJac.ement___~~~...Gn~~ ~~~;.;r::y,.~J!c. 0111 Civk * I N1J de wiric Strm I"~\IC Pm I NiP Let Area f Sl!pC1'fIcie dulot :3; '30 3' m2 _ Street F~ / F~t sur rue -.::l,. .. ~~.~~ 'Z:."__~____._ 'F..xisrmg tJee of PrOpMy I UUliatkm a::u.aeUe de 1a ptopritte _ ~~-r L~r ~ _, __-___._ MiInidpaIl'-'I.&.D Imtcl U$e OcsipIioo DislgMlOll. de udll1.c1on des tem$ sur It:: plan lJIWI!cipil .. Amendment ReqYmed I Modif'btiOD demalld& ~ Zotili\g I ZooaIe ...-wliJ:1--:J 3:::'3$<1-51 R$ 2 __~"!'5~~1~. ?~~::I ) " ./ ~ Chall!t ?'J)tlillgm I M<lQukadon (b.l ~8tfl__ -r H -..f':;' ~~~) an4fcrr I oC'U [-1 T~tt AmendmsJt (itdicatll plltlicu1l1l1l) I Moc.1lJje;:atioo due ~ (IndiqMz 1a dma.b) -~-....----- .:1(11)/ ~ ().I) Ilr J1SS1l'~i ~!3~HI\/~ "!i'l/MI1n:" l(! r. l ::':!': q!:l ,) ~ Ii' Ii ~ I ~ ~ 'I !:l ,', (,:, 'I )' I ~ , 10/21/2006 13:09 9054049912 STAPLES #203 PAGE 02 Development. Pl"Opoul / Propoaitioll: d'amenqeJlU!Dt Dtscripti.on Of Pmpc.Isal f J"Jr:scrlpticm. de la ~tiOJl. ~Z~&-=m..~'+5'~ A .7~~7~~6!~ ~,!EWT C!IJ "7Z),,.t ~c;r~rzat:~R.1.Q.!!IE:~.3:23 $~ ~ :ifiL p;.1Q:U '-;--.~ ~ -4 ~~.lli;;, s:;~.':~~~~ A(~ 11onfJ~ ._--_..~-_...._._......--..--...... r"" milst pr1Nftk a$lXdsd.sift p(tft that illum'f:ltu 'yoW- propc.ft1I. y"u In'!)' /too }HV\"idll "irotOfMPhs, /;ufltli1f8 plt1m, ~kvatlf)" dr(2t';ings ,:'l1d any (Jtll,,. fo"'" rJf'"Jbrmllt1otl. 1Ju pLan m~st shllw rM d/ffIe1IIWnS oftM ,?opmy, 1M JocnNon at tJl! bIM ldinp:, ~, parId~ 1WdJ. lallaJt;apmg tmd $iriS, II j.r iM(XI1'tQn.r that tile thKJ:J1I(,~ bflltweelf the J>>'Optrly bowtby ant! buUdmgft11'f muwn, J..'OIIS ~z /rmm;r un pla'r1 idI slr~ r t l'eeJtflle 1U1I.&an1 't'()trr pI'Optn/tJ",n. VOIl4' fOJ;l~Z igGh m8JIl foumlr des {ihotog1'4phk'.$. dek pI/Ult . lJdtfme "t, dt/s dtull'ts a~ pro'l d'tltvt$on ,r tQl/tl! mI"4' jcJ'IM "' I elfSli/lflsmt"rr, U plan dcif Indtqwr les ilmsmJoTLf fir f,t,.~ roprl#tf. I'tnrplDosmimt de fa IOII)/irl d(!J hMmenu, ill" aili", rJ.s Ioftn,f d4 stqtf~nr. d~5 ~~ J.I2}'J~m t1 fks pamreow: de rigrlttliJJfJt1rm, rJ est ~"'porttmt d'i '1dfflltt1' 113 distanct entre fea Umih1.~ d(l, lp pmprlf.rF: 1ft II'1.r !;lOt me"". Pttl\'ilk ~ why ~ ilmCDItmcuu MOllkll;,oe ~ r foumi:!' tool .!l1.lh rense!gDf me.UllXlllOeJll8Dll~ pmJlO$itiQn qui ~tc R'e approriYees. -~ / " .if& - _,:~:ii;u_-<.La....~ ~~I /(t,/.~ ~Q~,~M.~S ~Ar.A~ ~,jt:-~~_~ c..~>E- '75 ~1-"- _w ......___ .__...-..--..."""""""--____..--._~ Prov;tie 8IlY mher tnfOrrr.laticm ltbout ~'OtIt prClllOMl tIW 'WOUld be helpful I f<Jl..tm:i:r toullt l4e .nlIJ.!Ie.iplJ\C!lJt alnc::er'DIIIII Y01J'e prcpcsitiOll qui. pmlJl'lit ~ utile _"",",,--~~....a...--,..,~~,~_.._--..-................. .....--...........--..... .--~----'.....---...........---.-..-..-~-...-.~ ~;~~.::./Si~dudcmandeur_, ~~ (S-~#~D:~IJ) . 0310_ 0.::--+ Z-f/bC' & ..~{9 Sijnl"j-6r ,Fit\IY ~S~~~1 o '400 AppUlOIIIion F. EodO'lled 1 O.joIal ~lhtij de doll1atld= de 400 S Rip ~ ~AI'<" c:~~'...... ~t)l'm ~ I'll't /It, tlWPM'r (If mft Itmd Tn ~lIion 8j WJl/8 ,,'Me.! par 1~ proprt~!(1i,., ! t-J femlM'f Iff qwnkM. plill1W Itaw tM QWller :Jgrr h41,,'. '11tcr signfiturr of WfUf/lrz oblW. flU' III .rIflJ1.0hml drI pf ~pl'ltUQln dt1n~ /g JJQI1t{' fflt! l"hmtl' 'S wtlrorlz~ tlriJ oppliCtltJ()n t(l .~fi1 f:1-denou.r. La "'PlUW'/3 dIl fMIPI' 4r~" QIItorlSt1flt It ~ a,. flIr €i)n..fide'lJlicn by Common COIitlcJ/. 11'riift1~r df /(l prhmft drmandl' po#"l/II' Cflt, ."",,., ~ ~/temMJnHzparr .Z1'" ~ ~ ~ofOwaer(if~) 6;;: I Sigoaturcdue~(5'U).alieu) ~ __. ,_.~ Q ~ \. oate:.~wJ___g__ r ,zvo lP.. ~(J(l)~,~!)li!lI 'T~~Y~~ ~~'~~~a ".l~M'~~n~ -., ",f(t;;\ ;j t ! i ~ . .. ..... . .. ~ ~\~.;9\ . ~ ~ 'g; ~ \1 \ !! . '" ~ I L ....-...;. l.~.t *b' . 3~ ""? ~ ~ ~ , '- qyo~ Il10qD , lvilQ100 , , '- ---- 'I ~ 3 ~ u ~ ~ Q ., , _ _ 801jS. 'i. _ _ ----:. . "it 3Ull '''' "'_ __ . -.eMp U1.li~~S!~3 ~r _ ---- _ oJ rj8 .1I"~S~ - - 1WS .or - r- PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT RE: 648 \VESTMORLAND ROAD AND 166 GOLDEN GROVE ROAD Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint Jolm intends to consider amending The City of Saint Jolm Zoning By-law at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, December 4,2006 at 7 :00 p.m., by: Rezoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 2.45 hectares, located at 648 Westmorland Road and 166 Golden Grove Road, also identified as being PID No. 00303545, 55161897 and 00312041, from "R-2" One and Two Family Residential, "RS-2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential and "RM-l" Three Storey Multiple Residential to "TH" Townhouse, as illustrated below. (INSERT MAP) REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit a townhouse development. The proposed amendment may be inspected by any interested person at the' office of the Common Clerk, or in the office of Planning and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N,R between the hours of8:30 a.ill. and 4:30 p.m" Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. PROJET DE MODIFICATION DE L' ARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE OBJET: 648, CHEMIN WESTMORLAND ET 166, CHEMIN GOLDEN GROVE Avis public est donne, par la presente, que Ie conseil communal de The City of Saint John a l'intention d'etudier la modification suivante de l'arrete sur Ie zonage de The City of Saint John, au cours de la reunion ordinaire du conseil prevue Ie lundi 4 decembre 2006 it 19 h dans la salle du conseil: Ie rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'Wle superficie d'environ 2,45 hectares, situee au 648, chemin Westmorland et 166 chemin Golden Grove, et portant les NID 00303545, 55161897 et 00312041, de zone residentielle - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales <<R-2>>, zone residentielle de banlieue habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales <<RS-2>> et zone d'edifices Ii. logements multiples de trois etages <<RM-b> a zone de maisons en rangee <<TH >>, comme 1 'indique la carte ci-dessous. (INSERER LA CARTE) RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: Pour permettre un lotissement de maisons en rangee. T oute personne interessee peut examiner la modification proposee au bureau du greffier communal ou au bureau de l'urbanisme et du developpement ai' hotel de ville situe au 15, Market Square, a Saint John, au Nouveau- Brunswick, entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les jaurs feries. Written objections to the amendment may be sent Veuillez faire parvenir vos objections au projet de to the Wldersigned at City Hall. modification par ecrit a l'attention du soussigne a l'hOtel de ville. J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 658-2862 J. Patrick Woods, Greffier communal 658-2862 ~~..../ c-~-,....~" "-, // /)'''- \~/' i / / ~ \ /'///' \, \ /< '" / /' '" A~ \ '\ / ", '\ /\" ,~ ,0 ,/ \ \/' \ \ " " "- /'. "- /." " /<: " \/", ,,/ Q' \ '. "\ /' '\ ,/ ./'\ "', . /~' , 'v/ "- '6/ /' 0 " \, /\" , "" ," '0 o. / /' ',/ ' " / / , 0" ~ ", " .</\" 0".,.,/<, ", /\.o'~ ~/, ",f. 0'" \ >./\ '..-(", ',/" \,.>."~ /<.., , / '<V'~ \ .. /'. , .>~. ,./.vr/ ,'/' ''!#.../ \ /,</ '" >.(~ ( /)" ',/ /~~ n,\/ "~>/\ ''y/'::...r:/'" '<\ /"'~/ II '~~o //// / // \ \, // o~, .A.' ,,, ,~ . o / , ,/.~ /' /. < / ~ \, /// \ //~~..,(: ~, /' '\ \ // 49./ ~ " / /' '. " \' / ' /' , ""_ )/ A / " / ~ ) 1./ ~ \ .,--.(.,.V<,'J<' . ',......'.'-../......)r-.. :c \~----- \ I ( '" / .. I~ "'" I'>> '. J ", / "..0."" I'" Y"\ \_ ~--_/. \ i.--".'- /-'-., S." /" · \. ,/ '. , ;. / "', ';'''' . " 0 \ o' i I ", " "" \,,-"-'- \ \ /"" Y. / ",. \ /}"",\ -~./-.-~.\. \\/( '~I \ r \ "'- ~"/" \ , \"-/\\'-'j~';" "" ( ~ I". e;' " ' ," " , I "0, I ", ' II , '- / \() / . 0 '." \\ _ " . J /. '-.. / ' ,\. \ ,,' " '-. ,.z. L~ ;.'" / ' " '... \ "', ;.." I ", ;' -\ ,/ I "" / " "" ( , I !". /' " I /. " / \, .' ;".......... ~~ ,/ /'"-'-" "\ '-"'- A~", / /'. 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V' \( \ \ \.-,~..~..."J.J' r ~-~-!-~--------- \, //, // I \ PROPOSED ZONING BY -LAW AMENDMENT RE: 648 WESTMORLAND ROAD AND 166 GOLDEN GROVE ROAD Public Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of The City of Saint John intends to consider amending The City of Saint John Zoning By~law at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, December 4,2006 at 7:00 p.m., by: Rezoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 2.45 hectares, located at 648 Westmorland Road and 166 Golden Grove Road, also identified as being PID No. 00303545, 55161897 and 00312041, from "R-2" One and Two Family Residential, "RS-2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential and "RM:-1" Three Storey Multiple Residential to "TH" Townhouse, as illustrated below. (INSERT MAP) REASON FOR CHANGE: To permit a townhouse development. The proposed amendment may be inspected by any interested person at the office of the Common Clerk, or in the office of Planning and Development, City Hall, 15 Market Square, Saint John, N.B. between the hours of 8:30 a,m. and 4:30 p,m., Monday through Friday, inclusive, holidays excepted. Written objections to the amendment may be sent to the undersigned at City Hall. J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk 658-2862 ------------------------------------------------------------------ PROJET DE MODIFICATION DE V ARRETlt SUR LE ZONAGE OBJET: 648, CHEMIN WESTMORLAND ET 166, CHEMIN GOLDEN GROVE Avis public est donne, par la presente, que Ie conseil communal de The City of Saint Jo1m a l'intention d'etudier la modification suivante de I'arrete sur Ie zonage de The City of Saint Jo1m, au cours de la reunion ordinaire du conseil prevue Ie lundi 4 decembre 2006 it 19 h dans la salle du consei1: Ie rezonage d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ de 2,45 hectares, situee au 648, chemin Westmorland et 166, chemin Westmorland, et poliant les NID 00303545, 55161897 et 00312041, de zone residentielle - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales <<R-2>>, zone residentielle de banlieue - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales ((RS-2>> et zone d'edifices a logements multiples de trois etages (<RM-l>> a zone de maisons en rangee (( TH >), comme l'indique la carte ci-dessous. (IN SERER LA CARTE) RAISON DE LA MODIFICATION: Pour pennettre un lotissement de maisons en rangee. Toute personne interessee peut examiner la modification proposee au bureau du greffier communal ou au bureau de l'urbanisme et du developpement a l'hOtel de ville situe au 15, Market Square, a Saint John, au Nouveau-Brunswick, entre 8 h 30 et 16 h 30 du lundi au vendredi, sauf les jours feries, Veuillez faire parvenir vas objections au projet de modification par ecrit it l'attention du soussigne it ]'hOtel de ville. J. Patrick Woods, Greffier communal 658-2862 City of Saint John INTERNAL INSERTION ORDER For City of Saint John use only: Budget Number: 1100801 4422010 Department: Common Clerk's Office (Account # 71206) Contact: J. Patrick Woods Phone: (506) 658-2862 I Fax: (506) 674-4214 Special Instructions (if any): Newspaper Insertion Dates (Check as applicable) (SJTJ= Saint John Telegraph Journal) .. SJT J City Information Ad Date(s): Tuesday, November 7,2006 Tuesday, November 28,2006 .. SJTJ Independent Placement .. SJT J Classifieds Date(s): Date(s): Information for Ad (Boldface anything you want Bold in Ad, Centre, Tab, etc.) Section Headline: D General Notice D Tender D Proposal [!I Public Notice Sub-Headline (if applicable): Text: INSERT ATTACHED Call to Action: J. Patrick Woods, Common Clerk/Greffier communal Contact: I Telephone: (506) 658-2862 BY-LAW NUMBER C.P. 110- A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint J aim in Common Council convened, as follows: ARRETlt NO C.P. 110- ARRETE MODIFIANT L' ARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Lars d'une reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint Jolm a decrete ce qui suit : The Zoning By-law of The City of L'arrete sur Ie zonage de The City Saint John enacted on the nineteenth day of of Saint John, decrete Ie dix-neuf (19) December, A.D. 2005, is amended by: decembre 2005, est modifie par : 1 Amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re-zoning a parcel of land with an area of approximately 2.45 hectares, located at 648 Westmorland Road and 166 Golden Grove Road, also identified as being Pill No. 00303545,55161897 and 00312041, from "R-2" One and Two Family Residential, "RS-2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential and "RM-I" Three Storey Multiple Residential to "TH" Townhouse classification . all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the * day of *, A.D. 2006 and signed by: 1 La modification de l'annexe ((A)), Plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, permettant de modifier la designation d'une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie d'environ 2,45 hectares, situee au 648, chernin Westmorland et 166, chernin Golden Grove, et portant les NID 00303545,55161897 et 00312041, de zone residentielle - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales ((R-2)), zone residentielle de banlieue - habitations unifarniliales et bifamiliales <<RS-2)) et zone d'edifices a logements multiples de trois etages ((RM- 1>) a zone de maisons en rangee (( TH i). - toutes les modifications sont indiquees sur Ie plan ci-Joint et font partie du present arrete. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur Ie present arrete Ie 2006, avec les signatures suivantes : Mayor/ Maire Common Clerk/Greffier communal First Reading Second Reading - Third Reading - Premiere lecture Deuxieme lecture Troisieme lecture November29,2006 YourWorshipandCouncillors: SUBJECT:ProposedRezoning 648WestmorlandRoadand166GoldenGroveRoad OnNovember6,2006CommonCouncilreferredtheabovemattertothePlanning AdvisoryCommitteeforareportandrecommendation. TheCommittee consideredtheattachedreportatitsNovember28,2006meeting. MacBlairattendedthemeetingonbehalfoftheapplicantandexpressed agreementwiththerecommendationintheattachedreport.Mr.Blairindicated thattheiroriginalplantoconstructseniorcitizens’apartmentscouldnotbe undertakenbecauseofeconomicconsiderations.Mr.Blairalsorespondedtothe concernsraisedbyneighbouringproperty-ownerswithrespecttosurfacerunoff andstormdrainage,traffic,andgreenspace. Anumberofpersonsattendedthemeetinginoppositiontotheproposal.Rev. GregMcMullin,rectorofSt.Mary&St.Bartholomew’sChurch,advisedthat,in returnfortheapplicantmakingcertainimprovementstothechurchbuilding,the churchhadhandedoveralargeportionofthesubjectsitetotheapplicantin2003 ontheunderstandingthataseniors’complexwouldbeconstructed.Mr. McMullinindicatedthatthechurchandtheapplicanthadenteredintoan agreementinthisregardandthatthepresentproposalwas,inhisopinion, contrarytothatagreement. RegChitty,170GoldenGroveRoad,JeanUrquhart,161GoldenGroveRoad, PerryKokotailo,158GoldenGroveRoad,StephenCarroll,156GoldenGrove Road, Tom Lindsay,54John T. McMillanAvenue,andLarryCroxton,678 WestmorlandRoad,alsoaddressedtheCommittee. Theirconcernsincludedstorm watermanagement,trespassingbychildren,lossoftreecover,impactonthe FloodRiskArea,trafficonGoldenGroveRoadandpossibleoverflowofparking onWestmorlandRoad.Inadditiontothespeakers,threelettersexpressing objectionstotheproposalweresubmitted(copiesattached). Afterconsideringthereport,presentationsandletters,theCommitteedecidedto adopttherecommendationintheattachedreportthattheproposedrezoningbe approved. PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com PlanningAdvisoryCommitteePage2 November29,2006 Itshouldbenotedthatafurtherrecommendationconcerningthesubdivision aspectofthisapplicationwillbeprovidedshouldfirstandsecondreadingtothe requestedMunicipalPlanamendmentbegivenbyCommonCouncil. RECOMMENDATION : ThatCommonCouncilrezoneaparceloflandwithanareaofapproximately2.45 hectares,locatedat648WestmorlandRoadand166GoldenGroveRoad,also identifiedasbeingPIDNo.00303545,55161897and00312041,from“R-2”One and TwoFamilyResidential,“RS-2”Oneand TwoFamilySuburbanResidential and“RM-1” ThreeStoreyMultipleResidentialto“TH” Townhouse. Respectfullysubmitted, PhilipHovey Chairman RGP/r Attachments ProjectNo.06-364 PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com DATE:NOVEMBER24,2006 TO:PLANNINGADVISORYCOMMITTEE FROM:PLANNINGANDDEVELOPMENT FOR:MEETINGOFNOVEMBER28,2006 RandallG.Pollock,MCIP Planner SUBJECT : NameofApplicant:BlairConstructionInc. NameofOwner:BlairConstructionInc.,ScottMacDonaldandGerald& VaughnKane Location:648WestmorlandRoadand166GoldenGroveRoad PID:303545,55161897and312041 MunicipalPlan:LowDensityResidential Zoning:Existing:“R-2”Oneand TwoFamilyResidential, “RS-2”Oneand TwoFamilySuburban Residentialand“RM-1” ThreeStorey MultipleResidential Proposed:“TH” Townhouse Proposal:Topermitasubdivisionconsistingoftownhousesandtwo- familydwellings,includingtwonewpublicstreets PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com BlairConstructionInc.Page2 648WestmorlandRoadand166GoldenGroveRoadNovember24,2006 1 TypeofApplication:Rezoning,SubdivisionandVariancesfromthe requirementsoftheSubdivisionBy-law,asfollows: a)variancetopermitareducedright-of-waywidth, rangingfrom11metres(36feet)to15metres(50 feet)forParishCourt,whereasaminimumwidthof 15metres(50feet)isrequired; b)variancetopermitasphaltwidthof7.3metres(24 feet)inbothproposedstreets,whereasaminimum asphaltwidthof9metres(30feet)isrequired; c)variancetopermitreducedturnaboutdiametersof 27.4metres(90feet)onParishCourtand30metres (100feet)onHillsideCourt,whereasaminimum diameterof37.5metres(124feet)isrequired; d)variancetopermitproposedParishCourttohavea lengthofapproximately132metres(432feet)tothe beginningoftheturnabout,whereasamaximumcul- de-saclengthof105metres(350feet)ispermitted, unlessthereisanemergencyvehicularaccessof pedestrianwalkwaywithacleartravelpathofat least3metres(10feet)inwidth,fromornearthe headoftheturnaboutgivingaccesstoanadjacent street; e)variancetopermittheturnaboutforParishCourtto be“P”-shaped,whereastheSubdivisionBy-law requirestheturnabouttobesymmetricalaboutthe centrelineora“reverse-P”shape. f)variancestopermitseveraloftheproposed townhouselotstohavedepthsrangingfrom approximately19.5metres(64feet)to approximately29.2metres(96feet),whereas minimumlotdepthsof30metres(100feet)are required; 1 Itshouldbenotedthat,in additiontothevarianceslistedhere,theinitialsiteplansubmittedbythe applicantwould requireseveralvariancesfromthelot area,yard andotherrequirementsoftheZoningBy-law.These additional varianceshavenotbeenlistedbecauseit appearsthatmanyoftheissues canbe addressedthroughrevisionstothe subdivisionplan. PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com BlairConstructionInc.Page3 648WestmorlandRoadand166GoldenGroveRoadNovember24,2006 g)variancetopermitaseparationof28metres(92 feet)betweenproposedHillsideCourtandJohn T. McMillanAvenue(measuredalongGoldenGrove Road),whereasaminimumseparationof60metres (200feet)isrequired. JURISDICTIONOFCOMMITTEE : TheCommunityPlanningActauthorizesthePlanningAdvisoryCommitteetogiveitsviewsto CommonCouncilconcerningproposedamendmentstotheZoningBy-law.CommonCouncilwill Monday,December4,2006 considertheCommittee’srecommendationatapublichearingon. TheActalsoauthorizestheCommitteetogiveitsviewstoCommonCouncilconcerningthe vestingofpublicstreetsandlandforpublicpurposes(LPP)inconjunctionwiththesubdivisionof land. TheCommitteemayalsograntreasonablevariancesfromtherequirementsofthe SubdivisionBy-law.ConditionscanbeimposedbytheCommittee. TheSubdivisionBy-lawauthorizestheCommitteetoapprovethecreationoflotsorparcelsof landwithaccessotherthanapublicstreet,andtoapprovethenamesofstreetswithina subdivision. STAFFRECOMMENDATIONTOCOMMITTEE : 1.ThatCommonCouncilrezoneaparceloflandwithanareaofapproximately2.45hectares, locatedat648WestmorlandRoadand166GoldenGroveRoad,alsoidentifiedasbeingPID No.00303545,55161897and00312041,from“R-2”Oneand TwoFamilyResidential,“RS- 2”Oneand TwoFamilySuburbanResidentialand“RM-1” ThreeStoreyMultipleResidential to“TH” Townhouse. 2.Thattheproposedsubdivisionofthepropertybetabledforafurtherreportontheapplicant’s revisedproposal. BACKGROUND : OnAugust19,2002,CommonCouncilrezonedPID00303545from“IL-1”Neighbourhood Institutionalto“RM-1” ThreeStoreyMultipleResidentialinordertopermitaseniorcitizens’ apartmentdevelopment. TherezoningwassubjecttoanumberofSection39conditionsdealing withsitedevelopmentrequirementsincludingpaving,curbing,sitedrainage,undergroundutilities, landscapingandsiteplanapproval. ThePlanningAdvisoryCommitteehadrecommendedthe PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com BlairConstructionInc.Page4 648WestmorlandRoadand166GoldenGroveRoadNovember24,2006 proposedrezoning,includingtheSection39conditions,atitsJuly30,2002meeting.Atthesame timetheCommitteegrantedseveralvariancesfromtherequirementsoftheZoningBy-lawand SubdivisionBy-lawinordertopermitthecreationofseparatelotsfortheformerrectory,the seniors’apartmentdevelopmentsiteandtheadjacentSt.Mary&St.BartholomewAnglican Church(646WestmorlandRoad),andtopermitanadditiontotherearofthechurch. OnApril22,2003,CommonCouncilrezonedtheformerrectoryproperty(PID55161897)from “IL-1”NeighbourhoodInstitutionalto“R-2”Oneand TwoFamilyResidentialinorderto recognizethelong-existingresidentialuseoftheformerchurchrectory,whichwasnolonger beingusedinconjunctionwiththenearbychurch. TheCommitteehadrecommendedtherezoning atitsmeetingonApril8,2003. INPUTFROMOTHERSOURCES : MunicipalOperationsandEngineering hasprovidedthefollowingcomments: a)MunicipalwaterandsewerareavailableinWestmorlandRoadandGoldenGroveRoad. Stormsewerswillberequiredinthedevelopmentandwillprobablydischargeintothe brookonthefarsideofGoldenGroveRoad. Thewatermainsforthetwostreetsmustbe linkedtomaintainwaterqualityandsupply. Theuppermosthomesmayreceivelessthan idealpressure. b)Thesewertowhichthedeveloperwantstoconnectfortheinitialphaseisa6-inchlateral fromthechurchthatwasinstalledaftertheconstructionofLongviewCourt. Thisisnot builtasamainline.Inadditiontobeingundersizedithasnomanholesatthebendsandis onlyinaprivateeasement.Itcouldbeacceptedasatemporaryconnectionforthefirst phasebutnotasapermanentsolution.Ifusedasatemporaryconnectionforthefirstten unitsitmustbeexplicitthattheCitywillmaintaintheconnectiontoLongviewCourtbut allmaintenance,shoulditfailorblockwillbeatthedeveloper’sexpenseandthe permanentlinemustbeinstalledbeforeanyadditionalunitsareconstructed. The permanentsewermustbetoCityspecificationsandrunfromthestartofParishCourt downthroughtheeasementtoHillsideCourttoGoldenGroveRoad. c)HillsideCourtwillbeaquietresidentialcul-de-sacsothereisnoobjectiontoitsproximity totheJohn T. McMillanAvenueintersection. d)Wecannotsupporttheproposedreductioninthepublicright-of-waywidthforParish Court. The15metres(50feet)specifiedintheSubdivisionBy-lawisrequiredtoprovide sufficientspacetomaintaintheservicesburiedinthestreetandplowedsnow. e)Wecannotsupporttheproposedreductioninpavementwidthto7.3metres(24feet)ona publicstreet.Werequirethespecified9metres(30feet)plusa1.5-metre(5-foot) sidewalk. Thiswillpermitsomeon-streetparking.Ourexperiencewiththistypeof developmentisthaton-streetparkingisrequiredforvisitorsandsecondvehicles. f)Thereisnoobjectiontotheincreasedlengthofthecul-de-sac. PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com BlairConstructionInc.Page5 648WestmorlandRoadand166GoldenGroveRoadNovember24,2006 g)Wecannotsupporttheproposedreductioninthediameteroftheturnarounds.Werequire aminimumdiameterbetweenthecurbsof15metres(50feet)topermitsanitationtrucks andsnowplowstomanoeuvrewithoutreversing. h)WehavenoobjectiontotheproposedshapeoftheturnaroundonParishCourt.Wenote, however,thatthestreetcanbeslightlyrealignedbyreducingtheangleoftheturntoless than90degrees(e.g.approximately66degrees)tocenteritonthecul-de-sac. i)Sitedrainagewillbecriticalonthissteephillsidesite.Werequireadetailedsitedrainage planfortheentiredevelopmentbeprovided.Backyarddrainagewillbeespeciallycritical forunits11-15and29-40. j)ThecreationofthelandlockedLPPparcelisnotsupported. Thisshouldbepartofthe trusteelands. BuildingandTechnicalServices advisesthattherearenoBuildingCodeconcernswiththe proposal. SaintJohnTransit advisesthatitissupportiveofhigherdensitydevelopmentsuchasthesubject proposal.SaintJohn TransitcurrentlyservesthisareawiththeForestGlenbus,whichtravels alongGoldenGroveRoad. SaintJohnEnergy advisesthatithasoverheadfacilitiesinthearea.Anextensionoffacilities mayberequiredtoservicetheproposeddevelopmentandthiswouldbeatthedeveloper’scost. SaintJohn Energyhasbeenindiscussionswiththedeveloperwithregardstoprovidingacost estimate. AliantTelecom advisesthatithasnoissueswiththeproposedrezoningandsubdivision.Aliant willworkjointlywiththedeveloperandSaintJohn Energy. Rogers hasbeenadvisedoftheproposal. Maritimes&NortheastPipeline hasnoobjection. EnbridgeGasN.B. hasbeenadvisedoftheproposal. LeisureServices hasbeenadvisedoftheproposal. CivicAddressing advisesthatthenameParishCourtisacceptablefortheproposedstreetoff WestmorlandRoad.However,HillsideCourtisnotacceptableasthereiscurrentlyastreet namedHillsideRoadinanotherpartoftheCity,aswellasseveralotherexistingstreetswiththe word“Hill”intheirnames.AnalternativenameisrequiredfortheproposedstreetoffGolden GroveRoad. PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com BlairConstructionInc.Page6 648WestmorlandRoadand166GoldenGroveRoadNovember24,2006 FireDepartment hasnoobjectiontothesubdivisionoftheproperty.However,thedesignshould adheretothefollowingNationalBuildingCodeStandard3.2.5.6Access RouteDesign,which providesthattheroad: a)haveaclearwidthnotlessthan6metres(20feet),unlessitcanbeshownthatlesser widthsaresatisfactory; b)haveacentrelineradiusnotlessthan5metres(16.4feet); c)haveanoverheadclearancenotlessthan5metres(16.4feet); d)haveachangeingradientnotmorethan1in12.5overaminimumdistanceof15metres (50feet); e)bedesignedtosupporttheexpectedloadsimposedbyfirefightingequipmentandbe surfacedwithconcrete,asphaltorothermaterialdesignedtopermitaccessibilityunderall climateconditions; f)haveturnaroundfacilitiesforanydead-endportionoftheaccessroutemorethan90 metres(300feet)long;and g)beconnectedtoapublicthoroughfare. Unfortunately,theapplicant’sproposalprovidesfortwopointsofconcern–turnaroundareaas notedin(f)above,andthediameteroftheturnaroundperSubdivisionBy-law. TheFire Department’srecommendsthatthedeveloperworktosatisfytherequirementsontheseissues. SchoolBoard hasbeenadvisedoftheproposal. ANALYSIS : SiteandNeighbourhood ThesubjectsiteislocatedintheForestHillsareaof EastSaintJohn. Thisisaresidential neighbourhoodofmainlyoneandtwo-familydwellingsonsuburbanstylelots. Thesiteconsistsof threeseparateproperties,extendingfromWestmorlandRoadallthewaythroughtoGolden GroveRoad,containingatotalofapproximately2.45hectares(6acres). Tothesouthwestofthe siteareoneandtwo-familydwellingsfrontingonSkylineDrive,aswellastheSt.Mary&St. Bartholemew’sAnglicanChurchat646WestmorlandRoad. TothenortheastistheLongview Courtgardenhomedevelopment,consistingofapproximately22owner-occupiedtownhouse unitsonaprivatecourtoffWestmorlandRoad.Alsotothenortheastisalargeresidentiallot frontingonGoldenGroveRoad.DirectlyacrossWestmorlandRoadfromthesiteisForestHills Park,alargecity-ownedrecreationalfacility.OntheoppositesideofGoldenGroveRoadare morelargeresidentiallotsfrontingonGoldenGroveRoad,aswellastheintersectionofJohn T. McMillanAvenue. TheportionofthesiteadjacenttoWestmorlandRoadcontainsanexistingone-familydwelling (theformerchurchrectory)andaportionoftheexistingasphaltparkingareaforthechurch. This portionofthesiteisrelativelylevel,buttotherearofthechurchthesitebeginstoslopesteeply downtowardsGoldenGroveRoad. Thisportionofthesiteiscurrentlyundevelopedandpartially PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com BlairConstructionInc.Page7 648WestmorlandRoadand166GoldenGroveRoadNovember24,2006 wooded. ThedifferenceinelevationbetweentheWestmorlandRoadandGoldenGroveRoad endsofthesiteisapproximately33metres(110feet). Themoststeeplyslopingareaisinthe northwestportionadjacenttoGoldenGroveRoadandtheadjoiningpropertytotheeastat170 GoldenGroveRoad. Proposal Theapplicantproposestodeveloparesidentialsubdivisionconsistingofapproximatelytwosemi- detacheddwellingsfrontingonGoldenGroveRoadandapproximately53one-familytownhouse unitsfrontingontwonewcul-de-sacstreets. Theexistingone-familydwellingbesidethechurch parkinglotwillbedemolishedorremovedfromthesiteinconjunctionwiththedevelopment. Theproposedsiteplanforthedevelopmentisattached. Theplanshowsonestreetoff WestmorlandRoad(proposednameParishCourt),whichwouldgiveaccesstoatotalof28one- familytownhouseunitsontheupperpartofthesite. Thelowerpartofthesitewouldincludethe twotwo-familydwellingsonlotsfrontingonGoldenGroveRoad,and25one-familytownhouse unitsonthesecondproposedstreet(proposednameHillsideCourt),whichwillbeoffGolden GroveRoad.Alloftheunitsinbothsectionsareproposedtobeowner-occupied.Designsofthe unitshavenotbeenfinalized,butitisanticipatedthatmostwillbetwostoreysinheight.Dueto theslopingnatureofthesite,thiswillresultinseveraloftheunitshavingthree-storeyfrontor rearfacades. Inadditiontotheproposedstreetsandresidentiallots,theplanprovidestwoproposedCity- ownedlandforpublicpurposes(LPP)parcels,oneonthesteeplyslopingportionofthesite directlyadjacenttoGoldenGroveRoadandasmallerparceladjacenttotherearlotlinesof22 and24-26SkylineDrive. Therearealsoseveralproposedcommonareasthatwouldpresumably becometrusteelandsuponfilingofthesubdivisionplan. Thesubjectsiteiscurrentlylocatedinthreeseparatezones. Themajorityofthesiteiszoned “RM-1” ThreeStoreyMultipleResidentialwithSection39conditionslimitingtheusetothe previouslyproposedseniors’apartmentsconcept.Whilethiszoningwouldalsopermit(withan amendmenttotheSection39conditions)atownhousedevelopment,theothertwoparcelsthat comprisethesitearecurrentlyzonedonlyforoneortwo-familydwellings. Theapplicanthas proposedthattheentiresiteberezonedtothe“TH” Townhousezone,azonethatwascreatedin the1990swithstandardsthatspecificallyprovideforowner-occupiedtownhouseunits,whilealso providingforoneortwo-familydwellingsinaccordancewith“R-2”Oneand TwoFamily Residentialzonestandards. Inadditiontotheproposedrezoning,theproposalascurrentlyconfiguredwillrequireseveral variancesfromthestandardsoftheSubdivisionBy-lawandtheZoningBy-law. Theproposed subdivisionalsorequirestheassentofCouncilwithrespecttopublicstreets,serviceeasements andLPP,CommitteeapprovalofthestreetnamesandCouncilauthorizationofthenecessary subdivisionagreement(s)toensurecompletionoftherequiredwork. PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com BlairConstructionInc.Page8 648WestmorlandRoadand166GoldenGroveRoadNovember24,2006 MunicipalPlanandProposedRezoning ThesubjectsiteandsurroundingareaiszonedLowDensity ResidentialbytheMunicipal DevelopmentPlan. Thisdesignationencouragesthedevelopmentofamixofhousingtypes, includingone-family,two-familyandmultipledwellingsuptoanoverallneighbourhoodmaximum ofapproximately37unitspernethectare(15unitspernetacre). Thedensityoftheproposed development(23unitsperhectareor9.5unitsperacre)iswellwithintheseparameters. Thereisa mixofhousingtypesthroughouttheimmediatelysurroundingarea,includingthepreviously- approvedtownhousedevelopmentonLongviewCourt,oneandtwo-familydwellingsonSkyline Drive,GoldenGroveRoadandWestmorlandRoadandapartmentsfurthernorthoffJohn T. McMillanAvenue. Theproposeddevelopmentofthesitewithsemi-detacheddwellingsand townhousesiscompatiblewiththesurroundingareaandissupportedbythepoliciesofthe MunicipalPlan. ProposedSubdivision Whiletherezoningisappropriateandcanberecommendedatthistime,thereareseveralissues withrespecttothedetailsofthesubdivisionasinitiallyproposedbytheapplicant. Thoseissues forwhichvariancesarerequiredarelistedonpage2-3ofthisreport. Theyrelatetoright-of-way widths,turnarounddiametersandshape,asphaltwidths,cul-de-saclength,lotdepths,and separationofintersections.Additionalconcernsarenotedwithrespecttoatleastaportionofthe proposedLPPdedication,theamountandlocationoftrusteelands,andoneoftheproposed streetnames. Themostsignificantissuesarewithrespecttotheupperportionofthesite, particularlythewidthandconfigurationofParishCourt. revisedplan Theapplicantwasadvisedoftheseissuesandhasrespondedbysubmittinga(copy attached). Therevisedplanincludessignificantchangestotheconfigurationoftheupperportion ofthesite,aswellassomeminorchangesonthelowerportion.Asaresultofthesechanges,the totalnumberofdwellingunitswillbereducedbytenunits,from57to47.ParishCourthasbeen widenedandreconfiguredsothatitprovidesa15-metre(50foot)right-of-way,exceptatone pointadjacenttothechurchpropertywherethewidthisreducedtoapproximately13.4metres (44feet).Analternativestreetname,BurntHillTerrace,hasbeenproposedforthecul-de-sac streetoffGoldenGroveRoad. ThelandlockedLPPparcelhasbeendeletedandreplacedbya largerproposeddedicationadjacenttoGoldenGroveRoadandaparcelbetweenParishCourt andtheLongviewCourtdevelopment. Itappearsthattherevisedplanwillresolvemost,ifnotall,oftheconcernsthathavebeenraised, andfurtherwillremovetheneedforseveralofthevarianceslistedonpage2-3ofthisreport. However,astherevisedplanhasjustbeenreceivedonthedayofcompletionofthisreport,a detailedreviewhasnotbeenpossible.Itissuggestedthatconsiderationoftheapprovalsrelating tothesubdivisionofthepropertybetabledfortwoweekstopermitafullreviewoftherevised layout,includinginputfromMunicipalOperationsandotherdepartments. Thisapproachwillstill PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com BlairConstructionInc.Page9 648WestmorlandRoadand166GoldenGroveRoadNovember24,2006 provideenoughtimefortheCommitteetosubmititsrecommendationonthesubdivisionfor Council’sconsiderationatthetimeofthirdreadingoftherezoning. CONCLUSION : Themajorityofthesubjectsiteiscurrentlyzonedtopermitalow-riseapartmentdevelopmentfor seniors,whichwasrecommendedbythePlanningAdvisoryCommitteein2002. Theapplicanthas nowproposedthatthesiteandsomeadjoininglandberezonedto“TH” Townhouse,topermita combinationofsemi-detacheddwellingsandonefamilytownhousedwellingsonowner-occupied lots. Theproposeduseiscompatiblewiththesurroundingareaandsupportedbythepoliciesof theMunicipalPlan.Approvaloftheproposedrezoningisrecommended. Thegenerallayoutofthesubdivisionasinitiallyproposedbytheapplicantcanbesupportedin principle.However,severalsignificantissueswithrespecttothedetailsoftheinitialtentativeplan havebeenidentified,whichtheapplicanthasattemptedtoaddresswitharevisedsubmission. Whiletherezoningprocesscanproceed,itisrecommendedthatthesubdivisionapplicationbe tabledfortwoweekstopermitafullreviewoftherevisedplan. RGP/r ProjectNo.06-364 PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT/URBANISME ET DEVELOPPEMENT IL - '" '", rot . - ." . "I - RS - 1 Location: 648, chemin Westmorland Road and/et 166, chemin Golden Grove Road PID(s)/NIP(s): 00303545 55161897 00312041 Subject Site/site en question: Date: November 7 novembre, 2006 Scale/echelle: Not to scale/Pas a I'echelle ..-..-.. - ":iH91" -..-" s .. ! ~ e .. c :~ '" .. '" ~ / z # : I v ...... "C "- : e I 0 ...... '<f. ...... OVO I ~ "- q : ...... 8<10 I ~O : ...... ~Ql, I ...... ...... 00 '-.. S! l ~1'<( I i,= r,,- . " Jt jt-: ~ I -, --- . ---;- __ __ aUf/sll( '~ 1I!/srl( __ - ~"1I11 . '3 ~1I11 - ___ -' ....1~-1\ . ......."S -";:::::. - 1;).8 _ , . ~/!lIeS ----- _", _" .0;--'- J~ ~~ ~~ o <t ~~ ~~ ~~ I-- i _ <:0 %~ --........; rNTlIOVU~ _" "m! a ,. _ "1i.t9l -'.- . 3 .. ~ ~ ~ d .. c x '" ~ ~ :::0 M "<t / ~ i. f1~ {:'~ t~ . ~! z ~ '" g o or, \0 , , , Qvo(( , , .E7<1o~ , . 0 At.:tQlio ". '0 " ,S'L pc > aUl j -=:::::::.. ~ --- ~ .JS!J(Fl ~U!1 J~le.... l a ~----~-___.,' 0.8 U!IS!J(3 ~UI"1 ___ _ _ ~ ----.. ' J~",~s -<t11l!ues .or--- , '--..- "1 'w ~::.. Z'< < o..J o..J ~ ~ : . ~ Ir-;z; :r: Q r.'_,,_,,_,,_,,_,,_, ~ \It It Q QC 0- ~ .n .... ~ ,...-. ~ o o " "7 o Z "'::1-- \'{ ...... ~ U- 0- uJ ';/ - uJ \J W C:C. '---1 1? LONGVIEW PARK HOMEOWNERS, INC. Planning Advisory Committee City of Saint John p, O. Box 1971 Saint John, N. B. E2L 4Ll ~. If/' ~~"nnr!) \, ... HOV ~3 2006 ~ \'OPSA~# ~. Executive, Longview Park Homeowners, Inc. 27 Longview Court Saint John, N. B. E21 4N2 (506) 633-1811 November zi\ 2006 To Whom It May Concern, Following are the views ofthe Executive of Longview Park Homeowners, Inc. regarding the Proposed Rezoning and Subdivision at 648 Westmorland Road and 166 Golden Grove Road. (1) Our main concern is snow removal. In the proposed plan it shows two turn- around spots of 100', We, as an Executive, contacted the City in 2003 and again in 2004 asking to have the hill, and only the hill, coming in to our units ploughed by the City - we were willing to turn this over to the City ifneed be as it is deemed a "private" street. We were told that we had to have a 120' turn-around in order for the City ploughs to do this and we were told we did not have the space. We are wondering, ifthe City can plough proposed Hillside Court and proposed Parish Court with 100' turn-around - why can't they do Longview Court?? We are tax-paying residents as well as those who will be living in the two proposed Courts mentioned above, and we strongly feel that if these two Courts can be ploughed by the City then we would like to have our hill included on their route. (2) When the application for rezoning for the Senior Complex was proposed we were promised a line of trees or hedges to create a buffer zone between the two properties. We did not see this in this proposal and we would like to know if this is still in your plans. 'Mlo'?1r ~o~ttention to the above. Mel Moff~~G~nt ' Longview Park Homeowners, Inc. November 27. 2006 C1-&DE~~ . , .~ Rt=I'FIIJ!lD ~ I~ . ~ i~ HOV ~~ Z006 t-3 \, ~/ %.Oli' -~\~~ '. SA\~ ~. -..-...:... . Planning Advisory Committee City Hall Saint John, N.B. My name is Maurice Hanlon and I reside at 13 Longview Court adjacent to the property located at 648 Westmorland Road which is the subject of rezoning. I WOULD LIKE YOU TO IMAGINE I THINK BACK ABOUT TWO OR THREE YEARS AND REMEMBER A DEVELOPMENT BEING PROPOSED THAT WOULD BRING SO MUCH TO OUR COlv1MUNITY, IMAGINE A CffiJRCH THAT HAD A SURLUS PIECE OF LAND. A CHURCH LIKE MANY OTHERS STRUGGLING TO MAKE ENDS MEET. A CHURCH THAT W ANTED TO IMPROVE THE LIFE OF SENIORS AND A CHURCH THAT WANTED TO MAKE A CONTRIBUTION TO THE LIFE OF ITS SENIORS. IMAGINE A DEVELOPER WHO CAME FORWARD AND PROMISED TO BUY THE LAND AND TO PROVIDE A VERY NICE PROPERTY CONSISTING OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING FOR SENIORS WIDLE MAINTAINING THE PEACEFULNESS OF THE AREA FOR THE WHOLE NEIGHBOURHOOD. COULD ANYONE POSSIBLY OBJECT TO SUCH A PLAN? I THINK NOT. NOW FAST FORWARD TO TODAY AND IMAGINE THE DEVELOPER, THINKING OF THE COST OF BUILDING AND MAINT AING SENIORS HOUSING AND ALL OF THE REGULATIONS THAT MUST BE ADHERED TO OVER THE CO:MING YEARS. TIDS IS A TREMENDOUS UNDERTAKING. NOW IMAGINE THE DEVELOPER, HAVING ALREADY PURCHASED THE LAND AND WITH BUILDING APPROVAL FOR SENIORS HOUSING, REALIZING THAT HE WOULD BE MUCH BETTER OFF FINANCIALLY IF HE COULD SUBDIVIDE THE LAND AND BUILD TOWN HODSES. ~. WHAT A VAST IMPROVEMENT IN HIS FINANCIAL POSITION, NOT TO MENTION ANY LONG TERM COMMITMENT TO THE PROPERTY. HE COULD SELL OFF THE UNITS AND MOVE ON TO OTHER MONEY MAKING PROJECTS. IMAGINE THE DISAPPOINTMENT OF THE CHURCH, THE SENIORS AND THE NEIGHBOURS WHO WERE LOOKING FORWARD TO HAVING A QUIET, PEACEFUL AND ENHANCING DEVELOP:tvffiNT IN THEIR BACK YARDS, ONLY TO FIND THAT THERE WOULD BE INSTEAD A BLIGHT ON THEIR NEIGlmOURHOOD. FIFTY SEVEN HOMES THAT WOULD OVERPOWER TIllS QUIET AREA AND PROFIT NO ONE BUT THE DEVELOPER. I FIND IT DIFFICULT TO BELIEVE THAT SUCH A SCENARIO COULD HAVE BEEN PLANNED TWO OR THREE YEARS AGO BUT I CAN IMAGINE THAT A SHREWD DEVELOPER COULD POSSffiL Y HAVE CONTE:MPLATED THAT SINGLE FAMILY HOUSING WOULD BE MUCH MORE PROFITABLE THAN SENIORS HOUSING. IT WOULD NOT BE FAIR FOR ME TO SUGGEST THIS DEVELOPERAND MY IMAGINARY SCENARIO OF THE PROPERTY ON WESTMORLAND ROAD WOULD FIT WITH MY IMAGINATION BUT IT IS FOOD FOR THOUGHT WHEN DECISIONS ARE BEING MADE BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE CITY COUNCIL. IMAGINE IF THIS WERE THE CASE AND THE PROPOSED REZONING WAS APPROVED. WHAT A SHAME FOR THE WHOLE FOREST HILLS AREA. As I have health problems which make it impossible for me to attend the public hearings, I would ask if any member of the Commission has visited the site to familiarize themselves with the problems it would create for existing homeowners or if the site plan provided by the developer your only point of reference? If you have not, I do not think that you can make an informed decision. If you have I applaud you. In your deliberations, I would hope that you give serious consideration to the variances requested that would reduce the separation between our two properties, further impacting on the negativity of this proposal. I would ask that you consider the negative impact that this proposed development will have on the lifestyle of the existing residents of Longview Court and IMAGINE the smile on the faces of these residents as they see you make this brave decision. Respectfully ~~ . Maurice H~lon NOV 28 2006 4:01PM HP LASERJET 3200 i. p. 1 November 28, 2006 My name is Reg Chitty and my wife; Donna, and I live at 170 Golden Grove Road. We moved to Saint John last year. When looking for a house here in Saint John we w ed a location that had privacy and was neaf to shopping. With this proposal that is in fro t of the planning commission that is all going to change. Be that as it may my wife and have some concerns regarding this proposal. Below please find our concerns: . 'Vater Run Off: When we have a lot afrain now there is a lot of water that comes out of the mountain that runs along side of our property. Ifmost fthe trees that are on the parcel ofland that they want to develop are gone were is all tbe rain water going to go. I am lower than the land beside me and th t concerns us that all the excess water will end up coming to us causing e cess erosion. . Security and vandalism: The only problems that we have experienced since moving in have been the kids from Forest Hill School coming down thr ugh the woods. I put a fence at the top of my property and that has solved th problem. With a proposal to change the zoning to allow 59 house on lot that are smaller than the by law allows where will the kids from these house want to play. It will be on our property in the trees. I don't think that I need t pay to have a fence put in to keep them out of the woods. . Storm Sewer: V/bere will all the run off go from the proposed storm s wer system as in the past when there is a lot ofrain the water has been bubb . ng up through the grates now. Will adding 59 houses to this system not cause ore problems? Thank you for your time and we are not against progress but when you need to ch many bylaws to make a project feasible that is a major concern to us. BY-LAW NUMBER C.P. 110-27 A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Conunon Council convened, as follows: . . 0 ARRETE N C.P. 110-27 ARREn: MODIFIANT L' ARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Lors d'une reunion du conseil conununal, The City of Saint John a decret6 ce qui suit: The Zoning By-law of The City of L'arn?t6 sur Ie zonage de The City Saint John enacted on the nineteenth day of of Saint John, decrete Ie dix-neuf (19) December, A.D. 2005, is amended by: decembre 2005. est modifie par: 1 Amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re-zoning a parcel of land located at 17 Admiralty Drive and 66 Anchorage Avenue, having an area of approximately 42 hectares, also identified as a portion of Pill number 55180558 and a portion of Pill number 55156954, from "RS-2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "RSS" One Family Serviced Suburban Residential. - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and fonning part ofthis by-law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the'" day of "', A.D. 2006 and signed by: 1 La modification de I'annexe <<A)), Plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, permettant de modifier la designation pour une parcelle de terrain d'une superficie approximative de 42 hectares, et representant une partie du NID 55180558 et une partie du NID 55156954, situee au 17, promenade Admiralty et 66, avenue Anchorage, de zone residentielle de banlieue - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales <<RS-2)) a zone residentielle de banlieue desservie habitations unifamiliales <<RSS)) . toutes les modifications sont indiquees sur Ie plan ci-joint et font partie du present arrete. EN FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur Ie present arrete Ie 2006, avec les signatures suivantes : MayorlMaire Common Clerk/Greffier communal First Reading - November 20, 2006 Second Reading - November 20, 2006 Third Reading - Premiere lecture - 20 novembre 2006 Deuxieme lecture - 20 novembre 2006 Troisieme lecture - PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT J URBANISME ET DEVELOPPEMENT REZONING I REZONAGE Amending Schedule "A" of the Zoning By-Law of The City of Saint John ModifiantAnnexe <<A>> de l'Arr~te de zonage de The City of Saint John FROM I DE TOIA RS-2 - One and Two Family Suburban . Residential/Zone de residentielle de banlieue-habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales. RSS - One Family Serviced Suburban Residential/ Zone residentielle de banlieue desservie- habitations unifamiliales Applicant: Location: PID{s)/NIP{s) 512531 N.S. Ltd c/o Ladds Batten Portions of 17 Admiralty Dr. And 66 Anchorage Av. 55180551 and/et 55156594 07N-CO Drawn By/Creee Par: David Couture Date Drawn/Carte Creee: November 22 Novembre, 2006 Considered by PA.C./considem3 par Ie C.C.U.: November 14 Novembre, 2006 Enacted by Council/Approuve par Ie Conseil: Filed in Registry Office/Enregistre Ie: BY-LAWNUMBERC-1ARRTÉNUMÉROC-1 ABY-LAWRELATINGTOTHEMARKETARRTÉCONCERNANTLEMARCHÉDE INTHECITYOF SAINTJOHNTHECITYOF SAINTJOHN BeitenactedbytheCommonCouncilofLeconseilcommunaldeTheCityofSaint TheCityof SaintJohn asfollows:Johnédicte: ABy-lawoftheCityofSaintJohnentitledParlesprésentes,l’arrêtédeTheCityof “ABy-lawRelatingtotheMarketInTheCityofSaintJohnintitulé‹‹Arrêté concernantlemarchéde th SaintJohn”,enactedonthe18dayofMay,A.D.TheCityofSaintJohn››édictéle18mai2005,est 2005ishereby amended asfollows:modifié commesuit 11 AmendingSection5(2)byaddingtheLamodificationduparagraphe5(2)par followingimmediately aftersubsection5(2)(m):l’adjonctiondecequisuitimmédiatementaprès l’alinéa5(2)(m): (n) StallA(n)KiosqueA INWITNESSWHEREOFTheCityofSaintJohnENFOIDEQUOITheCityofSaintJohnafait hascausedtheCommonCorporateSealofthesaidapposersonsceaucommunalsurleprésent arrêtele Citytobe affixedtothisby-lawthe*dayof*A.D.*2006, aveclessignaturessuivantes: 2006andsignedby: _______________________________________ Mayor/Maire ______________________________________ CommonClerk/Greffiercommunal FirstReading-November20,2006Premièrelecture-20novembre,2006 SecondReading-November20,2006Deuxièmelecture-20novembre,2006 ThirdReading-Troisièmelecture- PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com M&C–2006–324 November30,2006 HisWorshipMayorNormMcFarlaneand MembersofCommonCouncil YourWorshipandCouncillors: SUBJECTProposedRezoning : 304WestmorlandRoad BACKGROUND : OnNovember20,2006,CommonCouncilgavefirstandsecondreadingtothe above-notedrezoning.Atthattime,Councilalsodirectedstafftoprepareafurther reportcontainingrevisedSection39conditionsaddressingspecificlandscaping proposalsforthe site.Therewasalsoconsiderablediscussionatthehearing concerningalternative sites. Thisreportalsooutlinesaparticularalternativethat shouldbeconsidered. ANALYSIS : SubsequenttoCouncil’sNovember20,2006meeting,representativesofSaint John Energymetwiththenearbyconcernedresidentsandtherepresentativesof EastPointShoppingCentre.PlanningandDevelopmentDepartmentstaffalso attendedthesemeetings. Theapplicantdescribedindetailhowitproposedto createalandscapedvisual screenbetweenthesubstationandtheneighbouring propertiesthroughtheuseofaseriesofsteppedmasonrywallsandplantingstrips withmaturevegetation. Theapplicantpresentedphotographsthatfurther illustratedtheproposal. Theneighbourhoodresidentsindicatedthattheyweresatisfiedwiththeproposed measuresasdescribedbytheapplicant.However,therepresentativesof East PointShoppingCentreindicatedthattheystillwanttheproposedfacilitytobe locatedonadifferent site.Inthisregard, EastPointhassuggestedtothe applicantthatthesubstationbeconstructedonthepropertyimmediatelytothe southwestofthepresentsite(seeattachedmap.)Infact, EastPointhasentered intoanoptionagreementtopurchasethesuggested siteandhassubmittedan applicationtorezoneit,from“RS-1”Oneand TwoFamilySuburbanResidential to“US”UtilityandService,inordertofacilitatethealternative. PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com ReporttoCommonCouncilPage2 November30,2006 Asaresultofthemeetings,theapplicanthassubmittedtheattachedrevised conceptualplanfortheoriginal siteforconsiderationbyCommonCouncilprior tothirdreading. Thisplansetsouttheconceptstheapplicantwillusefor landscapingandbuffering,andcontainsaphotoimageoftheexpectedappearance oftheprojectonceitisdevelopedandthelandscapingmatures.Iftherezoningis approvedonthebasisoftheseconcepts,theapplicantproposestohavea landscapearchitectpreparedetailedplansforDevelopmentOfficerapprovalprior toconstructionofthefacility. Theapplicantindicatesthattheconceptualplanhas alsobeendeliveredtotheneighbouringproperty-owners. Thedetail showingthe siteoncethelandscapinghasmaturedisvery similarto thatpreviously showntotheresidentsandstaff. Theapplicanthashadsome preliminarydiscussionwithalandscapearchitectandhasmadethefollowing adjustmentsbasedonthearchitect’ssuggestions: x Therowoftreesadjacenttothecompoundwillbeplacedonaberm. This willelevatethetreesanadditional0.6to1metre(2to3feet)inheightto provideamoreeffectivescreeningwhenthetreesarefirstplanted.The initialplantingwouldbeoftreesranginginheightfrom1.5metresto3 metres(5to10feet)plantedatintervalstoobscuretheviewofequipment. x Thelandscapearchitecthasindicatedthatamixofspruceandcedartrees wouldbethemostappropriate. Thesearespeciesthatareavailableatthe nurseriesintaller sizes. x Theexcavationsattherearofthe sitewillbebenchedforsafetypurposes. Theaccessroadtothe sitewillbepaved.Ifallpartieshavingtheirentitleduseof theright-of-wayareinagreement,SaintJohn Energywillconsiderfurther landscapingalongtheaccessroad. Thesubmittedconceptplanincludesa simplecrosssectionthatprovidesan illustrationofhowthesubstationwillbedevelopedintothehillside. Themeasuresbeingproposedbytheapplicant,asillustratedonthesubmitted conceptplan,willprovideaneffectivescreenofthesubstationfromsurrounding residentialproperties.However,thelocationismoredifficulttoscreenfromthe adjacentcommercialarea.Asnotedbytheapplicant,submissionofadetailed plan,preparedbyalandscapearchitectandindicatingspecificsofspeciestypes, size,locationand separation, shouldberequiredforDevelopmentOfficer approvalpriortoapprovalofthebuildingpermitforthedevelopment.Itisfurther suggestedthattheworkberequiredtobecompletedwithinoneyearofbuilding permitapproval. AsrequestedbyCouncil,theattachedrevisedSection39resolution,tyingthe developmenttotheapplicant’sconceptplan,hasbeenpreparedforconsideration. PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com ReporttoCommonCouncilPage3 November30,2006 AlternativeSite EastPoint’sproposedalternative sitewouldbeaccessedinthesamemanneras thesubject site,viatheright-of-wayparceloffWestmorlandRoad.Whileit wouldnotbelocateddirectlyundertheNBPowertransmissionline,itwouldbe directlyadjacentandwouldprovideagreaterseparationfromthenewly developingcommercialcentre,includingahotel. Thealternative sitewouldalso providemorematurecover,whichwouldprovideabetteropportunityfor bufferingfromthe EastPointDevelopmentandsurroundingresidential properties.Itisanticipatedthatthearearesidentscouldbemoresupportiveofthis alternative site. SaintJohn Energyhasindicatedthatitisinterestedintheproposedalternative location,butthatitwillbenecessarytofurtherinvestigatethe siteinsofarasthe additionalcostisconcerned.Itwillalsobenecessarytounderstandwherethe fundingforsuchadditionalcostsmaybecoming.Inthemeantime,SaintJohn Energywishesthepresentapplicationtoproceed,asitwillneedtoberezonedin anyeventbecauserights-of-waynecessaryforthesubstationwillcrossthe property(infact,theonlyareathatwouldbeutilizedinbothproposalsistheland ofClayton.). Conclusion: Thefilingofaformalrezoningapplicationandarearesidents’initialsupportfor thealternativelocationindicatesthatthisisacredibleproposal,which shouldbe moreseriouslyreviewed.ClearlyfurtherdiscussionisrequiredwithSaintJohn Energytoresolvetechnicalissuesandfinancialcosts.WhileSaintJohn Energy wouldprefertofinalizeitsinitialproposalbygivingthirdreading,thismaynot leadtothewin/winsituationeveryonedesires. RECOMMENDATION : ThatthisreportbereceivedandfiledandthatCommonCouncil 1.SetaPublicHearingdateofJanuary15,2007at7:00p.m.forthe rezoningandattachedapplicationforHaldor(1972)Ltd.and, 2.TablethirdreadingofSaintJohn Energy’sapplicationat304 WestmorlandRoaduntilaftertheabove-notedpublichearing. Respectfullysubmitted, JimR.Baird,MCIPTerrence Totten,F.C.A. CommissionerCityManager PlanningandDevelopment PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com ReporttoCommonCouncilPage4 November30,2006 REVISEDSECTION39CONDITIONS 304WESTMORLANDROAD That,pursuanttotheprovisionsofSection39oftheCommunityPlanning Act,the proposeddevelopmentoftheproposedLot06-01,havinganareaof approximately4851squaremetres,locatedat304WestmorlandRoad,also identifiedasbeingaportionofPIDNo.00415422,withanelectricalsubstation besubjecttothefollowingconditions: a)The site shallbedevelopedgenerallyinaccordancewiththesubmitted preliminaryLandscapingConceptsplan,preparedbyHughesSurveys& ConsultantsInc.anddatedNovember29,2006; b)Detailsoftheproposed siteimprovements,includingspeciestypes, size, locationandseparation,mustbeillustratedonadetailed siteplan,tobe preparedonbehalfoftheproponentbyalandscapearchitectandsubjectto theapprovaloftheDevelopmentOfficer; c)Theapproved siteplanmentionedincondition(c)mustbeattachedtothe buildingpermitapplicationfortheproposedsubstation; d)Allsiteimprovementsshownontheapproved siteplanmustbecompleted withinoneyearofapprovalofthebuildingpermitapplicationforthe proposedsubstation; andfurtherthat,upontherezoning,thelandandanybuildingorstructurethereon mustbedevelopedandusedinconformitywiththeproposalandconditions identifiedherein. PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com ~ 0:::" UJ '. II- u. 1<( r" " PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT/URBANISME ET DEVELOPPEMENT Fe.r1\hi II p f".-.. sc. * Subject Site/site en question: - PID(s)/NIP(s): 55160113 Part of/partie du 00415422 Location: 304, chemin Westmorland Road Date: October 25 octobre, 2006 Scale/echelle: Not to scale/Pas a I'echelle , Il/J~/~~~b 11:88 1 ~LANNINo ANU U~V~LUP PA\:l1:. l:ILtl::l.:l Application for a Zoning By-law Amendment Demande de modification a l'aITete sur Je zonage Applicant Related Infontlat1on I RenseigDemenu sur Je deroaJldeur NameofApplicalll/Nomdu- /~ M r ~L~ >'ailing A<I<has of appliCOlltI Addmsc P<>"<d' du _ _ 7' ~ <! !'4-L ,A j/ "'" !?rJ, 7b)( / ;zf19 s;. L 'n I ZiJb;J ff tP. PootaI Code, Code P<>"<d E.7L /f C ? Telep~ N\l1llbcr I Numero de ~ltphOtle 5JJ b ..-.6'?1/ .-~ 7/ 7 CIa/lol7 ulde'? /z-jJ1I<JF1&(J!f'5 M/y "I o t; ()..,e '/JLL tkL yl(/7 osta1 Code I Code l,)Ostal c J? b tf 1/ Property lnfonnation I Reoseigrtemenu sur Is propriete Ar/;dl7 01 Location l\lmplacem.nt 1'01/ .. pu Imp ",4.,,' IJ~ hI? # /ffEf ;zO Iff! '3 ift %'/60//3 A. <T- Civic' N. de""'" -, Kne , Il<IP) t::/a..';/' Lot Area I s~tr.. 59 3'& ~ ","/...R8- Ftontoll' 'F~ ...rI11' ~.,I'/'(N. a.,4- eI ii- J'. oil + ~~;.f~~1i~~~zr,l~... A5'/den.l6:/-R;~;J- , jJ,~-:;JI/d.y Municipal Pbm land Use Designation . J, /J ~ / / Designation de utilization des ter:res sur le plan municipal ~ (J if ~/11' I f Y . fl!t~ / ~m It:- Amcudmrvnt Requc:5tcd I Modif".ution ~~mandic PrcsenlZoning/Zonageactuel ~.-;J-. t:'rJ€! 6A4'WO ~ml;;Y )p.j<<.-r,k;? _/ t't' II 9 M Cbange Zoni.\lg to I Modifuation dn zunage a tL S ~~ :t. Lj ~ ~/'t/I ~ e 3DdIor/ou . r.i Teld Amendment (inclicate particulars) I Modification due texte (indiq~ les dCtails) ~-~~.' ~~~~' ~ ~ ~.~ -~~,,/-~ Home I Domicile Work I Travail Fax Number I Num6'O de teltcopicur <)cJh -6.;'1/ - } 716 fd&.r:'€ ~/ 5'a./-e O/1,t..an::1s jJde!4 A/ai/4-/IIJer J.'l ~ " ,11!~~!L~~b ll:~~ 1 HLANNIN~ AND V~V~LU~ ~A(:j~ tI~! 1::1::1 Development Proposal/Proposition dt amen_sement Description of Proposal I Description de 1a pmposition 70 L/-eA-/~ c2 ,~/ ,~r ~(/eL~/#I!~ 0/ .aM e4~p/ca/ 5"'/L/~-r;"i//1 You must provide 0 !fcaled site plan that Illustrates you1' propo$tlL You may also provide photographs, building p1..ans. ekvati(m drawing.! and any other form of infannat/on. The plan must Ju:n~ the dimm.fions of the properly. the ktcafiQ" OftJll fJllllrJ1nl? UrWC'W",Y.)~ pur*'lrrg (UtltL)', landscapirrg and signs. It ig imporlant that the distance between. the property boundary and buildings are shown. Vous deve:z foumit' un plan du site d l'eche/le ilJustl'ant volre . proposition. Vous pouvez igalement foumir des photographies, des plans de 1/4timent, du desmns de plcrrr dWivation et toJLte (mire ftrm~ tk ren~jgm:ment. f.,e plan do;t inJitpu;r k$ di~ion.J de JQ pI"Oprl~t4, J'cmpkJocmcnt de Ir.l tutwlt'!' ut:,y batlm~m~. ~o1' ulNt:.J. Ik~ fAin:;:> Ut: stanonne/1IJ!rIt. des aminagtmUm~ pDy$agm el des pannema de signalisation. R est imporfllll.t d'indiquer la di$tanCl! entre leslimites de la propt'iete et Ie! Mtlments. Provide reasons why these amendments sho\Ild be apprlJ\'ed. I Foumir tout aotIe reuseignenI.en1 concernant votte proposi,tiotl. qui pourrait !tre approuvtcs. Provide any Qtbcr iDformatioo aboot your proposal tbat would be heIpfu.l.1 Foumir tout autre renscignemeot conce:mant votre proposition qui pot.tmIi.t etre utile. Sign.atUre of Applicant I Signmure du deomndeur ~ /,&U;~f~77)$ ~ A0:Jp'a#i6?Y'?tl ~do6' / rI $400 AppUootiOD Fco Bn..l030d.1 Ci joint too &ala do domondo do -too $ SignatUre of Owner (if applicable) Sigu.ature due pmprl6taire (s"il y a lieu.) Si WU$ n'Dtes pas Ie propriitain au terrain en tplesliQn, vtullJez obtenl,./a signature du profll'tetotre dansla parlie c;;-deMOU. La .sign~rv: dN propritta;r-e; _tor#ant Ie trDitemenr de to prlsente demande paul' que cette demtere ~ pal' k con..U COIJIIIfWIQ]. If you are not thl! ownel' o/the land In question please have the owrzer !fign belew. TM signature of thel owtler Is llUlllorlzlr18 dllii application to J1T'OCf:l:d for consideration by CommDn QnmciL Date: - K ~ ~ "i ~ ~ .. " j j!! => ~ ! D % tIl 2l ~ ... In lib ;: ! eo c .... - ~ . ~ .. i ... c "" , " ).' , 'f " ./ /' / / .....>.-.// . ;/' ~ //:. ".' /J .'," - '. "/-- . . ... ):',. .,.,// .' ..../ . /' '. ,,'y -- ':j><:.-'.'~~~~Q..)j' . ;--. -..: "'<~::~~'" . :/.... . 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SCHEDULE 'B' -In consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) of lawful money of Canada now paid by the Buyer to the Seller, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by the Seller, the Seller acCepts this as a deposit for this Agreement of Purchase and Sale " ' -Seller agrees to sub-divide property as approximately shown in red on attached Schedule 'e' -The Seller and the Buyer agree that the sub-divided portion of the total property, not included in this Agreement of purchase and Sale. is as approximateiy shown In green on attached Schedule 'B' and will consist of an existing barn and remaining treed buffer area from development on the other portion of the property;', ' -Seller agrees to provide the Buyer or Assignee with access to the Property via Right"of-Way . Agreements on properties (PID #413856 and PIO #55160113) as shown inblue on attached ' Schedule 'B'. . -Seller warrants that it has an existing Right-of-Way Agreement, on PIO #55160113, In its existing Property Deed, -The Seller and the Buyer agree that this Agreement is subject to the property use for a power sub-station. ' ' -Subject to Municipal Plan Amendment and Rezoning to 'US' Utility Service and satisfactorY by the Buyer, -The Closing Date may be extended by the Buyer, on 60 day increments, for finalization of Municipal Plan Amendment and Rezoning satisfactory to the Buyer. -The Buyer shall have the right to do environmental testing on the property, said testing being satisfactory to the Buyer, and may extend this Agreement, on 60 day increments, to do possible .. additional environmental testing of the property, said possible additional environmental testing also being satisfactory to the Buyer. -lJ L- J'''f<!r dr-e.Q5' Ih"'~ H'.I~I"'U-- <;' p /? a.6!y/>><<d' /.t J /,/"" 5'4!.b-Fj'/'-;,-n /v(lald'/" 5'/hut./ed' p///h Cd;K~raf,tJl? -r< p ,N?d-Y /.47/ 7./ ~ r./.e. eX (>;'!,-/1j --h-~.e<;P /J I--h 1/l1;er/;' "'-< "'-- /1 ~ (u/'tL/ .b N~ r d ,,/ U'/P~"/ u />Zd.S' .rL/Pt<-h' r~jM'a "'1'f'/'<7l'l'Ide /1"'!v ~~C7"ad j~/'/1' IA' )~/~//~) h/"/;i1i5' /a--yerif) .t/?j/itls JJL BY-LAW NUMBER C.P. 110-28 A LAW TO AMEND THE ZONING BY-LAW OF THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by The City of Saint John in Common Council convened, as follows: ARRETE NO C.P, 110-28 ARRETE MODIFIANT L' ARRETE SUR LE ZONAGE DE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Lors d'une reunion du conseil communal, The City of Saint John a deerete ee qui suit: The Zoning By-law of The City of L'arrl:te sur Ie zonage de The City Saint John enacted on the nineteenth day of of Saint John, dc':cretc': Ie dix-neuf (19) December, A.D, 2005, is amended by: decembre 2005, est modifie par : 1 Amending Schedule "A", the Zoning Map of The City of Saint John, by re-zoning a parcel of land located at 304 Westmorland Road, having an area of approximately 6,980 square metres, also identified as being PID No, 55160113 and a portion of PID No, 00415422, from "RS- 2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "US" Utility and Service classification pursuant to a resolution adopted by Common Council under Section 39 of the Community Planning Act. - all as shown on the plan attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the * day of *, A.D, 2006 and signed by: 1 La modification de I'annexe <<A>>, Plan de zonage de The City of Saint John, permertant de modifier la designation d'une parcelle de terrain situee au 304, chemin Westmorland, d'une superficie d'environ 6 980 metres carres, et pottant Ie NID 55160113 et etant aussi une partie du NID 00415422, de zone residentielle de banlieue - habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales ((RS-2)) a zone de services publics ((us)) conformement a une resolution adoptee par Ie conseil municipal en vertu de l'article 39 de la Loi sur I 'urbanisme - toutes les modifications sont indiquees sur Ie plan ci-joint et font partie du present arrete. EN FOI DE QUO!, The City of Saint John a fait apposer son sceau communal sur Ie present arrete Ie 2006, avec les signatures suivantes : Mayor/ Maire Common Clerk/Greffier communal First Reading - November 20, 2006 Second Reading - November 20, 2006 Third Reading - Premiere lecture - 20 novembre 2006 Deuxieme lecture - 20 novemhre 2006 Troisieme lecture - PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT / URBANISME ET DEVELOPPEMENT REZONING I REZONAGE Amending Schedule "A" of the Zoning By-Law of The City of Saint John Modifiant Annexe <<A" de l'Arrete de zonage de The City of Saint John " '~'''' '~"',- '" y -~~ ~/// ~IJ ~. , (j ;' / I ~~. ~~ ,g~' '"'' ", '-#:" \ \\~, \ .,~,., / ~. , \ /ri! -.,fI, " " ,;:J}~ (j), ""'<!: ( , ,./( FROM I DE TalA RS-2 - One and Two Family Suburban Residential/Zone residentielle banlieue-habitations unifamiliales et bifamiliales, . US - Utility and Service / Zone de services publics . US - Utility and Service I Zone de services publics Pursuant to a Resolution under Section 39 of the Community Planning Act * Conformement a une resolution adoptee par Ie conseil municipal en vertu de I'article 39 de la Loi sur I'urbanisme Applicant: Location: PID(s)/NIP(s) Hughes Surveys & Consultants Inc, (For Saint John Energy) 304 ch, Westmorland Rd. 55160113 and part of/et une partie de 415422 07P-00NW Drawn By/Creee Par: David Couture Date Drawn/Carte Creee: November 22 Novembre, 2006 Considered by PAC./considere par Ie C,C,U.: November 14 Novembre, 2006 Enacted by Council/Approuve par Ie Conseil: Filed in Registry OfficelEnregistre Ie: REVISEDSECTION39CONDITIONS 304WESTMORLANDROAD That,pursuanttotheprovisionsofSection39oftheCommunityPlanning Act,the proposeddevelopmentoftheproposedLot06-01,havinganareaofapproximately4851 squaremetres,locatedat304WestmorlandRoad,alsoidentifiedasbeingaportionof PIDNo.00415422,withanelectricalsubstationbesubjecttothefollowingconditions: a)The site shallbedevelopedgenerallyinaccordancewiththesubmitted preliminaryLandscapingConceptsplan,preparedbyHughesSurveys& ConsultantsInc.anddatedNovember29,2006; b)Detailsoftheproposed siteimprovements,includingspeciestypes, size,location andseparation,mustbeillustratedonadetailed siteplan,tobepreparedonbehalf oftheproponentbyalandscapearchitectandsubjecttotheapprovalofthe DevelopmentOfficer; c)Theapproved siteplanmentionedincondition(c)mustbeattachedtothe buildingpermitapplicationfortheproposedsubstation; d)Allsiteimprovementsshownontheapproved siteplanmustbecompletedwithin oneyearofapprovalofthebuildingpermitapplicationfortheproposed substation; andfurtherthat,upontherezoning,thelandandanybuildingorstructurethereonmust bedevelopedandusedinconformitywiththeproposalandconditionsidentifiedherein. PDFcreatedwithpdfFactory trialversionwww.pdffactory.com REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL The City of Saint John November 7 ~ 2006 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Fellow Councillors~ Re: Freedom of the City Common Council may, by unanimous vote, confer the honourable distinction of 'Freedom of the City' upon any person. Council should consider the merit of bestowing this honour upon worthy individuals. I therefore move that the Common Clerk be directed to prepare a report on the process to be followed and that this report be referred to Committee of the Whole for further consideration, Respectfully submi tted~ Christopher T. Titus Councillor November 7,2006 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Fellow Councillors, Re: Disability Management The Pension Board has revamped its long-term disability (LTD) application procedures. It is possible that existing beneficiaries or new applicants may not qualify for benefits under the terms of the Pension Plan legislation. There is a need to better integrate LTD benefits in the pension plan with short-term sick leave benefits provided under the terms of the various collective agreements, The Pension Board has engaged the services of 'Lifemark' to provide independent objective advice regarding the management of our long-term disability application procedures. There may be some merit in using the same firm to provide advice to the City. I move that Council direct the City Manager to request a proposal from 'Lifemark' to advise the City on matters pertaining to the integration of short-term sick leave benefits with L TD benefits provided in the Pension Plan. Respectfully submitted, Christoph Councillor November 27,2006 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Fellow Councillors, Re: Performance Indicators - Value for Money The City of Saint John is currently entering the deliberation process for the 2007 and the preliminary 2008 budgets. Council should be satisfied that our citizens are receiving full value for the cost of services being provided by the City. I believe there is a need for appropriate performance indicators to be developed that can be used to assess current activities, evaluate private sector alternatives and provide meaningful comparisons to other municipalities. Appropriate key indicators would have to be detennined based on the nature and type of service provided by our municipality. I understand that this is one of the initiatives being pursued by the Vision 2015 I am therefore requesting that the Committee provide an update on the approach to be followed and the timing for implementation, Respectfully s bmitted, ~/// //q7 /" // L----l /' / (...../ ~ tephen Chase Councillor P.O. Box/C.P. 1971 Saint John, NB/N.-B. Canada E2L 4L1 www.saintjohn.ca The City of saint John November 29, 2006 Mayor McFarlane and Councillors Your Worship and Councillors: Re: Saint John Community Loan Fund Background Their Mission - To improve social conditions for people living in Saint John by promoting economic independence and fostering entrepreneurship in our community. The Saint John Community Loan Fund helps individuals create income, build assets, and attain greater self-reliance by providing: . business loans . employment loans . shelter loans (deposits, arrears) . financial literacy training (Money Matter$) . and business plan training, with the YMCA-YWCA The Loan Fund promotes community investing; and recruits investments to build its loan pool and donations to safe-guard the loan pool against losses. The Loan Fund has been taking investments to build its capital since 1999, This invested capital is used to help individuals create income, build assets, and attain greater self-reliance by providing: business loans, employment loans and shelter loans (deposits, arrears). - 2 - 100% of your money works here. The Loan Fund converts your investment to loans to help people in our community start businesses, get back to work, or secure housing. Loans go to people who live in our community who have good ideas, and the desire to get ahead, but who do not have the income, assets, security, or credit history to get a loan elsewhere. The Saint John Community Loan Fund is built on investments made by socially responsible individuals and groups living in Saint John, as well as by friends living outside of Saint John. They want their investment dollars to circulate in Saint John - building opportunities here, for people here, Motion RESOLVED that the City of Saint John give consideration to making an investment of $5,000.00 in the Saint John Community Loan Fund and that this request be referred to both the City Manager and the City Solicitor. Respectfully submitted, Councillor PM/jaf REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL December 1, 2006 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Council: Your Worship and Members of Council SUBJECT: NEEDS CONFIRMATION STUDY: MULTIPLEX COMMUNITY CENTER Not too long ago, the Recreation Implementation Committee appeared before Council to provide an update on the Committee's activities as well as to make a formal request of Council for funding to allow for a Needs or Feasibility Study related to a Multiplex Community Center. At that time, Common Council adopted the following three resolutions: 1. Resolved that Council change the name of the Recreation Interim Committee to the Recreation Implementation Committee, and the Committee to report back with its structure, mandate and membership at a subsequent Council meeting. 2. Resolved that Council approve $50,000 for the Multiplex Feasibility and Needs Assessment out of the 2006 Operating Budget with the proviso that the Committee deal with the City Manager on the appropriate process. 3. Resolved that the request from the Recreation Interim Committee for $500,000 to fund the next phases of the RIC projects be referred to the 2007 capital budget process. The purpose of this report specifically relates to the second resolution of Council on the appropriate procedure to be followed in order to move this project forward. Staffis to understand that the Committee had identified three potential consulting firms to undertake this work. After preliminary analysis, the Committee chose to have direct discussions with two of the firms and, in the end, are recommending that it would be Report to Common Council Page 2 Subject: Needs Confinnation Study: Multiplex Community Center appropriate for the City to enter into a contractual arrangement with dmA Planning and Management Services. Attached to this document is the proposal from dmA Planning & Management Services. The cost of this review is within the envelope anticipated by both the Council and the Committee, The proposal reflects a total of 23 tasks to be completed in four phases over roughly a four month period. While this process is being driven by a group of very committed community volunteers, under the current arrangement, it is not possible for this Committee to enter into any sort of contractual commitment on its own. A further suggestion is that the Committee and the Consultants should be encouraged to actively seek direct input from staff of both Planning and Leisure Services throughout this process. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDA TION: Therefore, Council should review the proposal and the request of the Recreation Implementation Committee. Should Council determine that the work to be undertaken by dmA Planning and Management Services is consistent with the expectations of Council, than it would be appropriate for Council to adopt the following resolution. That Common Council accepts the proposal from dmA Planning & Management Service to undertake a Needs Confirmation Study for a Multiplex Community Center as requested by the Recreation Implementation Committee, and further; That Council authorizes either the Mayor and Common Clerk to execute the necessary contract or to authorize the City's Purchasing Agent to issue an appropriate Purchase Order should such a document suffice. Terrence L. Totten, FCA CITY MANAGER enc. 1"'tI.-_ 0_1..... 1-........ ..1......".....__u~_I~..._I.L~ I""III___"_____...~__ ~__~I~L__..I__...._ ,..__~____.c_~ "',L.-.I.. drIlA November7,2006 ~.1l11141 6 Maa"mnl ServIn. 4263 Sher\Mlodbwne Blvd. Suite 100 Mssissauga, ON L4Z 1 Y5 Tel: (90s) 2754458 Fax: (005) 275-7148 www.drmconsulmg.com Mr. John Higgins Saint John Multi-Plec Ccmmittee 29 Mahogarty' T erra:::e Saint John, NB E2M 5S5 Dear Mr, Higgins: Re: Saint John New Brunswck Multi-P1ex Recreation Fadlity Needs Confinnation S1udy ~ was a pleasure to meet with you and other members of the Steering Ccmmittee at the end of last month. dmA Planning & Management Services (dnA) is pleased b submit this propa;al for the abCNe-noted project We h8lle prepared our proposal based on our discussion on O::tober 29th and rad9N of the 2004 Report We hCNe included as archiEct adfisors in this projECt lhe finn of Sperry & AlChitects. dmA Principas hate worked in and with the recreation planning field br over 25 years, bringing a wealth of experierce to this stut1f, ircluding faciliy t!asibili~ studies and strategies for the municipalities of Edmonton, Toronto, Ottawa, Kingston, Windsor, Halifax, Truro and Bridge.vater, A more complete list of our projects is included in the appendices, Over the past two years we hCNe ecpanded our practice to the Atiantic Provinces with plans to move our head office 10 WolJ/ille NOla Scotia in mid 2007. Speny & Partners Architects is an Mantic Prcwinces' based firm with corsiderable ecperierce in developnent of recreation facilities, ircluding the Saint John Canada Games Complex, Together our firms would welcane the opportunity to wOIk with the Steering Commitlee and the communities of the Saint John area to continue the considerable walk alreadt done to aSSeiS the feasibili~ of an indoor multi-plex facility . The attached proposal describes our understanding of the assignment our qualifications and ecperience, a detailed work prograTl, and a study budget and timeline, Thark you for the opportunity to prepare this proposal We look torw arc! to the opportuniy to d6C15S it in greater detail in the near future, Sincere~ , uI i)o11~ Wendy D:mCNan Principal dmA Planning & Management Services Central Canada Office 4263 Sherwoodtowne Blvd., Suite 100 Mississauga, ON L4Z lY5 Tel: (905) 275-4458 Atlantic Office 21 Gaspereau Ave, P.O. Box 3935 Wolfville, NS B4P 2C5 Tel: (902) 542-2908 Fax: (905) 275-7148 Wendy Donovan. Principal. wdonovan@dmaconsultinQ.com http://www.dmaconsultinq.com l' ..". ---- ~--~ , I '" ',? 4 ~'fr ^'# '-.. " \ ^'" ' - .. . -' ,........ Saint John New Brunswick Multi.Plex Facility. Needs Confirmation Proposal Sullmitteld by dmA PI~nning & II'\;lnagemerll Services November]" 2006 Table of Contents 1. 0 I NT RODUCT 10 N .................................................................................................................... 2 2.0 DMA PLANNING & MANAGEMENT SERVICES .......................................................................3 2,2 dmA Planning & Management Services ,.,.........,...",..,...... ...,....,...., ..... ..........'"".... ...... ....,.... ,3 2.1,1 dmA S laff Assigned b this Project.".,.,.........,.,.,.".".,.".,.,.,.".,.,.,....""""".",..,......,.,."""" 5 2,2 Speny & Partners Architec1s.. ,.... ,...................",..",..............,.., ....,.. ..........",.... ........ ....."..", ,5 3.0 PROPOS ED WORK PROGRAM. ........ ............. ...... ..... ..... ................ ....... ...... ........... ................7 3,1 Overview of Work Program.. ......... ........."""".. .........,..,..,..."..............."",.. .............."""""..7 3.2 Detailed Work Tasks ,....,..............,....,.,..,.,....,................".. , , , .. , .. .. .. , .. , . , .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. , , , , , .. .. " .9 3.2,1 Phase One: Project Initiation and Updating of Data........."..,.. ,..,........,.,................",.."",.... ...9 3,2,2 Phase Two: Confirm Need .."""""....,.... ,..............,.",...., ......,."".." ,............"..""",.. ...... 10 3,2,3 Phase Three: Focility Concept""..,.... ,.......... .......""..,..............",...,.............."""""........ 11 3,2,4 Phase Four: Final Report""",..",.. ........... .......,..,..",..,..............,.,..., .............."",.... ,....,...12 51 UDY BUDGET AND TIMET ABLE........ .............. ........ .............. ............ ..................... .........14 Study Budget..............""",...........,.................",..,....,..,..........""......,.,..,..""",.,......,........, 14 S tudy Schedule........"",..""..,..,........,........",..",.......,.........,.."...,............"",...................,. 16 4.0 4,1 4,2 5.0 REFER.ENCES ........................ ~ ,. 1111111.1........ I' 1.1111...................... ....1 II............ II............ 1111111 I' It....... II...... I.............. 1111.1.............................1.. 18 Appendices: Qualifications & Experience Curricula Vitae ~:~ -rT --- - -- " ~.., 4 . (1: ~.. . rJ M' ~ '''. l ' , ... r 10.->0 ... Saint John New Brunswick Multi-Plex Facility - Needs Confirmation Proposal Submittlld by d!.'!A Planning & Management Services November 7'" 2006 1.0 Introduction This proposal oudines our proposed approach to con~rming the recreational facility needs identi~ed in the 2004 Recreational Facilities Study. The approach is based on rev iew of the 2004 report, discussions with representatives of the Facilities Committee, and our familiarity with recreation facilities needs assessment The Saint John Recreation Facilities Committee, composed of community volunteers as well as representative municipal slaff, prepared the report Municipal staff represented the City of Saint John and the Towns of Rothesay, Quispamsis, and Grand Bay -Westiield, all part of the Greater Saint John region, The Committees Report is ex18nsive, including a significant amount of trend and benefit information, documentation of facility ex periences of other communities, as well as detailed local inventory and usage information, The 2004 Committees broad purpose was to assess ex isting recreational facility needs, the ability of ex isting facilities to meet these needs, and additional facility requirements, An initial component of that process involved creation of guiding principles, which included: 1, The importance of protecting and strengthening the identities and viability of ex isting unique communities; 2. The need for recreational facilities to accommodate diverse interests and needs, including a range of skill levels; 3. The importance and benefits of attracti ng priva18 investment in the operation and dev elopm ent of future facilities; 4. The importance of access to and v isibility of any future recreation facilities; 5. The desire to strengthen the historic and economic core of the City of Saint John; and 6. The importance of developing fubJre facilities !hat reflect high quality standards of development and serv ice prov is ion, We found the ~nal report to be excellent and very comprehensive. In addition to addressing indoor recreational facility needs including facilities for ice and racquet sports, it also assessed and documented the need for outdoor ~elds, skateboard facilities, and trails. We understand the focus of this review to be indoor recreational facilities that include but are not necessarily limi18d to ice, courts, gymnasia and other indoor ~eld house components, as well as general multi-purpose space, Further, we understand that the principles identified to guide the 2004 review continue to be desired principles for future facility development Page 2 ~&f ~ --- '0:: ~"', . I " ~:.~ -i, , ~il 'll" ".., J .," . ; ~ ' - _. .1.... ... Saint John New Brunswick Multi.Plex Facility. Needs Confirmation Proposal Submitted by d!!!A Planning & Management Services November 7" 2006 2.0 dmA Planning & Management Services The work program will be carried out largely by dmA Principals and staff, with architectural support provided on an advisory basis provided by Sperry & Partners Architects. Our firms recenUy worked together on the Central Nova Civic Centre Feasibility Study and Business Plan. Should the scope of the project be adjusted to involve greater architectural requirements we w ill provide the Steering Committee with greater detail and costs related to those tasks. Information on both firms is found in the appendices to this proposal, 2.2 dmA Planning & Management Services The Principals of dmA Planning & Management Services have worked with municipalities and organizations across Canada to prepare recreation and sport feasibility studies, market and needs assessments, facility strategies, operational reviews, leisure and library master plans, and detailed policy positions, The following points highlight relevant dmA experience. Our recreation and library work spans over 25 years across Canada and in the United States, Recreation Planning dmA has worked extensively with municipalities across Canada b assess the need for and feasibility of an extensive range of community recreation and culture facilities. We have a strong understanding of the contribution of leisure facilities to a community's economic, social, personal and indiv idual health and overall quality of life, and the role these opportunities play in developing healthy and responsible community citizens, In the process of our work. we continually assess the best and emerging practices of communities across Canada and have developed some service models that are or have been successfully implemented, Over the past few years dmA has prepared feasibility studies for the Town of Bridgewater and the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg; the Town of Truro and the Municipality of Colchester; the Regional Municipality of Halifax; the Cities of Ottawa, Toronto, Brampton, Windsor, Kingston and Edmonton. Library Planning dmA has worked extensively with the library community in Canada and in the United States preparing library feasibility studies, needs assessment organizational and rationalization studies and conducting training related to library benefits. In the past year, we have completed six feasibility studies for libraries ranging rom small community libraries of less than 3,000 sq. fl to major district libraries of over 30,000 sq. ft, In addition to this feasibility study work, we have helped local libraries produce strategic plans and have undertaken research and provided guidance to provincial agencies responsible for library funding and for First nation libraries. Jim Morgenstern, Principal of dmA is the author of the internationally distributed document "The Library's Contribution to Your Com m unity: A Resource Manual for Libraries to DJcument their Social and Economic Contribution to the Local Community" (1998) and currenUy being updated, Pag e 3 qw ^'...",- ,.-, r\_N . ;1 v.J: ~ i ~, I ~ ... ~ ,M' ,,;. ..' .bi;-..... Saint John New Brunswick Multi-Plex Facility - Needs Confirmation Proposal Submitted by dmA Planning & M;Jnagement Services Novemlxlr 7",2006 Trends A significant component of dmA's planning work involves ongoing investigation and assessment of relevant service trends and best practices, dmA monitors the Internet and trade journals, regularly communicates with, and follows the trends of national, prov incial and regional sport governing bodies, actively participates in recreation and library conferences, and undertakes its own in-house research to ensure our knowledge of these important fields are current. We recently completed a study for the Federal, Provincial/Territorial Sport Council (F- P/TSC) that investigated innovative funding opporbmities and approaches to prov iding recreation infrastructure across Canada. Through ltIese activities and studies, we are provided opportunities to enhance our knowledge to benefit all our clients. Stakeholder Consultation Principals and senior staff assigned to this proposal bring extensive consultation and group facilitation ex perience, Consultation w iltl all facets and factions of the community is a hallmark of our plans, Consultation processes are struc1l.lred to address important issues, reach consensus, and develop a realistic action plan in the timeframe adopted br each study, Our consullation is designed to ensure that all voices and positions are heard, and implications of directions are well understood and structured i:l ensure that clear responses are developed. Our experience with consultation activities spans the full range of techniques including: public meetings, focus groups, facililated wor1<shops, search conferences and surveys. In the past 12 to 18 months, we have incorporated the use of on-line technology to gather information from specific and general audiences, This has proved a cost effective and efficient approach. We prov ide study project com m;ttees w i1h communication materials to keep their plan top of mind in the community. Site Assessment Many of our projects include detailed site assessments. We have developed a process that identifies key criteria, and works with clients to confirm the relevance of criteria, and relative weighting, k> the project at hand. Using this objective approach, data provided by the client and our understanding of the needs of ltIese services, we have undertaken numerous site assessments. We also understand that there are subjective issues involved in these assessments and, where requested to do so, we have facilitated groups toward consensus. Page 4 ~--rT ..-- r;:"""'" J ' ,,~ ~~ , '.. I ~ ~ I..i ~ i)r;....l \; ~ .. . ~ ' ~ - ' " ...... Saint John New Brunswick Multi-Plex Facility - Needs Confirmation Proposal Submitted by d!!!A Planning & Management Services November 7" 2006 2.1.1 dmA Staff Assigned to this Project Wendy Donovan, MA, RDMR, Principal: Wendy has worked in and wilt11he municipal parks and recreation 1ield for over 25 years. Ex perience as a programmer, facility manager, manager, director, and recreation planner within both rural and large urban municipal recreation departments, contributes significantly to Wendy's understanding of the workings, issues and political environment of public recreation departments, As a leisure consultant, Wendy has managed major recreation and culture master plans, i3asibility studies and operational and service reviews for large and small municipalities, Three significant focuses of Wendy's planning work are operational rev iews, preparation of business plans, and partnership evaluation, She has conducted and assessed operating models for a wide range of communities and brings extensive understanding of the conditions under which various models are most appropriate. Working with various communities Wendy has assisted clients to assess and negotiate partrlerships with boards of education and the private sector, Wendy will be the Project Manager for this Plan, with responsibility for all aspects of this sbJdy and for management of the study team. Jim Morgenstern, MES, RPP, Principal: Jim has been a consultant to the recreation and library communities across Canada and the US for over 30 years, He has worked ex 1ensiv ely with parks and rec reation departments, library boards, social service agencies, planning departments and educational organizations, Jim is currenUy worKing with several communities to negotiate partnership arrangements for recreation facilities for which he had previously prepared feasibility studies, Jim brings extensive consultation experience beach of the projects on which he works, He will assist with all aspects of this study as an advisor, and will participate as a facilitator in the proposed user group worKshop. Ms. Barbara Adderley, MES, Senior Planner: Barb brings over 15 years ex petience in sport and recreation planning, In her role as Senior Planner, Barb has managed long-range master plans and facility development strategies. Barb brings excellent research skills and extensive ex penence to each of her projects, Barb will assist with research and report preparation. 2.2 Sperry & Partners Architects In 2005, Sperry & Partners Limited celebrated thirty-three years of involvement in some of Atlantic Canada's most challenging architectural and urban design projects, Sperry & Partrlers' staff of professionals and technicians has built a respected reputation as a group that combines innovative design solutions with an ever-present awareness of the "bottom line". Its ConsultantTeams have developed the ability to constantly monitor both time and monetary budgels, For example, the Dartmouth SlXlrtsplex and the Saint John Canada Games Aquatic Centre both had fix ed m ax im um budgets that were met on initial tendering, The 1irm has worked in conjunction with construction managers to ensure that budget requirements for projects such as Cole Harbour Place community complex were met Most recen~y I the twin pad arena complex I Manners Centre in Yarmouth came in at 13% under budget The firm's architectural work includes projects in Fredericton, Dalhousie, Halifax, Amherst Yarmouth, Sherbrooke, Truro, and Antigonish among others. Page 5 lWli .,....,. .--- rr~-p, ~ ' '", .~ . $II> ''2 ,I , ,J.f 'It ...... , ' ..'. "~ - - <+ . 1.. .-... Saint John New Brunswick Multi.Plex Facility. Needs Confirmation Proposal Submitted by r;I!!!A Planning & Management Services November 7" 2006 In addition to providing the basic planning and architec1ural consulting, Sperry & Partners has extended its client serv ices to include Easibility assessments, 1echnical assessments, planning and urban design, waterfront planning, landscape and interior design, The firm has also expanded its scope of services 10 include design management Beyond the architecfs customary role in assisting clients in the early phases of a project the firm now regularly leads clients through a comprehensive design feasibility process, This provides the client with the necessary background to confidenUy make major design and financial commi1menls during the early stages of the projecfs development. The firm, presenUy consisting of four senior architects, two graduate architec15, a landscape architect, a senior and two junior architectural technologis15, and administration/clerical staff, works out of offices in downtown Dartm oulh. and is w holly ow ned by its four arc hitect par1ners. Pag e 6 T --rT . ..-- f):-" , 1 " J "," t, ," ~... j QfJ,'; ,1 ~ ,...( '!r ...., ';" ... , ~ > > - - ~ .,.... M.., Saint John New Brunswick Multi.Plex Facility. Needs Confirmation Proposal SutJmitte-d tJy d!!!A Planning & Managemenl Ser~lces Nova mtJar 7"', 2006 3.0 Proposed Work Program 3.1 Overview of Work Program We propose a work program that w ill be completed in four phases over a period of approx imately 4 months, This work program w ill focus on updating and confirmation of information gathered and documented in the 2004 report, confirmation of facility requiremenls with respect to size and capital cost of componenls, identification of order of magnitude capital and operating costs, funding capacity and options, and documentation of implementation steps including further study if required. As suggested by Committee representatives we have scoped this study to the budget indicated, with costs provided for optional work. We Eel however, that the immediate needs of this review can be met within the scope of the existing bUdget and that optional activities will not be required to meet the immediate needs of this sbJdy . The work program, outiined in detail on the lbllowing pages is presented in four phases: 1. Phase One: Project Initiation and Updating of Data: In this phase we propose k> update (as required) the 2004 study through a thorough rev iew of that report discussions with staff, and addition of information from our in-house data files. We have included some time k> add to inbrmation with new data related to sport tourism opportunities and ex periences and economic impact We w ill prepare the draft stakeholder surv ey and site assessment approach for review at the initial meeting with the Steering Committee. In addition to updating the current usage infonnation we believe it is important to gather current data on usage and projected needs and future use from groups w ho would use various fac ility com ponents. From discussion with the Committee and consideration of the sbJdy resources we have not included a general community survey but have focused on the needs and input of stakeholder groups, Once specific needs are identi1ied rom stakeholder (user) groups and municipal staff, and capital and operating costs are identified, as well as tax implications, this information could be confirmed in a general community survey, This however, can be completed as a follow-up step, if desired, 2, Phase Two: Confirmation of Need: Using infonnation rom the preceding two phases we will identify and prioritize indoor community facility needs. We propose a user group workshop to include representatives of the Committee, municipal staff, elected officials (if appropriate), and stakeholder groups to rev iew our findings, and discuss and identify priorities, as well as other issues that arise in the initial two phases, This workshop will be facilitated by dmA's Principals, and could involve up to 50 participanls. This is an important stage in the study and w ill be used to confirm priority indoor facility components, provide input to location and operational considerations, 3, Phase Three: Facility Concept: In this phase we will identify the space requirements of prioritized facility components and order-af-magnitude capital costs, Based on facility priorities we will complete the site assessment. 4, Phase Four: Final Report: In this phase we will identify high level annual operating costs based on priority facility components, capital funding opportunities and options, and partnership options and viability, In this phase we will also document next steps, We will review this information in draft form with the Committee, Follow ing lhat rev iew we w ill rev ise and submit the final report Pag e 7 ~' "-rT --- 0:"-'~ , I.," '" ~~ ," ~." ~ "I' .." . .....M 'If .., '.:. .. . ,:,.....-... PHASE ONE: Pro ject In iti atio n & Upd atin 9 of Data PHASE TWO: Confirm Needs PHASE THREE: Facility Concept PHASE FOJR' Fin al Rep ort Saint John New Brunswick Multi.Plex Facility. Needs Confirmation Proposal Submitted by d~A Planning & Management Services November 7~ 2006 Figure 3.1: Work Steps TASK 1: . r TASK 2:'\1 MeEti ng with ! I Site T Olf ' Steerirg Committee t_____,..._......,....J: TASK:t: Key Infonnant InteNiews j-".. TASK 6: , Sta::ehdder SlfWY TASK 7: Aralyze & Document Needs TASK B: PrelEreDrctt Needs Report & 'Norkshop DscussiOl Paper TASK 9: Needs & Optbns Workshop r TASK 4: . -'1 r----.....-~~ ;! Review d Final I TASK 5: j ii, R=~;;::::~J~p~~~ TASK 10: Re'lise Needs Repert r-._...."_...--~~~ TASK 11: ,I ,. Conference Cal wif1 Steering Comm~ee I '--------" ,'....'..---....",. , r",..,h---- " ,-~------------'-'-"'-- -,..-----.~~-. TASK 12: 1 ; TASK 13: 1 [ ] TASK 15' I SlEce Program for i CaptalCost II TASK 14: C rf. C'II' h II . ' , 0 erence a Wit Indoor Reaootlon ! Esllmateforlndoor III Site Asses&llent 8t' C 'It J' F aciities i Recreatbn Facilities I oorng onlnl ee n__......n_...n.........""....~.,_.J '..,,___, '--__________ L-...____. r-~~nT~S~::r":~""- Ilde~~~~g~~e.el l [---"-'~~~:-1~: ---II T AS< ~~':---"1 [".-,.... TAS.; 20: n,_ CperatingApproadl !I ,"0",' 0""",09 C,pia" "",,,,, II Do",",. N"" I Pre",re DmII F." 1 )1 Opporlurities I, ',i S BpS i Repcrt ] & ImpHcatbns I Costs .~__._.____.___.___ '- . . .) < _L_~_ __ ~ _~ _-+ u '~~-nO-} ~.....~,_....___.___.__...__~__....__...Jr ~' TASK 21: I TASK 22' TASK 23: Coo''''"' C," ':Ih '11- S lbmi I F in I R rt Final Pubic Steemg Commltee a epo Presenttion ~_""............. I.,..__...__,__.......j Page 8 ~1J7 -rT ___ ___ " Ii ~ .(1. , .'. rJU 1 ...,,( - - ."-- Saint John New Brunswick Multi-Plex Facility. Needs Confirmation Proposal Submitted by d!!JA Planning & Management Services November 7"' 2006 3.2 Detailed Work Tasks 3.2.1 Phase One: Project Initiation and Updating of Data TASK 1: Work Steps: TASK 2: Work Steps: TASK 3: Work steps: TASK 4: Work Steps: TASK 5: Work Steps: MEETING WITH STEERING COMMITTEE . Prepare agenda for initial rreeting, prepare draft user survey and site assessrrent process, and identify background docurrent and inforrrntion requirerrents; . ~etwith the Colmitlee to review the scope and timng of the study; . Confirmthe roles and responsibilities of staff, corrrrittee and the consultants; . Confirm key issues, goals and objectives for the sbJdy; and . Finalize work program, key dates and deliverables, SITE TOUR . Arrange with Steering Corrrritlee andfor staff to visit existing indoor facilities and potential future facility sites, We propose conducting this tour during our initial start up visit. KEY INFORMANT INTERVIEWS . As the Recreation Facilities Steering Cormittee has already done a great deal of work we view this phase of the review as one that will ensure that inforrrntion is current Therefore the key informant rreetings will involve rrunicipal recreation staff who can provide confirrrntion or update inforrrntion on the usage and inventory data in the 2004 report We propose holding 4 to 6 interviews - with those to be interviewed identified by the Steering Colmittee, As with the site tour we anticipate undertaking this activity during the initial visil REVIEW OF FiNAl REPORT OF SAINT JOHN RECREATION FACILITIES COMMITTEE . This is a collllrehensive and well-docurrented report While we have reviewed it briefly in preparation of this proposal we will review the rrethodology in a rmre corrprehensive manner as part of this sbJdy, In particular we will review the report to comrent on its rrethodology, to identify additional information points that night be helpful and to identify where updated information nightbe helpful or needed. UPDATE INFORMATION AS REQUIRED . This update will focus on updating population and dermgraphic information, adding additional trend information, adding to information regarding simlar cormunities approach to providing recreation facilities, adding to sporttourism docurrentation, and updating inventory information. We will use the 2004 report as our base. Pag e 9 1~. -rT ~ ~-'" , l,", #<., " ~J.J i? ''"-, / ... ' \', ~, - ' .~. &,. TASK 6: Work Steps: Saint John New Brunswick Multi-Plex Facility. Needs Confirmation Proposal Submitted by d[l1A Planning & Mmagement Services November 7'\, 2006 STAKEHOLDER SURVEY . Work with Steering Cormittee to identify groups (including group nama, contact email and mail addresses) in Saint John and area wilh potential interest in using indoor space in a rrulti-plex facility; . Prepare draft letter of invitation to be sent to these groups inviting 1I1em to col1lllete a detailed user need survey (draft survey will be reviewed atthe initial meeting with the Steering Committee - Task 1), The survey will be designed to docurrentfacility needs and interests, inforrretion on groups (e,g" type, size, focus ete,), special facility needs, willingness and ability to contribute to capital and operating costs, ete; . Wilh email addresses we will send invitation and instruction to groups to corrplete survey, (note: where email addresses are not available we will provide the Steering Committee with print ready copies to be mailed out to groups - no allocation is included for mailing in the study budget); and . Receive, docurrentand analyze survey responses, 3.2.2 Phase Two: Confirm Need TASK 7: Work Steps: TASK 8: Work Steps: TASK 9: Work Steps: TASK 10: Work Steps: TASK 11: Work Steps: ANALYZE AND DOCUMENT NEED . Using information identified in phase one tasks we will update the needs assessmant for indoor recreational facilities as docurrenled in the 2004 report. PREPARE DRAFT NEEDS REPORT AND WORKSHOP DISCUSSION PAPER . Prepare draft Needs Assessrrent Reportto document facility needs and priorities; and . Prepare issue paper and workshop bookletto guide Ihe Needsand Options workshop, NEEDS AND OPTIONS WORKSHOP . This workshop will bring together up to 50 representatives of Ihe areas indoor recreation user groups, the Steering Conmttee, staff and elected officials of the SaintJohn and area rrunicipalities; . We will work with the Steering Cormittee to prepare the invitation list, tirring and location of this event; . Workshop invitees will receive an invitation by email, including a brief (1 0-12 page) workbook that sUll1TIarizes findings of the needs assessrrent update as well as questions to help guide identification of priorities; . Both dJrAPrincipals will facilitate this even~ and . Results oflhe workshop will be used to confirm priority needs for Ihe next phases oflhe study, REVISE NEEDS REPORT . The draft Needs Assessrrent Report will be revised based on the inputofthe workshop; and . 1m a-copy of the revised Needs Assessrrent Report will be forwarded to Ihe Steering Cormittee for discussio n, CONFERENCE CALL WITH STEERING COMMITTEE . We will arrange a rrutually convenient tirm to review Ihe Revised Needs Report via telephone conference call; and . Following Ihatcall we will finalize Ihe Needs Report to be included in the Final Report, Page 1 0 1-. --rT ---- ([-"~. ~"I" : ....".} I ~M ~ ~,( ~ . ~ t ' ~, . ' ,.-- Saint John New Brunswick Multi-Plex Facility. Needs Confirmation Proposal Submitted by d!J]A Planning & Mmagement Services November 7" 2006 3.2.3 Phase Three: Facility Concept Note: the tasks noted below presume that need is identified for some form or number of indoor recreation facilities (whether new or revitalized). Should that not be the case we would discuss this with the Steering Committee at the end of Phase Two (task 11) and rev iew the next steps. TASK 12: Work steps: TASK 13: Work Steps: TASK 14: Work Steps: TASK 15: Work Steps: SPACE PROGRAM FOR I NDOOR RECREATION FACILITIES . Prepare high-level space program to identify: gross square footage of the key col'Tflonenl:s of the civic centre, as well as ancillary space requirerrenls for priority COllllonents, based on the priority facilities identified in the needs assessrrent report and discussion and confirmation with the Cormittee at the rreeting in Task 11; . Note relevant ancillary design features for each proposed COllllonent including specialized convenience facilities, spaces that night be conrrercial or private and public spaces; . Identify options for phasing ifappropriate; and . Identify gross land area required to accormndate facility, CAPITAl.. COST ESTIMATE FOR INDOOR RECREATION FACILITIES . Develop an initial capital cost estimate utilizing unit costs based upon the facility space program, costs for recentiy tendered corrparable projects, industry standards and the experience of the architect; . Facility corrponent based costs will be used to identify 1I1e order-of magnitude capital costs in the final report based on the corrponents included; and . Prepare an order of magnibJde capital cost estirrate for the recorTITEnded facility including construction cost, furniture, fixtures and equiprrent, professional fees and contingencies, SITE ASSESSMENT . Conduct site assessrrent by: visiting up to three sites, reviewing docurrents and information related to each site; and . Prepare site assessrrent reporl to review wi1l1 Steering Comritlee, CONFERENCE CALL WITH STEERING COMMITTEE . We will forward the Phase Three Report(space program, capital costing, site assessrrent) to the Steering COlTlT1ttee and arrange a nutuaHy convenienttirre to review this information, Page 11 ~~ '--rT --- '(r ''''"'', ;; > .., ",. 4 " ~u !j\ c, ,( ..' . \ ' ' ~ .' ",-, 3.2.4 TASK 16: Saint John New Brunswick Multi.Plex Facility. Needs Confirmation Proposal Submitted by d!!!A Planning & Management Services November 7"' 2006 Phase Four: Final Report I DENTIFY PREFERRED OPERATING ApPROACH AND I MPLlCAT IONS Work Steps: TASK 17: Work steps: TASK 18: Work Steps: TASK 19: Work Steps: TASK 20: Work Steps: . Docurrent recorrrrended operating approach for new indoor recreation facilities based on information gathered for this project and regional operating realities; . Identify irrplications for existing facilities and operations induding partnerships, decormissioning ore reuse of existing facilities ete; and . /J.s warranted, identify requirements for a partnersh ip agreement or other operating I rrenagement agreerrents. IDENTIFY HIGH.LEVEL ANNUAL OPERATING COSTS . Using needs and usage patterns docurrented in the needs assessment portion of this study, current operating costs in existing coflllarable facilities within the region, local staffing costs, current rates and fees, and with consideration to the way in which the facility will be managed (Le., by the rrunicipality, agency, other) identify first year of operation operating costs and revenues; . Prepare reasonable operating assurrptions for staffing, utility costs, usage, etc., and document assurrptions; . Prepare and review with client, cost and revenue escalation assufIlltions; . Develop cost estimate based on a preferred operating plan and management structure for the recorrrrended facility; . EsUmate the capital conservation requirerlllnts for facility and detenTine an appropriate reserve allocation; and . Project costs for an initial operating year, CAPIT At FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES . Rev iew inlOrmation from Key Infonnant Interv iews lIlat may identify partnership inleres1s; . Review Provincial and Federal Capital funding opporb..m ities; . Review I1llnicipal debtcapacity and reserve funds with representatives ofparticipating I1llnicipalities to identify rrunicipal contribution to capital; . Confirm irrpact of capital funding, particu larly debenture funds, on ongoing annual operating costs; and . Identify realistic capital funding options, DOCUMENT NEXT STEPS . Identify actions to be taken to proceed to the design and construction stages of the facility developrrenl, the relative priority and phasing of facility corrponents: and . Prepare a consolidated aelion plan and tilretable outlining phasing, costing, and responsibilities for all recorrrrendations in the study irrplementation, PREPARE DRAFT FINAL REPORT . Document all preceding steps in Phase Three and consolidate with Needs Assessrrent and Site evaluation reports to create a draft final report . Provide Steering Cormittee with one e-copy ofdralt final report; and . Mange Conference Call with the Steering Carminee to review, Page 12 rJ~ .,...,. --, ,,-' , 'i~ rJ~ 't" ~,.,( Ii .' I ~ ... ':< ' -' ,.-- TASK 21 : Work steps; TASK 22: Work steps: TASK 23: Work steps: Saint John New Brunswick Multi.Plex Facility. Needs Confirmation Proposal Submitted by dmA Planning & IY\magement Services November 7"',2006 CONFERENCE CALL WITH STEERING COMMITTEE . We will forward Ihe corrplete draft Final Report to Ihe Steering Cormittee and arrange a rrurually oonvenienttirre to review this information; and . Discuss process and approach for final presentation and report SUBMIT FINAL REPORT . Adjust Draft Report, as required, based on meeting with steering Corrmttee; and . Provide the Client with 1 bound, and one unbound copy, and an e.copy as a PDF of the Final Repo rt, FINAL PUBLIC PRESENTATION . We will work with the steering Corrmttee to identify an appropriate time for a final presentation to a group of the Corrmttees choice (e,9" rrun icipal council, the Steering Corrmttee, a general public meeting, prepare a PowerPoint presentation, draft ad for the meeting and conduct a final presentation. Page 13 n~' --rT ---. rr-.. ., rl.: ~ :.,.( 4 - ' ~. -..., Saint John New Brunswick Multi.Plex Facflity. Needs Confirmation Proposal Submitted by d!!!A Planning & Ml nagsmenl Services November 7~, 2006 4.0 Study Budget and timetable 4.1 Study Budget The study budget for this wort< program is $45,856,50 including all staff costs, disbursements and HST at 14%. If this amount of tax was not to be included in the budget or if it is partially or com pletely recoverable, this will adjust the upset budget for this study, Tables 4,1 and 4.2 outline the hourly allocation for staff, and the study budget by phase, The hourly allocation for consulting staff along with the description of work tasks in the preceding chapter indicates the work effort level for each task, Hourly staff rates are $135 br Donovan, Morgenstern, $75 for Adderley, $55 for dmA intermediate planning staff. We have identified an upset budget allocation for architectural support of $2,000. Should the Steering Committee wish to engage the architects to a greaEr degree than noted in this proposal we will identify costs for speciflc new tasks. Hourly rates for Sperry & Architecls staff range from $65/hour for junior technicians to $120/hour for Principals. The architects are identified as adv isors to dmA in this proposal and their work will involve verification of space programs for priority facilities and order-of-magnitude capital costs for construction based on recent projects, Table 4.1: Staff Hou rly Allocation Study Phase d!!lA Planning & Management Services Arc hitectural W. Donovan J, Morgensrern B, Adder ley Inl Planner Support Phase One: Project Initiation 54 0 52 30 0 and Updating of Data Phase Two: Confirm Need 42 14 30 4 0 Phase Three: Facility Concept 14 0 0 0 16 Phase Four: Final Report 50 0 26 6 0 Total Staff Hours 160 14 108 40 16 Page 14 1!V ---rT .......--- ..-~, .. ~ J:; t '('1., .'. rJiI 1 .....{ , _' J....__ Saint John New Brunswick Multi.Plex Facility. Needs Confirmation Proposal Submitted by d!!!A Planning & Mmagemenl Services November]" 2006 Table 4.2: Study Budget Oisburseme Total Total Study Phase Staff Costs nts (non. Travel Befor e HST Budget travel) HST Phase One: Project Initiation and $12,840,00 $175,00 $1,000,00 $14,015,00 $1,962,10 $15,977,10 Updating of Data Phase Two: Confirm Need $10,030.00 0 $1,400,00 $11,430,00 $1,600,20 $13,030,20 Phase Three: Facility Concept $4,050,00 $50,00 0 $4,100,00 $574,00 $4,674,00 Phase Four: Final Report $9,030,00 $50,00 $1,600,00 $10,680,00 $1,495.20 $12,175,20 $35,950,00 $275,00 $4,000,00 $40,225,00 $5,631.50 $45,856,50 This budget assumes: · The Client w ill be responsible for: · The cost of and arrangement for all in person meetings and workshops; · Pray iding up-to-date and accurate em ail addresses br user groups; · Arranging site visits and key informant meetings for phase one concurrent with the initial meeting with the Steering Committee; · Fonnal consultation with the Steering Committee to rev iew the final needs assessment report the space program and capital costs and site assessment, and draft final report w ill be by telephone conference call; · The consultant w ill meet in-person with the Steering Committee at the initial meeting (Task 1, and can arrange an in-person meeting with the Steering Committee during the needs and options workshop, and for 1I1e final presenta~on, (If the Steering Committee should find that they do not have to charge HST, or if this is refundable to them or the Municipality, we would be prepared to conduct more meetings in person, this meeting arrangement is made to stay within the budget allocation). · The consultant will work with the Steering Committee to revise the allocations internally if desired, For example, the Committee may prefer a final in-person mee~ng to review the final report and forego the final public presentation - or treat it as an option. . Travel costs for the consullants are from our Mississauga Office, A review of trav el time and cosls for mileage based on .50 cen1s per km from our Wolfville Office, indicates that it is more cost effective to fly from Toronto to Saint John. All travel costs within the scope of work outlined in this proposal are included in the upsetbudaet · Optional Tasks: Next step tasks, should need be confirmed, could include (a) a more detailed space program, capital costing (level D or C), and development of an on-site concept assessment of an ex isting facility if to be incorporated in10 the proposed new facility ele" $5,000 to $10,000 depending on scope (b) additional consultation with the public $10,000 to $25,000 includes general public telephone sUlVey at high end (c) more detailed operating pro forma $5,000 - $10,000 - all depending on scope, ~ is reasonable to wait until comple~no Ihe current proposed phase of study before considerinQ Ihese additional and optional tasks. Page 15 l'r ...". _____ ~ ~-.:- . '~~ H "t , 1"\.- , rJit' ~ *..., ,( > (.J.. <t. ~ 'f - ~ " ,. :a;,.. Saint John New Brunswick Multi.Plex Facility. Needs Confirmation Proposal Submitted by dmA Planning & Management Services November 7" 2006 4.2 Study Schedule We will complete 1he study in the time frame as discussed in our meeting with representatives of the Steering Committee on October 29th, This schedule assumes 1hat all background information will be provided in a ijmely manner and lhat meetings can be scheduled to correspond to lhe dates eslablished in this proposal. The timetable ouUined on the chart on the page following indicates that this schedule assumes the study w ill commence by mid November and the user group survey will begin in early December. We are prepared to work witllthe Steering Committee to ensure lhis timetable is met and to revise it if the Steering Committee feels that a revision is appropriate. Table 4,3 highlights key milestones and dates, A Gantt chart on the next page (Figure 4.1) shows the study schedule in greater detail. Table 4.3: Key Milestones and Dates Activ ity Weeks (approx) Meetings and Consultation Events Phase One: Project Initiation and Updating of Data 1-7 Initial Steering Cormittee Mleting User Group Survey DecJJan Late Novermer Phase Two: Confirm Need 8-10 11-12 Conference Call with Steering Cormittee Conference Call with Steering Cormittee Early February late February Phase Three: Facility Concept Conference Call with Steering Cormittee Early April Phase Four: Final Report 13-16 Final Presentation Md April Page 16 --.-.----.---.- _._....__._._--_..._--_.,._.~ -_._-~.."....~" ---... --...........- --.,--,..--..----- ~.. ~ [Ilr+ ---~------..-.-._____~___.__...NH...._*~___.___....._.......___...._._._.~._.__. .._--_.._~-_...,.._--,.......-...._............._..-...,..~......_..._.._.._..._.......-------------....,-...--..- ~-_.._..._- ---.---_..._......_~__NM_...III ! E E " <.) ! '" ~ 1; E E 8 '" ,5; j ., ,f;; 'j; ~ 1 ~ j g " 0: <: <: !l J!'! ,!i! Q. 0 CD a. a. E .c '" ~ ... 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I '" lL 1f~ , .-- (['_" ~ 0, '~c' ~, , , " I / .U:!ii, ""-", .. . ~ .'!i ~. .... . ..... ..... Saint John New Brunswick Multi-Plex Facility - Needs Confirmation Proposal Submitted by d!!)A Planning & Ma nagement Services November 7", 2006 5.0 References References for dmA Planninf,J & Management Services 1. Mr. Dave Malloy, Coordinator of Recreation Facility Development Nova Scotia Health Promotion, Town of Bridgewater/Municipality District of Lunenburg Multi-Purpose Feasibifity Assessment (2005) Innovative Infrastructure Funding Opportunities (2006) Prepared for the F ederal-Prov incial/T erritorial Sport Committee ofw hich Mr, Malloy was the Nova Scotia representative (2006)(902) 424-7621, 2, Mr. Jim Langille, CAO Town of Truro Central Nova Canada Games Civic Centre Study (2006) (902) 895-4484 3, Ms. Josee Helie, Project Manager, City of Ottawa Facility Master Plan, City of Ottawa Sport Development and Track and Field Centre (2000-2003) (6130580-2424 ex t 24385 4, Mr. Carroll Randall, Manager of Recreation, Municipality of the District of Lunenburg, Multi-Purpose Facility Feasibilffy Study Needs Assessment and Business Plan (2005) (902) 541-1333 5. Ms. Carol Pickings-Anthony, Director Parks, Recreation and Culture, Town of Bridgewater, Multi- Purpose Facility Feasibility study Needs Assessment and Business Plan (2005) (902) 543-2274 References for Sperry & Partners Architects 1. Mr. Fred Brooks, Senior Recreation Manager, Cape Breton Regional Municipality, (902) 563-5514 2. Ms. Barb MacDonald, (former Project Manager, Halifax Regional Municipality) Civ il and Building Technologies Instructor, Nova Scotia Community College (902) 491-4571 Page 18 dmA Planning & Management Services [d~V: I specializes in the preparation of Leisure Master Plans, Feasibility Studies, l\Jee: s ssessments, Marketing Studies and Management Reviews for public, agency and private recreation organizations. For over 25 years we have worked with organizations throughout Canada to prepare master plans, feasibility studies, market assessments, organizational reviews and strategic plans for recreation, culture, parks and open space. We have worked closely with YM- YWCAs, library boards, colleges and universities, conservation authorities and private sector companies, The facilities, parks, programs and organizational assessments that we prepare are undertaken for the residents - children, seniors, youth, families that live and work in these communities, Our planning studies are a major contributor to the quality of community life, dmA staff have conducted specialized management and training studies, operational reviews, developed long-range planning strategies, and reviewed user fee policies and marketing plans, We have prepared research and contributed to guidelines developed by provincial and federal agencies on recreation facility and parks planning. We have also conducted staff training sessions dealing with master planning, program evaluation, performance measurement, communication and public relations, volunteer development and marketing. We have completed feasibility studies for arenas, aquatic facilities, libraries, theatres, and arts facilities, a variety of sport venues, and major event and sport parks, Our master plans include detailed assessments of parks, program and facility needs. We have assessed staffing requirements, proposed staff development and training programs, and recommended new committee and organizational mechanisms to encourage all service providers to work together effectively. We have assisted municipalities to deal with the impact of restructuring, investigated alternative approaches to parks, recreation and library service delivery, and conducted primary research and policy studies, We have worked with professional organizations to develop performance measures, identify best practices for facility management, evaluate alternative service delivery models and prepare policy frameworks. The following tables highlight our sport and recreation planning experience. These represent selected projects but may not include all projects completed by dmA Planning & Management Services in these topic areas. dIDA PlIMII, . Mn_...... Semen LEx~_erience and Qualifications Tables FEASIBILITY STUDIES LEISURE PLANNING EXPERIENCE SECTOR PROJECT/CLIENT DESCRIPTION Arenas Sport Fields Curling Indoor Track and Field/Stadium Indoor Pools 125 metre) C lien1s indude: . Towns of. Renfrew, Flambourough, Halton Hills, Tecumseh, Tilbury, Mit:hell, Napanee, Smiths Falls, Englehart, Lakeshore, Belle River, Trent Hills, Truro/Munidpality of Colchesilr, Bridgewailr IMunicipality of the Disricl of lunenburg . Cities of. Kingston, IMndsor, Toronto, Belleville, Ottawa, Burlington, M ississauga Clients include: . Cities of. Ottawa, Vaughan, Burlington, Nepean, Toronto, Mississauga, North Bay . Town of. Bridgewater/Municipality of the District of lunen burg Clients Include: . Towns of. Haileybury, Dryden C lien1s indude: . Cities of. Mississauga, Brampton, Timmins, Toronb, Ottawa . Mohawk College Client indude: . Towns of. Bridgewater/Municipality of the District of Lunenburg (NS), Napanee, Renfrew, Flamborough, Cochrane, Fort Erie, Gananoque, Smiths Falls, Halton Hills, Wasaga Beach, Orangeville, TrurofMunicipality of Colchester . Cities of. Toronto, london, Vaughan, Timmins, Thunder Bay, Oshawa, Belleville, Mississauga, Quinle WesL Clarence-Rockland, Orillia, Ottawa, Chatham-Kent, Kingsfon . Townships at. Cumberland, Sidney, Manilouwadge, Michipimten, Ypsilanti (Michigan), Goulbourn . Village of Sharbot lake . County of Leeds-Grenville . North Hastings . Fort Erie, Barrie, Collingwood and Chatham-Kent YMCAs . These studies typically indude a comprehensive public participation program, an assessm ent of program and facility needs, 1he development of options, to meet oulstanding needs, detailed financial analysis, comparisons fo similar municipalities and an implementation plan, . Several have included detailed structural assessments of existing facilities. . We have also created detailed business plans and reviewed operational considerations, . Arena assessments are also prepared as part of overall master planning sludies, . Many stud ies include an assessment of policies including user iles, and ice allocation policies, . Investigated innovative methods of providing indoor and outdoor sport fields including investigation of public private partnerships, new strucbJres and service provision approaches . Conducted market needs assessment> including investigation of best practices . Prepared provision strategies . Created business plans . Specialized feasibility studies for indoor trock and field/stadium facilities, . Detailed assessments of the potential use and finandal viability of indoor pools and related facilities, Includes staffing and management recommendations, business plans, marketing stra~ies and detailed design roncepts, Sport and Recreation Planning Studies dIDA ......111I .. ........ s.!ltws ( Ex~~~i~~ce and Qualificatio~~ Table~J FEASIBILITY STUDIES LEISURE PLANNING EXPERIENCE SECTOR PROJECT/CLIENT DESCRIPTION Indoor Pool (50/75 metre) Seniors Centres SquashfRacquet ball Fitness Centres Client indude: . Town ofTecumseh . Cities of Mississauga, Hamilton, Sunrise (Florida), Windsor, Hamilbl, Pelerborough, Kingston . Uxbridge Township Clients include: . Towns of Napanee, Niagara-on-1he-lake . Cities of Toronlo, Oshawa, Weiland, Woods1Dck, Hamilton, Sudbury, Sunrise (Florida), Chatham . Township of Manitouwadge . Village of Sharbol Lake Clients include: . Towns of: Renfrew, Fort Erie, TOOJmseh, Cochrane, Gananoque . Cities of Mississauga, Comer Brook, Oshawa . Townships of Cumberland, Sidney, Schreiber, Michipiooten, M anitouwadge . County of leeds-Grenville . North Hastings Clients include: . Towns of Napanee, Renfrew, Flamborough, Cochrane, Fort Erie, Tecumseh, Gananoque, Truro/Municipality of Colchester, Kings County NS, Bridgewater/District Municipality of Lunenbu rg . Cities of Corner Brook, North York, Mississauga, Halifax . Townships of. Sidney, Manitouwadge . County of leeds-Grenville . Fort Erie, Barrie and Collingwood YMCAs . Assessed feasibility of 50 and 75 metre aquatic facilities to serve provindal, national and international markets, Included detailed ~nanci aI analysis and operating cost/revenue projections, . Reviewed older ad ult prog ram and facility needs to reftect changing age strucbJre of 1he population and new lifestyles, values and activities among older adults, . Typically assessed in conjunction with other facilities, including pools and multipurpose facilities, Evaluated potential for club memberships and recommended management and marketing strategies, . Assessed !he need for, and feasibility of, providing facilities, frequenUy in conjunction with pools and multi-purpose programming areas, Indudes detailed marketing and management strategies. Sport and Recreation Planning Studies dID-A "'.11I111- .......... ..... ~ Experience and Qualificati~~s-~~0~~J MASTER PLANS LEISURE PLANNING EXPERIENCE SECTOR PROJECT/CLIENT DESCRIPTION M un ici palities of 10,000 Population or Less Municipalities of 10,000 - 100,000 Population Municipalities of 100,000 Population or More Clien1s include: . Towns ot. Elliot Lake, Penetanguishene, Sturgeon Falls, Geraldton, Carleton Place, Haileybury, Marathon, Sherwood (PE~, Terrace Bay, Chapleau, Fort Frances, Tilbury, Mauawa, Mithell, Hanover, Belle River, Gravenhurst Walden, Port Elgin, Parry Sound, Trent Hills . Townships of. Oro, Stmington, Tay, Hamilton, Portland, Amabel, Ramara (fonnerly Mara and Rama), Osgoode, Goulbourn, Smith.Ennismore, Lake of Bays, Clearview . Village ofT otEnham . Village and Township ofPetawawa Clien1s include: . Towns of Dunnville, Oakville, Valley East Stoney Creek (1979), Straf1roy, Bradford, Port Hope, Collingwood, Pelham, Pickering, Rayside-.Balfour, Cobourg, Lindsay, Halton Hills, Milton, Caledon, Georgina, Ajax, Haldimand, Leamington, Whitchurch-Stouffville, Petawawa, Wasaga Beach, Trent HiHs, Smith-Ennismore, Smith-Ennismore Lakefield . Citiesot. Chatham, Slratford, North Bay, Timmins, Barrie, Weiland, Orillia, St Thomas, Trenton, Sunrise (Florida), Clarence Rockland, Woodsbck . Townships of Kingston, King, Innisfil, Ernestown, Essa, Smit1-Ennismore-Lakefield, Springwater . North lamblon . Tri-Munidpal Area of Kenora, Keewatin and Jalfray Melick Clienls include: . Town ofOakville, Richmond Hill, Whilby . Cities of York, Oshawa, Burlingbn, North York, Ottawa, Edmonton, Brampbn, Niagara Falls, Mississauga . Borough of East York . A oomprehensive assessment of parkland, program and facility needs. In small communities, partirular attention devoted to 1he role of1he Recreation CommiUee and volunteers, Development program s consis'ent with the resources available and community needs, S1rategies iden1ified b maximize service with limited resources, . Long 1erm strak:!gies for leisure services induding facility, parkland and program needs assessments; evaluation of 1he leisure service delivery system; financial analysis; and an implementation plan, Have assessed 1he need for additional s1aff, changes in job descriptions for existing staff, and proposed s1aff development and training programs, . Comprehensive assessmenls of municipal leisure services and reoommendalions for future development with particular em phasis on the Departm enrs mandate, the efficient management and delivery of leisure services, partnerships and ooordination with other providers and policy development Recom mended capilal development programs and undertook detailed assessment of municipal financial im plications Sport and Recreation Planning Studies dID-A PI"'" 1 "'~SII'IIcn fE;;;-~ce and Quali!~~.ati~ns T;~~~J MANAGEMENT STUDIES LEISURE PLANNING EXPERIENCE SECTOR PROJECT/CLIENT DESCRIPTION Policy and Guidelines for leisure Services Clients include: . Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation: Sus1ain ing our Facilily Investment (1997, 1999 and 2001) . Prepared an analysis of 14 case studies of best practices for managing alld operating aging heritage, culture and recreation facilities, Updated report in 1999, . Prepared in-{jeplh analysis of prerequisite for management excellence, . Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation: Emerging . An assessment of the changing political and legislative context Issues in Municipal Recreation in Onlario for the delivery of municipal parks and recreation services and recommended responses, . Sport Ontario: Gender Equily Sludy . Parks and Recreation Ontario: Performance Measures Project . Parks and Recreation Ontario: Policy Framework for Affordable Access b Recreation . Halton Reciprocal Use Agreement . Town ofW1itby Recreation Services brYouth . Minisry of Tourism and Recreation Physical Activily Plans, Resource Manual Strategic Public. Private Partnerships . Ministry of Citizenship, cu lture & Recreation . City of Burlington . Township of Goulboum . Cities at Kanala, City of Nepean . Ontario Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Recreation . Undertook research on the awareness, understanding and response to the gender equity issue in Onlario municipalities, and developed a 'working manual" to introduce gender equity principles and practices b m un idpal parks and recreation departments, . On behalf of PRO, we reviewed and critiqued perbnnance measures for m un icipal parks and recreation that were being advocated by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. . Prepared a policy framework and guidelines for user fees, . Prepared an Orientation Guide to prom OE the reciprocal use agreement between the Halton Board of Education and 1tle municipalities within Halton Region . Worked with Halton municipalities and two boards of education to prepare a new joint use agreement in response to funding regulation adjustment . A comprehensive assessment of youth recreational program and lacil ily needs, . A resource manual for communities preparing Physical Activity Plans . Develope::! T enns of Reference and provided and assisted the municipality to assess public-private partnership opportunities Sport and Recreation Planning Studies dmA Pb.IlIII.......R1Ser11cas ~~.Exper~en;-~~dQ~alificatio~s Tabl~~ MANAGEMENT STUDIES LEISURE PLANNING EXPERIENCE SECTOR PROJECT/CLIENT DESCRIPTION Operational Reviews and Management Studies Clien1s indude: . City of Nepean: Operational Audit . City of Ottawa (amalgamated) . City of Ollawa: Recreation and Parks Services Review . City of Niagara Falls: Museum Board Organizational Review . Town of Essex and Town of Lakeshore: Departm ental Restructuring . Town of Port Hope: Organizational Review - Parks and Recreation . County of Essex: Restructuring Study . Tay Township, Lakeshore, Essex, Tecumseh: Operational Review . OlIawa-Carleton Restructuring Study . City ofT oronto: Development Charges S1udy . City of York: Review of Leisure Service Fees and Policies . Township of Terrace Bay: Review of Leisure Service Fees and Policies . Town of Hanover: Pricing Policy Review . City of Burlington Parks and Recreation Departm ent: Review of Future Service Direclions . Town of Dryden Go~and Curling Club: Operational Review and M arke1ing Plan . A delailed assessment of operational efficiencies in the Recreation Division, . Prepared facility strategy fof newly amalgamatld city, . Assessed organizational structure following amalgamation, reviewed comparable municipalities across Canada. Recommended restructure directions, . Assessed appropriateness of integrated structure for social, recreational and cultural services in amalgamated City . Recommended the restructuring of the Museum Board, a new relationship with the municipality and im proved operating procedures and policies . In both afthese recenUy amalgamated municipalities we recommended a new slafling and deparhnental SlrucbJre, policies, and a mandate for parks and recreation, . Recommended new staffing and organizational struclure . Evaluated implications of amalgamating parks, recreation and library services in the restructuring of twenty one municipalities in Essex County . Reviewed and recommended new organizational and staffing strucbJres to improve the delivery of parks, recreation and library service delivery, . Created operating structure for newly amalgamated municipalities . Reviewed and commented upon projecled cost savings from amalgamating parks, recreation and library services, . ParlidpaW in revision of Development Charges for parks, recreation and library services, . Recommended an approach for revising fees and establishing a comprehensive user fee policy, . Designed and focilitaled a search conference 10 review future service needs and a workshop kJ set budget priorities tied to the municipality's Master Plan, . A review of slafling and operations and the development of a marketing Slrategy, Sport and Recreation Planning Studies dIDA P'II"I..III~""'" &em- .( Experience and QU~;~'~-T~_b~~~] MANAGEMENT STUDIES LEISURE PLANNING EXPERIENCE SECTOR PROJECT/CLIENT DESCRIPTION Operational Reviews and Management Studies (cont'd) · Village and Township of Marmara: Arena Management Plan · Investigated the existing management of the arena and recom m etlded a revised management com m illee, cost sharing agreement and marketing slrategy. . City of York - Fairbanks Community Centre: Fitlancial and . A delailed evaluatiotl of staffirtg and operating procedures br Management Study the proposed community centre and projeck:!d operating costs and revenues, . Town of Belle River: Master Plan and Operational Review . Reviewed existing staffing and job descriptions and recommended changes to create a more efficient operation wilh a stronger focus on lhe management of all parks and recreation services, · City of York: Long-Range Planning Program b lhe Parks . Recommended an approach for long-range planning tied to 1he and Recreation Department municipality's compuEr capabilities and provided s1aIf orientation and training, . Durham College . Federal, ProvinciallT erritorial Sport Cou ncil . Ministry of Health Promotion (Onlario) Marketing Studies Clients indude: . Sturgeon Falls Recreation Complex: Marketing Strategy . Ontario Recreation Society: Marketing Audit . City of Barrie YMCA: Strategic Plan and Marketing Strategy . Oshawa-Durham YWCA: Strategic Plan and Marketing Strategy . Assessed ongoing operating cost and usage by the College for a joint College/University/Municipal indoor pool and rommunity space, . Assessed opportunities across Canada for innovative funding solutions for recreation atld rullure infi'aslructure. . Prepared active livitlg manual br use by municipalities in preparation of their active living (AGlive Living 2010) plans, . A detailed marketing strategy and pricing policy for a major recreation romplex about to open in the rommunity, . Reviewed existing membership services and recommended a delailed marketing strategy b relain and expand membership in this professional organization, . A comprehensive assessment of the goals, mandate, future program directions, staffing and facility needs; development of a marketing strategy, . Recommended a significant shill in programming emphasis to consolidate the YWCA's membership and improve its financial position; identified a new marketing strategy, staff organizational slrudure and a role br the Board. · Family Service Association: SlraEgic Plan and Marketing . Reviewed future program diredons and markets for a Strategy for Residential Recreational Programming children's camp and lodge for seniors, . Chatham-Kent Exposition and Tracie Cenlre- Market Analysis and Feasibility Study . Ganaraska Region Conservation Aulhority . A detailed assessment of possible facility and programming expansion for th e Kinsmen Auditorium, . Assessed market for rejuvenated ouldoof education centre Sport and Recreation Planning Studies dIDA "'-'" . "_11I"1'"'- ~ Experience and Qual~~ti~~;-~~~;~J MANAGEMENT STUDIES LEISURE PLANNING EXPERIENCE SECTOR PROJECT/CLIENT DESCRIPTION Customer Service Studies . City of NOftI1 York: Customer Service Evaluations Market Assessments . Town of Huntsville: Preliminary Market Assessment for Commercial Developments . Metro Parks and Property Mas'er Plan: Overview of Recreational Needs in Area Municipalities . Snow Valley Secondary Plan Area: Recreation Study . Township ofVespra . Tridel: Northlown Development Recreational Needs Assessment . Town of Milton: Park Development . City of Chatham-Kent Trade Show Centre Feasibility S1udy . City of Burlington: City Park Plan . City of M ississauga: Mayor Event Park SbJdy . SifIon Properties: Equestrian Community . Georgian DevelopmentCorporation: Equestrian Facilities . EC Drury Development . Oxbrd Homes . An assessment of user satisfaction and the possibility of expanded facilities at the Centennial Arena and the Douglas Snow Aquatic Centre, . Investigated the potential for the Town to develop commercial operations in a major park as a means of increasing revenue, . Retained to work with area municipalities to identify issues and concerns to be addressed in Metro's Parks Master Plan, . Assessment of parkland and recreational needs of full re populations in 1I1e Snow Valley Secondary Plan Area, . An assessment of the recreational needs of future residents of a new residential development in the City of North York, . Reviewed and com mented on proposed park dedications in plans of subdivision, . An assessment of the financial viability of a new trade show and exposition centre, . Researched major event park sites across Canada and prepared market research and design guidelines iJ support the development of a major event and burnament parks, . UnderkJok market research for planned equestrian oommunity . Prepared a preliminary market assessment br an equestrian centre . Provided evidence at OM B concerning recreational im pacts of proposed redevelopment of lands at EC Drury School for lhe Deaf. . Provided expert input b park planning requirements in a proposed secondary plan, Sport and Recreation Planning Studies LIBRARY PLANNING, MANAGEMENT AND POLICY STUDIES dmA has worked extensively with the library community over the past decade to prepare library master plans, feasibility studies, service assessments, operational reviews and management studies. We have investigated trends in library use and the impact of technology and the changing economy on library services, Strategic planning for libraries is a major area of our practice, In 2001, dmA was retained to facilitate the development of a new Strategic Plan for Ontario public libraries (Building Value Together), We have also prepared Strategic Plans for provincial agencies including the Southern Ontario Library Service (SOLS) and the Ontario Library Service-North, and for a number of local libraries in Ontario. dmA worked with the Southern Ontario Library Service in 1997 to create a resource manual to assist libraries to document their "Social and Economic Contribution to the Local Community., This was one of the earliest attempts to develop a comprehensive approach to performance evaluation for libraries, This resource, which Dr, Charles McClure referred to as an "excellent planning and measurement tool", provides local librarians with direction on the identification and use of social and economic performance measures, The resource manual is currently being use by a number of Ontario libraries, dmA has also been retained to provide training and professional development sessions associated with the manual in Ontario, Michigan, Alaska, Mzona, Nova Scotia, Illinois, New Jersey, Mississippi and New York, In addition to strategic plans and performance measures, we have a broad background in management studies for libraries, We have prepared operational reviews and restructuring studies; evaluated partnerships with boards of education for joint library development; and contributed to policies on revenue enhancement. Senior staff from dmA are frequent participants at conferences and training workshops for professional librarians. We have delivered papers and participated in professional development activities at Conferences hosted by OLA, CLA and PLA, The following tables highlight our library planning experience. dID-A .......~--- LIBRARY PLANNING1 MANAGEMENT AND POLICY STUDIES SECTOR PROJECTfCLlENT DESCRIPTION Library Feasibility Studies and Service Reviews Library Needs Assessments . City of Mississauga: Central Erin Mills and Hurontario FeasibilITY Studies . Town of Milton: Leisure and Library Action Plan . Town of Halton Hills: Library Services Master Plan and FeasibilITY Study . Town of Hanover: Library Expansion Feasibility Study . Kingston Township: Library Master Plan and Feasibility Study . City of Quinte West: Library Feasibility Study . City of ottawa - South Central District Library: Prelim inary Business Plan . Huron County: Library Fadlity Model . Ottawa Public Library: Service Delivery Model . Thunder Bay Public Library: Optimum Service Delivery Model . Greater Sudbury Public Library: Branch Needs Assessment . Kingston-Frontenac Public Library: FacilITY Needs Assessment . Town of Halton Hills: Facility I Site Study . City of Waterloo: Branch Facility Needs Assessment . Township of Russell: Facility Model . Wellington County Library: Facility Model Study . Essex County Library: FacilITY Study . Thunder Bay Library: Branch Relocation Study . Scugog Memorial Library: Facility Study . Town of Penetanguishene . Tay Township . Town of Oakville . Township of Emestown . Borough of East York . Village of Sharbot Lake . Township of Smith-Ennismore . City of Clarence Rockland . Huron County . Town of Petewawa . Town of Wasaga Beach . Township of Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield . City of Ottawa . Southern Ontario Library Service Training and Professional Development . Pelformance Measures Training, Nova Scotia Library, and the State Libraries of Michigan, Alaska, Illinois, Mississippi, New York and New Jersey dID-A -.... - . Feasibility studies and service reviews for public libraries have identified facility and program needs, detailed design concepts and the financial viability of proposed projects. The majority of library studies have also included the design and im plem entation of surveys for both library patrons and the general public to investigate possible service improvements, . Service reviews and facility development models recommended new approaches to service delivery and new facility standards, These studies were frequently prepared for amalgamated municipalITies, . Facility model studies ident~ying functional and design requirements and the number and location of library branches, . Ubrary needs assessments have typically been undertaken as part of an overall Master Planning process, . Identified future library needs, including space requirements, capITal and operating costs, and site selection. . Recommended program and service improvements for libraries and library services, as well as strategies for increased cooperation between library boards and other \eisu re agencies. . Training for The Library's Contribution to Your Community (LCTYC) Resource Manual. . Training for librarians on the use of the LCTYC Resource Manual on social and economic beneffts and the use of pelformance measures in library management. LIBRARY PLANNINGf MANAGEMENT AND POLICY STUDIES SECTOR PROJECT/CLIENT DESCRIPTION . Conference Presentation and WorKshops . OLA Conference 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006; PLA Conference 2002; CLA Conference 2002; New York Library Association 2002; Illinois Library Association, 2006. Library Policy and Planning Studies . Southern Ontario Library Service: Social-Economic Contribution Study . Southern Ontario Library Service: Revenue Enhancement Strategy . Halton Hills Library Implementation . Oxford County Library: Operational Review . An Assessment of Multilingual and Multicultural Library Services (Ontario Library Service: Trent) . City of Toronto Public HeaRh Department · Clemens Mills Public Library/St. Benedict Secondary School Resource Centre . Public Sector Partnerships . SOLS-Performance Indications / Contribution Study . Liorary Restructuring Study - Essex County . Public Consultation - South Central District Library - Ottawa Library Board . Preparation of a Resource Manual for public libraries in Ontario to assist with the identification and documentation of the library's social and econom ic contribution to the local commun~y, . Facilitated worKshops with senior management and staff to review policies and approaches to fees and charges, . Assisting with implementation of Facility Site Study and w~h Architect RFP development . A review of current operations and recommendations for improved management and delivery of services . A review of muRilinguallibrary services in over 100 southem Ontario communities. The study process included the establishment of library service objectives and a description of management, planning and policy requirements to meet identified service improvements, . Recommended a model for library service delivery for the Public HeaRh Department after amalgamation, . An assessment of this partnership between the library board and separate school ooard as part of a study of best practices for the Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation. . Investigated various options and facilttated discussions in the planning of joint use facilities involving school boards, library boards and recreation departments in Mississauga, Ajax, Grimsby, Goulboum Township and Richmond Hill, . Identified mechanisms to monitor and evaluate the services provided by the Southem Ontario Library Service (SOLS) and the benefits received by their client libraries, . Investigated the financial and service implications for libraries of various models for amalgamating municipalities in Essex County . Designed and facilitated a public consultation program to solicit input for the planning of a new library Library Planning Studies - Survey Research I . Various Master Plans I Needs Assessments . Strategic Plan for Ontario Libraries (SDC)-Province- wide Survey dIDA -... -... . Most of the m aster plans and needs assessm ents conducted by d.!!lA have included survey research and/or focus groups with users and non-users, . Contributed to the design and analysis of this province- wide survey on perceptions and use of the library, LIBRARY PLANNING, MANAGEMENT AND POLICY STUDIES SECTOR PROJECT/CLIENT DESCRIPTION . Pickering Library Non-User Study . Designed a num bar of surveys that were used to com pile data for perfonnance measures. . Conducted focus groups and surveys to study Library non-users Community Consultation . Performance Measures Project (SOLS) Strategic Planning . Strategic Directions Council: Strategic Plan for Ontario Public Libraries (Building Value Together) . Facilitated the strategic planning process wrth senior staff and stakeholders. . Facilitated sessions to identify implications of socio- demographic trends for library services . Designed and facilitated process for the development of a new strategic plan . Facilttated sessions with staff and stakeholders to prepare strategic plan, . Prepared strategic plan for First Nation libraries in Ontario, . Southem Ontario Library Service: Strategic Plan . Ontario Library Service-North . First Nation Libraries . Huron County Public Library . Markham Public Libraries . Brampton Public Library . Prepared strategic plan for future library serv ice delivery. . Facilitated strategic planning process. . Conducted focus groups and Vision/M ission Workshop as an input to strategic plan. . Facilitated strategic planning process. . Facilitated Board Workshop for new business plan . Clarington Public Library . Ontario Library Services Centre dID-A -.11II. _ dm.A Planning & Management Services dmA WENDY DONOVAN PI,nnlnl & Manag.ment Services Education Professional Experience Experience 1982 1974 1998 1996-1998 1995-1996 1988-95 1983-88 1975-76 Master of Arts, University of Waterloo Bachelor of Arts, University of Waterloo Principal, dmA Planning & Management Services Principal, IER Associate, IER City of Burlington, Manager of Planning & Research City of North York, Community Recreation Coordinator Sydney Township, Director Parks & Recreation Wendy Donovan is a Principal at dmA responsible for management studies and organizational reviews, leisure and cultural planning, Ms Donovan's experience includes over 25 years working with and within the municipal sector. As a consultant she has been responsible for a wide range of planning studies including master plans, reorganization studies, market and trend assessments and facility feasibility studies, She has held a number of positions in municipalities in Ontario, bringing to her consulting activities a strong understanding of municipal operations, financial analysis, and political processes, The following points highlight Wendy's recent experience: Proiect Manaaement Wendy has managed a wide range of planning studies for small rural and large urban communities as well as for provincial, territorial and federal organizations, Each plan is a collaborative process between the client and the consultant. Innovative and strategic directions that respond to the needs and resources of each individual community are found in these plans. Recent projects that Wendy has managed include major facility development plans for the Cities of Ottawa and Edmonton; comprehensive leisure plans for the municipalities of Brampton, Whitby, Petawawa; recreation facility feasibility studies for municipalities of Toronto, Ottawa, Windsor, Kingston, Bridgewater/Municipality of the District of Lunenburg NS, and Truro, NS; recreation reorganization plans and operational reviews for numerous amalgamated recreation service departments, Consultation & Facilitation Wendy is fully qualified in all aspects of public consultation, with experience in process design, implementation, documentation, and evaluation, She is a skilled facilitator, and has relevant experience with conflict resolution and mediation, Virtually all projects involve significant consultation with the community and stakeholder groups. Several projects focused entirely on facilitation and development of group consensus, Sport and Recreation Planning Wendy has prepared major sport and recreation facility strategies for the Cities of Edmonton and Ottawa, She has worked with the Cities of Toronto, Hamilton, Windsor, and Kingston to assess arena, indoor soccer and aquatic needs. In the past two years she has worked on joint municipal projects including Town of Truro and the Municipality of Colchester, and the Town of Bridgewater and the Lunenburg District Municipality to identify need for and costs associated with a major recreation facilities, one of which is in support of a Canada Games. She is currently working with the City of Brampton to assess the full range of leisure needs and service delivery approaches to respond to the challenges of a fast growing and ethnically diverse community, These studies each involve extensive consultation with stakeholder groups, extensive research into relevant trends and issues and careful assessment of business and financial viability. In many cases these studies were undertaken with a view to using these initiatives to leaver economic and tourism development in the respective communities. She has also worked with many small, and rural communities to assess a full range of recreation and culture needs for those communities, dmA Planning & Management Services WENDY DONOVAN...2 Business PlanninQ & Financ;al Analvsis Wendy has developed business plans for aquatic, arena, major sport and performing arts and culture centres. Recent Clients include the Municipalities of ottawa, Kingston, Toronto. Windsor, Leamington, Clarence-Rockland, Chatham-Kent, Orillia, Oshawa, Durham College in Ontario, Bridgewater/Municipality of the District of Lunenburg, NS, Truro, NS and Edmonton, AB. Business plans include research and assessment of best practices, local, regional and industry cost and revenue trends and development of net cost projections based on realistic assumptions. Wendy's in- depth understanding of municipal finance opportunities and legislation as well as municipal budget practices ensures accuracy and supports implementation of these projects, ODerational Reviews and Reoroanization Studies Wendy is a proven team builder with the skills to generate a renewed sense of purpose and commitment in organizations in transition. In response to recent municipal restructuring and amalgamation she has been the project director for a number of newly amalgamated parks, recreation and culture departments. These studies recommended approaches to harmonize existing policies; introduce new business practices, reporting relationships and staffing structures; identify resource and cost and phasing priorities, Research. Best Practice Analvsis and Policv Deve/ODment Wendy was the project director for a number of unique projects focusing on best practice analysis, policy development and trends research including: . Case study research on innovative funding practices across Canada for the Federal- ProvincialfTerritorial Sport Committee; . Case Study research on public/private partnerships for major event parks (City of Burlington); . Preparation of policy guidelines for recreation user fees, partnership policies, and municipal filming policies; . Investigation of major event facilities including sport development centres (City of Ottawa, Commissioners Park, Toronto) and event arenas (Chatham-Kent, Bridgewater/Municipality of the District of Lunenburg, NS and Truro, NS); . Management of partnership search projects to guide and advise clients on how, and if, to introduce alternative approaches to service delivery including outsourcing, partnerships and privatization; . Position papers and Province-wide research to assess trends and opportunities to initiate innovative project development, and best practices, This series of Research studies (SOFII, II, III) included an in-depth review of recreation, tourism and cultural initiatives, Professional Associations Parks and Recreation Ontario (PRO) Member (1996-) Recreation Nova Scotia (RNS) Member (2004-) Recreation Facilities Association of Nova Scotia (RFANS) Member (2005-) Canadian Parks/Recreation Association (CP/RA) Member (1990-) Society of Directors of Municipal Recreation of Ontano (SDMRO), (President 1993-95) Board Member, Parks and Recreation Federation of Ontario (1993-95) Board Member, Association of Municipalities of Ontario (198?) dmA Planning & Management SelVices dIDA Planning & Managlmlnt Services JIM MORGENSTERN Education 1977 1974 M,E,$, (Master in Environmental Studies), York University B.A" York University Professional Experience 1998 1977-98 Principal, dmA Planning & Management Services Principal, lER Planning, Research and Management Services, Toronto Planner, Institute of Environmental Research, Toronto 1974-77 Summary of Experience Mr. Morgenstern is a Principal of dmA Planning & Management Services. He has a broad background in municipal planning and management with specialized expertise in the leisure and library sectors. He has been a consultant to Ontario municipalities and service providers for over 25 years, He has worked extensively throughout the Province and brings a wide range of experience to his consulting assignments, Jim's major areas of practice include: Proiect Manaaement Jim has managed and directed more than 300 leisure, library, and strategic planning studies during a career that spans more than 25 years, He has prepared master plans and feasibility studies in municipalities throughout Ontario and in the United States, Public Consultation and Facilitation Jim is a skilled facilitator with an extensive background in group problem solving, team building, and transition management in organizational settings, He has worked with the staff, Board members and Council to reach consensus on new service priorities and mandates and to develop policy, He has also designed communication and training programs to facilitate the transition to new methods of doing business. Jim has also designed and directed communication and consultation programs to involve the public in a wide range of planning projects. He has skillfully managed controversial consultation projects resulting from rationalization initiatives in newly amalgamated municipalities. leisure Plannina Jim has directed a large number of master plans and feasibility assessments for sports, recreation, arts and cultural facilities and long range plans for parks and recreation departments. Many of these studies included assessment of performance measures, partnerships, revenue enhancement strategies, innovative management, operating approaches for aging facilities, and cost-sharing agreements for recreation facilities, He is currently assisting a number of municipalities to implement projects for which he prepared feasibility assessments, including major facilities for the municipalities of Orillia, Clarence-Rockland, Wasaga Beach and the Municipality of Chatham-Kent. Recent Clients also include the Municipalities of Halifax, Kings County NS, Mississauga, Toronto, Thunder Bay, Sudbury, Kingston-Frontenac and the City of Ottawa, strategic Planning Jim has facilitated municipalities and not-for-profit agencies in the preparation of strategic plans. Clients include the Metro Toronto Family Service Association, the municipalities of 81. Catharines, Milton, Uxbridge, Woodstock and Tay Township, the Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations, and the Southern Ontario Library Association, the District Municipality of Lunenburg NS. dmA Planning & Management Services JIM MORGENSTERN...2 Professional and Scholarly Associations Academic Appointments Library Proiects Jim has conducted service reviews, master plans and feasibility studies for library services. He has prepared library master plans and feasibility studies for a number of Ontario communities and has conducted research on library partnerships, joint service delivery with Boards of Education, performance measures and community support and perceptions of public libraries, Mr. Morgenstern was the principal author of the SOLS resource manual "The Library's Contribution to Your Community,' This resource, which Dr, Charles McClure referred to as an 'excellent planning and measurement tool", provides direction on the identification and use of social and economic performance measures. Mr. Morgenstern facilitated the Strategic Plan for Ontario Public Libraries, as well as Strategic Plans for the Southern Ontario Library Service, the Ontario Library Service North and for local libraries, He has also conducted training with library associations in Canada and the United States, Recent projects include faCility rationalization service studies for the municipalities of Kingston-Frontenac, Ottawa, Thunder Bay, Sudbury and First Nation Libraries, Municioal Manaaement Studies Jim has worked with public sector organizations preparing business plans, exploring private sector partnerships, reviewing operational efficiencies and adopting alternative service delivery mechanisms, He is well positioned to assist his clients to deal with organizational change, He has also worked with library and heritage organizations to assess operational directions. Recent management Clients include the Municipalities of Niagara Falls, Markham and Brampton Research, Policy and Best Practice Studies Jim was the project director for a number of unique projects focusing on best practice analysis, policy development and organizational best practices including: . Prepared the Province of Ontario Active 2010 Manual to assist local municipalities to prepare activity plans, Jim has provided training on this project throughout Ontario; . Project Director for a Core Service Review - City of Nepean and City of Burlington; . Assisted with the assessment of options for shared services among three municipalities in the Ottawa area. . Participated in two Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing studies dealing with best practices in restructured municipalities and training requirements of municipal staff; . Project Director for a study of new models for municipal parks and recreation service delivery for the Ontario Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation . Consultant to Parks and Recreation Ontario on projects dealing with municipal performance measures and user fees; . Project Director for three studies dealing with best practices for cultural, heritage and recreation facility management for the Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation: . Participated in the design and delivery of training sessions of public private sector partnerships for the Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation, Canadian Institute of Planners Ontario Professional Planners Institute 1980-86 Lecturer, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University (Part-time) dmA Planning & Management Services BARBARA ADDERLEY dIDA Pllnnlnl & MI.lglmlnl Services Education 1991 1989 1988 Professional Experience 2003 1995-1998 1991-1995 1989 1988 1988 Summary of Experience Master of Environmental Studies, York University Marketing Management Certificate, University of Calgary Hon. Bachelor of Arts, Geography and Recreation, C(}{)P, University of Waterloo Senior Planner, dmA Planning & Management Services Project Manager, Parks and Recreation, IER Project Manager, Environmental Planning, IER Historic Parks Planning Officer, Parks Canada, Calgary Visitor Services Planning Officer, Parks Canada, Revelstoke Parks Research Analyst, Westem Region Parks k, a Senior Planner at dmA, Barb is responsible for a wide range of activities including project management for master plans and facility feasibility studies; the design and implementation of community consultation programs; market research, trend analysis, and policy analysis; the preparation of business plans and report writing, Project Manaaement Barb has managed comprehensive leisure master plans for both urban and rural municipalities, needs assessments and feasibility studies for major recreation facilities, multi-purpose community complexes and libraries, research studies documenting best practices and innovation, and business plans. SDoft and Recreation Plann;na As a senior planner with dmA, Barb has participated in feasibility studies, market assessment, and business plans for a variety of sport and recreation studies for aquatic and ice facilities, curling rinks, multi-purpose facilities and emerging infrastructure, These studies involved consultation with stakeholders/partners, case study research, research into relevant trends, issues and best practices, and careful assessment of business and financial viability. Arts & Culture. Library. Tourism Plannina k, a senior planner with dmA, Barb has been responsible for a variety of educational, historic, sport, tourism, cultural and library-related facilities (e.g., Historic Cottonwood Mansion - Town of Haldimand, Outdoor Education Centre Redevelopment - Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, Major Sports Facility Concept - Commissioner's Park Toronto, Major Event Arena - City of Chatham-Kent, Joint Library/Loblaws Proposal - Kingston-Frontenac, Best Practices Study 'SOFI l' - MCzCR). These studies have involved consultation, case study research with comparable sites, research into relevant trends, issues and best practices, In many cases these studies were undertaken with a view to using these initiatives to lever economic and tourism development in the respective communities, In previous roles Barb was responsible for managing market assessments and marketing research studies for National Parks and Historic Sites, dmA Planning & Management Services BARBARA ADDERLEY... 2 Consultation & Facilitation Throughout her professional and educational career, Bart has had extensive experience in public consultation process design, implementation, documentation, and evaluation, All of the projects Barb has worked on involve significant consultation with the community, various stakeholders, and the client. She is well versed in quantitative and qualitative research methodologies and has had extensive experience in survey research and design, working group facilitation, consulting with the public on potentially contentious issues, and the development of marketing and communication tools, Professional Awards & Associations Human Kinetics and Leisure Studies Entrance Scholarship, University of Waterloo Dean's Honour List, all academic years Canadian Institute of Planners Ontario Professional Planners Institute Volunteer Experiences Crisis Hotline Co-ordinator, Yellowknife Women's Centre Family Relief Worker, YWCA Yellowknife Family Shelter Child Services Volunteer, New Dawn School, Waterloo Senior's Recreational Therapist, Waterloo Region Senior's Home d!!!A Planning & Management Services STEPHEN J. RITCHIE LA W OFFICE BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY 114 Logie Drive P,O, Box 1098 Hampton, N,B, E5N 8H 1 Bus, (506) 832-3403 Fax (506) 832-3640 E-Mail sritchie@nbnet.nb.ca November 15, 2006 City of Saint John P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, N.R E2L 4L1 VIA REGISTERED MAIL ATTENTION: Mayor & Councillors Dear Ladies & Gentlemen: RE: My Client: Ritchies Discount Warehouse Ltd. Location: Intersection of Broadway Ave,. Rothesay Ave, & entrance to 715 Rothesay Avenue Subiect: Traffic Signals Enclosed herewith please find copy of letter from my client addressed to mayor and Council, City of Saint John (undated) which was forwarded October, 2005, To date, we are in limbo with respect to the intended action by the City to address the safety concerns identified in the stated correspondence. We would ask that you respond to this correspondence immediately. Please be advised that we accept no responsibility or liability associated with the City's lack of action on these pressing safety concerns, Sincerely yours, 4L/i'tL' Stephen Ritchie SR:ns cc: Ritchies discount Warehouse Ltd, A TTN: Daryl Ritchie 11/14/2005 15:50 5066340952 JOHN FLOOD SONS PAGE 02 RITCHIE'S DISCOUNT WAREHOUSE LTD. 715 ROTHESAY AVE. SAINT JOHN, N,B. E2H 2G9 Mayor and Council City of Saint John Your Worship and Councillors, Ritchie's Carpet Warehouse Ltd, located at 715 Rothesay Avenue, Saint John submit this letter for your consideration and assistance in the installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Rothesay Ave., Broadway Ave and the new entrance to our proposed development and expansion. (PID, # 55074355 & PIO # 298232 ( lands adjacent 715 Rothesay Avenue) . Ritchie's Carpet Warehouse has operated out of the current location for some 40 years. Increased volume ~nd consi5tent growth has placed Ritchie's in the position to expand and renew its operations, In addition to the construction of a new 34,000 square foot retail warehouse facility scheduled for the spring of 2006 a renewed opportunity for the adjacent property is presented, This proposed development will create new significant employment opportunities for the City of Saint John, ........ With the increased grovvth (,)fthe retail sector in East Saint John, Rothesay Avenue has seen an identified substancial increase in traffic volume. While the traffic counts have increased speed coming down off the highway has not been reduced. In recent discussions with Jim Baird MCJP (Commissioner of Planning) and Burt Steeves P. Eng. ( Manager of Urban and Traffic Services) both are in agreement that traffic signals at the intersection of Rothesay Avenue and Broadway Avenue and the relocation of our entrance would be a positive response to the current situation and help to address all of our concerns for safety. In an effDrt to increase the safety of employees and customers Ritchie's have gene to considerable expense with this initlative through a site analysis and the relocation of our entrance directly across from Broadway Avenue, Mr. Baird and Mr. Steeves concur with our analysis and agree that the installation of traffic signals will achieve desirable results for vehicles entering and exiting, Glen Falls, the RItchie development and indirectly 8t Ann's Church, Traffic signals in this location complement the neighbourhood and are consistent with good planning practice, To date Ritchie's have engaged the seNices of a traffic engineer (+/- $5000,00) (ADI Limited) upon the advice of city staff to design the intersection and specify equipment to City of Saint John stpndards, The entrance has been relocated to a location further west of the eXjsting entrance and directly across from Broadway Avenue, a main thoroughfare to Glen Falls, 11/14/2005 15:50 5055340'352 JOHN FLOOD SONS PAGE 83 Subsequent to the preparation of the design documents the equipment has been tendered and we are now in receipt of the tender submissions. (Total svpply and installation costs including the underground are in the order of $45,000). We have been advised but have not yet confirmed the particulars of other agreements with the city supplying and installing similar equipment to assist other developments particularly on Rothesay Avenue and Westmorland Road, Considering these precedence Mr. Baird and Mr. Steeves have both suggested that we make application to council for consideration. Our purpose then in writing is threefold; '" To bring to your attention our concern for safety * Our position that while we have shown our good will in preparing and paying for the de~ign and tendering of equipment of the traffic signals, we are not prepared to finance completely what we see as a city responsibility. We respectfully request the city contribute a reasonable share of the costs, which we are prepared to discuss, ." Precedence has been set by the city paying for and installing traffic signals on initiatives of new business's (who have not contributed to our tax base for the last 40 years) competing in similar markets in areas where safety is less at risk. In closing we are available to meet with City staff to discuss this further, We would appreciate a timely response as we anticipate the relocation of our entrance completion thts fall in preparation for an early spring start construction. Thank-you in advance for your consideration. Respectfully submitted, Daryl Ritchie &-.4 President //'-C:-.) , Ritchie's Carpet Warehouse ,/ :/ .~ 0. .L .. . --- - - -<..