2006-11-02_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jourCityof SaintJohn CommonCouncilMeeting Thursday,November02,2006 CommitteeoftheWhole 1.CalltoOrder CouncilChamber4:30p.m. 10.2(4)(c,d) 1. Easements-Proposed EmeraBrunswickPipeline RegularMeeting 1.CalltoOrder– Prayer CouncilChamber4:30p.m. 1.1 Easements-Proposed EmeraBrunswickPipeline Cityof SaintJohn Séance duconseilcommunal Lejeudi2novembre2006 Comitéplénier 1.Ouverturedelaséance 16h30Salleduconseil 10.2(4)(c,d) 1. Emprisesproposéesvisantl’EmeraBrunswickPipelinealinéa Séanceordinaire 1.Ouverturedelaséance,suiviedelaprière 16h30Salleduconseil 1.1 Emprisesproposéesvisantl’EmeraBrunswickPipeline November2,2006 DeputyMayorHootonandCouncillors NoticeofSpecialMeeting10.2(4)(c,d) DeputyMayorandCouncillors, ASpecialMeetingofCouncilwillbeheldonThursdayNovember2,2006at4:30 p.m.in theCouncilChamber toconsiderpropertyeasements for theproposed EmeraBrunswickNatural GasPipeline. Sincerely, NormMcFarlane Mayor BRUNSWICK PIPELINE P.O. BOX 910 1894 BARRINGTON STREET HALIFAX, NOVA SCOTIA HALlFA.l( NOVA SCOTIA CANADA B3) 2W5 CANADA B3J 2AB OfFice, 902.450.0507 Tall Free, 1.B8B.450.0507 Fax 902.428.6104 www.brvnswickpipeline..om An Emer.... (uJ11p"n~' October 31, 2006 Common Clerk City of Saint John 15 Market Square C.P.197l Saint John, NB E2L 4L1 Dear Sir: We would like to request that a meeting of Common Council be convened prior to the start ofthe National Energy Board hearing due to begin November 6,2006. The purpose of this meeting would be for us to meet with Common Council to discuss Emera Brunswick Pipeline Company Ltd.'s acquisition of easements on City of Saint John properties, including Rockwood Park along our proposed pipeline construction route. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. Yours truly, Robin McAdam President