2006-10-23_Supplemental Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour supplémentaire City of Saint John Common Council Meeting Monday, October 23, 2006 Location: Common Council Chamber Supplemental Agenda 9. Public Hearings Re: 9.3 Letters of support for proposed zoning by-law amendment at 1210 Loch Lomond and Department of Health certificate City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal Le lundi 23 octobre 2006 Emplacement: Salle du conseil communal L'ordre du jour supplementaire 9. Audiences publiques Alinea 9.3 Lettres d'appui relative au projet de modification de l'arrete sur Ie zonage visant Ie 1210, chemin Loch Lomond et certificat du Ministere de la sante :1. C'.,_;' ..~,;..~ \.~ ' ~~'-~ F~~~t) '~77 'e', ,', ,~/ . 0- ~L~\dY\ )..uv -tJu-J t-~~)+l.J-PnclLu>t ,I ',,' ')"lc\ ~yc Q;~ ~.'\' . " c. ~ \! ,... ' '.'.' ~".'.' -L'""-- -Lh t:.. JU 1,J~' ~r-~~""~L ~'1..U-e'l.-' Sf') '-'-? \"; /,0" ,.-' ~ -U~Un:; -'(,~. '"'6t/~ LtJ I .. I'. 'C4c:J'+r \, G . . " :" '" I rho .. .. \ . 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' Dear Mayor & Council I have been asked by Wendy owner of Galbraith Florist to comment on the chemical aspects of a salon the size that is planned to go in their building. I have been in the business for the past 40 years. Colours done for a new shop with only 3 chairs would be maximum 8 and Perms 5 per week. Laundry woud be no ",ore i.i,Q"j (;,t 2 p~t day aild this is with a small washer as it is only towels that are done. , ....,.~~ *....;"" ....,,',,~ "0.. underst'~nd that the salon 'Al.endy ! !!V!J~ ~!'!!~ ~!~~tJ~ Y U .~ u If'" plans to put in the building is not large and does not require a lot of space. Thank you. ~\Q\ ~ It ;;~ VU MSN Hotmaii - Page 1 of 1 @ @ Hotmail@ From: Sent: To: Subject : Mark Farwell <paulsfl1@nb.sympatico.ca> October 23, 2006 10:24:06 AM <galbraithflorist@hotmail.com> Compost Wendy. What we are doing for compost at Paul's Flower Shop is the following. We contract with MDI Waste Management currently for them to come and remove the composted material we currently generate which is greens flower stems, plant material and floral waste such as leaves, and dead heads. We have 4 smaller buckets in the shop, similar to the ones that are in my house for composting and they get dumped each day into latger containers which are outside and are similar in size to the large containers we use at home as well that are supplied by Fundy Waste management. These containers are dumped twice a week. We currently fill two to three of theses containers every two to three days depending on time of year. We do not have any issues with rodents as the cans are dumped frequently and are contained, no loose foliage on the ground or piled up outside of these containers. Our program is very similar to the home composting program in terms of the containers we use so I am not sure why this would be an issue as we are all doing this at home today. Hope this helps. If anyone has any questions please feel free to have them contact me and I can discuss what we are doing with this program. Mark Farwell Paul's Flower Shop Ltd. ../ t' I http://byl05fd.bayl05.hotmail.msn.comlcgi-bin/getmsg?curmbox=00000000%2dOOOO%... 10/23/2006 APPLICATJO~ ASSESS~iiEXT .,..,. Nt"w Iii ~ou"'eau Bru.ns'~~'ick Department of He 11th Public Ht'.aith Ser 'kes 1 ;.. 'lllll!PflJ.~'PI-D #- ._~ 1~J" ~ ! /' J. J';-I ! .I / . .. ' I ' ~,: V.- "l .. ..:.. t- \r ;,\." ;..." " i ! '->. , -"; ',rftl : IS-... ~.' ,., 5<'" <- c ::.l I _--__._______:_______-+~:~~~__ ---- .. f)ro;';er1y !ZO-;5' L:.c;...Lc.,-.......c/ Loc~.ri;)~ j?!:'J ,"-".L I <' u ~if d:.c"fe'~[?1 i... eo ,....., ~ e/ 15 ' I ~ ( ,Af . ~ IT 0 !)'I maihr..g f ~ ~ v,-!- .....JrJ ;~"-,- f \ ts ! adG:..~s!\'. _...J....---.--______________ __ _~____ _. ._--f.-_ ' Tdepbl)ue i I In~taUtr I . I / ) (' ',' I ~....,\, 7,- i I (!....~ ,;I.,.,. ; \ ,. ~ l I .___-L.-,_,_______~___.______.___~.--------... ' i : file ~umher I . JiiB...._ ",~~_,_ !fW~a.....-'-- Name of A JlPli csuit Mailing Address v;..v,:-- ,'- , . I ( ~ t ~c.. I -.:. - -..--.- tiiIMIJQ II _-4 ~ _.-iI*J.......... _ \)"I:S::!''' J.~~ft.,..J11 p:"r_ ~- Based ou the a~sf-;;"mcm... (Ie ,)l1-~,te sev':tg:; disrosa! system application is , .. ~\.PPR()''ED =:NOT APPRO\:ED for imt.'lihtioD 0i a:1 ()i'H:!r: ~c,";;~r: Ji;l'0'.;;', ~) stem on th.e property nOted above. ~ (" Co~djtio!'i..rP~euoD~: ------ ------~.__.,_._-_. ---..---- -,------_.~.-- ---'-..'. ._-~ ._~ . ----.......... --~-~----.--'---~--_._-----~----_._- -..----. ~ ~ .- -- .---.-----~-7-- -"--- -~ - --, .-- . ~ ---- -.----..----..-----.--~--.---..------- ~, ~),t.: ~1'Pie71: ___.i.:C:~~~~of___L!i_y:.t.jJ---~---. 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