2006-09-11_Supplemental Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour supplémentaire City of Saili1t John Common Couricil Meeting Monday, September 11, 2006 Common Counbil Chamber Supplemental Agenda 1. Committee of the Whole Agenda item ....Iegal Session 10.2(4){f,g) 5.2 Replacement of Report - Sale of City ~and off Lockhart St. and Cranston Ave (Recommendation) Re: 9.1 Report dated August 10, 2006 - Stop liJp and Closure of a Public Road - Constance St. 10.1 Third Reading Zoning By-law Amendment - 57 Broadview Ave. 10.2 City Market By~law Lease of Stalls 18, 19, & 20 - 1 st and 2nd Readings City of Sai~t John Seance du cons,i1 communal Le lundi 11 sep~embre, 2006 Salle du conseill communal L'ordre du jour sl!JPph~mentaire 1. comite plenier - session juridique alinela 10.2(4)(f,g) 5.2 addition du rapport de 10 aout, 2006 - Vente de biens-fonds municipaux situes pres de 1a rue Lockhart et de l'avenue Cranston (recommandation) Alinea 9.1: Fermeture de 1a rue Constance 10.1 Troisieme lecture de l'arrete sur Ie zonage visant Ie 57, avenue Broadview 10.2 premiere and seconde lecture du projet! de modification de l'Arrete concernant Ie marche de The City of Saint John relativement a la location des etals nOs 18, 19 & 20 REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL ~./l JY l,Y M & C - 2006-254 September 11, 2006 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: i Sale of City Land-OffLockh~rt Street and Cranston Avenue I BACKGROUND: In 1997, Council authorized the listing of a nu ber of City owned properties that were deemed to be surplus to the City's needs, inc\u ing; one off Lockhart Street (PID Number 24927) and another off Cranston Aven e (PID Number 31401). The City has owned the property off Lockhart Street since 1 43. This parcel ofland is significantly lower than the other properties along Lockhart treet and is not serviced by water or sewer. This parcel measures approximately 69 square metres (7,513 square feet). The parcel located off Cranston Avenue has be n owned by the City for a number of years. In 1980, the City reacquired its lease ho d interest from Mrs. Earl Boyce in the property. The parcel is narrow, covering appro imately 508 square metres (5,468 square feet) and is more or less a raised rock outcrop. ite development would be costly. Since the two above noted properties were dee ed surplus, there have been a number of persons interested in acquiring one or both of t ese lots for re-development purposes. However, in all cases once the difficulties of d eloping these lots were investigated, the offers were withdrawn. It would appear new d velopment on either of these parcels is highly unlikely, given their site issues. I I Rather than selling these lots for redevelopmen , it became evident the only reasonable value either ofthese lots had was for them to b consolidated with another adjoining property. In 2004, Real Estates Services had b en negotiating with Mr. Herman Wasson, owner of203 Cranston Avenue (PID Numbers 6302 and 26310); to consolidate the two City owned parcels with Mr. Wasson's prope . A small single family dwelling is situated on this property. However, Mr. Wass n passed away prior to the completion of these negotiations. City of Saint John ANALYSIS: Since the passing of Mr. Herman Wasson, his p operty at 203 Cranston Avenue was sold and is now owned by Jennifer Carter and James Reeder. The new owners are interested in acquiring both parcels of land to be consolid ted with their property for the purpose of increasing the size of their residential lot. This and is not intended for redevelopment. These two parcels ofland have been deemed su Ius to the City's needs for almost 10 years. It is the opinion of Real Estate Services e most appropriate and possibly only feasible use for the two City owned parcels is t consolidate them with an adjoining residential property. In light of this, Real Estat Services has negotiated with the new property owners of 203 Cranston Avenue to sel the two City parcels of land for a total of $3,000.00 plus H.S.T. This price significantly xceeds the amount secured in the sale of two other surplus parcels in the Cranston A ven e area in the past five years. If Council is in agreement with this offer, the recommendati n contained in this report will facilitate the transfer of these two parcels of land. RECOMMENDATION: I. That The City of Saint John sell the fee simple interest in PID Numbers 24927 and 31401 to Jennifer Carter and James Reeder for $3,000.00 plus HST, on or before Friday, December 22, 2006, wit the condition that the two above noted properties are required to be consolidat d with the property identified as civic #203 Cranston Avenue (PID Numbers 6302 and 26310). 2. That the Mayor and Common Clerk be uthorized to sign any necessary documents required to finalize this tran action. Respectfully submitted, ~--- -~ ----- C_. FC-rz- Jim R. Baird, MCIP Commissioner Planning and Development ~ /"', " ) I \ ). '..-' :--,--:.-e \ \.. _.. i'V'z..r--"" Terrence Totten, FCA City Manager CUc Planning and De:velopment Real Estate :Services .', ~~. :o~o o~~ "\~ ~e ~.' ... Description of Plan: Sale of two City own d lots that are deemed surplus to the City's needs. N k A pan:N/A Add ess: Properties Off Lockhart Street and ranston Avenue Oat : September 6, 2006 PID: 24927 and 31401 REPORT TO COMMoN COUNCIL )tJ-\ q.1 M & C - 2006-235 August 10, 2006 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council Your Worship and Councillors: SUBJECT: Stop Up and Closure of a ublic Road - Constance Street City of Saint John Earlier this month, the City received a re uest from the owner of an adjoining property at 20 Natalie Street to stop up a d close an undeveloped right of way known as Constance Street. This right 0 way is about 18.9 metres wide and approximately 56 metres in length. The s eet has not been developed and over the years, portions of it have gone throu h a similar process. This is the last remaining portion of this street right-of- ay to be stopped-up and closed. The neighbourhood has matured in such a ma er that this right of way is no longer necessary. As is standard, the City has had prelimina y discussions with offered portions of the to be stopped up and closed right of ay to the adjoining neighbours for a specified unit rate and a proportionate sha e of the advertising and survey costs, all subject to Council's approval. All three of the adjoining property owners have indicated they are prepared to acquire their hare of the right-of-way. The stop up and close procedure is a re atively long process, which can take several weeks. As such, staff would like to commence the stop up and closure and report back to council with the results f the subdivision and sale in the event the right of way is successfully closed. RECOMMENDATION: That the Public Hearing for the considerati n ofthe passing of a By-law to Stop Up and Close a 1,021 square metre::!: publi street, known as Constance Street, be set for Monday, September 11,2006 at 7:0 p.m. in the Council Chamber. Res ;~fUllY SUbrn~t. ed, ,// r--r-"'~~ r::. (~ )cAt/ / / / Jim R. Baird, MCIP :/Commissioner Planning and Development Terrence Totten, F.C.A. City Manager PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT / URBANISME ET DEVELOPPEMENT REZONINGJ REZONAGE Amending of Schedule · At! of the Zoning By-Law of the City c f Saint John Modifiant Annexe <<A>> d u Reg/ement de zonage de la ville de Saint John \ \J \ i ~ 0- ::l ~ ~ - d S\. BrO. rue ~\8""''''' .... Br/ 1\5\. me W'c8 FROM / DE Te) / A RM-IF - Multiple Residential I nfi II r d'edification de logements multiples sur terrain intercalaire 1 IL-1 - Neighborhood Institutional Applicant: Location: Comeau MacKenz e Architecture 57 Bradview Avenue PID(s)/NIP(s) 00000257 06N-97NW Drawn By/Creee Par: David Couture Date Drawn/Carte Creee: Augus 29 AoQt, 2006 Recommended by PAC.lconsidere par Ie C.( .U.: August 28 Aout, 2006 Enacted by Council/Approuve par Ie Conseil: Filed in Registry Office/Enregistre Ie: ' ... c: . ~ . ::l ". ~ o .. ". ~ CP ". ,0 0~ \ BY-LAW NUMBER C-l A BY-LAW RELATING TO THE MARKET IN THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by the Common Council of The City of Saint John as follows: A By-law ofthe City of Saint John entitled "A By-law Relating to the Market In The City of Saint John", enacted on the 18th day of May, A.D. 2005 is hereby amended as follows: 1 Amending Section 5(2) by adding the following immediately after subsection 5(2)(k): (1) Stalls 18,19 & 20 IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Common Corporate Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the 25th day of September A.D. 2006 and signed by: Mayor/Maire ~TE NUMERO C-l ~TECONCERNANTLEMARCHEDE THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Le conseil communal de The City of Saint ohn edicte: Par les presentes, l'arretede The City of aint John intitule <<Arrete concernant Ie marche de he City of Saint John>> edicte Ie 18 mai 2005, est odifie comme suit La modification du paragraphe 5(2) par l'adjonction de ce qui suit immediatement apres l'alinea 5(2)(k): (1) Kiosques 18, 19 & 20 N FOI DE QUOI The City of Saint John a fait pposer son sceau communal sur Ie present arrete Ie 5 septembre 2006, avec les signatures suivantes: Common Clerk/Greffier c mmunal First Reading Second Reading Third Reading - September 11, 2006 - September 11, 2006 remiere lecture euxieme lecture roisieme lecture 11 septembre, 2006 11 septembre, 2006 PID: BY-LAW NUMBER M-23 A BY-LAW TO AMEND A BY-LAW RESPECTING THE STOPPING UP AND CLOSING OF HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Be it enacted by the Common Council of The City of Saint John as follows: 1 A by-law of The City of Saint John entitled, "A By-law Respecting The Stopping Up and Closing of Highways In The City of Saint John", enacted on the nineteenth day of December, A.D. 2005, is hereby amended by adding thereto Section 191 immediately after Section 190 thereof, as follows: 191 The City of Saint John does hereby stop up and close permanently the following portion of highway: CONSTANCE STREET: That 60 foot (18.29 metre) wide public street in the City of Saint John, County of Saint John and Province of New Brunswick called Constance Street, extending northerly from Natalie Street its entire breadth for approximately 183.2 feet (55.8 metres) more or less to the southern boundary of that portion of Constance Street discontinued by a resolution of the Common Council of The City of Saint John adopted July 2, 1969. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The City of Saint John has caused the Corporate Common Seal of the said City to be affixed to this by-law the * day of *, A.D. 2006 and signed by: Mayor/Maire NID: ARREnt NO M-23 ARREnt MODIFIANT L' ARREnt SUR L'INTERRUPTION DE LA cmCULATION ET LA FERMETURE DES ROUTES DANS THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN Lors d'une reunion du conseil ommunal, The City of Saint John a ecrete ce qui suit : Par les presentes, l' arrete de The ity of Saint John intitule, (( L'arrete sur 1 interruption de la circulation et la rmeture des routes dans The City of Saint J hn >>, decrete Ie 19 decembre 2005, est odifie par l' aj out de l' article 191 i mediatement apres l'article 190, comme s it: 91 Par les presentes, The City of Saint ohn barre et ferme de fa<;:on permanente la ortion d'une route suivante : UE CONSTANCE: Une route publique 'une largeur de 18,29 metres (60 pieds), ituee dans The City of Saint John, dans Ie omte de Saint John et dans la province du ouveau-Brunswick, nommee rue onstance, se prolongeant en direction ord a partir de la rue Natalie en conservant on entiere largeur sur une distance 'environ 55,8 metres (183,2 pieds) plus ou oins jusqu'a la limite sud de cette partie e la rue Constance conformement a la 'solution du conseil communal de The ity of Saint John adoptee Ie 2 juillet 1969. N FOI DE QUOI, The City of Saint John fait apposer son sceau communal sur Ie resent arrete Ie * 2006, avec les ignatures suivantes Common ClerklG effier communal First Reading - September 11, 2006 Second Reading - September 11, 2006 Third Reading - remiere lecture - 11 septembre, 2006 euxieme lecture - 11 septembre, 2006 roisieme lecture -