2006-08-23_Agenda Packet CANCELLED--Dossier de l'ordre du jour ANNULÉCityof SaintJohn CommonCouncilMeeting Wednesday,August23,2006 Location:CommonCouncilChamber CommitteeoftheWhole 1.CalltoOrder–5:00pm 8thfloorboardroomCityHall 1.1KimGraham-PublicConsultation 1.2StuartBaker-TheRoleofCouncil Cityof SaintJohn Séance duconseilcommunal Lemercredi23août2006 Emplacement: Salle duconseilcommunal Comitéplénier 1.Ouverturedelaséance:17h 8iéme étageHôteldeville 1.1KimGraham–consultationpublique 1.2StuartBaker-lerôleduconseil- July27,2006 HisWorshipMayorNormMcFarlane andMembersofCommonCouncil YourWorshipandMembersofCommonCouncil: SUBJECT:CommunityConsultationSurveyResults BACKGROUND ThroughanApril10,2006resolutionofCommonCouncil,staffwasaskedto engagetheCommunityinconsultationandthattheinformationcollectedbeused asbackgroundduringaCommonCouncilprioritysettingsession. AsafirststepinconsultingwiththeCommunity,staffpreparedanddistributeda surveyduringatwoweekperiodinMay,2006.Communitygroupswereaskedto distributethesurveytotheirmembershipandthesurveywasavailabletothe generalpublicontheCityofSaintJohn’swebpageorbyobtainingacopyfrom theCashiersOfficelocatedattheLobbyLevelofCityHall. Attachedforyourinformationisareport,CommunityConsultationSurvey Results,whichsummarizesthesurveyresponses. Respectfullysubmitted, KimGraham ProgramManagerVision2015 PatrickWoods DeputyCityManager c en o~ ~ ::J co en ~ Q) ::JO::: en c ~ o Q) U C ~::J ~cn C ::J E E o U z = o ~ ~ z ~ rJ) LO ~ o N C o -- en -- > .-- j ". I fJ ; . ~; 1 c 0 -- +-' CO E s..... 0 '+- C - -c c ::J 0 C ""0 s..... C) 0 0) -- ..c c en +-' 0 ~ ()) ()) -- t) 0 ~ +-' CO CO ()) en ~ ~ a. m -- 0 E ()) ()) u a. 2:: 2:: -- z CO t i :r: s.... L!) ~~ ::J ()) ::J ::J CO "t"""" 0 a... I- C/) C/) a... C\I c 0 II II II II II Cf) ~ :> c o -- +-' CO E s..... o '+- C - -c c ::J o s..... 0) ~ t) CO CO _ Z i :r: ~~ ~ CI) s.... +-' CI) C s.... CI) ..ccO C 0> ..c " - CI) CI) o I 0 t) J ..c en en s.... +-' "2> ~ C ::J CI..c CI) 0 "m t) N ~ C/) C ~ +-' ,y ..c co 0 L.L.. UJ~~s....~J O+-,+-, 0 oC/) :::::> C C "- "- CO 0:: "m "m 53 53 z c...C/)C/)C/)C/):::::> . . . . . . ~ t CI) > o CI) q. "'C +:i +-' co C E ~ <( E \f- en CI) ::J 0 en > C/) "'C (1)" - C \f- s.... c+-'o o en co "w"~ "w 0:: t 0 ::J ~ ::J <(<(CO COC u.. .... . ~ s.... o S C +-' ..c CI) o Z Jt+-' c 0 CI) "- c.. C co c..:C C/) ::J co C C/) 0 S C ..c o co +-' c.-E ~ :::::>:::::>>- . . . +-' C CI) E c.. o - CI) CI) > 0> CI) C o co ..c c== en 0 co t) "c E 3 co UJ ::J 0 "~ Z IO~O . .. J!f.>>-- j fi- '. I '" , . ~; 1 L!) "t"""" o C\I c o Cf) :> en +-' - ::J en Q) 0::: ~ Q) C ::J en _ Z i :r: ~~ ~ J!f.ti-- j fi- '. I '" , . ~; 1 L!) "t"""" o C\I c o Cf) :> CommunityConsultation Survey Results 1 LIFEINSAINTJOHN Percent 1. Intotal,howmanyyearshaveyou livedintheCityof SaintJohn? Response 0-921% 10-1915% 20-2918% 30-3917% 40-4916% 50-5911% 60+3% 2.Otherthanfamilyandfriends,whatdoyoulikebestabout livingin SaintJohn? Top10bestthingsaboutliving Percent Reasonswhy Response in SaintJohn… PeopleFriendlypeople13% OurGeographyGoodlocation,every thingisclose,smallsize11% Beautifulwaterfront,close to theharbour, AccessToWaterfront10% ocean,rivers,andlakes LifestyleRelaxedatmospherewithagoodqualityoflife9% Close tonaturalsurroundingswithmanyparks AccessToNature7% andgreenspace Heritage AndHistoryHeritage,historyandarchitecture7% CostOfLivingReasonablecostofliving6% Arts,Culture, And EntertainmentActivities forallinterests5% ClimateModerate,not toohotorcold4% EmploymentGoodjobs4% CommunityConsultation Survey Results 2 2.Otherthanfamilyandfriends,whatdoyoulikebestabout livingin SaintJohn? Percent TopThreeCombinedAnswersReasonswhy Response Natural Environment– theaccessibilityof 1.19% nature,water,andparks 2.Peopleand the SpiritinourCommunities17% Arts,culture,heritage,andentertainment 3.16% coupledwith theCity’smanyattractions 3.Whatspecificcommunityattributesdoyouvalueabout SaintJohn? Top10communityattributes Percent Reasonswhy Response valuedaboutSaintJohn… Caringcommunitywilling tohelp,where Community Spirit22% neighbourscareaboutneighbours PeopleFriendly,generous,andhardworkingpeople18% Ability tolookat the futurewithoutdismissing Heritage AndHistory10% thepast Passionateaboutlocalareas– the Arts Services And AttractionsCentre, ImperialTheatre,CityMarket, King8% Square,andMuseum Culturaldiversity, theuniquenessof Saint Arts,Culture, And EntertainmentJohn,availabilityofliveentertainmentat the8% Imperialandother theatrevenues Thesurroundingnaturalbeauty,parksand AccessToNature8% naturalspaces Thewaterfront,itiswhatmakes SaintJohn AccessToWaterfrontuniqueandholds themostpotentialasa7% showcaseattribute SafetyFeelsafein SaintJohn4% “SmallTown” feelingina“BigCity” Lifestyleenvironment, SaintJohnmixesa fastpaced,4% urbanlifestylewithslowcountrysurroundings Sports-close tohockey,soccer, football,and Recreation3% manyrecreational facilities CommunityConsultation Survey Results 3 3.Whatspecificcommunityattributesdoyouvalueabout SaintJohn? Percent TopThreeCombinedAnswersReasonswhy Response 1.Peopleand the SpiritinourCommunities40% Arts,culture,heritage,entertainmentcoupled 2.27% with theCity’smanyattractions Natural Environment– theaccessibilityof 3.15% nature,water,andparks Percent 4.Howwouldyouratetheoverallqualityoflife inyourneighbourhood? Response Excellent23% Good44% Fair25% Poor8% DoNot Know0% Percent 5.Howwouldyouratetheoverallqualityoflife intheCityof SaintJohntoday? Response Excellent5% Good45% Fair31% Poor18% DoNot Know0% CommunityConsultation Survey Results 4 Percent 6.Comparedto5yearsago,doyoufeelthequalityof life in SaintJohn is: Response Much Better10% SomewhatBetter40% AboutThe Same23% SomewhatWorse12% MuchWorse12% DoNot Know3% 7.Thinkingaboutthequalityoflife in SaintJohn5yearsfromnow,doyouthinkit Percent Response willbe: Much Better24% SomewhatBetter35% AboutThe Same22% SomewhatWorse5% MuchWorse11% DoNot Know3% 8.Basedonyourknowledgeand/orperceptions,pleaseratetheoverallqualityof Percent Response lifein SaintJohntoday incomparisontothefollowingcities: ComparedtoMoncton, Saint John’squalityoflife is… Much Better12% Somewhat Better23% The Same13% SomewhatWorse26% MuchWorse16% DoNot Know10% CommunityConsultation Survey Results 5 8.Basedonyourknowledgeand/orperceptions,pleaseratetheoverallqualityof Percent Response lifein SaintJohntoday incomparisontothefollowingcities: ComparedtoHalifax, Saint John’squalityoflife is… Much Better4% Somewhat Better15% The Same12% SomewhatWorse36% MuchWorse25% DoNot Know9% ComparedtoFredericton, Saint John’squalityoflife is… Much Better12% Somewhat Better20% The Same23% SomewhatWorse23% MuchWorse13% DoNot Know9% 9. Ingeneral,howhasthequalityoflife in SaintJohnchanged inthepast5years Percent Response incomparisontootherMaritimecities? Improved24% Worsened32% NotMadeGainsOrLosses26% DoNot Know18% CommunityConsultation Survey Results 6 CHALLENGESIN SAINTJOHN 10. Inyouropinion,whatarethethreebiggestchallengesfacing SaintJohntoday? Top10challengesfacing Saint Percent Reasonswhy Response Johntoday… Employmentopportunities,balancedpolicy, EconomicDevelopment14% diverseeconomy Environmental IssuesAirandwaterpollution,harbourcleanup13% Roads,waterdistributionandquality, InfrastructureRenewal9% transportationnetworks Overcomingnegativeattitudesandimage ChangingMindset9% perceptionsof theCity,need tobereceptive to newideas LeadershipPoliticalleadershipandlackofvision7% PovertyPovertylevelandsocialissues6% Need tobeable toattractandretainyoung NeedsOf Youth6% people Keepingourpeoplehome,alongwithbringing Populationthemback,wehavelostsomanyofour family5% and friends tootherplaces Financial IssuesChallengeof funding, taxrate5% CommunityDevelopmentPlanning,neighbourhoodrevitalization,policy5% 11. Inyouropinion,whatwillbethethreebiggestchallengesfacing SaintJohn10yearsfrom now? Top10challengesfacing Saint Percent Reasonswhy Response John inthefuture… Retainingandattractingbusiness,employment EconomicDevelopment19% opportunities Environmental IssuesAirandwaterquality(harbourcleanup)13% Roads,waterdistributionandquality, InfrastructureRenewal12% transportationnetworks PopulationAttractandretainpeople,agingdemographic11% CommunityConsultation Survey Results 7 11. Inyouropinion,whatwillbethethreebiggestchallengesfacing SaintJohn10yearsfrom now? Top10challengesfacing Saint Percent Reasonswhy Response John inthefuture… Financial IssuesFinancialdifficulties, taxrate, funding7% NeedsOf YouthKeepingouryouth4% HousingAffordablehousing4% LeadershipPoliticalleadershipandlackofvision4% PovertyPovertylevelandsocialissues4% Continueddevelopment,improvements to CommunityDevelopment4% uptown,neighbourhoods,andattractions 12.How importantdoyoufeeleachofthefollowingissueswillbecome intheCity inthenext 10years? Important, CriticallyNotDoNot Issues butnot ImportantImportantKnow Critical Enhancing theLocalEconomy 79%19%1%1% FocusingOnSocialIssues(Poverty, 74%21%4%0% NeedsOfYouthAndSeniors,Diversity) NaturalEnvironment 69%27%3%1% MaintainingAStrongUrbanCore 64%30%5%1% WaterSupply 62%30%6%2% CommunityParticipation InThe 56%35%9%0% Decision MakingProcess Encouraging Innovation InThe 55%36%8%1% Community PublicTransit 55%39%5%1% Housing 51%42%6%2% ProvisionOfParksAndGreenSpaces 50%46%4%0% DevelopmentOfNeighbourhoods 50%39%9%2% CommunitySafety 46%46%6%1% CommunityConsultation Survey Results 8 12.How importantdoyoufeeleachofthefollowingissueswillbecome intheCity inthenext 10years? Important, CriticallyNotDoNot Issues butnot ImportantImportantKnow Critical TransportationNetworks 45%45%7%3% EnergySupply 41%45%10%4% ProvisionOfRecreationFacilities 40%51%8%1% AccessibilityOfCommunity 33%56%10%1% Centres/Facilities ProvisionOfLeisureActivities 31%57%11%1% AdequateAccessToArts/Cultural 27%56%16%2% Opportunities 13.WhatcantheCityof SaintJohndotomake iteasierforyoutovoiceyouropinionson community issues? Percent TopFiveAnswersReasonswhy Response CommunityMeetingsTownhallmeetings,sitevisits,openhouses19% SurveysOrQuestionnairesSurveys,polls,questionnaires13% WebForumsOnline forums,opinions,and feedbackpages12% ListenListenandrespond toissues11% Opencommunication,provideinformationon Provide Information7% whatisbeingdone CommunityConsultation Survey Results 9 SERVICESIN SAINTJOHN 14. Ingeneral,howsatisfiedareyouwiththeprogramsandservicesprovidedby Percent Response theCityofSaintJohn? Completely Satisfied2% Mostly Satisfied57% MostlyDissatisfied23% CompletelyDissatisfied10% DoNot Know8% 15.Overthe lastyear,whatcityservicesordepartmentshaveyoucontacted, ifany? Percent Top10AnswersReasonswhy Response Works,water,sewerage,snowremoval, MunicipalOperations30% sanitation,roads,sidewalks,… CityCommissionsParking,Transit, Industrial Parks, SJ Energy11% PoliceCommissionComplaints,reportcrime10% Leisure ServicesParks,recreation7% Building InspectionPermits,inspections,by-lawenforcement7% Planning AndDevelopmentPlanning,zoningregulations6% Cultural AffairsOrHeritageReasonsnotspecified5% MayorOrCouncilReasonsnotspecified5% VariousDepartmentsDepartmentsnotspecified3% OtherJurisdictionsProvincialor federalgovernment3% CommunityConsultation Survey Results 10 Percent 16.Overall,howeasyordifficultwas ittocontactthatserviceordepartment? Response Very EasyToContact26% Somewhat EasyToContact28% SomewhatDifficultToContact11% VeryDifficultToContact5% DoNot Know4% DidNotContact A City ServiceOr 25% Department InTheLast Year 17. Ifyouhaveagovernment-related issue,howclear is itwhich levelof Percent Response government(i.e.Municipal,Provincial,orFederal)youshouldcontact? VeryClear20% SomewhatClear34% SomewhatUnclear20% VeryUnclear16% Never Experienced An IssueOr 7% Question DoNot Know3% CommunityConsultation Survey Results 11 18. InwhatspecificwayswouldyouliketheCityofSaintJohntodemonstrate its accountabilitytothepublic? Percent Top10AnswersReasonswhy Response Openmeetings,responsibleandaccountable Transparency And Accountability23% fordecisions Communicatereasons fordecisions,better Provide Information20% mediarelations,explainobjectives ConsultationPublic forumslike townhallmeetings13% Through ActionFollow throughwithplanning,improveservices12% Annualorregularreportson finances, PeriodicReportCards9% progress,actiononissues OtherSingleitemsuggestions8% Democratic ProcessElections4% GoodJobNowCurrentlydemonstratingaccountability3% Independent AuditIndependentauditmadeavailable to thepublic2% Vision And StrategyHavingavisionwithaplan toachievegoals2% DEMOGRAPHICS Percent 19.What isyourpostalcode? Response SaintJohnCentreand South26% SaintJohnNorthandMillidgeville23% SaintJohnWest22% SaintJohn East15% GoldenGrove4% Quispamsis3% Rothesay3% Rural Areas2% CommunityConsultation Survey Results 12 Percent 19.What isyourpostalcode? Response Grand Bay–Westfield1% RedHead1% Percent 20.Whichoftheagecategoriesdoyoufallunder? Response Under208% 20-3938% 40-5944% 60OrOlder10% No Answer0% Percent 21. Please indicateyourgender? Response Male48% Female52% August23,2006 HisWorshipMayorNormanMcFarlaneand MembersofCommonCouncil YourWorshipandCouncillors: RE:DiscussionsonRoleofCouncil OnJuly10,2006CommonCouncilmeetinginopencommitteebegandiscussionswith Mr.StuBakerregardingtheroleofCommonCouncil.Aseriesof slidesisattached whichattemptstocapturetheessenceofthepointsdiscussedduringthissession. ThemeetingconcludedwithStuartpresentingapossiblerolepropositionforCouncilthat being“LeadingSustainableGrowth”. Thepurposeofthenextdiscussionwithisto revisitthisrolepropositionandseeifanyquestionshavearisen sincethefirstdiscussion. FollowingthatStuartwillfacilitateafurtherdiscussionontheimplicationsofthisrole andhowCouncilcantakestepsto“makeitreal”. Welookforwardtoyourparticipationinthisdiscussionwhichwillprovidekey backgroundforthegovernanceprojectthatiscurrentlyunder-wayassociatedwithVision 2015. Respectfullysubmitted, __________________________ AndrewP.BeckettC.A. DeputyCityManager Programs&Priorities ___________________________ TerryL. TottenFCA CityManager "t"""" c: .c: o .., ..... c: .- ca en .... o ~ ..... .- o II) ~ o N c: o .- tn :> .- (.) c: ~ o o .... o G) o D:: tn tn CD U o a- D. c o +-' en_ ~ 0 m -c c.. (]) ~ e a:: <Ca..+-' (1) (]) (]) ~ ::J ~ - - m ~~~ ....-.... ....-.... ....-.... ~NC') C\I en en +-' en (]) u c U ::J (]) U ""C N ::J cO c+-,C/) o s..... ~ 0 "- a.. +-' U (]) +-'........... +-' m~meno~ "~ t:: cO+-' en c (]) 0 c.. (]) m m c..en em (]) ~ e ID a.. "~ ~ oa..a..(]}c I . . ...c ::J (]) I- E > (]) E - > 0 0 :.:JuJj ....-.... ....-.... ....-.... ~LOc.o C') en .- en co ..c 0.. E ~ CI) t) .- - - co 0 s.... 0.. ::J . tn +-' 0 en ::J +-' co r:: t) . "'C CI) en"'C CI) s.... 0 .. 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