2008-06-09_& 10_Supplemental Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour supplémentaire (2)City of Saint John Common Council Meeting Monday, June 9 & 10, 2008 Supplemental Agenda 1. French Agenda 13. Committee of the Whole Report -Appointment to Police Commission 13. Committee of the Whole Report -Schedule for Nominating Committee 13.6 Consent Order -Cause No. S/M/18/2008. City of Saint John Seance du Conseil communal Lundi 9 et 10 juin 2008 Ordre du jour supplementaire 1. Ordre du jour en fran~ais 13. Rapport du comite plenier -Nomination au sein de la Commission de police 13. Rapport du comite plenier - Calendrier des reunions du Comite des candidatures 13.6 Ordonnance sur consentement -Cause N° S/M/18/2008. City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal Lundi 9 juin 2008 Comite plenier 1.0uverture de la seance 17 h Salle de conference du 8e stage 1.1 Seance juridique - miss a jour sur lest 4esbtions litigieuses -alinea 10.2(4)f)g) 1.2 Comite des candidatures -alinea 10. () ) 1.3 Nominations pour sieger aux comites -alinea 10.2(4)b) 1.4 Question en matiere de dotation - contrat de travail alinea 10.2(4)b)j) 1.5 Acquisition d'un terrain - developpement du secteur situe au nord de la rue Union -alinea 10.2(4)d) 1.6 Question relative au titre de propriete -alinea 10.2(4)d)1) 1.7 Question juridique -alinea 10.2(4)f)g) Seance ordinaire 1. Ouverture de la seance, suivie de la priers 18h30 1.1 Lettre de felicitations de Paul Zed, depute 1.2 Prix du Comite sur 1'environnement de The City of Saint John 2. Approbation du proces-verbal 2.1 Proces-verbal de la seance tenue le 28 avri12008 3. Adoption de 1'ordre du jour 4. Divulgations de conflits d'interets 5. Questions soumises a 1'approbation du conseil 5.1 Orchestre symphonique duNouveau-Brunswick (recommandation : renvoyer aux discussions relatives au budget) 5.2 Surveillance du quartier Champlain Heights (recommandation :accepter a titre informatif) 5.3 Comite sur le defile du jour du N.-B. (recommandation :transmettre au directeur general) 5.4 Lettre de felicitations du maire Losier (recommandation : accepter a titre informatif j 5.5 Emplois a court terms (recommandation : accepter a titre informatif J 5.6 Circulation de camions lourds (recommandation :transmettre au directeur general) 5.7 Marathon pres de lamer (recommandation :transmettre au greffier pour qu'une date de presentation soit fixes) 5.8 Recommendation de la Commission de police d'installer des feux de signalisation a l'ecole Prince Charles School (recommendation : accepter a titre informatif) 5.9 Nos resources naturelles (recommendation : accepter a titre informatif) 5.10 Demande de prransmettre aulgreffier'pour qu une date de presentation snit (recommendation . t fixee) 5.11 Projet PEAK de Milledgeville (recommendation : transmettre au directeur general) 5.12 Postes a pourvoir au seen du Conseil se1r au Comite descandidatures)ndustria Parks Limited (recommendation . s adres 5.13 Demande de financement de Dance Team Canada (recommendation : refuser la demande) 5.14 Lettre de Griffins relative a 1'indemnite pour le terrain (recommendation accepter a titre informatif) 5.15 Ajustements au programme d'immobilisations du fonds des services d' aqueduc et d' egouts pour 2008 (recommendation figurant au rapport) 5.16 Gestion de la conception et de la construction sur les promenades Braemar et Parkhill -renouvellement de la conduite d'eau principale et de 1'egout sanitaire, prolongement du reseau d'egout et refection des promenades (recommendation figurant au rapport) 5.17 Gestion de la conception et de late d'eauctrincipale et desdegouts pluviaux et Paul Harris -installation de la condu P refection de la promenade et de la rue (recommendation figurant au rapport) 5.18 Rin~age unidirectionnel (recommandation figurant au rapport) 5.19 Analyse et planification future d'un plan d'action pour un reservoir d'eau potable et un systeme de transport et de distribution de 1'eau (recommendation figurant au rapport) 5.20 Contrat ri 2008-9 relatif a la pnC s aledrecommandationtfigurant auerapport) revetement de la conduite d'eau pn p ( 5.21 Gestion de la conception et de la construction :surveillance du debit - systeme de distribution de 1'eau 5.22 Gestion de la conception et de la construction de la phase III du projet d'installations de protection du basin hydrographique (recommendation figurant au rapport) 5.23 Contrat ri 2008-01 -renouvellement de la station de relevement au parc Westgate et installation d'un trop-plein par gravite (recommendation figurant au rapport) o eau mo en de beton asphaltique 5.24 Contrat n 2008-18 - travaux de resurfa~ag Y en 2008 (recommendation figurant au rapport) 5.25 Contrat ri 2008-17 -refection du dation fint da tap r aPP je Champlain jusqu'a 1'avenue Grandview (recomman ~ 5.26 Contrat ri 2008-19 -stabilisation de 1'asphalte expanse pour 2008 (recommandation figurant au rapport) 5.27 Contrat ri 2007-25 -refection du chemin Moun )1 re ommandation figurant chemin Westmorland a la promenade Mountain View au rapport) 5.28 Contrat ri 2008-20 -pause d'enduit superficiel 2008 (recommandation figurant au rapport) 5.29 Demande d'aide financiere de la Saint John Youth Minor Hockey Association (recommandation figurant au rapport) 5.30 Remplacement des bandes aux arenas Charles Gorman et Hilton Belyea (recommandation figurant au rapport) 5.31 Soumission relative au remplartment du toit de 1'arena Charles Gorman (recommandation figurant au rappo ) 5.32 Reamenagement de faire de stationnement de 1'arena Gorman (recommandation figurant au rapport) 5.33 Eclairage des terrains de sport de Millidgeville (recommandation figurant au rapport) 5.34 Centre communautaire et YMCA de Millidgeville 2008 (recommandation figurant au rapport) 5.35 troupes de discussion :Chutes reversibles -passage de la riviere inferieure (recommandation figurant au rapport) 5.36 Soumission relative a Hybrid Sedan (recommandation figurant au rapport) 5.37 Contrat ri 2008-14 -ameliorations au parc Saint Patrick de la rue St. Precinct (recommandation figurant au rapport) 5.38 Approbation de 1'amenagementire de a Loidsur le regime de retraite de 5.39 Nomination en tant que fiducia Saint John (recommandation figurant au rapport) 5.40 Dates prevues pour la tenue d'audiences publiques relatives au 79-81, promenade Clovelly, au 7, chemin Pokiok et au 640, chemin Hillcrest 5.41 Changement de nom de rue (recommandation figurant au rapport) 5.42 Programme d'aide a 1'infrastructur~ raes dentoetlje relativement au ri 49-140, rue Alma Est (recommandation figuran pp 5.43 Rapport annue12007 de PRO Kids (recommandation : accepter a titre informatif) 6. Commentaires presentes par les membres 7. Proclamation 7.1 Semaine de 1'Ambulance Saint-Jean S. Delegations et presentations 9. Audiences publiques 19h 9.1a) Projet de modification de 1'arred'urbanisme recommandant le rezonagepo 9.1b) Rapport du Comite consultatif 9.2a) Projet de modification de 1'arrete de zonage visant le 646, rue George 9.2b) Rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme recommandant le rezonage 9.3a) Modification de 1'arrete sur le zonage relativement au 112, avenue Mount Pleasant 9.3b) Rapport du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme recommandant le rezonage 9.4a)b) Modifications du plan municipal et de 1'arrete sur le zonage visant le 47-55, chemin Golden Grove 9.4c) Comite consultatif d'urbanisme recommandant le projet de modification du plan municipal et du rezonage propose 10. Etude des arretes municipaux 10.1 Modifications proposee Boast Head nicipal et de 1'arrete de zonage relativement au 443, chemin 10.2 Projet de modification du plan municipal relatif au 199, rue Britain 10.3 Presentation relative a la modification proposee du plan municipal visant le 80, chemin Crane Mountain avec lettres d'opposition 11. Interventions des membres du Conseil 11.0 Demande de presentation par LJNBSJ (maire Court) 11.1 Revenu (conseiller Titus) 11.2 Services de loisirs (conseiller Titus) 11.3 Impots fonciers (conseiller Titus) 11.4 Transport en commun (conseiller Titus) 11.5 Eau (conseiller Titus) 11.6 Planification relative au traitement des eaux (maire suppleant Chase) 11.7 Incident relatif a 1'avis de faire bouillir 1'eau (maire suppleant Chase) 11.8 Services generaux du verificateur (maire suppleant Chase) 11.9 Entente conclue avec Enbridge Gaz concernant les rues de la ville (conseiller Farren) 11.10 Projets de 1'organisme Habitat pour 1'humanite (conseiller Snook) 11.11 Legislation relative a 1'interdiction de siffler s'appliquant aux trains (conseiller Snook) 11.12 Financement du gouvernement pour 1'infrastructure du port (conseiller Farren) 11.13 Elaboration de plans de d ~feeld pconseiller M Guire) urables visant les secteurs de Lorneville et de We 11.14 Amelioration des politiques et des plans municipaux pour stimuler 1'amenagement des logements abordables a Saint John (conseiller McGuire) 11.15 Programme Summer Storytent Reading destine aux enfants dans le secteur de la vallee Cresent et projet de logements abordables visant la rue Union (conseiller McGuire) 11.16 Nouvelles resources en matiere de developpement economique pour le quartier West Side de Saint John (conseiller McGuire) 12. Affaires municipales evoquees par les fonctionnaires municipaux 13. Rapports deposes par les comites 13.1 Recommandation du Comite consultatif d'urbanisme visant le lotissement Secord situe au 2377, chemin Loch Lomond 13.2 Comite consultatif d'urbanisme recommandant le lotissement True North au 1205, promenade Kennebecasis 13.3 Saint John Industrial Parks relativement a 1'approbation de la servitude d'utilite publique 14. Etude des sujets ecartes des questions soumises a 1'approbation du Conseil 15. Correspondance generale 15.1 Lettre de Frank Rodgers relative a 1'allegement fiscal 16. Levee de la seance June 9, 2008 Deputy Mayor Chase And Councillors SUBJECT: Appointment to Police Commission The Committee of the Whole having met earlier this evening, makes the following recommendation: Recommendation: That Christopher Waldschultz be appointed to the Saint John Board of Police Commissioners for a three year term ending June 10, 2011. Sincerely, ~I -- Ivan Court Mayor /r SAINT JOHN ~~ P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 4Ll I www.saintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N.-B. Canada June 9, 2008 Deputy Mayor Chase And Councillors SUBJECT: Proposed Schedule for Nominating Committee - 2008 - 2012 The Committee of the Whole having met earlier this evening makes the following recommendation for the establishment of the Nominating Committee for the 2008-2012 term of Council: Recommendation: That th fo the 2008 2012 term of Counc ~ ing Committee membership be approved June 9, 2008 -June 8, 2009 Mayor Court, Councillors Titus, Snook, Sullivan June 9, 2009 -June 8, 2010 Mayor Court, Councillors Chase, Mott June 9, 1010 -June 8, 2011 Mayor Court, Councillors Court, Farren, June 9, 2011 -May 15, 2012 Mayor Court, Councillors McGuire, Killen, Ward 2 Sincere) j ~) Ivan Court Mayor /r SAINT JOHN ~~ P.O. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 4L1 I www.saintjohn.ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N.-B. Canada E2L City Solicitor's Office Bureau de 1'avocat municipal www.saintjohn.ca May 28th, 2008 Common Council of The City of Saint John Your Worship and Councillors: P.O. Box/C.P. 1971 Saint John, NB/N.-B. Canada E2L 4L1 Re: The City of Saint John v. Allan A. Williams and Edgar Alan Williams Cause No. S/M/18/2008 ~. o. o~ The City of Saint John Last summer, Allan A. Williams, also known as Edgar Alan Williams, began developing and operating a series of motocross/recreational vehicle tracks on a large parcel of land that he owns near Ocean Westway on the City's west side. The property in question is zoned "RF-Rural" under the City's Zoning By-Law and it was the City's position that its use as motocross/recreational vehicle tracks constituted a prohibited use under the "RF-Rural" designation. The above captioned legal proceedings were commenced in ~ 08Nthe Brunswick Court of Queen's Bench on April 7, 2008. On April 15, Notice of Application, Amended Notice of Application and twelve Affidavits sworn to in support of the relief s o gNltrbWi liams.y in the above captioned proceedings were personally served At an Apri128th, 2008 meeting of Common Council (meeting in Committee-of- the-Whole), an Interim Consent Order was approved by Common Council imposing certain restrictions on Mr. Williams' use of the property in question pending further order of the N entBConsentkOrdert hasQbeen' neg tiatedMand recently, the attached Perman executed on Mr. Williams' behalf by his solicitor. We have advised the Clerk of the New Brunswick Court of Queen's Bench that authorization is required from e Order on the1City~s behalf. the City Solicitor to execute the Permanent Cons City Solicitor Page 2 May 28, 2008 Re: The City of Saint John v. Allan A. Williams and Edgar Alan Williams Further to this, it is my recommendation to Common Council that the following resolution be passed: BE IT RESOLVED that Common Council hereby direct the City Solicitor o t elmatt r of ThetCity of Saint John v~.nAllan Consent Order m A. Williams and Edgar Alan Williams (Cause No. S/M/18/2008fi, a cop~af Moog addressed totCommon Counc 1 dated the 28 day of y, from the City Solicitor. Respectfully Submitted, Jo L. ug t Ci Solicitor Attachments Court File Number: S/M/18/2008 IN THE COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH OF NEW BRUNSWICK TRIAL DIVISION JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF SAINT JOHN UNDER THE COMMUNITY PLANNING ACT, S.N.B. c. C-12 BETWEEN: THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN APPLICANT - and - ALLAN A. WILLIAMS and EDGAR ALAN WILLIAMS RESPONDENTS PERMANENT CONSENT ORDER WHEREAS The City of Saint John (hereinafter the "City") filed with the Court of lication in the within matter on April 7`h, 2008, and the Queen's Bench the Notice of App Amended Notice of Application in the within matter on April 15~', 2008 (hereinafter collective y referred to as the "Application"); AND WHEREAS Allan A. Williams, also kno ew Bru dW~k Parcel Ident fier (PID) registered owner of a parcel of land identified by Service N No. 00287474 (hereinafter the "Williams Property"); AND WHEREAS in 2007, Allan A. William for the use of motocross cycles anld other developed, or caused to be developed, a series of tracks hereinafter the motorized recreational vehicles on the rear per the Cith s By11Laws Number C.P. 110 -The which is zoned Rural (RF) and y g Law" and is "Tracks"), Saint John (hereinafter the "Zonin By- ) Zoning By-Law of the City of consequently governed by Section 720 of the Zoning By-Law; 2007, Allan A. Williams, also known as AND WHEREAS between April and October, Ed ar Alan Williams, used and permitted several other individuals to use motocross cycles and g other motorized recreational vehicles on the Tracks; 2 AND WHEREAS the development ando~ b ted use of su h lands under Section? 20 of motorized recreational vehicles constitutes a p the Zoning By-Law. AND HAVING reviewed the Application and the following Affidavits sworn to in support of the relief sought by the City in the Application, which were personally served on Allan A. Williams, also known as Edgar Alan Williams, with the Application on April 15`h, 2008: a. the Affidavit of Elizabeth Gormley, sworn on the 3rd day of April, 2008; b, the Affidavit of James Baird, sworn on the 3rd day of April, 2008; c, the Affidavit of John Ellefsen, sworn on the 3rd day of April, 2008; d. the Affidavit of Tamara Duke, sworn on the 3rd day of April, 2008; e, the Affidavit of Darryl Berube, sworn on the 3rd day of April, 2008; f. the Affidavit of Paul Basque, sworn on the 3rd day of April, 2008; g, the Affidavit of Ivan Court, sworn on the 3rd day of April, 2008; h. the Affidavit of Michael Francis, sworn to on the 2nd day of April, 2008; i, the Affidavit of Timothy Peterson, sworn to on the 2nd day of April, 2008; j, the Affidavit of Hazel Anne Butler, sworn to on the 2nd day of April, 2008; k, the Affidavit of Carl Gaunce, sworn to on the 2nd day of April, 2008, and 1, the Affidavit of Heather Acker, sworn to on the 2nd day of April, 2008. NOW THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT: 1. Allan A. Williams, also known as Edgar Alan Williams, immediately cease using or permitting the use of a parcel of land which is identified by Service New Brunswick Parcel Identifier (PID) No. 00287474 (hereinafter the "Williams Property"), as motocross/recreational vehicle tracks or by motocross cycles and all other varieties of motorized recreational vehicles subject to the exception outlined below in paragraph 1(a); (a) Allan A. Williams, also known as Edgar Alan Williams, shall be permitted to use a single four wheel All-Terrain Vehicle ("ATV") on the Williams Property from time to time provided that he is both the registered owner and the only user of such ATV and that such ATV is not used outside the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Alternatively, an employee of 052500 3 N.B. Ltd. (which operates under the registered business name "AL'S ULTRACAR SALES AND SERVICE") may use such ATV in place of Allan A. Williams, also known as Edgar Alan Williams, provided that such usage is strictly limited to activities to improve the Williams Property during the work week (Monday through Friday) and does not occur outside the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. 2. Allan A. Williams, also known as EPgoar e la a Wmotocross/recreational vehicle permitting the use of the William p Y tracks or by motocross cycles and all other varieties of motorized recreational vehicles in the future subject to paragraph 1(a) above; 3. Allan A. Williams, also known as EdgarP vate Propertypesignsemlhighly tvisible fewer than ten (10) "No Trespassing areas and at regular intervals around the perimeter of the rear portion of the Williams Property where the motocross/recreational vehicle tracks are (and, following the implementation of paragraph 4 or 5 below, were) situated; 4. Allan A. Williams, also known as Edgama lm de llembellishmentsmtoe the perimeter fencing, berms and othe motocross/recreational vehicle tracks on the rear portion of the Williams Property at his expense and to the satisfaction of the City's Building Inspector or a designate thereof within sixty (60) days of the date of this Order, and 5. Should Allan A. Williams, also kn h 4 aabodveawAhin thel timeframe prescribed his responsibilities under paragrap therein, the City is hereby authorized by this Honourable Court to enter upon the Williams Property to carry out the work identified in paragraph 4 above at the expense of Allan A. Williams, also known as Edgar Alan Williams. DATED at Saint John, New Brunswick this day of June, 2008. Judge of the Court of Queen's Bench of New Brunswick WE HEREBY CONSENT TO THIS ORDER: Scott A. Brittain, Esq. Solicitor for The City of Saint John arry G Colwell, Esq. itor for Allan A. Williams a.k.a. Edgar Alan Williams