2008-05-26_Agenda Packett--Dossier de l'ordre du jourCity of Saint John Common Council Meeting Monday, May 26, 2008 7:00 p.m. Council Chamber National Anthem -Elizabeth Cormier Oath of Office Administered to the Mayor Oath of Office Administered to Councillors 1. Call to Order -Prayer Invocation -Msgr. Brian Sheehan 2. Election of Deputy Mayor 3. Address of the Mayor 4. Remarks by Councillors Adjournment City of Saint John Seance du Conseil communal Le lundi 26 mai 2008 19 h Salle du Conseil Hymne national -Elizabeth Cormier Serment professionnel prete par le maire Serment professionnel prete par les conseillers 1. Ouverture de la seance, suivie de la priere Invocation - M~` Brian Sheehan 2. Nomination du maire suppleant 3. Discours du maire 4. Commentaires formules par les conseillers Clo"ture de la seance 2 OATH OF OFFICE FOR MAYOR (Municipalities Act, R.S.N.B. 1973, c.M-22, s.33(1)) I, , of The City of Saint John, Swear that am, to the best of my knowledge and belief, qualified for the office of Mayor for the municipality of The City of Saint John, to which office I have been elected, and that I do hereby accept the office of Mayor and will diligently, faithfully and impartially discharge to the best of my ability the duties of the office as may be imposed upon me by law. So help me God. SWORN TO before me at The City of Saint John, in the County of Saint John, and Province of New Brunswick on May 26, 2008. Mayor Common Clerk 3 OATH OF OFFICE FOR COUNCILLOR (Municipalities Act, R.S.N.B. 1973, c.M-22, s.33(1)) I, , of The City of Saint John, Swear that I am, to the best of my knowledge and belief, qualified for the office of Councillor for the municipality of The City of Saint John, to which office I have been elected, and that I do hereby accept the office of Councillor and will diligently, faithfully and impartially discharge to the best of my ability the duties of the office as may be imposed upon me by law. So help me God. SWORN TO before me at The City of Saint John, in the County of Saint John, and Province of New Brunswick on May 26, 2008. Councillor Common Clerk 4 PRAYER FOR THE CITY O God, we ask your blessing on our City. Help us to be worthy of our heritage and in our time be good citizens, to hallow your name, to live and work together for the common good, taking care to hand on to others an even finer City. For the glory of your name. Amen 5