2008-04-14_Supplemental Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour supplémentaire (2)City of Saint John Common Council Meeting Monday Apri114, 2008 Supplemental Agenda Re: 9.6 Request to Withdraw Proposed Re-zoning 86-88 Lansdowne Ave. Re: 12.8 Replacement of Page 2 of Report City of Saint John Seance du Conseil communal Le lundi 14 avril, 2008 Ordre du jour supplementaire Objet : 9.2 Lettre au projet de rezonage de la propriete situee au 86- 88 Ave Lansdowne Objet :12.8 Remplacement de la page 2 du rapport r~, 6 dJ 'W ~ 4s~ ~- ~o ~VV 1 i N 1,~ 1~ h 1~ '~ ~~ ` (?,r~ ~ ~ S IFS- t- -~'°r ~t z.,u~ ~ ~ ~ r6 b - $~ 1-.ia,~~'~D U~ N t; Q~C~~~, O C~`~J.,~ n l ~ N 1`tA` ~ ~ `~.~ 1 ~ `~ ~ ~Z ~ c7 `~ ct'~ (~(Yl 11n l0 ~1n~,~~ 7 0.rc~ ~g ~C5 . 2~s ~ N £ ~• ~ `~ r'1 3 tQ r-7 ~~~ne, ~ - ~r,~oW rJ ~~+~.N ~ ~ ~e 3 i - g g ip~r~ L C., 9 ~ O ~' O? J ,~~ ~ ~, .~ Report to Common Council April 10, 2008 Page 2 Real Estate is seeking Council's support of this land sale subject to conditions. RECOMMENDATION: That The City of Saint John sell the fee simple absolute interest in lands identified at PIDs 411876 & 371948 shown on the attached proposal and sketch, also known as civic #131 Pugsley Avenue to P.W. Chase Holdings Ltd. (or related company) for a purchase price of $50,000.00 plus H.S.T. (if applicable), on or before 30 days after the filing in the Registry office of the Zoning By-law amendment, subject to the following terms and conditions: a) obtaining satisfactory rezoning and other municipal approvals; and b) the reservation of any municipal services and/or public utility easements identified prior to the sale of PIDs 411876 & 371948; and 2. That P.W. Chase Holdings Ltd. be authorized to apply for a rezoning of the above noted property, however Common Council is not implicitly or explicitly obligated to approve the application. 3. In the event development has not commenced within 1 year of transfer of title to P. W. Chase Holding Ltd., the City reserves the right to repurchase the property for $50,000 plus HST if applicable. 4. That the Mayor and Common Clerk are authorized to execute any documents required to finalize the transfer. Respectfully submitted r ~. ~; ~" / ~~ - Jim R. Baird, MCIP :/~ Commissioner Planning and Development ~~ M ~ ,, ,1 n'errence Totten, F.C.A. City Manager