2007-12-10_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour City of Saint John Common Council Meeting Monday, December 10, 2007 Committee of the Whole 1. Call to Order 4:30 - 6:30 Sth Floor Boardroom City Hall 1.1 2008 Draft Operating and Capital Budget The City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal Le lundi 10 decembre 2007 Comite plenier 1. Ouverture de la seance 16 h 30 h - IS h 30 Salle de conference du Se etage a l'hotel de ville 1.1 2008 Budgets d'exploitation et d'immobilisations proposes pour 2008 I~I~~P().RT\ rro C()1\1M()N COIJNCIL November 10,2007 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane and Members of Common Council The City of Saint John Your Worship and Members of Council: SUBJECT: 2008 OPERATING AND CAPITAL BUDGET Contained within this binder is a draft of the various budgets, both Capital and Operating for the General Fund and Utility. Please take the time to review all ofthe information. On Monday, staff would intend on making a very, very short presentation and then take direction from Common Council. It is extremely important that elected officials ask themselves the following questions. Do these documents meet Council's expectations particularly as they relate to; The Tax Rate? 2 Utility Rates? Do these documents indicate an effort by the City to respond to community requests? Are these documents consistent with the overall objectives of Common Council (a police facility, resolving the pension issue, labour, cleanup, etc.)? Are these documents in sync with what we have heard from the community (i.e. green space, mobility, recreation facilities)? Does Common Council wish to give any other specific direction to the Administration? On a final note, staff fully appreciates that between now and Monday night, some of you may have specific questions. To assist you in getting the answers you require and so that you can make best use of your time on Monday, I have asked Mr. Yeomans, as well as Department Heads to periodically check their e-mails on the weekend and on Monday in Report to Common Council Page 2 Subject.' 2008 Operating and Capital Budget the event that you should have any specific questions. I would only ask that you copy the City Manager on any questions asked of Department Heads and that staff do likewise when responding. Terrence L. Totten, FCA CITY MANAGER . I\) . 0 $ . -{ Q . Z S CO 1 -I CD 0 -{ Q) ~ Q) :r ::T >< (JJ 0 ~ III .. (t) i CD C ""C ~ ;0 Q) 0- ct) ~ c:r CD en co -s E. (") CD CD Q) s:: po+ d: III 0 - ::j ::J .-... ::J Ul 3 0'> g () to t 3 . =c: """'\ (J'1 m CD ~ G) ~ CD Q) X ~ en ~ "0 3 c.. 0 tb s CD .......,. ro ~ CD :J c:: a.. .-... a. -J -' 0 --t ...... . C Q) CJ'1 ..., C) >< -oJ CD ::0 ~ en rn 0 -i Q) "'-'" ,-...., ~ (j) ):. (1) . 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I- -.J ::l Z 121712G07 CITY OF SAINT JOHN APPENDIX A 2008 OPERATING BUDGET NON-TAX REVENUE 2007 2008 2009 BUDGET BUDGET OUTLOOK SALE OF GOODS AND SERVICES FIRE SERVICES HAZMAT FUNDING 70,000 70,000 70,000 POINT LEPREAU 40,000 40,000 40,000 CLEARANCE LETTERS 4,000 4,000 4,000 POLICE SERVICES lODGE PRISONERS 3,000 3,000 3,000 ACCIDENT REPORTS 11,000 11,000 11,000 TAXI LICENCES 50,000 50,000 50,000 OTHER 35,000 35,000 35,000 RECREATION AND CULTURAL SPORTS FIELDS 50,000 60,000 63,000 SENIORS PROGRAMS 4,300 4,000 4,000 CARLETON COMMUNITY CENTER 7,900 9,000 9,000 NORTH END COMMUNITY CENTER 6,500 4,500 2,500 ROCKWOOD PARK 0 8,000 9,000 FOREST HILLS COMMUNITY CENTER 20,000 Other (26-49) 16,000 18,000 18,000 Other (26-50) 30,000 30,000 30,000 HURLEY ARENA 110,000 180,000 185,000 GORMAN ARENA 125,000 140,000 144,000 BEL YEA ARENA 170,000 134,000 138,000 PETER MURRAY ARENA 110,000 125,000 128,000 EMERGENCY DISPATCH 580,000 390,000 390,000 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES HOUSING OPERATIONS 44,000 45,000 46,000 Saint John Transit 42,000 42,000 45,000 PENSION PLAN 100,000 200,000 200,000 WATER AND SEWERAGE UTILITY 1,391,000 1,464,000 1,552,000 OTHER TOURISM PARTNERSHIP 0 75,500 75,500 OTHER TOURISM 3,000 3,000 3,000 PLANNING DEPT SERVICES 50,000 50,000 50,000 SALE OF USED EQUIPMENT 5,000 5,000 5,000 GARBAGE COLLECTION 5,000 5,000 5,000 TRANSPORTATION TENDERS 500 500 500 DRAFT Page 2 016 OTHER REVENUE FROM OWN SOURCES LICENSES AND PERMITS BUILDING PERMITS 1,665,000 1,000,000 1,006,000 PLUMBING PERMITS 65,000 70,000 74,200 DEMOLITION PERMITS 5,000 5,000 5,300 MOBILE HOME PERMITS 1,250 1,250 1,250 GRAVEL PIT PERMITS 19,000 22,000 22,000 EXCAVATION PERMITS 250 250 250 BUSINESS LICENCES 500 500 500 REZONING APPLICATIONS 20,000 20,000 20,000 OTHER 9,000 12,000 12,720 GAS PIPELINE LICENCE 16,500 16,500 16,500 FINES AND PARKING MARKET SQUARE PARKING 733,000 1,022,531 1,022,531 PARKING METERS 724,500 775,000 775,000 METER VIOLATIONS 240,000 210,000 210,000 METER SUMMONSES 44,000 46,000 46,000 TRAFFIC BY LAW FINES 220,000 250,000 250,000 TRAFFIC BY LAW SUMMONSES 28,000 30,000 30,000 CaURI FINES 65,000 60,000 60,000 RENT ALS MARKET RENTALS 435,000 435,000 440,000 LAND AND BUILDINGS 135,000 135,000 135,000 CITY HALL 58,000 58,000 58,000 SHORT TERM INTEREST 250,000 250,000 250,000 CONDITIONAL GRANTS FROM OTHER GOVMNTS PROVINCIAL HIGHWAY MAINT 360,000 250,000 250,000 OTHER REVENUE MISCELLANEOUS 50,000 109,839 50,000 PIPELINE EASEMENT SALES 450,000 0 0 SURPLUS 2ND PREVIOUS YEAR 0 1 ,057,898 0 TOTAL NON TAX REVENUE 8,677,200 9,042,268 8,050,751 1217/2007 CITY OF SAINT JOHN 2008 OPERATING BUDGET NON-TAX REVENUE 2007 BUDGET 2008 BUDGET APPENDIX A 2009 OUTLOOK DRAFT' Page 3 of 6 1217/2007 CITY OF SAINT JOHN APPENDIX A 2008 OPERATING BUDGET EXPENDITURES 2007 2008 2009 DEPARTMENT NAME BUDGET BUDGET OUTLOOK MAYOR'S OFFICE 194,275 220,196 226,842 COUNCtL 385,170 445,159 545,159 LEGISLATIVE 579,445 665,355 14.83% 772,001 16.03% CITY MANAG ER 487.220 520,960 535,120 VISION 2015 600,646 577 ,652 596,118 COMMUNICATIONS SUPPORT 0 250,000 262,500 COMMON CLERK 754,991 838,352 819,418 FINANCE 1,317,441 1,546,829 1 ,606,401 LEGAL 697,120 721,173 692,435 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 3,657,418 4,454,966 15.49% 4,511 ,992 1.26% MATERIALS MANAGEMENT 928,707 1,057,159 1,089,281 HUMAN RESOURCES 1,296,130 1 ,384,437 1,430,362 PUBlJC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS CENTRE 1,671 ,028 2,062,840 2,010,671 INFORMATION SYSTEMS & SUPPORT 1,923,905 2,018,794 2,059,264 FLEET SERVICES 496,019 702,722 786,773 CORPORATE SERVICES 6,517,789 7,225,952 10.87% 7,376,351 2.08% FIRE 17,810,788 19,440,419 9.15% 20,400,642 4.94% BUILDING & INSPECTION SERVICES 1 ,266,095 1,443,400 1 ,505,200 FACllJTY MANAGEMENT 899,322 978,846 1,020,593 CARPENTRY SHOP 460,063 470,314 486,762 CITY MARKET 748,250 864,307 893,048 CITY HAlL BUILDING 1 ,521 ,025 1,716,459 1,760,817 BUILDINGS AND INSPECTION SERVICES 4,694,755 5,473,326 11.82% 5,666,420 3.53% EMERGENCY MEASURES ORGANIZATION 171 ,351 232,320 35.58% 216,533 -5.93% MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS ADMIN 1,412,208 1,575,612 1 ,664,334 SERVICE & PROG DEVELOPMENT 555,823 288,136 296,485 ENGINEERING & GROWTH 376,171 414,810 429,303 TRAFFIC ENG & SYSTEMS 986,887 1,260,516 1,297,648 SNOW CONTROL STREETS 4,254,632 4,784,657 4,973,879 SNOW CONTROL SIDEWALKS 383,731 834,448 660,924 STORM DRAINAGE 2,198,468 2,125,659 2,254,988 STREET CLEANING 1,319,414 1,393.271 1,477,054 SANITATION 3,169,262 3,624,979 3,746.759 STREET SERVICES 4,358.874 4,703,861 5,146,914 MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS 19,015,270 20,805,949 9.42% 21,948,288 5.49% COMMUNITY PLANNING 819,382 871,807 908,631 REAL ESTATE 437,730 424,787 433,397 GIS 267,007 279,728 291,072 HERITAGE 206,951 224,702 233,802 PLANNING ADVISORY COMM 11,500 12,400 12,600 ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE 4,400 4,400 4,400 PLANNING AND DEVElOPMENT 1,746,969 1,823,824 4.40% 1 ,883,802 3.29% DRAFt, 'a' 121712007 CITY OF SAINT JOHN APPENDIX A 2008 OPERATING BUDGET EXPENDITURES 2007 2008 2009 DEPARTMENT NAME BUDGET BUDGET OUTLOOK LEISURE SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 717,901 728,075 748,827 FACILITIES 1,038,981 1 ,482,937 1 ,534,274 ARENAS 1,347,161 1,121,503 1,165,407 LANDSCAPE 1,429,932 1 ,539,927 1,597,829 WEST DISTRICT 307,995 323,697 335,651 CENTRAL DISTRICT 489,813 520,071 539,245 EAST DISTRICT 378,006 392,234 405,817 PRO KIDS 72 ,229 76,147 79,092 CONTRACTED SERVICES 92,000 140,000 140,000 SUBSIDIES; FACILITY USAGE 183,000 1 83,000 183,000 RECREATION COMMUNITY GROUPS 18,000 18,000 18,000 LEISURE SERVICES 6,075,018 6,525,591 7.42% 6,747 ,142 340% TOURISM 915,000 1 ,035,218 13.14% 1,075,313 3.87% POLICE COMMISSION 1 8,880,220 20,063,849 6.27% 20,745,300 3.40% NON DEPARTMENTAL SAINT JOHN TRANSIT OPERATING 3,0B{} ,000 3,519,925 3,785,625 SAINT JOHN TRANSIT DEBT 639,506 693,320 932,225 MARKET SQ. - COMMON AREA COSTS 2,046,380 2,078,407 2,150,867 WATER SUPPLY & HYDRANTS 1,708,119 1 ,882,000 2,010,000 REGIONAL FACILITIES GOMM 1 ,839,757 1 ,577 ,543 1,684,748 STREET LIGHTING 925,000 925,000 944,000 PROPERTYASSESSMENT 938,685 1,009,743 1,060,230 REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 408,420 437,616 455,121 LIABILITY INSURANCE 435,000 456,750 468,169 ARTS AND CULTURE INITIATIVES 225,570 263,697 268,880 LIBRARY 369,280 378,600 391,686 PARKING ADMIN. SUPPORT 431,410 465,385 484,105 SAINT JOHN DEV CORP 147,446 196,028 201 ,900 WATERFRONT DEVELOPMENT 165,000 100,000 100,000 ANIMAL &. PEST CONTROL 130,000 137,000 1 44,000 LORD BEAVERBROOK 132,600 136,eOO 140,700 S.J. HORICULTURALASSOC. 58,000 58,000 0 SAINT JOHN INDUSTRIAL PARKS LTD 82,200 275,000 283,300 FESTIVALS/PUBLIC CELEBRATIONS 43,000 83,000 83,000 SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT 310,000 462,000 461,500 NON DEPARTMENTAL 14,115,373 15,135,614 16,050,056 FUNDING OF THE GOING CONCERN PENSION LIABILITY FUNDING CHARGE 2004,2005, & 2006 2,031,120 1,911,632 1,838,384 CURRENT YEAR SPECIAL PAYMENT 3,915,150 3,112,619 3,237,123 ADDITIONAL EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS (910,503) (880,086) (915,289) NET COST TO CITY SPECIAL PAYMENT 3,004,647 2,232,533 2,321,834 NET IMPACT PENSION FUNDING 5,035,767 4,144,165 4,160,21 B FISCAL CHARGES DEBT PAYMENTS 11,625,571 11,140,105 11,990,248 CAPITAL FROM OPERATING 735,000 1,000,000 1 ,500,000 2nd PREVIOUS YEAR DEFICIT 65,935 0 500,000 FISCAL CHARGES 12,426,506 12,140,105 13.990.248 TOTALS 112,041 ,669 119,166,653 6.36% 125,546,306 5.35% DRAFlesOf6 1217/2.007 THE CITY OF SAINT JOHN APPENDIX A SUBSIDIES AND GRANTS 2008 BUDGET 2007 2008 2009 BUDGET BUDGET OUTLOOK ARTS AND CULTURE INITIATIVES ARTS AND CULTURE BOARD 70,000 100,000 100,000 PUBLIC ART RESERVE FUND 25,000 25.000 25,000 CULTURAL AFFAIRS OFFICE 95,570 103,697 108,880 COMMITMENT TO CUTURAL CAPITALS 35,000 35,000 35,000 225,570 263,697 268,880 FESTIVALSIPUBLlC CELEBRATIONS LOYALIST HERITAGE FESTIVAL 3,000 3,000 3,000 JAZZ AND BLUES FESTIVAL 15,000 15,000 15.000 FEST IV AL de 101 BAI E FRANCAIS 5,000 5.000 5,000 OTHER 20,000 60,000 60,000 43,000 83,000 83,000 SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT UN6SJ CAPITAL CAMPAIGN 200,000 200,000 200,000 SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER (free rent) 31,000 31,000 31,000 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL (free rent - 8,000) 48,000 48,000 48,000 P.RU.DE (free rent) 22,000 22,000 22,000 ABILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE 3,000 3,000 3,000 SEAFARER'S MISSION 1.500 1,500 1,500 YOUTH CABINET 1,500 1,500 1,000 OTHER 3,000 5,000 5,000 NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT 150,000 150,000 310,000 462,000 461.500 DRAFT Page 6 at 6 CITY OF SAINT JOHN 2008 OPERATING BUDGET CITY MANAGER'S WORKING PAPERS KEY MATTERS (ISSUES) THAT THE CITY MUST ADDRESS PENSION PLAN: The City has a two year window of opportunity to deal with the ever increasing "Current Service Costs. " Council needs to take action, supported by City Staff. The proposal is to include $50,000 in Council's budget to do a Phase I Study; (a) Review City Manager's previous reports. (b) Layout and prioritize possible options. (c) Review Actuarial Reports and Financial Statements This Project would likely begin after the municipal election. Phase II in 2009: Consultation/Legal work, financial analysis; could be as much as $150,000. NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT: . The proposal includes $150,000 in support of neighbourhoods. . This is about showing "Political Leadership and Recognizing that no one can be left behind." . The use of this envelope would be restricted to the Administration (Deputy City Manager). . A Plan as to how to support neighbourhoods, and by whom needs to be developed and brought back to Council. . A pre-condition is that this allotment must result in at least an equal allotment by the Province of New Brunswick. . This money is not going directly to BeAP or Vibrant Communities. It is to be used to entice a new form of Partnership. City of Saint John 2008 Operating Budget City Manager's Working Papers Page 2 December 6, 2007 SAINT JOHN INDUSTRIAL PARKS: The proposed budget calls for Saint John Industrial Park's Budget to increase by $192,500 to $275,000. This is in line with the Company's request and is entirely consistent with the Council's Committee which was set up to review the current operations and to make recommendations. VISION 2015 An amount of $50,000 has been added so that the City can move forward as quickly as possible with the development of an; "Integrated Sustainability Plan ". Staff has noticed that more and more Federal and Provincial Programs exclude funding to any applicant that cannot produce an Integrated Sustainability Plan for their community. While we and other communities were able to present "so called" sustainability plans with the first set of applications for Gas Tax and Transit Programs we know that far more is expected. Note: Council will also see in the Capital Budget a line item captioned "An Integrated Mobility (Transportation) Plan" in the amount of$100,000. Staffs view is that the time is now right to take a comprehensive look at all Transportation & Mobility concerns in the "region." Expenditures of this envelope would be contingent on at least an equal contribution from the Province given the regionalization. This must be more than just roads. While roads and access to the core are important, so is public transportation, bicycle paths, sidewalks, parking. It may also include air and sea and rail modes as well. THE CREATION OF A THREE PERSON COMMUNICA nON UNiT - $250,000 This has been (and staff believes still is) a priority of Common Council. At the same time, the entire Administration has been totally behind this initiative for at least six years. City of Saint John 2008 Operating Budget City Manager's Working Papers Page 3 December 6, 2007 Beyond the external issues of the day, we have a work list a mile long dealing with Communication issues. Our current approach as indicated in the MT &L Communications Audit is not meeting the organization's needs to citizens, to our customers, to ratepayers or to employees. Consistent with the MT &L recommendations, the City will engage what we hope will be a seasoned, experienced professional with a focus on strategy development; a mid level communication's officer and an administrative support person. At the same time, this unit will require funds to engage outside expertise on occasion, particularly in the creative and graphic artists field. When up and running, hopefully in 2009, the City can expect to commit $400,000 to $500,000 to effectively communicate. COMMUNITY ARTS BOARD: Staff has increased the allotment to the Board by $30,000. Ever since being created, the Board has indicated that the current level of staff support to the Board and to the Arts and Culture Community in general is not sufficient. City staff does not want to create another permanent position within the municipal establishment. However, we recognize the need, particularly as we move closer to the year 2010. As a result, we propose an additional $30,000 and that will force the Board to make certain decisions to choose priorities or to seek other funding partners. BUILDING INSPECTION: . Mr. Edwards and I have discussed (a number of times) the need for more staff in his department. . I ean attest to the fact that I have received complaints with respect to the service level being provided. . Bill advises that volumes have gone up from 1,200 permits/year to 2,000 permits/year . . In an ideal situation, the City should be increasing the complement in this area. City o/Saint John 2008 Operating Budget City Manager's Working Papers Page 4 December 6. 2007 UNSPECIFIED GRANTS: As always, the City is inundated with requests. While we some time forget these matters, issues and initiatives, the City must be seen as supportive. Examples: . Canada Day Committee (Fusion) . New Year's Fireworks . Sponsor the Christmas parade . Second Stage ($25,000) . Newcomer Welcome Center ($5,000) . Westside Days And a wide array of others. For this reason, the allocation has been set at $60,000. COMMENTS ON REVENUE: => It should be noted that in 2009 the City will not have the benefit based on current projections of a $1 Million carryover surplus. => Council should always be aware that staff's initial estimate (made at the initial announcement on the LNG Terminal) of possible Building Permit Revenue increase of $2 Million was extremely optimistic. In reality, Bill. Edwards indicates that it will more likely end up being less than 1.5 million. CITY OF SAINT JOHN 2008 BUDGETS BUDGET DOCUMENTATION: DISCUSSION PURPOSES DECEMBER 10,2007 TABLE () F CONTENTS SECTION I COPY OF CITY MANAGER'S OVERHEADS USED FOR DISCUSSION PURPOSES SECTION II 2008 OPERATING BUDGET COpy OF CITY MANAGER'S ISSUE IDENTIFICA TION SECTION III 2008 CAPITAL BUDGET SUMMARY SHEET TRANSPORTATION DETAIL FACILITIES SUMMARY SHEET CITY MANAGER WORKING PAPERS SECTION IV 2008 UTILITY BUDGET; OPERATING AND CAPITAL SECTION V PERSONNEL MA TIERS ANAL YSIS OF POSSlBLE MANAGEMENT SCALE INCREASE EST ABLlSHMENT CHANGE SECTION III 2008 CAPITAL BUDGET m x a z w D.. Q, ~ "- o o s:':I t::: C\J ..-- en G) s::: 5 .s::::t: o~-g "":l G) :::l .... Q. LL c: >< - ._ UJ e ('I$"i~ CIJ::::CIl If- Q. C) 08 ~" ~~ 00 Q. o lo... C. C"Il ~ o N T""" ..... ..... ..- ,... ,... o C"Il o .... o C\I a') Q o C"Il ..... ...- co o o C\l I'- o o C\l rn Q) -0 ~ OJ la rn~ ~ C ~ E 1110'::2 a: .- U) rn 1iic(j>- l!!t: U) ::J 0 .@ E ..... c. m ..... 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(see working papers) (a) North of Union Development (b) Transit Facility ( c) Works West Depot ::::> It also addresses: (a) Rockwood Park Master Plan (b) Phase I of Reversing Falls Rehabilitation (c) Retrofit of Canada Games Stadium :::::> Other Matters of Interest: Fleet: The City invest roughly $2.5 million per year in equipment and apparatus. This year the proposal is to invest approximately $4 million. The additional $1.5 million is to be invested in the acquisition of a new aerial truck in the Fire Service. This will replace a piece of apparatus that has outlived its useful life. The new piece of equipment can be expected to last for twenty plus years. Also within the usual $2.5 million Replacement Program, Mr. Logan and Mr. Groody are proposing some significant changes in their original plans. As a result of increasing concerns relating to "sidewalks", consideration is being given to acquiring as many as six trackless sidewalk units as opposed to three or four larger pieces of equipment. @ ProDosed Proe:ram Summary For - 2008 Category No. of Other City Total Projects Share Share Environment 1 $300,000 $300,000 $600,000 Storm 8 $0 $1,725,000 $1,725,000 Transportation 21 $3,145,000 $7,370,000 $10,515,000 Water Street Reconstruction 1 $500,000 $220,000 $720,000 TOTALS: 31 $3,945,000 $9,615,000 $13,560,000 Summary of Capital Costs (City Share) Water Street Reconstr&t:l:lMlm ant 2% 3.1% Transportation 76.7% Page 1 of 6 . MDH: MUNICIPAl DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS "'DH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH; REGIONALL V DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C.": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR PROJECTS INDICATED WITH' ARE DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Environment Project Location Description Other Share City Share 300,000 * Howes Lake Landfill Site At Howes Lake Landfill site closure - Phase V, including dllsign and construction management services 300,000 TOTAL: $300.000 $300.000 Page 2 of 6 .. NT JOHN MOH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVtNCIALL Y DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C-'.; PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR PROJECTS INDICA TED WITH' ARE DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projeds. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Storm Project Description Other Share o City Share 170,000 Brentwood Crescent Churchill Boulevard Sewer Infiltration Francis Street Location Woodward Avenue to Civic #38 Wigmore Court; Freedom Court; Hydro Place Milford Roa.d to Allison Street Glen Falls Flood Control System Mystery Lake w&s Princess Street w&s Rope W Illk RDad Prince William Street to Charlotte Street Somerset Street to Millictge Avenue Storm Water Management. Glen Falls Glen Road and Simpson Drive Extension cross culvert locations Storm Water Management - Millidgeville Woodward Avenue / Brentwood Crescent / Den Boom Cove area Water & Sanitary No. Of Sum Of Related Storm Projects Projects Other Share Not Related (; $0 W &8 Related 2 $0 TOTALS: 8 $0 Renew approx. 115m of900mm cone. stonn sewer to eliminate conflicts with sanitary laterals resulting in sanitary backups Install approx. 180m of new 300mm storm sewer to redirect existing catch basins from sanitary system and provide separation as identified in previous Inflow & Infiltration Study, including design and construction management services Install approx. 120m of new 300mm storm sewer to address ongoing drainage problems in the area, including design and construction management services Design for renewal of existing control structure complete with control valve, including design services Install approx. 205m of new 300mm storm sewer for separation, including design and construction management services Install approx. 365m of new 300mm and 375mm stonn sewer for separation, including design and construction management services Renew existing cross culverts and guide rails to improve storm water handling capabilities and safety, including design and construction management services Preliminary design of storm water management system and improvements to the storm water system in accordance with recommendations of previous study of the area, including design and construction management services o 160,000 o 105,000 o 100,000 o 140,000 o 250,000 o 400,000 o 400,000 TOTAL: !Q. $1.725.000 Sum Of City Share $1,335,000 $390,000 $1,725,000 Page 3 of 6 . MOH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIAllY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C.": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOllOWING YEAR PROJECTS INDICATED WITH' ARE DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Project Transportation Location Description Other City Share Share Westmorland Road to Byron Street reconstruction (drainage control, D 390,000 Street excavation, club, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services Paul Harris Street to Waterloo Street reconstruction (storm sewer, excavation, 0 680,000 Street backfill, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services Traffic Circle (north end at Street reconstruction (storm sewer, excavation, 0 1,000,000 Creighton Avenue) to backfill, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, cold Grandview Avenue milling, paving), including design and construction management services (MDH) - Route #1 to Ocean Cold milling, asphalt resurfacing, shouldering 85,000 0 Westway (MDH #100) - Westgate Drive Street reconstruction (excavation, backfill, road ] ,055,000 120,000 to Gault Road widening, stonn sewer, curb & gutter, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services Arrow Walk Road to Highwood Street reconstruction and realignment (stonn 920,000 0 Drive sewer, excavation, backfill, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services Crown Street to Brunswick Drive Street reconstruction (storm sewer, excavation, 0 275,000 road widening, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and ccnstruction management services Prince William Street to Street reconstruction (excavation, backfill, 355,000 1,380,000 Char lotte Street underground utilities, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services Bayside Drive to Red Head Funding to supplement the 2007 Capital 0 150,000 Marsh Program for road reconstruction including road realignment, landscaping, including design and constroction management services Old Red Head Road to Hewitt Engineering assessment of Red Head Road and 0 250,000 Road alternative alignment options, including design servIces Somerset Street to Millidge Road reconstruction (excavation, backfill, curb, 0 460,000 Avenue sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services (PDH #100) - Railroad overpass Storm sewer, road widening, curb, sidewalk, 730,000 290,000 to Colony Road landscaping, including design and construction management services Braemar Drive Brunswick Drive Champlain D(ive * King William Road w&s * Manawagonish Road w&s * Mount Pleasant Avenue Paul Harris Street w&s · Princess Street w&s Red Head Road Red Head Road w&s Rope Walk Road · Rothesay Road Page 4 of 6 NT JOHN .. MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS e-*': PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOllOWING YEAR PROJECTS INDICATED WITH' ARE DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Transportation Project Locatio n Description Other City Share Share Rothesay Road (PDH #100) - Railroad overpass Asphalt resurfacing including structure 0 250,000 to Colony Road adjustments and cold milling, to occur only after reconstruction Rural Road Upgrades Beach Road; Buckley Road Design and land acquisition for upgrade of 0 255,000 rural roads, including design servi ces (Pre- approved by Common Council on May 8, 2007; M & C No. 2007.131) Saint John Police / Union Street I Hazen Avenue / Design for street reconstruction as part of the 0 400,000 Justice Development Carleton Street area proposed Police I Justice Development, including design services Somerset Street (RDH) - Barker Street to Street reconstruction (excavation, backfill, cold 0 320,000 Wellesley Avenue milling, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including construction management services (funding support to be sought from D.O.T.) Special - Route # I 00 (PDH #100) - Fairville Easement I land acquisition and survey work 0 400,000 Boulevard - Simms Comer - for realignment of intersection, including Bridge Road Corridor design services (Catherwood Street to Reversing Falls Bridge) Stewart Street Manchester A venue to West Road reconstruction (storm sewer, road 0 220,000 Side Estates Subdivision widening, excavation, backfill, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services Union Street At Carrnarthen Street intersection Intersection improvements, including design 0 125,000 and construction management services University Avenue Royal Parkway to Saint John New sidewalk, ditching, landscaping, easement 0 280,000 Regional Hospital Entrance Road acquisition (north side), including design and construction mana~ement services Westfield Road Bay Street to Route # I 77 Investigation, preliminary design report, public 0 125,000 (Martinon By-pass) consultations, and development of a plan for rehabilitation and improvements to Westfield Road, including design services TOTAL: $3,145.000 $7.370.000 Page 5 of 6 e MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS e-": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOllOWING YEAR PROJECTS INDICATED WITH. ARE DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council, Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Water Street Reconstruction Project Location Description Other Share City Share 220,000 · Water Street Between Duke Street and Broad Development of St. Patrick's Park and Broad Street Street Plaza, including design and construction management services 500,000 TOTAL: $500,000 $220.000 Page 6 of 6 . Prouosed Pro!!ram Summary For - 2009 Category No. of Other City Total Projects Share Share Environment 2 $500,000 $500,000 $1,000,000 Storm 9 $0 $2,780,000 $2,780,000 Transportation 19 $5,530,000 $11,240,000 $16,770,000 Water Street Reconstruction 1 $400,000 $760,000 $1,160,000 TOTALS: 31 $6,430,000 $15,280,000 $21,710,000 Summary of Capital Costs (City Share) Water Street Recons tru ctioEinviron m e nt 50/0 3.3% Storm 18.2% Trans portation 73.6% Page 1 of 6 . MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIAllY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C-": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR PROJECTS INDICATED WITH' ARE DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Environment Project Location Description Other Share City Share · Howes Lake Landfill Site At Howes Lake Landfill site closure - Phase VI, including design and construction management services Construction of leachate management system for the Spruce Lake Landfill Site, including construction management services - Phase II 300,000 300,000 · Spruce Lake Landfill Site Spruce Lake 200,000 200,000 TOTAL: $500.000 $500.000 Page 2 of 6 . MOH: MUNICIPAl.. DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIAllY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS ROH: REGIONALLY DES1GNATED HIGHWAYS was: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS Co-': PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR PROJECTS INDICATED WITH' ARE DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Storm Project Location Other Share City Share Description Molson Avenue to Civic #919; Danells Drive from Bleury Street to Sand Cove Road including Sand Cove Road to Civic #830 Civic #506 to Westmorland Road Renew approx. 200m of300mm storm sewer in conjunction with street reconstruction, including design and construction management services w&s Albert Street Victoria Street to Main Street w&s Belmont Street Courtenay Avenue to Mount Pleasant Avenue East Bleury Street Ellerdale Street w&s Frederick Street Rothesay Avenue to end Market Place (RDH) - Rodney Street intersection to outfall sewer behind Market Place wastewater pumping station (RDH) - Rodney Street to St. John Street Market Place w&s Seaton Street Rothesay A venue to end Storm Water Management - Mystery Lake At Mystery Lake control structure Water & Sanitary No. Of Sum Of Related Storm Projects Projects other Share Not Related 5 $0 W&S Related 4 $0 TOTAL.S: 9 $0 Install approx. 150m ofnew 300mm and 375mrn stonn sewer tor separation, including design and construction management services Install approx. 295m of new 300mm storm sewer for separation, including design and construction management services Install approx. 365m of new 300rnm storm sewer for separation, including design and construction management services Install approx. 100m of new 300mm storm sewer for separation, including design and construction management services Install approx. 165m of new 1200mm and 1500mm trunk storm sewer for separation, including design and construction management services Install approx. 305m of new 450mm, 525mrn, 1050rnrn and 1200mrn trunk storm sewer, including design and construction management services Install approx. 90m of new 300mm storm sewer for separation, including design and construction management services Renewal of existing control structure complete with control valve, including construction management services TOTAL: Sum Of City Share $2,375,000 $405,000 $2,7&0,000 o 125,000 o 170,000 o 300,000 o 150,000 o 60,000 o 325,000 o 400,000 o 50,000 o 1,200,000 ~ $2.780,000 Page 3 of 6 &) MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONAllY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS was: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C_o,: PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOllOWING YEAR PROJECTS INDICATED WITH' ARE DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Transportation Project Location Description Other Share City Share 205,000 w&s Albert Street Victoria Street to Main Street Bayside Drive (Old Black River Road) At Grandview Avenue intersection w&s Belmont Street Courtenay Avenue to Mount Pleasant Avenue East Consumers Drive At Westmorland Road w&s Egbert Street Thome A venue to end EUerdale Street Margaret Street to Westmorland Road w&s Frederick Street Rothesay Avenue to end Latimore Lake Road Phase III - Hickey Road to Civic #454 (Fundy Bay Sand & Gravel) Between Commerce Drive and Old Champlain Drive Loch Lomond Road Morley Crescent Mountain Road (lower) to Mountain Road (upper) * Rothesay Road (PDH #100) - Fulton Lane to railroad overpass · Rothesay Road (PDH # 100) - Fulton Lane to railroad overpass Street reconstruction (excavation, backfill, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services Intersection realignment (approx. 155m of new 300tnm storm sewer, road widening, curb and gutter, cold milling, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services Land acquisition, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, cold milling, paving, including design and construction management services Construction of dedicated right turn lane on southbound side of road (excavation, backfill, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving, land acquisition), including design and construction management services Street Reconstruction (road excavation. backfill, curb, drainage control, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services Road reconstruction (excavation, backfill, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services Street reconstruction (excavation, backfill, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services Road widening, drainage control, cold milling, landscaping, paving, including design and construction management services Design and land acquisition for slope stabilization on north side of road to improve safety and protect infrastructure, including design services Street reconstruction (excavation, drainage control, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services Storm sewer, road widening, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, including design and construction management services Asphalt resurfacing including structure adjustments and cold milling, to occur only after reconstruction o o 1,000,000 o 355,000 o 150,000 o 110,000 o 890,000 o 150,000 o 600,000 o 60,000 o 500,000 790,000 200,000 o 250,000 Page 4 of 6 ., MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONAllY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS c....: PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOllOWING YEAR PROJECTS INDICATED WITH' ARE DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Project Transportation Location Description Other City Share Share Beach Road; Buckley Road Upgrade rural roads in accordance with the 0 205,000 previous design, including construction management services (Pre-approved by Common Council on May 8, 2007; M & C No. 2007-131) Bolton Lane; Foulds Lane; Design and land acquisition for upgrade of 0 220,000 Greenwood Lane rural roads, including design services (Pre- approved by Common Council on May 8, 2007; M & C No. 2007-131) Union Street / Hazen Avenue I Street reconstruction (excavation, storm sewer, 540,000 1,840,000 Carleton Street area underground utilities, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving) to be done as part of the proposed Police I Justice Development, including construction management services (RDH) - Fosler Thurston Drive Asphalt resurfacing including structure 0 110,000 to Kennebecasis Drive adjustments, cold milling and shouldering following reconstruction (funding support to be sought from D.D.T.) Rothesay A venue to end Street reconstruction (excavation, backfill, 0 140,000 curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services (PDH #100) - Union Street to Asphalt resurfacing including structure 0 55,000 Station Street adjustments and cold milling following reconstruction (funding support to be sought from D.D.T.) (PDH #100) - Fairville Realignment of intersection, retaining wall 4,200,000 4,200,000 Boulevard - Simms Corner - rehabilitation, including construction Bridge Road Corridor management services (Cathern'ood Street to Reversing Falls Bridge) TOTAL: $5.530.000 $11 ,240.000 Rural Road Upgrades Rural Road Upgrades Saint John Police I Justice Development * Sandy Point Road w&s Seaton Street · Smythe Street * Special - Route #100 Page 5 of 6 . MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS Co": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR PROJECTS INDICATED WITH. ARE DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Water Street Reconstruction Project Locatio n Description Other City Share Share Water Street area Development of Pugsley Park, including design 400,000 760,000 and construction management services TOTAL: $400.000 5760.000 Water Street Page 6 of 6 .. Proposed Pro2ram Summary For - 2010 Category No. of Other City Total Projects Share Share Storm 8 $0 $1,630,000 $1,630,000 Transportation 21 $1,030,000 $9,600,000 $10,630,000 TOTALS: 29 $1,030,000 $11,230,000 $12,260,000 Summary of Capital Costs (City Share) Storm 14.5% Transportation 85.5% Page 1 of 4 . MDH; MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C-": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR PROJECTS INDICATED WITH' ARE DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Storm Project Location Other Share City Share 170,000 w&s Autumn Street Wright Street to Glenbum Court (including Glenburn Court to dead end) w&s Elgin Street Victoria Street to Main Street w&s Hillcrest Drive Manawagonish Road to Fenton Drive w&s lack's Field Gooderich Street to Wright Street, including James Fan Court to Autumn Street Gooderich Street to Spruce Street w&s Seely Street Storm Water Management - Westfield Road Near Acamac Beach Road; At Civic #1654 w&s Waterloo Street Haymarket Square to Castle Street w&s Winona Avenue Gooderich Street to end Water & Sanitary Related Storm Projects No. Of Projects Sum Of Other Share Not Related W &8 Related 1 7 TOTALS: Description Install approx. 210m of new 300mm storm sewer for separation; easement acquisition, including design and construction management services Install approx. 180m of new 300mm storm sewer for separation, including design and construction management services Install approx. 550m of new 300rnrn and 375mm storm sewer for separation, including design and construction management services Install approx. 75m of new 300mm storm sewer for separation, including design and construction management services Install 17 Om of new 300mm storm sewer for separation, including design and construction management services Channel improvements, structure renewal, land acquisition in accordance with the Stonn Water Management Strategy, including design and construction management services Install approx. 400m of new 300mm and 375mm storm sewer for separation, including design and construction management services Install approx. 30m of new 300mm storm sewer for separation, including design and construction management services TOTAL: $0 $0 $0 Sum Of City Share $500,000 $1,130,000 $1,630,000 o o [65,000 o 340,000 o 55,000 o 100,000 o 500,000 o 270,000 o 30,000 II $1.630,000 Page 2 of 4 .. MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH; REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C.""; PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOllOWING YEAR PROJECTS INDICATED WITH" ARE DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Transportation Project Location Description Other Share City Share w&s Autumn Street Wright Street to G1enbum Court (including Glenbum Court to dead end) Civic #450 to Little River Bridge Bayside Drive w&s" Chesley Drive (PDH #100) - Bentley Street to Reversing Falls Bridge .. Chesley Drive (PDH #100) - Main Street to Bentley Street w&s Courtenay Avenue Belmont Street to Loch Lomond Road w&s Elgin Street Victoria Street to Main Street Fairville Boulevard Catherwood Street to Emco Lane Golden Grove Road Dresden Avenue to Essex Street East Green Head Road Civic #420 to Dwyer Road w&s Hillcrest Drive Manawagonish Road to Fenton Drive Loch Lomond Road Between Commerce Drive and Old Champlain Drive Street reconstruction (Excavation, backfill, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services Road reconstruction to correct superelevation of the road for safety, including construction management services Concrete curb & gutter repairs, concrete sidewalk repairs (City), stonn sewer (Merritt Street to Douglas Avenue), road excavation, backfill, structure adj ustments, paving, landscaping, including design and construction management services Concrete curb & gutter repairs, concrete sidewalk repairs (City), road excavation, backfill, structure adjustments, cold milling, paving, landscaping, including design and construction management services Curb, sidewalk, landscaping, cold milling, paving, land acquisition, easement acquisition, including design and construction management servIces Street reconstruction (excavation, backfill, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services New concrete sidewalk, landscaping (south side), including design and construction management services Road reconstruction (excavation, drainage control, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services Curb, sidewalk, asphalt cold milling, landscaping, paving, including design and construction management services Street reconstruction (excavation, curb, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services Slope stabilization on north side of road to be done in conjunction with renewal of Transmission Main #3, including construction management services o 170,000 o 600,000 655,000 655,000 375,000 375,000 o 355,000 o 170,000 o 200,000 o 1,650,000 o 350,000 o 465,000 o 300,000 Page 3 of 4 . SAINT JOHN MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PRQVINCIALL Y DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH; REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS wills; WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C-": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR PROJECTS INDICATED WITH. ARE DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Transportation Project Location Description Other City Share Share Mountain View Drive McAllister Drive to Mountain Road reconstruction (drainage control, 0 680,000 Road excavation, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services w&s Newman Street Elgin Street to Holly Street, Street reconstruction (storm sewer, excavation, 0 400,000 including Holly Street from backfill, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), Newman Street to Victoria Street including design and construction management services w&s Prince William Street Queen Street to Water Street Street reconstruction (excavation, underground 0 670,000 utilities, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, omamentallighting, paving), including design and construction management services Rural Road Upgrades Bolton Lane; Foulds Lane; Upgrade rural roads in accordance with the 0 160,000 Greenwood Lane previous design, including construction management services (Pre-approved by Common Council on May 8, 2007; M & C No. 2007-131 ) Rural Road Upgrades Johnston Road; Douglas Lake Design and land acquisition for upgrade of 0 550,000 Road rural roads, including design services (Pre- approved by Common Council on May 8, 2007; M & C No. 2007-]31) w&s Taylor Avenue Somerset Street to MacLaren Road reconstruction (excavation, backfill, curb, 0 600,000 Boulevard sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services w&s Virginia Street Mount Pleasant A venue East to Street reconstruction (drainage control, 0 200,000 end at Loch Lomond Shopping excavation, backfill, curb, sidewalk, Centre parking lot landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services w&s Waterloo Street Haymarket Square to Castle Curb, sidewalk, asphalt cold milling, paving, 0 380,000 Street including design and construction management services Westfield Road Highfield Avenue to River Road Drainage control, curb and sidewalk (north 0 420,000 Co-Op side), landscaping, cold milling, paving, including design and construction management services Westmor]and Road At Loch Lomond Road Intersection reconstruction to be done in 0 250,000 intersection conjunction with construction of One-Mile House Interchange including land acquisition, design and construction management services TOTAL: $1.030,000 $9,600.000 Page 4 of 4 ~ Proposed Proe:ram Summary For - 2011 Category No. of Other City Total Projects Share Share Storm 12 $0 $1,910,000 $1,910,000 Transportation 23 $1,300,000 $8,695,000 $9,995,000 TOTALS: 35 $1,300,000 $10,605,000 $11,905,000 Summary of Capital Costs (City Share) Transportation 82.0"10 Page 1 of 5 e SAINT JOHN MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIAllY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RElATED PROJECTS Co"": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOllOWING YEAR PROJECTS INDICATED WITH" ARE DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Storm Project Location Description Other City Share Share 0 30,000 0 230,000 0 65,000 0 55,000 0 200,000 0 70,000 0 155,000 w&s Allison Street Milford Road to Francis Street w&s Bridge Street Atlantic Towing location to Spar Cove Road, including Hammond Street Loch Lomond Road to Courtenay Avenue w&s Jean Street w&s Kennedy Street Main Street to end w&s Magazine Street Metcalf Street to Webster Street w&s Main Street Through site of old Forum w&s Milford Road Civic #101 to end of road Millidge Avenue Daniel A venue to Hayward Court w&s Russell Hill Road Balmoral Crescent to Green Head Road W&s Saint Clair A venue Balmoral Crescent to Greenhead Road Storm Water Management Strategy Various locations w&s Visart Street Churchill Bou]evard to Harrington Street, including Harrington Street from Visart Street to Turnbull Place Renew approx. 4 catch basins including laterals and instal] new storm manhole, including design and construction management services Install approx. 400m of new 300mm storm sewer for separation, including design and construction management services Install approx. 1] Om of new 300mm storm sewer for separation, including design and construction management services Install approx. 80m of new 300mm storm sewer for separation, including design and construc6on management services Install approx. 270m of new 300mm storm sewer for separation, including design and construction management services Install approx. 85m of new 600mm storm sewer for separation, including design and construction management services Install approx. 170m of new 300mm storm sewer for separation, renew approx. 6 catch basins and laterals including 3 new manholes, including design and construction management services Install approx. 140 m of300 mm storm sewer for separation, including design and construction management serviccs Install approx. 380 m of new 300 mm storm sewer for separation, including design and construction management services Install approx. 250m ofnew 300mm storm sewer for separation, including design and construction manag~rnent services Channel improvements, structure renewal, land acquisition in accordance with the Storm Water Management Strategy, including design and construction management services Install approx. 155m of new 300mm storm sewer for separation, including design and construction management services o 1] 0,000 o 240,000 o ]55,000 o 500,000 o 100,000 Page 2 of 5 . MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIAllY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C-": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOllOWING YEAR PROJECTS INDICATED WITH' ARE DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Storm Project Location Description Other Share City Share TOTAL: II $1.910.000 Water & Sanitary No. Of Sum Of Sum Of Related Storm Projects Projects other Share City Share Not Related 2 $0 $610,000 W&S Related 10 $0 $],300,000 TOTALS: ]2 $0 $1,910,000 Page 3 of 5 . MClH: MUNICIPAL C1ESIGNATECI HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIAllY DI"'SIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONAllY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C-'*: PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOllOWING YEAR PROJECTS INDICATED WITH. ARE DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Transportation Project Location City Share Description Other Share w&s Allison Street Milford Road to Francis Street Alpine Street Morley Crescent (lower leg) to Morley Crescent (upper leg) w&s Bridge Street Atlantic Towing location to Spar Cove Road Crown Street Hanover Street to Hayrnarket Square Francis Street Milford Road to Allison Street Gault Road Civic #143 to Manawagonish Road Sandy Point Road to Fisher Lakes Drive, including Arrow Walk Road from Hawthorne A venue Extension to Mount Pleasant Avenue Loch Lomond Road to Courtenay Avenue w&s Hawthorne Avenue Extension w&s Jean Street Latimore Lake Road Phase IV - Bustin Boulevard to Eldersley Avenue w&s Magazine Street Metcalf Street to Webster Street w&s Milford Road Civic # 1 0 I to end of road w&s MilIidge A venue Daniel A venue to Manners Sutton Road Mollins Drive Manchester Avenue to Dexter Drive Road reconstruction (excavation, backfill, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and constru?tion management services Street reconstruction (storm sewer, excavation, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services Street reconstruction (excavation, curb, sidewalk (east sidc), landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services Road widening, new stonn sewer, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving, including design and construction management services Street reconstruction (widening, excavation, backfill, curb, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services Stonn sewer, new curb, new sidewalk, landscaping Road reconstruction (drainage control, road widening, excavation, backfill, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services Street reconstruction (excavation, backfill, road widening, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management servIces Road widening, drainage control, cold milling, landscaping, paving, including design and construction management services Street reconstruction (excavation, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services Road reconstruction (excavation, backfill, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services Road excavation, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, asphalt cold milling, resurfacing, including design and construction management services Street reconstruction (approx. 13 Om of new 300mm storm sewer, excavation, backfill, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including desi[P1 and construction management services o 95,000 o 480,000 o 360,000 o 300,000 o 125,000 o 580,000 o 1,070,000 o 280,000 o 570,000 o 400,000 o 290,000 o 465,000 o 750,000 Page 4 of 5 e MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIAllY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS Co""; PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOllOWING YEAR PROJECTS INDICATED WITH' ARE DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Transportation Project Location Description Other City Share Share w&s Prince William Street Princess Street to Duke Street Street reconstruction (excavation, curb, 350,000 850,000 sidewalk, paving), underground utilities, including design and construction management servIces Rural Road Upgrades Cook's Lake Road; Walsh's Road Design and land acquisition for upgrade of 0 250,000 rural roads, including design services (pre- approved by Common Council on May 8, 2007; M & C No. 2007.131) Rural Road Upgrades Johnston Road; Douglas Lake Upgrade rural roads in accordance with the 0 460,000 Road previous design, including construction management services (Pre-approved by Common Council on May 8,2007; M & C No. 2007-131) w&s Russell Hill Road Balmoral Crescent to Green Curb, new sidewalk, landscaping, paving, 0 340,000 Head Road including design and construction management servIces w&s Saint Clair Avenue Balmoral Crescent to end Curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving, including 0 240,000 design and construction management services · Sandy Point Road (RDH) . Samuel Davis Drive to Asphalt resurfacing including cold milling and 0 110,000 Tucker Park Road shouldering following reconstruction (funding support to be sOllght from D.O.T.) · Somerset Street (RDH). Pugsley Avenue to Street reconstruction (stonn sewer, excavation, 425,000 90,000 Samuel Davis Drive backfill, curb, sidewalk, landscaping), including design and construction management services · Somerset Street (RDH) - Pugsley Avenue to Asphalt resurfacing including structure 0 265,000 Samuel Davis Drive adjustments, to occur only after reconstruction · Somerset Street (RDH). Wellesley Avenue to Street reconstruction (storm sewer, excavation, 525,000 110,000 Pugsley A venuc backfill, curb, sidewalk, landscaping), including design and construction management serVIces · Somerset Street (RDB) - Wellesley Avenue to Asphalt resurfacing including structure 0 215,000 Pugsley Avenue adjustments and cold milling, to occur only after reconstruction TOTAL: $1.300.000 $8.695.000 Page 5 of 5 . ProDosed Proeram Summary For - 2012 Category No. of Other City Total Projects Share Share Storm 14 $0 $1,935,000 $1,935,000 Transportation 25 $1,140,000 $8,870,000 $10,010,000 TOTALS: 39 $1,140,000 $10,805,000 $11,945,000 Summary of Capital Costs (City Share) Page 1 of 6 . MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS e-n: PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOllOWING YEAR PROJECTS INDICATED WITH' ARE DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Storm Project Location w&s Adelaide Street Between Victoria Street and Newman's Brook w&s City Line Windy Ridge Lane to Guilford Street w&s Earle Avenue Between Earle Avenue dead-end and Lewin Park w&s Edward Avenue Lancaster Avenue to end; end of Edward Avenue to end of Earle Avenue w&s First Avenue First Street West to end (Civic #1036) w&s King Street West (RDH) - Market Place to Ludlow Street w&s Market Place (RDH) - King Street West to Rodney Street w&s Princess Street Charlotte Street to Sydney Street River Hill Drive Dwyer Road to Silvermount Crescent, including existing storm outfall Storm Water Management Strategy Various locations w&s Summit Drive Civic #176 to Civic #254 w&s Waterloo Street Richmond Street to Civic #142 Description Install approx. 125m of new storm sewer for separation, including design and construction management services Install approx. 30m of new 300mm storm sewer for separation, including design and construction management services Install approx. 35m of new 300mm storm sewer for separation, including design and construction management services Install appwx. 155m of new 300mm storm sewer for separation, easement acquisition, including design and construction management services Install approx. 95m of new 300mrn storm sewer for separation, including design and construction management scrvices Install approx. 110m of new 300mm storm sewer for separation, including design and construction management services Install approx. 350m ofnew 300mm, 375mm, 450mm, 750mm, 900mm, and 1200mm trunk storm sewer, easement / land acquisition, including design and construction management services Install approx. 100m of new 300mm storm sewer for separation, including design and construction management services Install approx. 300m of new 300rnm and 375mm storm sewer for separation in the area and renew existing 300mm with new 450mm storm outfall, induding design and construction management services Channel improvements, structure renewal, land acquisition in accordance with the Storm Water Management Strategy, including design and constructio!l management services Install approx. 220 m of new 300 mm storm sewer, including design and construction management services Install approx. 60m of new 300mm storm sewer for separation, including design and construction management services Other City Share Share 0 110,000 0 30,000 0 20,000 0 115,000 o 50,000 o 60,000 o 365,000 o 60,000 o 330,000 o 500,000 o 110,000 o 35,000 Page 2 of 6 . MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS POH; PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS Co""; PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR PROJECTS INDICATED WITH" ARE DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change atany time. Storm Project Location Description Other Share City Share w&s Wentworth Street King Street East to Orange Street w&s Westmorland Road McLaughlin Crescent to Loch Lomond Road Water & Sanitary No. Of Sum Of Related Storm Projects Projects Other Share Not Related 2 $0 W &S Related 12 $0 TOTALS: 14 $0 Install approx. 150m of new 300mm storm sewer for separation, including design and construction management services Renew approx. 80m of 375mm storm sewer, including design and construction management services o 100,000 o 50,000 TOTAL: 12 $1.935.000 Sum Of City Share $830,000 $1,[05,000 $1,935,000 Page 3 of 6 .. MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONAllY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS e-u: PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR PROJECTS INDICATED WITH. ARE DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Transportation Project Location Other Share City Share 525,000 Road reconstruction (storm sewer, excavation, backfill, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management servIces Trinity Church to Princess Street Street reconstruction, underground utilities, including design and construction management services Anglin Drive Pidgeon Terrace to Sandy Point Road Anglin Drive Thombrough Street to Pidgeon Terrace (including storm sewer on Pidgeon Terrace from Anglin Drive to end) Visart Street to Pugsley Avenue Beaverbrook Avenue Charlotte Street Creighton A venue Rosedale Crescent to Champlain Drive (at traffic circle) · Digby Ferry Road (RDH) - Lancaster Street to ferry toll booth Elgin Road Glengarry Drive (lower end) to Glengarry Drive (upper end) w&s Fegan Court Wellesley Avenue to end Foley Court Loch Lomond Road to end w&s John T. McMillan Avenue (Glenview Avenue) w&s * King Street West Belgian Road to Golden Grove Road (RDH) - Market Place to Ludlow Street · Main Street (PDH #100) - Chesley Drive to Metcalf Street Mark Drive Martha A venue to Michael Crescent Description Storm sewer, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, cold milling, paving, including design and construction management. services Storm sewer, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, cold milling, paving, including design and construction management services Road reconstruction (storm sewer, road widening, excavation, curb, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services Road reconstruction (excavation, backfill, curb & gutter, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services Street reconstruction (storm sewer, excavation, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services Curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving, including design and construction management services Street reconstruction (excavation, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services Storm sewer, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving, including design and construction management services Street reconstruction (excavation, backfill, cold milling, paving), including design and construction management services Concrete curb & gutter repairs, concrete sidewalk repairs (City), road excavation, backfill, structure adjustments, paving, including design and construction management services Curb, sidewalk, landscaping, asphalt cold milling, resurfacing, including design and cons~.~~ion management services o o 705,000 o 680,000 240,000 420,000 o 900,000 160,000 160,000 0 410,000 0 95,000 0 180,000 0 395,000 80,000 80,000 250,000 250,000 o 190,000 Page 4 of 6 . MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s; WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS Co"; PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOllOWING YEAR PROJECTS INDICATED WITH. ARE DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Transportation Project Location City Share Description Other Share w&s * Market Place (RDH) - King Street West to Rodney Street Millidge Avenue Manners Sutton Road to RKYC w&s Princess Street Charlotte Street to Sydney Street w&s Queen Square North Charlotte Street to Sydney Street w&s Red Head Road Red Head Marsh to Old Red Head Road Rural Road Upgrades Cook's Lake Road; Walsh's Road Rural Road Upgrades Willow Roadway; Gerry Drive Sherwood Drive Champain Drive to Ian Street w&s Summit Drive Woods Avenue to Lensdale Crescent w&s Sydney Street Broad Street to St. James Street w&s Waterloo Street Castle Street to Cliff Street w&s Wentworth Street King Street East to Orange Street Street reconstruction (excavation, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving); easement I land acquisition, including design and construction management services Road excavation, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving, including design and construction management services Street reconstruction (excavation, backfill, underground utilities, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services Curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving, including design and construction management services Road reconstruction (culvert renewal, ditching, expanded foam asphalt, asphalt resurfacing), including design and construction management serYlces Upgrade rural roads in accordance with the previous design, including construction management services (Pre-approved by Common Council on May 8, 2007; M & C No. 2007-131) Design and land acquisition for upgrade of rural roads, including design services (Pre- approved by Common Council on May 8, 2007; M & C No. 2007-131) Drainage control, curb, sidewalk (one side), landscaping, paving, including design and construction management services Drainage control, new curb, new sidewalk, landscaping, paving, including design and construction management services Street reconstruction (excavation, backfill, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services Curb, sidewalk, asphalt cold milling, paving, including design and construction management services Street reconstruction (excavation, curb, sidewalk, landscaping, paving), including design and construction management services 200,000 2 10,000 200,000 o 200,000 655,000 o 135,000 o 510,000 o 195,000 o 195,000 o 825,000 o 190,000 o 200,000 o 255,000 o 320,000 Page 5 of 6 . MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C-..: PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR PROJECTS INDICATED WITH. ARE DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Transportation Project Location Description Other Share City Share TOTAL: $1,140.000 $8,870.000 Page 6 of 6 CAPITAL PROJECTS 2008 - 2012 CITY OFSAINT JOHN FACILITY MANAGEMENT " .; LOCATION 2008 2009 20.10 2011 2012 FACILITY MANAGEMENT - $1,800,000 $1,110,000 $1,100,000 $700,000 $1,023,000 LEISURE SERVICES $1,478,000 $940,000 $750,000 $550,000 $615,000 - FIRE DEPARTMENT $203,000 $278,000 ' $154,000 $119,000 $228,000 POLlCE DEPARTMENT $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 MUNICIPAL OPERATIONS 8< FLEET $2,338,000 $2,380,000 $140,000 $50,000 $50,000 - TOTALS: $5,819,000 $4,708,000 $2,144,000 $1,419,000 $1,916,000 GRAND TOTA.L: $16,006,000 CITY OF SAINT JOHN North of Union Redevelopment Plan 2008-2010 Working Paper 2008 2009 2010 Land Acquisition $3,000,000 Design North - 500,000 Police Infrastructure 400,000 Design Design - Parking Private Sector Legal, Consultants, 500,000 Communications Construction Costs Police 11,862,500 11,862,500 Parking 6,500,000 6,500,000 Arts Center 900,000 900,000 Infrastructure 1,700,000 50% of 1,000,000 Pedway/Plaza 45,624,000 $4,400,000 $20,962,500 $20,262,500 Notes: '" If a p3 - All payments will be due on occupancy * Based on 2008 dollars * Best Estimates =I: Parking Garage - There will be an investment by the Parking Commission. DRA If}~ , City of Saint John Canada Games Stadium Retrofit Plan 2009-2010 Working Paper (includes Only the Existing Facility) 2009 2010 Synthetic Track $682,325 Artificial Turf 802,050 Grandstand Renovation 525,000 Equipment Storage 75,000 Lighting - Parking 250,000 260,960 Lot/Roads Movable Bleachers 250,000 334,375 510,960 25% Contingency !Design 583,593 127,740 Fees 2,917,918 638,700 Funding Sources UNB 500,000 300,000 Emera (50% of Recreation 600,000 338,700 Monies) City of Saint John 1,000,000 R.D. C. (Province) 871,918 $2,917,918 $638,700 Question: The City would invest $1.6 Million. The Proponents will be seeking $2 Million DRAFT': City of Saint John Lily Lake / Rockwood Park Redevelopment Plan A True Partnership - Now or Never Working Paper 2009 2010 Public Gardens 364,518 - Roads & Parking $4,003,990 - Lily Lake Pavilion 390,940 - Lily Lake Trail 590,000 500,000 High Wood Trail 63,730 Duck Pond 377,174 Heritage Pond 15,102 Public Parking/Picnic - 256,227 Trail Park Campground 1,104,300 East Trails and Ponds 244,192 $5,349,448 $2,560,729 Funding Sources Emera Brunswick (Trail 450,000 0 Money) Emera Monies - Road 1,000,000 0 Work Emera Money (50% of 600,000 0 Recreation Money) Horticultural Association 500,000 650,000 City 2,799,448 1,910,729 Total 5,349,448 $2,560,729 . An ideal project for RDC, but will conflict with Waterfront and Canada Games. . This Project hits all ofthe right buttons . A partnership between City, Emera, Horticultural, Tourism, Environment, Green space, Heritage, etc, the People's Park. DRAFT Rockwood Park Redevelopment Projects Conceptual Cost Estimates November 8, 2007 BDA ... ~-:'u...A.rC"1't. Arch1:/;"cf;.r ~28 M-tli". Slr-M::t SUSi'5e.~ Nfl E4E 2~f5 C ~1 l~ a d ~ Proiect 1 - Public Gardens Items Quantitv Unit Unit Price Cost Asohalt Parkin!:! Area 600 8Q.m $35.00 $21,000.00 Concrete CurbinQ 107 Iin.m $90.00 $9,630.00 Unit Pavina Walkway 245 sQ.m $125.00 $30,625.00 Remove Fence 285 lin.m $0.00 New Entrv 1 lump $0.00 $0.00 New Multi-use Trail 1 lumD $10,500.00 $10,500.00 Existina Trail Removal 1 lump $0.00 $0.00 North Pedestrian En1rv 1 lump $40,000.00 $40,000.00 South Pedestrain Entrv 1 lumo $20,000.00 $20,000.00 Historic LiQhls 10 each $7,000.00 $70,000.00 Topsoil and Sod 1140 sQ.m $7.50 $8,550.00 Asphalt Trail (3m width) 456 sq.m $25.00 $11,400.00 PlantinQ 1 lump $10,000.00 $10,000.00 Subtotal $231,705.00 20% Contlnaency $46,341.00 15% Desian & Engineering $41,706.90 HST $44,765.41 Total $364,518.31 Proiect 2 . Roads and Parkina Items Quantitv Unit Unit Price Cost Street Lia hts 20 each $20,000.00 $400,000.00 Pedestrian LiQhts 21 each $7,000.00 $147,000.00 Trail 1700 m2 $25.00 $42,500.00 Street Trees 135 each $600.00 . $81,000.00 Coniferous Trees 45 each $250.00 $11,250,00 Shrub Plantina 120 each $75.00 $9,000.00 Topsoil and sod 7250 m2 $7.50 $54,375.00 Lake Drive BridQe 1 lump $400,000.00 $400,000.00 Lake Drive Storm Water Control 1 lump $25,000.00 $25,000.00 Entrv Markers- Hawthorne Ave. 1 lump $20,000.00 $20,000.00 Main Entrv Gatel Sionage 1 lump $60,000.00 $60,000.00 Plantinal Walkwavs at community Garden 1 lump $40,000.00 $40,000.00 Armour Stone Retaining Wall 1 lump $45,000.00 $45,000.00 Overilow Parkina Area 1 lump $10,000.00 $10,000.00 Relocate Hvdro 1 lump $0.00 Entrance Road and Municipal Services 1 lump $1,200,000.00 $1,200,000.00 Subtotal $2.545,125.00 20% Contingency $509,025.00 15"" Design & Engineering $458,122.50 HST $491,718.15 Total $4,003,990.65 Prolect 3 - Lllv Lake Pavilion Area Items Quantity Unit Unit Price Cost Pedestrian Liohts 2 each $7,000.00 $14,000.00 Timber Boardwalk 5 sections $5,500.00 $27,500.00 Unit Pavina 750 sq. m. $130.00 $97,500.00 Unit Stone Retaining Walls 80 Sq. m. $400.00 $32,000.00 Exterior Stairs and RailinQ 3 flights $10,350.00 $31,050.00 Planter Curbs 46 I.m. $200.00 $9,200.00 LandscapinCl- trees, shrubs, oerenials 1 lump $15,000.00 $15,000.00 Topsoil and sod 1100 sq. m. $7.50 $8,250.00 Furniture - benches, waste recepticles, bike storage 1 lump $14,000.00 $14,000.00 Subtotal $248,500.00 20% Contingency $49,700.00 15% Design & Engineering $44,730.00 HST $48,010.20 Total $390,940.20 Prolect 4 - Lilv Lake Trail Items Quantity Unit Unit Price Cost New Asphalt Trail 2055 sq, m. $25.00 $51,375.00 Upgrade Existing Trails 3060 sq m. $15.00 $45,900.00 Boardwalk 130 m. $1,400.00 $182,000.00 Rip-Rap 2450 cu, m. $45.00 $110,250.00 Common Backfill 1540 cu, m. $15.00 $23,100.00 Filter Fabric 1400 sq, m. $2.00 $2,800.00 Topsoil and sod 1400 sa. m. $9.00 $12,600.00 Stream Crossings 3 each $15,000.00 $45,000.00 Look-out Structures 3 each $30,000.00 $90,000.00 Furniture - benches, waste recepticles, bike storage 1 lump $46,500.00 $46,500.00 Water Access Points 2 each $5,000.00 $10,000.00 LandscapinQ - clearinQ, planting, shore repair 1 lump $75,000.00 $75,000.00 Subtotal $694,625.00 20% Contingency $138,905.00 15% Design & Enaineerlna $125,014.50 HST $134,182.23 Total $1,092,626.73 Prolect 5 - Hiahwood Drive Multi-use Trail and Mountain Walk Trail Items Quantity Unit Unit Price Cost New Stonedust (1.5m) Trail- HiQhwood 336 sQ.m $15.00 $5,040.00 Upgrades to Mountain Walk Trail 770 sO.m $10.00 $7,700.00 Upgrades to Highwood Trail 420 sq.m $10.00 $4,200.00 Highwood to Mountain Walk Connections 57 SO.m $10.00 $570.00 Lookout! Seating Area- Mountain Walk Trail 1 lump $15,000.00 $15,000.00 Mountain Walk Trail Stone Stair 1 lump $0.00 Signage 4 each $2,000.00 $8,000.00 Boardwalks and Culverts $0.00 Subtotal $40,51Q.00 20% Contingency $8,102.00 15% Design & Engineering $7,291.80 HST $7,826.53 Total $63,730.33 Proiect Sa - Duck Pond Items Quantity Unit Unit Price Cost Regrade Pond Edges 1 lump $15,000.00 $15,000.00 Asphalt Demolition $0.00 Asphalt Walkway (3m) 730 sq.m $25.00 $18,250.00 Duck Feeding Lookout Stone RetaininQ Wall 20 I.m $1,300.00 $26,000.00 Duck Feeding Lookout Railing 20 I.m $0.00 Duck Feeding Lookout Granite Sollards 8 each $2,000.00 $16,000.00 Seatina-Area and Historic Structure 1 Jump $30,000.00 $30,000.00 Pedestrain Bridge and Railing 1 lump $50,000.00 $50,000.00 Pedestrain LiClhts 4 each $7,000.00 $28,000.00 Deciduous Trees 20 each $600.00 $12,000.00 Shrubs 1 lump $15,000.00 $15,000.00 Perennials 1 lumo $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Toosoil & Sod sq,m $0.00 Clearino and Thinning Slope 1 lumo $0.00 Benches 8 each $1,500.00 $12,000.00 Waste RecepticJes 2 each $1.000.00 $2,000.00 Sianaae Stones 3 each $2,000.00 $6,000.00 Bike Rack 3 each $1,500.00 $4,500.00 Subtotal $239,750.00 20% Continaencv $47,950.00 15% Desian & Enaineerlna $43,155.00 HST $46,319.70 Total $377,174.70 Proiect 6b . Heritaqe Pond Items QuantitY Unit Unit Price Cost Fence Relocation 100 Iin.m $0.00 Stonedust Walkway 3m width (HTcihwood TraiT) sa.m $25.00 $0.00 Dam ReDair 1 lumo $0.00 Carriaae Bridee Repair & RailiriQ 1 lump $0.00 Stonedust Trail to Allison Grounds (1.5m width) so.m $25.00 $0.00 Stonedust Trail Mountain Link (1.5m width) so.m $25.00 $0,00 Look-out 1 lump $0.00 Benches each $1,500.00 $0,00 Trees (Highwood Trail) 6 each $600.00 $3,600.00 STc:lnage Stones 3 each $2,000_00 $6,000.00 Subtotal $9,600.00 20% Contlnaency $1,920.00 15% Deslan & Enalneerlna $1,728.00 HST $1,854.72 Total $15,102.72 Prolect 7 . Public Parking and Picnic Area Items QuantItY Unit Unit Price Cost Asonalt Parkina 1100 sO.m $35.00 $38,500.00 Concrete Curbina 185 lin.m $90.00 $16,650.00 Remove Existino Road and Restore 1 lumo $0.00 Remove and Reoair Existina Tent Sites, Road and Storao-e areas 1 lumo $0.00 New Stonedust Trail (1.8m width) 288 sa.m $15.00 $4,320.00 New Chain Link Fence (2.5m) 290 lin.m $60.00 $17,400.00 Plantina- Trees and Shrubs 1 lumD $15,000.00 $15,000.00 Topsoil and Seed sO.m $5.50 $0.00 Picnic Tables 10 each $0.00 Benches 6 each $1,500.00 $9,000.00 Waste Recepticles 3 each $1,000.00 $3,000.00 Bike Racks 2 each $1,500.00 $3,000.00 Pedestrian Liahts 8 each $7,000.00 $56,000.00 Subtotal $162,870.00 20% Contingency $3.2,574.00 15% Desion & Enaineering $29,316.60 HST $31,466.48 Total $256,227.08 Proiect 8. CampQraund Items Quantity Unit Unit Price Cost New Full Service Site (water only) 4 each $1,500.00 $6,000.00 New Full Service Site (electrical and water) 19 each $5,000.00 $95,000.00 New Tent Site 15 each $1,500.00 $22,500.00 Remove and Restore Tent Site 15 $0.00 $0.00 Remove and Restore Full Service Site 8 $0.00 $0.00 Multi-use Buildino (10m x 15m) 1 lump $225,000.00 $225,000.00 New Asphalt Campground Entry Road 800 sq.m $35.00 $28,000.00 Relocate Reception Building (provide new roof, siding and service) 1 lump $0,00 New Steel Roof and Hardii Plank Siding for Existing Building 3 each $25,000.00 $75,000,00 Concrete Curbina 550 lin.m $90.00 $49,500.00 Gravel Top Up of Roadways and Campsites 1 lump $10,000.00 $10,000.00 Remolle and Restore Existing Roadway 1500 sq,m $25.00 $37,500.00 Stonedust Trail (2.5m width) BOO SQ.m $15.00 $9,00000 Deciduous Tree (60mm Cal) 70 each $600.00 $42,000.00 Deciduous Tree (40mm Cal) 81 each $450.00 $36,450,00 Coniferous Tree (1m Height} 40 each $200.00 $8,000.00 Coniferous Tree (1.5m HeiQht) 40 each $250.00 $10,000.00 Shrubs 250 each $75.00 $18,750.00 Topsoil and Seed sQ.m $5.50 $0.00 New Chain Link Fence (2.5m Height) 280 Jin.m $60.00 $16,800.00 Timber Bollards 50 each $250.00 $12,500.00 Subtotal $702,000.00 20% Continaencv $140,400.00 15% Desian & Engineering $126,360.00 HST $135,626.40 Total $1,104,386.40 Project 9. East Trails and Pond Items Quantity Unit Unit Price Cost Multi-use Stonedust Trail (3m width) 750 sq.m $15.00 $11,250.00 Stonedust Trail (1.8m width) 180 sq.m $15.00 $2,700.00 Boardwalk Stream Crossin!:! (2m width) 6 lin.m $1,800.00 $10,800.00 Lookout Area (4m Diameter) 1 lump $1,300.00 $1,300.00 Restore Existing Roadway(5m width) to Trail (2m width) 750 SQ.m $25.00 $18,750.00 Restore Existing Roadway (5m width) to Trail (3m width) 500 sq.m $25.00 $12,500.00 TOPsoil and Seed all Disturbed Areas sq.m $5.50 $0.00 Asphalt ParkinQ 600 sq.m $35.00 $21,000.00 Concrete Curbing- Parking Island 110 lin.m $90.00 $9,900.00 Remove ExsitinQ Roadwav Island (restore roadway 7m width) 1 lump $0.00 Pond Gradingl Brush Removal 1 lump $0.00 New Dam at Pond Area 1 lump $15,600.00 Pond Lookout Stone Retaining Wall 12 fin.m $1,300.00 $15,600.00 Pond Lookout Railing 12 fin.m $0.00 Flag Stone Surface 25 SQ.m $0.00 Flat Stone Seating 1 lump $0.00 Planting- Native Plant Restoration! Canopy Trees 1 lump $30,000.00 $30,000.00 North Parking Asphalt Removal 90 sq.m $25.00 $2,250.00 North Parking Area Curbing 30 Iin.m $90.00 $2,700.00 North Parking Area Topsoil and seed 90 sq.m $5.50 $495.00 North Parking Area Stonedust Trail Exlention 25 SQ.m $15.00 $375.00 Sianaae 1 lump $0.00 Relocate Control Gate 1 lump $0.00 Subtotal $166,220.00 20% Contingency $31,044.00 15% Design & Engineering $27,939.60 HST $29,988.50 Total $244,192.10 Grand Total $7,912,889,23~ SECTION IV 2008 WATER & SEWER UTILITY OPERATING AND CAPITAL REPORT TO COMMON COUNCIL December 6th, 2007 His Worship Mayor Norm McFarlane And Members of Common Council The City of saint tohn Your Worship and Members of Council, SUBJECT: SAINT JOHN WATER (UTILITY FUND) SUMMARY OF PROPOSED 2008 OPERATING AND eAPIT AL BUDGETS PURPOSE OF REpORT This purpose of this report is to provide a summary for review and discussion on the proposed Water and Sewerage Utility Fund Operating and Capital Budgets for 2008, and associated recommendations for user rates. TIME FOR RENEWED STRATEGIC DIRECTION Wastewater (harbour) clean-up is well underway, but conversion to full drinking water treatment remains a substantial challenge. Along with these high profile service upgrades is a need to invest sufficiently in ongoing infrastructure renewal. Value for money over the long term will not be realized unless there is adequate commitment of renewal funding annually in every operating budget. BACKGROUND The utility serves over 60,000 citizens, plus thousands of visitors, students and people who work in Saint John, as well as the industry, businesses and public institutions that are the foundation of our socio-economic capacity. The rate-paying customer base of the utility is made up of (as of November 2007): G1 13,645 flat-rate accounts, covering 16,845 water and 16,580 wastewater residential service connections; GQ. 2,919 industrial, commercial, and institutional (lCI) metered accounts; and ot The City of Saint John (General Fund) for fire hydrant protection and the storm drainage capacity provided by the utility's so-called combined sewers, sewers that carry both sanitary and storm water flows. DRAFT F~~l'l \' l( L'; 'lU~,. ",--,..., Our Business is Your Water / Votre eau, c'est notre affaire 0\' ~.",f~;~. t' 'i, "" _"-, i \'~;~l\ / '"Iv_ ...~~.,..,. Saint John Water (Utility Fund) Summary of Proposed 2008 Operating and Capital Budgets December (jll', 2007 Page 2 Daily water production averaged approximately 44 million IOPD (imperial gallons per day) in 2006; over 16 billion IG or 73 million m3 annually. About 91 % of consumption goes to industrial-commercial-institutional customers. System users have invested substantially in their utility services in recent years - in response to increasingly higher quality expectations for potable water, improved environmental protection and harbour clean-up, and better service reliability. Rates have risen steadily for all user classes - the various metered leI groupings, as well as flat-rate residential households. For example, residential flat-rate charges have increased by over 76% since 2000, from $395 per year to $696 in 2007: Notwithstanding these higher user rates, the price of services remain reasonable; particularly when compared to several other household costs - cable television, telephone and internet, electricity, bottled water and fuel. Water is a service essential to life itself, and the associated sanitary sewage or wastewater service is vitally important to public health and our environment. These municipal services are also important to the community's economic base and delivery of its health and other social services; they go to the heart of our quality of life and economic well-being. Utility budgets set by Common Council to support the provision of water and wastewater services and to cover the fiscal charges associated with very determined capital improvement programs have raised steadily over recent years. Capital Contributions from Others It is noteworthy that other governments have made substantial investments in water and wastewater infrastructure in Saint John; contributions totalling over $68.5 million in the last seven years; investments that have had a direct and beneficial impact on the utility's bottom line and the community's ability to advance water and wastewater service quality. Review of Rates and Rate Structure Options In 2002, a business plan review evaluated revenue needs, long-term capital plans, and revenue sources. The study presented a rate model and financial framework for Saint John Water. The 2004 strategic direction called for regular review of utility operations and business systems, including user-rates charged for services. The next generation of business analysis was initiated in 2006 to study of rates and rate structure options, with the goals of clarifying pricing policies and assuring the public that equity is reflected in the rates charged for water and wastewater services. The analysis has also included an assessment of rate adequacy, required infrastructure investment levels and rate structure alternatives. A draft of the consultant's report has just been received and is currently under review. DRAFT Our Business is Your Water / Votre eau, c'est notre affaire ,VIi. \\" 1 ~~ ri ,1\ 'l~,,, .....~.v~~~ Saint John Water (Utility Fund) Summary of Proposed 2008 Operating and Capital Budgets December 6/", 2007 Page 3 Focus ON PREPARING THE FUTURE DIRECTION It is time for update of the strategic direction for Saint John Water, to set a course aligned fully with the commWlity's vision for its future. The plan needs to explain realistically the service upgrade requirements that are before us, include an unwavering commitment to infrastructure sustain ability, and chart a pragmatic, yet proactive financial picture. The issues listed below will need focused attention in 2008. The decisions flowing from the dehberations on these will set the future course for utility services and, as such, time must be taken to prepare the community for the challenges ahead: 01 Safe, Clean Drinking Water 01 Saint John Harbour Clean-Up 01 Taldng on the Infrastructure Deficit 01 Report on Review of Rates and Rate Structure Options OIl Establishing the Rate Structure for the Future G1 Community/Customer Consultation 01 Resolution of Outstanding Rate Agreements 01 Refined Service Profiles and Management Plans PROPOSED 2008 OPERATING BUDGET The proposed Operating Budget, attached, outlines the utility's operating plan for 2008. Expenditure Budget Total proposed expenditures for 2008 are $29,733,124, essentially the same as 2007. These cover the costs projected for general operations, utility administration and the fiscal charges associated with the capital construction program. Revenue Budget The proposed revenue schedule reflects the fact that several important policy questions will come before Council in the coming months; matters ranging from an action plan for safe, clean drinking water to a report on a comprehensive review of rates and rate structure options to possible changes in the rates structure. The decisions of Common Council will set the course for the future; a direction that could be different in several respects from that presently in place. As such, we believe it prudent to hold the line for 2008 - to allow time for proposed policy directions to be presented publicly, discussed with stakeholders, thoroughly analyzed with recommendations prepared by staff, and a fair opportunity for Council to weigh the options available to it. DRAFT Our Business is Your Water / Votre eau, c'est notre affaire "\' '!I.....,j. .. ~.:. t' \, ". j ..: I " ~. \. 'I ." 11. i,.. ~""'" ~='-l~"" Saint John Water (Utility Fund) Summary of Proposed 2008 Operating and Capital Budgets December 6fll, 2007 Page 4 Planned Operatine: Hie:hlie:hts - 2008 The underlying objective of all operating programs of Saint John Water is delivery of safe, reliable; good quality water and wastewater services to the community, at reasonable cost to ratepayers with expenses equitably allocated among customer classes. Some areas of emphasis in 2008 will be; Oil SCADA (System Control And Data Acquisition) Oil Drinking Water Model M Westmorland Road Water Booster Station M Park Street Water Pumping Station M Morna Heights and Greenwood Wastewater Treatment Facilities M Service Profiles and Programs Oil Preventive Maintenance Oil Water Quality Sampling Oil Sewer Use By-Law and Standards M Uni-directional Flushing (UDF) Ciii Infrastructure and System Records Oil Energy Efficiency M Watersheds PROPOSED 2008 WATER & SEWERAGE RATES Significant in utility budget proposals are the rates to be charged for services. User- charges must cover operating costs and enable the service obligations of the utility to be met. Although customers should expect user rates to rise somewhat in future years, it is proposed that rates be held at 2007 levels for 2008: Oil Residential Rates The residential flat rate would remain at $696; a water charge of$316.36 and a sanitary charge of$379.64 (120% of the water charge). GQ leI Metered Rates Rates for metered industrial-commercial-institutional customers would remain unchanged from 2007. DRAFT OUf Business is Your Water / Votre eau, c'est notre affaire , QfJt ~\". 'Ii I.'.. . ' . '" ~ \ \: ~l " I -$" -,&' I.~ 'to-~""\'I",~~""",. Saint John Water (Utility Fund) Summary of Proposed 2008 Operating and Capital Budgets December 6rl', 2007 Page 5 PROPOSED 2008 CAPITAL BUDGET Underlying the capital investments being proposed for 2008 are the utility's core obligations to the public: safety of drinking water, the elimination of environmental contamination and related public health consequences, and sustainable management of infrastructure assets. The ever increasing rigor in regulatory standards is also making utility operations more and more demanding. This was recently highlighted in the New Brunswick Government's throne speech. The public needs to appreciate that the costly capital initiatives being proposed are improvements that must be made. The proposed Capital Budget for 2008 totals $45,035,000; with $24.1 million coming from other government partners and just over $21 million from utility customers. A detailed listing of planned projects is attached. Thirty-one (31) projects are being contemplated for 2008; all designed to address the community's most pressing water and environmental needs. Tentative project lists are also provided for 2009 through to 2012. Proiect Manae.ement Capacity A critical consideration is the capacity of professional engineering resources to manage the huge capital construction program that needs to be undertaken; to protect the substantial public investment being made through that program and assure the attainment of desired objectives. Private sector engineering consultants are being extensively utilized and staff resources are stretched to the limit. Where feasible, operational managers have taken on responsibility for overseeing capital projects and technical support staff is fully engaged. It is our intention, with the blessing of Common Council, to put in place required resources to manage this expanded and very demanding program. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE REVIEW It is proposed that Council review the 2008 Operating and Capital Budgets currently proposed for the Water and Sewerage Utility Fund and provide guidance to staff. + J.M. Paul Groody, . Eng. Commissioner, Saint J 000 Water Gregory J. Yeomans, CGA, MBA Commissioner of Finance Terrence L. Totten, FCA City Manager Our Business is Your Water / Votre eau, c'est notre affaire 12/6/2007 SAINT JOHN WATER OPERATING BUDGET 2008 & 2009 Watersheds 297,537 324,884 334,631 Water Treatment 1,581,494 2,246,678 2,314,078 Water Pumping & Storage 1,075,778 1,216,200 1,252,686 Water Systems 2,875,865 2,960,741 3,049.563 Hydrants & lei Metering 937,886 847,765 873,198 Wastewater Collection 1,562,776 1,549,367 1,595,848 Wastewater Pumping 1,101,646 1,198,835 1,234,800 Wastewater Treatment 2,096,339 2,206,982 2,273,191 W & S Administration 3,340,763 2,826,561 2,911,358 Programs & Services 726,203 738,604 760,762 W & WW Engineering 904,267 772,756 795,938 Other Internal Charges 395,630 422,560 437,740 Net pension costs 500,950 182,677 189,989 17,397,134 17,494,608 18,023,782 Fiscal Charges Debt servicing 8,551,512 9,315,624 10,279,336 Capital from Operating 3,778,435 2,922,892 3,555,939 Total Fiscal Charges 12,329,947 12,238,516 13,835,275 Total Expenditures 29,727,081 29,733,124 31,859,057 Revenues Fire Protection Levy 1,708,119 1,882,000 1,974,000 Storm Sewer Levy 1,153,960 986,123 1,014,060 Flat rate residential customers 11,728,974 11,728,974 12,612,169 Other revenues 225,000 225,000 225,000 Special agreement customers By-law Metered Accounts 14,911,028 14,911,027 16,033,828 Total revenues 29,727,081 29,733,124 31,859,057 DRAFT Page 1 of 1 (:;:.~\,..:. I ')1 ~ :,.~, ('\, -'.-:"".' \ \!) \.. "',l~ I'll E CITY OF SAI:\'1 .1011:\ :\IL'ICIPAL OPERATIO:\S & E1\CI:\EERI:\C CAPITAL PI{OCRAM Sl'\l\'L\RY \" & S lJTI LITY FL.\i () 06-Dec-07 Category Proposed Proe:ram Summarv For - 2008 No. of Other Utility Projects Share Share Total Infrastructure Renewal- Sanitary 10 $0 $1,990,000 Infrastructure Renewal - Water 12 $0 $5,675,000 Wastewater Treatment 4 $24,100,000 $12~050,000 Water Service Needs 2 $0 $770,000 Watershed Protection 3 $0 $550,000 TOTALS: 31 $24,100,000 $21,035,000 $1,990,000 $5,675,000 $36,150,000 $770,000 $550,000 $45,135,000 Summary of Capital Costs (Utility Share} Water Service Needs Wata~ed Protection 2.6% Infrastr ucture Renewal. Sanitary 9.5% Infrastructure Renewal. Water 27.0% Wastewater Treatment 57.3% Page 1 of 7 ',f~j MDH; MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C-*': PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOllOWING YEAR .: PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Infrastructure Renewal - SanitaQ: Project Location Utility Share Description Other Share Cedar Point Subdivision At Cedar Point Park sanitary lift statio n Energy Efficiency Improvements - -~ . . Various WaStewater System facilities Gault Road At Gault Road sanitary lift station Westgate Drive to Gault Road Manawagonish Road Mount Pleasant A venue Civic #400 to Rocky Terrace Parkhill Drive Easement between Parkhill Drive and Braemar Drive Princess Street Prince William Street to Charlotte Street Rope Walk Road Somerset Street to Millidge A venue Wastewater Pumping Facilities Wastewater Pumping Stations at Rothesay A venue and Simpson Drive Westgate Park At Westgate Park sanitary lift station Upgrade sanitary lift station handling capacity in accordance with previous study, including ~onstruct~~nrn~~gement ~~~ices Implementation of energy saving measures as recommended by the Energy Feasibility Study to improve energy efficiency ~ Phase I, !ncluding; cons~~tion .1l1llIl~~ement services Electrical upgrades to Ii ft station, including desi.gn and c?~~c~i~ll m~~e~ent servi~ces Install approx. 370m of new 200mm sanitary sewer (to be done in conjunction with road reconstruction), including design and construction management services --- , . Renew and relocate approx. 270m of250mm conc. with new 200mm sanitary sewer in conjunction with road realignment, including design and constnlctiolltn~~cment services Renew approx. 100m of 300mm sanitary sewer to relocate facilities from under existing house location, including design and construction rnana~ement services Renew approx. 220m of300mm T,C, (1878) sanitary sewer, including design and construction managemen! services Renew approx. 475 m of 225mm T.e. and 300mm concrete with new 200mm sanitary sewer, including design and construction management services Design for upgrade of electrical and mechanical systems to increase capacity of wastewater pumping stations, including design lII1d construction mana~ement servkes Upgrade sanitary lift station and forcemain system in accordance with previous study and design, including design and construction tllan~gement seryices TOTAL: o 200,000 o 50,000 o 75,000 o 320,000 o t80,000 o 95,000 o 190,000 o 420,000 o 35,000 o 425,000 IQ $1.990.000 Page 2 of 7 ,<'tit"t. 'i~l\ , MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C-": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR .; PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Infrastructure Renewal- Water Project Location Description Other Share Utility Share East Transmission System Eastern Water Transmission Main System Energy Efficiency Improvements Various Water System facilities Manawagonish Road Westgate Drive to Gault Road Mount Pleasant A venue Civic #400 to Rocky Terrace, including Arrow Walk Road to Hawthorne A venue Extension Parkhill Drive Easement between Parkhill Drive and Braemar Drive Princess Street Prince William Street to Charlotte Street Rope Walk Road Somerset Street to Millidge Avenue Rothesay A venue Complex At Rothesay Avenue Saint John Police I Justice Development Union Street J Hazen Avenue f Carleton Street area Study far evaluation of the condition and efficiency of the Saint John East Transmission Main System including inspection of2 tunnels between Robertson Lake and Latimer Lake, inclu~ing desi~n services Implementation of energy saving measures as recommended by the Energy Feasibility Study to improve energy efficiency - Phase I, including canstructi.on ~ana~em_ent services Install approx. 730m of new 200mm watennain (to be done in conjunction with road reconstruction), including design and construction management serv!ces Renew and relocate approx. 270m of existing and install approx. 170m of new 250mm watennain in conjunction with road realignment, including design and construction mana~ement services Renew approx. 100m of 200mm watennain to relocate facilities from under existing house location, including design and construction management services Renew approx. 275m of 150mm. 200mm and 250mm C.1. with new 200mm and 250mm wate11l1ain, including design and construction . managel1l~nt serv!ces Renew approx. 520m of 200mm with new 250mm watennain, including design and construction management services Installation af automatic electrical transfer switch, electrical panel, backup generator, and all necessary appurtenances as upgrade to the existing electrical system, including design services Design for renewal of water and sewer facilities in conjunction with street reconstruction as part of the proposed Police J Justice DeveI~pment, includillg desig~ services o 450,000 o 50,000 o 640,000 o 340,000 o 90,000 o 240,000 o 490,000 o 475,000 o 100,000 Page 3 of 7 ",:(<<i:', (~\. .~;,:. ' \~~l~ , THE CITY OF SAl;\lT .JOH!\ ~H;l\ICIPAL OPERATIONS & ENCINEERI~r; PIH)POSED \V,--I\: S FI'~J) PIH)(;I{A\') MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS W&S'. WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C...: PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR .: PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS 06-Dec-07 zoos This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Infrastructure Renewal- Water Project Location Description Other Share Utility Share Watermain Cleaning and Lining Phase IV . Old East Saint John Cleaning and lining of approx. 5.9 km of existing C.I. watennains to improve water quality and flows in the area, including design and construction management services (Pre- approved by Common Council on May 7, 2007; M & C No. 2007-132) Phase V . To Be Determined Cleaning and lining of approx. 6 Ian of existing C.I. watennains to improve water quality and flows in the area, including design and construction management services (Pre- approved by Common COWlcil on May 7, 2007; M & C No. 2007-132) uC." .. Various locations Removal of existing watennain flushing cross" connections between the water distribution and sanitary collection systems; installation of new fire hydrant for future flushing requirements. This project is in compliance with the provincially issued Certificate of Approval to Operate. Watennain Cleaning and Lining Watermain Flushing Removal TOTAL: o 1,100,000 o 1,200,000 o 500,000 1Q $5.675.000 Page 4 of 7 ,<_tl_\::_-~_i J';,- c. . ... \\~l~ MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVfNCIALL Y DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C-**: PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE. FOLLOWING YEAR *. PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of pl'Oposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Wastewater Treatment Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share Bayside Drive area Construction of sanitary forcemain, easement I 2,320,000 1,160,000 land acquisition, including construction management services - Phase II ". _ ~.. >. ... . _ _. ..c . At Hazen Creek Construction of new upgraded sewage 15,840,000 7,920,000 treatment plant, outfall extension, including construction management services - 50% fun~ling(Subph~se ~2 At Bridge Street Design and construction of Lift Station #22, 2,000,000 1,000,000 including design and wnstruction management services At Thorne Avenue STP location Construction of Lift Station #4, easement I land 3,940,000 1,970,000 acquisition, including construction management services TOTAL: $24.100.000 $12.050.000 ~ Bayside Drive ~ Eastern Wastewater Treatment Facility ~ Spar Cove Road ~ Thorne Avenue Page 5 of 7 ,;~~.C~.~..I. ',\. ,~. \\~l~ MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C-**: PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR *: PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Water Service Needs Project Location Description Other Share Utility Share Flow Monitoring Water Distribution System Instal1ation of system meters for monitoring of flows and data collection on the water distribution system in accordance with the Water Strate~, includin.gdesi~n ~ervices. Funding to supplement the 2006 Capital Program for preliminary design, testing, and option considerations for new Water Treatment Facilities, including design services o 320,000 Water Treatment To Be Detennined o 450,000 TOTAL: .i2 $770.000 Page 6 of 7 '~'.C:'\i!:; "", ' J t. v:, _' .' \~~l\ , MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C,": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR .; PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Watershed Protection Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share 0 200,000 0 100,000 0 250,000 Watersheds Various locations Land acquisition for watershed protection Structure evaluation and dam condition report, including design~ervices - Phase 2 of 3 Construction of facilities to protect watersheds from runoff from highway hazards, including desi~ and construction mana~ement services Watersheds Watersheds Loch Lomond Watershed To Be Determined TOT AL: 12 $550,000 Page 7 of 7 "~i, \"!!~ 1- \ \Jl~' THE CITY OF S;\I:\T .1011:\ \lli'\ICIP.\L OPERATIO\'S & E.\GI.\EERI\:G CAPITAL PHOGRA'l Sl'M'J..\R\ \\' & S UTILITY FL'.\D 06-Dee-07 Category Proposed Prol!ram Summary For - 2009 No. of Other Utility Projects Share Share Total Infrastructure Renewal - Sanitary 10 $0 $1~630,OOO Infrastructure Renewal- Water 14 $0 $5,665,000 Wastewater Treatment 6 $18,520~OOO $9,260,000 Water Service Needs 6 $0 $4,645,000 Watershed Protection 3 $0 $500,000 TOTALS: 39 $18,520,000 $21,700,000 $1,630,000 $5,665,000 $27,780,000 $4~645~000 $500,000 $40,220,000 Summary of Capital Costs (Utilitv Sharel Waters hed Protection 2.3% Infrastructure Re ne w al . San itary 7.5% Infrastructure Renewal- Water 26.1% Wastew ate r Treatment 42.7% Page 1 of 7 "~!~, 'I'll E CITY OF SAI~T .1011 \' \1 U~ICI PAL OPERt\TIONS ,,~ ENe INEEI{I N(; PROPOS~D \V & S Fli]\'l} PROCRAiVI MDH; MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIAllY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS e-..; PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR .; PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS 06-0ec-07 2009 This Is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Infrastructure Renewal - Sanitary Project Location Other Share Utility Share Description Renewapprox. 170m of375mm T.C, (1899) with new 250mm and 300mm sanitary sewer, including design and construction management services Renewapprox. 435m of200mm T,C. sanitary sewer, including design and construction manage~en~.servic~s Renew approx. 200m and install approx. 65m of new 200mm sanitary sewer in conjunction with street reconstruction, including design and construction maIl~~_e~ellt se!yices Rehabilitation of manholes the sanitary system in the area to correct ground water / stonn flow infiltration based on the previous study, i~cludillg d~~i~l]services Improvements to the sanitary system in the area to correct ground water f storm flow infiltration based on the previous study, including design services Improvements to the sanitary system in the area to correct ground water I storm flow infiltration based on the previous study, including design services Smoke testing ofthe sanitary system in the area to detect sources of stonn flow infiltration, including design and construction management services Renew approx. 270m of200mm sanitary sewer in conjunction with street reconstruction as part of the proposed Pollee! Justice Development, including constructionm:magement services Improvements to the sanitary system in the area to correct ground water / storm flow infiltration based on the previous study, including design services Lancaster and Millidgeville Installation of new backup electrical generators Wastewater Treatment Facilities at the treatment facilities, including construction management services Albert Street Victoria Street to Main Street Belmont Street Courtenay A venue to Mount Pleasant Avenue East EUerdale Street Civic #506 to Westmorland Road Saint John East Sanitary Sewer Infiltration Study Champlain Heights / Industrial Parks East area Saint John East Sanitary Sewer Infiltration Study Forest Hills I Glen Falls Trailer Park / Morland Trailer Park areas Saint John East Sanitary Sewer Infiltration Study Thorne A venue I Russell Street I Rothesay Avenue ( Lower Loch Lomond Road area Saint John North / South Sanitary Sewer In filtration Study North End and South / Central Peninsula areas Saint John Police! Justice Development Union Street / Hazen Avenue / Carleton Street area Saint John West Sanitary Sewer Infiltration Study Milford I Dominion Park area Wastewater Treatment Facilities TOTAL: o 195,000 o 380,000 o 260,000 1} 80,000 o 100,000 o 100,000 o 85,000 o 190,000 o 100,000 o 140,000 ~ $1.630.000 Page 2 of 7 'zf~, TilE CITY OF SAINT .JOII'\i )Vl r :\Iel PA L OPERATIONS &: E:'\C 11\ EEIH 1\(; PIH)POSED \\1 & S 1<"(1.'\' D PROG RA 1\1 MDH; MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIAllY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH REGIONAllY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C-"; PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR '; PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS 06-Dee-O? 2009 This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Infrastructure Renewal- Water Project Location Description Oth er Utility Share Share 0 165,000 0 150,000 0 530,000 0 100,000 Renew approx. 160m of200mm C.I. (1889) with new 200mm watermain, including design a.nd co~~~t.i~~. m~a~e~~nt servi~es Installation and implementation of automatic meter reading equipment and software for the !:a?~~..~X_'-"~l.t~r~et~rs_..._ Renew approx, 455m of 150mm and 200mm C.I. with new 400mm watermain, including de~iPJ. and c(ms?:,c~ion!l!an<:gement services Install 2 new 300mm strainers on existing 300mm PR V's for protection of 900mm Hyprescon Transmission Main, including associated piping rearrangements, including desipl !ll~..col1s~c.ti()fi Il1~~~ement services Civic #506 to Westmorland Road Renew approx. 200m of 400mm Hyprescon Transmission Main in conjunction with street reconstruction, including design and constru~tio~rna~agement services Design for structural lining of approx. 670m of 300mm watermain under the Saint John Throughway, inc~u~in~de~ign services Renewapprox. 170m of 150mm C.I. with new 200mm watermain, including design and cons1:rllction maJ?a~eme!1t services Renew approx. 315m of 200mm C.I. watermain, including design and construction .m~~~rnent se1Vices Union Street I Hazen Avenue I Renew approx. 45Sm of 200mm and 300nun Carleton Street area C.I. watermain in conjunction with street reconstruction as part of the proposed Police ( Justice Development, including construction tll~agernent service.s Renewapprox. 120m of ISOmm C.I. with new 200mm watermain, including design and . c?~sn:u~ti()l1l1!al1~~:.l11ent St:rvi.c~s Design for renewal of approx. 1700m of deteriorated Transmission Main #3, easement a~quisition, incl~di~.g design _ser~i~es Rehabilitation of existing water storage reservoirs to meet required safety regulations, including design and construction management services Albert Street V ictoria Street to Main Street AMR (Automatic Meter Reading) System Various locations Belmont Street Courtenay A venue to Mount Pleasant Avenue East Douglas Avenue At Chamber No. 30, near Reversing FaIls Bridge Ellerdale Street Fairville Boulevard Fairville Boulevard to Honeysuckle Drive; Beaver Court to Sherbrooke Street Rothesay Avenue to end Frederick Street Market Place (RDll) . Rodney Street to St. John Street Saint John Police ( Justice Development Seaton Street Rothesay A venue to end Transmission Main #3 East Old Champlain Drive to Westmorland Road near EIIer~al~ Su:~~t (p~Y_I~~~tion) Rockwood Park; Spruce Lake; Millidgeville; Cottage Hill; Lakewood Water Storage Reservoir Rehabilitation o 220,000 o 25,000 o 130,000 o 250,000 o 340,000 o 95,000 o 400,000 o 260,000 Page 3 of 7 '<_J.:, \'~l\: , MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PPH: PROVINCIAllY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C-.': PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR ': PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Infrastructure Renewal- Water Project Location Description Other Share Utility Share Various locations Cleaning and Hning of existing unlined C.I. watermains to improve pressure, water quality, and fire flows in the area . _c~.. on _ ._. _ . Removal of existing watermain flushing cross- connections between the water distribution and sanitary collection systems; installation of new fire hydrant for future flushing requirements. This project is in compliance with the provincially issued Certificate of Approval to Operate. o 2,500,000 Watennain Cleaning and Lining Various locations Watennain Flushing Removal o 500,000 lQ. $5.665.000 TOTAL: Page 4 of 7 'qjj'C> ,~,~~ , MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C-..: PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR ': PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Wastewater Treatment Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share * Bayside Drive Bayside Drive Area Construction of Lift Stations #1, #2, & #3 and I, I 00,000 550,000 ForcemainlCollector System, including construction mana~ement s~r:vices * Eastern Wastewater At Hazen Creek Construction of new upgraded sewage 15,840,000 7,920,000 Treatment Facility treatment plant, outfall extension, including construction management services. 50% ~n~~n~ (S1!bp~~s:B). * Gilbert Street Allison Grounds Area Construction of Lift Station #6 and 200,000 100,000 Forcemain./CoUector System, including construction management services " Red Head Road Red Head Road area Construction of Lift Station #50, including 120,000 60,000 construction management services .. . " Rothesay A venue Rothesay A venue (Canada Construction of Lift Station #5 and 300,000 150,000 Postal Station area) Forcemain./Collector System, including construction management services " Thome A venue I Egbert StreeVKimball Street! Construction of Collector system, easement / 960,000 480,000 Haymarket Square Seaton StreetlFrederick Street land acquisition, including construction area management services TOTAL: $18.620,000 $9.260.000 Page 5 of 7 '<<<.~~. ;, \\~l~ , MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS FOH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS Co-': PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR -: PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Water Service Needs Project Location Description Other Share Utility Share Dever Road Manchester Avenue to Church A venue, including Church A venue to Main Street West and Main Street West from Church Avenue to Charles Street West Flow Monitoring Water Distribution System Latimer Lake Intakes / Screen House At Latimer Lake Pipeline Road West Spruce Lake to Gault Road Water Distribution System. Water Quality V Mious locations Water Treatment To Be Determined Design for cleaning and lining of existing 600mm or installation of approx. I 800m of new 600mm Transmission Main proposed as part ofthe reconfiguration of the Western Water Distribution System, including design services Installation of system meters for monitoring of flows and data collection on the water distribution system in accordance with the Water Strate@', includin~ design services. Design for construction of a new screen house and renewal of2 existing intakes with 3 new 1050mm intakes, including design services Design for installation of approx. 3400m of new 600mm Transmission Main and I380m of 200mm distribution watennain proposed as part of the reconfiguration of the water distribution system, including design services. Install new watennains, fire hydrants, and valves to eliminate dead-ends and address water quality issues in the water distribution system Design for new Water Treatment Facilities to treat potable water supply for City in accordance with Water Strategy (modified Option 2B), including design services (to be funded equally in 2009 and 2010; estimated design cost - $7,000,000) o 170,000 o 245,000 o 310,000 o 320,000 o 100,000 o 3,500,000 TOTAL: !Q $4,645.000 Page 6 of 7 A.;a.~l 1.:;,( ,"'~Al \\~l~ TI-IE CITY OF SAINT .JOHN \H!NICIPAL OPEHATI01\S & E"\J(;INEERINC PROPOSED \V &: S Fl'1\D PH.OGHA"1 06-Dec.07 2009 - MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS ROH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C-": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR ': PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital proJocw. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Watershed Protection Project Location Description Other Share Utility Share VariOllS locations Land acquisition for watershed protection (as !equired) Structure evaluation and dam condition report., includin? desi~n s~~ices - Phase 3 ~f 3 Construction of faci Iities to protect watersheds from runoff from highway hazards, including design and construction management services o 200,000 Watersheds Loch Lomond Watershed Watersheds To Be Determined o 100,000 Watersheds o 200,000 TOTAL: !Q. $500.000 Page 7 of 7 ,~<.j" '\~l~ , Proposed Proe:ram Summary For... 2010 Category No. of Other Utility Total Projects Share Share Infrastructure Renewal - Sanitary 9 $0 $1,840,000 $1,840,000 Infrastructure Renewal - Water 15 $3,920,000 $5,400,000 $9,320,000 Wastewater Treatment 6 $9,080,000 $4,540,000 $13,620,000 Water Service Needs 6 $4,604,908 $8,035,000 $12,639,908 Watershed Protection 3 $0 $750,000 $750,000 TOTALS: 39 $17,604,908 $20,565,000 $38,169,908 Summary of Capital Costs (Utility Share) Watershed Protection 3.6% Infrastructure Renewal- Sanitary 8.9% Infrastructure Renewal- Water 26.3% Wastewater Treatm ent 22.1% Page 1 of 7 "Z~~' MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C-**: PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR *: PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Infrastructure Renewal Sanitary Project Location Description Other Share Utility Share Autumn Street Wright Street to Glenbum Court (including Olenbum Court to dead end) Chesley Drive (PDH #100) - Bentley Street to Reversing Falls Bridge Elgin Street Victoria Street to Main Street Hillcrest Drive Manawagonish Road to Fenton Drive Jack's Field Gooderich Street to Wright Street, including James Fan Court to Autumn Street Seely Street Gooderich Street to Spruce Street Virginia Street Mount Pleasant Avenue East to end at Loch Lomond Shopping Cen~ Parking lot Haymarket Square to Castle Street Waterloo Street Winona Avenue Gooderich Street to end Renewapprox. 120m of existing 200mm, 300m~ and 375rnm T.e. with new 200mm, and install approx. 50m of new 200mm sanitary sewer, including design and construction mana$ement services Renewapprox. 120m of300mm sanitary sewer, including design and construction management servic~s_.. Renewapprox. 95m of 375mm (1899) with new 250mm sanitary sewer, including design and construction management servi.ees Renewapprox. 560m of200mm and 300mm T.C. sanitary sewer, including design and construction management services . ___..____ or . ,... Renewapprox. ]75m of300mm T.C. and line approx. 85m of 300mm and 375mm sanitary sewer; easement acquisition, induding design and construction management services , ..- Renew 170m of225mm T.e. (1878) with new 200mm sanitary sewer, including design and construction mana~ement ~_e.rvice~ Renewapprox. 180m of200mm T.e. and Cone. sanitary sewer, including design and construction management services Renew approx. 330m of300mm and 375mm T.e.sanitary sewer (]869), including design and constructio~ manageme.nt service~ Renew approx. 31m of 225mm conc. (]958) with new 200mm sanitary sewer, including design and construction management services o ]70,000 o 135,000 o ] 00,000 o 435,000 o 385,000 o ]40,000 o ] 60,000 o 285,000 o 30,000 TOTAL: 1Q. 51.840.000 Page 2 of 7 " r.,: ., ~; t < , '~t~', MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIAllY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C.": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOllOWING YEAR ': PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This Is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Infrastructure Renewal- Water Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share Autumn Street Wright Street to Glenbum Court Renew approx. 170m of existing 150mm C.I. 0 170,000 (including Glenbum Court to with new 200mm watennain, including design ~:~d:n~) and conStructioflrnan.~~:.nt "servi~es Chesley Drive (PDH #100) - Bentley Street to Renew approx. 625m of 200mm and 300mm 0 620,000 Reversing Falls Bridge C.l. with new 300mm watermain, including design and construction management services ----- ------ --- ------ Elgin Street Victoria Street to Main Street Renew approx. I SSm of 200mm and 300mm 0 165,000 C.!. watennain, including design and construction management services Fairville Boulevard Fairville Boulevard to Structural lining of approx. 670m of 300mm 0 425,000 Honeysuckle Drive; Beaver watermain under the Saint John Throughway, Court to Sherbrooke Street including construction management services w _. ,. . .... ..,..- . ~ - . . - - .. . * Harbourview To Be Determined To Be Determined (Project made possible by 1,080,000 0 Subdivision Water Federal Gas Tax Revenue) S)istem Hillcrest Drive Manawagonish Road to Fenton Renewapprox. 520m of200mm c.\. 0 395,000 Drive watennain, including design and construction management services Newman Street Albert Street to Rotary Court Install approx. 155m ofnew 200mm watermain 0 160,000 to eliminate two dead ends and improve water quality in the area, including design and construction management services Russell Hill Road I Saint Russell Hill Road / Saint Clair Design for renewal of water and sanitary 0 50,000 Clair A venue Area Avenue Area facilities in the area to improve flows and eliminate dead ends, and for reconstruction of the streets, including design services Seely Street Gooderich Street to Spruce Renewapprox. 170m of 150mm C.\. with new 0 140,000 Street 200mm watermain, including design and construction mana~ement services Transmission Main #3 Old Champlain Drive to Renew approx. 1700m of deteriorated 2,840,000 0 East Westrnorland Road near Transmission Main #3, including construction Ellerdale Street (pRV location) management services (Project made possible by Federal Gas Tax Revenue) Transmission Mains East Various locations Rehabilitation of existing vaults, valves and 0 250,000 appurtenances on 600rrun and 900mm transmission mains, including design and construction Illll!1.~~e.Il1~nt servi~es V irginia Street Mount Pleasant A venue East to Renew approx. 225m of 150mm C,!. with new 0 2 I 0,000 end at Loch Lamond Shopping 250mm watermain, including design and ~e~~p_w:~ing lot collstrl.!-c!ion mana~e.rnent .~ervices. Waterloo Street Haymarket Square to Castle Renew approx. 330m of 300mm C.I. 0 285,000 Street watermain (1856), including design and construction management services Page 3 of 7 \!~, I'll E CITY OF SAI!\T .lOll \ jVlli~JCIPAL OPERATIONS & FN(;INEERI~'C PIHlPOSEI> \V & S Fl!~1) PROGRAM 06-Dec-07 201H MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s; WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C.": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR ': PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Infrastructure Renewal- Water Project Location Description Oth er Share Utility Share Watermain Cleaning and Lining Various locations Cleaning and lining of existing unlined C,!. watermains to improve pressure, water quality, and fire flows in the area Renew approx. SSm of 25mm copper (1958) with new 50mm water service, including design and construction~~agetllent~en.'ices o 2,500,000 Winona A venue Gooderich Street to end o 30,000 TOTAL: $3.920.000 $5.400.000 Page 4 of 7 ,(ii', \ll\ , MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C.": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETlON THE FOLLOWING YEAR ': PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This Is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Wastewater Treatment Project Location Description Oth er Utility Share Share * Crown Street Crown Street Construction of Lift Station #7 and 200,000 100,000 ForcemainlCollectoT system, including construction management services -. -- .---- - .- .. - . ,-- .I< Crown Street Near Britain Street Construction of Lift Station #8 and 2,380,000 1,190,000 ForcemainlCollector system, including construction management services _ .. .___.,. ..__0 ~____~_.. .,_.. .........-- .-. · Dominion Park / Dominion Park/P1easant Point Construction of Lift Stations #32 at Pleasant 940,000 470,000 Pleasant Point area Point & # 3 3 at Dominion Park, and ForcemainlCollector Systems, induding construction management services .I< Long Wharf Long Wharf Area Construction of Lift Station #10 and 2,980,000 1,490,000 ForcemainlCollector System, including construction management services ._ "." . n,"__ __ * MacLaren Boulevard I North of Flemming Court; Install approx. 810m of new 200mm, 3oomm, 360,000 180,000 Sandy Point Road MacLaren Boulevard to Sandy and 375mm sanitary sewer, easement Point Road through easement acquisition, including design and construction behind Hazen White School 1l1anagelllent services · Water Street Water Street Mea Construction of Lift Station #9 and 2,220,000 1,110,000 ForcemainlCollector System, including construction management services TOTAL: $9.080.000 $4.540.000 Page 5 of 7 '~t~, MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH; PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS ROH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C.": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR +: PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects, This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Water Service Needs Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share Flow Monitoring Water Distribution System Installation of system meters for monitoring of 0 150,000 flows and data collection on the water distribution system in accordance with the W~~rStrategJ' includin~ design services. Gault Road Gault Road Water Pumping Evaluation of the future necessity for the Gault 0 45,000 Station Road Water Pumping Station with respect to the reconfigured Western Water Distribution System, includingde~i~n se~ices Latimer Lake Intakes / At Latimer Lake Construction ofa new screen house, 4,604,908 0 Screen House installation ofapprox. 600m of new 1050mm intake pipe, including construction management services (Project made possible by Federal Gas Tax Revenue) . - Pipeline Road West Spruce Lake to Gault Road Install approx. 3400m of new 600mm 0 4,240,000 Transmission Main and 1380m of200mm distribution waterrnain proposed as part ofthe reconfiguration of the water distribution system, including construction management services. Water Distribution Various locations Install new watermains, fire hydrants, and 0 100,000 System - Water Quality valves to eliminate dead-ends and address water quality issues in the water distribution system Water Treatment To Be Determined Design for new Water Treatment Facilities to Q 3,500,000 treat potable water supply for City in accordance with Water Strategy (modified Option 2B), including design services (to be funded equally in 2009 and 2010; estimated desiw-' cost - $7,000,000) TOTAL: $4.604,908 $8.035.000 Page 6 of 7 ....\1..:.11:;- ~. fi"'; . . '\\J~\' MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGf.lATED HIGHWAYS ROH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C-": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWIf.lG YEAR ': PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program liSting of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Watershed Protection Project Location Description Other Share Uti Iity Share Watersheds Loch Lemond Walershed Land acquisition for watershed protection (as required) Structure renewal, including design and ~nstruc1iorl rnanagementservices Construction of facilities to protect watersheds from runoff from highway hazards, including design and construction mHnagementservices o 200,000 Watersheds To Be Detennined o 350,000 Watersheds Various locations o 200,000 TOTAL: 12 $750.000 Page 7 of 7 i {'ill. ;, \~'~l' , TilE CITY OF SAtyr .1011:\ !\I L:\ ICI PAL oprn.YIIO\S & E\(;I\EEH.I:\G CAPITAL PROGRA\I Sl"\D1AR\ \" & S LTILITY FL\1l 06-Dec-07 Proposed Proe:ram Summary For - 2011 Category No. of Other Utility Total Projects Share Share Infrastructure Renewal- Sanitary 15 $0 $2,880,000 $2,880,000 Infrastructure Renewal - Water 17 $0 $5,955,000 $5,955,000 Wastewater Treatment 3 $4,340,000 $2,170,000 $6,510,000 Water Service Needs 5 $9,800,000 $7,215,000 $17,015,000 Watershed Protection 3 $0 $800,000 $800,000 TOTALS: 43 $14,140,000 $19,020,000 $33,160,000 Summary of Capital Costs (Utilitv Sharel Wate rs hed Prote ction 4.2% Infrastructure Renewal. Sanitary 15.1% Infrastructure Renewal- Water 31.3% Wastewater Treatment 11.4% Page 1 of 8 (C~f!(, MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C-"; PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR ': PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Infrastructure Renewal Sanitary Project Location Utility Share Description Other Share Allison Street Milford Road to Francis Street Bridge Street Atlantic Towing location to Spar Cove Road, including Hammond Street Cedar Street (Saint John Power Boat Club) to Kennedy Street Cedar Street Celebration Street Stanley Street to end Jean Street Loch Lomond Road to Courtenay A venue Kennedy Street Main Street to end Magazine Street Metcalf Street to Webster Street Main Street Through site of old Forum Milford Road Civic # I 0 1 to end of road Prince William Street Princess Street to Duke Street Riverview Drive Algonquin Place to Civic #193 Russell Hill Road Balmoral Crescent to Green Head Road Saint Clair Avenue Balmoral Crescent to Greenhead Road Renew approx, 105m of 300mm T.C. sanitary sewer, including design and construction . man~~ll1en! services Renewapprox. 500m of225mm, 300rnm, and 450mm sanitary sewer, including design and cons.t:u~ti~n ll1an~~eE1en~8elVi~s Renew approx. 100m of 750mm and install approx. 200m of new 300mm sanitary sewer, easement acquisition, including design and construction maJ.1~~ment services Renew 100 m of300 rom sanitary sewer, including design and construction management services Renew approx. 210m of200mm T,C. (1926 & 1941) sanitary sewer, including design and construction m~agemen~ servi~es Renew approx. 80m of200mm T.e. (1893) sanitary sewer, including design and construction mana~ernent services . Renew approx. 130m of deteriorated 200rnrn sanitary sewer, including design and constru~tion management services Renew approx. 85m of 600mm T.e. (1926) with new 375mm sanitary sewer, easement acquisition, including design and construction management services Renewapprox. 115m of200mm and 180m of 300mm sanitary sewer, easement acquisition, including design and construction management services Renewapprox. 130m of existing 225mrn and 300mm T.C. and conc. sanitary sewer, including design and construction management services Install approx. 260m of new 200mm sanitary sewer for separation, including design and construction m~nage~~nt ~rvices Install approx. 290 m of new 200 mm sanitary sewer, including design and construction ~!ll~ernen!_serv!~es Renewapprox. 210m of200mm sanitary sewer, including design and construction management services o 100,000 o 400,000 o 260,000 o 95,000 o 170,000 o 75,000 o 110,000 o 120,000 o 305,000 o 110,000 o 205,000 o 240,000 o 190,000 Page 2 of 8 '~~~, MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: ~ROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C-**: PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR *: PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Infrastructure Renewal - Sanitary Project Location Description Other Share Utility Share Churchill Boulevard to Harrington Street, including Harrington Street from Visart Street to Turnbull Place Install approx. 25m of new 1050mm sanitary sewer to extend outfall; line approx, 30m of 1350mm steel tunnel liner, including design ~d con~tructio_~ man~g~e~t servic.es Renewapprox. I SSm of deteriorated 225mm T.e. (1954) with new 200mrn sanitary sewer, including design and construction management services o 340,000 Saint John Harbour Outfalls At Fort Latour Visart Street o 160,000 TOTAL: !!!. $2.880.000 Page 3 of 8 "l.'~ ~ j! I. '.'@>.J...."-(.' " - " V,:, . \\j~, , TilE CITY OF SAINT JOHN !\lLi:\ lei PA L OPEIV\ TIO!\JS & E!\GI NEERI NC PROPOSED \V & S Fur--;n PROGRA1VI MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS c...: PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR .: PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS 06-Dec-07 2011 This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Infrastructure Renewal- Water Project Location Description Other Share Utility Share Allison Street Milford Road to Francis Street Bridge Street Atlantic Towing location to Spar Cove Road, including Hammond Street .. - - . --' Cedar Street (Saint John Power Boat Club) to Kennedy Street Cedar Street Celebration Street Stanley Street to end East Musquash Water Pumping Station Jean Street At Pumping Station Loch Lomond Road to Courtenay Avenue Kennedy Street Main Street to end Magazine Street Metcalf Street to Webster Street Main Street Main Street to Hilyard Street Milford Road Civic #101 to end of road Prince William Street Princess Street to Duke Street Riverview Drive Algonquin Place to Civic #193 Russell Hill Road Balmoral Crescent to Green Head Road Renewapprox. 105m of 150mm C.!. with new 200mm watermain, including design and ~ol1S~c!ion man.a.gement s:rvices Renew approx. 560m of 150mm and 200mm C.I. with 200mm watermain, including design and construction management services -. . .,-,<.._.. ..,-_. ...... -,~-- --~ Install approx. 200m of new 200mm watermain to eliminate dead.ends; easement acquisition, including design and construction management services Renew 100 m of 300 mm watennain, including desi~ and construction !llanagement services Design and installation of electrical upgrades ~d pump controls, including ~esign services Renewapprox. 240m of 150mm and 200mm C.l, (1926 & 1935) with new 200mrn watennain, including design and construction mana~ement services Renew approx. 265m of 150mm and 200mm C.!. (1924) with new 200mm watennain, including design and construction management services Renewapprox. 130m of200mm C.!. (1959) watermain, including design and construction management services Cleaning and lining of approx. 150m of existing 200rnm watennain, including construction management services Renewapprox. 225m of 150mm C.!. and pve with new 200mm watennain, including design and construction !f1anagement services Renew approx. 170m of existing 300mm C.!. watermain, including design and construction man~~ement se~~ces . Renewapprox. 260m of 150mm C.!. with new 200mm watermain, including design and ~o.~~!IDction m~~geme~t~er:'i ces Install approx. 410 m of new 200 mm watermain to eliminate long services from behind properties, including design and construction management services ~ ., . ... ., o 90,000 o 440,000 o 210,000 o 95,000 o 475,000 o 190,000 o 235,000 o 110,000 o 60,000 o 195,000 o 135,000 o 205,000 o 325,000 Page 4 of 8 '~f~' MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH; REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C-"; PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR ': PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Infrastructure Renewal- Water Project Location Description Other Share Utility Share Saint Clair A venue Balmoral Crescent to Greenhead Road Renew approx. 210m of 150mm with new 200mm, and install approx. 200m of new 200mm watermain to eliminate dead end, easement acquisition, including design and conslILlction !I1anagemen! s~rvices Investigate condition of 1500mm Transmission Main, including design services o 365,000 Spruce Lake Between Spruce Lake and Irving Pulp and Paper location (l500mm Tr~smission Main) Churchill Boulevard to Harrington Street, including Harrington Street from Visart Street to Adelaide Street Various locations o 115,000 Visart Street Renew approx. 215m of200rnm C.r. (1950) watermain, including design and construction management services o 210,000 Watermain Cleaning and Lining Cleaning and lining of existing Wllined C.!. watennains to improve pressure, water quality, and fire flows in the area o 2,500,000 TOTAL: lQ. $5.955.000 Page 5 of 8 -:;;;.11:;:'.,:. (\~"'=.'~ " \~l~' MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PRQVINCIALL Y DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNA TEO HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C_u: PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR ': PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This Is B tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Wastewater Treatment Project Location Description Other Share Utility Share Highland Road; Robertson Square; Rowan Place Construction of Lift Station #34 at Monte Cristo Park and Forcemain'Collector System, i~cludin~5onstructior\ ~~~e.:nent s~rvices Construction of Lift Stations #21 at Highland Road, #23 at Robertson Square, & #24 at Rowan Place, and Forcemain/CoIlector Systems, including construction management services 540,000 270,000 '" Gault Road Gault Road area '" Indiantown 980,000 490,000 "Riverview Drive I Mill Street Riverview Drive/MitI Street area - . Construction ofUft Stations #2& and #29 at Riverview Drive, #30 at Riverview Avenue West, & #31 at Mill Street, and ForcemainJCollector Systems, including construction management services 2,820,000 1,410,000 TOT AL: $4.340,000 $2.170.000 Page 6 of 8 .,.,:;:.~\l..'.':'.lil!..:;'" (,~'~. ,... , - , ~.. \~~~1~ MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS POH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER REIJI.TED PROJECTS Co*': PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR ": PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. ThIs list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Water Service Needs Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share Manchester Avenue to Church Cleaning and lining of existing 600mm or 0 2,050,000 A venue, including Church installation of approx. 1800m of new 600nun Avenue to Main Street West and Transmission Main proposed as part of the Main Street West from Church reconfiguration of the Western Water Avenue to Charles Street West Distribution System, including construction m~~~ement ~ervices Water Distribution System Installation of system meters for monitoring of 0 100,000 flows and data collection on the water distribution system in accordance with the W ater Strate~y, including design services. Prince Street to Church A venue Design for cleaning and lining of approx. 0 65,000 BOOm of existing 600nun watermain proposed as part of the reconfiguration of the water distribution system, including design services Various locations Install new watennains, fire hydrants, and 0 100,000 valves to eliminate dead-ends and address water quality issues in the water distribution system To Be Detennined Construction of new Water Treatment Facilities 9,800,000 4,900,000 to treat potable water supply for City in accordance with Water Strategy (modified Option 2B), including construction man~agement services - Phase I TOTAL: $9.800.000 $7.215.000 Devey Road Flow Monitoring Lancaster Avenue f Main Street West Water Distribution System. Water Quality * Water Treatment Page 7 of 8 ';,t~'1 MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C-**: PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR *: PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Watershed Protection Project Location Description Other Share Utility Share Watersheds Loch Lomond Watershed Watersheds To Be Determined Watersheds Various locations Land acquisition for watershed protection (as required) Structure renewal, including design and . construction rnanagementservices Construction offacilities to protect watersheds from runoff from highway hazards, including design and construction management services o 200,000 o 400,000 o 200,000 TOT AL: 10. $800.000 Page 8 of 8 \("',1: 'I ~ :. ~<.j'(.. '\~l~ , TilE CITY OF SAI:\T .1011'\ \IL:\I('IPAL OPER"\TIO\S '--, E!\<;r\'EERI'\C CAPITAL PIU)(;RA \1 Sl YI\I.\RY \" & S UTILITY FL\D 06-Dec.07 Proposed Proe:ram Summary For - 2012 Category No. of Other Utility Total Projects Share Share Infrastructure Renewal - Sanitary 18 $0 $3,335,000 $3,335,000 Infrastructure Renewal- Water 21 $0 $3,295,000 $3,295,000 Water Service Needs 5 $9,800,000 $8,165,000 $17,965,000 Watershed Protection 3 $0 $800,000 $800,000 TOTALS: 47 $9,800,000 $15,595,000 $25,395,000 Summary of Capital Costs (Utility Share) Watershed Protection 5.1% Water Service Needs 52.4% Infrastructure Renewal - Sanitary 21.4% Infrastructure Renewal- Water 21.1% Page 1 of 7 v,.;~.., 1,1 'l ,:~t<, THE CITY OF SAII\'T .JOliN VIlNICIPAL OPEKYIIONS & E:\'CII\EERINC PROPOSED \V & S Fl!:\D PROCRAM MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH'. REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C-": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR ': PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS 06-Dec-07 2012 This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Infrastructure Renewal Sanitary Project Location Adelaide Street Between Victoria Street and Newman's Brook Broad Street Between Charlotte Street and Sydney Street City Line Charlotte Street West to Windy Ridge Lane City Line Windy Ridge Lane to Guilford Street; easement from City Line to Christmas Lane Civic #64 to lift station location Creighton A venue Edward Avenue Lancaster A venue to end Fegan Court Wellesley Avenue to dead.end First A Vf.lnue Civic #955 to Civic #1036 King Street West (RDH) - Market Place to Ludlow Street Market Place (RDH). King Street West to Rodney Street Princess Street Charlotte Street to Sydney Street Queen Square North Charlotte Street to Sydney Street Summit Drive Civic #176 to Civic #254 Desc rj ption Renewapprox, 125m of300mm sanitary sewer, including design and construction ~ana~e~.~.nt services . Renew approx. 85m of deteriorated 375mm T,C, and 450mm sanitary sewer, including ~esi~and cons1ructio!l:_lJla~~gem~nt services Renew approx. 100m of existing 225mm T,C. with new 200mm sanitary sewer, including de.sign ~d ~_I1_structi?n man.a~em_ent sel}'ice~ Renew approx, 1 t Om of existing 200mm and 300rnm T.e. sanitary sewer, including design and construction manag;~ment services Renewapprox. SSm of 200mm sanitary sewer due to heavy root infiltration, including design and construct~on management services Renew approx. 220m of I 50mm and 200mm T.C. with new 200mm sanitary sewer, including df.lsign and construction management services Renew 75 m of300 rom sanitary sewer, including design and construction management services Renew approx. 90m of existing 200mm T.c. and install approx. 75m of new 200mm sanitary sewer, easement acquisition, including design and construction mana~eJ?ent services Renew approx. 150m of 300mm sanitary sewer, including design and construction I!lanagement services Renewapprox. 125m of 300mm and 375mm T.C. sanitary sewer, including design and construction mllJ)agement s~rvicf.ls Renewapprox. 110m of 300mm T.c. (1870) sanitary sewer, including design and co~s::ru~tion management s.~rvi~es Renew approx, 92m of 225mm T.e, with new 200mm sanitary sewer, including design and . .~~I1stru?~()n II1~~age~~!lt .s_~1."i_ces. Renew 220 m of200 mm sanitary sewer, including design and construction management services Other Utility Share Share 0 130,000 0 80,000 0 100,000 0 120,000 0 45,000 0 170,000 o 60,000 o 145,000 o 125,000 o 130,000 o 95,000 o 85,000 o 165,000 Page 2 of 7 '1...1' I ~ i > "~~"c; '~~~, MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS POH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATEO HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C-": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR ': PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Infrastructure Renewal Sanitary Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share 0 40,000 0 1,500,000 0 85,000 0 95,000 Sydney Street Broad Street to Britain Street Wastewater Treatment Facilities - Local Morna Heights and Greenwood Subdivision Wastewater Treatment Facilities Richmond Street to Civic # 142 Waterloo Street Wentworth Street King Street East to Orange Street Westmorland Road McLaughlin Crescent to Loch Lomond Road Renew approx. 45m of225mm T.e. (1888) with new 200mm sanitary sewer, including desi~~ ~d ~o~struction man.~ernent services Upgrade of mechanical systems to increase process efficiency of the existing treatment facilities in acc~rdan~e \V~~.~~~previous ~esign Renewapprox. 95m of300mm T.e, (1870) sanitary sewer, including design and cons~~io.n rnan~ement services Renewapprox. 105m of 150mm and 3QOmm T,C, with new 200mm sanitary sewer, including design and construction management services Renew approx. 195m of 200mm & 225mm T.C. with 250mm sanitary sewer, including design and construction management services o 165,000 TOTAL: lQ $3.335.000 Page 3 of 7 ....::: :.\(..'.'1'1 I'}: .",.. ..... , '\\~~~ MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C-": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR *: PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This Is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Infrastructure Renewal- Water Project Location Description Other Share Utility Share Adelaide Street Between Victoria Street and Newman's Brook Alvic Place Alvic Place cul-de-sac to Gault Road Broad Street Between Charlotte Street and Sydney Street City Line Charlotte Street West to Windy Ridge Lane City Line Windy Ridge Lane to Guilford Street; easement from City Line to Christmas Lane Earle A venue Between Earle Avenue dead-end and Lewin Park Edward A venue Lancaster A venue to end; end of Edward A venue to end of Earle A venue Fegan Court Wellesley Avenue to Crerar Court First Avenue First Street West to end, including First Street West from First Avenue to Manawagonish Road (RDH) - Market Place to Ludlow Street King Street West Renewapprox. 125m of 250mm C.L watermain, including design and construction man~~ement services Install approx. 230m of new 200mrn watermain to eliminate dead-end, easement acquisition, including design and construction management services Renew approx. 60m of 150mm with 200mm watermain, including design and construction management services Renew approx. 60m of 100mm with new 200mm watermain and install approx, 40m of new 200mm watermain to loop system and eliminate two dead ends, including design and construction manage~ent services Install approx. 200m of new 200mm watennain to loop system and eliminate two dead ends, including design and construction management services Install approx. 105m of new 200mm watennain from Earle A venue to Lewin Park to eliminate dead-end of Lewin Park watennain, including design and construc~io~ mana{!;ement serviceS Renewapprox. 185m of 150mm C.1. with new 200mm watermain; install approx. 75m of new 200mm watermain to loop end of Edward Avenue to end of Earle Avenue, easement acquisition, including design and oonstruction management servi~es Renew 75 m of 150 mm with 200 mm watennain and extend with 60 m of 200 mm watermain to connect to dead-end of Crerar Court, easement acquisition, including design an~~.o~st~ction ~an~ement services Renew approx. 180m of 150mm C.\. with new 200mm and 300mm watermain, including design and construction management services Renew approx. 200m of 150mm with new 2S0mm watennain, including design and construction management servi~s o 120,000 o 210,000 o 55,000 o 100,000 o 205,000 o 95,000 o 210,000 o 115,000 o 135,000 o 150,000 Page 4 of 7 . .'~:'.'~.":'.I.r!i\, ", ~.l , \'~l~ , MOH' MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C-": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR ': PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Infrastructure Renewal - Water Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share 0 100,000 0 115,000 0 110,000 0 ~85,OOO 0 80,000 0 165,000 0 75,000 , 0 450,000 Market Place (RDH) - King Street West to Rodney Street Princess Street Charlotte Street to Sydney Street Queen Square North Charlotte Street to Sydney Street Spruce Lake Between Spruce Lake and Irving Pulp and Paper location (1500mm Transmission M.ain) Spruce Lake Industrial Park Spruce Lake Tank Summit Drive Civic #176to Civic #254 Sydney Street Broad Street to Britain Street Transmission Mains East Various locations Waterloo Street Richmond Street to Civic # 142 Wentworth Street King Street East to Orange Street Westmorland Road McLaughlin Crescent to WOOdlawn School Renewapprox. 125m of IS0mm C.!. with new 300mm watennain, including design and fXlnstruction ~an~gement ~rvice~ Renewapprox, 130m of250mm C.!. (1912) watennain, including design and construction m~agement se~ices Renewapprox. 137m of 150mm with new 200 mm watermain, including design and construction mana~ement .services Upgrade of existing 1500nun Transmission Main, including construction management services Demolition of existing tank, landscaping, including design and construction management services Renew 220 m of 150 rom C.I. with new 200 mm watermain, including design and construction management servic~s Renewapprox. 90m of 200mm C.I. (1922) watermain, including design and construction management services Rehabilitation of existing vaults, valves and appurtenances on 600mm and 900mm transmission mains, including design and construction management services Renewapprox. 100m of300mm C.I. watennain, including design and construction management services Renew approx. 155m of 150mm and 300mm with new 200mm and 300mm watermain, including design and construction management services Renewapprox. 120m of 150mm C,I. with new 200mm watermain, including design and . co.~struction mana~ement se.rvices TOT AL: o 90,(100 o 135,000 o 95,000 lQ $3.295.000 Page 5 of 7 ,;~<<...I'...~~.:~,"(<' \ '... ,\~ l~ THE CITY OF SAINT .JOII!\' [VIl )\,ICIPAL OPERATIONS & ENCI~EERING PROPOSED \V & S FlNU PROClL\\-1 06-Dec-07 20ll MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS C-": PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR ': PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to Change at any time. Water Service Needs Project Location Description Other Utility Share Share Beaverbrook A venue Wellesley Avenue to Pugsley Install approx. 960m of new 400mm 0 1,085,000 Avenue, including Pugsley Transmission Main, including design and Avenue from Beaverbrook construction management services A venue to Somerset Street; Dufferin A venue from V! eIles~e?, ~ve~ue to dead end ... Flow Monitoring Wate! Distribution Sy stem Installation of system meters for monitoring of 0 80,000 flows and data collection on the water distribution system in accordance with the Water Strat~gy, including d~sign services. Reversing Falls Bridge Reversing Falls Bridge Renew existing 475mm watennain with 2 new 0 2,000,000 600mm watennains proposed as part ofthe reconfiguration of the water distribution system, including construction management services Water Distribution Various locations Install new watennains, fire hydrants, and 0 100,000 System . Watef Quality valves to eliminate dead-ends and address water quality issues in the water distribution system · Water Treatment To Be Determined Construction of new Water Treatment Facilities 9,800,000 4,900,000 to treat potable water supply for City in accordance with Water Strategy (modified Option 2B), including construction management services - Phase II TOTAL: $9.800.000 $8,165.000 Page 6 of 7 ~"'~.'If'/r. (/, ~.: a \\~l~ , MDH: MUNICIPAL DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS PDH: PROVINCIALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS RDH: REGIONALLY DESIGNATED HIGHWAYS w&s: WATER AND SEWER RELATED PROJECTS c-.". PROJECTS CARRIED OVER FOR COMPLETION THE FOLLOWING YEAR ': PROJECTS DEPENDANT ON FUNDING FROM OTHERS This is a tentative program listing of proposed capital projects. This list has not been approved by Common Council. Priority assignments are subject to change at any time. Watershed Protection Project Location Description Other Share Utility Share Watersheds Loch Lomond Watershed Land acquisition for watershed protection (as requi~ed) Structure renewal, including design and construction management services Construction of facilitie s to protect watersheds from runofffrom highway hazards, including design and construction mana!:ement services o 200,000 Watersheds To Be Determined o 400,000 Watersheds Various locations o 200,000 TOTAL: 12 $800,000 Page 7 of 7 SECTION V PERSONNEL MATTERS Purpose The purpose of this report is to provide a recommendation to the City Manager with respect to the economic adjustment in the management salaries for 2008. Background The City of Saint John recognizes the contributions and achievements of employees and provides a total compensation package which is intended to achieve the following three objectives: . To attract retain and motivate highly qualified employees through the provision of competitive total compensation package . To contribute to the recognition and reward to employees for their individual performance . To maintain a competitive compensation structure that compares favorably with others in the marketplace and can be supported by the financial position of the City The City Manager is responsible for reviewing and making recommendations to Common Council regarding total compensation initiatives as they fit into the Organization's overall total compensation strategy. Each year the City Manager shall make a recommendation to Council on economic adjustments in the salary scale no later than November. These recommendations shall be evidence based upon consideration of the following: . Fair and reasonable internal comparisons with other City of Saint John staff groups . Comparisons with relevant external employers for the purposes of attaining and maintaining market competitiveness and thus suitable attraction and retention . Consistent policy directions and programs and services for all City of Saint John staff groups Commentary: Salary Comparisons An article printed in the TeleQraph Journal reports that salaries are going up four per cent. This report by the consulting firm of Gerard Walsh Associates is focused on management salaries. (Appendix A) DRAFT Most municipalities in Atlantic Canada are providing economic increases in management salaries of between 3% - 4%. This is reflected in the salary survey. (Appendix B) 2007 Consumer Price Index for New Brunswick & Saint John (Appendix C) The 2007 CPI as of September, indicated an increase of 2.9 % for New Brunswick and 2.8% for Saint John The cost of maintaining the current employee benefit package is now 24.5% and this must be a factor in establishing an employee compensation package. Given this, one could conclude that an economic adjustment of three to four per cent would be reasonable. However, one must be very mindful of balancing our ability to pay with establishing a fair compensation package. Recommendation It is recommended that management salaries be increased by 3% effective January 1, 2008. 2 DRAFT Appendix A Report says salaries going up four per cent Derwin Gowan Telegraph-Journal- Published Saturday December 1S\ 2007 Corporate head-hunter Gerald Walsh says young people looking for more remunerative careers should check out finance and accounting along with human resources. His company Gerald Walsh Associates released the Gerald Walsh 2008 Salary Guide this week, predicting that salaries in Atlantic Canada will increase by an average of four per cent next year. He described this as "the highest projected increase seen in recent years," more or less matching the national average outside of Alberta. Walsh said in an interview from Halifax on Friday that companies have to pay more with the supply of workers decreasing. "The opportunity for Generation X workers, for Generation Y workers, are pretty encouraging," he said. "On the flip side, you're seeing more seniors in the workforce," he said, with people from four generations working together at some places. "There's a greater demand for accountants, that drives up salaries," Walsh said, explaining the high pay rates for people in finance and accounting. He described human resources functions today as "more strategic than tactical." Years ago, personnel officers dealt with payroll and benefits, reporting to the finance and administration departments. Today, he said, "A lot of HR directors report directly to the president." The Walsh salary guide surveys about 45 different jobs titles divided into six broad categories: marketing and communications, sales, accounting and finance, production, administrative services, and human resources. He divides these into three other categories depending on the size of the company: those with annual revenue less than $10 million, those from $10 million to $25 million, and above $25 million. "The larger the company, the larger the pay," he said; however, smaller companies typically offer non- monetary inducements to keep their staff from joining bigger outfits. As an example, he said a small company can often offer more flexible vacation arrangements than big companies. Among the bigger companies, a comptroller can expect salaries from $80,500 to $98,500; a human resources manager from $80,500 to $98,000. Among the under $1 a-million firms, Gerald Walsh said the comptroller will make from $69,000 to $84,000, the human resources manager $65,000 to $79,500. The salary guide includes two tables purporting to show how much money a person would have to earn in one Canadian city to enjoy the same standard of living in another. 3 For example, the table says that someone moving to Halifax would have to earn 10 per cent more salary to enioy the same standard of living he or she did in Saint John, Fredericton or Moncton. Walsh says Atlantic firms have little choice but to offer more pay to keep their wor\Qorce; however, "You still have to out your best foot forward" to get or kee 4 Appendix B Management Salary Survey 2007 Drafted on December 3, 2007 5 Appendix B Sample Management Salary Increases for 2008 ~~~':".' City of Fredericton Management will be receiving 3.1% increase January 2008 ** Please see attached Appendix A for complete management salary table. City of Bathurst Will bring forth a proposal that Management will be receiving 3.0% increase 2008. **They try to negotiate a similar increase to the unions. City of Miramichi Has not received an increase since 2006 City of Moncton Management will be receiving 3.0% increase January 2008 ** The City of Moncton is anticipating a 3.5% increase for 2009. Salary increases generally folfow increases made for Administrative Staff Atlantic Health Sciences Corporation Management will be receiving 3.0% increase in 2008 and 2009. Province of New Brunswick October 1/05 2.00% April 1/06 1.00% October 1/06 1.00% April 1/07 1.00% October 1/07 2.00% April 1 /08 1.00% October 1/08 2.00% A ri11/09 1.00% NB Power Pay increase will not be determined until March 2008 6 Both municipalities and other organizations throughout the province of New Brunswick have proposed or are implementing wage increases generally close to or above the New Brunswick CPI (2.9%) and Saint John CPI (2.8%). City of Saint John - Comparative Union Salary Increases 2003 - Present c~~I~~~; 'friO.It;:, 2003 2.90% 2.75% 3.00% 2.75% 3.00% 2004 2.90% 3.00% 4.00% 2.75%, 3.50% 2005 2006 2.90% 3.00% 4.00% 2.75% 4.00% 3.00% 3.00% 4.00% 2.75% 4.00% 4.00% *. To be negotiated in next collective a reement 2% .. To be negotiated in next collective a reement On average, The City of Saint John Management group have received yearly pay increases on par with the unions over the past 5 years. Police and Fire have received greater increases than other groups. 7 Appendix C Consumer Price Index 2007 for New Brunswick & Saint John 8 Appendix C The factors that are affect New Brunswick CPI Consumer prices saw a rise of 2.5% largely due to the high gasoline prices in September 2007 compared to the previous year. This was also a quick acceleration from the 1.7% posted in August. Apart from gasoline prices, consumer prices rose by a more moderate 2.0% within the last year. It was the highest year over year increase in the all items index since 2006 and the strongest acceleration since this past February. The primary cause behind the strong increase was largely due to gasoline prices in most provinces. The year-aver-year increase in gasoline prices owed more to a sudden drop in last year's prices rather than to any substantial developments in the most recent month. From a month to month basis, gasoline prices barely moved, only a mere 0.8% from August to September 2007%. The lower prices for natural gas, computer equipment and supplies partly offset gasoline prices. Excluding energy component, consumer prices increased 2.1 % compared with the 2.3% annual rate of growth posted in August. The Bank of Canada core index is also used to monitor the inflation control target which rose by 2.0% during the year. From a month to month basis, the all items CPI saw an increase of 0.2% between August and September after posting no growth in the previous month. The core index increased 0.4% compared to the 0.1 % rate of growth in the previous month. Gasoline prices were the main factor behind the 2.5% climb in consumer prices between September 2006 and September 2007. Owned accommodation cost also pushed the 12 month change in the CPI, increasing 4.8%. Homeowner's replacement cost, which signifies worn out structural portion of housing and mortgage interest cost were main forces in costs to Canadian homeowners. Mortgage interest cost has become an increasingly important driver of the overall change in owned accommodation. Between September 2006 and September 2007, mortgage interest cost rose by 6.4% compared with 6.1 % in August. This is the highest rate of growth since 1991. Homeowners' replacement costs were 5.2% higher in September than they were the previous year. However, this component's contribution to owned 9 accommodation has been tapering off. Housing costs also increased, due to a 2.1 % increase in the price of electricity and 9.00/0 increase in the price of water. Food prices also rose 1.9% compared to the last year, largely due to the result of 3.3% increase in the price of food purchased from restaurants. This increase was partially offset by declines in the price of fresh vegetables and fresh fruit. Generally, consumer prices increased at a faster pace than the national average in only four provinces: New Brunswick (+2.9%), Manitoba (+2.8%), Saskatchewan (+3.8%), and Alberta (+4.6%). Gasoline prices and 17.9% jump in price electricity drove the growth of the CPI above the national average. The 0.2% increase in consumer prices between August and September 2007 was driven by a 5.9% increase in the price of clothing, cause by the arrival of the new collections in retail outlets. This was accompanied by 1.1 % increase in the price of purchasing and leasing of passenger vehicles. The cost of post secondary education also increased consumer prices between August and September. Students paid 3.0% more for their tuition fees in 2007. G880llne In:telC, CSl'IIIlIda Index (2OCl2=100) 165 160 155 150 145 140 1305 1300 -~ :n17 1~ 12) J F M A M J J A SON D Month Here at a Home In New Brunswick, investment in non -residential building construction increased by 18% during the last two years and rising value of non-residential building permits has signaled more strength in the pipelines for the coming year. The year over year change in the CPI increased 2.8% just shy of the province's 2.9%. 10 This is largely due to large scale energy projects in the pipelines which include refurbishment of the Point Lepreau nuclear plant ($1.4 Billion) and construction of the Canaport LNG terminal in Saint John ($750 Million). The proposed second oil retinery ($5-7 billion) would add an additional, significant boost to the local economy if it were to proceed. Economists anticipate that the construction phase of these three projects over the next six years will add a further $7.4 billion in direct capital expenditures to the economy. From 2007 - 2012, approximately 22,000 directly employed persons of energy related construction employment could earn roughly $900 million in cumulative wages, assuming growth in present estimated salaries at the rate of inflation. Saint John will easily see a large growth in labour, income, and job creation through these projects. While the direct effects of these capital projects are significant, spin-oft jobS are typically estimated using multipliers in the 2.0 range, doubling job prospects as a result of the projects. Some examples of spin off employment include jobs in wholesale trade, transportation; construction through repairs would generate huge demand for supplies and services, further propelling the growth of existing companies and foster new companies in the energy business and other technical areas such as engineering and design. Consumer Price Index, by City September August September August September 2006 2007 2007 2007 to 2006 to September September 2007 2007 2002=100 % change All-items St. John's (N.L.) 109.3 110.7 110,7 0.0 1.3 Charlottetown and Summerside (P.E.L) 111.1 113.3 113.7 0.4 2.3 Halifax (N.S.) 110.0 112.2 112,6 0.4 2.4 Saint John (N.S.) 108.9 111.4 112.0 0.5 ' 2.8 Quebec (Que.) 108.4 109.8 11 0.2 0.4 1.7 Montreal (Que.) 108.4 110.0 11 0.4 0.4 1.8 Ottawa- 108.3 110.9 11 0.9 0.0 2.4 11 Gatineau (Ont. part ) T oranta (Ont.) 108.1 110.6 110.8 0.2 2.5 Thunder Bay 106.6 108.3 108.3 0,0 1.6 Winnipeg (Man.) 108.6 111.1 111.6 0.5 2.8 Regina (Sask.) 109.1 112.2 112.7 0.4 3.3 Saskatoon (Sask.) 109.3 114.1 114.4 0.3 4.7 Edmonton (Alta.) 113.2 119.1 119.1 0.0 5.2 Calgary (Alta.) 114.7 119.3 119.3 0.0 4.0 Vancouver (B.C.) 108.4 110,6 110.7 0.1 2.1 Victoria (B.C.) 108.8 110.0 110,1 0.1 1.2 Whitehorse (Y.T.) 107.2 110.5 11 0.8 0.3 3.4 Yellowknife (NW.T.) 107.8 111.1 111.6 0.5 3.5 r..:"'-"C,-,.,'"'''."-''''' ; ! ! . u.",....r priC~ Index by prd~ih&f 111.21 108.8 ! . 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Yellowknife j .. ......." .........."........... 1 . ....".....--....-. ..",. ,-, "......_,- ... ..." --- .~.. i lat.it~H d I . =~ j a a racor i "."",.. ......"...."... .........j.. '-Prfric"s"EawaraT Island j 107.2 L 'Unadj'~~~~il'" ~ '::. :~,. '".~' ~:'::""_." n _ ".,,~_., c_ ,. ,~u_n _.~'.' .. f .._JQ~:1l. . ..~ r.. i 114.0 ! I "'1 112.91 I + 112.0 I ; ..- ,~","._..., .,,.... 110.5 i I 111.0 I 1oe:~ I . ..... .w ..~_'_....~. .. r 18~:61 .._ ...",un" , T ! 111.6 ; l 110.61 113.8 Nova Scotia i r' 112.7 i ..,. '1 I 111.4 : 108.8 i I '<' C .h_e,'....,..,.. 'T". . I 108.4 i . . . I 10B.5 i I New Brunswick i .' ,~,,_. '_....n....'.'. .".... 110.1 i I ) 110.9 i Quebec Ontario 12 i j "' 0.5 j 2.8! ....'m....'..........,.,..,.,. ..."."W"'..."r...'.'....'""',..".~'".~._",.",.....~,...".,"".i 0.3 i 3.8! , , ,. .h.......,..". ...~..."",.. 1'"""....=..... ""., ,=....."~,",..." ."" .....0"".'..",.. AugQslj SeptemlMi "'10T2UU510 ~~~l Se~e~~~ ... -............"...j . .. . 2Q9.~ 1 3.4 .. . : ' .:: -: -.-~::-:~..~ :-'-;"'.:':.". ::'~ ;'", ::-:~:::.~ -- !~ :':": . i 0.5 ; ... - ~ rUo/~change 8:2 \ .. ......""') . 0.2 : 0.2 j 3:~ I 'W"I < I 2.2 i ! 2.1 l 0.5 ! ! i 0.4 i 0.1 : I 13