2007-09-17_Supplemental Agenda--Dossier de l'ordre du jour supplémentaire City of Saint John Common Council Meeting Monday, September 17, 2007 Supplemental Agenda Presentation - UNBSJ Resolution City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal Le lundi 17 September 2007 l'ordre du jour supplementaire Presentation - Resolution de l'UNBSJ Whereas the demise of UNB-SJ would make Saint John, --the largest Anglophone city in our province, ----the only city in Canada of its size without a university! Whereas over the past forty years and indeed today ----taxpayers, local government, families and corporations have invested in UNB SAINT JOHN--- (specifically),---- time, expertise, and financial assistance to build and retain its status as a highly recognized institute of higher learning Whereas the present growth and vitality of our city will only be sustained long term with the presence of UNB-SJ as an essential component of our social, cultural and economic fabric Whereas the city stands to lose our dedicated medical school, without UNB-SJ with its existing strong science and arts programs, graduate faculty and research capabilities, as securing a partner medical school would be next to impossible with only a polytech institute Whereas our city needs UNB-SJ to educate people for non-industrial jobs and without it, there would be a cumulative effect of the following: (A) The retirement of our baby boomer business, economic" social, cultural, education and health care personnel etc. (B) Decreased numbers of local university trained professionals who tend to stay in Saint John (C) Decreased immigration of young families and prospective leaders who tend to select homes in a city with a university All of which would see a city that has flourished, left without this essential group of professionals who are needed to complement the highly valued and much needed graduates of NBCC Whereas UNB-SJ has afforded our high numbers of single parents, low and middle income,--youth and mature students --the only affordable means of securing undergraduate degrees and many master's courses on site Be it resolved: That the Mayor and Common Council send a letter to the Premier and Minister of post-secondary education stating that UNB-Saint John should remain intact as an institution of higher learning And further be it resolved that alternatives be explored that build on the strengths of our two fine educational institutions, NBCC and UNB-SJ with the immediate establishment of a Mayor's task force comprised of stakeholders in greater Saint John region