2007-08-20_Supplemental Agenda--Dossier de l'ordre du jour supplémentaire City of Saint John Common Council Meeting Monday, August 20, 2007 Supplemental Agenda Re: 1 (b) Presentation - Strategic Decision-Making Model (Revised) City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal Le lundi 20 aout 2007 L'ordre du jour supplementaire Alinea 1 (b) Presentation - Modele de prise de decisions strategiques (Revise) . Strategic Decision-Making Model SAINT JOHN I Proposed New Governance Model ~ Principles of Good Governance S,\INT lonN I I Legitimacy & Voice Democratic Accessible and Representative Direction Strategic Vision Performance Responsive and Effective Efficient Accountability Accountable Transparent Fairness Equity Rule of Law Vision 2015: Saint John Governance Project ~ SAINT JOliN I ~ Desired Outcomes . Common Purpose . Clear Direction . Service Alignment . Clear Accountability . Improved Decisions . Citizen Participation . Belter Service . Effective / Efficient Vision 2015: Saint John Governance Prcject * 1 * Potential Benefits and Pitfalls SAINT JOHN I . Potential Benefits o Specialize o Interests o Citizen input o Public opinion o Speed up work o Informal atmosphere o Participation staff o Beller decisions o Accountability o Responsiveltransparent . Potential Pitfalls o Ignore vision o Duplication effort o Fragmented Outlook o Buck passing o Neglect community o Interference in operations o Conflict jurisdiction o Time lines Vision 2015: Saint John Governance Project ~ ~ Design Principles SMNT IOI-IN I . Embrace the principles of good governance . Realize desired governance outcomes . Focus Council on policy and selting strategic direction . Achieve the community's vision . Realize the benefits, avoid the pitfalls Vision 2015: Saint Jonn Governance Project ~. ~ Community Vision - The Future SAINT 101-IN I . Determining the direction municipality should move . Establishing the critical long-term goals - Fit Direction . Identifying & Prioritizing Objectives - Value to Citizens . Developing strategies to succeed . Monitoring Outcomes and Progress * Vision 2015: Saint John Governance Project 2 ~V" C ~ ISlon ontext SAINT JOHN I ~ [ Vision & Goals] J - Community p [ Priorities ] ~ - Council ~ [ Outcomes ) ~ - Standing Committees ~ [ Services )J- Administration Vision 2015: Saint John Governance Project :i: ~ Political Role - Policy Tools SAINT IOHN I . Representing Views of Citizens - Vision & Goals . Selting Priorities to Allocate Resources . Choosing between Alternate Courses of Action . Monitoring Implementation & Progress . Answering for these decisions . Responding to Constituent Concerns Vision 2015: Saint John GOV9r"nance Project ~ ~ Policy Focused System SAlNTJOI1N I I . Policy... a governing principle, plan or direction that guides or influences future decisions . Council makes public policy decisions; others implement Policy Administration Adopt a budget and set tax rate. Propose a budget. Analyze altematives. Spend within limits Adopt a vision and goals for the Deliver services in support of community and set strategic direction. Council's strategic direction. Adopt policy allowing or prohibiting Enforce terms of parking policy. off-street parking Vision 2015: Saint John Governance Project * 3 ~ Political Organization SAINT JOHN I ,-------------------------------- c:====J Governance Roles c:====J Administrative Roles Vision 2015: Saint John Governance Project :it ~ Committee Composition S,\INT JOt-IN ! . Only members of Council appointed to SPCs . Mayor is ex-officio member (no vote; no quorum) . CAO has the right to altend all SPC meetings . Commiltee of the Whole: All Members of Council . Policv & Priorities: Mayor (Chair), Chairs of SPCs . Standinq Policv Commiltee: 5 Members of Council Vision 2015: Saini John Governance Project :i: fRA. A . ~ ppolntments SAINT lOt-IN I . Chairs appointed by Mayor . Commiltee Members appointed by Council . Vice Chair elected by Standing Commiltee Membership . A Member of Council can only chair one commiltee at any given time . A Member of Council cannot chair same Commiltee in consecutive rotations Vision 2015: Saint John Governance Project * 4 ~ Committee Rotations SAINT JOHN I . Chairs are rotated every two (2) years . Membership is rotated every two (2) years . Two (2) Members remain on the Commiltee with three(3) new Members added . Rotation occurs midway through Mandate (June) . Appointments according to established process Vision 2015: Saint John Governance Project $: 0' Standing Committee Mandates StUNT JOHN I . Standing commiltees make recommendations on policy within a specified mandate . Broad mandates define the purpose and authority (sphere of jurisdiction) of each commiltee . Standing Commiltee mandate options; ODepartmental Alignment OSustainability Needs OService Based Alignment OOutcome Based Vision 2015: Saini John Governance Project ~ @.. ~ Public Presentations SAINT IOUN I . Public presentations are made at Commiltee meetings . The public des not make presentations to Council unless: ORequired by legislation (Le., public hearing) ORecommended to Council by a Committee . Requests to make public presentations require a written submission to the Clerk Viliion 2015: Saint John Governance Project :$: 5 ~T . . ~ ermlnatlon SAINT JOHN I . Non - performance . Personal Agenda . Not calling Meetings . Not Representing Views Committee . Not Attending . Procedures . Rare Occurrence Vision 2015: Saint John Governance Project $ SAINT JOHN ~ ~ Governance Example ..... Administration .... Staff + + Vision 2015: Saint John Governance Project :\f; ~ Governance Example SA.INT JOHN DECIDES (Priorities) RECOMMENDS (Outcomes) IMPLEMENTS (Strategies I Services) Vision 2015: Saint John Governance Project .._nnnnn_nn_n._n..., . . . . . . ~ 6 ~ Decision-Making Process SAINT JOHN I Vision 2015: Saint John Governance Project Fundamental Chanae: Access to the Strategic Decision-Making Process is through Committees :i: SAINT 10l-lN I * Decision-Making Process Vision 2015: Saint John Governance Project ~ ~ CAO Role SAINT JOI-1N I Vision 2015: Saini John Governance Project r- M -- - --- -- --- __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. , : Common Cieri( MlilrnIQ8llrefllf!'llbaod recommendalioos accordirlg10 mandale and authority , , _ _ _ ~ ~ _ _.L _ _ _ _ __ Prepar8ll recommendiDln. approving or amending adminislralive recommeodlllion.and oomldeB public input ~. . Policy advice Council/SPCs . Provides broad perspective . Analysis of issues . Leadership . Coordination . Accountability . Submits Budget . Works with community . Initiates programs :IJ 7 ~ Administrative Inquiries SAINT JOHN I . Administrative Inouirv: written request from Committee Member for information/report related to policy . Requests made through Committee to CAO . CAO answers verbally, in writing or commits to written response . Only SC can give direction to CAO by resolution of the Committee . No authority to give direction to the CAO or employees by Chairs or Committee members Vision 2015: Saint John Governance Project ~. * Meeting Schedules SAINT JOliN I . Standing Commiltees meet once a month DPolicy & Priorities: Mondays after every second Committee of the whole meeting 1st Wednesday each month 2nd Wednesday each month 3m Wednesday each month 4th Wednesday each month DStanding Policy 1: DStanding Policy 2: DStanding Policy 3: DStanding Policy 4: . Between 11 :30 AM and 1 :30 PM in Chambers Vision 2015: Saint John Governance Project ~ ~ Agenda SAINT JOHN I . SC - reviewed by the Chair, CAO, Clerk during agenda meeting . Agendas distributed to All Members of Council Agenda Submissions - All meetings Wednesday prior to meeting Noon .-.........-.-.-.........'.---.-.-.........-.-.-...-..... -.'+-.-......... -'-"--'-'-'-'-'--~ .-....... .-.-.-.....-. Agenda Distribution -SPC - CC/ COWl PP Friday prior to meeting Thursday prior to meeting 4:30 PM VisIon 2015: Saint John Governance Project * 8 ~ Public Correspondence SAINT JOHN I . Public correspondence - responses may be discussed at COW meetings as information items Vision 2015: Saint John Governance Project :f; ~ Ad Hoc & Sub-Committees SAINT JOHN I . Ad hoc DCreated by Council to review and develop recommendations for special purposes (e.g., ward system) DReport to Council . Sub-Commiltees DCreated by Standing Committees to review and help develop policy on matters that fall within the mandate DReport to Standing Committees Vision 2015: Saini Jonn Governance Project ~ ff?A.. ~ Alternatives SAINT IOIIN I . Selection of Chairs o Mayor Nominates - Council Approves . Term of Deputy Mayor o 2 year term - 2 rotations . Scheduling of Meetings o Accessibility and Availability . Committee Rotations o Annually Vision 2015: Saint John Gov8mlllnce Project * 9 ~ Big Picture SAINT JOHN j . Four SPC - One Coordinating . Respects Governance Principles . Anchored in Achieving Vision - Policy Focus . Rotations - Exposure, Expertise, Interest . New Process - Access Point is the SPC . New Roles - Chair, Member, Councillor . Belter Outcomes - Performance, Accountability Vision 2015: Saini John Governance Project $ ~ * Vision 2015: Saini John Governance Project ~ Existing Governance Model SAINT 10HN I I ~.'= :::"": : : ~.. :;;; =:~:: l_l~ Common :~un~:, = ~t'~~~mn] 1:= ~ ~,~ ~~.1 Commltt...ofCouncll,CIty 1~11 ~~~ Oepartments. and :::: : Agonci.., Boords& ~" i ;; Commissions of Saint John * ~ ::::;. =: -.=,- :! .:I::. E -=-= -~ """- : i I~.....,=~~._ I ~: ~ :'.-:.::. ~~~~~~~::::~::rnnn: VIsion 2015: Saint John Governance Project :\i:i 10 ~ Agencies, Boards & Commissions SAINT JOHN 1 . ABCs deliver services behalf of City . ABCs contribute to policy development with recommendations and information . City ABCs directly accountable to Council. . ABCs will be reporting through one or more of the Standing Policy Committees (depending on SPC mandate) . ABC mandate, authority, membership, service outputs defined in Terms of Reference Vision 2015: Saini John Governance Project $ * Agencies, Boards & Commissions SAINT 'OliN I . Required reporting to Council through one or more SPCs on: o Activities and performance o How activities contribute to Council's policy, strategic direction and priorities . Budget allocations dependent - reporting, performance, outcomes and alignment with strategic direction . Requires individual review to determine real need . Councillors should be Governors not ABC members Vision 2015: Saint John Governance Project :i? ~ Practicalities of Implementation SAINT lOt-IN [ · Council Commitment r I , I · Support of Councillors E . Meeting Frequency ~\ . Public Access and Participation r \ . Learning Curve .", ---J . Stability during Transition . Relationships to ABCs ~ · Funding 6 . Leqislative Changes Vision 2015: Saini John Governance Project ~ 11 * Next Steps SAINT JOHN I . Council direction Ols a committee system better for the City and Citizens? OWhat improvements are required OTiming of implementation . Implementation o Finalize committee mandates o Bylaw amendments Vision 2015: Saini John Governance Project :f; ~ :i? Vision 2015: Saint John Governance Project ~ Political Organization SAl'lT 101-] N I ~-------------------------------- ~ Govemance Roles ~ Administrative Roles V1sioo 2015: Saint John Governance Project I\i!i 12