2007-01-04_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour �.�Y?—S.. S T���14-'�Q;� c=(. �:�5'� City of Saint John Common Council Meeting Thursday, Januaiy 4, 2007 Committee of the Whole 1. Call to Order—5:00 p.m. Common Council Chamber 1.1 2007 Operating and Capital Budget - General Fund _�/"' 'S�-s z�� ;')`-;;e;''�� \ ._ ,�,_,�•� aF�^��� ,��= City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal Le jeudi 4 janvier 2007 Comite plenier 1. Ouverture de la seance 17 h 1.1 Budgets d'exploitation et d'immobilisations proposes pour 2007 • _ • m = • - • r � t �.councre decides wnar ir wanrs ro accompt;sn; � �.City Manager de�nes how if will be done; .�.City Manager describes how and when activity well be evafuated; � C/T U :�Council reviews evaluafion to measure success zoo�e�agem�����o�s � zoozoi-iz soo�e�agem�����o�s z � � , p � � ! i • � ! � � � � . I ! • ! ! Ta Nave �ocrncif Telf the Administraf�an " hat They UVrsh to • rne 2oosi2oo7 conrexr AccomplisF►". ■ How Counci!!s lnvesting?the Taxpayers' Dotiars zoor.oi.iz zoo�e�eye�o�s��ss�o�s 3 soozo���a �ame�ayeoo��sass�o�s a ..........___. .... ......... ......... .......... .. _.. .....____._ ._.. ................. •" s s l • ' i t � � f ■ floes the communit,y wanf more invested in public safety, physica!recreafdon needs or dn some ofher area? ■ Does the Community want Po sYrengthen its"Economic HowEVERr DevelopmenP Initiafive? ■ Does the Community want to put the pension fssue behind it? THFRE IS REASON TC?BE C?PTIMISTlC . Is the Communrty prepared to accept any increase at all in rhe tax rate? ■ Is the Communrty prepared to look ai"qurck fixes"to deal wiih Immediate challenges? som-oi-iz zoo�e�agem�s����oos s soo�-ouz zoo�e�age�o�����o�s e 1 _ _ _ _ _ -• • � � .: -, ■ 2006-Average Hausehold lncome - $58,100 ■ 2006-$1.1 Billion Q ■ 30% Abave the National Per Capitaf Average Refail ■ 8.4f Abave the Provincia!Average Sa/es. ■ 54.6!lncrease over the Last Decade ■ 33%a Above Pravincial Per Gapfta Retaf/Sales mozoi-iz zoo�e�agem�����o�s � zoozoi-iz soo�e�agem�����o�s e . _.. ..... ......._ ...... ..._ ........� ..... '• i # ' �� � � i � ■ Labour Force Up 800 PeopJe rn 2005 ■ 750,000 sq.ft,of New Retari Stores Under Constructron or Bui(t ■ Employment Levets Up 3%or 1,900 People rn 2005 in Last 24 Monfhs ■ Singfe Unrt Housing Starts Up 4.1% in 2005. The Onty Major ■ Qy�P g125 Million in Planned dnvestments on the Waferfront Urban Center in N.B.wifh an Increase ■ $3 Bi(lion in New Energy—Now Underv✓ay ■ Value of Sarnt John Buildrng Permits was 82%Higher in 2005 ■ g7 Billion in Pending Energy Projects than in 2004 zoor.oi.iz zoo�e�eye�o�s��ss�o�s s soozo���a �ame�ayeoo��sass�o�s +a '• l s' • • I � ■ October 2006 Unemploymenf Rafe of 6.0%is 23%Below fhe Pravinciad Avera,ge and Lower than the Nationat R verage. ■ Housing Starts in the Region Up 27%at the End of SepYember ' , �� 2006. ■ Housing Starts in the"Crfy"up 73%at the end of September 2006 versus same perfod in 2005. som-oi-iz zoo�e�agem�s��ssm�s >> zoo�-m-is zoo�e�age�o�����o�s �z 2 _ .- . s ��: � . . � a . . . ■ In Public Safety 38.9¢ . Net Bedget—"Ail In° $&9,66�,249 ■ !n Mobilify of Crtrzens 45.5¢ ■ !n Flnancrng dnfrastructure Renewa! Tp,7¢ • Less Speciai Payments 5.035 757 ■ PursurnglEconomic Development $.0¢ • Revised Net Budget 84,628,484 ■ Enhancing Physrcal RecreaPron Needs 3.3¢ ■ ProtecPrng Lhe Environmenf g g¢ • Divide by the Tax Base 4,691,424,219 ■ Mainfarnrng Pubfdc lnfrastructurelAssets 4.0¢ . Tax Rate"All In",Exciuding Pension $1.80 ■ !n Neighbourhoads/Socia!Devetopment 9.3¢ ■ In Creafing a Sense of Place 1.3¢ Conclusion: ■ In GovernancelAdministratrng/3upporRrng 9.6¢ Wrthoui The Speciad Payment Councfl would Be ■ Speciat Pensdon Paymenfs 4.5¢ Right On Target— In Fact Ahead of Target moa-oi-is zoo�e�agem�����o�s �3 zoo�-oi-iz soo�e�age�o�����o�s �a ' �� � + � � . 2D07 Revenues(Expenditures) $117,373,000 . • 2006 Revenues(Expenditures) 106,621,000 Addifiona0 $10,75Q,000 zoor.oi.iz zoo�e�eye�o�s��ss�o�s +s soozo���a �ame�ayeoo��s��ss�o�s +e ' l• �!I s� •' • •. 7 •� •' `#�., Lets Forget About the Pension Plan Specral Payments. • UnconditfonalGrant $375,000 LetsForgetAbouta TaxRafelncrease. • Fees/Fines $852,000 Then Our"New Revenues"are: • Proper[y Tazes: Assessmeni lncrease $4,070,000 From Assessment Increase @ i.795 $4,070,000 • Property Taxes: RaPe dncrease $5.453.000 FfnesiFeeslGrants 1,230,000 $90.750,000 New Revenue to Work With: $5,3b0,000 soozoi-iz zoo�e�agem�s����oos v oo�-ouz zoo�e�age�o�����o�s �e 3 � .•• • ' - • • - • • Negotiaaed Wage Senlemenis $1,500,OQ0 •Inflatronary Pressure on Goods&Services 1,000,000 � Additiona(lnvesfinents fn"Mobilrry" aspnarr rpoo,000 1.Adopt the Draft Presented with Minor Changes r�r,sr'r sso,000 2.Take the Positian"Any Tax Rate is Unacceptable" �Additiona(lnvesiments—PublicSafefy aor;�e szs,000 3.Conclude a 2,3,4 or 5 cent tax increase is e.M.o. zao,000 acceptable if it can be shown where taxpayers are • Additionat Investments in Creating gG¢titlg V80UE "A 3ense of Pdace" 100,000 •Addrfional lnvestmenf fo Communrcate aso,000 4.Step away from the Long Term Financial PBan to �NumberofOfherChanges± 475,0'00 C�edf With IYTti'T12C�Idt21SSU25. Ss.soo.oao 5.A Little Bit of"This"and a Little Bit af"ThaY' mozoi-rz zoo�e�agem�����o�s �s zoozoi-iz soo�e�age�o�����o�s za . . START: A New Police Facility and More • ' ' � i START: A New Transi8 Facility --- START: A New West Works Depo4 " � START: A New Entrance to Rockwood Park COMPlET10N: Of Water Stree4 and Parks zoor.oi.iz zoo�e�eye�o�s��ss�o�s z+ soozo���a �ame�ayeoo��sass�o�s zz ' • � SIGNIFIGANT IMPROVEMENTS: • Allison Grounds UNDOUBT.EDLYALL W'LL GE�.pO�F • Lowell Street • Hilton Belyea • ShamrockTennisCourt TIMING WILL BE THE CHALLENGE ANOTHER STEP...............Firefighter Training Facility FACILITY UPGRADES.......Harbour Station,Aquatic Center FIRST STEP.....................Trade Center Upgrade som-oi-iz zoo�e�agem�s����oos z3 zoo�-oiaz zoo�e�age�o�����o�s za 4 f # � Lets Not Beat Up On Ourselves • A Short Term Issue Needs Addressing • Lets Make The Decision • Lets Look Forward To An F ccitfng Future moa-oi-iz zoo�e�agem�����o�s zs zoozoi-iz soo�e�agem�����o�s zc 5 1/3/2007 CITY OF SAINT JOHN 2007 OPERATING BUDGET SUMMARY 2006 2007 Budget BUDGET from 2006 2007 2008 Net tnvestment in Public Safety 39,052,783 41,255,974 42,290,476 43,692,766 Net Investment in the Community's Physical Recreation Needs 3,142,802 3,192,388 3,612,593 3,482,958 Net Envestment in Neighbourhoods &Social Development 1,394,484 1,433,585 1,390,644 1,423,963 Net Investment in Mobility/ Transportation 17,913,294 19,458,535 20,127,617 29,OQ0,305 Net Investment in Maintaining Our Public Infrastructure 8�Assets 4,147,724 4,264,822 4,362,439 4,540,717 Net fnvestment in Economic Development 4,673,644 4,814,907 5,429,489 5,585,338 Net Investment in Creating a Sense of Place 1,179,661 1,155,451 1,333,079 1,375,315 Net Investment Solid Waste Collection & Disposal 3,375,349 3,449,519 3,152,646 3,229,440 Net Investment in Governance/ Administration 9,349,604 9,872,417 10,420,359 10,679,504 Total for Pension Funding 1,400,000 4,231,000 5,035,767 5,Q53,666 Net non-operating expenditures 13,253,499 15,609,952 11,627,006 12,181,351 98,882,844 108,738,549 108,782,114 112,245,323 Unconditional Grant 18,742,621 19,117,473 19,117,473 19,499,823 Net amount to be raised from Tax Warrant 80,140,223 89,621,076 89,664,641 92,745,500 Tax base in thousands (000) 44,646,364 46,655,450 46,934,242 49,046,283 Tax rate $ 1.795 $ 1.921 $ 1.910 $ 1.891 Page 1 of 10 1/3l2Q07 CITY OF SAINT JOHN 2007 OPERATING BUDGET 2006 2007 Budget BUDGET from 2006 2007 2008 Investment in Public Safety Public Safety Communications Centre 1,722,927 1,774,615 2,035,525 2,113,741 Fire Department 16,749,433 17,760,535 17,907,158 18,461,532 Water Supply& Hydrant 1,662,403 1,788,412 1,882,381 1,925,676 Inspection Services 1,197,760 1,200,316 1,383,645 1,423,691 Emergency Measures 170,630 167,205 382,187 392,723 Police Commission 18,014,630 18,8$5,391 19,293,580 19,754,653 Street Lighting 800,000 $00,000 925,000 952,750 Animal Pest Control 150,000 154,500 130,000 137,000 40,467,783 42,530,974 43,939,476 45,161,766 Recovery of costs Lodging prisoners 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Accident reports 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 Taxi licenses 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Other 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 Emergency Dispatch 569,000 400,000 580,000 400,000 Hazmat 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 Point Lepreau 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 Clearance letters 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Motor vehicle fines 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Court Fines 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Building Permits 500,000 �25,000 700,000 700,000 Plumbing Permits 42,000 46,000 65,000 65,000 Demolition Permits 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Mobile Home Permits 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 Gravel Pit Permits 19,000 19,000 19,000 19,000 Excavation Permits 250 250 250 250 Business Licenses 500 500 500 500 1,415,000 1,275,000 1,649,000 1,469,000 Net Investment in Public Safety 39,052,783 41,255,974 42,290,476 43,692,766 Page 2 of 10 1/3/20Q7 CITY OF SAINT JOHN 2007 OPERATING BUDGET 2006 2007 Budget BUDGET from 2006 2007 2008 Investment in the Community's Physical Recreation Needs Administration 730,098 750,642 804,190 827,097 Facilities 1,382,920 1,422,394 1,076,861 881,711 Arenas 925,196 950,569 1,367,791 1,406,461 Subsidy's- Facility Usage 183,000 183,000 183,000 183,000 Lard Beaverbrook Rink 128,750 132,600 132,600 136,600 Saint John Horticultural Association 56,000 �8,000 58,000 58,000 Aquatic Centre 379,838 381,183 571,151 599,339 3,785,802 3,878,388 4,193,593 4,492,208 Recovery of costs Sportsfields 57,000 61,000 50,000 52,500 Pro Kids 0 0 16,000 16,000 Hurley Arena 125,000 210,000 110,000 115,500 Gorman Arena 144,000 141,000 125,000 131,250 Belyea Arena 192,000 137,000 170,000 178,500 Peter Murray Arena 125,000 137,000 110,000 115,500 643,000 686,000 581,000 609,250 Net investment in the Community's Fhysical Recreation Needs 3,142,802 3,192,388 3,612,593 3,482,958 Page 3 of 10 1/3/2407 CITY OF SAINT JOHN 2007 OPERATING BUDGET 2006 2007 Budget BUDGET from 2006 2007 2008 Investment in Neighbourhoods &Social Development West District 359,907 370,129 311,025 319,761 Central District 404,011 415,526 489,813 503,780 East District 463,866 477,090 378,006 388,622 Contracted Services 92,000 92,000 92,000 92,000 Recreation Community Groups 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 Senior Citizens 31,000 31,000 31,000 31,000 Human Development Council 48,000 48,000 48,000 48,000 PRUDE 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 Ability Advisory 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Seafarers Mission 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 Loch Lomond Villa 0 0 20,000 20,000 TO BE DETERMINED 0 0 15,000 15,000 1,443,284 1,478,245 1,429,344 1,462,663 Recovery of costs Senior's Programs 5,800 0 4,300 4,300 West 9,000 14,660 0 0 Central 9,000 7,000 0 0 East 25,000 23,000 0 0 Carleton Community Centre 0 0 7,900 7,900 North End Communty Centre 0 0 6,500 6,500 Farest Hills Community Centre 0 0 20,000 20,000 48,800 44,660 38,700 38,700 Net Investment in Neighbourhoods &Social Development 1,394,484 1,433,585 1,390,644 1,423,963 Page 4 of 10 1/3/ZQ07 CITY OF SAINT JOHN 2007 OPERATING BUDGET 2006 2007 Budget BUDGET from 2006 2007 2008 Investment in Mobility/Transportation Transit Commission Operating 2,800,000 3,000,000 3,167,500 3,536,925 Transit Commission Debt 641,870 743,900 639,506 747,106 Parking Admin Support 451,591 452,870 434,470 435,798 Municipal Operations Admin 1,208,324 1,225,493 1,419,750 1,299,875 Service & Program Delivery 472,174 486,378 557,063 572,019 Traffic Engineering 1,048,461 1,047,214 1,022,375 1,046,728 Snow Control Streets 4,712,303 4,804,374 4,903,592 5,413,629 Snow Control Sidewalks 466,089 489,345 451,218 460,095 Storm Drainage 1,980,573 1,970,809 2,197,845 2,311,387 Street Cleaning 1,319,093 1,3�4,201 1,381,154 1,417,323 Street Services 4,419,416 5,453,951 5,570,144 5,739,420 19,519,894 21,038,535 21,744,617 22,�80,305 Recovery of costs Transportation Tenders 500 500 500 500 Pa�king Meters 724,500 724,500 724,500 724,500 Meter Viloations 240,000 240,000 240,000 240,000 Meter Summons 40,000 40,000 44,000 40,000 Traffic By-law 215,000 215,000 248,000 215,000 Provincial Highway Maintenance 386,600 360,000 360,000 360,000 1,606,600 1,�80,000 1,617,000 1,580,000 Net lnvestment in Mobility/ Transportation 17,913,294 19,4�8,535 20,127,617 21,000,305 Page 5 of 10 1l3J2007 CITY OF SAINT JOHN 2007 OPERATING BUDGET 2006 2007 Budget BUDGET from 2006 2007 2008 Investment in Maintaining Our Public infrastructure 8�Assets Facility Management 878,422 900,554 920,500 945,596 Carpentry Shop 454,479 466,970 499,231 512,913 Landscape 1,353,505 1,391,245 1,491,292 1,532,692 Materials Management 1,048,446 996,984 942,347 977,875 Fleet Services 417,872 514,069 514,069 576,641 4,152,724 4,269,822 4,367,439 4,545,717 Recovery of costs Sale of Used Equipment 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Net Investment in Maintaining Our Public Infrastructure 8 Assets 4,147,724 4,264,822 4,362,439 4,540,717 Page 6 of 10 1/3/2Q07 CITY OF SAINT JOHN 2007 OPERATING BUDGET 2006 2007 Budget BUDGET from 2006 2007 2008 investment in Economic Development Tourism 895,620 91�3,240 918,240 959,718 City Market 741,406 761,202 748,250 768,191 Market Square Common Area Costs 1,878,752 1,935,115 2,046,380 2,138,467 Enterprise Saint John 396,495 401,000 408,420 408,420 Saint John Development Corporation 143,500 125,000 150,000 150,000 Saint John Industrial Parks 80,000 85,000 190,000 190,000 True Growth Initiatives 37,500 50,000 75,000 75,000 Engineering & Growth 362,722 372,309 381,611 390,875 WaterFront Development 100,000 1Q0,000 165,000 100,000 Trade & Convention Centre 464,497 466,142 475,510 499,127 Harbour Station 355,313 3�6,571 420,178 441,009 Real Estate 420,839 455,328 441,900 460,531 UNBSJ 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 NBCC 0 0 10,000 10,000 6,076,644 6,225,907 6,630,489 6,791,338 Recovery of costs Tourism 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Harbour Bridge Authority 200,000 20Q,000 0 0 Rockwood Golf Course 0 0 30,000 30,000 Market Rentals 467,000 475,000 435,000 440,000 Market Square Parking 733,000 733,000 733,000 733,000 1,403.000 1,411,000 1.201,000 1,206,000 Net investment in Economic Development 4,673,644 4,814,907 5,429,489 5,585,338 Page 7 of 10 1/3/2007 CITY OF SAINT JOHN 2007 OPERATING BUDGET 2006 2007 Budget BUDGET from 2006 2007 2008 Investment in Creating a Sense of Place Arts and Culture Initatives 168,330 171,050 321,050 325,677 Festivals & Public Celebrations 103,000 43,000 58,000 58,000 Library 360,993 369,280 369,280 380,440 Heritage 189,290 212,717 207,431 214,813 Imperial Theatre 289,805 290,831 308,498 323,805 Arts Centre 65,043 65,273 64,420 67,580 Environment Committee 3,200 3,300 4,400 5,000 Net fnvestment in Creating a Sense of Place 1,179,661 1,1�5,451 1,333,079 1,375,315 Investment Solid Waste Collection 8 Disposal Sanitation Services 3,380,349 3,454,519 3,157,646 3,234,440 Recovery of costs Garbage collection 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Net Investment Solid Waste Collection 8� Disposal 3,375,349 3,449,519 3,152,646 3,229,440 Page 8 of 10 1/3/2007 CITY OF SAINT JOHN 2007 OPERATING BUDGET 2006 2007 Budget BUDGET from 2006 2007 2008 Investment in GovernanceAdministration Mayor's Office 193,360 195,510 199,285 201,150 Common Councii 358,330 409,680 392,430 392,430 City Manager's Office 442,000 455,300 489,500 504,185 Vision 2015 500,000 500,000 515,606 528,044 Communication 100,000 100,000 250,000 250,000 Common Clerk 828,290 835,794 758,051 787,805 Finance 981,645 1,220,439 1,382,065 1,425,184 Legal 576,528 646,343 730,015 696,515 Corporate Services 223,118 150,000 150,000 150,000 Human Resources 1,196,681 1,211,226 1,361,226 1,395,120 lnformation Systems & Support 1,878,918 1,935,286 2,086,651 2,140,066 City Hall Building 1,645,766 1,686,910 1,474,496 1,477,991 Community Planning 760,516 781,605 825,862 858,088 G.I.S. 260,825 235,315 268,987 283,125 Planning Advisory Committee 10,700 10,900 11,500 12,000 Liability Insurance 600,000 650,000 435,000 445,875 Property Assessment 892,927 933,109 938,685 980,926 11,449,604 11,957,417 12,269,359 12,528,504 Recovery of costs Housing 43,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 Saint John Transit 0 0 42,000 42,000 Pension Plan 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 Water 8�Sewerage Utility 1,412,000 1,391,000 1,391,000 1,391,000 Land & Buildings 165,000 170,000 135,000 135,000 City Hall 275,000 275,000 58,000 58,000 Planning Services 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Rezoning 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Other 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Gas pipeline 26,000 26,000 0 0 2,100,000 2,085,000 1,849,000 1,849,000 Net Investment in Governance/ Administration 9,349,604 9,872,417 10,420,359 10,679,504 Page 9 of 10 1/3/2007 CITY OF SAINT JOHN 2007 OPERATING BUDGET 2006 2007 Budget BUDGET from 2006 2007 2008 Special Pension Funding Liability for years 2004, 2005 8�2006 1,400,000 1,4Q0,000 2,031,120 1,958,880 Current Special Funding (net) 0 2,831,000 3,004,647 3,094,786 Total for Pension Funding 1,400,000 4,231,000 5,035,767 5,053,666 Non-operating items: Workforce Adjustment Program 1,050,000 0 0 0 Fiscal Charges 12,715,499 16,121,952 13,272,006 13,446,351 Tota1 non-operating expenditures 13,765,499 16,121,952 13,272,006 13,446,351 Non-operating revenue� Short-term interest 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 Miscellaneous 250,000 250,000 50,000 50,000 Water Sales 12,000 12,000 0 0 LNG Building permit revenue 0 0 965,000 965,000 Pipeline easement revenue 0 0 380,000 0 Tota! Non-operating revenues 512,000 512,000 1,645,000 1,265,000 Net non-operating expenditures 13,253,499 15,609,952 11,627,006 12,181,351 Page 10 of 10