2004-10-04_Agenda--Ordre du Jour COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA OCTOBER 4. 2004 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING 1. 5:00 p.m. - Call to Order 2. Water Street 3. Transit, Parking, Harbour Bridge and Airport Commissions 10.2(4)(c)(Referred Sept. 20, 2004) 4. Personal Matter 10.2(4)(b)(Referred Sept. 20, 2004) 5. Contract Negotiation 10.2(4)(c) 6. Contract Negotiation 10.2(4)(c) 7. Property Issue 10.2(4)(d) 8. Contract Negotiation 10.2(4)(c) 9. Legal Opinion 10.2(4)(f) 10.Personal Matter 10.2(4)(b)(Referred Sept. 20, 2004) REGULAR MEETING 1.1 7:00 p.m. - Call to Order - Prayer 1.2 Approval of Agenda 1.3 Proclamation PRESENTATIONS 2. Water Street Presentation PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS PUBLIC HEARINGS CITY MANAGER 5.1 Condominium Buildings & Residential Solid Waste Collection 5.2 Service to Townhouse/Garden Home Developments 5.3 Provincially Designated Highways - 5 Year Capital Improvement Program (2005-2009) 5.4 Engineering Design Services - Loch Lomond/Spruce Lake Watershed Protection 5.5 Street Name Change - Ashburn Lake Road 5.6 Amending Resolution - 532 Rothesay Avenue 5.7 Proposed Public Hearing Date - 986 Manawagonish Rd. 5.8 Sale of Portion of PID Number 418129 Sandy Point Rd. 5.9 Animal Rescue League (a) Animal Control Contract for The City of Saint John 5.10 Proposed Agreement with Saint John YMCA-YWCA - Operation of Millidgeville Community Centre COUNCIL MEMBERS 6.1 Appointments to Boards and Commissions (Councillor Tait) 6.2 Atlantic Metropolis Conference - Immigration (Councillor Chang) 6.3 Harbour Passage (Councillor Titus) 6.4 Police - Lockup-Holding Cells" (Councillor Titus) CITY SOLICITOR 7.1 Council Authority of Appointment and Removal 1 0.2(b)(f) COM MON CLERK 8.1 3rd Reading 26 Foley Court (1st & 2nd Readings Given September 13,2004) 8.2 3rd Reading 1700 Manawagonish Rd. (1st & 2nd Readings Given September 13, 2004) COM M ITTEES/COM MISSIONS 9.1 Request of Imperial Theatre for Appointment to Board 9.2 (a) Planning Advisory Committee - Walkway between Donaldson & Alward Streets (b) Report from the City Manager submitted August 16, 2004 9.3 Planning Advisory Committee Proposed Vesting of Area for Street Widening & Municipal Services Easement - 419 Rothesay Avenue 9.4 Planning Advisory Committee - Proposed Six-lot Subdivision - 1885 Old Black River Rd. 9.5 Planning Advisory Committee - Mobile Signs Planning Advisory Committee 9.6 Parking Commission Appointment as By-law Enforcement Officer 9.7 Enterprise Saint John Request to Review and Discuss the Growth Strategy GENERAL 10.1 Letter from Gladys Thorne Objecting to a Potential Raise in Taxes 10.2 Letter from Betty Hebert Regarding Unsightly Premises at 1019 Millidge Avenue 10.3 Letter from Frances Duplessie Regarding Lighting at 1007 Manawagonish Rd. 10.4 Letter from Saint John West Business Assoc. Inc. Regarding Parking Meters on Main Street West 10.5 Letter from Raymond Real Estate Ltd. - Possible Sites for Police Station 10.6 Letter from Frank Rodgers Regarding Saint John Board of Police Commissioners' Membership 10.7 Letter from Eric Teed Regarding Saint John Board of Police Commissioners' Membership 10.8 Letter from Eric Teed Regarding Committee Appointments 10.9 Letter from Waterton's Regarding Alan Church Advertising REUNION DU CONSEIL COMMUNAL ORDRE DU JOUR DE LA REUNION DU 4 OCTOBRE 2004 REUNION EN COMITE PLENIER 1. 17 h - Ouverture de la reunion 2. Rue Water 3. Commissions sur Ie transport en commun, sur Ie stationnement, sur Ie Harbour Bridge et sur I'aeroport- alinea 10.2(4)(c) (reunion du 7 Septembre 2004) 4. Question d'ordre personnel - alinea 10.2(4)(b) (reunion du 13 Septembre 2004) 5. Negotiations d'un contract - alinea 10.2(4)(c) 6. Negotiations d'un contract - alinea 10.2(4)(c) 7. Question relative a la propriete - alinea 10.2(4)(d) 8. Negotiations d'un contract - alinea 10.2(4)(c) 9. Avis juridique 10.2(4)(f) 10. Question d'ordre personnel - alinea 10.2(4)(b)(reunion du 20 Septembre 2004) REUNION ORDINAIRE 1.1 19.00 h - Ouverture de la reunion, suivie de la priere 1.2 Adoption de I'ordre du jour 1.3 Proclamation 2. Presentation - rue Water PRESENTATIONS PRESENTATIONS PUBLlQUES AUDIENCES PUBLlQUES DIRECTEUR GENERAL 5.1 Immeubles de copropriete et collecte des matieres usees solides residentielles 5.2 Services a I'intention de I'amenagement de maisons en rangee a patio 5.3 Routes provinciales designees - Programme quinquennal d'amelioration des immobilisations (2005- 2009). 5.4 Services de conception technique relatifs a la protection des bassins hydrographiques de Loch Lomond et du Lac Spruce 5.5 Changement de nom du chemin Ashburn Lake 5.6 Resolution modificatrice relative au 532, avenue Rothesay 5.7 Date de la tenue d'une audience publique relativement au 986, chemin Manawagonish 5.8 Vente d'une parcelle de terrain portant Ie NID 418129 situee sur Ie chemin Sandy Point 5.9 Animal Rescue League [Coalition secours animal] (a) Contrat concernant Ie conrole des animaux pour The City of Saint John 5.10 Entente proposee au YMCA-YWCA de Saint John relative a I'exploitation du centre communautaire de Millidgeville MEMBRES DU CONSEIL 6.1 Nominations aux conseils et aux commissions (conseiller Tait) 6.2 Conference de l'Atlantique Metropole 6.3 Le passage du port (conseiller Titus) 6.4 Police - Lieu de detention - Cellules provisoires AVOCAT MUNICIPAL 7.1 Autorite conferee au conseil relativement a la nomination et a la destitution - alinea 10.2(4)(f) GREFFIER COMMUNAL 8.1 Troisieme lecture visant Ie 26, impasse Foley (1 re et 2e lectures effectuees Ie 13 septembre 2004) 8.2 Troisieme lecture visant Ie 1700, chemin Manawagonish (1re et 2e lectures effectuees Ie 13 septembre 2004) COMITES ET COMMISSIONS 9.1 Demande reyue du theatre Imperial relative a la nomination d'une personne pour sieger au conseil 9.2 a) Comite consultatif d'urbanisme - allee pietonniere situee entre les rues Donaldson et Alward b) Rapport presente par Ie directeur general Ie 16 aout 2004 9.3 Comite consultatif d'urbanisme relativement a la devolution proposee d'une parcelle aux fins d'elargissement de la rue et a la servitude visant Ie 419, avenue Rothesay 9.4 Comite consultatif d'urbanisme relativement au lotissement de six lots propose au 1885, chemin Old Black River 9.5 Comite consultatif d'urbanisme relativement aux panneaux mobiles 9.6 Demande de la Commission sur Ie stationnement de Saint John - Nomination d'un agent d'execution des arretes municipaux 9.7 Attribution de soumission d'Enterprise Saint John- Strategie de croissance communautaire GENERALlTES 10.1 Lettre reyue de Gladys Thorne se prononyant contre I'augmentation prevue des taxes 10.2 Lettre reyue de Betty Hebert relative a la propriete inesthetique situe au 1019, avenue Millidge 10.3 Lettre reyue de Frances Duplessie relative a I'eclairage au 1007, chemin Manawagonish 10.4 Lettre reyue de Saint John West Business Assoc. Inc. [association commerciale du quartier ouest de Saint John] relative aux parcometres situes sur la rue Main ouest 10.5 Lettre reyue de Raymond Real Estate Ltd. suggerant des emplacements pour amenager Ie quartier general du service de police 10.6 Lettre reyue de Frank Rodgers relative a I'adhesion au bureau des commissaires de la police de Saint John 10.7 Lettre reyue de Eric Teed relative a I'adhesion au bureau des commissaires de la police de Saint John 10.8 Lettre reyue de Eric Teed relative aux nominations aux comites 10.9 Lettre reyue de Waterton's relative a I'agence de publicite Alan Church Advertising