2002-05-06_Agenda AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at May 3, 2002. 1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., Monday, May 6,2002 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (April 22, 2002) DELEGATION 3. 7:15 p.m. -Fundy Region Solid Waste Commission re 2002 Operating Budget and Notice of Intention to vote on borrowing resolution. 4. Proclamations. COUNCIL MEMBERS 5. Re property tax assessments (Councillor Teed - tabled April 22, 2002). 6. Re cost for translation of by-laws (Councillor Teed - tabled April 22, 2002). 7. Re parking meters at off-hours (Councillor Teed - tabled April 22, 2002). 8. Re letter from Dana Crisp on Police Commission operation (Councillor Teed - tabled April 22, 2002). 9. Re proposed Harbour Passage / pedestrian access to Harbour Bridge (Councillor Teed). 10. Re skateboarding facilities (Councillor Teed). 11. Re Canada Strategic Infrastructure Fund / Foundation (Councillor Teed). 12. Re recent International Making Cities Livable Conference (Councillor Teed). 13. Re pedestrian crossing / Manawagonish Road and Westgate area (Councillor Titus). 14. Re Milk for Moms project (Deputy Mayor White). CITY MANAGER 15. Re Provincial highway system in Saint John. 16. Re proposed adjustments to 2002 Water and Sewerage Utility Fund Capital Program. 17. Report re tender for Contract 2002-3, transmission mains East, Thorne Avenue and Russell Street. 18. Re 2002 street surface maintenance program. 19. Re clean-up week alternatives. 20. Re NB Power load forecast hearing - Point Lepreau refurbishment proposal. 21. Re assent to easement, 105 Honeysuckle Drive. 22. Re grant for 2002 Loyalist City Heritage Festival. 23. Re early possession of lands owned by General Realty Company, Limited. CITY SOLICITOR 24. Re building at 65 Lake Cove Road, Loch Lomond. COM M ITTEES/COM MISSIONS 25. Recreation and Parks Advisory Board re Senior Exchange Program offered by City. 26. Recreation and Parks Advisory Board re City Manager's report to Council on traffic at Market Place. 27. Saint John Parking Commission in response to Council resolution re parking lots across from Fort Howe on Magazine Street. 28. Saint John Parking Commission in response to Arthur Melanson's letter re Residential Parking and Snow Removal Study for Central Peninsula. 29. Saint John Development Corporation re 2001 Financial Statements/Annual Meeting. 30. Saint John Harbour Bridge Authority re proposed budget of estimated expenditures for fiscal year ending March 31,2003. Page Two. COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at May 3, 2002. GENERAL 31. Letter from Minister of Environment and Local Government re Fundy Region Solid Waste Commission. 32. Letter from Saint John Board of Trade re City-sponsored coach tours for City seniors. 33. Request of St. John the Baptist-King Edward School to address Council re funding for schoolyard improvement project. 34. Letter from Harold E. Wright re King Street sidewalk covering. 35. Request of BMO Nesbitt Burns Saint John Jazz and Blues Festival for financial assistance for 2002 Festival. 36. Request of 2002 Canadian Fencing Championships for City to host luncheon and sponsor gifts. 37. Letter from (a) Canadian Citizenship Federation, (b) New Brunswick Multicultural Council, re anniversary of incorporation of City of Saint John. 38. Request of Monte Cristo Park Playground Committee to address Council re community playground project. 39. Request of K.B.M. Association for funding for bleachers for ballfield. 40. Application of John Campbell for re-zoning of property at 165 Union Street. 41. Letter from F. Wayne Jones re previous letter to Council on pedestrian crosswalks. 42. Letter from H. Sauerteig re Fundy Region Solid Waste Commission's 2002 operating budget and landfill operation. 43. Request of Millidgeville Community Playpark Committee for opportunity to make presentation on activities and apply for funding for project. 44. Letters re flooding on Honeysuckle Drive, Meadowland Subdivision, from (a) Gerald Wyman, (b) Paul Coyle requesting to address Council; and (c) Lynda Martin, (d) the O'Hearn family. 45. Request of the Kiwanis Club of Lancaster to beautify and develop a small park on corner of Pine Avenue and Sand Cove Road and for funding assistance from City. 46. Request of the Kiwanis Club of Saint John for funding assistance for playpark project in Rockwood Park. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - 5:00 p.m. 47. 5:00 p.m. - Saint John Aquatic Centre Commission. 48. Re Gibson Avenue - former Veterans' Affairs land (City Manager). 49. Re KINEK Technologies Inc. - extension of sublease (City Manager). 50. City Manager's update. 51. Mayor's update. LEGAL SESSION 52. Re Mario Charlebois - Applicant - the City of Saint John et al - Respondents (City Solicitor).