2002-03-04_Agenda AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at March 1,2002. 1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., Monday, March 4,2002 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (February 18, 2002). PUBLIC HEARINGS 3. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate, on Schedule 2-A, a parcel of land located at 77 Golden Grove Road, from Low Density Residential to Service Corridor classification, to permit the development of a combination of retail/commercial buildings and self-storage warehousing, as requested by Norman Ganong. (b) Proposed (i) Zoning By-law text amendment to add Special Zone #8 - "SZ#8", its uses and standards, and (ii) re-zoning of the parcel of land described above from "RS-2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "SZ#8" Special Zone #8 classification. (c) Planning Advisory Committee report re proposed amendments. 4. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-law text amendment to add "subject to subsection 3(e), a" immediately before the words "beverage room or lounge" in Section 540(1)(a), and to add as Section 540(3)(c)(ii) "(ii) notwithstanding (c) above, a dwelling unit may be located below the second storey and the main access to any dwelling unit may be from outside the building at ground level, where such building is located on a lot that is less than 30 metres from an 'R' zone, and to add as Section 540(3)(e) "(e) a beverage room, club or lounge may not be located within 30 metres of an 'R' zone", to prohibit the establishment of a beverage room, club or lounge in those portions of the "B-3" Central Business zone that are located within 30 meters of an "R" Residential zone, and to permit dwelling units to be located on the ground floor of buildings in those portions of the "B-3" Central Business zone that are located within 30 metres of an "R" Residential zone, as initiated by the City of Saint John. (b) Planning Advisory Committee report re proposed amendment. 5. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-law amendment to re-zone a parcel of land located at 87 Canterbury Street, from "B-3" Central Business to "B-2" General Business classification, to permit the use of a portion of the ground floor of the existing building for dwelling units, as requested by Clover Realty Limited. (b) Planning Advisory Committee report re proposed amendment. 6. Proclamations. COUNCIL MEMBERS 7. Re concept of changes in zoning regulations to allow high-density mixed-use residential and office complexes in peninsula area of City (Councillor Teed). 8. Re City's plans for participation in seminars on television inspection and prioritization of sewer rehabilitation and introduction to trenchless technologies (Councillor Teed). 9. Re City policy respecting personal use of City vehicles by employees (Councillor Teed). 10. Re manner in which Council conducts business (Councillor Teed). 11. Re by-law concerning abandoned and dilapidated buildings (Councillor Chase). 12. Re compensation for emergency social services provided to tenants of Rockland Road property (Councillor Chase. Page Two. COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at March 1,2002. CITY MANAGER 13. Re public hearing for application of 501226 N. B. / Raymond Slattery for re-zoning of property located at 17- 21 Westmorland Road. 14. Re Section 39 conditions for proposed re-zoning of 185 Loch Lomond Road (see also agenda item #30). 15. Re Section 39 conditions for proposed re-zoning of 10 Tim Street (see also agenda item #31). 16. Response to request for sidewalk plowing on Fegan Court. 17. Re population growth and land use in South End of City. 18. Re licence to Hargo Jet Boat Tours Inc. to operate jet boat tours of Reversing Falls Rapids from Fallsview Park site. 19. Re quieting of title over portion of PID 51771, Woodward Avenue. 20. Re contract costs - Contract 2001-9, asphalt concrete resurfacing No.2. 21. Re cost sharing with Province of additional expenditure to complete Throughway access and truck traffic study. 22. Funding requests under proposed Federal Strategic Infrastructure Foundation Program. 23. Re design and construction management - Red Head secondary access and related matters. 24. Re site conditions - 996 to 1320 Red Head Road. 25. Re Saint John Salvage Corps and Fire Police - cancellation of warrant. 26. Re Establishment change - Buildings and Inspection Services. 27. Re lease of land from Exhibition Association. CITY SOLICITOR 28. Re Uptown Saint John Inc.'s 2002 budget (see also item #29). COM MON CLERK 29. Re (a) Uptown Saint John Inc.'s proposed 2002 budget, and (b) proposed Business Improvement Levy By- law amendment. 30. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-law text amendment and re-zoning of 185 Loch Lomond Road (1 st & 2nd readings given February 18, 2002). 31. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-law text amendment and re-zoning of 10 Tim Street (1 st & 2nd readings given February 18, 2002). COM M ITTEES/COM MISSIONS 32. Committee of the Whole (February 18, 2002) - (1) policy re term of membership on committees, boards and commissions. 33. Committee of the Whole (February 25) - (1 - 7) appointments to committees, boards and commissions. *45. (1-3) Appointments to Parking Commission, Power Commission and Preservation Review Board. 34. Planning Advisory Committee re Executive for 2002. 35. Saint John Parking Commission - request for support for amendment to Municipalities Act re use of new parking technology. 36. Environment Committee re Point Lepreau proposed refurbishment. GENERAL 37. Letter from (a) Office of the Premier and (b) Municipal Capital Borrowing Board in response to February 11, 2002 Council resolution re Sunday shopping. 38. Letters re Sunday shopping from (a) Nathan Maguire, (b) Council 937 Knights of Columbus. 39. Letter from (a) Mayor of Grand Bay-Westfield re correspondence from Everett J. Calvin, and (b) Everett J. Calvin, re operation of Crane Mountain landfill. 40. Request of Saint John Port Authority for sponsorship of Port Days 2002. 41. Letter from South Central Citizens Council re 200 Block, Duke Street. 42. Letter from Dominion Refuse Collectors & Saint John Recycling re revised proposal regarding Region's recycling depots. 43. Letter from F. Wayne Jones re timing of pedestrian crosswalk lights. Page Three. COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at March 1,2002. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - 4:30 p.m. 44. 4:45 p.m. - Saint John YM-YWCA. 45. Re appointments to committees, boards and commissions (Mayor McAlary). 46. Re Fundy Region Solid Waste Commission (City Manager). 47. Re acquisition of land in Loch Lomond watershed (City Manager). 48. City Manager's update. 49. Mayor's update.