2001-09-04_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at August 31,2001. 1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., Tuesdav, September 4,2001 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (August 20,2001). PUBLIC HEARING 3. 7:00 p.m. (a) Proposed Zoning By-law amendment to re-zone a portion of land located at 2074 Ocean Westway, from "RF" Rural to "B-2" General Business classification, to place the subject site into a commercial zoning that would accommodate the expansion of an existing automobile sales and related business at 2086 Ocean Westway, as well as to allow for the establishment of a new garden centre at 2074 Ocean Westway, as requested by Allan A. Williams and 052500 N.B. Ltd. (b) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment. DELEGATION 4. 7:30 p. m. - Presentation of report by Saint John Waterfront Development Partnership. 5. Mayor's remarks. COUNCIL MEMBERS 6. (a) Re crosswalk on Somerset Street in front of St. Pius Church (Mayor McAlary) (b) Letter from St. Pius X Roman Catholic Church re said crosswalk. 7. Re gift of Centennial Clock and execution of agreement (Mayor McAlary). 8. Re donated carved clock (Councillor Teed - tabled August 20,2001). 9. Re congratulating Saint John Alpines Senior Baseball Team on winning 2001 Canadian National Men's Championship (Councillor Fitzgerald). 10. Re appearance of vacant buildings in uptown area (Deputy Mayor White). 11. Re signage (Councillor Fitzpatrick). 12. Re congratulating owner of jet boat ride for recent rescue (Councillor Teed). CITY MANAGER 13. Report re tender for sand, gravel and aggregate. 14. Response to Hazen White-St. Francis School Playground Committee's August 7 request to cost share in development of playground. 15. Re proposals for consulting engineering services - Throughway access and truck traffic. 16. Re truck traffic from ferry terminal. 17. Re King Street brick replacement. 18. Re Sister City relationships. *18A. Re sale of portion of former Wellington Street. CITY SOLICITOR 19. Re Little River Estates - proposed subdivision. COM M ITTEESICOM MISSIONS 20. Committee of the Whole report (August 20,2001) - (1) re lease, 220 Water Street; (2) re acquisition of land in East watershed, Upper Golden Grove Road; (3) re subdivision/consolidation of City land. 21. (a) Planning Advisory Committee re proposed re-zoning of various central peninsula properties. (b) Third reading of Zoning By-law amendment to re-zone various properties in the Central Peninsula (1 st & 2nd readings given August 20,2001). 22. Planning Advisory Committee - assent to subdivision of 1171 Golden Grove Road re public utility easement. 23. Saint John Parking Commission 2000 Annual Report. 24. Saint John Development Corporation re nominees of co-chairs for City's Year 2004 celebrations. Page Two. COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at August 31,2001. GENERAL 25. Letter from The Marco Polo Project re harbour cleanup. 26. Application of Vernon Lanteigne for re-zoning of property at 44 Albert Street. 27. Request of APPSA UNBSJ Fundraising Committee for donation towards conference costs for Annual Meeting of Atlantic Political Studies Association. 28. Letter from Jacqueline Aulenback of Chocolaty Cravings re sublease of space and expansion of product line by City Market tenant. 29. Letter from Marguerite M. LeBlanc re cost of repairs to fence. 30. Letter from Board of Directors of Loyalist City Heritage Festival re 2002 Festival. 31. Letter from Percy E. Godsoe requesting update on action taken re deer in Millidgeville area. 32. Request of Havelock Elementary Home & School Association for funding for playground. 33. Letter from Lowjack Enterprises Ltd. re City Market garbage removal system. 34. Letter from Saint John Youth Hockey Association re ice rental at Harbour Station. 35. Request for financial contribution for fencing of Simonds High School field. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - 4:30 p.m. 36. Re flooding problem, Meadowland Subdivision (Councillor Fitzpatrick). 37. Letter from Positive Awareness Committee in follow-up to its request for begging and loitering by-law. 38. Nominating Committee report. 39. Teach-in on arena scheduling. 40. Re proposals for new arena (City Manager). 41. Re Honeysuckle Drive, Meadowland Subdivision (City Manager). 42. Re sale of portion of former Wellington Street (City Manager). 43. Re acquisition of property, Busby Street (City Manager). 44. Re acquisition of property, 585 Old Black River Road (City Manager). 45. Re Reversing Falls Restaurant and Visitor Information Centre (City Manager). 46. Re request to lease Parcel B, Reversing Falls Park (City Manager). 47. Re lease, Market Square Tourist Information Centre (City Manager). 48. Re mutual release waiver, 580 Sea Street (City Manager). 49. City Manager's update. 50. Mayor's update.