2001-05-07_Agenda AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at May 4,2001. 1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., Monday, May 7,2001 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (April 23, 2001). DELEGATIONS 3. 7:15 p.m. 4. 8:00 p.m. 5. 8:15 p.m. 6. 8:30 p.m. 7. 8:45 p.m. Presentation by Saint John Parking Commission of Residential Parking and Snow Removal Study of the Saint John Central Peninsula. Presentation on behalf of Environment Committee re storm water management. Presentation on behalf of Positive Awareness Committee of a by-law re loitering and begging. Presentation on behalf of Carleton Community Centre Advisory Board re project to develop City land at Market Place West. Presentation by City staff re skills development - outside labour force. 8. Mayor's remarks. CITY MANAGER 9. Re proposed policy of residential infrastructure assistance. 10. Re establishment of sidewalk cafes upon street rights-of-way. 11. Report re tender for supply of 60,000 GVWR cab & chassis. 12. Report re tender for loader c/w wing & plow. 13. Report re tender for Contract 2001-12, Westmorland Street watermain construction. 14. Report re tender for Contract 2001-14, east transmission system sealing joints, 900mm watermain, Rothesay Avenue - Marsh Creek. 15. Re extension and changes to licence with LHMD Adventures to operate horse barns and associated business in Rockwood Park. 16. Re King Street brick replacement. 17. Proposed amendment to application of RE. Darling Limited for re-zoning of property on Lakewood Avenue West. 18. Re lease of land at 154 Thorne Avenue. 19. Re Coughlan stream - follow-up to March 12, 2001 report on maintenance of watercourse/drainage system. 20. Response to April 2, 2001 request for chipsealing/paving of McLeod Road. 21. Re status of Ocean Westway as truck route. COM M ITTEESICOM MISSIONS 22. Committee of the Whole report (April 23, 2001) - (1) re salary issue. 23. Planning Advisory Committee re subdivision assent for street vesting (Vey Road), 2291 Loch Lomond Road. 24. Planning Advisory Committee re subdivision assent, agreement, cost sharing and land for public purposes, Parkwood Avenue (extension). 25. Saint John Industrial Parks Ltd. re purchase order for engineering design for Mcilveen Drive Extension project. GENERAL 26. Letter from Total Golf Management Inc. re summary of enhancements and accomplishments during 2000 season at Rockwood Park Golf Course, and re proposed 2001 fee structure and plans/enhancements. 27. Application of Enbridge Gas New Brunswick Inc. for amendment to Section 39 conditions of re-zoning of 33 Chesley Drive. 28. Application of F.G. Ganong Electrical Ltd. for re-zoning of property located at 77 Golden Grove Road. 29. Request of FCM for funding for National Housing Policy Options Team. 30. Request of Smoothy's Restaurant & Pub for permission for outdoor seating area in front of 18 Charlotte Street for 2001 summer season. 31. Application of Bill Randell for re-zoning of property located at 139 Germain Street. 32. Letter from Norman Butler re McLeod Road. Page Two. COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at May 4,2001. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - 4:30 p.m. 33. Re Kennebecasis Drive water supply (City Manager). 34. Re proposed closing and subsequent sale of portion of Sandy Point Road (City Manager). 35. Re April 9, 2001 request to purchase land in Sandy Point Road area (City Manager). 36. Re purchase of City land and development of 130 Rivershore Drive (City Manager). 37. City Manager's update. 38. Mayor's update.