2001-03-26_Agenda AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 4:30 PM. MARCH 26. 2001 1. Request of Dallas Moyer to meet in closed session. 2. Letter from Teed & Teed re water problem at 60 Spar Cove Road. 3. Re proposed amending agreement with Saint John Horticultural Association (City Solicitor). 4. Re Contract 2000-3, asphalt resurfacing (City Solicitor). 5. Re labour relations! conflict resolution (City Manager). 6. Re contract negotiations, Local 771 (City Manager). 7. Re Local 18 collective agreement (City Manager). 8. Re residential solid waste collection service (City Manager). 9. Re Saint John Horticultural Association (City Manager). 10. Re First Professional! Exhibition Association - land negotiations (City Manager). 11. City Manager's update. 12. Mayor's update.