2001-01-08_Agenda AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at January 5,2001. 1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., Monday, January 8,2001 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (Tuesday, January 2,2001). PUBLIC HEARING 3. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed amendment to Section 39 conditions imposed on the 1973 re-zoning of the property situated at 221 Chesley Drive, being a portion of Site C under the North End Renewal Scheme, to permit the construction of a meter and regulating station for the natural gas pipeline, as requested by Enbridge Gas New Brunswick Inc. Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment. (b) (c) Request of applicant to withdraw application. PUBLIC PRESENTATION 4. 7:00 p.m. -Public presentation of proposed Municipal Plan amendment to amend Schedule 2-A of the Plan, Section 3.4.3 of the Millidgeville Secondary Plan (Development Area Guidelines - Development Area C: Cedar Point), and Sketch Map 3: Development Area C1, Cr Cedar Point contained in Section 3.4.3, to permit the creation of residential lots directly abutting the Saint John River without providing any public access along the shoreline, as initiated by the City of Saint John. DELEGATION 5. 7:15 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Board of Police Commissioners of D.F.S. Inc. / Duschenes & Fish Architects and Nelson Wong Architect Inc. report re new police headquarters facility for City of Saint John. 6. Mayor's remarks. COUNCIL MEMBERS 7. Re Saint John Energy's gift to City of "Saint John 2000" sign (Mayor McAlary). CITY MANAGER 8. Report re tender for renovations, City Market washrooms. 9. Report re bid for sewerage pumps and motors for Lorneville pumping station. 10. Proposed amendment to Traffic By-law re parking on Carmarthen Street. 11. Re assent to municipal services easement, Mcilveen Drive. COM MON CLERK 12. Re application of Truman Hayward for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of property located at 2494 Loch Lomond Road (public presentation made December 4, 2000). COMMITTEES 13. Committee of the Whole report (Tuesday, January 2,2001 - (1) re small claims action, Bonney Construction Ltd. v. City of Saint John; (2) acquisition of property for Marsh Creek Bridge replacement and street widening, 573 Rothesay Avenue, 574 Rothesay Avenue, 583 Rothesay Avenue, 587 Rothesay Avenue, 589 Rothesay Avenue, 591 Rothesay Avenue, 595 Rothesay Avenue, and 599 Rothesay Avenue. 14. Planning Advisory Committee re assent to subdivision for street widening purposes, 573 Rothesay Avenue. 15. Planning Advisory Committee re assent to subdivision for street widening purposes, 583 Rothesay Avenue. 16. Planning Advisory Committee re assent to subdivision for street widening purposes, 587 Rothesay Avenue. Page Two. COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at January 5,2001. GENERAL 17. Letter from Connie Erb resigning from Recreation and Parks Advisory Board. 18. Letter from Gerry Puczko resigning from Saint John Board of Police Commissioners. 19. Letter from Festival by the Sea - Festival sur mer, Inc., in appreciation of City's support. 20. Letter from Bertha Wood-Holt requesting proclamation of June 24 as Discovery Day in City. 21. Application of Tim and Cheryl Cochran for re-zoning of property at 1433 Loch Lomond Road. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - 4:30 p.m. 22. Request of 512531 NB Ltd. to meet re purchase of property. 23. Copy of letter from Teed & Teed re work to correct flow of water at 60 Spar Cove Road. 24. Re Arbitration Award - City of Saint John and Dean Construction Limited (City Solicitor). 25. Re proposed Waterfront Funding Agreement (City Solicitor). 26. Re proposed Waterfront Funding Agreement (City Manager). 27. Re Marsh Creek Bridge - replacement and street widening project: (a) 570 Rothesay Avenue, (b) 585 Rothesay Avenue, (c) 588 and 594 Rothesay Avenue, (d) 601 Rothesay Avenue (City Manager). 28. City Manager's update. 29. Mayor's update.