2000-06-19_Agenda AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at June 16, 2000. 1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., Monday, June 19, 2000 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (June 12, 2000). 3. 7:15 p.m. -Presentation by Stephen R. Cronk re Mark Drive. 4. 7:30 p.m. -Presentation by George F. Teed re flags at entrance to Rockwood Park and at Fisher Lakes, and sidewalk grass plots in Mount Pleasant area. 5. 7:45 p.m. -Presentation on behalf of Greater Saint John Area Community Garden Committee re funding for fencing for community garden plots. 6. Mayor's remarks. *6A. Canadian Committee on Shipbuilding and Policy. COUNCIL MEMBERS 7. Re tourism (Mayor McAlary). CITY MANAGER 8. Re proposal for engineering services for Lakewood Heights water pumping station. 9. Report re tender for motorized equipment. 10. Re Business Park Development Incentive Program. 11. Re Business Park Development Incentive Program - McAllister Place Ltd.'s application. 12. Re Business Park Development Incentive Program - Silver Falls Park Development Company Limited's application. 13. Re Business Park Development Incentive Program - Scott Bros. Ltd.'s application. 14. Re Mark Drive by-pass road - exchange of land with Scott Bros. Ltd. 15. Re 2000 Establishment of permanent positions. 16. Proposed amendment to November 15, 1999 Council resolution re sale of land along Moore Street. 17. Response to Havelock Home & School Association's request for cost sharing of playground equipment. 18. Proposed amendment to list of official street names to delete Hospital Street and add Agar Place. 19. Re request to stop up and close a portion of Tippett Drive. CITY SOLICITOR 20. Proposed Traffic By-law amendment re parking on Union Street (1st & 2nd readings given June 12, 2000). 21. Proposed City Market By-law amendment re Sunday and holiday openings (1 st & 2nd readings given June 12,2000). *21A. Proposed Zoning By-Law amendments re pits and quarries. COM MON CLERK 22. Re application of Gordon Defazio for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of property located at 264 Golden Grove Road (public presentation May 15, 2000). 23. (a) Third reading of proposed Municipal Plan amendment re 152-154 Waterloo Street (1st & 2nd readings given June 12, 2000). (b) Third reading of proposed Zoning By-law amendment to re-zone above property, and imposing of conditions pursuant to Section 39 of Community Planning Act (1st & 2nd readings given June 12, 2000). COMMITTEES 24. Committee of the Whole report (June 12, 2000) - (1) purchase of land re Mark Drive by-pass road project and execution of Letter of Commitment from McAllister Place Ltd.; (2) re repairs to Smythe Street expansion joints and associated work at Market Square. 25. Saint John Board of Police Commissioners in response to May 25, 1999 referral of All Terrain Vehicles By- law draft. 26. Saint John Board of Police Commissioners in response to May 29, 2000 invitation to address matter of neighbourhood police committees. Page Two. COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at June 16, 2000. 27. Saint John Board of Police Commissioners in response to May 29,2000 request for report on parking on Woodville Road. GENERAL 28. Letter from Lewis H. Morgan of Transport 2000 Atlantic re VIA Rail service. 29. Letter from Uptown Saint John Inc. re Millennium Dome Project. 30. Application of First Westmorland Shopping Centres Limited for amendment to Section 39 conditions of re- zoning of 450-500 Westmorland Road. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - 4:30 p.m. 31. Saint John Board of Police Commissioners re position of Taxi Inspector. 32. Letter from William R. Leahy re membership on Saint John Port Authority. 33. Proposed Zoning By-law amendment re pits and quarries (City Solicitor). 34. Re Public Utility Board Hearing into construction of natural gas distribution system (City Manager). 35. City Manager's update. 36. Mayor's update.