2009-05-27_Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jourCity of Saint John Common Council Meeting Wednesday, May 27, 2009 Committee of the Whole 1. Call to Order 4:00 P.M. Council Chamber Open to the Public 1.1 Morneau Sobeco Presentation: Financial Advisory Services to Common Council Re the Employee Pension Plan City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal Le Mercredi 27 Mai, 2009 Lieu : Salle du conseil communal Comite plenier 1. Ouverture de la seance 16 h - Salle du conseil communal 1.1 Morneau Sobeco: Regime de retraite des employes des services consultatifs financiers 5 . D { (D ...uiilllio..ooo, e.................. I'll HHHH''I'll", 1j) n........ . lilt, (11% IIII > ObJ0ectives for Today's Meeting - Establish basic logistics for project - Outline high level project plan - Clarify "Definition of Success" for project - Establish common understanding of current situation - Select tentative directions for future analysis 2 > Recap of Last Meeting > Our Ro= e > Overview of the Plan's Financia- State > Meeting Format > Submission by Union > Moving Forward > Next Meeting > Questions? 3 goa_s > Very pre_iminary discussion of Terms of Engagement (time was very What is the - What is the What is the 11ri11~CU) process? problem? definition of success? v.1 nn on appropriate committee e arrangements for this project and meeting 4 > What is the appropriate committee for this project? - Decision 1: Work with entire Counci- or sub- group -Decision 2: Discussions -1e-d in open session or c-osed session > Decisions Made: Motions passed that working group wou_d include entire Counci'. using open session format 5 > Morneau Sobeco's ro_e is not to advocate any particu~ar resu'-t, but rather to act as a know-edgeab. e faciltator > However, if Counci'. indicates that they wish to move one way, but their subsequent actions indicate they are moving a different way, we wil: point this out to Counci'. a_so provide input as to feasibi'-ity of c zoices being considered 6 7 > This is NOT Morneau Sobeco's project and it is NOT Morneau Sobeco's ro_e to decide the fina'- outcome > The fina'- outcome wi: - be based on decisions made by Counci'- supported by Morneau Sobeco's input > U_timate accountabi-ity and responsibi_ity for the P_an has been, and remains, with Council > Since our time equa= s an expense, we wi-_ encourage Counci" to focus on the issues in a time'. .y fashion 7 8 > Pension plan finances are basically very simple - Contributions go into the fund during employees' working careers (Cash in) - These contributions earn investment income in the pension fund - Benefits are paid to members and their beneficiaries (Cash out) > A plan is considered fully funded if the accumulation of contributions plus investment income earned to date plus that assumed will be earned in the future is projected to be sufficient to pay pensions earned for service to the current date > The only way to change the financial position of a pension plan is to change one of the above 3 items s 9 > The only TRUE way to handle a deficit is as follows (the "Real Deficit Solution"): - Increase the cash flow going in: (i.e. increase in contributions) - Increase the investment return earned by the fund: this would be a simple and painless solution but, unfortunately, we cannot control investment returns. - Decrease the cash flow going out: (i.e. benefit reductions) 9 10 > December 31, 2008 Financial Position (estimates only): - Actuarial Liability*: $433.2 million (8 x Payroll) - Assets: $286.5 million - Going Concern Funding Deficit: $146.7 million (2.7 x Payroll) - Funding Ratio : 66% - Current Service Cost*: 20.32% of payroll, or approximately $11 million per annum (based on estimated 2009 payroll of $55 million) * Based on a projection of December 31, 2006 funding valuation results without changes 10 11 11 12 Year Real Return Next 4 years Next 20 years 2008 -19. 53% N/A N/A 1990 -12. 25% 9.97%/- _ - - = 6. 51 1981 -15. 66% 13.94%/ 1974 -26. 25% 7.07%/- - 7. 21%/ - 1973 -11. 14% -3.28%/- 1 1947 -11. 71% 6.77% 6.83% 1940 -10. 46% 6.32% 5.81% 1937 -11. 90% -0.89% 4.23% 1931 -11. 63% 16.73% 5.36% 1930 -12.22% 9.38% 4.65% Yellow = negative real return, Green = 18 years experience (not 20) 12 *Second figure in red assumes 3% real bond returns recent 50 years 13 13 14 > Assuming no gains or losses occur, amortizing a $146.7 million deficit over 15 years costs -$16 million per annum > This represents approximately 30% of current payroll > When combined with current service cost, the total cost of pension plan per annum would be -50% of payroll (41 % after subtracting an employee contribution of 9% of payroll) > The estimated employer contribution requirement of 41 % of payroll starting in 2010 is likely unmanageable > Conclusion: the funding gap cannot be closed by simply increasing employer contributions 14 15 - Increase the investment return would be a painless solution returns cannot be controlled. Previous slides show but provide some marginal gain but it is improbable that this may solution and it would be imprudent to bet the future of the Plan on it - Decrease the cash flow Lloine out through benefit reduction unpleasant and unpopular, we submit that it will be ne s" while consider some plan changes in order to stabilize plan finances and secure its future for members and the City 15 16 > On that somber note, we need to decide on how we want to operate the meeting format > We have determined a'-ready that the who'. .e Counci'- wi'-'- meet in open sessions > Now need to dea'- with meeting format: - How do we reach decisions? - What is the decision making mechanism? - How much time should be spent on each issue? - How do we ensure broad, equitable participation? 16 17 > W'---iat s_ZOU d t--ie decision Ma)dng M-)e? -Consensus? -Unanimity or Majority? --f majority, 2/3rd vote? Ot'--ier? -Must ensure fu'--'-- consideration of a'---'-- aspects of eac-1 issue prior to a decision 17 18 > What should the Rules of Engagement be? - Morneau Sobeco to act as facilitators - No resolution until discussion on topic is complete - Formal or informal meetings? - Structured discussions versus informal discussions? - Perhaps structured meetings with informal discussions could best meet Council's requirements? > These operating guidelines can be amended as the project moves forward to ensure that they are supportive of achieving your desired goals 18 19 > Memorandum of Agreement in March 2007 - No reduction or enhancement of benefits for period to December 31, 2009 -Endorse so. vency exemption app. ication (such exemption has since been approved) - Increase emp-oyee contributions by 2% unti- funding shortfa:. is e: iminated (or three years if shorter -which, of course, we now know won't be shorter than three years) 19 20 > In the slide titled "Potential Long Term Solutions" presented by the union groups to Council on April 27, 2009, proposals listed included: - Using letter(s) of credit in lieu of contributions to amortize deficit* - Securing exemption from amortizing the deficit* - Securing an extension of amortization period to greater than 15 years* - Secure approval to pay interest only on deficit* - Smooth asset and liability changes to reduce reported deficit * The first four changes proposed above ivould require formal exemptions to the PBA, which may or may not be granted 20 21 > Need to measure these proposed so_utions to see how they fit with the "Rea_ Deficit Sprevious:y discussed > Recap: The "Rea.. Deficit So'- ution" is to "increase the cash flow going in", "increase investment returns" and/or "decrease the cash flow going out" > When _ooking at the effect on cash flows, we assumed a "Base Line" of current service cost p_us 15 year amortization of funding deficit as per the PBA 21 22 > Using this comparison to "Base Line", a-- five proposa: s reduce the cash flow going in over the next 15 years (often significant: y) and do not change the cash flow going out > CNone of the five proposa-s are "Rea_ Deficit Sbut rather si*mp'-y de'-ay the recognition of the prob-em > We propose that continuing to de-ay action on the prob_em wi: -not serve the : ong-term interests of t Ze City of Saint John or the p_an's stakeho, ders we. 22 23 > Problem De what problems are we trying to Definition: Exactly fix? Superficially, the problem is simple - too little money going - the pension plan and / or too much money being paid out of the pension plan atic of a deeper - We that this problem is symptomlex CCoy underlying issue that is much more comp 1 "fix" to the current crisis (cut - we believe that a simple, tactical it to address these benefits, increase those contributions) will fa the real root causes and likely result in future crises arising 23 24 em we recommend that c_etermine the root problem and address it rather Council When toms look at the associated symp than simply • > Focusing on the symptoms will lead to short term solutions which will not fix the long term issues tility in the future and > There will be investment vola that wi ll happen another financial crisis is something nother potential problem > Future surplus levels is a > Instead of solving the current symptoms, suggest that we c.eal with the real problem 24 25 > Simply cutting benefits / increasing move1thelCity of Saint John further enacting enhanced policies will no ahead in dealing with the long term problem 25 26 > If in agreement on the "prob_em" definition, this _eads to the further in-depth discussions of the: - Success definition l issues? (Council to provide input) - Other fundamenta > This shou_d set the ru-es for both current and future Counci'-s with respect to their oversight of the P'-an and the Pension Board 26 27 accomplish here? of the pension plan (attract and retain, y - What is the purpose ke uisance, or?) art of compensation, relic of the past, a n p - What price is the City prepared to pay to achieve this purpose? ns regarding benefits and costs be made? - How should decisio - What cture should l aspects of the current governance stru critical ~ Eliminated? be maintained? Revised? Elimm 27 28 > Plan is a major asset/liability should be intimately > Council the finances of the City of the City is is a huge piece of involved as this to estab > Does Council agree that their role is wide the Pension Board`? policies tog ~ In the end, will we be > What does success mean to the City? satisfied with: - What has happened? What conclusions reached? sult`? How we feel about the end re 28 29 > Current pace of 2 hour meetings once every month wi-- significant-y increase the time_ ine for this project > Origina'- proposa_ to Counci'. had out: fined the need for severa- ha'..f-day meetings > Must decide pace at w Zich we want to have this project finished > Advisab-e to set the date /time for next meeting now 29 30 > Depending on success definition and problem definition, topics to be covered in future sessions likely to include: - Pension funding standards - Legislative standards - Governance structure and execution - Plan design - Benefit policy - Funding policy - Actuarial assessments - Plan investments - Plan documentation - Plan administration - Employee and stakeholder communications 30 31 > Any questions? 31 32