2009-03-02_Supplemental Agenda Packet--Dossier de l'ordre du jour supplémentairem; City of Saint John Common Council Meeting Monday, March 2, 2009 Location: Common Council Chamber Supplemental to Agenda 13.2 Committee of the Whole Report - Appointments to Committees City of Saint John Seance du conseil communal Le Lundi 2 Mars, 2008 Lieu : Salle du conseil communal Ordre du jour supplementaire 13.2 Rapport du Comite plemer relativement auz nominations pour sieger auz comites ~m ~-t7r d. Y The City of Saint John March 2, 2009 Deputy Mayor Chase And Councillors SUBJECT: Appointments to Committees The Committee of the Whole having met earlier this evening, makes the following recommendation: Rockwood Park Advisory Board: that Henry Briggs and Councillor Killen be re- appointed each for a one year term ending March 2, 2010, and that Councillor Snook assume the role of Nice Chair. Aquatic Centre: that Councillor Sullivan be appointed to replace Ms. Stephenson for a three year term ending March 2, 2012. Saint John Energy (Power Commission): that Councillor Titus be re-appointed for a three year term from March 14, 2009 to March 14, 2012, and Chris Cook and Bernard Desmond be rc-appointed each for a two year term from March 13, 2009 to March 13, 2011. PRO Kids: that Adrian Adams and Danny Jardine be re-appointed and Katie Langmaid be appointed each for a two year term ending Dee 31, 2010, and that Connie Coffin be appointed with the next vacancy. Saint John Development Corporation: that Charles Swanton be reappointed for a three year term from March 29, 2009 to March 29, 2012. Taxicab Advisory Committee: that Ronald Meunnier be appointed for a two year term from March 2, 2009 to March 2, 2011. SAINT JOHN RO. Box 1971 Saint John, NB Canada E2L 40 I wwwsaintJohn,ca I C.P. 1971 Saint John, N.-B. Canada E2L 4L1 Destination Marketing Organization. that Tammy LeBlanc, Glenda MacLean, Helena Millar, Brian Clark and Jane Fullerton be appointed each for a maximum of one year from March 2, 2009 to March 2, 2010. Greater Saint John Seniors Advisory Comndttee. that Councillors Mott and Snook be appointed as liaisons until the end of their present terms on Council. Sincerelyā€˛ Ivan Court Mayor