1989-09-18_Agenda AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at September 15, 1989. 1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., September 18 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (September 11). 3. Mayor's remarks. 4. 4:00 f.m. - The Honourable Vaughn Blaney, Minister of Environment. J. Lette!:rOIn City Manager re meeting with Minister of Environment. 5. Re changes to Air Canada's passenger reservations system (Mayor Wayne). *5A. Re resolutions for submission to Cities of New Brunswlck meeting (City Mgr. 6. Payment of invoice. 7. Report re tender, contract 89-13, pavement resurfacing, Provincially-designated highways. 8. Re proposed Terms of Reference for Arbor Day Committee. 9. Re sale of remaining unused City land. CITY MANAGER COMMON CLERK 10. Re application of Hughes Surveys & Consultants Ltd. for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of 1260 Manawagonlsh Road (public presentation made August 14). 11. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re 94 and 100-106 Exmouth Street, as requested by Romero House Inc. (1st & 2nd readings given September 11). 12. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re 625 George Street, as requested by Gary Erb (1st & 2nd readings given September 11). 13. Third reading of proposed Street Closing By-Law amendment re portion of Neptune Avenue (1st & 2nd readings given September 11). COMM ITTEES 14. Committee of the Whole report (September 11) - (1) request for luncheon for 3rd World Town Criers Championship Competition; (2) re rental of 114 Prince William Street; (3) re Rockwood Park Advisory and Recreation and Parks Advisory Boards; (4) re nominee to Local No. 18 arbitration; (5) re 1989 Canada Sports Hall of Fame Induction Dinner. 15. Preservation Review Board re major grants for historic building preservation. GENERAL 16. Letter from Margot Vey re problem with tree overhanging her property at 152 Belmont Street. 17. Letter from Heatherway Housing Co-Operative re property line at 45 Wyatt Crescent. 18. Response from Coastal Taxi (1987) Ltd. to July 17 Council resolution re metered taxi fares. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 20. 6:30 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Policemen1s Protective Association, Local No. 61, C.U.P.E., of Union grievances (a) 89-44 and (b) 89-45. 21. 7:00 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Fire Fighters' Association, Local Union No. 771, I.A.F.F., re Heart and Lung Act. 22. 7:15 p.m. - Teach-in re benefits package. 23. Letter from Local No. 61, C.U.P.E., re nominees to four arbitration hearings; and copies of two letters from Union to arbitrators. 24. Re blasting regulations (City Solicitor). 25. Re tender for sale of land at corner of Millidge Avenue and Somerset Street (City Manager). 26. Re resolutions for submission to Cities of New Brunswick Association (City Manager). 27. Re sale of closed service road, Spruce Lake Industrial Park (City Manager).