1989-04-03_Agenda AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at March 31, 1989. 1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., April 3 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (Tuesday, March 28). 3. Mayor's remarks. 4. Re age discrimination (Councillor A. Vincent). CITY MANAGER 5. Re inspection and testing services for Portland cement and asphaltic concrete. *5A. Request for grant from Goliger's Golden Lights Hockey Club. *58. Letter from Sherlock's Lounge re security. CITY SOLICITOR 6. Re proposed extension to closing date of City's acquisition of Mill Street facility. 22. *(see COMMON CLERK 7. Re proposed Municipal Plan amendment concerning land on Hillcrest Road. 8. Third reading of proposed Muncipal Plan amendment to eliminate Stage 3 and redefine Stages 1 and 2 (1st and 2nd readings given March 28). 9. Third reading of proposed Street Closing By-Law amendment re portion of Duke Street West (1st & 2nd readings given March 28). COMM ITTEES 10. Committee of the Whole report (March 28) - (1) re grant for District 20 Junior Band, Choir and Orchestra; (2) re establishment change - Water and Sewerage Department; and (4) re reclassification of Works Department position. 11. Canada Games Aquatic Centre - 1988 Annual Report. 12. Environment Committee re terms of reference. 13. 14. 15. 16. GENERAL Application of Richard MacDonald for re-zoning of property off Hillcrest Road. Application of M.T. and The Bear Co. for re-zoning of 449-451 Main Street. Application of Kevin Murphy for amendment to May 2, 1988 Section 39 resolution re 357 Dufferin Row. Request of solicitor for Stephen Gaetz requesting amendment to Section 520(2) (d) of Zoning By-Law. Request of Romero House Inc. to amend application for re-zoning of 649 and 657 Brunswick Drive. Joint letter from three Lorneville residents re maintenance and plowing of road. Letter from S. Elizabeth Gilbert re playground for area of High Ridge/Crown Hill/ Hill Heights Roads. Letter from Miniature Heritage City of Canada re selection of historical building. Notice from Liquor Licensing Board re hearing of appl icaton of L.G.H. Investments Ltd. for special premises (recreational) license re 178 Thorne Avenue. Letter from Elizabeth Margaris re disabled and underprivileged in community. be 1 ow) . 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 23. 6:30 p.m. - Hearing of appeal for issuance of taxi license. 24. Request for extension of lease, Reversing Falls Restaurant. 25. Letters from Local No. 61 re Saint John Board of Pollee Commissioners membership. 26. Letter from Local No. 18, C.U.P.E., re arbitration of grievance. 27. Re time off for Union business (City Manager). 28. Re sale of land on Sand Cove Road (City Manager). 29. Re sale of land on Ashburn Road (City Manager). 30. Re sewer easement on Grandview Avenue (City Manager). 31. Re intersection of McAllister Drive and Westmorland Road (City Manager). 32. Re 1989 Capital Budget (City Manager). LEGAL SESSION 33. Letter from solicitors for Local No. 61, C.U.P.E. 34. Re demolition of Union Street/Wellington Row building (City Solicitor). *22A. Notice of plebiscite. *228. Letter of appreciation from Saint John Right to Life. *22C. FCM Release re municipal finance needs. *220. FCM re Five-Star Community Award Program.