1988-12-12_Agenda AGE r~ D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at December 9, 1988. 1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., December 12 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (December 5). 3. 7:00 p.m. - Proposed Street Closing By-Law amendment re portion of Cedar Grove Crescent. 4. 7:30 p.m. - Presentation by Century 21-River Valley Realty Ltd. re application for amendment to Section 39 re-zoning of 560 Main Street, Hilyard Place (public hearing held November 28 - tabled). 5. 8:00 p.m. - Presentation of report of Task Force for the Strategic Plan. 6. Re television broadcasting in New Brunswick (Mayor W~yne). *6A. Copy of letter from Saint John Port COrPOration re Inai9I1t.own area. . *6B. Copy of letter from Mary and Paul Melanson re Manawagonlsh Road gravel plt. CITY MANAGER 7. Payment of invoice. 8. Re sign and awning guideline. 9. Status report re signs regulations. 10. Re GRIP. CITY SOLI CITOR 11. Third reading of proposed Water & Sewerage By-Law amendment re water service line and sewer lateral maintenance (1st & 2nd readings given December 5). COMMITTEES 12. Committee of the Whole report (December 5) - (1) re 190 Queen Street West; (2) re sub-lease of space in City Hall building; and (3) inquiry re City's interest in Loch Lomond/Hillcrest Roads property. 13. Planning Advisory Committee re Clifford J. Doucette Subdivision, 145 Loch Lomond Road. 14. Planning Advisory Committee re Kingston, Brenan, LeBlanc Subdivision, 141 Morris Street. 15. Planning Advisory Committee re Noise By-Law. 15A. Environment Committee re Task Force for Strategic Plan report. GENERAL 16. Letter from Dorothy Dawson re The Market Square Corporation's report on Bi-Capitol. 17. Letter from David Ellsworth re City work on Crowley Road. ld. Letters from (a) Cadillac Developments Ltd., (b) Re/Max Professionals (1988) Ltd., (c) Yvon St. Coeur, and (d) Village Estates Inc., re GRIP grants. 19. Letter from Sa i nt John Board of Trade re report, "A Rev i ew of the Sa 1 a ri es of the Mayor and Councillors of the City of Saint John", to Council February 16, 1~d7. 20. Application of Paul R. Tobias for re-zoning of 260 Princess Street through to Orange Street. 21. Letter from Kinsmen Club of Saint John re status of Douglas Street work. 22. Letter from Mayor of Grand Bay re annual services to Grand Bay Volunteer Fire Department pumper. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - 4:00 p.m. 23. 4:00 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Parking Commission and DeLCan of parking study of Saint John Centre. 24. 5:00 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Policemen's Protective Association, Local No. 61, C.U.P.E., of grievances on behalf of (a) John Edward Garnett and (b) P. A. Sylvester. 25. 5:30 p.m. - Presentation by Local No. 18, C.U.P.E., of grievances on behalf of (a) Frank Arbo, Sr., (b) Harold Sharkey, and (c) David Smith. 26. Re 1987 tender for garbage packers (Mayor Wayne). 27. Nominating Committee report. 28. Environment Committee re depositing of salt cake throughout City. 29. Letter from Local No. 61, C.U.P.E., re cost to City of court action of two Police grievances appropriate for arbitration. 30. Letter from Local Union No. 18, C.U.P.E., re arbitration of Union grievance with regard to long-term seasonal employee lay-off. 31. Re grievance settlement prior to arbitration (City Manager). 32. Re 1989 budget issues (City Manager). LEGAL SESSION 33. Re GRIP agreement with R. Gordon Church (City Solicitor).