1987-02-23_Agenda COMMON COUNCIL - as at February 20, 1987. AGE N D A 1. Meeting called to order, ~;OO p.m., February 23 - prayer 2. Confirmation of minutes (February 16). 3. Proclamation (Mayor Wayne). 4. Re parking at the Regional Hospital (Councillor Davis). 5. Re group home, Josselyn Subdivision (Councillor M. Vincent). CITY MANAGER 6. Progress payment. COMMITTEES 7. Committee of the Whole report (February 16) - (1) appointment to Saint John Parking Commission; (2) appointment to the Power Commission; (3) appointment to the Regional Assessment Review Board; (4) re Water Pollution Control Grant Program; and (5) re 1987 Stimulation Grants. 8. 1986 Annual Report of The City of Saint John Pension Fund. 9. City of Saint John Pension Plan re employees reaching compulsory retire age in 1987. lO. City of Saint John Pension Plan re Gerald Baxter. 11. City of Saint John Pension Plan re Frank Martin. GENERAL 12. Letter from R. A. Corbett, M.P. re Tariff Board hearings on raw suger. 13. Lette~ from the John Howard Society re group home for young offenders, Josselyn Road. 14. Appl ication from Prince Edward Square Mall for an amendment to section 39 rezon~ng 15. Letter from the Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 813 re Day of Recognition for workers killed, injured or disabled on the job. 16. Request for financial assistance from Women1s Symposium. 17. Request for financial assistance for tour by District 20 Youth Choir, the New Albert School Recorder Group and the District 20 Suzuki Viol ins. 18. Request for financial assistance re National Women's Volleyball. 19. Request for financial assista~e from Robert J. Garnett to attend the World Commonwealth Karate Championships. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - 12:00 noon (Council Chamber) 20. 12:00 p.m. - Presentation by The Market Square Corporation re City Market. 21. Letter from the Saint John Board of Pol ice Commissioners re nominee to Board of Arbitration re Article 23:05 (b) . Letter from the Saint John Board of Pol ice Commissioners re nominee to Board of Arbitration re Article 5: 01. Letter from the Saint John Board of Pol ice Commissioners re nominee to Board of Arbitration re Article re Article 7:05. 22. 23. LEGAL SESSION 24(a)Letter from the Saint John Board of Pol ice Commissioners re Court of Appeal decision. (b)Letter from the Saint John Pol icemen's Protective re above.